Wish of the Heart

Story by SabbathSilverclaw on SoFurry

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The heat of the summer brought many things to the newly rebuilt city of Cat's Haven. For the young, it brought cold water streams filled with fish, fields of grain and vegetables for the farmers, and plenty of trade for the merchants who called the city home. Summer also made the public baths at the Temple of Bast popular as a place to wash off the day and cool off before returning to work or going home to be with the family.

The priestesses who made the temple their home took care of their patrons, offering them everything they needed from towels and bathing oils to more personal, carnal desires. Everyone had their part to play in the priesthood, even those who lived there because that is the place they call home.

No matter what time of year, the temple remained a busy place day and night to accommodate the needs of those who came to visit. Children old enough to follow instructions were taught to read and write, and use numbers to keep track of what was used and how much until the discovered their own talents. Any who wanted to stay could and their skills and talents put to use. Even obscure talents found their own niches within the confines of the Temple of Bast.

Although she had been blind since birth, Anuket had the best eye for detail and managed the cleaning staff in the temple. She knew when something wasn't up to standard and had a way with people that made them want to do their best. The young woman wasn't just well loved by the temple workers and priests, she was adored by the patrons as well. All who entered the temple passed by her and if they had any problems or a request, she was who they turned to.

Anuket was a beautiful woman but had no idea just how pretty she actually was. Like her mother, she had fur as black as night , long black hair she kept tied back into a braid, and crystal blue eyes that looked off into nothing. Her slender body had curves that made many women jealous with a firm bosom and wide hips to match. While not tall, she certainly wasn't short by any meaning of the word with a long tail she could like another appendage. Although she was a mix of both panther and wolf, she took after her mother. It took a trained eye to notice the few wolfish features like the shape of her ears and the extra fluff along her tail, and the way her muzzle looked. It didn't matter to her, she never saw her own image except through shared mental contact with certain priests.

Summer for her meant extra cleaning during the day and long walks in the evening with her brother or parents. There was always somebody with her to make sure she didn't get lost with all the reconstruction going on around their home. Summer also meant, for her, that the garden was in bloom and the scents of flowers and fresh grass called to her constantly. Many times, she'd be out there sitting on a bench just enjoying the warmth of the sun on her face and scenting the breeze beneath her favorite willow tree.

Life was good for her and she longed for nothing more than someone to share her days with. Just after the summer solstice passed, she started having dreams. Dreams about a young man who would sweep her off her feet and show her things she had only been told about. Someone who wanted to be with her because they loved her, not because she was beautiful or worked in the temple. Though the idea never interfered with her work, she was distracted and entertained thoughts on where to find the mystery man in her dreams. She felt as though those dreams were a promise from the goddess that she wouldn't be alone forever.

Anuket's brother already had a mate, a sweet canine femme who adored him and gave him three boys and had another on the way. She was happy for him and always enjoyed her little nephews, but she wanted a family of her own and felt the pangs of loneliness more often than not.

One morning, while in the main chapel polishing the avatars, she was talking to them. She was all alone in there, knowing it was just her and the two living statues, which were currently asleep.

"Oh Darkwing," she sighed, "sometimes I wonder why I have to be alone. Why can't I have someone to live out my life with? You and my brother are so lucky to have mates who adore you and have given you children. I would like to see my dream come true."

She paused in her cleaning as if to admire her work and held the cloth in her paws gently. "The man in my dreams is so daring and kind, you know. So very handsome." A soft, wistful sighed slipped through her lips while she turned her thoughts inward. "I know I will never be able to see him, but I know what he looks like and what his aura feels like. Is there such a man out there for me? Someone who take me away and show me what life outside the temple is really like?"

In her heart, she wished to find the man she was dreaming about. A lion who took no for an answer and did more than just protect her from the world, but encouraged her to experience all that life had to offer. Once she resumed cleaning, she whispered, "I he were real. I don't want to be alone any more."

Although the avatar was sleeping, he heard the heart felt wish and took it to his mistress, the goddess Bast. The great cat avatar looked like a feral panther with bat-like wings; fierce and strong in his own right. He looked up at the golden cat with shining yellow eyes that bore no pupils and spoke to her with a booming voice, "Mistress, your willing slave comes to you with a wish from one of your children."

"Speak, my son, and tell me this message," the goddess said gently while she reached to pet her avatar. "Who is it that has sent me a message."

The cat purred, pleased with the attention he received before answering. "The daughter of Kupumzika, your song mistress. Anuket has wished for a mate to spend her life with. She has grown lonely and I feel she is missing too much in her sheltered life."

"I see," came the soft reply, "She has been promised someone who will give her what she wants and respect her every desire. I think you know just the right one to send to her."

Tilting his head, the feline asked, "Who mistress? I know many young males who would be pleased to court a beauty such as Anuket."

Bast smiled then motioned to the row of sleeping statues not far from her. "One of your own sons. Didn't Amur-Re voice wanting to be like the mortal cats and live as they do?"

Darkwing looked over at the ivory statue of his son. His brow furrowed then he nodded. "Yes, but if he were to live as they, he will also die like they do and grow old."

The goddess nodded and sighed, "Perhaps. Anuket has been blessed with longevity like her parents and bother. We can make sure your son will live as long she does and have his own talents to use."

He walked over to the statue of his son then rub his cheek against the strong muzzle. "I love my son, mistress, but won't he be difficult for her to tame? He is wild and carefree and doesn't take much to following rules."

"I know, but I think she has what it takes to settle him down," the golden feline said gently, "Give him this chance. If she can teach him to be less reckless and how to care for more than just himself, then he will be allowed to stay with her until she dies, then, he will be given a choice; to die with her or to return us as a full avatar."

Darkwing nodded then nudged his sleeping son. "As you wish, mistress. I hope she can perform miracles." He doubted that someone as calm and patient as the woman who kept him in pristine condition in the temple would be able to handle his son. "Wake up son, the avatar said sternly, "we have something for you."

Life for Anuket remained normal. The summer days continued to warm, bringing in more people to enjoy the cold baths at the peak of the day. During those times, she spent outside walking the garden. Though she couldn't see, she knew every path and detail and made no missteps. As she made her way to the memorial to give her respects those who gave their lives to save the people in the town, she stopped, feeling something strange and out of place.

Nothing was heard, only the muffled laughter of those enjoying their bath and the distant sound of construction. No new scents were on the faint breeze as it brushed through her whiskers. There was just an odd feeling that something was going to happen.

She was being watched by a pair of dark green eyes hiding among the leaves of an old oak tree. The fur they belonged to watched her as she paused to look around then left to go finish her task. He was caught up in the beauty of the woman he watched, not even paying attention to what he was doing until the branch gave way and he tumbled to the ground at her feet with a loud thump.

