For Love of Love 5: Things That Keep Us Happy

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#5 of For Love of Love

Angie giggled at what Lex had done. Without giving any sign of knowing it, her new mate was an incredible romantic. She loved it. And she loved him. There wasn't anything about this new life that she didn't love.

"Ohhh, Angie, I like it up here," he said, laying down on the edge of the building and craning his neck over the edge. Angie giggled, grabbing Lex to keep him from falling over the edge of the building.

"Me too, Lex, me too." She answered, laying down next to him. "And I like you."

"They look so small from up here," Lex said. She realized that he hadn't been paying attention to her answer. "Isn't-it-amazing-what-they-can-do?" he asked rapid-fire.

"Yeah, it is," she giggled at the way he was talking.

"I never knew there were so many." Lex's voice slowed, his amazement showing through quite obviously. Angie looked up from the ground to survey Lex briefly. His red eyes had gotten much larger than they usually were in amazement, making him look all the more cuter.

"Heehee, how do I know?" he made a similar giggle to hers, still looking around at the small things walking around on the ground. She had never met any humans until she met Lex's tamer, and she hadn't really met him anyway. As a group, they seemed nice enough, though. They didn't fight all the time, they didn't seem to arguing over who was dominant or the authority on something. It was refreshing.

"You've known them longer than I have," she prodded his side.

"Only by a few hours," he looked back at her and smiled widely. She laughed and climbed up on top of him, placing her hands under Lex's robe beneath his chest. She was so different with Lex around than she usually was. Before she met this wonderful Digimon, she was kind of a reserved, antisocial person...but he changed that so drastically.

"Hey! What are you doing up there?" a voice yelled somewhere from the vicinity below them. Angie looked up, then around her in confusion, trying to figure out exactly where the voice was coming from.

"Um..." Lex looked like he was concentrating madly on remembering something.

"Don't you know how dangerous it is to be that close to the edge!?" The voice yelled. Angie kept looking at Lex, trying to figure out what it was he was doing. Suddenly, he started giggling in his characteristic way, grabbed her, and dragged her through wherever it was they went when he teleported over to the top of another building, arriving with a very sheepish grin on his face. Angie joined in his giggling, still laying perfectly on top of him with her wings draped to either side.

"That was funny!" she laughed, slipping her hands around him and rolling over so he was on top of her.

"Very. Har-har." A strange voice echoed from behind the two of them. Her thoughts of giving Lex a playful kiss on the tip of his muzzle immediately ended, and she opened her eyes wide in fright when she realized that she wasn't going to be able to see whoever it was that was talking. Lex's reaction to the stranger was nothing like her own, though. As innocent as always, he turned around without so much as an ounce of hostility and fear, his head cocked as he looked over his shoulder at whoever was behind them.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Dagnashremon." he voice replied ominously. Lex got off of her slowly, one knee at a time.

"What do you want?" When Lex stood up, he un-obscured the view of the other Digimon for her.

'Dagnashremon' was a tall, towering Digimon with four extremely muscular arms. Angie meeped at the sight.

"'Entertainment! Elecbolt!" A bolt of lightning flew at her, missing by only the smallest of measures when she ducked out of the way. Lex immediately threw his arms out protectively. Taking up the offer, Angie moved behind him, looking over his shoulder at the Digimon who had just tried to attack her. She watched as her mate's hands flared into life.

"She's not your entertainment!"

"Now that I have my entertainment's attention ... FLARE!" Some kind of electrical attack hit the ground under them. Before she knew what had happened, Lex had grabbed her around the waist and teleported her to safety ten feet in the air above where she was before. He himself, however, had not moved from that spot. In some protective bubble, he stood completely motionless, unaffected by the electrical attack. The bubble burst outward, completely phasing out Dagnashremon's attack in a visible ripple of force. Angie marveled at her mate for a few moments, then looked back at the Dagnashremon, who didn't look happy with them at all.

" Elecbolt!" it yelled, flinging another attack at Lex. Almost as if he was completely detached from the battle, he looked off into the distance to the side and held up his hand in front of the attack, which simply went around him. He didn't seem like he wanted to attack him. Angie frowned at that observation, remembering that Lex despised fighting with a passion, and avoided it whenever she could. But now he was fighting on her account...she looked harder at Lex, and she could see that he was at at conflict with himself. It made her sad that she couldn't do anything about it.

