The Gift

Story by SabbathSilverclaw on SoFurry

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In the midst of a tranquil forest, the soft rustling of leaves and vegetation is heard among the voices of two women talking while out hunting. Through the thick canopy of leaves, the mid-day sun warms the earth and dapples the rough ground in a merry display of light that is fitting of a late spring day. While the air is still chilled by the high mountain breezes, the burgeoning season doesn't stop the new growth of flowers and berries.

"Are you ready for the festivities tonight, Fire," the older, if smaller of the two women says while nimbly leaping up onto an old rotting log in their path. Her naturely tanned skin off set by the ringlets of fire red curls bouncing with her gait as she moved. As warm as what the weather is, she dressed for the worst in a long sleeved, linen, tunic belted at the waist with a simple braided belt and thick, new, leather breaches which puffed over the brim of her snug boots. Slung over her shoulder a simple recurve bow rested with her quiver strapped snugly to her upper thigh. Ever present, her dagger peeked out from the top of her right boot, primed and ready for anything though she did keep a pouch for everything else needed for the trek into the woods.

The younger woman with her, motherly curves and all, looks a good bit different from her very elven companion. While the elf looked happy, and mischievous, she looked more thoughtful and serious. Tawny gold fur covers her entire body with darker tips on her ears. Brunette head fur matches the dark tips of her ears and swished with the movement of her head as she regarded her friend with thoughtful blue-green eyes. "I am, but I don't know if I'll be going tonight." The faint lisp her large canine makes didn't seem to be noticed by her, though they gleamed a pearly white when the sunlight hit them. Her clothing matched her companion's garb in style, but she chose to wear something more colorful; the brighter reds of summer berries and natural yellows of special flowers seen only in the fall embellished with the deeper greens of the mountain pine.

"Oh? Why not," asked the elf woman before jumping back to the ground. "I thought you and Vorn couldn't wait for this year's festival, seeing as it marks your mateship anniversary." Her general expression softened into something akin to concern though the twinkle remained in her green eyes.

Fire looked away, finding interest in a thickly flowered bush a few feet away from where they were walking rather than the direction of the conversation. "Well..." she started, pausing to gather her thoughts, "... he was asked to go on a treasure hunting trip near the Crystal Caverns with Tala's new mate, Mikon. The kids will be there, but I think I'll stay behind. It..." Her rounded ears strain forward as her attention is captured by their elusive prey slinking through the underbrush several yards beyond the flowered bush she was looking at. Her voice much softer, she resumes her train of thought, "It won't be the same without him there."

The business of their hunt taking over, the elf nodded then hunkered down with her friend to watch the animal as it moved stealthily. Whispering, she responded, "That doesn't mean you can't come down for a little dancing and fun. The children look forward to the tricks you do with your talents and sleight of hand." Her eyes narrow as she peers more intently at the animal. "It's a female... with young. Look... you can see her teats through the belly fur."

Suddenly, the animal raised it head and looked toward them. Dark eyes glittered and a warning chitter came from the large weasel looking creature before it scurried off through the brush and shrubbery. Only the glimpses of the sable pelt told the two women that it was what they were looking for, just not that particular one. She would ensure there would be more for the next year. Their hunting would have to continue elsewhere.

Together, the women stood then changed direction, heading uphill toward higher ground out of the female weasel's territory. No male would be lingering while she had young kits and the women knew it. Their profession as rangers taught them many things about the animals in their world; both magical and mundane. Still, they did smile at the fact that the small population was growing once again after so many had died after the great war just barely two decades earlier.

Scars of that war still remained, but nature was slowly erasing them and the raw memories those scars came with. Deep gashes in the earth where strange metal machines crashed down from the sky dotted the pristine forest. The water that gathered in them with the rains made everything sick and poisoned the ground for several feet beyond into dark, lifeless, dirt. Anything that drank the water died soon after and there was no known cure. Only a few such ditches remained, the other found, drained, and filled in with blessed ground so that an strange fox that traveled the land could work his mysterious spells to make the ground living and pure again. No one could understand that strange fox and were more than happy to see him leave, and happier still when his work did s was promised.

None of that concerned the pair as they walked past many of the old gashes, most of them with new growth clinging to the steep sides of the ditch. In some, animals have made homes in the softer earth and evidence of nests of large ground birds were found. Old and musty, nothing new for the two women to hunt.

The two are headed to the river and the mill that powered the power plant which purified the water for all. It was the only source of fresh water except for the wells surrounding the Great Tree. Those wells were fed from the streams which had smaller purification mills treating them. None of that was on their minds.

"I know, Mother Jade. It just won't feel the same without him. He's been going off on his own a lot lately." Fire's voice sounded sad even though her eyes held worry in them and concern. "We're growing apart. It isn't like how it was when we were first mated."

Jade looked at her for a moment then reached to pat the back of her shoulders while she spoke, "Oh, dear child. Every marriage goes through rough spots. Nothing can remain the same forever, remember this. The two of you have been through too much to have a gulf grow, now."

Fire paused to look at her companion then sighed and looked away. "I don't know." A tear started to slide down her cheek. "I think... we're growing apart. We rarely have time just for us any more. If I'm not off someplace with my work, he's off digging around for treasure. It's extra money for us and the kids, but... at what cost?"

A soft sigh escaped the young woman's lips before she looked away to wipe the tear from her cheek. "This past month, he's hardly been at home and acting strange when we are together. It's like he doesn't want to be with me any more."

"No, Firiel, don't think like that. Vorn loves you with all his heart. He does so much to keep you and your children happy and healthy." Jade's brow furrowed as she pulled the feline into her arms. With her fingers gently stroking the woman's head-fur, she whispered, "He'd never leave. He's a man of his word. If he wasn't, he would have left when he bonded with the elf noble long ago while you were questing for your mastery."

The cat stiffened with the reminder of that dark moment in her past. She almost lost her beloved mate then, so soon after they had been married. The anger of that welled up in her and with the force of sheer will, she pushed it back down to deal with later, away from accusing eyes or anyone who might get hurt by the outburst.

"I'm sorry to have reminded you about that time, dear," Jade said after noticing how rigid her young student had become, "but it is true. He has eyes only for you. Give him time. All males need some time to run but the good ones always come back without finding another to play with."

Slowly, the tigress relaxed and hefted a heavy sigh. "You're right, Jade. He'll come back when he's done doing what ever. It's just... I miss him so much. This is supposed to be our special night together. We've been together for twenty five years, now and have three children to show for it." Along with many scars she finished in the back of her mind before shaking off another dark thought.

The pair had paused beside one of the great mills cleaning the river water flowing off the mountain. The structure looked old and dirty, but it is strong and had weathered many storms over the course of many years since it was built. The clacking of the cogs and wheels inside could be heard by the moth of them, blocking any other sounds that were nearby. Neither noticed the shadow that slipped away, heading back toward the village where they lived peacefully.

"Come on, child," the elf said cheerily, "we have some hunting to do. We're expected to bring home a dire-weasel to go over the bon fire tonight. Otherwise, there won't be any main course." She smiled and tugged at the taller cat's arm before dashing up the steeper slope behind the mill to get up only the lg the river flowed over.

Not to be outdone, Firiel followed, leaping easily up the escarpment to join her friend then the both of them headed to a higher plateau to continue their hunt.

"Are you done, yet, Vorn," grumbled a young man with distinct canine features. The brown and white hair tied back made him look older than what he actually was. "We should have been heading back this morning. Tonight's the festival and we're expected to be there, ya know." He tapped his booted foot impatiently on the rock strewn ground and idly flicked bits of dust and pebbles at his friend.

Green eyes raised to peer through the thin strands of gray and black hair at the younger man. "I know, Mikon. I know. But I have to find the right gem now or I won't be able to back for another decade or more."

Shaking his head, the dog-man let out an exasperated sigh and grumbled something to himself before pushing away from the wall to pace away from his otherwise occupied buddy. "I don't see why a stupid gem is so important. It isn't like it could save the world or something. It's just a dumb, shiny, rock."

Laughter echoed in the cave the two were in and made the natural crystals which grew from the walls and stalagmites ring gently. "You'll understand when you're married and have kids of your own, kid. Things are very different when women are involved. They expect nothing but the best, even when they only want you beside them."

"It's still a dumb rock, uncle," muttered Mikon.

"Dumb or not, the festival can wait until I find the right gem. This will be the hardest part of the gift I'm making for Firiel. It'll remind her that I still love her even though we don't see much of each other anymore." Vorn sighed, pausing for a moment in his search. His coon striped tail flipped once then went still as he recalled how many nights he had spent without his beloved feline. Soon enough, he'll be alone in their bower.

Grumbling again, Mikon added, "You're a hopeless romantic, Vorn. No, make that hopeless. You're hanging onto something that just isn't there anymore. I don't see how the two of you are still together when you haven't been 'together' in almost a year."

Angered, the coon male glared at his young companion, "And just how would you know how long it has been since Fire and I were together? Been spying on us, or have you been trying to lure her into your bower. Hmm?" His dark eyes flashed as he sat back on his heels and left the tips of his fingers resting on the ground as if to steady himself.

Deep underground, a low rumble growled through the crystalline rock as warning. Though he showed no outward hints, Vorn caused the bedrock to move with his talent. A strange reaction to come from him, for he was normally laid back and took each situation in stride.

Perhaps it was a good thing that his anger decided to rise. Though the room didn't shake noticeably, it did open a crack along on wall. Glints of red and yellow shined from within the newly opened crevice as the torch light flicked in the disturbed dust and air.

"What the..." exclaimed the canine as he backed toward the far wall from his uncle. "Stop doing that! Geez, you know that freaks me out every time you do that."

"Then watch what you say, young, man," said Vorn in a stern voice. "You're treading on dangerous ground."

"Well, I can't help but hear gossip. Mom and my sisters do nothing but talk about what is going on in everyone else's lives instead about important things." Mikon looked scared, shocked mostly, at what his uncle had done.

Catching sight of the colored flickers from the crevice, Vorn held up a hand to quiet his nephew. "Quiet. We'll talk about that later," he growled, then went to investigate the crack in the wall.

Peering into the dark opening, the coonie held up the torch to shed some extra light on the subject before reaching in to see what he could find. Immediately, shadow blocked the light and he lost sight of his objective, he felt around until he finally came across the sharp point of crystal protruding from the walls of the crevice. Carefully, he groped around more until he felt the familiar brush of long piece of rock he could grasp. With his magic, he pulled it free to bring out.

First piece out was nothing more than old gray rock, but flecks of gems glittered on the surface. Another try brought out a clear piece of crystal that hummed faintly in his ears. He was close to what he was looking for. Once again he reached in and groped around in the darkness; burning the tips of his ears from the torch when it came too close to him and scratching his knuckles on the sharp points of exposed, broken crystal.