Startled, Anuket jumped back and bristled her whiskers. "Who's there? Are you okay?" She searched with her senses then offered a paw to the man laying on the ground at feet. "Do you need a healer? I can help if you'll let me."

"Ooomph... ow," groaned the man as he rolled over onto his back. "Yeah, I'm okay. Nothing broken... I think." He looked up at her, mesmerized by her sightless eyes and smiled. "Hi..." he breathed as he took the offered paw. "Thanks for the help... um..."

"Anuket," she said gently though her grasp was strong as she helped him stand. "My name is Anuket, daughter of Tomalo Magus and Kupumzika. Welcome to the Temple Gardens." Though her contact with his paw, she could feel he was hurt, but nothing a little time couldn't cure.

"Anuket," he breathed, shaking with the very sound of her name, "such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He couldn't bring himself to let go of her paw or stop staring at her eyes. "Oh.. uh I'm Amur-Re. I'm er... wow... you sure are pretty."

The feline woman blushed and ducked her head, showing humility at the compliment. "Thank you, Amur-Re. I'm glad you approve." Her humor bubbled up, not finding his words annoying or old with so many saying the same to her daily. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

He blinked, forgetting what he was intending then shook his head, shaking out his mane mostly. "Oh, um... no nothing.. for now. Well... maybe, you could. I... could you direct me to temple entrance?"

Laughing, Anuket pointed back the way she had come. "Just follow the path behind me and turn right at the willow with the bench beneath it. You'll see the door leading into the solarium. From there, you can find the main areas and the baths."

He looked where she pointed then nodded, not realizing she couldn't see his motion. "Thank you Miss Anuket. Maybe we will meet again later?"

"Only if you don't hurt yourself falling," she giggled, making light of how he 'fell' for her so quickly.

Amur-Re laughed as well then headed toward the temple. He had no idea who he was supposed to meet, but his father had directed him there for a reason. Once in side, he saw so many things which caught his eyes, many he wanted to see what he could do with before being caught. With all the people that move through the temple day and night, he'd never get the chance.

After the lion had left, Anuket turned to face the direction she heard him leave, giggling when he'd trip over something or bumped against a lamp post. He intrigued her already and she only just met him. She hoped he'd be able to find something within the temple, he seemed like someone she could enjoy working with.

Several days later, she met with Amur-Re again. This time, he was brought to her to be a apart of her team in keeping the temple clean and stocked. Kalli-Co, the head priestess, escorted him to her while she was preparing one of the private baths.

"Anuket," the older cat said cheerfully, "I would like for you to meet your new team member, Amur-Re." The white cat still looked young though she was pushing sixty years and had the same energy she did when Anuket first remembered seeing her. Only her eyes and the slight fading of her markings showed her age.

Hearing the name, the panthress paused in her work polishing the bronze table top and turned the two. "We have met before, High Priestess. Welcome Amur-Re, to the temple," she purred warmly. The short tunic she wore accented her curves, leaving a little to the imagination and the royal blue color matched her fur and eyes perfectly. "I hope you are prepared to work."

His jaw dropped when he first saw her in her working tunic. She had a glow about her he could not ignore and nearly stumbled over his own two feet. He had to swallow several times before he could form even the most basic of words. "Wow... Anuket... I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Ah, that makes things a little easier then," purred the amused priestess. "He is dressed and ready for what ever you have for him. He is in your capable paws now." The elder cat grinned at how smitten the lion was and almost wished herself young and single again.

Amur-Re looked quite handsome to her in a roguish kind of way. His tall stature was on the lean side, not muscular but definitely not a feminine build that some of the male workers had. His mane was spiky, shaded a deep red almost too natural to be real in color and his body fur s white as her own. She could see a lot of her own mate in him though she knew the two were not related. Before she stepped out the door to return to her own work, she looked back to see him tripping over his feet in an attempt to try and look suave for the blind panther.

"First things first," stated the feline once she was left with him. "I expect you to work hard and do your share no matter what is assigned to you. Because this is your first day here, I'll give you the job of maintaining this room. You can start by finishing the polishing. All that's left are the windows."

He nodded, watching her and barely hearing her speak until she repeated herself. "Oh, yes, clean the windows and what else did you need?"

Noting he seemed distracted, she continued, "You will stay in this room except to get fresh supplies. If a patron needs towels or oils, you will get them. If they need anything else, like a drink, or food, you pull this cord." Though she couldn't see it, she found it with ease. "Once for a drink and twice for food. They receive what is available for them for the day. No need to keep tabs, we staff who keep track of the special items our clients want and we let them know which rooms they are in." Then, after giving the lion the cleaning cloth, she smiled, "Don't be surprised by what you see going on in here. This is the Temple of Bast, goddess of life and family. Our patrons enjoy themselves in these private rooms." She brushed by him as she headed to the door, pausing to smile kindly at him. "I will come back later to see how you're doing."

Amur blinked, quivering from the light touch and her voice then looked at the cloth in his paws. "Yes, ma'am," he said then sighed. "Great, I have to work," he mumbled after she left then did what he was told.

Hours later after several clients came and went, he was sitting on a stool and staring out the window at another pair happily enjoying their sexual activities in, what they thought, was a secluded glade in the garden. Bored, he started to playing with the tree branches, exerting his will on them so they'd bounce and dance, mimicking the two horny furs until they noticed the movement then him watching through the window. He laughed as they took off to find another place to finish in private and left their clothes behind.

So engrossed in causing mischief, he didn't hear the door open or the softer steps of the panthress approaching. "Amur-Re," she said sternly, "we do not spy on our patrons when we find them mating. Please do not that again."

Startled, he jumped off the stool and stood to face her, wondering how she knew what he was doing. "I'm sorry, Miss Anuket. It won't happen again." Of course, he'd be more than happy to watch if he found another pair again.

Taking his word, she nodded then smiled. "Time for a little break. Minerva will tend your station while you freshen up and go to your scribing lesson. The High Priestess has determined that you will learn with the others who decide to come here for work."

He rolled his eyes and sighed, not enthused about having to learn anything. "Scribing? Why?" He honestly didn't care about writing or reading. "When will I be able to enjoy the day, too?"

She raised a brow then chuckled. "Everyone who works on my team has to know how to write and figure. We keep track of everything that is used so we know when more is needed. When your class is done, you'll get to rest for the rest of the day."

Knowing he'd get the rest of the day to do anything, he brightened up. "Okay. Sounds like a plan to me." He laughed and walked with her to the more private areas of the temple where the acolytes and priests spent their days learning and teaching.

The following weeks set him into a routine of cleaning and standing guard in one private bath or another then going to class. More often than not, he spent his time daydreaming while the furs enjoyed washing and playing in the water. A few times, he got to join them in their carnal pleasures at their request. On his own, he went wild, playing pranks on local children or spying on couples while they mated in secluded places.

