Nicholas Sykes: School Queer (Part 1)

Story by Nicholas_Nekomata on SoFurry

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***OBVIOUS LEGAL DISCLAIMER and other such warnings This story is about a furry homosexual youth and does contain explicit sexual content. You must be 18 (In some places 21) years of age or older to read! If you are not of legal age to be viewing sexually explicit materials DO NOT READ! Also, if homosexual erotica is a turn off to you, you're also in the very wrong place...this might be a duh, but also DO NOT READ! Any resemblence to persons either real or fictitious is merely coinsidental. For everybody else, please enjoy.***

My name is Nicholas Sykes. I am an average boy in his freshmen year of high school and there's nothing too remarkable about my life. I live with my mom, dad, 2 older brothers Johnny and Mark, and 1 older sister Lydia. My mom and dad always work long hours running their own business. My older brothers and my sister generally "watch me" after school. I'm old enough now that I can pretty much cook, do my own laundry, and also tend to anything else that's necessary. It's been necessary for a while since Mom who used to do that kind of thing has to work such long hours with Dad. So honestly I'm not sure why they even insist they "baby sit" me. It's not like I can't take care of myself and obey their rules that've been in place since I was a small child. You know, do your homework, clean your room, be home at night (which was most literally sunset), cook dinner and clean up your dishes after you're done, and leave a note or tell someone where you're going to be (and you'd better be there because it is likely someone will at random swing by to check). I haven't been into any trouble since I was about 7 because of trying to get away with breaking the rules. Yet, they still insist someone watch me. I guess it's to protect me in case anyone tries anything to hurt me or someone tries to rob the house. Although, I highly doubt that's going to ever happen since we live in a very nice neighborhood and there's a police officer two doors down that regularly comes by to check up on me since he's been friends with my parents for years. Someone would have to be pretty stupid to try to do something. Still, I couldn't fight off an older attacker very well. I have trouble when I wrestle with Johnny or Mark and I never win. Although, because they're family I also wouldn't fight dirty either. Even if one thing Dad, Johnny, and Mark always taught me, "There's no such thing as a 'fair fight'."

Lydia and I have an odd relationship, one minute I can be her best friend and she takes me out with her and her friends and the next she wants nothing to do with me. Never know what kind of day it's going to be until I come home from school that day. If it's a day she is in a good mood generally she'll smile and greet me the moment I come home and sometimes with an after school snack of some sort. Once in a while she'll share a tube of cookie dough with me! That's got to be my all time favorite when she feeds me her treasured chocolate chip cookie dough. Touch it otherwise, and you're cruising for a bruising. We established that one day very quickly when I didn't know and thought it was something mom n dad bought for making cookies and I ate half the tube. I was also something like 6 at the time. I claimed I made cookies with it so they'd not get mad. My sister was the one who got mad instead. She didn't talk to me for two weeks after that and threatened to spank me regularly for those two weeks. Then there's the -other- days. I know those days too. The ones where she's hiding in her room brooding and won't speak more than absolutely necessary to me. I know just to ignore her and stear clear that day and go about my afternoon and evening as if she's nearly invisible unless directly addressed. I pray she never addresses me on those days because she's always so grumpy and it's never pleasant if you've attracted her attention on a bad day. Even for our ups and downs I've always looked up to Lydia. She's just so popular, has so many friends, listens to the coolest music, and makes nothing short of straight A's in school.

I have trouble making anything above a B - in school. I've always been told I'm smart enough and that I just don't apply myself. I wish they were right. Some things are easy like English and Science. There's a lot of things I just don't get like Algebra and anything related to math beyond basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. I don't see the point in it either since you don't use it in everyday life unless you plan on being a rocket scientist or something. I also never liked history. Who cares about a bunch of dead people who I never knew anything about and having to remember who did what when all the time. Hell I don't know if Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1556 or whenever he actually did it? Honestly, I know that history is important just because things I know wouldn't be the way I know them now if these people didn't do the things they did; however, it's just so dry and boring having to pour over a book and barf back dates of who did what when on demand. I definitely suck at sports. In school gym class, I have always been the guy that gets picked last. Ironically, one sport that I am somewhat ok at is for girls according to the gym coach, Volleyball. *sigh* I love art and music. To be able to paint, draw, and create things of beauty and learn about all the greats like Picaso, Da Vinci, Dali, and Beetoven is a favorite composer of mine. I also love home economics classes. They teach me useful stuff to know about like how to make dinners that are as good as Mom's cooking and how to fix my clothes that get holes in them. They also had a very interesting segment in the class where we had to learn about various investments and how to make a budget and manage a checkbook. These things make sense since I see Mom and Dad using all of that stuff every day and our family lives very well because they know how to do those things.