Or could she?

" Celestial Arrow!" she yelled, making an attack where lex would not. Dagnashremon, who obviously hadn't been expecting an attack to come from the weak little Angewomon, was rewarded for his ignorance by getting a shining white arrow deposited directly into his chest. Lex stopped what he was doing--whatever that was--suddenly and looked up at her. If he couldn't bring himself to do it, then she would, before either one of them got hurt.

" ELECBOLT!" It replied, firing off another one of its attacks at her.

" Celestial Arrow!" The anger that she felt at having to do this made her attack all the more powerful, canceling out Dagnashremon's attack and freeing a place for her own. " Holy light!" She spread her wings out as far as she could, and shined a bright, scathing light onto Dagnashremon.

"You biiiiiittttch..." Dagnashremon's voice trailed away, as did its data. Angie watched it float around her, and she got a distinct feeling of dirtiness as it did. She landed down onto the ground near Lex. He didn't look like himself at all. Sometime between the last time he looked at her and now, he had pulled his hood up over his head again.

"We should go..." Angie said nervously.

"Yeah." Lex nodded in agreement with her, but still looked detached from the world as if he were not really paying attention to what was going on around him. His mind was elsewhere, he didn't seem like the lex that she knew and loved, and had been no less than five minutes ago. "Uh, here..." he extended his robed arm upward toward her. If Angie hadn't just seen him shrug off that Digimon's attacks, and what he had done before to those BlackWarGreymon, she would have thought that he looked rather cute and helpless standing there in that voluminous robe.

Trying to give him a reassuring smile, she slipped her hand into the opening of the sleeve rather than just grabbing the outside of it like she thought he was expecting him to. His scaled hand recoiled from her touch and moved a little farther into the robe, but that wasn't going to stop her. She gripped his hand and held onto it tightly, pushing her head through the front of his hood and onto his shoulder underneath his robes. Her mate flinched harder, but didn't move from where he was.

"Are you hurt?"


"That's good..." he remained in his awkward, stiff state.

"Lex, what's wrong?" She tried to nuzzle against the side of his face, but he turned it aside before she manage it. Deciding not to push her luck with whoever the was, she concluded that she was lucky to be where she was now and conceded.

"I've never seen you fight before," he answered slowly.

"I don't like it either, but..." she was going to say something else, but something flashed through her mind instead. Ever since the two of them had met, he had gone well out of his way to keep her out of dangerous situations. He had even risked his own life--or at least his own safety, she still didn't know the full extent of his power, not that it really mattered to her--to keep her from having to see two other Digimon fighting. It was obvious that he really didn't like combat for some reason...but why was that? She frowned and decided to put that question off until a later date, when he was more himself. "But..." she decided to give a generic answer. "Sometimes, I don't have a choice."

"I know, Angie, I know. But, that's not what i wanted for you. For us." He looked at her knowingly, giving her a weak smile.

"We don't always get what we want, Lex," she giggled slightly, happy that he was at least looking at her now.

"Maybe...but you didn't have to kill him. I don't want you to do that."


"I'll protect you." He adopted a serious expression for a few moments, then grinned. "And I pity anyone who would test that."

"But..." she started. Why should she get to be exempt from that? She didn't like it any less than he did. Well...maybe she did, judging by the expression on his face and the way he talked it about. " don't like it either."

"No, I don't." he answered. She felt his head move a little closer to hers. "But there's something that I like even less, and that's seeing you having to do it." he suddenly hugged her close. "Please promise me that you won't fight. If we have to, let me do it for you."

"Okay," she answered reluctantly. "I promise." His hug around her tightened, and she could tell that he was shifting back to the Lex that she knew, even if it was at a very slow pace. Little twinges of happiness flooded her, although she wasn't perfectly sure that she would be able to keep the promise she just made.

"Angie, can I ask you something?" he asked after a pause of at least five minutes in length.

"You just did!" She giggled. "But you can ask another something."

"Alright," Lex giggled with her for a few moments before asking that something. "When I first saw you," he began, "Or rather, when you first saw me, you just kind of looked at me. Usually, that goes one of two ways. One, I'm seen as something hostile--or at least potentially hostile, to be destroyed. Or two, I get seen as something that can be destroyed to gain data. It generally depends on the type of the Digimon involved; usually viruses see me as the latter, and vaccines the former. Usually, I can tell what they're thinking by the expression on their faces. But with you, it was something entirely different. I can't help myself but wonder what was going through your mind."