A few times, he found himself visiting the local taverns and getting into brawls just for the fun of it. Only when he was escorted to the temple dormitories were his activities found out and he had to be reprimanded by the head of the male dorm. By then, he already developed a reputation of being a trouble maker in town and it was starting to follow him into the temple itself.

One evening, Anuket found him trying to sneak out of the temple without escort after being caught again and punished. She knew his grounding wasn't done, but there he was trying to climb a tree close to the wall surrounding the garden and memorial.

"Where do you think you're going," she called after the white lion. She knew it was him, she could sense him more strongly than the rest.

"Uh... no where," he replied, muttering things under his breath for being caught. He didn't like being confined after spending his life so free.

"Really," she said dubiously. "It sounded like you were trying to climb over the wall. You weren't trying to break your confinement again. Were you?" The way she held her head and flicked her tail would make anyone think she could see everything clearly. Exerting her own talent, she waiting for his answer.

Amur let go of the branch, landing with a thud on the ground then walked over to her. "Yes, ma'am, I was. Why should it matter what I do beyond these walls?"

She shook her head while she spoke, "You are a worker, a new acolyte within the Temple of Bast. We are expected to maintain a certain amount of dignity and decorum so the people will trust us and continue to come to us for what they need, be it spiritual or physical."

"But it is too constrictive," he almost whined, "It gets so boring and there is so much outside these walls to do."

"I'm sure there is," she replied, "but you are not allowed to leave until your confinement is done. I would thing an adult would understand this already." She sounded disappointed with him and she could hear it in her own voice.

He could hear it to and saw it in her face. "But..." then he sighed, "Okay, but I won't like it." He didn't want to see that disappointed look again, it didn't make her pretty. He loved her smile and how it made her look even more beautiful.

Anuket reached for his shoulder, missing by mere inches before she found him. "I know," she said, "but if you follow the rules, you will be able to do more. Playing pranks and fighting are not what we're about here."

He laid his ears back and worked his jaw, watching as she tried to find him. He realized then that she couldn't see. "Anuket... have you ever been outside these walls," he asked.

She nodded and turned to face the closer of the walls. "I have and do leave on many occasions with my brother, or one of the acolytes."

"Have you ever been out there... on your own," he then asked, curious as to how she'd answer.

"No, I haven't," she answered without hesitation. "The city is changing too much with the rebuilding for me to walk safely. I cannot see where to walk without someone to guide me."

"Cannot see," he sounded incredulous, "Are you saying you're blind, Miss Anuket?"

Brows furrowing just from the tone of his voice, she nodded. "Yes. I cannot see anything at all." She didn't feel insulted, just perturbed that he was asking about her disability.

Her frown made him pause, but he was utterly amazed that she moves around so easily on her own. "I didn't mean anything by, ma'am. It's just," he paused to carefully chose his words, "You move around so easily and do things without anyone else there. I thought you could see."

Her brows furred further then she smiled, the lines smoothing out into familiar crinkles . "I can see why you would think I could. But, you also understand why no one rearranges things, too."

"Yes," he said with a nod, "I do understand that now and I won't move anything without your say so. I was wanting to ask, what do you do when you leave the compound? How do you 'see' what is around you?"

For that, she smiled and blushed. His questions have her a moment to pause to consider them. "I see with my other senses. I can hear things most cannot, smell faint scents, feel things no one else can and taste things better than anyone else. The goddess has given me stronger senses to help make up for the one I was born without."

Amur was amazed by what she said then asked, "Can anyone go with you on your walks, or just certain people."

Anuket shrugged then settled onto a stump. "Well... I think that all depends. Everyone who escorts me has met my brother and spoken with him. They have his trust that they will keep me safe outside these walls."

"Don't you feel kind of restricted," he then asked, finding it strange that her own brother watched so closely. "I can understand needing someone to help get around obstacles but... you seem to be quite capable of taking care of yourself to me."

"To be honest," she said while nodding and rolling her eyes just a little, "it is. I'm the youngest child in my family and he has always been watchful like my father watches over mother. He means well."

Grinning, the lion moved closer and kneeled down beside her, knowing she knew precisely where he was. "Have you ever wanted to do things without him and see what there was to see?" He stopped short after what he said then sheepishly added, "In your own way, that is. Like feeling the morning dew on the grass or running through a field, doing things you wouldn't normally do because someone didn't want you to get hurt."

"Oh, yes," she said wistfully, always dreaming of doing things other people could do. "I want to experience life like everyone else but..."

"But what," he asked, curious and not pushing the idea he started to encourage in her.

"But..." she paused and dropped her head as if she were looking at her folded paws in her lap. "This is the life I've always known. I was raised here in the temple and have followed in my mother's footsteps."

"I see," he started then looked up when he noticed someone moving toward them along the path.

"Anuket," a male voice called for her, "Where are you? I've come to take you on our walk today. You wanted to go along the riverbank, didn't you?"

Perking up, the panthress turned toward the voice and raised a paw to gesture the wolf over, "Janus, I'm over here." Then, she stood to draw his attention.

Amur's eyes narrowed when he spotted the wolf. His heart fell into his gut when she called him by name and looked so happy to see him. Standing, he started to back away and murred, "I'll leave you alone, ma'am. Have a good walk." Instead of trying to go over the fence, he went back to the dorm to ponder things more.

"Who was that you were talking to, sis," said the young looking wolf as he took her by the hand. "Someone I should know about?"

"Oh, that was Amur-Re," she said with a smile, fond of the lion though she hasn't showed him yet. "He's new to the temple and on my team."

"Amur-Re," Janus said, pausing to look at her, "The lion who has been in so much trouble lately?"

"Yes," she answered, "him. He's a hard worker if easily distracted."

"Sister," the wolf started, "That lion is nothing but trouble. He's been in fights and has been caught drinking. I've heard several complaints about him from the acolytes already."

Waving her paw, she shook her head and took a step further from her brother. "He's young and has a carefree spirit. He's not used to how we do things around here but he is willing to work."

"I don't want you getting in trouble because of him, sis," came the wolf's stern reply.

"I won't. Now, can me please go on our walk," she asked pleadingly. She was tired of staying behind the temple walls and wanted some fresh air and the feeling of space around her.

Janus couldn't refuse his little sister; his only sister. He took her by the paw again and escorted her to the river. There, he could let her walk without his help, but he couldn't help but think he needed to watch her more closely to make sure her new helper didn't try to pull any fast ones.

From that day on, the wolf spent more time around the temple, always seeming to be where Anuket was when ever he knew she was near the lion. He frustrated the feline to no end by always being there, diverting her if it wasn't something related to work. Amur didn't like the wolf and held back the pangs of jealousy so that he wouldn't upset his beautiful boss.