Finally, with trickles of blood covering the back of his hand, he pulls out a long shard. The deep red of ruby shone brightly in the torchlight at one end and faded, melding perfectly into a golden yellow of an even more rare gem in the region; dragon fire.

It wasn't a thick shard, barely the width of his index finger, but it was long, from the tip of the middle finger to just below his wrist. It had a natural inner glow that made both colors shimmer in the firelight. There was a strange sort of heat coming from the combined gems; nothing unpleasant, but it seemed odd for anything coming from the caverns. It was indeed a very rare item and perfect for his wife's gift.

"Let's go, kid," he finally said, "I finally found what I've been looking for. This gem will be perfect for Fire. It already fits her name beautifully. Now, it just needs to be polished and cut so I can set it into the pendant I'm making for her." Vorn held up the gem shard, smiling hugely at his nephew.

Blinking, the younger male grinned as he took in the sheer beauty of the long gem. "Wow. That is pretty, uncle. Any girl would love to have that in their collection. Better not let anyone see it. Your wife would find out about it before you could get anything done to it." He knew. His family was known for spreading news and gossip whether people wanted it known or not.

Looking over at the younger man out of the corner of his eyes, the coon grinned slyly then tucked the gem into his ever present treasure bag slung across his chest. Everything and anything was put in there for safe keeping when he'd leave the bower. There was already a good selection of nuggets and gems, among other things, he found along the way to the Crystal Caverns, "Better make sure no one finds out about it, then. This has to remain a secret until I give it to Firiel." As the flap was closed, he gives his nephew a stern look. "I mean it. Not a word to anyone."

Mikon just looked at the coon-like elf then nodded. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I won't say anything. I promise. But," and he paused for affect before grabbing his own carry sack from the entrance of the cave, "mom and my sisters will find out one way or another. Even if I lost my voice forever and couldn't project a thought at all, they will find out then the whole province will know before the day ends."

Together, they wound their way through passages glittering with clear crystals on the walls and ceilings. The path wasn't marked, but Vorn knew the way. He knew the ground as intimately as he knew his wife and love the earth almost as much as he loved her. In many places, their reflections followed; warped by the facets of the crystals and the light that somehow managed to shine through thousands of feel of rock and quartz.

Neither talked during their long walk. The only sounds they heard were the soft pat of their bare feet on the hard rock and distant voices of other people traveling the main passage through the Cavern to the other side. Indistinct and far off, there was no way they would encounter anyone else until they reached the end of their current route and left the Cavern proper.

Outside, the warm spring sun shined down on them, filling them with renewed energy for the long trek home. They talked about nothing in particular until they reached the first camp site along the old trade route then paused to eat and relax before resuming their hike up the mountain. While they ate, Vorn took the dragon gem out of his pack and looked at it in the full light of the sun. He couldn't help but to marvel at the rare beauty he had found.

In the sunlight, the two colors were even more surprising. The ruby end had more depth and the red more like blood from the broken end to the middle where it met with the yellow diamond. Its facets felt smooth to the touch but his talent already picked out the tiniest of ridges running along the face which made it sparkle even more in the light. With his trained eye, he looked closely to find any flaws or imperfections in the stone and saw none within the dark red heart.

The smooth flat surfaces continued across the facets of the diamond end where the yellow seemed to glow in the sunlight. Inside, the gem had a life of its own, shimmering around a single sliver of a flaw in the center just below where the two very different gems melded together into one. The structure of the diamond itself seemed to perfect, but the color and its almost perfect were what gave it the name; dragon fire. The heat that emanated from it wasn't as strong in the light but he could still feel it against his calloused fingertips.

Just in length alone, he knew the shard would be too big for what he was needing, but he could see just which part would go into the setting of the pendant he was making for his wife. The blended center would be perfect. It could so much more meaning than a simple token, it could represent their union and feelings for one another. The two gems blended too perfectly to be simple beauty. No, they were joined with no boundaries or imperfections to mar either stone. Their colors were just too perfect and fit him and Firiel too well. It was meant for him to find and give to her for their anniversary; no matter how late it was.

While he examined his prize, Mikon looked over and was take aback by what the sunlight could do to gem. In his eyes, it glowed with a life of its own. The sharp beams of light reflecting off the surfaces reached for him and touched him deep in his soul. He could see how it got its name and why his uncle wanted it so much for his wife. If that didn't bring them back together, nothing would.

"Hey, uncle," the younger said hesitantly as he leaned closer to look, "we're not going to get back to the Glade until after the festival is over if we hike." Oddly, he didn't sound like he cared if they made it or not. He was too interested in the prized find.

Barely hearing him, the coonie nodded. "I know." A side long glance showed him the intent interest his treasure had then he tucked it away into his pack where he knew no one could get to it easily. "I thought of that already and had Calista make us a transport spell to shorted the trip. We just need to get a little closer before we can use it." As he spoke, he took a nondescript gem out of a pocket in his vest and showed his nephew. "Not much further before we can use it. The Crossroads are only a few more miles ahead of us."

Mikon's eyes went wide then he shook his head. "What? We're barely five miles out of the Caverns and the sun is setting in a couple of hours. The Crossroads are another ten miles from this camp. It'll be dark before we reach them from here."

With a mischievous grin, Vorn stood and looked in the direction they needed to go. "I know. But, you forgot one thing..." He trailed off on purpose, waiting to see if his companion would figure out his plan or not before showing him.

"Uh oh. Vorn... what do you have in mind," the younger asked with a bit of suspicion and fright in his voice. "You're not going to do what I think you're going to do. Are you?"

"Oh yes, kiddo." His grin grew, stretching from one furry ear to the other. "Get yourself ready for a ride."

"No! No, no, no, no,!" Mikon trembled and backed away from his uncle. He stumbled over a large rock and landed with a thud on the ground. Startled and the wind knocked out of him momentarily, he stared up at his uncle. "You know I hate heights. Don't do it! I promise I won't complain any more. Please?"

"Sorry, it's the only way we're going to get there in time to use the transport spell. As you stated earlier, we are expected to be at the festival tonight. I don't have any intention of missing it." The coonie laughed and turned his gaze skyward.

What he had in mind wasn't true flight like he had seen bird morphs do or other more talented people could do. His primary talent is telekinesis and he could do many things with it. Thought it took years of practice, he could lift himself and a few others with a lot of effort and move them several miles. Control took the longest to learn but he had been successful at this trick since his nephew was a tiny lad running laps around his legs.

"But, but, but, but, but, but," stammered the young man as he continued to crab crawl away on his back. He had a few bad experiences flying and has done his best to keep his feet on the ground.

With a sigh, Vorn looked over at the frightened man. "No buts about it. You want to get there fast, then this is what we have to do. Now, get up and get over here before I make you move."

Whimpering, the other gave in, not about to disobey the one father figure in his life he could trust. The tone he took with him alone was enough to get him moving again though he still cringed and muttered under his breath.

Slowly, the pair lifted off the ground, their feet dangling until the full affect of the magic started then they looked as though they were standing on an invisible piece of ground. Higher and higher they rose then the force of magic pushed them forward toward their destination. "Just stay still and don't break my concentration and we'll be okay," Vorn warned then went silent to focus on moving around trees and keeping their seep constant as they raced through the air.

For once, the flight was uneventful and took only until the sun just touched the horizon before they reached the Crossroads. The trees had grown thick, making progress a little slower, but they arrived safely. He didn't need conversation and Mikon seemed too frazzled to want to talk during their short break before activating the portal spell. In a flash, they were home.

First place Vorn went after reaching the Great Tree was to the bower of the Gem Mistress, Ahne. He wanted he help to make the gem perfect for his wife and had precious little time before she returned from her hunting trip. He could only hope she'd be late so he could get his new treasure hidden away safely so it could be worked on in private.

A curtain of beads rattled gently as he pushed through them into the main area of Ahne's bower. Hers is bigger than most and justified in that her craft is done in there and she stores the raw gems and stones that are brought to her within the wooden cubbyholes. She knew when he was in the entry before she could see him. Her pet, also the security for her home, growled a warning from his secret place beneath her work table.

Her pet looked like any normal dog found among the people living in cities and large farms with one exception, he had a talent all his own. The brown fur with darker brown spotting allowed him to blend in with the natural coloring of the weathered walls. His ears, though sharply pointed, drooped at the tips, making him look puppy-ish to many, and assumed to be harmless. Harmless until the bower or his mistress is threatened, that is. Several rows of sharp teeth gleamed in the candle light as a warning to the coonie but the dog remained in his place. The dog wasn't big, but he packed a lot of muscle beneath the short furred pelt.

"Ah, Vorn, you're back. Did you find what you were looking for?" asked the matron with a motherly voice. Her face was round and plump with rosy cheeks and deep brown eyes. Black hair tumbled about her shoulders and the petite rounded ears adorning her head. Twin white stripes started at the tip of her nose and ran into her silky tresses. Her facial features held a short muzzle, pointed with a black nose. Though the morph side of her family is skunk, she certainly did not have the scent. She smelled like flowers all year long, subtly pleasant and invigorating.

While the skunk family tended to be slim and well curved, this woman had a few pounds padding her full figure. Plump best described her and she wore the weight well with the long plume of black and white for a tail. She exuded sensuality and pursued everything that caught her fancy.

Seeing Vorn enter, her welcoming smile took a sensual turn as she looked him over from head to toe. He always had a slim build, wiry muscled dancing beneath his tanned skin. His bottle brush tail was something she wanted to stroke along with other things. He was a male she wanted to bond with and did not approve of his marriage to a non-folca. She wondered how they could have children since they were very different species.

She always made him nervous and he knew she wanted him in her bed. While he thought she looked quite pretty, her whole attitude turned him off. "Yes, indeed, I did, Ahne. I almost didn't find the gem I wanted, but it came just as I was about to head back. And... I even brought plenty for your payment."

A very full pouch of glittering gems and small nuggets of gold found its way to the table in front of the skunk folca and spilled out. Crystals of all kinds caught her attention when the light bounced off the smooth planes of facets.

"So I see. These will do nicely. But, you know, all you have to do is join me tonight and any night to pay for what you want instead of bringing me these. You just may like what I have to offer, my sweet." the sultry temptress said with a smile. The bag wasn't ignored, she picked it up and set it aside in one of the many bins beside her table.

Shaking his head, the coon remained serious. "No, I won't take that offer. What I brought should be more than ample to pay for this." He took out a wrapped parcel from his pack then exposed the dragon fire gem. In the candle light the gem sparkled and glowed against the softer hide it was kept safe in.

Her eyes went wide and her ears stood straight up. With a swish of her tail, she tugged him closer to get a better look at his find then took in a deep breath. "You've found yourself a very rare and beautiful gem, darling. Just what do you intend to do with it?"