I do have somewhat of a life outside of home and school. It's not anywhere near as cool as Lydia's social life. I have 3 neighbor boys that I hang out with sometimes. Mick, he's a kangaroo that just moved to the neighborhood from Austrailia with his "mum" since his parents separated. I've learned a little bit about their odd sayings but it still mostly confuses me. He's super smart. Whenever I need help with my homework I go to him. He loves video games as much as I do. He's always so happy and cheerful. He has deep emerald eyes that are framed very well with those thick black rimmed glasses he has to wear that matches the long hair on his head. The rest of his fur is tan so it is quite the contrast. Usually we play games and do our homework together whenever possible. His mother, works as a waitress in Terry's Diner, that's been here ever since I can remember. Once in a while my family goes there as a "special treat". His mom is always so nice to me. She's very soft spoken and if I get to spend the night or have dinner with them we get to have food his mom brings us from the diner. I try to make excuses just to spend dinner with them because I don't like having to cook all the time and Terry's food has always been the best in town. Also, it doesn't hurt that Mick always has the coolest and newest video games while I'm stuck with the old outdated stuff because it's cheaper and it's easier for Mom and Dad to afford.

Then there's Tony, a wolf with solid jet black fur and the brightest yellow eyes. He's a jock through and through. Loves to watch sports as much as he likes to play them. He's not like the other guys who play sports though. He's actually nice and tries to encourage me. He also helps teach me so I don't mess up as much. Although, when it comes to conversations outside of sports or playing sports with him you may as well forget it. He's a great guy though. I don't mind hanging out with him. Generally Mick, Tim, and I toss a football around in the nearby park. Play "keep away" which involves two guys on the outer sides and one in the middle and the object is to keep the ball away from the guy in the center. If the middle guy catches it, then the one who threw the ball that he caught has to be the guy in the middle next. I needless to say got stuck in the center a LOT. Still, we'd all laugh and have fun with it and generally to keep it fun I'd make jokes about my graceless moves. Once in a while we'd spend time in his front yard playing basketball.

Then, there was Alfonzo, a pudgy red-headed badger. I'd occasionally call him Al for short. He was always very quiet and kept to himself. I'd invite him over to hang with me and my other friends but, he'd always say no thank you or make some excuse as to why he couldn't come with. I after about the 15th time of him making excuses figured out he'd never leave his house. So, whenever my other friends were busy or I hadn't seen or heard from him in a while would drop by his house. He loved comic books. His room was from wall to wall of framed comic books. If ever you wanted to know anything about a super hero in depth just ask Alfonzo. Although, be prepared for three hours of comic history minimum if you ever dared ask him one question related to it. He used to always wish he was one of the heros from the comics. I can see why. Saving the world from the bad guys, getting all the girls, and having cool powers. I can see why he wanted to be a super hero. Although, that, would also mean we'd have to deal with bad guys that had worse than guns in most cases and could easily destroy entire cities. That thought is scary and I'm glad it's just a make believe world. Still, he was always nice to me and not many people beyond Mick and Tim were nice to me.

Which leads me to the dreaded Monday through Friday grind, school. I tried my best to keep to myself and not draw unnecessary attention my way. I might cross Mick or Tony in the halls between classes. I'd not see Alfonzo as he was still in Junior High because he was in the 7th grade while we were in 8th. I'd always have lunch with Mick because we had the same lunch period. For the first two weeks of school, I always got lost in the huge building that was at least twice as big as Therogood Junior High. I swear they deliberately put required classes on extreme opposite of the building just so they could watch us squirm and skurry from one end of the building to the next and make our lives miserable. I think they got some sort of sick pleasure out of making examples of kids like me who were late to their class because they got lost in the halls or just couldn't run fast enough during what I like to call the between class ballet. Seeing 1,000 plus students at high speeds move through the halls and dodging one and other somehow in their rush and seeing them twist, turn, twirl, and dodge with little to no mistakes. It was like a hyper rhythm dance with all the grace and elegance of the more artistic slower counterparts you see on stage. I used to marvel at it before it became common place for me.

Although, it wasn't long before I encountered even more mean people. Guys used to de-book me. De-booking is the skillful art of knocking someone's books and folders onto the floor from their arms and they'd skurry to pick it all up and pray to not get trampled in the meanwhile. More times than not I'd not see who'd done it and I'd have to engage in the "sport" of saving the day prior's homework from the hundreds of feet crossing over it. I'd generally fail which also earned me a few failing marks to boot in my classes when I'd come to the teachers who then saw fit to take it "as is" and anything they couldn't make out or answers that were torn away they would just mark as wrong. My algebra teacher was infamous for the "as is" policy. She took great joy of making a fool out of me. I'd try to ask for help and I'd get nothing. I had tried to get my parents to intervene. That, failed just as dismally. She'd say I didn't do it. She'd lie and say I refused help. Somehow whenever it came down to an argument between myself and a "trustworthy adult". I'd lose by default as they were assumed to be telling the truth.

