Border Collie Smutt.

Story by Golden Puppy on SoFurry

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Just an idea that came to me and wouldn't go away. Figured it might make a good short story.


It had been a long day of driving for Abby and she was starting to feel herself get tired. Still several hours left of driving before she would reach the motel she'd reserved a room at she decided she'd have to pull off and take a nap before she could continue. Fortunately she'd seen a sign a short while ago stating their would be an overlook rest stop about 5 miles ahead. Finally she reached it. Nothing more than a pull off up on a hill overlooking the throughway she stopped and got out of the car to stretch her legs. Opening the passenger door of her Subaru she let out a lanky border collie who stretched, yawned and followed her to the tree line. Stopping to sniff a tree, he raised his leg and let lose a long stream of urine. Abby decided that was a good idea. Unfortunately there were no restrooms or even port-a-potties around. Glancing around she noted that hers was the only car in the turn off, and the road was fairly deserted. Stepping back into the woods a bit further she pulled off her panties and leaning against a tree, let herself pee. She hadn't done that since college and took a survival training class as part of her Environmental Science requirement. Well, now back to the car she was still a bit tired. Getting into the passenger side she pushed the seat back as far as it would go and let her dog jump in. He promptly curled up on the floor between her legs and fell asleep. Yawning, Abby tipped the seat back into a reclining position, flicked the lock on the doors and almost immediately fell asleep.

Almost as soon as she fell asleep Abby began to dream. It started out as kind of bland, she was walking through the woods with her boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend by this time, but lets face it, dreams are impulsive and unrealistic paying no attention to real life activities, well . . . most of the time. They walked silently hand in hand until they came to a log cabin in the middle of a clearing. Her boyfriend opened the door and pulled her inside. It was cozy, and romantic. A fire roaring in the fireplace near a long couch. He pulled her to it and they sat down. Smiling he pushed her knees apart which caused her skirt to push up, exposing her sex. Almost immediately he began to lick her. It felt amazing, like no tongueing she'd ever had before. His tongue felt so wide and pushed in deeper and deeper with each lick. Abby began to fondle her breasts, squeezing and pinching, spreading her legs as far as they would go, sliding down in the sofa. Then he suddenly stopped licking her and she felt his weight press down on her, warm and inviting. She felt his breath on h er breast just before he penetrated her. It felt wrong though, smaller than he normally was. That didn't last long though he quickly filled her as he pumped in and out of her wet and needy pussy. He kept growing though, large and larger, rutting into her with wanton abandon, she reached up and grabbed behind him, not wanting to let him away before she'd been filled completely.

Suddenly there was an abrupt pain and she felt more full than she'd ever been before. It was enough to wake her from her dream. There was her dog, her beautiful border collie panting on top of her. And that's when she realized it wasn't her ex boyfriend that had been rutting her while she slept, but her dog. Now his knot was swollen locking them together. She could feel him pulsing and twitching as his balls emptied into her. Each pulse and twitch bringing her closer to orgasm. She pulled the dog closer to her and he humped a few more times into his mistress. This was just enough to bring about an explosive orgasm and he howled as her pussy walls clamped down on his shaft and knot causing him to start spurting his dog cum into her once again.

They were both panting now. After a few moments Abby realized exactly what she'd done. With her dog, her own dog she'd mated with him. He'd actually tied and cum inside her. Strangely though it felt satisfying. The most satisfying fuck she'd ever had. Petting him softly they stayed like that for a while. Their fluids locked inside her pussy by his knot. After another hour of just resting together, linked by flesh and emotion . His knot finally popped out followed by a small stream of fluid. Looking around outside the car Abby unlocked the door. The overlook was still empty and it had gotten dark out. Opening the door her dog jumped out and she followed him. Just outside the door Abby squatted again to let all the fluids drain onto the ground. The border collie came over and sniffed the puddle and began to lick Abby clean. Even after she was nice and clean, minus the dog slobber anyway she let him continue. She was getting aroused again. After a quick glance around she jumped back in the car followed by her dog, locking the doors again she spread her legs and encouraged the male dog to jump up on her again. Reaching underneath him she stroked his sheath a few times until he began to trust into her once more.

This time she was awake and enjoyed the needy ramming of the male on top of her. Clutching his fur she thrust into him, feeling the dogs knot start to form she ground herself against it, her fluids soaking his knot and leaking down to his balls as they slapped into her over and over again. Finally, even though his knot was fully engorged and god was it huge, the size of a softball, soaking wet and frantic they thrust at each other one more time, forcing the bulb inside her, locking themselves together again and forcing her to scream and the dog to howl.

Abby was suddenly startled when she heard a quick rapping on the window right next to her. A police officer with a large german shepherd was standing outside, eyes wide with his flashlight pointing in at them. If she wasn't fucked good before, she definitely was now.

Adelaide's Trials: Animal forms, part 1.5

This section surprised me, I kind of expected Adelaide to end up with a new animal form, in fact I've already got her last two picked out, and even how she's going to get them, well mostly how she's going to get them. But then I figured hey, sexy...

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Adelaide's Trials: Animal forms, Part 1

This is part one of a series I've had in mind for a while, just lacked either the time, or the inclination(sometimes both) to actually sit down and write it. It involves some druidic lore combined with some mythology, combined with some zoophilia. So...

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Just Collie smut

This is pure smut, nothing more. I didn't put much effort into it and honestly it's only an attempt to get more people to look at the series I did before to maybe get some feedback on if I should continue either of them, or to start something new. ...

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