"I want to make it into a pendant for my wife," he stated matter-of-factly after regaining his balance in her tail. The center is what I want the most, where the diamond and ruby meld. You can keep the end pieces when you cut it."

Her eyes flicked up to view him more closely then she nodded and leaned back in her seat. "The gems and gold you brought me may not be enough to pay for the shaping and cutting of this rare stone, honey. The magic needed is not easy and the skill level is very difficult; master level."

His eyes narrowing, Vorn curled back his upper lip. "We made a deal Ahne. Unless you want everyone to know that you reneged on an agreement, you'll do what is asked. I brought you more than plenty of gems and nuggets to pay for three dragon fire shards. I doubt you want your reputation to become tarnished with a bad business deal."

The tail unwrapped from his waist and the sultry folca frowned, feeling insulted by the stern reminder. He had her over a barrel and she did not like it. "Very well, Vorn, but I will get what I want. I always get what I want."

Vorn glared at her then moved toward the beaded curtain. "No, you won't. You can't have what isn't yours. I'm Firiel's and will always be hers."

"Even after she's dead and gone? You're a fool, Vorn," the skunk countered. "You should have bonded with one of your own kind, not some slip of a morph." She knew what she was doing getting him fired up.

"That slip of a morph is my wife and she makes sure you have food to fill that big belly of yours. Oh, I do recall her /saving/ your life during the war," he shot back over his shoulder at her. "If anything, you owe her more than I'll ever owe you for anything I ask you to do.

Taken aback, Ahne blinked at Vorn's retort then let a sly smile curl across her full lips and crinkle the edges of her eyes. "I love a man with fire in his soul.," she purred then straightened herself up and sauntered toward him while he backed out to the opening. "I don't owe her anything. She may have saved me and the village, but that debt has been paid in full for a while. Doesn't matter regardless. Word has it she's not happy and will probably be leaving us soon. I say all the better and I hope it's soon."

"Witch," he muttered with a growl then spit on the floor at her feet. "She leaves, I'll be leaving with her. I made a vow when I married her and I've no intention on breaking it any time soon. Good day madam." Irritated by the obvious come-on, he turns and left the scented bower.

Evening had fell while he was visiting with the gem mistress and the village was gathering below around the great bonfire. The aroma of roasted vegetables and fresh meat filled the air, luring everyone to come out and enjoy a meal under the rising full moon. It is a time to celebrate the last gasp of winter and the first harvests of spring.

Vorn wasn't much in a partying spirit just then. He wanted to return to his bower to hide the gem he worked so hard to find. But, he had an obligation. He had his part in the festivities to do and his children to watch. They were waiting for him at the base of the tree.

Before he could step off the begin the climb down, a black and white tail wrapped around his waist and pulled him to the entrance of the bower he had just left. No protest could be uttered before Ahne's lips were pressed tight against his in a deep, impassioned, kiss. His struggles were ignored by the large lady holding him while she took advantage of the moment to get what she wanted.

Not far below, Firiel was climbing up toward her home when she spotted her mate standing in front of another bower. Nothing strange about him being at another folca's home, so she decided to go see what he was up to. Just within sight of the pair, she witnessed Ahne grabbing him from behind and pulling him into a kiss. Her mate's struggles looked more like him trying to fondle the skunk folca than an attempt to get away.

Tears welled up in her eyes while she watched briefly then turned and went down to her bower. Heart-broken, she gathered up a few things and slipped away into the night. She knew if she stayed, there would be trouble. She needed to get away to sort things out and calm herself down before confronting her husband.

Just as Fire left, Vorn managed to get the leverage he needed and gave the temptress a powerful shove; breaking the kiss, then proceeded to slap her across the muzzle. "Don't ever touch me again, Ahne. I don't care if you're dying, do not ever touch me." he seethed through clenched teeth then tried to wipe away the feeling of the unwanted kiss from his lips. He may like a good kiss, but only from his wife. Little did he know that Firiel saw what happened and misunderstood.

After the coon folca left, Ahne glanced up to a branch above and winked at the white furred face of another folca who had been watching all along. "Good job, Ahne," said a deep baritone voice. "I do believe there is going to be some trouble in paradise after tonight. Poor things." The last said with more than a hint of sarcasm dripping from the words.

"Glad you liked the performance, Kale, dah-ling," she said with a purr. "Did she leave crying or did she storm off?"

Snickering, the rabbit folca grinned. "She started crying and went back to her little hole. I think I saw her leave with a few things. Got to give her some credit, she's quick when it comes to packing."

With a nod, the skunk beckoned the rabbit down to her ledge. "Good. Now, my dear, why don't you come in and join me for a while. I've a little itch you can scratch while we wait to see what happens next."

"Oh really," he said as he jumped down with ease. "Who am I to refuse such an invitation." Together, the pair entered the bower to continue their planning after a good, hard, romp in the furs.

Well into the night the revelers danced and ate to their heart's content. As couples disappeared into secret places to wile away the wee hours in each others arms, Vorn stayed by the bonfire and contemplated the dancing flames while he waited for Firiel to show up. The children had long since gone to bed, unable to keep up with their elders. He started to worry, wondering where his kitty had gone since he saw her mentor several times during the evening. His thoughts raced; imagining things he knew would not be true. Or could they?

Set deep into his thoughts, he didn't hear the soft steps of Jade coming up behind him. He was idly drawing in the dirt random images then erasing them with a swipe of his bare foot. All he knew were the dark things running amok in his brain.

"What has you so quiet, child?" the elf woman spoke gently, "Shouldn't you be with your wife out in the forest tonight?"

Startled, the coonie jumped up and whirled around. Spotting the red headed elf woman, he calmed, but panted lightly to catch his breath. "Oh, it's you, Mother Jade." Then, he promptly plopped himself back down onto the log he had claimed to watch the fire. "I'm waiting for Firiel. Haven't seen her at all since the day before yesterday. We've both been so busy lately, we haven't be able to catch any time together."

She laughed her musical laugh then moved around to sit beside him on the log. "Were you expecting maybe a wraith or someone else?" She giggled again then soothed the folca's nerves, "I'm sorry I scared you, Vorn. I thought you had heard me, or at least felt me coming up behind you." After a moment of looking into the worried man's face, she then added, "She left hours ago for the forest, alone. I thought you knew and were going to follow after you did your tricks for the kids."

"No, I didn't know," he stated flatly, "We were supposed to meet tonight to reaffirm our bonding with the other couples. This is a special bonding for us, our twenty-fifth year together. It is to be our silver anniversary. I was going to present her with this." He sounded worried, wondering why she left without telling him while he took out a small box and opened it for Jade to see the simple silver band studded with colorful gems inside. "I even engraved it. It wasn't easy keeping it a secret and hidden with Rhaina always poking her nose into everything."

Large green eyes went side at the simple elegance of the silver band. The firelight made the chips of gemstones glitter like colored ice against the soft sheen of the metal. "This is beautiful. You have a good eye for jewelry making. I'm sure she'll love it when she sees it."

"I'm positive she will, too," he said with a sigh. "She is all I can ever think about. Well, her and the kids. They are why I do so much treasure seeking. What I bring home keeps us in furs and food. I know she does a lot for us, too, but she is why I want to do so much. It is all for her."

A soft, gentle laugh rippled up from the elf's throat then she was giving him a warm hug. "You, my dear boy are a hopeless romantic, but a good romantic. She is lucky to have you for a husband. No bonding will ever break what the two of you have."

"Do you know where she went?" he asked after the hug was finished. "If she's someplace close by, I may be able to find her without the kids."

"I don't know, child. She knows places in the forest I've never seen and doubt I could find again without her aid. She learned a great deal from me and built upon that during the quest for her mastery."

He sighed again and let his head drop to his chest. If his wife was going to be that difficult to find, he may as well make the best of the time while she was gone to finish the gift he was going to have made for her. What ever made her leave without telling him must have been important, or she would had left a message with someone.

"Can you keep an eye on the kids for me, Mother Jade?" he finally asked after gathering his thoughts. "I need to go into Turbion De'Nieg for something. I shouldn't be but a few days providing the weather stays nice."

Jade looked at him for a moment, searching his eyes for something behind his words then she nodded. "Of course. I'll come get them in the morning after breakfast."

As much as he wanted to leave right then, he knew the older elf wanted him to rest and clear his mind before dashing off into something dangerous. "Alright. I'll have them ready for you. Mikah and Minka don't need someone so much as Rhaina. Still, they can get into trouble easily on their own."

The wry grin that followed made the elf's eyes sparkle with mischief. She knew what the twins and their youngest could do. They were too much like their parents to not need any supervision. The Glade just wasn't ready for that kind of trouble to be released, yet. Maybe later, should someone attack their hidden home. Maybe.

Their tryst done, Kale watched from a distance, pretending to be enjoying the company of one of the rabbit femmes he was dancing with. The music had since stopped, but some were still lost in the booze and food they had all shared that evening. He didn't mind, she'd be another notch in his bed chamber before morning. Maybe he'll even let her think she had captured the elusive buck for her own before dumping her like the rest.

His interest lied solely in the elf and coon folca talking by the fire. He could only guess at what their conversation was about and knew when Vorn got up to leave. He saw when jade stood then quickly feigned interest in his companion when the elf woman looked his way with a rather penetrating gaze. The rabbit man did not like the way she peered at him so intently and always seemed to know his thoughts before he did. But, he could never get up the courage to do anything toward her. She was far older than he and much stronger with strange powers behind those deadly green eyes.

The following morning, after the sun's rays touched the earth and the birds began to sing the first melodies of the day, Vorn gathered up the few things he was going to need in the city, including the rare gem he had found and took his three children to Jade. She was waiting for him in their customary meeting place, the stump of an ancient tree which had fallen well before the Great War. There, children of all ages gathered for lessons and stories from the elder. The old elf knew how to entertain the young and keep them out of the hair of their parents so they could work in peace.

The trek into town wasn't long, the biggest part of a day, even with his talent aiding him when his feet grew tired. The sun was nearing the horizon when he entered the heavy gates of Turbion De'Nieg, the capital of the province he lived in. The city itself was large with sturdy stone dwellings and carved store fronts depicting what they specialized in. Windows of smooth glass shimmered in the waning light, reflecting golden light onto the cobblestone street. Furs on horses rode by on their steeds, or in their coaches toward mysterious destinations.

He stood out, the country bumpkin in a city of civilized people. Though he was noticed, few paused to look at him in ragged, worn, clothing, while he searched for the street he needed to get to the store he needed. He knew it was getting late, and the place he wanted would be closed as soon as the town bells rang at dusk.

Thought he eventually found the place he wanted, he had to wait, the doors locked and the shades drawn over the windows just minutes before his arrival. Instead of camping out on the doorsteps until the next day, he went to a nearby inn for the night.