Then, of course, there's the guys that would assume I am gay. I'm not, however, that never stopped them from assuming. "Hey, are you a faggot!?" "You a little pussy queer boy?!" I'd just ignore them because there wasn't any good retort. No matter what witty come back I could come up with like, "Yeah, I am a what I eat. So I must be a pussy." I guess that wasn't convincing enough because it only earned a better one like, "Yeah man pussy more than likely!" Which inevitably had all the people in the halls laughing at me. What the hell is "man pussy" anyway? How did everybody else in the world know what that was except for me?

Then gym class was my special little slice of hell. The Doberman jar-headed coach loved to point out what a wuss I was. The guys would all laugh when I'd mess up at whatever the torment of the day was. That or I'd be pushed over so I would mess up by some of them and I'd rear back to punch em and the coach would catch my hand and sneer, "Unless you want to be running laps for detention I'd not be doing that if I was you; besides, you would have screwed up and never caught that ball anyway." Which may have been true, but, it still wasn't fair! He also had his son in class, Derk Johnson. "Derk the Jerk" I'd always say behind his back with a special loathing. That apple didn't fall far from the tree, let me tell you.

Then the walk home, after a day of hell and torment always ended in me collapsing onto my bed. My sister would even be in a good mood and I eventually greeted her with, "hi sis *groan* love you, bye sis" and into my room I'd go to collapse on the bed and sulk before doing my homework. I didn't even step foot out of the house for that month. I'd always pretend I had a lot more homework than I had.

One such day after a month solid of that routine there was a knock at my bedroom door. It was Lydia. I said flatly, "Come in." I was as per usual just laying on my bed staring at the celing. She sat down on the corner of the bed. After a long pause of silently sitting there she said in a very concerned tone, "This isn't like you Nicky." That's always been her pet name for "her favorite kid brother". "You're never this pouty and most definitely not for this long. Heck the longest I've seen you sulk and pout was the two weeks I didn't speak to you over eating my cookie dough without my permission." , she paused with a nervous giggle. "What's eatin' ya?" I never could lie to her. I tried not to be snippy even though I had the irresistable urge. I took a deep breath, "I'm not so sure you'd understand Lydia." She replied with, "Try me." Her blue feline eyes were softer than even her in the best of times. Her concerns were more genuine than I'd seen all of my days. I was taken back when I looked up from sulking that particular moment. I couldn't help it, once I looked into her genuine eyes, the truth of the days I'd spent over the last month just poured forth with tears I'd held back for so long. Much to my surprise she hugged me. Lydia, the girl I'd spent every day of my life with, for the very first time ever she actually hugged me. I just hugged back and cried harder on her shoulder. Then, composing myself a little after a moment giggled, "I must have totally soaked your shirt sleeve. *sniffle* If our brothers or dad saw this they'd tease me unmercifully and I already get enough of that. Haha!" She chuckled and just advised me that I'd better go to the bathroom and wash my face and she'd change shirts and nobody would be the wiser. "Thank you, Lydia. I needed that more than I ever knew. I felt all alone in the world." With a knowing nod, "I'm not always all Miss Perfect. I shooed you away a lot because you would know nothing of the pressures and troubles I endured and I never wanted to burden my kid brother with that. Now that you're old enough, and had bad days like I never tried to show. I couldn't help it. I wanted you to have what I never did all those days I was bitter, angry at the world, and crying. Now go clean up Nicky before someone sees you like this." From that day forth, I never had a problem with her and also began a new found respect for her. On her bad days, I just knew it was "one of those days" and offered her comfort and to talk if she ever needed. Her being the strong one never took me up on it nor did she ever drive me away like she used to. She always did make a point to thank me and tell me that she'd be fine.

