R & D & R

Story by Sabrewing on SoFurry

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R & D & R

R & D & R

Story © Sabrewing 2012, GS and Nite © themselves


So reads a fairly common display upon the status monitors installed throughout the lowest level of the NiteLabs facility, their faces emitting a bluish gray glow. Occasionally, they would flicker through other statistics as well; a three-dimensional, rotating schematic of its subject here, various feeds regarding individual percentages of vitals levels there. By and large, however, the subjects which constituted the primary study fodder of NiteLabs merely waited in silence for their uses to be determined by the scientists milling around with clipboards in hand, consulting their notes and consulting with the monitors to receive updates on their condition.

A fairly young wolfling, strolling down one such row of test subjects, was still fairly amazed at just how big they could get. The company actually had to install new, larger cylinders just because the specimens were getting that much more cramped in the existing units. It had been a costly affair, time-consuming and a hassle for employees who could no longer navigate the corridors by rote, but in the long run, as he walked past impressive giants suspended in animation, it was proving to be worth it. It was an unspoken company motto - "Variety benefits alteration."

He pushed his glasses up to his face again from where they had slipped down his muzzle as a gecko came up alongside him, piping up, "Hey, did you check out tube 15? Maintenance said that it had sprung a leak that they plugged up."

"Yeah, 0791 is getting too big again," the wolf sighed. "We're hoping to schedule his transfer to an XL by C.O.B., we don't need any more cock-ups."

"No kidding, huh?! It would be the fifth one this month. The insurance company's threatening to pull out, again."

The wolf stepped up to an empty cylinder, tapping its touchscreen a few times, while the public address system droned out something about. Nothing was planned for it today, although a note had been made by the facility administrator: RESERVED FOR SUBJECT "STEAKS". He rolled his eyes - the chances of him being recaught were growing slimmer every year - and gave a checkmark on his clipboard next to its tube number and moved on.

"Goin' to the holiday party?"

"Nah," replied the gecko, smacking the side of his neck to get at a buzzing fly. "I went last year? No bar, none. You'd think they would be able to splurge, y'know?"

The wolf nodded and stepped up to the next cylinder, flipping through its status screens. This one gave him pause, between who was suspended within the tube and what the message read:


He smiled to himself, looking up at the buoying blue form floating within the translucent gel, and pushed a nearby intercom button. "Hey, boss? 7's dreaming again, y'wanna observe?"

The familiar basso voice crackled back through the speaker box. "Continue monitoring and report back if there's any changes. I'm en route."

The wolf grinned and stepped back, looking at the gecko. "You gonna watch, too?"

"Nah, I gotta get back to the dog guy in 35. He's brand new and I gotta make sure his wings don't get snagged on the way in. Damn hybrid freaks," he quipped, and they both laughed. The lizard went back on his way, and the wolf maintained his vigil at the tube, browsing over its contents.

Glacialis silentistellius. An immigrant alien from another world, he had been captured four months ago and had become something of a "pet project" for the head of the company, always receiving that much extra care and attention, with an emphasis on personal observation. The latest change had been the most significant, for where once had floated a legged humanoid of two-toed feet, there was now a mighty naga of a beast, almost a dozen feet of tail extended down past where his hips had been and curled around the rim of the enclosure. The tendrils of his "dreadlocks", as they had come to be known to employees, each suspended individually, giving him an even more unearthly appearance than he had outside of the oxygen-enriched gel; similarly, both of his impressive phalluses buoyed within the liquid, appearing to be about half erect. You just got used to seeing it after a while; besides, if you ever got too jealous of the subjects clearly outsizing you downstairs, you could always volunteer to become one yourself.

Mighty footfalls announced the arrival of the head of NiteLabs, Nite himself. Clad in his elegant black suit, collar raised behind his neck, his mane gave a little bristle as he straightened it, assuming anything about the man could qualify as "little". He easily towered over his subordinate, eyes intensely focused on the specimen, not even needing to look at the monitor when he politely nudged the wolf aside to navigate its panels.