Furs of all kinds were gathered in the tavern, eating their dinner and sharing a few mugs of ale. As early as it was, there were already a few drunks making noise and singing bawdy songs to an ill played tune. Still, the place smelled clean and security was visible all around the room. Even a few of the Baroness' guards were there on their time off to enjoy some social time with the inhabitants of the city.

Finding a seat wasn't easy, so he waited until a few patrons left, then he placed himself near the fire and enjoyed the night's stew and a mug or three of honey mead, the inn's specialty. Sweet and spicy, he savored each sip, letting the amber liquid warm insides and numb the thoughts which continued to plague the back of his mind. While it did help, the alcohol let him relax a bit too much and he flirted with a few of the voluptuous ladies who sat near him.

Thankfully, his gut made him seek out a room before he could get too far with his flirting and stumbled up the stairs to sleep off his buzz. Rarely did he allow himself to drink so much and he knew he'd pay for it the next morning. At least it was punishment he felt he needed for letting the gem mistress get to him so easily.

Around noon the next day, the folca stumbled out of bed and groggily washed himself up in the basin of cool water provided by the inn mistress. While his city clothes were clean and neat, they didn't do any good in hiding the fact he was definitely from the country; literally from the back woods. But, they served him well and let people know he was there on business, not to gawk at the shiny buildings and pretty clothes the citizen had.

While most people were enjoying a mid-day meal, Vorn paused only for a quick drink from the communal barrel on his way out and snacked on a meat pie he purchased from a street vendor on his way to the shop he found the night before.

The door was wide open, allowing the musty smell of disturbed earth, hot metal, and polishing compound fill his nostrils before entering. Displays covered the walls and filled the windows; each with a necklace or other form of jewelry for sale. The proprietor sat casually in his seat behind a counter working on new piece of jewelry. He gently manipulated the thin strands of gold with a strange looking tool and stared intently through a monocle to make sure he was getting the rings perfectly aligned.

Vorn cleared his throat to gain the old badger's attention without disturbing him and waited patiently for him to set his piece down. For several minutes, the badger worked carefully then he finally looked up and peered through the glass at him.

One eye was sealed shut and appeared slightly sunken in while the other, dark and glittering with intelligence, focused on him. "Hmm, hello, young man. What can old Paul do for you today?" he asked, his voice creaky with age and the black-brown stripes faded with age. At his temples, gray hair was visible and thin, allowing for the shorter furred strips of his species be visible. He was a portly fellow with a belly that flowed over his belt and pulled at the tunic he wore under the leather apron. Pants of a dark, woven fabric hugged his thin legs and rested unevenly over the tops of his well worn boots.

"Well," Vorn began hesitantly, "I was wondering if you be able to cut a rare gem for me. I'm not sure anyone could considering what kind it is."

"A rare gem?" the old badger asked then slid out of his seat to amble over, hiking up his pants while he strode to the younger man. "What kind of rare gem, sonny. I'm probably the best gemsmith in this province. There's not much I can't or don't work on."

"Um," he started then reached into his carry sack. "This... a dragon fire gem." he said quietly after unwrapping the soft leather encasing it. The ruby and diamond shard glittered in the badger's single eye, reflecting off the clear lens of his monocle.

Suddenly, the old man closed the door and clocked it, then closed the curtains before drawing him to the back of the room where candles burned brightly in the low light. "Careful who sees that, young man," he muttered, "Too many would want to steal it from you. These dragon gems are very rare and priceless." Impatiently, he held out his paw-like hand. "let me have a closer look at it, young man."

Concerned, he held on tight to the gem, his dear treasure, for a few heartbeats then relinquished it hesitantly. "Priceless? I didn't know they were worth so much."

"Oh they are worth a king's ransom," stated the badger while he held the dual gem up to the flickering light. "Very rare and next to impossible to find outside the dragon lands to the north. How did you come across this one? Colors like these are the hardest to find."

On guard, he watched carefully and kept a part of his mind on the subtle motions of the earth beneath his feet, understanding quickly that he had something very special. "I found it while digging for gems in the Crystal Caverns. I had permission to search there from the princess herself and only a set amount of time to dig."

"Mm-hmm," the old man said, intent of peering into the heart of the shard he held so gently. "I see. Those permits are not cheap and are hard to come by outside nobility. You earned it, I would suspect."

"Yes, sir." Vorn said with a nod, intent on watching the master. "I was looking for something I could set into a pendant for my wife's anniversary gift and this is what I found. I need someone who will cut, polish and shape it for me. I can do the setting myself."

Looking over at him, Paul nodded then gave the gem back. "I see. Well, to cut a rare gem like this isn't cheap, or easy. It is very dense due to the two different stones melding together."

"What would it cost me, sir?" the younger man asked, his eyes hopeful. "I'll find what is required to pay for it without any problems. Treasure hunting is what I do. You need it, or want it, I can get it."

"Is that so?" the old man uttered, pleased with what he had available to him. "Well, I can see what I can do. It'll cost over a thousand sovereigns just to cut it, half that to polish, and four thousand to shape it. Can you find that much money?"

Vorn's heart sank when he was quoted the amounts. Far too much, even if he searched for a season, he doubted he could find that much treasure to pay for what he required. "I'll find a way to come up with it. I promise." He thought for a moment, the asked, "Maybe I can make a deal with you?"

The old badger raised a brow and gave him a curious look. "What kind of deal, sir? The price is as cheap as I can possibly make it as it is, now."

"Well," the coon began, thinking hard. "All I need is the heart of the shard where the two stones meld together. Only an inch or a bit less of that part, the rest I don't really need. No matter how it's cut, it'll still be a dragon fire gem. It just won't be a whole one, it'll be separated. Would those two ends make help pay for what I need?"

Paul thought about it a minute or two while turning the shard over in his calloused hands. The gem was as perfect as they come and that tiny flaw in the center would add to the entire price, not take away. Both crystals were high quality, too, making them worth a lot on their own. Pure, yellow diamond with hints of dark ruby running through and deep red ruby with hints of diamond streaking through it, plenty of money if he found the right buyer.

Vorn waited anxiously while the old gem cutter pondered the proposition. He could almost see the thought process as the pros and cons were weighed carefully. It was hard to keep still and be patient, but he did his best.

Finally, the badger nodded. "Very well, the ends of this shard will help to pay for what you want. About a thousand sovereigns should be enough with these as your down payment. It will take me about a week to complete the work you want on it. You have that long bring me the balance and not a day longer."

Delighted in the decision, the folca bounced on his toes and smiled. "Thank you, sir. You have no idea what this means to me."

"Oh, I'm sure I have an inkling, young man," the man said with a chuckle. "Now, you better get to searching. A week isn't all that long to find treasure."

"Yes, sir," Vorn said as he headed to the door. "Thank you again, sir. I'll return in one week with the rest of your payment."

Far to happy to dwell on his next task, Vorn dashed down the street to his hotel and celebrated with a mug of ale before packing up and heading for home. He needed a few tools from the bower before he could start treasure hunting. At least he knew of a few good places to start and that would keep him busy until his wife returned.

The way home was much shorter than the trek to town, but he was still gone for three days. He lost a day of treasure hunting just to return home and grab his tools of the trade and a few pouches. Just in case he found a good haul, he decided to take his horse Golden Sun to help carry everything back to town.

The castle ruins he used to creep around in had long since been destroyed by enemy forces during the war. Very little remained of it and the memories that still clung to the old stone walls. But, not everything on those old grounds were destroyed. An old escape route was uncovered not long after the war ended and he never really got around to exploring it. What he could feel inside the darkness of the cave were dozens of side tunnels and caves where all kinds of things could have been hidden for in case of emergency. For all he knew, it could also be the burial crypt of the family that once owned the lands and ruled in the area ages ago.

A brief note was left to let Jade know what was going on and to keep an eye on the children until his eventual return. He had no time to spare in getting the money he desperately needed.

While the Glade was full of busy folca, not all of them were intent on their daily tasks. One in particular, a keen eyed rabbit folca watched as Vorn ran in and clamored up to his bower then left a few minutes later with a few things. Kale even watched as his old enemy went to stock pens and retrieved his horse and saddled the gelding. A sneer curled his lips while he watched the coonie leave; heading back the way he came a great hurry.

Confident that he wouldn't be seeing Vorn for a while, if ever, the rabbit stood and left the table he was sitting. The girl who he was talking to seemed rather put off by the sudden departure of her companion then scowled at him for daring to ignore her. Kale didn't care, he was intent on causing trouble and seeing to it that his revenge would be paid in full before the next full moon.

Ignoring the angry cries of the girl he just left, Kale vanished, heading someplace deep and secluded in the forest to find a certain someone. No one noticed when he left, except for the angered rabbit femme and she was seething mad; too mad to explain to anyone where he had gone. With his talent, she had no idea where he disappeared to, anyway.

Hidden away in one of her favorite place to think, Firiel contemplated what she had witnessed. It wasn't like him to be kissing another woman, let alone fondling her like she had seen. She would have known if they had bonded, both would had been acting far differently. Maybe it was something else.

Firiel knew she was starting to show her age. She had been Vorn's wife since she was eighteen. She had her first child, the twins, when she was in her late twenties and their youngest after she turned thirty-five. They came a bit late in life, but she handled the pregnancies well, but not before loosing a few before the twins. Now, she was facing her fifty-fourth birthday and her body wasn't exactly trim and curved; she now has hips and a larger bust that needed some binding to keep it in place. Gray hairs were showing more and more with each year. But, she was still active and took good care of herself. For an older female of her species, she looked very good and carried herself well.

Still, she never seemed to spend much time with her husband. He had been avoiding her and making excuses to go treasure hunting a lot since winter ended. Seeing him kissing Ahne just made her suspicions all that much more true. What could she do?

Ahne is a folca, like him, and didn't show her hundred or so years. She looked as young as what Jade did and the elf was far older than anyone in the village. Maybe, she thought, her husband didn't want her anymore because she was getting old.

"Well," Fire finally said aloud, "if he doesn't want me any more, then I don't want him. Ahne can have him. I'll... I'll... I don't know what I'll do. Oh, I wish I knew what was going on. Vorn, why, oh why, are you not wanting to be with me, any more?"

Sniffling, she held her face in her hands and let soft sobs, upset at the wicked turn of events and absorbed in her thoughts to notice or care that her wolf companion was nudging her thigh with his nose, trying to console her in the only way he knew how. The grizzled canine didn't like seeing his mistress so upset. It usually meant singed fur someplace and that was an awful smell to his poor nose.

Idly, she pet the old wolf and rubbed around his ears. "Oh, Thorny, you'll always be faithful to me. Won't you?" she said softly between sobs. She looked in his amber eyes and saw only the loyalty and love of an animal who had known nothing more than a gentle hand all his life.