I went to go clean up and realized my underarms stunk. So, I elected to take a quick shower instead. I went to my room grabbed a change of clothes and a towel and went into the restroom and undressed. I realized once I saw myself nude in the mirror I was pretty good looking. Skinny with very strong arms and legs and my own jet black fur and deep purple eyes. I turned around and craned my neck to view my rump in the wall mirror over the sink. I noticed I had a rather small but firm butt and very perfect length of tail. "I look like one of those magazine models", I thought to myself then I let a slight smile wash over my face. I liked what I saw just a little too much. I noticed my boyhood reacting in my sheath and the slightest pink peeked out at the tip. If anyone could see it I was blushing because I was a little embarrassed that I was getting excited over my own body in the mirror. I turned on the water for the shower to let it warm up a bit then went back before the mirror and began petting my chest fur and when I brushed my nipples it felt really good. My excitement became very very appearant after I began to flick my nipples with my finger. Then I began to watch myself caressing and petting my chest, stomach, and private parts. I tried to remain quiet as possible so nobody would hear moaning. I then out of curiousity, as I stroked my hard on began to squeeze and grope my rear with my free paw. I realized I liked that feeling a lot. Then, in the heat of the moment, I rubbed one finger on my tail hole very lightly and gently. I realized I really liked how that felt so I did it more until it felt a little tender from friction. I grabbed some petrolium jelly from the medicine cabinet and began to use some on one of my paws. I stroked my hardness with the slick hand while standing over the toilet next to the running bathtub and with the other I took the one finger and dipped it into the petrolium jelly and began to rub it onto my tail hole. I loved the way it felt. I got lost in the pleasure of it all and the excitement of not being caught by anybody. Before I realized I'd shot my cream into the toilet and a little onto the back lid and my lower lip almost got pierced from biting it a little too hard to keep quiet when it happened. However, what didn't register until I'd gotten done was I was pulling my finger out of my pucker hole. I quickly took some toilet paper and cleaned up any that got onto the toilet by accident and flushed it once I'd finished to leave no trace. I hopped into the shower to clean the rest of myself off and let the last of the experience be washed away with the day's sweat. I then wondered if it felt that good to have someone else do that to me? I worried if I was being weird or if I was being bad for enjoying it. I lathered up with the soap really well to wash away the slickness as I pondered why I liked it so much when I saw myself in the mirror? I...really did think I looked sexy. I know it's cool to think to yourself you look good. However, that's a little odd to get turned on by looking at yourself. I thought to myself oh well, nobody knows but me anyway. Besides, I'm sure guys get horny all the time and just paw off when the wind changes directions or after a cute girl walks by. Guys don't talk about that anyway with their buddies. It's just something they do to relieve tension. Besides, I continued musing to myself in my head, it wasn't like I was being a pervert or anything I just was relieving tension from all the stress. With that, I shut off the shower, toweled off, put on deodorant, got dressed, and put the dirty clothes into my hamper to wash on Friday. Then, I went down the hall knocking on my sister's door. Lydia poked her head out, "Feeling better after all that?" "Yeah, and thanks for talking to me Lydia it really helped.", I said a bit more upbeatly, "Now I gotta get my homework done so I can actually have some fun today!" She smiled and said, "That's the Nicky I know."

I finished my homework lickity split and went to my sister's door. "I'm going over to Mick's I'll be back in a little bit!", I shouted through her door. She called back through her door, "Take out the trash and you can go until about 6 tonight!" With that I dashed into our kitchen and tied up the garbage bag, replaced it with a fresh one, then finally dashed out the side door to put it into the big can next to that door, went out the gate leading to the front drive, and took about a 25 foot jaunt to knock on Mick's front door. He answered. "Hey, look it here! I've not seen you in ages! Well don't just stand there c'mon in! I just got the newest Bloody Combat game that just came out yesterday! I'm gonna kick your butt!" I not being able to resist a challenge like that said without hesitation, "You're on!" We dashed into his room. I asked if his mom was home and she happened to be at work early tonight. We turned on the game system and he put the disk in. It was everything I had imagined it would be and much more! The blood and gore fest on screen was just icing on the cake for my improving mood and the last of my frustraitons poured into the sheer joy of pounding the snot out of pixeled characters with my favorite character that'd been in all of the games, Melissa Bronson! The military fatigued femme fatal! Legs and breasts as firm as her attitude! It took me a second to get used to the newer controls for her and her new moves. However, once I did, he didn't stand a chance! Then, after beating him with a vengence I'd change to the other characters to test them out. I didn't want to be boring and the fights to be too one sided. I'd lost more than I won with the other people and absolutely hated the mysterious, black suited. yakusa thug, known only as Chow Phat. He was the worst to play as for me and far too deadly in Mick's hands! His moves were too weird and hard to connect with. It was about 5:30 when we got bored and stopped playing. He playfully ruffled my head fur and said, "I creamed you good mate!" I giggled and taunted, "Yeah only because I laid off of using Melissa! I had to give you a fair shot." He jeered with a giggle, "Sore loser." I noticed in that instant, his deep emerald eyes in more detail than I ever had. I almost felt like I fell into them. He paused a moment in his teasing. "So, where ya been? You hadn't even talked much to me in over a month? I was beginning to think you were mad at me." I shook off the odd feeling and said, "I'd just been really down in the dumps. I didn't want to ruin a fun time by being all sulky. It wasn't anything personal. I'm sorry if I made you think I was mad at you and been such a stranger." He lifted my chin with one paw and forced my gaze to meet his. "Listen, you've been my best friend since I got to town. If ever you have any worries tell me next time instead of skulking about. I don't know how it is here, but back home, friends got each others backs, and listen to each other's problems. Is it not the same over here?" My heart skipped a beat and I stammered as I met his gaze forcably, and my pulse quickened in that moment. "Y-yeah it's the same here. I just hate being a bother to my friends." I finally choked out nervously. "You're certainly no bother! If you were I'd not be your friend and try to hang out so much. Where'd you get such a silly idea you'd be a bother to me?", he retorted in an assuring but concerned tone. "I don't know. I guess because in my own mind my troubles were so many that I'd not want my best friend to be brought down to my level.", I thoughtfully replied. He responded as he looked at me, "I'd be on ANY level where you were. You took me in; a total stranger in a strange land and you made it feel like home. At one of the hardest times of my life ever, when I thought I'd never make a friend in the world, and along you came." I blushed brightly and looked at my feet not knowing what to say. He continued, "You're one of the nicest and sweetest blokes I know." I was stunned because I felt very very happy and didn't know how to express myself to him in that moment. Then I said with my voice kind of trembling, "Thank you Mick. I think you are too." He said, "I don't want you to think I'm weird but..." he hugged me after he trailed off. I just hugged him back and oddly just relaxed as he did so. I looked at the digital alarm clock in his room, the green glowing numbers said 5:55! I jerked up and he seemed startled. "Oh my I gotta be home in five minutes! My sis said I gotta be home by six tonight! I'm sorry I gotta cut n go so quick...I wish I could hang out more tonight!", I said as quickly as I could spit it out. He said, "No worries. I've gotta finish the last bit of homework I didn't do because I was so excited to finally see you at my door. My mum will be gone to a friend's house this weekend I'm going to ask if it's ok to have you over for the weekend. I'll call and let you know what she says tonight after I do my homework." We walked to the front door and as I walked out it I said, "Talk to you tonight then."