Angie listened to him while he spoke to him. The truth was, she didn't really know the answer to his question. There was just...something about him. If those eyes belonged to anyone else, she would have been terrified to death of lex. They would have looked a fiery, hostile, virulent evil red. But, even

though they remained exactly the same physically, there was just something about him that made those eyes seem very friendly and inviting--even when they were the only things that were visible in the dark blackness of his robe's hood.

"Gee, Lex, I don't know," she finally answered with a nervous giggle. "I was curious. Even though I couldn't see your face, you seemed so happy. I think I was a little jealous; I wanted to feel that, too."

"I was happy," he giggled with her. "I had just met two humans and a Digimon that wasn't immediately interested in killing me. Then, I saw were so beautiful," he said the last part with complete enamor, "And when you looked back, I just had to introduce myself."

"I'm glad you did," she told him, sliding her hand up along his arm. This time, he didn't flinch at all. In fact, he seemed warmer and more affectionate than before. Lex flicked his hood back and gave her a long, loving kiss, holding her on hr arms just below her shoulders.

"Mmrrr," she moaned softly. Whenever Lex did that to her, she felt completely his. There was no other way to describe it, really. It was this complete and utter feeling of oneness with him. She wanted it to last forever, and that was exactly what she tried to do. She opened her mouth and lengthened the kiss, closing her eyes to enjoy the elation that spread throughout her body whenever he kissed her like that. Their mouths opened and closed against each other. They did for so long that she could feel the growing dampness between her legs wet her clothes and upper thighs.

She slipped her hands into Lex's robe and put her hands onto his chest, feeling the only slightly perceptible numerous small scales that covered his body. A sensual moan escaped her lungs when she slipped into his robe with him and pressed against his body. Suddenly, he pulled away from the kiss, starting to tickle her neck with his tongue in its place. Somehow, she managed to gasp, giggle, and moan all at the same time. If he could make her feel that good just by licking her neck...she cooed sensually at the thought. He moved lower along her neck to where it met the rest of her body and kept doing what he had before, prompting a mad yet pleasurable giggle from Angie.

"L-Lex, stop teasing!" she managed to get in between bouts of laughter. She kept getting tickled for another few minutes, and it only stopped when Angie countered with a tickle of her own, wildly flitting her fingers over the side of his stomach. He responded with an even more intense and continuous giggle than she had.

"Hey! N-not fair!" Angie grinned,s topped, and went back to rubbing and kissing her mate. He copied the action, and it wasn't long before she felt an erect dick press against her leg and one of Lex's scaled hands slide down her stomach. Despite herself, she giggled at the mildly ticklish sensation.

"What do you want me to do, Angie?" he smiled sweetly at her.

"Keep going lower," she licked her lips at the prospect of having sex with him again. After halting to ask his question, his hand slid down her smooth crotch and pressed against her entrance. A flood of feeling coursed through her loins at that, and when he started rubbing her with a single digit, she was almost immediately brought to her knees. It felt much different from when they had just...had sex. This was a much gentler, much softer way of making her feel good. But it wasn't any less effective. Despite how wet she was making his hand, he didn't rub her any harder. The muscles throughout her legs tightened in spasms--her pussy cried to her in desire, yearning for something to go inside and finish what Lex's fingers had started. Nothing did...but she didn't enjoy it any less. His fingers moving slowly and gently over the entrance to her pussy, she started panting and cooing from the heightening pleasure. That pleasure increased and increased until she couldn't take it any longer, and she peaked out, moaning the name of her mate.


She expected him to stop, but he didn't. His fingers started moving with more speed and strength behind them until one of them, whether by accident or on purpose, forced its way into her. The tip of his claw moved around in small circles inside of her, touching every inch of her insides.


The addition of another finger was the end of what she could handle. At the end of her stamina and endurance, she climaxed again, positively screaming out his name and spasming as the orgasm racked her body.

"LEX!" He finally moved his hands away from her legs and up to his mouth, where he began to suck her wetness off of it sensually before kneeling in front of her and lowering her onto the ground next to him and giving him a gentle, loving kiss.

