Night of the Weredonk, Beginnings of a Herd

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#6 of Weredonk

Good afternoon/Morning/Evening or whenever you horny furs are reading this. This is your daily transformation forecast, expect a few sparse patches of M/M sex throughout the week, followed by said patches developing into orgy's of horny sex-crazed donkey men who only wish to spread their species across the globe. The rest of the week looks fairly clear, though with a high chance of a cum shower within the next ten minutes, and the sounds of braying outside your door shortly afterword's. This newscast recommends dressing light, very light in fact, you might as well go out and join the orgy anyway, the horny bastards will find a way in anyway soon.

This is WTF, Your world transformation forecast.

Weredonk, The Beginnings of a Herd.

"Hello? John? You in here? Dad says you need to finish your chores!"

The barn door slowly opened and light flooded the room as a young man by the name of Dexter walked inside. "Uugh! Did you forget to change out the hay too? Dad's going to whoop you at this rate!"

Dexter stood much taller than his older brother John at about 6'2, although they were two years apart. Dexter never had liked the farm life so he wasn't as well built as his brother; he was more of the computer geek sort of person, although he had stayed in fairly good shape from the chores he was forced to do.

Dexter began slowly searching the empty barn from stall to stall, stopping only for a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow and move his medium length blonde hair out of the way of his sparkling blue eyes.

"John? Come on man if you don't do this dad will make me do it! Just come out and...urk!" Suddenly Dexter found himself standing in a pool of some yellowish goo on the floor.

"Ohh gross...what is this junk"? Dexter lifted up his shoe and examined it closely, but then he saw another pool of the stuff in the corner of his eye. "What the's everywhere...what is it"?

The strange liquid practically covered the entire barn, the floors where covered in it, there where a few squirts of it hanging on the ceiling and there where a few stray shots of the stuff on the nearby poles. "'s like someone set off a bomb full of pudding in here...just what the hell happened in here? I swear if this is some idea of a joke and John is just doing this to make me clean up the barn for him, he's got another thing coming!"

Dexter then walked over to a nearby pole; careful to dodge any more pools of the liquid, and scraped up a small finger of the goop and looked at it proudly. "Wait till dad sees this stuff..." Dexter then put his hand to his face to make a megaphone effect, "Hey John! Dad's going to flip when he gets a load of this! I don't know what this shit is, but I'm sure as hell not going to clean it up!"

The barn still stayed silent as Dexter lowered his hands and examined the goo on his finger. "I bet he's going to have a hell of a time cleaning this up...but what the hell is it? Pudding? Some of that silly goo stuff you get at the joke shop?....maybe a taste wouldn't hurt..."

Dexter slowly brought the goo to his finger and sniffed it, it had a rich, earthy and musky stench, and he figured it wouldn't kill him if he just took one little lick...

So he did....

The goo tasted salty but oddly refreshing, it kind of reminded Dexter of the smell of oats and fresh cut grass, but it still had a sweet underlying to it. "Hmm...not half bad...I'll have to ask John just how he maaaa...He-haww!!!"

Dexter's hands began to shake and his body began to sweat, his hands felt numb and his shoes felt tight around his feet. "Whats Haaaaaaaaaaaawww....HAPPENING?!?"

"MMmmm...hello there stud...." John yawned and reached down and scratched his furred belly as he looked down at his freshly transformed friend. Alex had long since changed back from his feral form and opened his eyes slowly and smiled a goofy grin with his flat teeth. "Morning to you too stud...was that you a second ago"? John curiously tilted his head and his ears moved along with him in a quizzical fashion. "I thought that was you..."

Both of the Jacks suddenly heard another loud bray coming from the barn and they both looked up from their warm pen to see a half-transformed Dexter leaning against a pole. "Dex?!? What are did you...hawww fuck!!!" John then leapt from the pen and Alex rushed after him.

Dexter was slumped over, his clothes where torn to shreds and only the frail remains of his pants where retaining his modesty "Haww---heeeeeeelp meeeeeehaww!!!" he cried out as his hands merged together into solid black hooves. "Whats...hawwww...happening to him? Is he infected?" asked Alex as he watched Dexter.

"I think so hawww....but he shouldn't be going full feral unless he...." John then looked around the room in shock and saw that the entire room was still covered with the effects of last night.

"Hawww Fuck! This is bad!!! Quick, help me get him out of his clothes, there's no stopping it now!" John and Alex frantically reached over and tried to grasp onto a piece of Dexter's shirt.

"Hawww?!?" Dexter looked behind himself to suddenly see two large humanoid donkeys trying to rip off his clothes and he brayed in fear. "Hawww!!! Sta...hawww! Away!!!" Dexter fell onto all fours and ran off into a corner of the barn, still within the throes of transformation with the constricting fabric of his tattered clothes shrinking as he grew.