The wolf whined and nudged at her paw like hand with his nose then licks her palm. All he understood is she was unhappy and needed him somehow. She was as much mother to him as she was pack leader. He'd follow her to the ends of the world if she wanted him by her side.

"Aw, such a tender moment, Firiel." a deep, haughty voice, echoed through the chamber. "Just makes me want to cry. Boo hoo."

"Go away Kale," the feline suddenly growled, her mood changing as swiftly wild fire. "I don't want to deal with you right now."

"Aw, damn, you guessed first thing," the rabbit folca sneered, "Well then, missy, I guess you don't want to know what I saw today."

Glaring at him out of the corner of her eye, Fire curled back her upper lip, exposing more of the sharp teeth she had besides the two elongated fangs that gave her species its name. "I don't care about what you do or do not know. Go away now, or I will make you leave." Smoke started to rise from her fingertips as a warning.

Seeing, and smelling, the smoke instantly made Kale nervous, remembering the first, and only, time he was singed by the feline femme. "No need to get all huffy." he said in way to prevent another singing. "I just thought you'd like to know what your husband was up to and with whom."

Still mad at the lapine, she raised a brow but kept her expression stern. She wasn't about to take any kind of antics from him now or ever. "Just how would you know what he has been doing?" she demanded.

A sly grin pulled his muzzle back and made his long ear lift off the back of his head. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" he started. Getting another glare from her, he started quickly on what he had 'seen'. "I saw him visiting Ahne several times and staying longer than what a business transaction should take. You know, hours rather than a few minutes." He grinned even more and winked at her, seeing she'd pick up on the hint.

"Go on." she urged, growling lowly in her throat. Her interest was piqued and she didn't like what she was hearing.

"He's left her some gifts of gems and gold." he continued and produced the bag Vorn had left as payment days before. "Not anything second rate, but some fine quality stones and decent sized nuggets. A few were even set." The bag was then tossed to her, landing at her feet and spilling open.

The torchlight flicked, glinting off the facets in a dazzling array of color. As was said, a few were in settings to be used in earrings or on a necklace. Nothing too fancy but simple and elegant which was Vorn's style. The gold nuggets looked smooth and clean and carefully worked so they could also be hang from a chain or hoop. It all looked like her husband's handy work.

Her growling faded into a whimper. The evidence was over whelming that her husband was courting another woman. Not just any woman, one of his own people and a rather pretty, if overweight, woman. "Why would he want to give her anything? He goes to her work the gems he finds and pays her in gold and gems. Everyone knows that."

Nodding, the rabbit folca tried to look sincere. "True. He does do that. But why this much and why some already set? Some have heard him talk about her as if he was doing more than talking stones and such." he mentioned, watching her carefully. "I saw him kissing her many times and not just at the festival last night. Lets just say I've heard them doing 'other' things in her bower."

Fire's eyes narrowed, giving him a hard look before scooping the spilled gems back into the back and throwing it forcibly at him. "What do you mean by 'other' things, Kale. Quit trying scoot around the subject and just say it."

"Okay, you asked for it." he snickered then said as calmly as he could managed, "I've heard them going at it like teenagers on more than one occasion; sounded rather hot and heavy to me and Ahne certainly wasn't complaining." He purposefully describe his own trysts with the gem mistress, replacing himself with Vorn. It at least sounded truthful and that is what mattered most to him.

Firiel's eyes narrowed, smoke rising once again as her temper flared. Her nostrils flared open and closed as she worked to keep from blasting the messenger. "She is going to learn not to go after someone else's mate," she growled out through her teeth.

Blinking, Kale marveled how well he had gotten her angered turned, but not to the right subject. "Hey, don't go blaming her. I watched Vorn flirt and court her while you were gone last month. She did nothing except fall for his promises and romance. Ahne's innocent. Might want to talk to your husband since he's the one who told he wanted her for a lover. She even told me that he said he was going to untie the marriage bond with you and go with her."

That clinched right there. Fire's eyes lit up with anger, flamelets flickered along her whiskers harmlessly and her hand-paws glowed with the contained power of her ability over fire. The torch flared, producing a large dancing flame where it had once been a smaller, light bearing, dance and proceeded to burn the wooden base and the handle.

Frightened, Kale wisely jumped back and cringed visibly. "Careful! You'll singe me again and I don't deserve it this time." He held an arm over his face and looked around his elbow while he half turned away as if to protect himself; futile as that would be.

"Leave me now, Kale." she growled, prepared to kill something. She was livid enough that her wolf companion shied away and hid behind a rock cairn against the cave wall. GO!!"

Without needing to be told twice, the folca ran off, not bothering to stop or look back until he was well out of sight then he grinned evilly to himself. Everything was falling into place. Soon, he'll have his revenge and it felt so good to finally get back at the cat who burned off his tail and rival who swayed every girl who ever looked at him twice. Without either of them there, he'll be able to have his choice in the available women, including the voluptuous Ahne who he enjoyed bedding. Maybe, after Vorn was gone, she'd be calling out his name instead of the coon's when they made passionate love in her bower.

Things couldn't be coming together better. Just as he came out of the hidden cavern, he spotted Vorn searching through the thick spring growth in search of something else. A new idea formed to help speed his plan along. He watched the coonie to see just where and where he might be going then stepped out and circled around.

"Hey Vorn!" he called out, trying to sound breathless.

Looking up, the coonie searched then spotted the white fur of a rabbit folca coming near. The voice let him know who it was and wasn't in the mood to deal with his snide remarks. "What do you want, Kale?"

The rabbit paused, caught off guard by the terseness of the coon's voice then shrugged it off. "I found something you just might find interesting," he offered as he pointed toward the rocky wall.

Interested in a new lead, especially when he was needing the money to pay for something he required. "What did you find?" he asked, instantly curious though something nagged at him to be wary. Kale could not be trusted.

"You'll see. I know you'll like it. It's right up your ally." the rabbit folca said with a grin. "I'll let you discover what it is on your own."

Ears perked and his tail flicking slowly, the coonie stepped forward then looked in the direction the other had pointed. Suspicious, but definitely curious, glanced back. "What's over there by that cliff face?"

Grinning, Kale shrugged. "You'll see. There's a hidden entrance. Just found it while I was walking by earlier ans decided to look. I saw all kinds of things I know you'd enjoy." He motioned with his chin toward the very cliff face Vorn had mentioned then grinned, showing off his perfect buck teeth.

Vorn eyed him for a moment then adjusted the strap of his carry sack. "Very well. I'll go have a look." Who was he to question him. There were all kinds of hidden things that Kale always seemed to find without any effort. That was his primary talent after all; finding things.

"Good. Don't get lost down there. It's dark." the rabbit called after then started to walk off as if it were nothing. As soon as his back was turned and he knew Vorn was out of earshot, he snickered to himself and teleported back to the Glade. Now, it was a waiting game to see just what would happen.

Kale was long gone before Vorn called back, "What ever." He didn't know there was anything hidden near the cliff though a few maps he had seen of the old landscape pointed to something in the region, a hideaway where the nobles and their families could hide during invasions but nothing had turned up. Many times he had explored the area and never once found anything hinting at a cave entrance.

He knew his rival's talent lay in finding things and there wasn't anything that could be hidden from that rabbit's keen senses. Keeping that in mind, he searched where he had pointed and dug through the brush and brambles. Before too long, he spotted footprints that resembled a large rabbit and followed them right to the hidden entrance. It blended in so perfectly, anyone could have walked by and not noticed. If it was that well hidden, then there would be artifacts or even treasure squirreled away by the last baron that lived in the old castle before he had been killed and the rightful family put into power ages ago.

Dust fell when he pushed aside the tangled vines and webbing of brambles. Off in the distance, he could barely make out the sound of running water, the last of the natural springs untouched by the last war he soon found out. The huge cavern he found following the water upstream was a treasure in itself, a wondrous place with glowing moss providing light and a single opening high above the spring itself where sunlight filtered through. Looking up at the high vaulted ceiling, he saw veins of gold in the ancient rock. More than enough if he could keep himself elevated long enough to mine it to pay the jeweler and maybe craft a few things for his daughter and wife. He could imagine all kinds of things he could purchase or make for his whole family.

Following the vein with his eyes, he realized it went into the long passage he had just came from. He could return time and again for more if he needed it. A sense of relief washed over him as several worries left him with this new prospect.

With pick in hand, he levitated himself up to the ceiling and started mining chunks of gold and using his talent to manipulate the earth to pull more forward to smooth out the spot he just marred. For hours, he worked at mining the gold, and tried to sense the purity when he'd take breaks.

The sunlight was starting to wane when his pack was too full to hold any more and required his concentration to keep it from pulling him down to the ground. Content, he left the cavern and started back down to where he first entered.

In the darkness, he missed the place where he would have returned to the surface and found himself going further down stream. As he rounded a wide bend, he notice light ahead and picked up his pace to see who might be down there with him, or if it was another cave with glowing moss.

The passage did open up into a wide cavern with stalactites and stalagmites shimmering with moisture and gems, some with striations of gold coiling around their conical lengths. But the light wasn't coming from the glowing moss, it was firelight. Someone had a huge fire burning down there, and it was smokeless.

Before he knew it, a gray furred animal attacked, snarling and gnashing teeth within inches of his face. He screamed in terror, not recognizing the beast as his wife's companion. The fierce barks and deadly growls had him terrified as he tried to fend off the beast.

"Thorn! Down!' came a very familiar if angry voice. "Let him get up." Firiel had hours to stew over what kale had told her. She couldn't believe him, but she had seen that same kiss herself before the festival. That seemed to prove it all though a part of her didn't want to believe it.

Vorn yelped as he lost the contents of pack on the cavern floor when the wolf let him get up. His mad scramble to retrieve the nuggets was cut off by his wife's foot coming between him and the glittering prize. "Fire!" he said in surprise. "I wasn't expecting you to be down here. Wha... what are doing here, darling?" his eyes were wide, wondering what had made her so mad. He never saw that kind of anger burning in his wife's eyes. It made a chill of fear run laps along his spine.

She snarled at him, cutting off any further questions while she watched him back away from her in terror. "Of course you wouldn't expect me here, Vorn." she spat out his name. "No one knows about this place except for me and now Kale and you. Did you come looking for me to gloat over your new conquest?" Her eyes flick towards the yellow, glittering rock that scattered the floor around her feet. "More gifts for your mistress I assume? I'm sure Ahne will love all this gold in her home."

"What? No, Fire, no, you don't understand. They're for...." he almost blurted out his secret to her, putting him into an even hotter spot. "I just need this gold. None of it is for Ahne or anyone else."

Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him, her nostrils flaring as her ears pinned back and the distinct scent of smoke started to fill the air. "Funny, the last treasure hunt you had brought he plenty of pretty gems for her. Word has it, you're getting a little friendly with her."

His confused look went unnoticed. "What do you mean, Fire? You know I'm friendly with everyone. She's just the only person in the Glade who can shape gems and gold, is all. I never gave her anything as a gift."

"Don't lie to me," she growled, raising her hackles as she clenched her fists. "There are plenty of witnesses to what you've been doing while I was gone. Everyone saw you kissing her at the festival. /I/ saw you kissing her, so don't try to deny it."

Backing away, he watched as the rising heat started to make the gold nuggets soften and spread out on the colder rock. "I never kissed her. I promise, I never kissed her, or even touched her. The only gems and gold I gave her was to pay for some work she did for me. Honest!" He sounded desperate and terrified.

Eyes narrowing, the scent of smoke grew stronger and the torch burned brighter with the deepening of her anger. The heat in the grew intense as water in the fast flowing river turned to steam. "Don't lie to me, Vorn. I saw you kiss Ahne with my own eyes. Admit it. Now!" She shouted, fists curling and uncurling

"I never kissed her or touched her, Firiel," he finally said, stiffing up his resolve then stood up. He was being falsely accursed. "I wish you'd get that through your head. That kiss you saw was her and her alone. I was trying to get out of her arms, not trying to entice her into something more. That woman, if you want to call her that, disgusts me. Ahne is nothing more than someone I do business with because I don't have the skill to work stone like she does. You know that. Everyone knows that." His own voice started to rise, growing more and more stern as he defended himself. But, he felt his words were falling on deaf ears.

His wife showed no inkling of believing him and the air was becoming stifling and thick. The gold on the ground was melting into yellow pools and drips were falling from the vein running through the granite over the cavern floor. He'd defend himself if he had to, but he did not want to harm his beloved wife, no matter how angry she got.

"That woman," he added after avoiding a few drops of molten gold from falling too close for comfort, "forced herself on me. I intend to never step foot near her bower once I am finished with my current project."

"I don't believe you," she growled back, hissing the last out, "not after what I saw and how you've been acting lately."

"How have I been acting," he demanded to know, his ears back, more from fear than from anger. "Nothing out of the ordinary considering what I do."

Taken aback, her anger calmed, a little, but she was still upset. "You've been acting far too secretive and avoiding not just me, but our children. They've hardly seen you since winter ended."

He lifted a brow then scowled. "Firiel, neither of us have been home much and no, I have not been avoiding you. Think about it," he added softly, then let his gaze fall. "Like you, I can't talk about everything I do. Somethings just have to be kept quiet until their proper time."

Holding out a hand, he used his levitation ability to gather up the hot metal on the ground and ball it together then dunked it into the water to cool it off. As it was tucked away, he met her gaze, his own filled with fear and love for her. "I love you, Firiel. No one will ever make me change that. No matter how angry you get, I will always love you. You can burn away all my hair and fur and I will still /love/ you. Not Ahne, not anyone else, ever. No one will take your place in my heart. Ever."

The only hint that her anger was diverted was the bright white flames engulfing the former torch and the change of light in the cavern. Her deep scowl and the curling of her lips around the sharp canines remained. Without warning, she spun on her heel and went back to where she had her things and said nothing more.

As much as he wanted to follow and hold, Vorn knew he'd only get hurt. He wanted to keep his fur right where it was, if slightly singed at the moment, and no more scars to talk about. He had enough of those already. While her back was turned, he picked up the last of the cooling gold and flew himself out of the cavern, back into the darkness of the passage he had followed to find the place he entered.

He felt he had lost something precious right then as he entered the twilit forest. He will have to fight to prove that he never intended for her to hurt and hoped the gift he was keeping so secret would be proof enough of his devotion to her. There was little he could until she calmed down and that could be days. At least he had something to occupy himself and keep out of trouble in the meantime.

Once back into the town with his gold, he took the gold to the jeweler immediately, catching the old badger just as he was locking the door for the night. Rather than staying at the inn that night, he was asked to stay with the badger while he looked the gold over to see if it was enough to cover the balance.

Well into the night they two talked about how to shape and cut the dragon fire gem; sharing a few stories of past treasure hunts and families and what Vorn intended to do with the gem itself since he seemed so intent on it. The conversation ended with the coonie telling the badger about his encounter with his wife in the cavern and what lead up to it. Nothing was said except a few grunts and nods as certain points were presented. Then, he decided that they needed to sleep.

For a week, Vorn stayed in Turbion De'Nieg waiting for his prize to be completed. What gold he had left, he traded in for sovereigns to pay for his room at the inn and the food he needed. A few more trips back to the cavern were made, careful to not go down stream for just in case, to get some more gold to help pay for his stay in the city.

While there, he looked through several shops, purchasing clothes for the kids, trinkets he knew they'd enjoy, and most of all, a few special things for when he would give the necklace to his wife. If he was going to win her back, he was going to have to go all out and make it extra special.

Once back in the Glade, he set to preparing the site of their rendezvous with the aid of his three kids. Mikah and Minka, his teenaged twins did most of the helping; clearing away debris from the smooth rock surface and cleaning out the pit in the center for a fire. Wood was gathered and logs rolled over for sitting took all three of them to set just right. Rhaina gathered pretty flowers and green vines to decorate everything and even found a few feathers to add to her own collection.

All day they worked hard on making things look perfect. At dusk, Jade showed up and perched on one of the logs, startling them all with her sudden appearance. "Looks like you four have been busy today. Someone is going to be treated extra special."

"Mommy is," little Rhaina piped up after pouncing on the elf for a greeting hug. "Daddy said he's got sum'thin extra special nice just for her."

Tapping the little girl's nose, Jade nodded and giggled. "Is that so? Has he shown it to you, yet?"

Before Rhaina could speak, Minka answered. "Not yet, but he promised to give us presents if we helped him out today. Speaking of... daddy..." then she smiled sweetly at her father and fluttered long dark lashes. Minka was already showing the flower of womanhood blooming in her trim physique. Gentle curves were rounding out the girlish figure. Tawny fur was deepening in shade all over her body, making her look more feline though she had distinct raccoon markings of black on her arms and legs, and rings appearing on her fluffy feline tail.

Mikah just shrugs and shewed on the end of a stick, being a normal teenaged boy in his aloofness and trying to look cool and uncaring. He looked a lot like his sister but without the raccoon markings. Instead, he had the build of a coon but with the feline markings, including the long, sharp canines like what his mother has. He even had her reddish hair while his twin sister had the black and silver like their father. No one could deny who their parents were.

Rhaina looked different. Of the three, she took on most of the fur side of the family, showing no elf at all in her appearance except for in her violet eyes. Her hair was silvery-white with natural streaks of blonde. Her fur was just as white with some pale gray spots spattered over her lithe little body. Everything about her marked her as different and no one could figure out who she resembled in either family. Though she did have the long canines of her mother, that was all she had. Even her tail was a thick plume of long white fur, a trait not seen at all in Fire's side or among the folca.

Shaking his head with a wry grin, Vorn opened his pack for the kids. "Okay, you did as I asked, kids. Here you go."

From his pack, he pulled out three suede wrapped packed. The first he gave to his son, a wood working kit to help with his growing ability to shape plants and wood in general. The boy's eyes brightened up and he dropped the mask of coolness he was sporting.

To his oldest daughter, he gave her a necklace and a pair of bracelets with little charms dangling from the thin chains, as well as a new tunic of silk to wear to the next festival. Her eyes went wide as she gasped at the orange colored top and the shinies that lay in among the folds.

Then, for Rhaina, who bounced on her toes and held her hands behind her back, he unwrapped hers to show her a brand new outfit of purple suede to play in, matching boots with a little fringe around the top. Hidden within the clothes, a handmade stuffed animal was found with button eyes and a carefully stitched muzzle. She hugged the animal close then kissed her father on the cheek. "T'ank you, daddy. I loves it lots."

"Yeah, thanks dad," Mikah added then Minka chimed in, "Thank you, daddy, these are wonderful. Everyone is going to love them."

Smiling, he sat down on a log and was promptly hugged by his children. "You're all welcome. Now, run along. Mother Jade and I need to talk. I'll join you at dinner in a few minutes."

The two adults waved as the three left and waited to make sure they were gone. One usually circled back to play spy and see what secrets he liked to keep hidden from him, but he learned quick and kept watch for them. Something just did not need to be known before they were ready.

"So, Vorn, you wanted to talk," Jade asked, getting right to the point. She already knew what was happening and wanted to hear from him before she consulted anyone else.

Sighing, he nodded then looked into his folded hands in his lap. "Yes. It's about Fire. She's angry at me and accusing me of cheating on her. I was almost burned by her when I stumbled across one of her secret places to think while I was gone."

Nodding, the elf woman hummed softly and contemplated the coonie's problem. "So I have heard. Most of the Glade already knows she's upset with you. We saw her come back several days ago, muttering about something. When we asked, she just told us that you were cheating on her with Ahne and refused to admit to it." Then, looking at him closely, she asked, "Did you? Quite a few of us saw Ahne and you kissing before the festival."

Vorn's suddenly stood up and gnashed his teeth. "I didn't kiss that obscene skunk. She... she forced that kiss on me and I tried to push her away. I'll tell you what I told Fire, Ahne disgusts me and I don't want her. I love Firiel. I love my wife with all my heart and sole. Why won't she listen? Mother Jade, she's just insane with anger and refuses to listen and I don't know why." Just as suddenly, he sat down, landing hard on the log then sliding off onto the ground to rest his face in his hands. "I don't want to loose her. I can't imagine life without her. There is nothing without her by my side."

Slipping down to join him and resting a delicate hand on his shoulder, Jade spoke softly, "She has told me pretty much the same thing. That's why she's so mad, because she loves you and is afraid she is going to loose you to another folca. Vorn, she is aging and feels it, while you still look young and vital. She can't keep up as well as she used to."

"I know, and it scares me that she is aging so quickly," Vorn admitted. "I know I'll loose her one day, but I don't want that day to come. I've been searching for ways to help retain some of her youth for a while longer and maybe live a bit longer, but I haven't found a thing."

"Only a god can give that kind of gift, child," the elf said gently. "You will live a long time; that is the elf blood you have. There is no helping that fact. All you can do is accept that her life is short and know that she will live on in your heart and in your children and their children."

He looked at her for several long moments then sighed. "I guess you're right. I've proven myself time and again in the past. Why is she letting someone else tell her that I'm cheating. I haven't lied to her, yet, not even when the bond came to me while we were in elf country. She accepted what I had to do and so did the woman who I bonded with."