"Almost four hours," he grunted to himself once he finally consulted the screen. "Did you synchronize the recording already?"

"Yes, sir, it was at 80% when you walked up," replied the wolf, gesturing to the screen with his pen. "It should be ready in a minute."

"Excellent," said the blue dragon, his sharp fangs glinting in the light emanating from the tube's installed lighting. He was of vampiric descent, as everyone in the company knew by now. He absently flipped through a few more pages, checking on the assimilation of the serpent DNA and the fluid intake levels, before the telltale ding of the progress bar reaching 100% sounded.

The video feed was marred with choppy frame rate and pixelization at first, which everyone just expected at this point; tapping into a sentient mind was hardly an easy task. As it cleared up, Nite could see from the nagalizard's viewpoint that he seemed to be slithering hastily after something. Hunting, maybe..? No, the other figure seemed to be smiling as he grew clearer in the video feed. A glance down the suspended blue reptile's body also confirmed a more personal interest in his prey, his twin members gradually hardening, the electrode pad tucked between them occasionally getting pinned between their girth as it assisted in picking up the beast's pulse in addition to the one adorning his exquisite chest. It didn't take much longer for the dream incarnation of G.s. to catch his quarry, thick four-fingered hands latching onto him and pawing hungrily around the other beast, which was now confirmed to be another reptilian of some sort, brown, and very much a male himself.

"Hmmm," mused Nite to himself, toying with the clasps adorning his dress jacket. "What's his next scheduled test?"

The wolf flipped a page in his clipboard, then the second one. "Looks like nothing until his full physical on the 20th. Do you want to put him in for a harvesting now?"

Nite licked his lips, looking at the throbbing erections, by now fully hard and pushed up to the wall of the cylinder, their undersides dimpling in slightly. He was always such a productive specimen.

"No, he's done a good job lately and deserves something special... Do me a favor and run a search for other nonscheduled subjects."

The wolf nodded and punched in some information on the touchscreen's keyboard, the lab's network pulling up relevant results in a couple of seconds. "Let's see, there's 3711, that tiger... The blue falcon we just got in yesterday, but we should really follow protocol with him... 3378-"

"Oh, he's available? I must have misremembered. Set him aside and initiate the transfer of both to observation tank 3."

"No prob, sir. You can head there now, I'll take care of things here."

"Good," replied Nite and turned with a slap of his coat against his thighs. "And when you're finished, if anybody else in the company has nothing pressing, they're free to come observe as well."

"Yes, sir!" piped up the younger scientist.


A small crowd had gathered at the large tank once news had spread about the festivities to come, the employees all talking amongst themselves in excitement. Not that these sorts of scenes were uncommon in NiteLabs, but personal interactions weren't studied nearly as often as other kinds, so they were something special to behold. If anything, the waiting was the worst part. The tubes had to be sealed, unlatched from their columns, delivered over to the observation deck, latched and sealed to that, and finally fed through the cylinder's bottom into the tank itself. The company did what it could to streamline the whole process, having a dedicated staff of transport vehicles and even installing two cranes when the appetites of both the experiments and the lab head grew too high to ignore.

G.s. had arrived first, a crew of men surrounding his cylinder and shifting it on the crane's chain over the right side of the deck to seat it properly on the large manhole. Thankfully, once that was taken care of and the sealing cover which divided the two was pulled out, gravity did the rest, the naga's tail being slurped down the hole like a draining pipe, followed by the rest of him, and slipping safely into the tank. His slumber was maintained with a mild sedative, and once he was safely inside, a synchronizing of his brain patterns with the computer's video feed confirmed that his dream was largely uninterrupted, and what had changed was directed "back on course" by the subtle pheromones laced within the gel of the tank.