I got through my front door and greeted my family. Much to my surprise I smelled dinner already made, and then heard Mom's voice call from the kitchen, "Welcome home Nick! Thanks for taking care of the trash today! I've got your favorite in the oven!" I dashed into the kitchen and exclaimed, "Meat Loaf!! AWESOME THANKS MOM!" I gave my mother a hug as the odor made my mouth water. "Dinner's almost ready. I had got done at work early tonight so go wash up." She didn't have to tell me twice. It was rare I ever got to see my parents for dinner or even before bed sometimes let alone have Mom's cooking on any day except Sunday. Off I hurried to the bathroom and squirted soap on my paw, turned on the hot water, and scrubbed them very thoroughly even under my claws because mom was always so fussy when it came to clean paws at the table. As I came out of the bathroom I bumped into dad most literally and got a face full of his jet black chest fur, "Oh! Excuse me dad!", I exclaimed with surprise quickly; then calmed down from the brief startling and continued, "I didn't see you were coming down the hall." He laughed the jeered, "Look where you're going Nicholas. If you would actually pay attention you might notice your surroundings more often." I smirked and said dryly, "Ha. Ha. Dad. I said I was sorry and I will pay closer attention in the future." He rolled his dark gold cat eyes and smiled slighly while shaking his head slowly side to side, "Go to the table sport."

Our family gathered at the table as was customary when the entire family was home for dinner. Dad sit at the head of the table mom on one side in a chair closest to his, myself across from mom and beside dad, Lydia next to me, Johnny next to mom and Mark at the end opposite dad because he and Johnny would always pick play fights at the table and it would always get them into trouble. Even at their age of 18 and 20 they fought like they were still kids. The usual beginning to dinner was each of the bowls was passed around the table so we could spoon out the vegitables and other side dishes onto our plates next to the main course already on our plate thanks to mom before she even sit down. Then after everyone had everything on their plates we commenced to dig in. Of course, after the first few bites of dinner, in a near chain reaction we'd tell mom how delicious it was and she always chipperly thanked everyone. Then, as people slowly finished eating, the dinner conversations began. We never spoke while eating except to ask for salt, pepper, or other condoments to be passed to us.