Anuket wasn't blind to what was going on and the feelings of her workers and friends. She was known for being perceptive, almost empathic in how she knew what they were feeling. It hurt knowing that this fascinating new person on her team wasn't as open with her as he once was. To compound those same feelings, her own brother's protective nature just seem to make things worse by constantly being there when she wanted to be alone. Each time she'd bring up Amur, Janus would tell her the same thing and what the lion's latest exploits were outside the temple.

The new restrictions her brother made on her just by being her constant companion were confining and unchanging, making her long to be more free and a bit rebellious. One evening, during the height of the hot season, she decided to take dinner with her parents, needing advice and a break from her sibling. Her feelings were obvious when she sat with them in their private room.

"What seems to be the matter, kitten," the older panthress asked when she set the plate of of roasted meat and savory vegetables in front of her daughter. She could tell something was bothering her cub.

An older wolf, looking so much her brother, entered just in time for dinner and came over to kiss each of them on the cheek. "Hello my beautiful ladies," he said by way of cheerful greeting to them before settling down at the table between them.

"Hi daddy," Anuket said girlishly and smiled at her sire then turned toward her mother, listening for when she sat down before saying more. "Mother, I have a problem. It's Janus." Getting straight to the point, "He's been hovering around me lately and... getting in the way."

Ears perking up while chewing on his food, the wolf looked concerned then amused. Once finished, he spoke. "He's just trying to protect you, Ket. He means well." He kept watch as well but from a distance so she could learn from her own mistakes though she rarely made any from what he could see.

"Why has he been so protective," asked her mother, showing more concern for her daughter's feelings. "He doesn't normally interfere with your work or personal life."

Not too interested in eating, Anuket nodded and pushed her feed around on the plate. "I know, and that was fine, before, but now... he is always there. I can hardly speak to anyone privately without him being right there beside me. I feel as though he is trying to keep me caged up, daddy. I've earned my independence already." Though it wasn't intended, a childish whine had settled into her voice. Then, responding to her mother's question, "I think it has to do with my new worker, Amur-Re. He's a nice man but he's gotten into a bit of trouble and Janus thinks he's a bad person for it. I... well... I like him. He's different and not afraid to step outside the lines a bit and he never shirks his duties."

Both parents stopped, looking at her when she mentioned the name. They never met the lion but they had heard enough through gossip and reports to form their own opinions of him. Hearing their own child's opinion gave them a new perspective. They could see what she may not realize just yet.

"I don't know, Ket," her father began, "I've heard plenty about his roving and fighting since he first came to the temple. Janus is just trying to make sure you don't get involved and possibly hurt."

"Now, now, Magus," Zika said gently to her husband, "Our daughter would know more about him. She has to keep tabs on Amur-Re as part of her duties, just as she does everyone else who works for her. Trust in your child's hear, my love."

Tomalo frowned, considering their words carefully. He could understand why his son wanted to protect his sister so badly. He had see the lion in question many times and had a strange feeling from him, but he knew his daughter well enough, she could see things others could not. "My dear, you are as perceptive and trusting as you are beautiful. Your wisdom knows no bounds. Our daughter has inherited all of that from you."

Smiling, Zika nodded. "That is why you are the warrior and protector and I am the heart and soul of our family." Then, she looked at her daughter, concerned, but willing to let her make her own decisions. "Talk to Janus. If our little girl feels trapped then he is taking things too far."

The wolf nodded and resumed eating. He wanted his only daughter to be safe but he wanted her to live her own life like she wanted. She made him proud with all she had accomplished with the disadvantage she carried. "Very well. I'll talk to him in the morning."

"Good," said the mother then nudged her daughter's arm, "Eat your dinner, Anuket. It's your favorite."

Feeling much better and knowing her parents supported her decisions, the young panthress smiled and ate her meal. Dinner became much more relaxed for her and conversation turned other things. The small gathering became something to enjoy; talking about the new births and businesses opening as their buildings finished. Trade was beginning to take off and the city was becoming more like it was before the Great War.

After dinner, Anuket decided to take an evening walk in the garden. It was already dark and the magical lights cast dim light on the paths for the sighted. The heat of the day still lingered but a cool evening breeze whispered among the branches and flowers to bring comfort to those who felt it. She was alone, or thought she was, as she traversed the paths to her favorite bench beneath the willow.

The full moon had already risen, a bright white orb up in the velvet dark sky filled with the pinpoints of stars glittering in their fathomless depths. Shooting stars raced across, creating spectacle anyone could enjoy and be amazed at the streaks of light. Fireflies danced low on the ground, shining yellow against the shadowed green while moths fluttered near the magical lights; drawn by the vibrance to dance and mate within the soft glow. In the shadows, night birds sang, calling to each other across the garden and city in a lullaby to send tired workers to sleep. It was a scene that romance could bloom if tended properly.

The feline could only guess at what it all looked like. She could hear and feel what was around her but it didn't come together like it would for others. Without vision, she missed what could turn a romantic heart on its heels into love.

That was something she learned to ignore. She sought other ways and enjoyed what she could of such evenings. Even alone, she savored them and settled into her bench to enjoy the sounds and the breeze before retiring for the night. So few wandered at night, she knew she'd be left alone to be with her thoughts.

She was alone for only a short time before she heard someone scrabbling against the other side of the wall. Shouts of angry men could be heard and familiar voice sounding fearful and trapped. Concerned, she paused to listen then felt her way to the wall to listen more carefully before leaping up to the top.

To many years were spent training with her father, learning to work around her blindness to accurately judge obstacles should she need to defend herself and to fight if it came down to it. It wasn't easy, but she did master self defense.

Listening carefully, she waited until she could get an idea of where each fur stood and an idea of their size by listening to how they moved. They weren't small from what she could judge, but neither was the lion pressed against the brick wall. "Leave him be," she said sternly from the top of the wall. Ket was still in her work tunic which allowed her to move much more easily.

Everyone looked up at her when she spoke; startled that someone else was there. Amur's jaw dropped, he could see things from the angle he wasn't allowed to be fore and was awe struck at how strong she appeared up there. The other three, sneered, seeing a buxom woman just out of reached. "Make us, slut." They didn't know who she was nor did they care except to maybe take a turn when they finished with the lion.

She lifted a brow then smirked. She heard that one before and didn't take it as an insult since she never did let any of the amorous males visiting touch her. "As you wish," the feline said with a laugh, then leapt over them, somersaulting over their heads to land facing them several feet beyond.

"Go back inside, Anuket," the lion said, "I can handle these guys." He had been beaten before and never suffered much for it. That was part of his heritage from his parents. Yet, when she jumped down so easily, he was surprised and couldn't stop feeling something leap up inside at how strong she appeared to be. Any further thoughts were cut off when one of his attackers, a burly horse morph grabbed him by the throat and pushed him against the wall.