Nite sat at his prominent observation table in front of the tank, a light purr trembling in his throat as the ice-blue reptilian stretched out in grand display in his sleep, no longer cramped up by the minimal space his cylinder offered. It was a lovely sight indeed, and he punched in a couple of codes into his personal terminal. Stimulant pads that had been attached to the lizard's body during the transfer started to churn to life and massage their ward, reflected in the video feed of his dream as his catch massaging around his body, the naga's musculature swelling to life as a low growl sleepily rolled through the tank's gel, his fingers curling and grasping at nothing.

By now, subject 3378, real world name Sabrewing, had arrived, his tube now being guided up via crane to the opposite side of the tank. For all intents and purposes, he was a "control" experiment, as nothing had been altered about his visage yet, although Nite couldn't resist the opportunity to increase his genital size by at least one and a half times. Even more rarely, he was a willing recruit from the outside, having heard about the laboratory's reputation and, instead of being repulsed, was eager to enlist his services. At least he was unique enough in appearance that the current lack of heavily changed musculature or anatomy wasn't a true setback. Point in fact, Nite had seen to it that he would be "specialized" for interactive experiments such as the one about to commence, his nerves kept singing with stimulation so that his mood would be easy to influence, and a healthy sized dildo was not an uncommon sight within his bubbly green rear in his suspension. The redheaded dragon now making his descent down the manhole may not have been a complete match for the brown beast the naga was pursuing in his mind, but it should still be enough to be a worthy reward for services rendered.

His feet slid into the tank, similarly dulled to sensation with the same sedative that kept G.s. looking peacefully asleep, and the dragon's wings folded straight upwards to follow him down the passage as he crossed into the main tank, the port's iris closing behind him to leave the pair alone with one another, Sabre still on his side as the naga had righted himself by now, his tail lazing upon the tank's floor. Their chests raised and fell with the deep breaths of slumber, and scientists of various species milled around the front of the tank, gesturing around inside and discussing amongst themselves, a few manning the monitoring equipment at the sides.

"Increase flow from pump 4, let's get them nudged together. And give 3378 the numbing agent; we want this to last a while."

Nite's words were met with affirmative nods, a few more touchscreens being altered, and the gel cycler behind Sabre whirred to louder life, acting as an impromptu fan to breeze the dragon through the liquid towards the other male. His knees bumped up to the alien's tail, and his body elevated to accommodate its girth, straightening both males up alongside each other with a sleepy grunt from the blue maw. His dream grew more risqué, the brown reptile gyrating himself slowly on the naga's body, and his twin pricks gave a noticeable throb on Sabre's abdomen.

"Arms and legs numbed, sir," called out a parrotmorph manning one of the stations, and indeed, Sabre looking awfully limp below where the silver rings encircled his upper arms and thighs, needles pinched through his fine scales to administer the drug that would prevent him from growing too antsy too quickly.

"Okay, start rousing them. They can take care of the rest."

The sedative's counteragent was gradually fed into the gel's reservoir, getting stirred into the tank by the cycling pumps. Some of it metabolized through their epidermis, but the majority was swallowed by reflex through the rampant gel that flow freely through their mouths and swam into their lungs, coursing through their bloodstream and spurned quickly into effect. Both males looked fairly groggy, the feed from the dream vision dissolving into static before terminating completely, and their eyes dialated as they grew used to the light surrounding them, getting their bearings. Their eyes eventually fell on each other, the dragon's orange gaze softening in abject wonder, while the alien's glittering violet grew more predatory, a low growl rolling in his throat, uninhibited by the specially formulated liquid.