With a smile, Jade nodded and patted his shoulder lightly. "She's afraid you'll bond with another and leave her. She knows you won't, but it is a fact no one can escape." A red brow raises then she thinks, considering how to answer the question. "With all the witnesses, how she can deny what she's told? But then, someone who sees way too much could be tainting things a bit."

"What do you mean," the coon asked, his curiosity piqued. "Who sees way to much? Sees what?"

Sure that he doesn't know, the elf leans back and starts to explain. "A certain rabbit has been watching what you do around the Glade and some of the strange quests you've made. He's watched while you've been trying to keep your surprise hidden from Fire. I'm willing to be he's used that to drive a wedge between the two of you." Then, leaning closer, she adds, "You do know, he still hasn't gotten over having his tail burned by Fire back when her ability first showed up."

Listen intently, Vorn thought on what was said then it dawned on him. Things now added up. He wondered why Kale wanted him to find that secret cavern. While it did help, he was intended to get burned himself; not find gold. That particular rabbit has been a little too forthcoming with information and hovering close when he thought no one had noticed him.

"Why that conniving rodent," Vorn grumbled. "I'll wring his neck personally for the trouble he's caused then let Fire take the rest."

"Easy now, child, remember, you're not allowed to strike against him personally," she reminded him. "But, nothing says we can't ruin his plans more civilly. Leave that up to me."

Her evil smile made him look at her more closely then he nodded. Glade law couldn't be bent easily, but Jade was the oldest of them, now and could do many things without retribution. "I'll trust your judgment, Mother Jade. Just make sure he doesn't forget and that trying to get back at us won't happen."

Jade just smiled even more as she got up and dusted off her clothes with a few brushes of her hands. "Don't worry, he won't forget for a very long. I'll make sure of that."

He couldn't help but smile as big as what the elf woman was. He had a good idea of what she was capable of doing and almost felt sorry for Kale. Almost, but not quite. Once again, that rabbit put himself into a predicament he can't get out of.

"What about Ahne," he then asked. "I bet she has a hand in this plan, too. She knows I don't like her and only business because I have to. She must have know Fire watching when she kissed me. I know Kale didn't put her up to it, that 'woman' has been hitting on me for years and refuses to take a hint."

After considering for a moment, the elf nodded then jumped over the log to begin her walk back to the tree. "Of course. In fact, she'll come into play nicely with the punishment I'll give Kale. Now, are you going to sit there or are you going to come back for some dinner."

Chuckling, he scrambled to his feet and took off after the elder. Together, they walked back, discussing ideas of what to do and how to get Fire to the little clearing for some much needed private time. That was first and foremost to Vorn and what they came up with sounded good.

The next day dawned clear with only a few wisps of clouds in the sky and a million voices singing in the treetops. The birds sang their hearts out in thanks for the beautiful day while the flitted and flew gathering food for the early hatchlings or building nests for new mates. During the night, it has rained, cleansing the earth. By the time the mid-day meal had come, much of the ground was dry from the warming breeze coming up from the south. It looked to be a perfect time for being out out of the house and away from work.

That is just what was planned for that very afternoon. The night's rain had Vorn a bit worried, hoping it would stop so he could try and make thing right between himself and his wife again, and so he could give her the present he had made for her. When sunlight filled their home, he was happy and got everyone off to a good start so he could finish getting everything ready in time.

When he got to the clearing, he saw that very little needed to be done to clean it up again and drained the depression he was going to build a fire in. He even straightened up the flowers his precious little girl had picked and placed so carefully. With soft leather blankets covering the logs and few soft cushions for their feet, he set up the basket and the cask of wine then ducked out of sight.

He just barely had enough time to hide when he heard Jade's whistle. The shrub he chose was barely big enough to duck behind, but he managed and did his best to keep still and quiet. Timing needed to be perfect and he needed the elder there to keep things calm and civil until Firiel could see that she was mad at the wrong folca.

"Now, Fire, you need to calm down and think this through," he heard the elf say, "Leaving won't solve anything. It'll only make things worse. Think about your children and how they'll be affected by this."

"I know, Mother Jade, I know," the feline's voice cut through, sounding annoyed but respectful toward her mentor. "They'll come with me. Rhaina is big enough now to travel anywhere and ride a horse. And..."

"No, child," the elf stated sternly, "That would kill Vorn and you know it. It would be the same if he took the children from you and left. Let him explain everything and keep an open mind. I'm sure you'll change your mind once you see why he has been acting like he has been this spring."

With an exasperated sigh, Fire mumbled something incoherent. "It's obvious why he's been acting so strange. He doesn't want an old mate with so many young looking and active women around."

"Firiel," came the more than stern retort from the elf. It sounded like she was addressing an errant child than an adult. "You know better than I that he doesn't see you as getting old. He isn't looking at your physical appearance. He's seeing your heart and soul with his own. Somehow, he has bonded with you in a way no folca or elf has bonded. There is no way to break that connection. So quit acting like a girl about to have her first and look at reality. Listen to him then you and I will talk." She motioned to the decorated clearing then pointed to the log that was prepared for the cat. "Sit yourself down and don't you dare lose your temper. Things will become clear soon enough."

Fire was astonished by what she saw in the clearing and how neat and dry everything looked. A small fire was lit and crackling merrily on the pieces of wood to warm a cauldron hanging just over it. Scents of herbals wafted to her nose, tugging old memories out of dusty corners in her mind. She knew who set it up without bothering to ask, but when ordered to sit, she did without questioning. Not even she disobeyed an elder, not even Jade.

With a nod, Jade acted as if she were motioning the feline to stay while she spoke. "I mean it, young lady, listen to him and don't lose your temper. I'll be back later to see how things are going."

Rolling her eyes at the young lady comment, the saber toothed cat nodded then tried to get comfortable on the leather covered log. She watched as Jade walked back toward the Glade then turned her gaze to the fire. Too many thoughts ran rings in her head, many of them dark and brooding because of what she saw and what she had been told.

Vorn watched, waiting until the elf was out of sight then inched his way back, carefully coming up beside his moody wife. "Firiel...? Honey, I hope you like this little surprise I set up for you," he said hesitantly, not sure she'd accept even a picnic with him at the moment.

Her eyes suddenly turned toward him then furrowed her brow. Just as quickly as the thoughts appeared, she pushed back, remembering what her mentor had said. Then, with a nod, she returned her attention to the fire. "It's okay."

"I'm sorry I couldn't get this set up sooner," he started, getting straight to the point, "I wanted to treat you for our anniversary and your birthday since they were only a few days apart. But..."

"But what, Vorn," she growled, not meeting his gaze or seeing that he flinched from the harshness of her words. "Got a little too busy with Ahne?"

"Firiel, please," he asked, trying to be patient. "Things got in the way. Things that... well... things that I was wanting to do for you before the festival, but just couldn't be done." He then sighed and walked around to sit on the ground in front of her so she had little choice but to look at him. "Let me explain, please. Then, I show you what it was all for."

Curiosity grew in the feline's soul as she peered at him, debating leaving right then and there. "Alright. Start explaining. I want to hear this." She really did want to know why he had been dashing off with barely believable excuses.

He looked at her a moment, then fixed her a cup of the tea he had simmering over the fire before starting. As he offered it to her, he started, "It started just before you came back from your last trip. I went to the capital with a few others to do some trading; which you knew about I might add, and met up with a couple of old friends. One had moved up in the world and gave me permit to do some gem hunting in Crystal Caverns once the weather had turned."

She listened, interested and even nodded when he mentioned she knew about that late winter trip. The group had almost gotten froze to death when a storm surprised them on the way home.

"I had a limited time to use the permit," he continued, "Trying to keep the kids from finding was difficult. Rhaina loves to snoop around and find things she knows she's not supposed to have. Every time she got close, I'd have to hide it again. Every chance I had I was looking at the known maps for the Caverns to find the right spots to search and mine the gems and, I hoped, some gold.

"Mikon helped me as much as he could and went with me. He kept the whole trip secret. I'm surprised since his mother and sisters usually pry information from him easily. All anyone knows is that we did go and found some treasure. I know you heard that much. That is the truth. Where you got the idea that I was searching for gold and gems as a gift for the gem mistress is beyond me. Most of that was to pay her to do something for me, but the kiss she forced me the night of the festival and what she said about you made me change my mind. I never went back to get the bag from her. She's just... ugh. I don't like her.

"When I didn't see you at the festival, I stayed near Jade and we talked. After that, I went to Turbion De'Nieg to see if I could find someone there who could do what I wanted and for a good price. One was found, an old badger, and he gave me the best quote for what I had found. I still had to find more to pay for it all, but not as much as what I was expecting. It was Kale who pointed me to the cavern I found you, Firiel. I thought he was talking about the veins of gold down there, not you. I had no idea it was one of your private places to think. Honest.

"What I told you down there was the honest truth. There is nothing in this world I want more than you and I'll do anything for you."

Her thoughts went back to that day in the river cavern and cringed. She almost burned him and had ever intention of doing so. Then, it hit her, Kale had visited her down there and told her about Ahne and others. He showed her the bag of gems and the tiny gold nuggets when he told her those lies and she believed him.

Watching her, Vorn paused, waiting to see what she would do. His keen eyes spotted a tear forming in the corner of her eyes and the flat expression soften. Not even thinking what she might do, he reached over and placed his hand on her knee and peered up into her sad face. "Fire?"

Her eyes opened, then looked at the hand on her knee. Slowly, she lifted her gaze to meet his then looked away. She felt horrible for what she almost did and for not believing him. "I am so sorry, Vorn. You don't deserve an old, hateful, woman like me."

He smiled then gave her knee a squeeze. "No, I think you're wrong. I do deserve you. You have given me three wonderful children and many years of happiness no matter what it was we went through."

Shaking her head, she sniffed and wiped away the tears as they started to trail down her furred cheeks. "You are a fool, and you know it. I don't know why you've stuck with me for so long, but I could always count on you being there."

He stood, then leaned over to gently pull her by the chin to look at him. "That's because I love you. This year made our silver anniversary according to your cousin's customs. I wanted to make this an occasion to remember. The whole problem was because of this special reason and the gift I had made for you to commemorate the day. Late as it is now, will you accept my gift to you?" Once more, got to the ground, but this time kneeling and reaching for her hand-paw.

A smile started to creep across her muzzle between sniffles. Tears still trailed down her cheeks. She didn't stop him from taking her paw and looked him in the eye finally. "We'll have to see what the gift is before I can accept it."

He laughed then reached into one of his vest pockets with one hand. Letting go of her paw to open it, he kept the content hidden until it was fully opened. "A rare gem for a equally rare woman," he said as he showed her the dragon fire necklace.

The heart of the gem sparkled in the sunlight, giving it an unearthly glow of red and yellow against the leather wrapping. The stone itself was rounded on the ends with minute facets along the length to fully catch the light as it moved. Delicate golden strands looked like they were braided and crisscross only once in front and back before being wound into the cap which attached it to the equally delicate chain of gold.

