Sugar Rush Part 2

Story by Parthonax on SoFurry

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As Kody walked through the large and open archway, she smiled at all the familiar settings such as the lockers, the tile floor which was always mopped spotless and the very highly decorated ceilings. Kody always enjoyed the fact that her mother sent her to such a wonderful prep school. All the teachers were very old fashioned, but always seemed to have that very familiar flare that kept the students focused on their lessons. As the two rather attractive femboys walked down they hallway, they did somewhat blush to themselves as they noticed all the stares that they were attracting. Looking over to her right, she noticed that Magnolia was holding up about as good as she way, holding her books in front of her jeans as she tried not to let her excitement get the better of her.

As the two made finally made their way to the classroom schedules board; a very neat and tidy arrangement of all the class schedules, grades and years. As Kody's eyes scanned over the long list of names, she cocked an eyebrow as her name popped up just a little above Magnolia's name...on every...single...class schedule. Magnolia looked over at Kody with a rather intrigued look on her face. "D-did you know we'd have all the same classes Kody?" She asked as she checked the lists over and over again. Kody wasn't sure what to say as she continued to scan the lists again and again. "I guess, I guess it's just coincidence, or maybe an accident?" Kody said aloud to herself as well as to Magnolia.

As Kody made the comment, she felt a large presence walk behind herself and Magnolia. "Maybe it's just fate." A voice spoke from the large presence behind them as it passed. Looking behind her, Kody and Magnolia both saw that it was the large Lion from before, looking down at a small electronic screen as he made little notes on it from a little plastic pen. He chuckled to himself softly as he walked away, his tail flicking from side to side. Kody wanted to say something as she was able to make out the words. (Class Sched-) She bit her lip nervously, twiddling her fingers as she rocked from side to side. She really wanted to say something to Magnolia, but wasn't sure what to say since the Lioness seemed a little nervous as it was.

With little to say and much to ponder on, she slowly made her way along with her new friend Magnolia, who she had now already thought of her as Maggy, a little kind of affection to the lioness already for some strange reason. Aside from her first day crush she took Maggy by the paw, the Lioness not seeming to mind as she also smiled and gripped Kody's paw softly, the two walked into their first class, looking around the wood stained and stone classroom, a rather familiar and strange site meeting their eyes. The same lion was sitting in the top left row in the back of the room, two open seats, one on either side of him, a small smile on his maw as he jotted down notes in a small, black book. Kody felt a sort of unease as she looked at the two open spots on either side of him, the entire bench of that row being empty as they walked to see the seating chart.

With a gulp, Kody looked over the chart, seeing as Maggy was too nervous, her little long tail drooping behind her a little. And as expected, both of their names popped up on either side of row 10, left aisle, right next to the very mysterious lion that gave them both a very warm smile, clicking his claws for them to come closer over to him. With a small sigh, and unable to argue with a piece of paper she took Maggy by the paw, leading her over to him and taking their respective seats on either side of the large, male lion. With a very deep voice, the lion greeted the both of them. "Well, good evening my two, beautiful young ladies." He said with a low purr. "I'm so glad fate has decided to bring us together on this glorious day. What do you think?" The two femboys were about to answer, until each felt a large arms sliding around their shoulders, bringing the both of them in close to the lion and basically hugging them against his large and muscular frame. The blush on Kody's and Magnolia's face could have melted a block of ice as they both placed a paw on his chest to steady themselves against his warm body.

It went without saying, the two feminine little males were both too afraid to do anything, considering how big and dominant the male lion held himself. The entire class this went on, the large male simply held them as he did his work, nuzzling them with his muzzle from time to time as the teacher went on with his lesson. Kody couldn't say that she didn't enjoy this, quite the contrary to be exact. She had found herself, aside from blushing deeply, gripping and hugging against him warmly, nuzzling her head into his chest as she kept her paw there. Feeling bad as she looked over, she noticed Maggy was doing the same. The little lioness couldn't have been more at home as she purred softly, curling her legs under her bottom as she did so.

It seemed strange that this was allowed, and that every time she looked to see what the teacher thought, he would simply look away with a frown and sigh on his face. She wasn't sure to make of it, not the fact that the lion never took one note during class, or that they did either. But it did seem that he held some mysterious leverage, or power over the teacher in this room...and maybe the rest of the staff. The class went as it had begun; Maggy had fallen asleep in the males arms, Kody not being too far behind her as she couldn't resist his warmth, or wonderful smell. She had never met anyone like this before, he was so large, yet tender and sweet. It never occurred that the other people in the classroom didn't pay them any attention, or were too afraid to. Either way she wanted to know why he was so respected...or feared.

Finally, a few minutes before the bell was to ring and signal the call for lunch, Kody finally bucked up the courage to speak to him. "N-not that we don't enjoy this, b-but we're both-" Before Kody could finish her sentence, he placed one of his large digits against her lips and craned his neck to kiss her gently on the forehead. "Don't worry dear, I know exactly what both of you are." He said as he let his large paws fall, stroking along the middle of their laps, against both their groins. Kody let out a soft gasp, burying her head into his chest as to not alert anyone else, Maggy of course still sleeping soundly. "Don't be afraid love." The male lion cooed as he rubbed her lengthy, and silk like ears. "Everything will be alright, you'll never have to worry about anything again; not school, not bullies, not money or fear of persecution." He whispered into her ear as he rubbed his paw up and down her shoulder.

Kody looked up, her face warm, a light shade of red as her lips quivered, not quite understanding who she was dealing with. "B-but what's your na-." Again he cut her off with a soft nudge to her soft, little tail. "If you wish to be with me, you and your sweet little friend here, you will both refer to me as daddy." The lion stated as he rocked the lioness awake softly, his head bending down to kiss both of them so tenderly on the lips right as the bell rang. "You will both meet me at the table in the far corner of the lunch room if you wish to pursue me further." The mysterious lion said as he got up, gathering his things, making sure to keep his little, black book with him as he made his way to the classroom door.

And left alone, slightly confused but warm all over, were Maggy and Kody; the two femboys looking at each other with quizzical looks on their faces. This time, Maggy was the first one to speak up. "S-should we join him, I mean, if you w-want to." She stammered as she got up with Kody, doing her best to hide the bulge that had grown in her jeans. Kody too had noticed the rather obvious erection that had tented her skirt; her soft, white panties exposed under table. "I'm not really sure Maggy, but I don't think it would hurt to go and see him again. I don't know why but it felt so good to be in his arms, you know, like being safe." Maggy simply nodded her head in agreement, wanting to wait with Kody until their excitements died down.

Sugar Rush part 3

After Kody and Maggy had finally allowed their erections time to die down, they both gathered up all their bags and books, slowly making their way out the classroom and down the large hallway, which at this point was relatively empty. After a short...

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Sugar Rush

High School had just started back, and Kody was a tad bit nervous; having experienced so many new changes over spring break. She looked at herself in the mirror, paws running down her rather new feminine thighs and hips; soft, white finger tips...

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