"Dex! Dex! Calm down its me hawwww!!.. John!" John slowly started to approach the frightened donkey with his hands outstretched.

"Hawww....LIAR! He-haww! He-hawww!!!" Dexter made a dash for the door and rammed into John in the process, causing him to fall to the floor with a thud.

Dexter ran as fast as his new hooves could take him, but then suddenly he saw the shadow of the other donkey man pushing the barn door shut, trapping him inside with the two donkey men.

"Haww!!! He-haww! Hawww!!!" Dexter leapt up and tried to push the door open but his hooves couldn't grasp around the handle of the barn door, there was a loud snap as the remains of his overalls split down the middle and fell to the ground.

"Haww....John you ok?!?" asked Alex as he rushed to Johns side.

John shook his head and leapt to his hooves quickly "Haww...I'm fine, but what's about Dex?

"He's alright, he is trying to open the door but he is still pretty freaked hawww....out" said Alex as he placed a hooved hand on Johns shoulder.

John nodded and slowly began to walk toward the donkey frantically scratching at the door with his hooves. "'s me John...I'm so sorry...this is all my fault for happening..."

Dexter turned around and saw the two donkeys approaching and he began to back against the wall. "Hawww...." He brayed weakly as they approached closer and closer.

"Hawww....I know it probably hurts a lot right now...but let's get those clothes off you, he-haww...there too small for you anyway...." Said John as he slowly kneeled down next to his bestial brother.

Dexter watched the donkey man cautiously as he reached down and grabbed a strand of his ruined shirt, and winced as he ripped it from his body. The pressure was relieved a little bit, but there was still the straining underwear constricting his groin

"Haww...see? I'm just here to help's me your big brother, he-haww we grew up together, I took care of you that week you were sick with chicken pox back in the 3rd grade remember?"

Dexter tilted his head curiously and his long ears shifted along with him. While he was lost in thought John took the opportunity to reach down and rip off the last strand of fiber holding Dexter's underwear together, which nearly erupted as his sheathe and massive balls were freed.

Dexter winced, but suddenly let out a sigh of relief as the constricting pain was gone. Blood started to flow to his new appendages and he felt his cock begin to stir inside of its new leathery home.

"Haww...he-haww..." said the now donkey Dexter weakly as he slumped his head and looked at his new body then back up at the two bipedal donkeys standing over him. Dexter then suddenly stopped and looked up at John and examined his face, after a few moments, a sort of half grin spread across its muzzle and he slowly trotted over and began nuzzling John's leg.

John slowly stroked Dexters head and sighed as he looked down at his feral brother, "What's the matter? He-hawww! You told me it was temporary, shouldn't he change back in a day or so? Hell, maybe we can have ourselves a feral three-way! He Hawww!!" said Alex proudly as his cock began to emerge from its sheathe. John only sighed as he nodded his head "'s not that pre...the stuff you had only makes it temporary, just gives you a taste of the beast...but full-on cum before your converted overloads a normal human and turns them into a full jackass....permanently".

Alex gasped in shock and his cock retreated and his ears folded to the side of his head "Oh...I'm sorry...well Hawwww...I mean it's not that bad..." John then turned his head and glared at Alex "Enough! He's stuck as an animal forever, and only we can understand him"!

"Haw....he-haww...hawwww...."(I'm sorry John...I was going to rat you out, and I shouldn't have eaten that stuff....)

"I shouldn't have left it out like that hawwwww....I'm so sorry Dex...." John slowly began to weep and Alex placed a hand on his shoulder "Are you sure there isn't a way"?

John nodded "No...he will never be a human again...but there is a way at least that he take on a weredonk form at least....we have to convert him".

"Hawww? (How?) said Dexter softly

"You have to fuck me bro....hawww... " Said John shyly...

"Haww? He-Haww!!! He-hawww!!!" Said Dexter excitedly (Really?'s not like something we haven't done before, and I was wondering why you stopped wanting to mess around two months ago! and I have to admit I kinda want to try out this new tool...feels like I have a dammed sausage down there"!)

Alex blinked and looked over at John "He-haww!! two have fucked before?!?" John seemed to blush underneath his black fur and grinned slightly "Well, when your two gay brothers out in the middle of no-where hawww.... with a 30 minute drive to kind of have to make your own fun...he-haww" Alex's cock nearly erupted from its sheathe and he grinned mischievously "You know...that's pretty damned haaaaaaaawt..."

The three jacks then walked back to the pen where Alex and John where sleeping with all three of their members standing tall and proud with arousal as they all thought about just what was to come. " how do you need to do this he-haww?" asked Alex as he looked over at John. John just stood silently for a moment, before he let out a soft bray, then another much louder one before he was braying loudly and almost uncontrollably. Alex then noticed John's hands merging together into solid black hooves and he knew what was going to happen. John then slumped over into a quadrapedial stance and his body and manhood began to grow until he looked like a well hung stud donkey.