Dad opened up by saying how tired he was and how busy work was. Mom, confirmed their long day with a soft sigh. Both of them complained about the traffic in stereo almost. Mark then chimed in about the traffic making him late to work then he just barely got home in time for dinner because of the heavy traffic that evening. Johnny said, "I don't know why you drive in this town Mark. It's cheaper and easier just to hop a bus wherever you need to go. Mom n Dad's work always requires them to drive places. You just work at the bank downtown and all of the buses stop there." Mark sneered, "Yeah may be cheaper but, you get what you pay for. Also, you don't have to wait for your ride and schedule out an hour for what should be a 15 to 20 minute trip at most in the worst of traffic. Plus, you have the luxury of going the way you want, stopping where you want along the way and you don't have any bums sharing the car with you." Johnny said, "You're always so negative about things Mark." He didn't really say more; and I believe because somewhere deep down he knew that Mark was right but was so stubborn he could never admit it when anybody had a better idea than him. Lydia chimed in, "Well, I'd always thought of living on campus so I didn't have to drive so far back and forth to school because of the horrible traffic on nights I have evening courses. Maybe next year I can do that." Lydia never missed an opportunity to assert her indepenence when my parents were present. "Nicholas wouldn't have anyone home with him when he got home from school though.", Mom said in a very worried tone. "Mom! Nicky can take care of himself! He's 14 years old almost 15. Johnny gets home at 4 and Mark very shortly after at 5. Not to mention, he's like never broken the rules since he was 7. I don't even have to tell him to do anything anymore. He's been doing it all on his own since the end of the last school year with nobody telling him what to do.", Lydia scowled with a very annoyed tone. Mark and Johnny piped up together just as Lydia finished, "Lydia IS 20 now mom." Mark continued, "Plus, she's not lying to you I've not had to yell at the squirt or for that matter even think a second thought about him unless we were horsing around or going out to Mr. Doggie Bag's for a burger n shake. I think he's ready to handle being by himself for a few hours a day." I was getting slightly annoyed at the line of conversation and added, "Mark, I'm not a squirt anymore. Lydia's right mom. Even you have to admit I've done well with following the rules and being responsible around here. Yet you treat me like I'm still that trouble making 6 year old." Mom flatly said with a firm expression that meant business, "Enough. All of you calm down. There's an announcement your father and I wanted to make about that subject and actually that is why we came home from work early." Silence and tension filled the air after those words. "That's better.", her tone and facial features went back to being sweet and loving mom. "First, do you know why I made Nick's favorite food tonight?" Every one of us shook our heads no. She held up a report card, " This just got here in the mail. I got his report card right here. He got his first A's! One in English, and one in Science! Not a mark below a C!", her excitement and pride just burst forth. I'd totally forgotten that it was already the end of the first semester already! I'd been in such a funk and in my own little world for so long that the last 9 weeks was a blur. I sat stunned. My first A! Mom as I thought that and the big smile crossed my maw ran around the table and hugged me. "We're so proud of you!" Mom and Dad said in stereo, "Way to go Nicolas!", my brothers followed with cheer. Lydia said with no effort to restrain her delight and pride, "You are too smart enough. I've always told you so Nicky!" I felt like I was dreaming for a moment. Mom followed up the announcement, "Nick, you've also done your chores consistantly, been very responsible and trustworthy for the past year and half. You really are growing up into a good young man. Dad and I feel you can handle being home alone." My jaw dropped. "Really?? You mean it!? I've finally proven myself to you?!", I squeeled out with glee. Both parents smiled big and nodded. I couldn't believe my ears and eyes. I ran up to both of them and gave them a big hug. "I swear I won't ever let you down!", I cheered. I couldn't keep my joy from bursting from every seem at this point. Mom followed up with, "Lydia, we've also got a surprise for you." We all stopped mid-stride and it fell so silent you could hear a pin drop. Mom handed her a small gift box. "Go ahead. Open it.", mom said with a slight twinkle in her grey eyes and a smile. Lydia opened it and it was a non descript key. Lydia looked puzzled. "A key? To what?", she asked hesitantly. "Well, your dad and I have saved a long while for this because we knew you've been wanting to be an independant got you an apartment with a year's rent paid on it." Mom said with a tear running down. Lydia started crying and ran over to them hugging them then exclaimed, "Mommy! Daddy! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! AHHHHHHH!" she jumped up and down after hugging them both. You'd think she'd just won the lottery by her reaction. Mom just sobbed. "I'm so proud of you all. All my babies are growing up so fast." Dad just put a comforting hand on her shoulder. One by one we all hugged her comfortingly. I then said, "Mom, we'll always need you and dad. I mean look at Mark, he's the same age as Lydia, all grown up, and always called you and stopped by. Then whenever he had trouble. You two were always the first he'd call. He moved back home because he wanted to be around you and dad for a while. So, even if we all grow up, that doesn't mean we won't need you, want you in our lives, and want to be around you." She looked me in the eyes and tears flowed harder, "That's the most adult thing I've ever heard you say. Thank you. *sniff*" Dad pulled me aside after we all cleared the table, "Son, you made your mom so happy and feel better. You knew exactly what to say to her. Even I can't do that sometimes sport.", he said ruffling my hair, "You make me proud to be your father. You're going to make some girl very happy one day." I was happy for the compliment, the very first my dad ever paid me man to man. I asked, "While we're on such a high note, Mick invited me over for the weekend. If his mom says yes may I spend the weekend with him? I'll be home in time for dinner on Sunday as always and if you absolutely need me it's not like I'm not right next door." Dad said yes without a second of hesitation. "I'll tell your mother what you're going to be doing I'm sure she'll be all right with it." I was excited so I went into my room and put on some headphones to relax from all the excitement of the night.

About 2 hours passed when there was a loud knock on my room door that I'd heard over my music. I quickly took off the headphones and told the mysterious knocker to enter. It was Dad. "Mick's on the phone for you.", he said. I sprung up out of bed. I then rushed to get to the phone so I didn't keep him waiting. I picked up the phone reciever off of the small table in the living room. "Hey Nicholas. Mum said it was cool. Get this, she's even giving us money for Didi's Pizza!", Mick said. "Well if this isn't just the icing on the cake! AWESOME! I got my report card in the mail and I got 2 A's! My mom and dad totally said yes.", I excitedly responded. "Kick Ass! Congrats mate! Then it's set. See you tomorrow after school.", Mick said a smidge too loud because I could hear his mom in the background..."Keep talking like that m'boy and all you're going to see this weekend is a bar of soap and a smacked bottom! Don't push my patience! Where'd you learn that anyway!?" "I gotta go. SORRY MUM! It slipped! I swear I won't curse anymore!" The phone clicked after that. I then promptly went to bed after telling mom and dad the full details of the plans and confirming the yes was still a yes because 5 AM came all to early for my liking.

