Shade Chronicles: The Time Complex: Section 3: Aww HELL no!
#1 of Shade Chron.
The Shade Chronicles: The Time Complex: Section 3: Aww HELL no! -"We are not retreating?we are advancing in another direction." General Douglas McArthur
I left with a cliffhanger because I decided to not make it so long. I have to start writing this, as I won't get it done for a while even if I do, so I will start now, and make life easier. And, as a gift, I will tell you the secret to how I make my stories so long. Here it is. I work on the damn piece of shit until I have to spend about three hours to spellcheck it. Or I just want to stop having to scroll down all the way for 30 seconds on my iPod to continue typing. Also, this is mainly a talky one, so bear with it, and I got a laptop for Christmas, and can now post more regularly.( My other one was a mini laptop that couldn't do 2+2 with out lagging. So, continuing from where we left off...
As the blast cleared, machine-gun fire shredded any debris nearby, and all the ground forces quickly ducked down. Once the smoke cleared, a light blue energy shield glowed with an angry passion... "The fuck?" PJ efficiently said what everyone was thinking. There was squads of soldiers in some sort of armor powered by electricity... Just like mine. The Squads knew whose those originally belonged to. Upon closer inspection, there was few armor changes to their suits, and still had our tags, the Human-to-Pokemon tags, and they must have saw ours, because they stopped firing for a moment, until a still living BlackThorn trooper fired a RPG at the Hunter, and I tried to dodge, but it was out-of-the-blue, and I was focused on the others. I manage to make it slap part of the tail, so I wouldn't lose her immediately, and quickly started to initiate Code: Bail dat ass out. The Hunter swerved to the side, and I started to issue commands. "Out out out! Rappel down! We have a Bugger-2! Go go go!" I yelled to everyone inside the Hunter, grabbing my Scavenger. It was still loaded with the normal Penetrator rounds, and as I rappelled out, the Hunter starting to spin out of control, aimed at the RPG. Halfway down, a sniper round entered his heart, making it implode as it exploded. I unclip from the line, curling up and putting my armor into lock-up position, where it was locked into position, usually saving you if a bailout or explosion was imminent. I still felt the brunt of it. It still hurt, alot. I unlocked, picked up my rifle, and started to walk towards the others. One of them thought I was still after them, and I felt something shatter the visor of my helmet, and ripping through the back of my helmet. A sniper shot. A single centimeter above my head, in-between my ears. Some one will bleed. It shaved part of my fur on the top of my glorious head. I laid there, wondering what to do, everything slowed down, I heard everyone shooting. I slowly stood up, and peeled off the helmet. I slowly lifted my rifle, and headshotted the guy that missed. Everyone stopped. Apparently living through a 'headshot' was a big deal. They charged, hoping that the bayonets on their weapons and their suits would make them gods. I pull out my X-7 pistol with my left hand, my actual SOG knife in my right. I started running at them. I barely noticed the other Squads on my side doing the same. I thought of a song... "Are ya ready? Let's go!" I mutter, lunging at the first one. I grab the barrel of his gun, yank it towards me, and my knife slammed home into his throat. I fire a blind shot to my left, on instinct, and a gurgle came from that target. "This is 10% luck..." I grunt. Another guy tries stabbing me in the gut, I jump up, kicking off his face, and and blind head shotted him. "20% Skill.." I laughed out, as I tackled the next guy to the ground, and knifed him in the throat. "15% Concentrated power of will." I gasp out, as some one managed to gut punch me. I swiftly snap her arm, then slam my knife into her neck, she was dead. "5% Pleasure." I cough, and I get tackled from behind, and I spin around, on the ground, using my leg to flip them, changing our relative positions, and block his knife, snapping his wrist, before he right hooks, sending me back on my back, and I swiftly round house his ankles, taking him down. I stand up, and he pulled out his knife, ready for my next move. Not, as my next move was to blow off his head... "50% Pain." I wheezed, dust in my face, some one trying to mow me down, causing me to drop to the dirt, pistol blazing at him. He screams, pulsars ripping through his suit, and his chest. "100% reason to remember the name." I said deadpanned, and took cover. Our infantry, with tank support, managed to over power most of the enemy Frozen troopers. A lot of them surrendered, as they were not intent on killing old friends. As they raised their hands, we pushed them to the ground, due the fact that one got shot for surrendering, and also was hit by the cross fire. I recognized a shorter one, an old friend. I sprint over, I could tell by that height that it was an old friend, named Diego. Also, apparently, he wasn't changed, and he was looking like he was about to crap himself shitless. He, for some reason, wasn't genetically mutilated into a pokemon, and I could tell he didn't realize I was me. Fun time... I walked towards him, pistol in hand, shooting anybody that was still trying to fight back, and pulled out my SOG knife, and grabbed some charging enemy, curb stomped the back of their knee, simultaneously snapping his/her arm, and rammed my knife into their rib cage. I twisted, then savagely ripped it across, then out. I shoved the corpse to the side, and continued towards him. He apparently didn't recognize me. That would make sense, as I was about six inches taller the last time I met him. I am also now a Lucario. That might change some features... Anyway, he actually tried to crawl back, I decided that it would be better to put up the bloody knife with little chunks of an unidentified body part. I continue towards him, trying to lower the 'I'm about rip your eyes out and shove them down your throat so you can watch me rip it out' level, yet retain the Badass level. He stops trying to back away once I get close enough to knife him. I crouch down, as it would be kinda awkward to talk to some one standing up with enemies still trying to correct the failed Headshot. "Hey, Diego, I'm not surprised that you don't remember me..." I