"Oh, Lex, you're perfect," she decided, melting onto him. He just smiled and laid his head and draped his robe over the two of them.

"Angie?" he asked after a few minutes of cuddling.


"I love you."

"Love you too, sweetie." she smiled happily. Those words made a warm feeling spread from the center of her chest outward to the rest of her body, just as intensely as it had the first time that he told her that; which, incidentally, had only been about eight hours ago. "I'm looking forward to having a bed to ourselves," she said, her voice low in an effort to sound sensual.

"Ooooh, a bed," he grinned excitedly. Angie recognized right away--she had some time ago--that Lex didn't spend a great deal of time in the more settled areas of the Digital World where Digimon had constructed cities and settlements like the one she was in. She'd have to ask him about all that sometime, when they had a lot of time to themselves and nothing else to do. Not now, though. Now, she wanted to hold her first and only mate, and look forward to the first time she'd be spending all night in a bed with someone else.

"The sooner we leave, the sooner we can get to it," she told him. Even though Lex's body was quite warm, it was really windy, and she was starting to get a little cold on top of that building.

"Alright," he hugged her tightly, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them again after she no longer felt the chill wind against her face, they were standing in the 'hotel room' that the humans had been discussing earlier.

There were two very large beds, much bigger than the ones she was used to. One of them, the one that Lex and Angie were standing next to, was empty, but the other one, situated on the far side of the room, was occupied.

It was occupied by Jes and Oliver, both of whom were completely naked. They were also quite busy fondling that special spot between the other's legs as well as exploring the other's mouths, breaking away every few seconds to receive the benefits of air.

"Mmm, Jes..." Oliver, who was the only one that was in a position to see them, opened his eyes to see the two of them standing there watching their every motion. "AAH! Can't you two announce yourselves before you do that ... or something?" he asked angrily, hastily beginning to put his clothes back on from behind Jes.

Lex, from her side, suddenly broke out into laughter and fell to the ground with a series of uncontrolled giggles at the sight that he had just witnessed. Angie couldn't help herself but join him.

"Arrgh, you fucking gits!" Jes yelled at them. Angie hadn't the slightest clue what a 'git' was but she was sure that it wasn't a very good thing, judging from the way she was using it. Lex kept giggling, unaffected by the threatening tone that Jes had laced her words with.

"You know, Jes," he said once he began to recover and stand again, "When I figured out what happened between you and Oliver..." broke out into another mad series of giggles. "I never really visualized it..." Angie watched Lex as what he was saying turned into an unrecoverable giggle and made him fall to the floor again.

"Hrrrm..." Jes covered her eyes with her paw, and Oliver got a defeated expression on his face. The next voice that she heard was that of Jamie, who had just opened the door. She smiled at him, assuming he had come over from wherever he was staying to see what was going on.

"Did I hear someone scream something?"

"Yes, Jamie...well,'s not important. Don't worry about it," a fully clothed Oliver answered.

"Oh., alright." He surprised Angie with how readily he simply left. "I'll just be going back to my room now." With that, he walked out.

* * * * * * *

Oliver's day had somehow managed to contain every possible major change that could occur in someone's life. He had been taken from his everyday life and thrust into a radically different world long enough to meet a number of Digimon, discover that one--perhaps the most dysfunctional mind ever to have a thought--was his partner, be attacked by one, be saved by one, and have sex with one...twice. All in one day. Normally, any one of them in and of themselves would have been sufficient enough to constitute a drastic change. But, somehow, his sanity had remained more or less intact through he whole thing and he was beginning to adapt fairly well to the whole thing. He would have liked to have been able to say with Jes a little longer, though. I lost my virginity to a Digimon, he laughed to himself. During his freshman year, he had a girlfriend until she had transferred to another school away from him. They hadn't done anything more than some pretty intense make-out sessions.

An intensification of someone's (he couldn't tel whose, Lex's giggle was incredibly feminine) made him realize that Jes had gone to be elsewhere, and that Anie and Lex were now staring at the spot on the bed where Jes had usd her claws to shred the outer covers of the bed when she had first orgasmed.

"What?" he asked, hoping they hadn't realized it was there.

"The bed..." Lex giggled continuously. "Was that Jes?"

"Y-yes, Lex, it was," Wheras his own Digimon looked incredibly amused by this fact, Angie seemed more disturbed than anything else, for whatever reason.