Nite sat up straighter in his seat, adjusting his trouser's hold on his mildly tenting hips as G.s. drew his tail up and started to coil it around the immobilized dragon, who gave a token struggle and whimpered, though there was no fear in his tone at all. Their proud chests drew in close, presenting husky blue and yellow slabs from various angles as their motion caused them to stir within the tank together in aerial bliss, a pert black draconic nipple nudged lewdly up to its blue neighbor before being covered by the alien's palm to be tugged. Between them, erections flinch as the dragon struggles to grow used to the ice lizard's cool temperature, making him shiver within his bonds. His mixed parentage, both allied with fire, made him the living equivalent of a heating rock, enticing the naga further as he coiled his way around the efreet dragon and squeezed up behind him, one of this thick arousals nudged up under his forked tail. Sabre's own shaft seemed aimed directly at the audience, pulsing with his heartbeat.

"Preparing video archive," rang out a fox's voice, breaking the relative silence of the tank-borne pair administering to each other.

"Proceed, and equip a harvester into the feeding receptacle," replied Nite, brushing his ivory mane back with his left hand while he glanced at the rotational diagrams of the duo upon his terminal. The fox started to turn back to do so, but Nite caught himself, "Actually, prepare a second one, as well. Just in case our dear friend doesn't use both."

Everybody knew what that meant by now, and the slow hot-dogging of the alien's shaft between the dragon's buns punctuated the likelihood of it; it almost seemed random on whether he desired to subject his partner to one or both potent girths at once, and you could only wait to see what transpired to know for sure. Even so, another staff member was assigned to start putting on a wetsuit - employees who subjected themselves directly to the gel were assumed to be under its hormone-laced influences and became experiments themselves - and to stand by at the top door leading into the tank.

G.s.'s dreadlocks spilled over his face partially as he rubbed his cheek on the dragon's own, tongue flicking out like a snake's truly would; he wore his new form very well, rippling blue brawn enveloping the slightly smaller efreet. The arching of his hips took on a more needful tone, eventually lowering down enough to guide his glans between the dragon's buttocks to take advantage of his prepared sphincter. The moisture inherent in the liquid surrounding them was nearly as good as any store-bought lubricant, just leaving the prone dragon to moan to the ceiling as the naga joined to him from behind. Sabre nearly looked about ready to cry, his shoulders and legs helplessly squirming; he wanted to hold onto his mounter in some capacity, but between the numbing agent and the coiling of the serpentine body around him, he was utterly held hostage.

Nite followed the undulations of his project, growling to himself in content. "Increase the testosterone dissemination," he ordered.

A ravenmorph turned a dial and resumed his research. The effect of the purple substance dissipating into the gel of the tank was pronounced, the fed testosterone enhanced with various additives to increase effect and rate thereof, and the pair's bodies swelled outwards with growing power and masculinity. The dragon's shaft pushed further from his groin, elongating, thickening, with a heavier pair of yellow balls to match, churning away with their growing loads. The naga fared no easier, growling as he stuffed his ward with more snakecock, its brother sliding over Sabre's buttock with the beast's increasingly needful humping.

The dragon panted, jaws gaping open, and the monitors of his condition beeping away as they captured his pulse and arousal, mind swimming with growing desire. His cock jutted out between two of the naga's coils, bobbing more heavily as he was buggered with growing abandon, his rump eagerly swallowing the alien's erection. A viscous fluid clouded the gel in front of him, followed by the tank's equipment declaring greater than trace detections of preseminal fluid within. It was time if they wanted a full collection.

"Deploy both harvesters."

Smaller pumps attached to hoses, readied within their stations at the front of the tank, were shot into the tank and constantly exhaling sterilized air to prevent the forthcoming samples from being contaminated by the liquid, and the by-standing wetsuit-clad scientist entered his punch code into the top of the tank after donning his diving helmet. It lifted open with a small splash of gel into the gutter system lining the top as he jumped inside, the large hinged door closing behind him; couldn't risk letting the two out. He swam down past the gyrating pair, taking care to avoid the naga's thrashing limbs, as he took hold of the twin tubes and returned to their side. The first, he slid over the head of the efreet's bobbing black length, leaving enough room at the tip for collection before sealing its base around his shaft and disconnecting the hose, which retracted back into its housing. The naga's second shaft was a more difficult target, wedged in between the sexually-engaged duo as it was, but with some difficulty he managed to get it down around G.s.'s blue member far enough to slam the base shut and separating it from the tank's outside.