began, starting the age-old guessing game that I frankly love to play. "I don't know any of you bastards..." Diego muttered. "That hurts, almost as much as your driving skills in Halo..." I laughed, giving him two clues. "Harry? No, he can't do anything like what you just did..." Diego guessed. "That actually hurts. Besides, who's as Badass as myself?" I said seriously, I knew he remembered me now. "Daniel, you know I'm always more badass then you..." He laughs out. "Need I point out I am on the winning side, and that I, in fact, lived through a headshot. Was that Andrew, by any chance?" I laughed out, voice full of mirth. "Nope, that was Blake. That dick. Do you know how pissed I was when I learned he lived?" Diego explained. "Glad I nailed him. He would always stare at me... So, want join my Squad? You will get that option, as you are a Frozen. Besides, we need a human or two in the Squad. And, just to spite your ass, my girlfriend, WHO DOES EXIST, is in my Squad. I told she was real. She also helped kick your ass. We have everything Diego. I'm the Boss." I explain, offering my hand towards him. He took it, I pass him my helmet. "Hey, all Frozen on our side are now Pokemon. Wear that `till we get back to the Cloud Nine. Then we can suit up. Your armor looks like a horse tap-danced on it. Let's go." I explain. As a S.O.-F.T.(Special Operations- Frozen Transport.) passed by, I raised out my paw, and I was blessed with an assault rifle. I, in turn, tossed it to Diego, who managed to catch it. I reach back into my pack, and pull out a pair of cylinder-shaped black batteries with a glowing blue line going vertically across on one side-like-thing(Everyone knows Cylinders make life miserable when describing sides.). "500 shots per battery. Loads like a normal gun." I inform him, and laugh as he gasps in shock as the little ammo counter popped out and displayed 1,000. "Come now, we must hurry, I plan on winning this by tonight." I call to him. "Okay..." He replied, likely in shock. I lead him to the T.F.O.B., and we got a nice glass of ice water. Some things in life are not needs, but make it up there. "Okay, break over. We are Frozen, we need to get to the frontline." I get up, our 45 second break now over. "Got it." Diego replied, standing up and stretching. We climbed into a nearby HA-AC, and Lissie jogged over from nearby with PJ & Mary in tow. PJ pulled off a flip up on top the HA-AC, landing in the mounted cannon's seat. "Quit showing off, PJ." I sarcastically call out. "You jelly?" He replied, thinking he just won. "Nah, just peanut butter..." I call back, sliding into the driver's seat. Checkmate. "Lis, I need a comms." I yell back into the cabin. Lis clambered through the small hatchway separating the drivers from the cabin. "Everyone else pick a seat, get comfortable, and buckle in, as there might be some objects in the road, such as, but not limited to: Roadblocks, debris, tanks, gates, and possibly some soldiers." I tell everyone as I seal the hatch. "PJ, BAMF coming in, please flag a ground Squad, and tell them to pack in." I call through the comms. "Someone isn't prideful..." "Pride and knowing how good you are two VERY different things." "Squad sighted, flagging. Uh, Squad 32 they be." "Got it. Entering stuff into the computer." I started to enter the names and request for where we need to head to. I got an answer in under three seconds after sending. It was a request to comms. I answered, and was surprised with a very new voice. "Come in, Squad 115, Shade, are you there?" A female voice asked. "Shade, Squad 115 Lead, talk to me." "I am A.I. construct 01735.2r "Melissa," now your advisor for missions. If need be, I am instructed to Piggyback to stay in contact with you. I am sending a chunk of data I need you to download to your helmet's HUD. It is a piece of me, which will allow me to see things from your viewpoint, so I can easily get a grip of the situation from your angle. Be warned, I am going to be hard linked to your Cerebral Data Chip, and you will be stuck with me. It is normally associated with ice water pouring into your skull. When prepared, download." Melissa explained. "If you insist..." I pressed download, and indeed, an icy water pouring in feeling occurred. I shuddered, and felt something flow in. "Aww, much better. A lot of space to work here." She said jokingly... I think. "... I feel prejudiced..." "You are." "That makes me swell with joy." "Good. Glad you are used to it." "I can read you mind, by the way. And you may notice your increased motor control. I did that." "Glad to see I'm now not entirely useless..." "I know, right?" She replied, dripping with sarcasm. I was was going to have a hell of a time. "Heard you." "I'm going to think horrible thoughts now." "Really? You are going to be like that?" I started to remember my special memory to use against Mind Readers... a very particular video of a cup and two girls... "Oh my God. You are brilliant. You stop now. Really." I thought of it in greater detail. "I'll stop reading your mind if you stop..." I thought of our mission, laughing. I checked the camera's feed of the cabin area. Filled, I started moving forward. "Okay, all-knowing Melissa, where do we mere mortals head to?" "To these co-ordinates. I'm broadcasting to your Squad." Melissa replied. I started driving, using the four sight slots to drive the Troop Transport. "Hey, Shade, how is your new girlfriend holding up?" Mary commed. "Mary, don't make me pull this transport over." I answered through clinched teeth, already acting like a parental figure, dispute all my efforts. "Yes, papa." Mary laughed. "Nice talking there, hotshot." Melissa remarked. "Be glad I'm not able to use the blocked "Erase" button..." "Noted." We drove in relative silence. As much silence you can get in a Troop Transport in a war zone. After a record of five minutes, we reached the mile-away mark. And the,"Let's just send a rain of artillery to fuck up some unlucky bastard's day" mark. "Artillery inbound, fifth-teen second delay until first shell." "PJ. Artillery. Shut the hatch and get down here." I snapped to PJ over the comm. "Melissa, get me a targeting vector for the artillery. Plot me an evasive run while you're at it, please." "Uploading into the HA-AC." Melissa said the moment I finished. "Alright, boys and girls, I want everyone ready. Artillery in about six secs. Brace for impact." I told the cabin, and the shells began to rain.