"Angie, come on, it's not that strange...she's female, I'm male..."

"No, it's not that," she answered dismissively, pointing directly at the point where she had torn the covers of the bed. "It's that. What if that had been you?"

"Oohhh, right, Angie," Lex's giggling suddenly ceased as he took her side. "You could get hurt, Oliver."

"Oh, she wouldn't hurt me, Lex. At least, I don't think so. I hope not." He gave the matter a ittle bit of thought for the first time. She didn't seem to bear him any malice, even if he was just being 'used' as she had put it. Not that he minded being used by someone with a body like Jes'. But she seemed quite warm for someone who was just using him. "She just came here to talk. It's not like you're thinking."

"Still..." Lex trailed.

"Fine, Lex," he gave up trying to reason with the Digimon. "I'll be careful." The Magusmon smiled at him.

"Hehe...I thought Lex and I would have our first sleep together...I was thinking it'd be a quiet one."the Angewomon, companion to Lex, giggled and put her arms around his cape and robe.

"Well, go for it. Oliver said, thoroughly exasperated and exhausted by the day's experience. "I'm not going to stop you. I'm going to bed." Maybe he had been right before, and this was all a dream. A very strange, very demented and deranged dream.

* * * * * * *

Jes waited from a concealed spot in the bathroom until the noise of shuffling died down, and all of the lights in the room were turned off. This was a nightmare...that had been embarrassing. She waited another good twenty minutes or so before building up enough courage to peek out over the side of the bathroom door to make sure that everyone was really in bed, which they were. The BlRemon's black eyes trained themselves on Oliver in particular, slightly curled up in his bed. What was he to her? ... she didn't know. The haze of her heat was throwing everything that she normally knew and thought into a conflicting pool of thought and emotion from which nothing that made any sense surfaced. She'd be glad when the whole thing was over. Biting her lip, she tried to think about what she was going to do now. She liked Oliver...more than she liked Jamie. More than she liked anyone. And she didn't want to be alone right now; she'd rather be with him.

Before she knew what she was doing - again, looking back on the moment, she would have blamed it on her heat - she was stealthily climbing into bed next to Oliver without having any reasons. She shuffled up against him, being very careful not to wake him up. Rolling over so her back was against him, she couldn't help herself but stat to purr.

"...Jes?" he whispered. She immediately froze. She could sense Oliver's hesitation for a few moments, which worried Jes deeply. She could have simply hit him hard enough to knock him out, and make him think about it later so that she could rest for the time being, but if she did that, it wouldn't have been the same. It wouldn't have been his own decision, and there was something about that which bothered her. She wanted him to want to stay like this.

A hand slipped around her stomach and pulled her a little closer to Oliver, more than enough for her to immediately stop thinking. The pessimistic side of her made her blink at the action, then start purring again as she closed her eyes. Even if he was human, it was nice not to have to sleep alone ...

* * * * * * *

The next morning, Jes awoke with a start for no particular reason; something she usually did at the end of a very intense dream, even though she couldn't remember what she was dreaming about if that had been the case. She had moved a little in her sleep, sliding even closer to the human than she had been when she went to sleep. Oliver had taken his other hand and moved it around her stomach to meet his other hand. Looking down at that, she blushed at that sight. The only other person that held her like that was Nedremon...she shook her head to try and rid herself of the memory, only succeeding slightly. Looking over Oliver at the conjoined Lex and Angie in th bed across from them, she saw that there was absolutely no way that she was going to get out of this without waking someone up.

"Jes?" Lex's giddy voice asked. Aww, damn it! She hadn't given any forethought to what she was going to do in the morning; she had just wanted to lay down with Oliver. It hadn't occurred to her at the time that he was going to have to wake up in the morning and deal with whatever those two had to say about this. Both of them, now fully awake, seemed to find it quite humorous, giggling madly. This woke up Oliver, who gave the two of them a scathing look on her behalf.

"Oh, yeah," he said sarcastically when their giggling only became more intense. "As if we're any more strange than the two of you." he looked back at Jes and gave her a small grin, which she returned almost as quickly as he had given it to her, surprising both herself and him. One of the others must have noticed her surprise, because they giggled even harder than they were, impossible though that seemed.