"Hawww! He-hawww! Haww.." Brayed John (Now you have to mount me Dex, I could never take your new cock as a weredonk, and I have to admit...although I regret doing what I did to you...I always wanted to change you...". )

"Haww!! He-haww, He-haww!" Replied Dexter. (Are you kidding? I mean sure this is all a little weird for me and is a lot to take in.... but I kinda like the idea of being stuck as a donkey! I won't need to bail any more hay and I can just eat, sleep, and fuck as much as I want! And with this big cock I bet I could cum a fountain! Fucking hell bro I should thank you!")

"Haww...enough with the formality's, I wanna get this fucking on the road!" said Alex as he gripped his member and slowly began stroking it.

John nodded as he began backing up until he presented his ass to his feral brother; he moved his tail out of the way and showed off his puckered black asshole. Dex brayed softly in reply and nuzzled his brother's ass, and gave him a teasing lick along the rim. "Hawww!" brayed John in excitement as he felt his cock throb and his hole pucker as his animalistic brother rimmed his hole. Dexter backed away for a moment and smiled a goofy grin at his brother before diving back in and going to town on his hole, using his long flat tongue to cover every inch of his hole in saliva.

"Haww...this is fucking hawwwwwwt...." Alex rapidly jerked his cock that was rapidly oozing precum down his shaft and acting as a natural lube as he watched the two beasts go at it. "Haww...that's right...rim that fucking dirty donk hole, your brother turned you into a fucking dirty hawww...beast! You gotta thank him like a real animal! He-hawww!!!"

John brayed loudly as his brother's tongue nearly penetrated him several times, but after a few moments Dexter backed away and Alex knew that the real show was just about to start. " wanna mount your big bro huh? Mount him with your big donk fuckstick? He-hawww!! Your taking this all really well, I bet you always wanted to be a big stud beast! He-haww! He-hawwww!"

Dexter looked over at Alex and seemed to nod shyly before smiling a goofy grin and raising his front hooves and gripping onto Johns back.

"Hawwwwwww!!! He-hawww!!!" Brayed John (Ohh yea...put it in me!!! Give me that stud cock!!!)

Dexter brayed in approval and slowly began thrusting his massive cock into John's hole, causing the two beasts to bray in pleasure as the process began.

"Haww...yea....fuck that hole..." Said Alex, His cock was practically drooling precum at this point and his ebony cock was slicked with his own precum. He roughly gripped his shaft and leaned down and licked the flattened tip of his member and let out a soft bray of pleasure. "Hawww....fuck I can't sit around here and do nothing..."

John and Dexter where braying in pleasure as Dexter pushed more and more of his member into his brother, reaching past the medial ring until he couldn't push any further. Alex had quickly moved himself underneath John and grabbed a hold of his drooling cock and took it into his muzzle, blowing the beast as his ass was being fucked by his own brother.

"Hawww! He-haww!" John brayed loudly as he felt his brothers cock begin to slip from his hole before being rammed back in, all while Alex was blowing his throbbing meat underneath him. "Hawwww!!!" cried out Dexter as his pace increased and he began jackhammering John like a real beast.

Inch after of inch of Dexter's bestial cock was shoved deep inside of his feral brother, nearly cumming with every single thrust but somehow finding some way of keeping it all inside. Suddenly though Dexter's body began to shift, his front hooves broke apart into individual digits and his spine began to re-align itself to allow him to stand on two feet.

"Hawww y...y...yea!!!" cried out Dexter as he felt his body shrink into a more humanoid form as he continued to fuck his older brother. Dexter's body began to re-proportion itself as he took on a more humanoid shape, muscles began to form underneath his fur giving him a skinny, but buff build like his two jack brothers.

Dexter felt himself getting close as he shoved the entire length of his shaft into John before it began to shrink, and with one loud bray he released his load inside of his feral brother's ass.

John felt Dexter's load fill him as Alex ravenously sucked and licked at his cock until finally John let out a loud bray of his own and sprayed his load down Alex's muzzle.

"Haww...haww..." John panted in the afterglow of his orgasm and sighed as he looked up at his younger brother, still inside him but looking like a handsome jack. He still regretted accidently forcing this upon him, but he had to admit, he looked pretty dammed good.

"Why the long face bro? Hawww!" said Dexter before leaning down and licking Johns ear. "I'm still here, and still inside of you...hehe...haww..."

Alex grinned as he franticly stroked at his ebony cock as he saw the two loving brothers. " about a toast to the two new lovers? Hawww!!!" and Alex's cock erupted in a burst of yellow tinged cum which covered the two brothers in the musky goo.