I saw Mick that afternoon in the cafeteria. "God! My mum got so uptight!", He grumped as he set down with his usual brown bag of lunch. "You'd think I'd just set the house on fire by the way she reacted.", he continued and took a bite of his ham sandwich. I flatly said, "Yeah, I heard her in the background. Is it still ok that I come over or did you get into trouble too bad for that?" I had a bite of my Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam sandwich. "After about an hour of apologizing and telling her it'd never happen again and hearing how she raised me to be better than that good for nothing father of mine and how I was sounding just like him. She finally cooled off enough to say it was fine. Anyway, Meet up at the front doors mum's going to give us a ride home today then once you've got your things in order for the weekend you can come over straight away.", He continued after rinsing down the sandwich with his soda he packed. "Sounds like a worse night than mine. Still it's cool she didn't do more than yell at you. Anyway, I'll be there then at 2:30 sharp. We'll have all the time in the world to talk this weekend. I'm going to try to do some homework in the library so there's not so much work on Sunday.", I answered. "Later then.", Mick said casually. And with that I went off to the library for the rest of lunch and went to work on my earlier classes homework.

When I got to the library, the atmosphere reeked of geek city. The smell of all the musty old books that the school must have had since it was built. It had a couple of computer stations but, good luck in ever getting to use them because everybody flocked to reserve one and usually by 10 in the morning the whole day was booked for them. However, for the sheer peace of the enforced silence, it was the best place to focus on your work. I got all of my work done from the first half of the day in no time at all it seemed; however, my ill sense of time caught up with me when I was startled out of my seat as the bell for the next class rang. I scrambled to get everything up and into my backpack. I had the librarian write me a pass for my next class once I explained to the sweet leopard lady Mrs. Keeley the situation and since I'd generally never caused any trouble and always was nice to her, she seemed more than happy to save my bacon on rare occasion by saying I was helping her organize the library over lunch. So I double checked to be sure nothing had dropped or gotten left behind at the table I took the pass and headed for my Algebra class. I took it as slow as possible but, not to the effect of too long after the pass was time stamped. I didn't want to look like I was skipping on purpose. I'd even stop into the restroom right quick just as a teacher passing in the halls could witness and then flush a stall and wash my paws before heading to class. Then I'd dash the last 100 feet to look like I was in a hurry to get there and be a bit winded. As I'd come in, "Sorry I'm late. Here's my pass. I was helping out in the library over lunch and had to use the restroom." My other classmates would slightly give me dirty looks as I took my seat. "He's always late. We never get to come to class late yet, he gets away..." The teacher cut off the mur mur, "That's because Mr. Sykes has a legitimate reason unlike SOME of you. Perhaps if you'd all get more involved in the school like he is. You might have a good reason too instead of the lame excuses you cook up. Now back to page 125 if you please and if I hear another complaint about certain class memebers getting 'special treatment' I'm going to be sure you will ALL be made to have a lot more difficult of a semester in my class. Am I understood?" A chorus of moaning, "Yes Ma'am." filled the room. "Good.", she said with a definite tone of authrity and triumph. I was surprised at her. She usually had nothing but distain for me. She never missed an opportunity to make a fool of me in front of everyone. Yet, now, since on occasion I'd been showing up with passes from the library she's finally taken a stand on my behalf? I was surprised. Who are you and what have you done with the mathmatical demoness that usually runs this room? I mused as I half listened to her lecture and attempting to follow along. The bell rang and everybody sprung up to get to their next class. I lagged behind. "Mrs. Benet?" I asked shyly. "Yes, what is it Mr. Sykes?" She coldly replied. "I know we've had our differences. However, I just wanted to thank you for standing up for me. I never realized that you took such heat from people.", I spoke quietly. "You never bothered to get to know me either nor talk to me more than necessary. I have a responsibility to keep order in each and every class and make it a safe and productive learning environment for all of you children. I'm generally hard on my students. However, that doesn't mean I don't wish to see people succeed in life, both here and beyond these walls. You struck me as the type that didn't try at all and expected to coast through life at first." she said in an unusually warm but matter of fact tone. "Then we're both guilty of not getting to know one and other and assumption.", I rebuttled. "Fair enough Mr. Sykes. You got me on that one.", she conceded. "I see there's a lot more substance to you than meets the eye Mr. Sykes. Quite frankly I didn't expect you to be any different than the slacker I saw walk through my door late for the first 2 weeks of my class with no valid reason other than being directionally challenged. Then I saw you trying hard. I now see you getting involved in your education and engaged in your life. Then, I spoke with good old Mrs. Keeley upon your first couple of passes. You'd actally been doing as you'd said and also I began to keep tabs on you through her. She had nothing but good to speak of you. Hard working, diligent, and your problems grasping the subject matter weren't a crutch or an act. I pondered this for the past couple of weeks. I realized that your social problems were genuine and it wasn't just a phantom, 'the dog ate my homework. Poor me' excuse." The lioness' expression softened after that and what followed floored me, "I owe you an apology Mr. Sykes. I gave it in part in report card. Notice that the grade was a C+. However, I also should have asked you to stay one day after class to clear the air." I replied, "You're human after all. I accept your apology and I REALLY do need...." RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! "Ooooh NOOOOOOO! The coach will have me doing laps to the end of time!" I exclaimed panic stricken. My ears flattened and as I was accepting my fate I continued the original thought, "As I was saying, I really do need your help. It's just not clicking for me totally. I *sigh* Have to go or the coach will have my head on a pike for sure and it'll be detention and laps from this day til the end of the quarter. Not...that it's already not bad enough. I must go." I heard scribbling on a pad as I turned to head out the door. "Mr.Sykes, I don't believe you're going to be in the gymnasium for the rest of the quarter." Said Mrs. Benet with the first hint of kindness he'd ever seen out of her save for the earlier demonstration. My eyes widened as I spun around on my heels, "Why is that Mrs. Benet?" "Hand the coach this letter and pass for today, then head back here for your first personal lesson." She explained. With a gasp I stuttered, "T-thank you so much Mrs. Benet!" "Don't go thanking me just yet. There's a condition to your excuse note." My ears lowered as I thought to myself, 'I just knew this was too good to be true', she continued, "You must genuinely try. By the year's end, I want to see you have nothing less than an A in my class and a B by the next report card. If not I will personally feed you to Coach Johnson. Understood?" My feline ears lifted and a smile crept across my face, "Yes Ma'am. I'll not let you down!" "See to it that you don't." she replied firmly. "I expect to see you until 2:15 today and I want you back here in no more than 10 minutes." She ripped off the note and handed me note and pass, "Starting now Mr. Sykes." I set down my bookbag and rushed to the gymnasium as I triumphantly marched up to the Doberman who was leering at me with a growl. "You'd better have a darn good reason for this or I swear by all that is holy you'll pay very dearly." My smug smile and complete contempt for him finally had shown through. "As a matter of fact I do sir. I do believe you'll find all the information you'll need and Mrs. Benet will be happy to answer any further questions. Now sir, if you'll excuse me, she's a very strict teacher and requires that I get back quickly.", I proudly announced standing tall and firm handing him the note and pass before he could read it I was out by the doors of the gym. His jaw dropped because he knew he was defeated and he just continued as if there were no interruption nor disgrace. I'd finally got the better of him and gotten away from his son. I finally won. I made it back to Mrs. Benet with 2 minutes to spare.