"Damn it," she said to herself. "I'm never going to hear the end of this...." She gave everyone, Oliver included, a threatening glare, and changed her tone drastically, to one of seething hostility. "If ANY of you tell Jamie about this, I'll personally rearrange your faces." Although she growled audibly to

punctuate her words, she knew that it was an empty threat against a Mega and an Ultimate while she was at this level. As for Oliver, she probably couldn't bring herself to hurt him, even if he did tell Jamie. She liked him too much for that, even if he was just a weak, pathetic human.

His hand slipped up near her neck, making her shiver slightly, then flick one of her two black, green-tipped ears. It twitched in response, and she flinched her head a little to the side, trying to figure out what he was up to. He did again, this time to her other ear, which also twitched.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Having fun," he answered, flattening her ears against the back of her head, making her feel like she was in an enclosed space that she couldn't fit in.

"... strange idea of fun ..." A quick glance over to see what Lex and Angie thought of Oliver's 'idea of fun' revealed that they had their own. Her dark black eyes quickly widened against the green fur of her face at the sight of Angie, naked, straddling Lex, also naked. Partially against her will, her eyes flicked over Lex and the growing red cock that was positioning itself between the Angewomon's legs. An impulse immediately surfaced to jump over, push Angie aside, and fuck Lex dry herself, and it completely sapped her willpower to avoid doing that. Giggling all the while, obviously doing this to make a show of it, they started doing one another, right there in front of them.

Didn't they realize that she was in heat, and could barely contain herself as it was? She didn't need to see Angie grip Lex's chest and moan as his dick pushed against the insides of her pussy over and over, and she didn't need to see Lex's thrust, and the full view of his dick that she got every time he made his thrusts go deeper and deeper into her. She bit down on her lip and tried to look away, but she found that she couldn't. Angie really looked like Lex was giving her a good time.

She felt something rub the entrance to her pussy then slide into it, and it wasn't until she looked down that she realized it was her own finger. Not really caring what was going around her any longer, she watched Angie rising and falling on Lex's cock, moaning with each and every one of his movements. Staring between their legs, she tried to match his rhythm with her fingers. Not satisfied with this, she pushed another one of her three green-furred fingers inside of herself, more accurately modeling Lex's size. His tail began flitting around, stiffening, loosening up to flit around, then stiffening again...she recalled earlier how Angie had gone down on Lex's tail while he had been licking and sucking Jes' crotch, and she pictured that filling her insides just as she pushed another one of her fingers into herself, reaching the limit of digits on her paw.

She half-closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling and continued thrusting her hand against herself in beat with Lex's upward movements against Angie. Suddenly, something started rubbing on her clit. Opening her eyes to see what it was, she discovered that it was Oliver, spreading her lips apart further and tapping repeatedly on her clit. Moaning her approval at what he was doing, she throttled her own fingers as Lex sped up, using her free hand to reach into Oliver's pants and grab his dick without bothering to take them off. She thrust her tightly closed paw roughly up and down along him at the same pace that she was pushing herself. Her breathing quickly turned into short shallow pants, and she knew that she didn't have very long before she peaked. What she wanted to feel, what she really wanted, was to let go of Oliver's cock, straddle him, and start thrusting down against him with every muscle in her body. Any rational thought about what she was going to do was quickly swept away as the human whose dick was jacking grabbed her wrist and pushed upwards, driving her fingers farther into. Her legs were completely splayed now, her eyes closed tightly as she approached orgasm.

"Oliiii-ahhh..." she tilted her head as the peak that she had been waiting for shuddered throughout her body. A few seconds later, Oliver went through something similar, moaned, and wet her hand with his cum. Breathing in long, heavy pants, she looked over to the other two to see what they were doing;

they had stopped making noise altogether not too long ago.

Apparently, they had stopped because they were too busy watching her and Oliver.

"I think we got caught, Lex,"

"Yeah..." They both fell back down to the bed, giggling as usual.

Jes almost growled in frustration, still not knowing what she was going to do. Why did she have to be here? Why did she have to be dragged away from her relatively happy life in the Digital World and instead thrust into this mess, being stuck here with a bunch of pathetic humans and a pair of constantly giddy Digimon both of whom never did anything but mate, yet both were more powerful than she was at the moment, courtesy of her showing mercy to that little piece of shit, Impmon--that was never goingto happen again. If she ever saw that thing again, it was going to die. That's what she got for letting Lex get to her...looking at his face at any given time, she could tell that he couldn't see what she was going through simply by being around him. She hated him for that, and yet she had to be thankful; that seething, loathing hatred was probably the only thing that was keeping her from fucking him dry.