"Shut up, cat," he nickered and drew back a fist to prepare to hit him. His comrades, a wolf and another feline jeered at femme's audacity and turned to handle her themselves. "We got this kitty. You take care of him," the wolf snarled and licked his lips. "She's gonna be something to enjoy when we're done."

"Is that so," she said with all confidence. "Try to touch me." She smiled and set herself into a fighter's stance, still facing them and tracking their movements with her ears. Swaying from one foot to the other and swishing her tail back and forth, she was tensed and ready to move as soon as one came close.

Choking from the hold on his throat, the lion tried to breath and pry the thick hand away so he could escape. His struggles only made the horse sneer before the equine started punching his captive in the gut with all his might.

Anuket kept her attention on her two would be attackers as they advanced on her, both snarling and hitting their hand with their fists. The wolf lurched forward first to try and grab her arm, but she swayed out of the way and swatted his hand with her own. "Missed," she said with a smile," care to try again?"

Her tone and manners did as she hoped, angering the canine into trying to catch her again. He failed, getting swatted each time he missed. His feline friend also tried to catch her by coming in from the other side and succeeded in hitting his own buddy in the jaw. Her every motion was well practiced and fluid and carefully brought her closer to the horse. When she had her back to the otherwise busy equine, she acted defenseless and let down her guard.

"Boys," she called to them sweetly, "come and get me. You haven't come close, yet and I'm not even trying to stay away." Her sightless eyes glittered with mischief as she stood there between the three attackers. "If you catch me, I just may be your willing catch for the night." her intent was to distract even the horse before she finished them off in her own fashion.

They could hear the teasing in her voice and were already angered by the fact she continued to slip away unharmed but they kept getting slapped for each attempt. The wolf and cat rushed her from each side, aiming to trap her between them.

Just as they got close enough and were moving as quickly as their own seemingly clumsy movements could go, she jumped straight up; forcing them to ram into each other at full force. The cat was knocked out cold and the wolf stunned for the moment. She landed on their backs and flicked her tail at the wolf's nose. Giggling, she teased them, "Missed again."

The horse, distracted by what she said turned to watch over his shoulder, to witness his buddies being outsmarted by a nimble feline. Happy that the lion seemed too weak to do anything else, he turned to handle the panthress himself. "You're a quick little mink, missy," he jeered as he advanced on her. "Why doncha take me on and we'll see what happens."

"As you wish," Ket said with a grin. She knew what she was up against and was confident she could take care of the horse as easily as she did the other two. Just because she spent her life in the clergy didn't mean she couldn't fight.

She could him crack his knuckles and slide a hoof along the hard packed ground. The dirt he kicked up tickled her nose but she kept her focus on him. What mental image she could get from her senses, she knew he was big, a draft type horse morph, but he had the same weaknesses the other two did. Prepared for his attack, she beckoned him to come at her with a wave of her hand-paw.

The invitation wasn't missed or ignored. He snorted and neighed then charged at her, arms open to grab her in a bear hug. The horse moved with surprising speed for his size and thundered across the road at her.

Training her ears on his heavy hooves, she hunkered down and slid a foot behind her and counted the seconds until she could almost feel him upon her. At the last moment, she twisted aside and grabbed him by the arm; yanking down as hard as she could to unbalance him and spun with his momentum.

Caught unawares, the horse was surprised when he found himself off balance and being swung by such a small opponent. With the built up inertia, his hooves left the ground and he went sailing through the air to land several feet away on his stomach; stunned for the moment. He caught his breath and rolled over before climbing back onto his hooves, angrier than he was before.

Once again, he charged at her, this time preparing to swing at her. She was ready, hunkered down and grinning at his new attempt. This time, when she could the hoof beats get close, she danced to the side then kicked at his kidney, landing a hard strike that knocked him off his feet. When he landed, she bounded over to stand on his chest and put his burly hand into a lock that caused pain as it was bent back.

He grunted in pain, trapped by the locking hold and the pressure of her claws against his chest. If he moved to get out from under her, they dug in, threatening to slash through tough skin and muscle to disable him.

"Now," she said with all the authority she could muster, "leave my friend alone and never come near this temple again. Do you understand me." Her eyes looked as fierce as the snarl that curled back her lips.

The horse's eyes went wide, seeing more than he wanted in those eyes that pierced into his soul. "Yes... yes ma'am." Fear rippled through his body, making him tense beneath her feet.

She could hear the truth inn his quivering voice before shoving his hand toward him and leaping off his chest. "Leave. Now," she commanded over her shoulder while she walked over to the lion.

While he could have easily rushed her, the horse felt it much wiser to leave. If someone could take him down that quickly and easily, he didn't want to mess with them. A grunt he might be but he did have some sense to him. As he was commanded, he scrambled to his feet and departed with the wolf following. The cat was still unconscious, but he'd have to fend for himself.

Hearing her friend still panting for breath, Anuket walked over to him, finding him easily against the brick wall. "Amur-Re," she purred softly to him, "are you alright? Should I go get a healer for you."

He shook his head, coughing some before offering a strained reply, "No, I'll be fine. Just... just leave me be, please. You've... you've done enough."

Hurt, she nodded then at least offered to help him up. He refused. Disheartened, she nodded, sighed, then went back the way she came, up and over the wall. The evening was ruined for her. Quickly, she went back to her room and stayed there, crying until she fell asleep.

Rather than going back to his room, Amur slipped into the chapel and sat before the statue of the avatar. He felt ashamed somehow after watch what he thought was an innocent and defenseless woman fight off three attackers with so much ease and he couldn't raise a hand to help her.

"Father," he said softly to the statue, "father, I need to speak with you. Wake up... please." He hoped the spirit of his sire could hear him through the black colored granite of his statue form.

Slowly, the amber gems set as eyes came to life and focused on the young lion kneeling in front of him. "What is it, son," his voice rumbled through the stone. "What is it that you seek from me."

He sighed and looked away, feeling his shame keenly. "It is the woman you sent me to be with." He thought a moment then shook his head. "She doesn't need me, or anyone. She's strong enough to do things on her own. She also has someone to love already. A wolf she introduced me to."

"Son, you would not have been sent to her if she didn't already have someone," his father rumbled. "She is very much alone in this life. If she weren't we would not have sent you to find a way into her heart. Your goddess and I already know she has taken up a place within your own. She fills your thoughts and this wolf you met makes you feel jealous. If she is strong, then she can keep up with you while you settle down with her."

"But..." then he sighed, hearing the wisdom in his father's ethereal voice. "how can I be with someone who can easily toss me aside? She has more to her than what meets the eye."