Firiel's eyes went wide at the dazzling colors of red and yellow. She was awe struck at the sheer beauty of the necklace. Very carefully, she picked up and looked it over. Never before had she seen such a gem before but she had heard of it. They were beyond rare.

"It's a dragon fire gem, Firiel," the coonie said while he watched her examine the gift. "I was lucky to find it while I was in the Crystal Caverns. If it weren't for Mikon, I wouldn't have found it at all." Then, grinning slyly, he added, "I thought it matched you perfectly."

What could she say? There was nothing to say, the gift said it all and explained why he was so secretive. "It's... it's... thank you, Vorn. I'll treasure it always," she finally stammered out.

Relieved, he gently took the necklace from her paw then moved around behind her to put it on her. He gently caressed her neck with his finger tips and nuzzled at her ear while he clasped it then slid his arms around her shoulders to hug her. "You're welcome, darling," he whispered into her ear, then made an attempt to nibble at the edge of her ear to test the water, so to speak.

Shivers raced along her spine when he touched so lightly with his fingers, remembering that he could be so gentle when ever he wanted. When he nibbled her ear, she stiffened then smiled and reached back to pull him back around to face her. "I don't have anything to give you, lover boy, but I do know something that you'll enjoy." Fluttering her long lashes, she pulled him closer then pressed her lips to his.

The kiss she gave him seemed to make the air ripple around them. There was no struggling to get away, only to get closer as each gave themselves willingly to the heat of the moment. It had been so long since they had been intimate that it was like a dam bursting and they had to give in to the rush of emotion.

They became a tangle of limbs in one another's arms, never releasing the kiss for fear the moment would end if they let just that much part. His hands traveled over her body through the soft tunic she wore to feel the motherly curves three children had given her along with the fullness of her bosom he felt pressed against his chest. As much as he wanted to take his time and savor, their own bond made a demand neither wanted to refuse.

His vest came off easily for Fire while she stroked his chest and reached around to knead his back with her fingertips. She could feel him responding to her touches and the ardent kiss. Deep down, she could feel herself responding just as fast as he was. With his vest gone, she ran her claws down his back, stroking through the thin fur covering him then found the root of his tail where the fur thickened.

For him, her clothing was a bit more obstructive. He had to tug at hem to pull her tunic free of her pants before he could let his hands caress her still trim stomach. Taut muscles tensed and rippled beneath his fingers during their upward trek toward her chest. H could feel the play beneath her soft pelt easily and still marveled at how well she took care of herself on so many levels.

When he found her full, motherly, bosom, she untied his breaches to reach in and touch the turgid length of his manhood. His sudden gasp broke their fevered kiss only momentarily then it as renewed with new vigor. His length twitched in her grasp, sending chills up his spine and nearly making him release right then with his excitement.

He tried to maintain control so he could enjoy her body just a bit longer, but his urge was strong. Trying to concentrate on her full breasts, he pushed her tunic up then parted from their kiss to give each a gentle nuzzle before picking on to suckle.

A whimper rose from her lips when he broke from their kiss until she felt him latching on to the hardened nubbin. The pulling she felt as he suckled made her nethers feel damp and the muscles inside flutter with her growing ardor. Little by little, she succumbed to his attentions, leaning back until he was laying on top of her with her paws stroking his back and her legs encircling his thighs. Only her breeches kept her from feeling that hard rod of flesh against her damp opening.

Sensing her need, he wriggled out of his pants, kicking them aside though she held him trapped with her strong legs then worked a hand down between them to start prying the knot free so he could reach in and feel the heat of her nethers. His persistence paid off when he felt the leather come free and move easily as he slipped his hand in to feel how ready she was. The damp fur and warmth of her readiness spurred him onward to tease her into new heights of passion.

The touch of his fingers against the bare skin of her lips brought a shiver to her body, tensing muscles and flooding his hand with a fresh wave of her nectar. She was more than ready for him and needed him like she never felt before. With his help, she pushed her pants down, exposing herself to his teasing fingers and demanding more with her body like an addict demands more drugs.

He gave in easily to her unspoken demands, delving his fingers into her wet tunnel without thought. Deep inside, he found the sensitive place that makes her gasp and mewl and rubbed it until she was writhing beneath him. At the same time, he rubbed her button until it was engorged and quivering with his touch. He had her right she wanted him and he didn't care. She was all he wanted.

Higher and higher he pushed her, teasing until he could feel quivering muscles tighten around his probing fingers and his own flesh demanding satisfaction. Lost in their moment together, he pulled his fingers free and licked them to taste her body then he plunged his length into her well, shuddering from head to toe with her. Their union complete, he rocked his hips to match the wild bucking of her body, giving her what she demanded while pressing his lips hard against hers to quiet the yowls that were trying to escape her throat.

With a suddenness of a flash of lightning, their found their fevered peak, releasing their pent up frustrations in a wild orgasm that shook their bodies and the ground beneath them. Their air around them was hot and wavering, matching their combined desires as was the fire dancing around the hot iron kettle boiling above it. Time stood still as they filled one another, straining to keep that last moment alive before nature's call ebbed and let them return to the world around them, relaxed and panting, tired from the rush of emotion and lovemaking.

He laid there on top of her, holding himself up on his elbows while he continued to rock his hips, spilling the last of his seed inside of her. His eyes found hers, glowing brightly with spent tears of joy and love, his own reflecting the same. Not a word was said. He didn't need to say anything after the exertion he felt. He knew how she felt know and, he still whispered to her, "I love you, Firiel, darling, now and forever."

A slow, sensual smile curled across her muzzle, as she gazed up him, loving the feel of him moving inside of her and the soft words he said. Gently, she caressed his rounded ears with on paw then pulled him close to place a soft kiss on his nose then on his lips before purring deep in her chest. "I love you, too, Vorn."

The rest of their afternoon [assed quietly in each others arms, making love well into the night with only a few spies watching them. Among those was Jade when she returned to check up on them and found the couple enthralled with one another and savoring the simple pleasures of being married.

While they were occupied, she went in search of Kale and Ahne, finding them together in the gem mistress' bower enjoying heated sex. The elf waited until she thought they were close to reaching their peak before barging in and surprising the both of them with her visit. "I see the two of you are adult enough to enjoy a little hot sex together," she said with her normal sense of wry humor. "But, are you two adult enough to accept the bonding?"

Startled, the skunk folca tried to cover her dangling breasts with a blanket and tried to stand on her knees. "Mother Jade!" she stammered, off guard and shamed by the elf's sudden appearance. "What are you doing here? What are you talking about?"

Kale was behind her, shuddering with his release when he was brought out of his fervor and knocked back to spray the woman's back. "Who... huh? He was near mindless for a moment then he saw the red hair elf smirking at him from across the bed. "Get out of here!"

"Nu, uh, uh! Now, now, children," Jade smirked, "Seems to me your plots have been thwarted. Neither of you will get what you want." Her eyes took on a mischievous if evil gleam while she reached into one of the small pouches hanging from her.

"Shut up, Kale," Ahne said harshly to the rabbit folca then curled her legs beneath her so she could cover her body better with the blanket she grabbed.

"What? Don't tell me what to do, woman," he spat back at the skunk then glared at Jade. "What are you babbling about?" he knew better than to say the word he wanted. The elder could easily knock him down and send him away.

Jade just grinned and opened the pouch. As she poured a bit of the powder into her palm, she said, "I know the two of you were trying to break up Vorn and Firiel's marriage for your own nefarious reasons. You're are too old to be playing such childish tricks. So, I have decided to give you your punishment instead of shaming you in front of the elder council. Rather, you'll be shaming yourselves in front of the entire village."

Ahne looked embarrassed and confused. Her plan to get the coon for herself was found out. She looked furtively over at Kale, wondering what he was thinking right then and scowled at his audacity to be so forceful in her own little domain.

"So what," he blurted out, ignoring his companion's look. "He deserves what I was trying to do to him. Because of him, I was sent away."

Jade lifted a brow then chuckled softly. "No, kittling, that wasn't his fault. It was yours, and yours alone. You shouldn't have been trying to bully anyone and you were punished for it. Your so called friends were also punished for what they had done and have since matured and moved on to becoming good members of our community. You, however, have not, it seems."

"What are you going to do, Mother Jade," Ahne asked, scared and curious. She looked from her lover to the elf and back again, wondering what was going to happen next and not liking any of it, at all. Her gut clenched, making her feel sick inside at what could possibly be done for their punishment.

Kale frowned then lurched to his feet, his member still bouncing in front of him and dribbling the last of his seed onto the floor. He jumped at the elf woman, prepared to tackle her and show her just who was really in charge.

Laughing, Jade side stepped the rabbit then waited for him to turn around and charge again before she blew the powder in her hand into his face. What was left, she blew into Ahne's face then she stepped back toward the door. "I'm going to make the two of you grow up. Ahne, you want a mate so badly, you'll have one. Enjoy him while the potion lasts. Either way, you'll be stuck with him for a long time. The bond can be a trying and wonderful thing."

Coughing and hacking from the powder the two breathed in, they picked themselves up from the floor and held on to each other. The skunk shuddered, cringing at what exactly the elder meant while she used the rabbit's shoulder to get to her feet fully. Kale nearly pulled her down trying to get himself up then proceeded to get his clothes off the bed where they had been before their surprise visit.

Yanking her aside, he looked at her, his eyes meeting hers then finding a strange sensation run through his stomach. His body wrenched and his heart beat faster, feeling himself become drawn to the voluptuous woman he held so roughly by the shoulder.

About to lash out at him, Ahne snarled then felt the same wrenching inside and her heart racing wildly. She couldn't hold back the sudden rush within as it pulled her closer to the abusive lapin. "No," she stammered. "She couldn't have. There's no way." She forced herself to look away, hoping that much contact would break the spell, but it was too late. The feeling sank into her soul quickly with the potion's affect.

Outside, they could hear Jade's laughter echoing through the Glade. "Everyone, I have an announcement. It seems we have a new bonded pair to celebrate, Kale and Ahne!" A cheer rose up though the new pair refused to step outside, instead resisting the urge to touch one another and appease the very reason for the bond.

With everyone watching, Kale pushed his way out of the bower, still naked and his only his pants grasped in his hand, he ran off to hide; angry with what was forced on him and sick with the first affects of denial. The others laughed at the boisterous bunny's departure and let the two sort things out for themselves. Life was too good to focus on the problems of a couple who weren't matched very well.

The next morning, sated and holding hands once again, Vorn and Firiel returned, a small party of friends and adopted family gathered to greet and enjoy a meal with them. They enjoyed a good laugh as the news was passed on and life within the Glade peaceful once again.