She sighed. Only a few more days. A few more days of this, then she would be able to think straight and maybe figure out a way to at least enjoy herself. Closing her eyes momentarily, she detached herself from Oliver, got up, and walked into the bathroom.

* * * * * * *

Oliver licked his fingers dry from its exploration of the inside of Jes, then replaced his clothes to his body after wiping his hands on the blue and white bedspread. Lex and his mate's sudden interest in his private life--or at least what he would have liked to have been his private life--was starting to get rather bothersome.

"Do you have to stare at me like that?"

"No, I don't have to," he answered jokingly.

He was going to say something else to Lex that he probably would have regretted later about how weird it was for someone to watch what he was doing with Jes, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by none other than Jes herself, speaking from just outside of the bathroom.

"I don't know what half of the stuff in there is,"

"In where?" Oliver asked, slightly confused. "In the bathroom?"


"Haven't you been in the real world before?"

"Yes, but I--"

"Is there a 'shower' in there, Jes?"

"Yes!" The final response came almost as a growl.

"Oooo," Lex said, unaffected by Jes, "Can we go have a look?"

"I don't see why not..." grinning slightly, Oliver got up and showed them to the bathroom. From the way tha they were looking around in absolute amazement, they were as unfamiliar with his world as he was with theirs. Angie giggled happily, picking up a bar of soap and sniffing it before nibbling the edge of it, quickly recoiling and rubbing her tongue against the front of her teeth to get the soap out of them.

"Eurgh!" She squinted. "That doesn't taste good!" Her wings fluttered around slightly.

"It's not food, Angie!" Oliver explained, slightly exasperated. "It's soap..."

"Soap?" Lex asked, cocking his head. Oliver nodded, and Lex repeated to the letter what Angie did, nibbling a piece off of it and quickly spitting it out.

"Eww!" Lex put the soap back, and his long, snake-like tongue flickered in and out of the front of his mouth, carrying little bits of soap with it every time. His tamer turned and looked at Jes, wondering if

she was ever like that.

"I was never like that, if that's what you're wondering," she suddenly said, as if she were somehow able to read his mind.

"Yes, you were!" Jamie said from the door to the bathroom. Jes responded by giving him a glare straight out of hell. "Well, for all of about five minutes; until she got a shock from the power mains. Her fur all puffed up!"

"You." Jes said threateningly.


"Shut up."

"Oh-okay." Jes' tamer quickly complied. Oliver had never really thought about it until now, but it looked like Jamie was genuinely afraid of his Digimon. He couldn't help himself but giggle at the interaction between the two of them. Jes must have heard him, though, because she quickly wheeled to the side and gave him an icy stare--nowhere near as severe as the one that she had given Jamie, but it still wasn't a particularly kind look.

"Ooo, Oliver," Lex cooed. "Is that the 'shower'?"

"Yes, Lex, that would be the shower..." Oliver confirmed, giving him a nod in the direction that he was already looking. He immediately went from being where he was standing to being in the shower, looking around with great expectant interest.

"So, what's it do?" He giggled after nothing happened.

"Do you really want to know?" Oliver responded, smirking.


"Alright, alright." Oliver obliged by turning on the cold water in the shower to full blast. Lex meeped in surprise and jumped clear out of the shower, landing directly on Oliver, giggling madly. Angie started fiddling around with the knobs that controlled the temperature of the water, and Lex--who had somehow managed to stay dry through that whole ordeal, went back over to experiment with the shower while it was outside of his influence. Everyone else in the room was watching the spectacle for the entertainment value. While Angie was playing around with the knobs, Lex stuck one of his hands into the shower, cocking his head in confusion.

" keeps changing?"

"That's because Angie keeps playing with it."

"Ohhhh," they both said simultaneously, stopping what each was doing. After a few moments of inaction, Lex stuck his hand back into the shower.

"It's warm now." Giggling, and--thankfully--still wearing his clothes, Lex pulled Angie under the shower with him and started making out right there in front of everybody.

"Don't you two think about anything but sex?"

"I think about how much I love her!" Lex beamed.