"True," came the calm reply, "but she needs those skills more than you think. Our mother is wise and knows what she is doing in sending you here to fulfill Anuket's wish. Be patient my son and learn more about her. Talk to her. Do not avoid her." Then, the statue moved, leaning closer to the lion. "Close your eyes, my son, and think of her. Tell me what you see."

Doing as he was told, Amur closed his eyes thought about Anuket. Before his mind's eye, he saw her laying on her bed sleeping, but the pillow was damp with tears. "She's... she's sleeping, father."

"But what do you see, son," questioned the winged panther intently. "There is more to the vision than what you said."

Sighing, he turned his head away but unwilling to stop looking at the panthress in his mind. "She was crying. I feel that she was upset by me after she saved me from the thugs who were going to beat me. I see... I see the turmoil in her dreams, father. I feel her heartbreak."

"Then go to her, my son," said the statue as it resumed it's proper position again. "Go to her and settle things between the two of you. Things are not as bad as what they seem." Then, the eyes returned to jewels and the statue went quiet, ending the conversation.

"I will father," he sighed, then rubbed the smooth head and stood up. Slowly, he walked back to his room without running into anyone. The following morning, he stayed in his room, thinking about what he had said and what his told him to do.

Ket missed him that day, wondering if all was well but too busy to ask herself. Her day was spent directing her staff in preparing the baths for special guests that were visiting the city. She had plenty to handle the job plus take care of the clients who arrived for their daily bath so she didn't need him. Her usual walk in the garden that evening seemed too quiet, accustomed to feeling the lion being someplace near by watching her every move until he decided to leave to visit the city.

The next day was the same, and the following. He didn't come to take care of his duties and she missed him more and more. She started to wonder if she did something wrong by defending him that night. Was it so wrong to fend off people who were going to hurt him and possibly kill him for what ever reason? She felt so confused.

Sitting alone in her customary spot, she sighed and let the tears that decided to come fall down her cheeks unchecked. Earlier, she lashed out at her brother after he had griped at her for sicking their father on him. He had stepped over the line by interfering with her life. Now, he was angry with her, but he needed to understand she was a grown woman, not a child, and has been for quite some time.

Thinking the garden would be deserted, Amur decided to take a walk and ponder things further in the fresh air. He didn't know Anuket was there under her favorite tree doing much the same and upset. Slowly, he shuffled along the paths with his paws behind his back, deep in thought until he heard soft sniffling from around the bend.

He paused to listen then quietly snuck over to see who it was. Surprised it was his boss, he frowned then sighed. He knew why she was crying. Strong as she was, she still was tender hearted and he hurt her.

Her own inner turmoil kept her from sensing his approach. Until he cleared his throat, she didn't know that the lion was there. Startled, she turned toward the sound then lowered her head and wiped away the tears that kept coming.

"Anuket," he asked softly, concerned that she was crying, "I didn't mean to disturb but... I heard you crying. Is... is everything okay?"

Shaking her head, she sniffled and sobbed, "No. I had a fight with my brother and I've somehow made you angry with me." Again, she wiped at her tears with the back of her hand-paw. "I did what I thought was right defending you against those men."

Surprised, he felt like such a jerk and worse than the stuff he scraped out from under his claws. He moved around in front of her then knelt down on one knee to look up at her. "You did do something right by doing that. You just took me by surprise is all. Here I thought you were defenseless and all and next I know, you're throwing furs twice your size around like play things. I felt that there was no real need for me to try and be someone who could protect you on outings. I saw a woman with no need to have someone to rely on and I felt ashamed I could be a protector for you."

Blinking, she knew what he really meant then patted the paw that lay on her knees. "Thank you, but... I do need someone. I was just lucky in getting out untouched. If I had made one misstep, I would have been theirs for the raping."

He didn't like that idea and gritted his teeth against a tirade. "No, you are more than you appear to be, you have an inner strength that is beyond what I have seen in others, even warriors. You weren't lucky, you were masterful. No one could have slipped through your defenses. You moved with such confidence and grace. "

A smile started to grow. She could sense his respect and awe behind the truth of his words. "No, honestly, I'm not that good. My brother and parents are far better than I am."

"Then they are truly exceptional in fighting, ma'am," he said, stunned. She had an amazing family if they could teach her how to fight and use her senses to her advantage. "The wolf you left with the last time we talked, he'd be amazed at your skill if he could see you fight."

Smiling even more, Anuket giggled, "He is amazed. That wolf is my brother. He's seen me fight many times while I trained with daddy and mom. He just forgets that I can take care of myself and don't need a guard at all times."

He chuckled softly, relieved that the wolf he was jealous of was actually her brother, but he was also surprised that he was her sibling. "So, he's your brother, eh? I should have known. I'm sorry I avoided you so much these last few weeks. I thought he was your lover or something."

Ket had to laugh, amused at the very idea, but she could see why they gave that impression. "He isn't. I've not been with anyone in my life." She blushed, and lowered her eyes and dipped her head.

Offering his hand-paw to her, he stood up and chuckled, surprised at her admonition, "Do you want to come with me and experience life beyond these walls? There is so much out there to feel and tickle your senses than what you've had while under your brother's watchful eyes. I can show you things you'd never see here."

Turning her head up as if to look at him, she nodded and took his hand-paw, "Yes, I do. I've always dreamed of seeing beyond the temple and a man who could show me these things. There is so much more to life than the clergy."

"Then," he purred, "I'll show you. You will learn to let yourself be free and feel the joy of not having any restraints. Life cannot be lived with a bunch of rules." Grasping her paw, he lead her toward the gate leading into the city center.

Once at the gate, she paused; hesitant about taking such a huge leap. "I have dreamed of this happening. A handsome lion would take me away and show me what I've missed. This is following that very dream."

He looked at her a moment then flicked an ear back. She knew someone would do this with her, show her what lay beyond the temple. His father and his goddess must had known also. "Are you afraid of this dream, Anuket? We won't go if you don't want to."

In fact, she was very afraid. Outside, things changed constantly making for new dangers with each step and she could not see them. "I am. I'm terrified." Her voice quivered.

"Then we can stay here until you are ready," he said, promising himself he'd be patient for her. "We won't do what you don't want to do."

Turning to face the temple, she nodded. Her whole life was spent there, listening to stories about what it was like living beyond the walls and the adventures the elders had. They did what she couldn't. Now, she had the chance. Gathering up her resolve, she turned back and grasped his paw tighter. "Lets do this. If we don't do it now, then we won't be able to. Bast would not have given me the dream and the promise if she didn't think I could it."

With only the moon to witness, they ran hand in hand through the streets to the forest. There, he lead her down trails and let her feel the life around her. He kept watch while she walked as easily among the roots and brush as she did down the halls of the temple. Seeing her there with the moon shining on her, he smiled and thought he could learn to spend more time with her if she'd venture out with him. She looked even more beautiful and amazing to him.