"Secured," he said into the headset within his helmet.

"You know the drill. Find a safe corner now and wait it out."

"Roger!" He did as was ordered, taking care not to block any of the cameras which continued to film the experiments expending themselves together. The naga was getting closer by the second, his body grinding onto the efreet's back faster and faster as he growled hornily, panting on the back of his neck, each drive of his hips shoving his cock between the dragon's buns well past his prostate, stretching him enough that his testicles smacked the yellow ones before them. Even his body temperature had been raised enough to be more comfortable for the dragon, although the pistoning length still retained a cool feeling which was threatening to be made worse when he filled him. This prediction eventually came true as he roared out for the dragon as much as his growing, mentally cheering audience, fangs gnashing in his maw as he sheathed himself within him to empty his full sac in sticky ropes of rather chilly seed; the harvesters did their work well as the dragon's threshold was crossed and he growled in triumph, his and the naga's second shaft both spurting forth their ivory cream in healthy, hormone-assisted amounts that caused it to pool around their girth just from sheer volume.

The thickness of the alien's dick kept his ejaculate safely stuffed up into the hybrid dragon's guts, both males gasping as the naga clawed over the dragon's front, both of them swirling more in the buoyant liquid, expending their orgasms as the crew filmed the results, some of them using their personal cell phones to do so. A quiet smile crossed Nite's lips as his test subjects completed their mating, the tank terminals recording the relevant data, and he punched in a few numbers into his personal touchscreen in his desk.

"Okay, give him his limbs back."

A round of laughter accompanied some more button presses, and the rings encircling Sabre's arms and legs buzzed to life, causing the heavy feeling of living sand within his limbs to disperse and return them to life. The dragon gratefully raised a weary arm and cupped G.s.'s cheek, stroking it tenderly, purring to himself. By now, the scientist had swam closer to disengage the tubes on their loins, tilting them down to capture their seed in the tips before shutting an iris within the middle to secure it in place and unlatching them from their spent rods. Once they were free, the naga gradually withdrew his second cock from within the dragon, whose pucker darted back into tightness with the help of a special stimulant pad situated on his tailbase, locking the alien's semen within him. He was turned back around to face the naga and their lips met, groaning together as they mashed spent loins close together as their tongues swam through the gel to writhe together, warmly indulging in pleasures of the flesh now that their scientific purpose was served.

Nite rose to his feet, stretching his arms out to his sides, making his suit crinkle. "Excellent work, men," he declared, to the hoots and applause of his staff. "There's only 7 minutes until close of business, so you may punch out and head home."

Approving calls accompanied the groups as they saved their progress in the terminals and powered them down. The wolf who called in the initial R.E.M. detection approached from the side.

"Sir, what about the subjects? Need anyone to stay after to get them back into stasis?"

"Hmm... No, let them enjoy the night together. We might even get lucky and catch another tryst, so..." He looked over the tank, gauging the best angle. "Leave camera 4 running in black-and-white mode to conserve power. Our bill was pretty large this month."

"Sure thing, sir. Have a good night!" called back the wolf as he returned to fetch his things. Nite nodded and spoke into the microphone at his desk.

"Bring the samples and come on out, drop them off at Collections on the way home." The diver hauled the tubes up under his arms and swam to the roof of the tank past the entangled, deeply-kissing couple, still serving each other's arms and mouths with a lazy purr, and reached up to the code entry pad to input his password. The hinged door hissed to life and rose, allowing him to climb out of the tank with the seed specimens. He didn't even notice the pairs of eyes upon him before the door had fully closed again.


Nite gathered up some remaining paperwork and tapped them into evenness on his table, setting them inside a drawer and closing it. He stood, politely covering his mouth with a big yawn; today had been a most eventful day, but he always stayed a little later than everyone else to finish the last minute odds and ends, plus he preferred to individually do the last walk-around of the test tubes and see how his experiments were.