Mrs. Benet was busy grading papers when I'd entered. "Well, Mr. Sykes, I'm impressed. It would appear I might be right about you. Now then, let's start this by a small test of the materials we've covered this will let me know for certain your weakest areas and we will proceed from there.", she was very dry and all business at this point. She handed me a 2 page test. "Scrap paper is a must as I will want to see ALL of your work. You have until the final bell." she said without missing a mark on her papers. With that, I went to my seat. I dug out my algebra notebook and tore about 3 pages of blank paper from it. I poured over it giving it my all. I struggled through it all. Time flew, and just as all the letters, numbers, and symbols seemed to blur all over in my mind I was interrupted. "It's almost 2:15. Let me see what you have." She said in an unusually cheerful tone. I about immediately and nervously retorted. "I-I'm not finished. Is that ok?" She just said, "Well do you have more than a handful solved?" "Yes, all but about 10.", I answered. "That's satisfactory. I've had students struggle because they were lazy. You're genuinely stumped. I've been watching you carefully and genuinely your eyes never left your papers. I can tell you're serious about this. We will go over this test on Monday afternoon. Then we will begin our lessons." I smiled at Mrs. Benet for the first time the entire year. I felt like I was beginning to finally understand her. At that revelation the final bell rang. "Remember your homework on Monday Mr. Sykes and have a good weekend." I dug into my bag. "You mean this?", I proudly announced as I handed her my homework. "When? Did you do this?", genuinely stumped "In the library over lunch, because, I know what you'd typically assign us for weekend homework. I having weekend plans decided to make less work for myself this weekend." She smirked, "And if I decided to throw a curve ball today?" "Then I would have had more practice wouldn't I?", The rhetorical question being too irresistable. Mrs. Benet genuinely laughed and said have a nice weekend.

With that, I dashed to my locker. I gathered my things. Then, I rushed off to the front enterance. I was greeted by Mick smiling genuinely. "Finally! I'd begun to think you got lost in there.", He teased. "I'd not miss this for the world.", I said through laughter. "I was just in a lesson with Mrs. Benet.", I announced happily. The roo's jaw about hit the ground. "She's the toughest teacher in the entire school! And somehow you manage to get a private lesson?! Out with it mate, you're doing something naughty with her aren't you?" "NOT FOR A MILLION BUCKS! EWW!", my horror at the very idea was very visible. "It's really strictly business. Trust me." I continued dryly. Just as I finished in my defense his mom pulled up before us and we got into the car.