As the midnight bells rang in town, they returned to the temple. In front of her door, he held her close, paws resting on her hips and looking deep into her eyes. "I knew you could handle the forest as easily as anyone else, Anuket," he breathed, wondering he should kiss her or simply let the night end there.

She was blushing, out of breath from the wonderful night of being able to move on her own without someone constantly holding her hand. Amur let her experience her own gifts without being in the way and encouraged her to do it on her own. "Thank you for showing me that I could." Her muzzle almost touched his, feeling his breath on her whiskers and his body so close.

"We can do this more often if you want," he whispered to her, moving in closer to run his muzzle against hers. He wanted her to chose what they do next though he'd be happy with just a nuzzle from her.

Not sure what was expected of her, she let him nuzzle her, then reached up to cup his cheeks in her paws and gave him a tender kiss on the lips. Her first kiss with anyone and it sent a tingle down her spine. Before things could progress further, she opened her door, "We can do this again. Anytime," she said, suddenly shy. What she felt was so unexpected.

Amur let her go, feeling the same tingle she did and touched his lips when she backed away. As soft as what that was, so brief, it felt like electricity. "Good night," he then said and tripped over his own feet trying to walk away.

She giggled, hearing him stumble before closing the door then sighed and leaned against it. Her heart was fluttering in her chest and she felt like flying. Closing her eyes briefly, she sent a quick prayer to the goddess, thanking her for allowing her to live her dream.

The pair couldn't find the time to spend together over the following nights due to the visiting nobles in the city. Every moment they could, they did sit and talk and took their meals together, enjoying just that much. His nightly wandering stopped, wanting to be there with her instead under the strict rules of her cleric's life. He waited patiently spoke to her about things they could when they were able to have the time again.

Once they could, he took her further and further afield, letting her dance under the stars and frolic along the river. Together, they swam the cold depths and splashed each other before finding themselves kissing again in one another's arms. He didn't push himself on her and she took her time getting to know him more and more.

One evening, as the chill of fall started to settle in, he took her own to a wheat field that was about to be harvested. "Have you ever flown before," he asked as he lead her deeper among the tall stalks.

"No, but I have wanted to," she admitted, curious as to how he was going to show her how to experience flight. "Ever since I was a cub, I wanted to fly with the birds and other beings who could."

Grinning, he let go of her paw and stepped back. "Then I will take you flying. I can trust you with a little secret no one in the temple knows."

Tilting her head, she asked, even more curious. "What secret?" She thought she knew pretty much about him already after spending all summer working at his side and experiencing more to life than helping others.

He grinned while he watched her. "I'm not a normal lion. My kind can do a bit of shape changing, but... there's more to it. You've already met my father and you talk to him all the time. You've even tended my mother, too."

Looking more confused than curious now, she tilted her head to the other side and stepped toward him. "I don't quite understand."

"I know," he said then shifted, his body melding into a larger feral lion beast with enormous bat wings folded along his sides. "You will understand." He walked over to her, running his head against her shoulder then nudging her toward his back. "Climb on, my love, and I will introduce you to the sky." He caught himself just after he said it. He did love her and felt it deep in his bones.

Anuket could feel the magic flow as he shifted and felt something new with her senses. With her paws, she stroked his head, sifting through his mane down to back, then over the leathery wings as he moved them so she could climb on. "What are you, Amur-Re," she asked as she settled onto his back and gripped his mane.

"I could explain this better if you could see me," he said as he looked over his shoulder at her. "Father calls us the blessed of Bast, her avatars. We are all feral cats and can fly but we live for her. Except for maybe me." He blushed then leapt into the air, his wings beating the air until he found a strong current to carry him higher and higher.

She never expected him to be an avatar, or a shifter, but she trusted him with all her heart. When he went air born, she held on tight and clenched her eyes closed. As he leveled off, she still held on tight, refusing to sit up and feel the wind as it rushed by her hears.

"Don't be afraid, Anuket," he said, chuckling at how tightly she held him. "The sky is ours for the taking now. Feel the wind in your hair and let your heart fly with me."

Fearful, but trusting him, she sat up and let the wind push against her. Her hair whipped about, making a black trail behind her. She could feel his muscles move between her legs while she gripped him tight, it was an unusual feeling to her but one that thought she could enjoy more often. There was a power coursing through him and her, making her feel like she was one with him and the world far below.

For hours, they soared through the sky together, never touching ground until the midnight bells rang, drawing them home once again. They landed secretly in the furthest parts of the garden where he shifted back and took her into his arms again. He could feel her heart racing and her thoughts swirling about in her head. He knew her just as she knew him. What ever the power was they flowed through them during their flight, it brought them closer together.

She gazed up at him, seeing in her mind what he looked like as the lion she knew. Like him, she could feel his heart and his thoughts and smiled at how closely they mirrored her own. Holding him, she leaned toward him and closed her eyes.

He met her part way, pressing his lips to hers. They shared more than just a single tender kiss like before, but one that could be set into the record books. The world rocked beneath their feet as they let time flow around them until their lips parted.

Breathless, Anuket blushed and coyly looked away, still seeing him vividly in her mind. He was the lion of her dreams and he had only just begin showing her the world and life. "I... I" she started to stammer, unable to voice her own shared thoughts for a moment, "I think we should go in. It's late."

"Anuket," he purred, not wanting to let her go and feel empty for even short time, "stay for just a moment longer." He smiled at her, grasping her paw gently. "I want to tell you something."

Pausing in her sudden need to leave, she turned toward him, letting him keep a hold of her paw. "Yes?" Her eyes glistened with tears of joy and the dryness of the wind she let flow into them. "What is it?"

Suddenly unsure, the lion gulped then brought her paw to his lips. After kissing each knuckle, he purred, "I love you. We share something special now. Something I didn't know could happen to anyone. Your dream showed you everything before we met and I want that dream to continue with me in it. It took until tonight for me to realize that I have loved you from the moment we first met."

Her heart pounding, she blinked at what he said. Surprised by what he said, she felt the same. She had been drawn to him since their first meeting though she admitted it to herself long ago, she couldn't voice it. "Ooh, Amur... I love you, too."

Still staring into her eyes, he smiled then asked, "Will you be my mate? I know we don't know each other that well but... I can't imagine being away from you and... well... I was never meant to be an avatar. I'm too free spirited to be so constrained but with you, I feel like I can be myself and I want to share my life with you."

Though she never took any vows, she considered herself a part of the clergy. It felt strange wanting to be with someone so badly and that felt like she was betraying the goddess. Her expression changed, going from joy to sadness, but suddenly, it changed again, a smile appearing once she realized something. "I will," she purred, feeling more joy than she could ever know. The bells rang again, shouting out to the world that she made the right decision.