The walk-around itself was uneventful, the lighting reduced just to that coming from the tubes themselves, casting the floating beasts into strange, lewd shadows. He grumbled as he had to pause now and then to log out a stray account from the touchpads, returning the displays to the general diagnostics as the subjects burbled away in their tanks. A few were attached to their own harvesters, lengths being massaged steadily to encourage their gushings throughout the evening to be gathered by the morning staff; others had stimulants applied to their erogenous zones, stiffening their sinews and nipples, vibrating their testicles to encourage further seed production. It was a pleasant sight indeed, the vampire dragon purring to himself as he walked.

The large-scale observation tanks were his last stop, being mostly empty except for the slumbering titans who had been left in each other's care for the night. They occasionally shifted in their position, arms settled comfortably around each other. Nite smiled before turning to check the displays: heart rates normal, testosterone production fairly normal, G.s.'s body temperature within acceptable bounds. The dragon's hand blindly groped its way up to the top of the alien's head, cupping over the strangely alluring, metallic plates adorning his scalp, just holding it while his body shifted against his companion within their equilibrium in the gel.

The blue dragon ascended the stairs next to the tank that led to its surface. The door was firmly in place, no signs of leaking at all, but it couldn't hurt to get a closer look. The dragon stepped over to the keypad next to the door, his footfalls thundering in the air, drowning out the sound of a hard drive downstairs spooling up to life as a monitor flickered on from sleep mode.


It wasn't until he heard the thumping coming from under the thick steel door that he realized something was wrong, but the lateness of the night dulled his responses enough to keep him from realizing that the thumps were occurring in the vicinity of the door's internal keypad. The efreet finished punching in the earlier diver's password, and when the door started to hiss open, it was sped along by the naga pushing heavily up on it, making it burst open with a splash of gel that spilled over into the tank's gutters. His hand latched onto Nite's ankle, catching him off-guard with a growl of surprise, and the blue dragon was pulled, suit and all, into the tank with the pair. An even bigger overflow of gel splashed out, slickening down the rest of the tank's roof, and the door slammed back down onto the tank, trapping him inside with the two reptiles.

Immersion in the gel was no struggle for Nite, being very familiar with its properties, and he willed his body to deny his natural drowning reflex and accept the gel into his jaws and lungs. It swam down his windpipe, filling them and edging him into breathing its special liquid properties, though not without an initial sputter as his form adapted to the fluid oxygen. The two enamored reptiles growled and swam around him, grappling his struggling buffness close and starting to undo his buckles on his jacket.

"Gotcha," hissed the naga to his right, playfully bearing his fangs.

"Payback's a bitch, ain't it?" growled the efreet to his left, a twinkle in his eyes.

The vampire snarled and jerked at his arms, trying to fight off the hands yanking on his jacket, which pull away from him little by little, exposing muffiny light blue pecs just as large as his specimens' own, adorned with thick pink nipples that stiffened a bit despite himself. Damn, he couldn't look weak in front of the test subjects, but he couldn't deny that this rough treatment was getting to him. His trousers, alone, were betraying this fact, bulging out in front enough to rival the equipment that G.s. and Sabre were now packing thanks to the gel's additives, and now that he was also under its narcotic influence, he would be joining their girthy size soon.

The naga's tongue drew along his snout, caressing close to the yellow ridges of its bridge. "You won't need these now," he grunted, snapping open the front of Nite's fly to tug down his zipper, getting it loose enough to let Sabre start jerking them clean from his body.