Together, they entered the dorms and went into her room. There, they shared another kiss, deeper and more passionate than the one before. With their lips locked together, they pressed their bodies close together.

Amur stroked her back, seeking out the ties for the belt that kept her tunic snug about her waist. He longed to feel more of her against him and her clothes were in the way. Once he cut through the strings, he dropped the belt on the floor then gently pushed her onto her bed with his body

What he wanted, she wanted, letting him do with her as he pleased. She stroked his arms and felt the muscles beneath his pelt, then sifted her fingers through his chest fur. He was something different and felt the desire to become one with him and consummate their proposal. It was a feeling she felt deep in her soul and it made her feel so warm all over. Eager to feel more, she pushed his vest off then slid her fingers down to find his loin cloth. To her surprise, there was nothing there but she didn't care. Not at the moment. She was on her back, still holding him and seeking more of his body and feeling pressure of his firm erection against her thigh.

He had already worked his loin cloth off when she went searching for it, thankful that the clothing he needed to wear during work was simple and easily removed. Though their hadn't parted during the fevered moments of their undressing, he still needed to get her out of her tunic. Much as he disliked the idea, he broke the kiss, smiling down at her and purring softly as he lifted the silken cloth over her head and pulled it away to reveal her voluptuous body.

After seeing her swimming naked in the river, he knew what she looked like without anything on but he still marveled at the perfection he beheld. Full, firm breasts were round and large, tipped with thick, pink nipples begging to be suckled. Trim muscled played beneath her pelt, lifting her chest with every breath and teasing him with promises of long nights entwined with her. His eyes drifted lower, gazing at the subtle curves of her mound and the dampness darkening the already black fur between her legs. She was vision of beauty, a replicate in black fur of the goddess in his eyes.

Giving in, he kissed her once more then suckled on a breast, his tongue lashing the hard, sensitive nub while he kneaded the other with his strong paw. The urge to take her right then, claim her for his own was restrained, making this first time special for her and as painless as he could make it. Still, he slowly rocked his hips, rubbing his hard length against her thigh until she found it and started stroking from base to tip, pulling him gently and urging him onward.

Gasping for air from the excitement coursing through her body, Ket panted and moaned, wanting desperately to feel him closer to her nubile body. His penis felt so smooth in her paw while she stroked it and teased with her claw tips. It felt so warm as it twitched with his heart beat. The thin pre that beaded at the tip, she spread along his length until it felt slick in her fingers.

"Amur, please," she begged, panting hard as he switched nipples and moved between her spread legs.\, inviting him to enter her delicate folds. "Take me..." There was no denying what she felt and wanted. She wanted to honor the goddess with this union for giving her what she dreamed of having.

Hearing her desire filled need, he lifted his head to peer into her face then eased back, bracing his arms at her sides while he wriggled his hips and pressed the tip to her untried slit. "As you wish, my love," he purred, wanting this as much as she did. Slowly, he entered her slick tunnel, feeling how warm and slick her body felt around his rod.

Gently, he started to thrust, pushing in further as he opened her up into full womanhood. When he felt the thin membrane of her virginity giving with his thrusts, he paused and nuzzled at her cheek, purring to her softly, "Are you sure you want this, my love? Once I break this barrier, we are mates for life."

Her eyes open, she seemed to look directly into his, seeing him only in her mind as he was there on top of her, ready to pierce her with his cock. "Yes... take me so I can be yours. I want you with everything that I am," she groaned, feeling her own need starting to rise inside of her gut with him staying so still.

Nodding, and glad she was so willing, he pulled back then pushed forward again, pressing against her hymen. Again he did the same, trying to be gentle as he sought to give her as much pleasure as he could before hilting himself within her depths.

Panting harder, she moans and reached for him, needing him closer to her as he pushed her closer to a new height of physical pleasure. She felt him lean closer then place his lips against hers, muffling the suddenly cry as he ruptured her virginity and pressed his length deep into her. Every muscle tensed in that moment, time standing still as the first pangs drifted away to be replaced with a newer sensation, a sensation she could give no name to but she wanted so deeply.

Wrapping her lags around his waist, she held tight, bucking her hips to match his fevered thrusts and mewling into the kiss as each thrust seemed to take longer and longer to complete. Harder and harder he pounded into her, giving into his own feral desires to mate her and fill her with his own seed. She was his, bound by heart and soul, and now with their bodies.

In the heat filled moment, he felt the spines along his length extend and drag through the tender walls of her vagina, tickling her intimately as he poked and prodded at her secret spot deep inside. He could feel her tighten around him, fluttering walls pulsating with her rising climax. Behind his cock, he felt the pressure of his release building to match the force of hers. Together, they felt the rapture of orgasm releasing, washing over them in waves of passion that had them grasping desperately at each other for strength.

With his release, the lion flooded her belly with his thick seed, feeling it all milked from his heavy sack by the slick inner walls. He felt content, unlike he had ever felt before after being with a woman. Sated, the moment cooling for him, he relaxed, laying on top of her and nuzzling at her neck affectionately. He had what he wanted and didn't want to let her go.

Anuket had let out a cry when she felt her climax reach its boiling point, shaking her body with the very force of it. All she was aware of was the thick length of lion meat in her canal and the warmth of his seed spilling into her belly. All that mattered to her in that moment was him and him alone. If anyone heard her, she didn't care. As he nuzzled at her, she purring into his ear, feeling what he did after their first time together.

"Anuket, my beautiful Anuket, you are amazing," he purred into her ear. "I have never felt so wonderful after being with a woman before. I promise to always make you happy to be my mate." He brushed her cheeks with the backs of his fingers and looked lovingly at her calm face.

Smiling up at him, she nodded. "I promise the same for you. You are the only one I ever want, Amur-Re." Her voice went soft, almost a whisper as she said good bye to her innocence. Her truly made her a woman for no one else but himself. For this, she was happy.

"One day," he said softly in her ear, "I want to mate with you in my true form and bear my cubs." His thoughts were still on her, keeping him hard in her tight well. Wondering if she'd want more, he started to pull from her depths, finding himself trapped in her legs and arms and mischievous smile on her muzzle.

"Don't stop now," she asked, "Mate with me, please, again. I don't know if I could bear being apart physically right now." She looked up at him, wondering then smiling as he slipped back into her.

"Sure you're not in heat, my lady," he chuckled, knowing the answer already. Unable to deny her request, he nodded then grasped her hips and pushed deep into her willing body, grinding against her until she let go with her legs. Into the night, they made love, barely stopping to rest before they were at it again. They made sure that their marriage would be fruitful before the snows came.

Bast smiled at the pair, giving her approval for their marriage by bringing them together. She hoped they would be able to last through the ages that would live and hoped neither would pass before the other.