His pants came off more easily, and they too were discarded to float harmlessly to the bottom of the tank, the bared draconic administrator wedged in between the scaly males as Sabre returned to his front, both of them growling hungrily, their loins returning to arousal as the machines outside coped with adding the new test subject into their data. Biometric lasers scanned from wall to wall within the tank, casting reflections of the gyrating trio of bodies as it calculated Nite's measurements, scanning his shape into the terminal to join the other two as rotating schematics of their bodies, nanomachines swimming through the gel permeating their system to find his vitals. Upon recognizing his DNA, his profile loaded onto the screen, mapping out his body and projecting how the testosterone within the watery gel would alter him like it did his companions. Even without arousal to help him, his pink glans was starting to show from the same whitish-blue foreskin enclosing his maleness, and it was only getting worse as each second ticked by.

"Mmm, you're gonna get it - Can't wait to tap this fucker - Such a big fella - You're mine - We're gonna show you how much more enhanced we are," growled the blue and green/yellow reptiles in turns, their paws wandering over Nite's build in predatory fashion, Sabre groping the vampire's thickening testicles and hefting them as the naga spread and mooshed his rich blue buttocks together in circles, looking down at them with a hungry expression.

"Dammit, get off of me, you two!" snarled Nite, still trying to escape their clutches and swim his way to the roof of the tank, his arm outstretched to reach for the keypad lock, only for him to get yanked back down by the two who descended right to the tank's floor, further out of the exit's reach.

"Hmph, no way, slick," snarled G.s., pinching the dragon's right nipple that grew thicker as the nanos did their work. "Not until I stuff you. Properly."

The thumping of both of his erections on either of Nite's rumpcheeks told him all he needed to know.

Sabre crooned and leaned in to the other dragon, whose struggles decreased as his increasingly slutty thoughts betrayed him further. "See? You want this. You've wanted to be an experiment since you started. That's what this zoo of yours is all about... Isn't it?"

"I..." Nite started, but Sabre nudged in closer to him, straddling the vampire's growing arousal to tease him with the prospect of his tightness, and the vampire's lips were silenced as the efreet kissed him just as deeply as the naga had before. However, with no exterior audience this time, there was no need to make it quite as display-worthy as before, and he molded his lips to the other dragon's with a low, sensual growl. The naga nodded in approval, lowering a hand to nudge his fingers up under Nite's tail, moving it aside to expose his pucker. Taking both of him, especially at his new, more hyper size, would certainly be a trick, and he would need all the help he can get. One finger pushed up to the tight pink ring, making its owner groan as he slid the lubricated digit well to the third knuckle inside of him, sliding it slowly to and fro.

Feeding into his boss' tendencies, the efreet willfully pushed his tongue up roughly to a sharp dragon fang, puncturing itself enough to draw a little flow of blood, then allowing it to slither around Nite's own. The blue dragon snarled ferally, eyes dilating a bit at the familiar coppery taste, and he suckled on the other male's tongue longingly, his body finally starting to reciprocate the affection the two give him within the depths of the tank as he embraced Sabre, all three men illuminated in the same pale white glow from overhead. The naga presses a second finger alongside the one plunged into his boss' body, stretching him further with the help of the gel and its contents, before moving on to a third. Yes, the dragon was almost ready.

Sabre finally pulled back after a moment and licked his lips, gazing at Nite. "I'm hungry now. You feed me, I feed you." He winked like a big flirt, floating within the gel and turning himself in a circle to face Nite's legs, presenting his own plump black dragonhood before the other male, while he grasped just below the head of Nite's member, pulling the foreskin down enough to fully expose the bell of his glans, growling happily.

"Screw him hard and good, GS, I want to feel it from up here."

The alien grinned and winked back at Sabre before he slid his hips into place under Nite's tail, his tail wrapping around the vampire's legs to pin them together, and both plump cockheads were bullying in on Nite's loosened tailhole. He was now fully theirs.

All three sets of endowments seemed to find their new homes simultaneously; G.s.'s sliding of both his erections into the prestretched rear causing him to growl gape-mouthed, Sabre's hips diving to drive his succulent dragonhood past soft blue lips while he wantonly devoured Nite's own impressive cock. The remaining camera in operation captured a lovely view of the mutual penetration, recording the facility head being used by his subordinates as Sabre's thighs framed his jaws, humping his erection clear to the back of his throat while the beast behind him gyrated and rhythmically adjusted his coils around his legs, plunging both of his potent dicks through his depths, making for a telling bulge in Nite's abdomen that advanced and retreated just under Sabre's snout.

How would he explain this to the staff? Could he get to the recordings on time to delete them? Dammit, how would he be able to find all the records in the system now that chronicled the nanomachines swimming in his body, documenting the changes they instilled in his muscles and endowments? All sorts of thoughts raced through Nite's head, but the longer he lingered as the meat in the amorous sandwich, the less he started to care. The swirling of the fluids around his ears dulled him to the world outside of the observation tank, grunting as his rear flexes and ripples around the twin plunging endowments, stretching him like no man ever had. The constant flow of musky precum over his palette made him shiver, encouraging his throat to ripple as he swallowed around the efreet's girth. Even the prospect of gathering data at this stage on the two seemed like a pointless venture. If they orgasmed, it'd be all for his own benefit, period.

The well-oiled machine of male sex pistoned firmly away, no longer touching the floor of the tank. It was like a dream, screwing and being screwed without touching anything except each other, fresh gel pumping into the tank to replace the oxygen-deprived amounts being fed through the grated pipe in the bottom section, and both dragons' hair, as well as the naga's dreadlocks, freely floated in their suspension when it wasn't be jerked this way and that with their thrusting. Fat testicles dug into a pair of noses as the two dragons gulped around each other, Nite's rear growing looser by the minute, eventually allowing the serpent's testes to rebound off their neighbors. Their moans rang through the room, perfectly carried through the liquid, paws roaming blindly around various flexing builds.

G.s. was the first to cum, not having mounted someone with both of his throbbing dicks very recently, and he was all too happy to properly break in the vampire's rear. Snarling, he slammed home and subjected Nite to the same cool sensation he had earlier given Sabre, but this time he had even more to cope with, both rods pulsing as they emptied his sac into the other male. Nite couldn't last through the senation of being so claimed, growling muffledly around Sabre's shaft and draining his own thick cum down the dragon's throat, who gulped ravenously to keep a single drop from escaping. The efreet was last, hissing around his mouthful as his unique citrus-tasting seed gushed over Nite's taste buds, feeding his thirsts as eagerly as his own was. Being filled from both ends, Nite's abdomen lost its definition, rounding out bit by bit in a stretch to contain the seed swimming down his throat and up his tailpipe.

Their climaxes were long-lived and plentiful, leaving each other gasping, groaning messes by the time jaws were finally allowed off of their contents. Sabre righted himself on the vampire, lidding his eyes and gazing at him, a sneaky little smile crossing his lips. It was at this moment that Nite groggily realized... they were still very hard... and, amazingly, so was he, and his testes barely felt any emptier

"... We're not done yet," crooned the efreet, grasping up under Nite's sac to elevate them out of the way to expose his pucker where the naga was slipping his erections free of him, being replaced by the dragon's own, sliding balls-deep into him as G.s. leaned his snout around to draw a thick pink nipple between his lips.


Nite had lost track of time when his conscious mind came back to his senses. There they were, still in the tank, his arms draped around the other two's shoulders as they hugged up to his sides, holding each other and him by proximity.

A weary glance over to a corner of the room revealed a digital red clock that showed 3:46 AM. Geez, still another hour and a quarter by the time the morning shift came in.

His hands absently squeezed Sabre and G.s. on their thickened pecs, and they growled quietly and adjusted themselves next to him. He looked down at the way their engorged members crossed over his thighs, pressing up to his own hard member in a similar variation of their current snuggling afterglow. All things considered, this situation could have been much worse. He could have been locked in with one of the larger experiments.

Although, as he mused quietly to himself, maybe sometime he should see how they interact with his other forms...