Adelaide's Trials: Animal forms, Part 1

Story by Golden Puppy on SoFurry

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#2 of Adelaide

This is part one of a series I've had in mind for a while, just lacked either the time, or the inclination(sometimes both) to actually sit down and write it. It involves some druidic lore combined with some mythology, combined with some zoophilia. So if your opposed to any of those. . . well, you probably shouldn't be looking at stuff on sofurry if you've got a problem with the first two, and if you've got a problem with that last one, perhaps you should learn to read tags then. This is your last warning to hit the back button.. . . . .

If your still here, then I hope you enjoy, and I always welcome comments and feedback.


Winter solstice is here, a special time of year for new druids, and for Adelaide it was even more special. After her decade of study she had been tattooed by Brighid of the Tuatha Dé Danann and was now a full druid. Part of this meant that she was able to gain four animal forms that she would be able to shapeshift into. The arch druid wouldn't tell her exactly how this was done though, it was supposed to be different for every druid. She was to go out into the world and find those animals that would be willing to give of her their essence.

After having packed several weeks' worth of provisions, which for a druid wasn't much as she could ask the earth for almost everything she needed, Addie set out into the wilds of Ireland, in a general northern direction. Her path led her past many settlements and druidic groves, but she still had the instinct to move north. Finally after traveling for a fortnight she stopped at an old druid grove that felt like it hadn't been used for a long time. Contacting the earth through her tattoos she asked the local elemental when the last druid had walked these paths. After waiting a few moments the elemental replied that it had been months since any human had been there. Satisfied Addie thanked the elemental and set up a camp, first performing the ceremonies to thank the earth for the strength it provided them, and asking if it needed anything else in return. The reply came back that indeed, there was a problem, a dog from outside the region had been lost and wandered into the elementals territory. The elemental would let the dog know to go to the druidic grove and Addie would help it find its way home.

Knowing it may take several hours for the dog to arrive, Addie opened her mind to the elemental letting her know she would help the dog, but in the meantime she was on a quest to earn her four animal forms and would appreciate if the elemental would notify the regions animal population.

Just after dusk, while Addie was sitting next to the fire waiting for the dog to show up, an extremely large Snowy Owl landed next to her. In the dark that surrounded them the large predator hooted softly at Addie who turned her head to watch the bird with fascination. Staring deep into the birds eyes she became lost in the yellow glow of the iris. The Speckled eye captivating her, filling her vision. Suddenly coming to herself as the edge of her pale blue robes came up to block her sight. Reaching to remove them she found instead of a hand, a wing, white and beautiful with black specks. In wonderment she hopped on an owls stocky clawed feet out of the robes to free herself from their confinement. She had become an owl, a snowy owl. Addie realized that not only could she see better that she ever had before, she could hear better. The intense desire to take flight arose in her and she sprang into the air beating her powerful wings to gain altitude, she felt such wonderful joy at being on the wing. The air passed quietly under her wings. Even with her increased hearing she could barely hear her movement through the air, or the beat of her wings. With her increased eye sight she could see for miles. Circling several times to view the landscape she noticed something moving off in the distance. Turning that way she flew out to see what it was. It turned out to be a large Scottish border collie, heading directly for the druidic grove. Realizing that this must be the dog the elemental had told her about Adelaide turned back from whence she came, but going slow as to enjoy the flight. Becoming more and more used to her new form.

Reaching the grove Addie began to circle down to the ground, her wings outstretched in a gentle gradual glide. Reaching the ground she wondered how exactly she was supposed to become human again. After thinking for a while, she pictured her human self and keeping that image in mind, bound herself to that form. When her eyes opened again, they were human. Flushed with success at obtaining her first animal form, Addie was lost in thought, not coming back to herself until she felt a sudden cold pressure on her thigh. The border collie had arrived and nuzzled her to let her know that he was there. Now with human eyes Adelaide looked at the dog. A black and white border collie with classic Irish markings of four white paws, a full white collar, and the tip of his tail being white. She noticed the white socks on his back paws continued up the inside of his thighs with one side ending half way up his leg, and the other continuing on to cover just one of his balls with white fur, leaving the other black. Not sure why she noticed this she blushed and bent to pet the dog's head. Speaking softly to herself, she bound her mind to his, gently and slowly as not to startle the animal.

Speaking the same way to the dog as she did with elementals, she sent a questioning impression to the dog, and received a hunger pang so strong it made her own stomach growl with need. Realizing the poor dog must have been on his own for a while she reached into her pack and pulled out a few strips of smoked venison for the poor creature. Holding a piece out, the dog sniffed at it before taking the meat and gulping it down. After eating three more pieces the canine's hunger pangs had changed to a feeling of relief, and thanks to the druid.

Adelaide, satisfied the dogs immediate needs had been taken care of, sent impressions of a building, a farmer, and a feeling of home to the dog questioning where it came from. His reply startled and saddened the druid. She felt heat, smelled smoke, and heard screams followed by an image of a burnt home with two husks of humans in the wreckage. Realizing the dog was now homeless she wondered what to do with him. Picking up her robe, which was now slightly damp from sitting on the grass, she hung it over a branch on a nearby tree, hoping the heat from the fire would dry it. Preparing her bedding for the night she knelt down to spread out the furs she would sleep on.

Suddenly, completely unexpectedly, she froze when a sudden cold pressure pushed itself against her sex. Warm air blew across her folds and was sucked back in to the nose pressed against her. Just as she came back to herself and prepared to turn and scold the border collie, a warm wet tongue lapped across her rubbing against every part of her slit while slightly spreading her a bit to reach into the crevice. Slamming her eyes shut she groaned at the intense feeling it generated. Every single time she was just about to recover another lick, getting her wetter, spreading her further, and arousing her higher. It didn't take long for her to lose all desire for the black and white dog to stop his ministrations. Just as the dog's tongue had spread her so much that it slipped right into her sex she felt a sudden weight land on her back. Startled the druidic girl gasped a loud no, and tried to stand up. The border collie would have none of that though and snapped at her, nipping her neck. Whimpering Adelaide submitted, knowing full well what was about to happen.

The black and white dog gripped her hips and shuffled his legs closer hunching his back. She felt a tickling at her sex and looked past her dangling breast to see a peak of a red tip sticking out of the dogs black furry sheath. She only just glimpsed it though before the dog thrust himself forward burying himself in her. The girl gasped at the sudden intrusion but knew it wouldn't last long. She had seen dogs mate before and knew it was fast and short.

The border collie was sure living up to the fast part, he was pounding into her over and over again, long strokes as his cock swelled larger and larger, spurts of pre, combined with dog saliva and her own juices lining her passage making for smoother thrusts and less friction. Adelaide realized she was beginning to enjoy the brutal fucking the dog was giving her, her own orgasm slowly building. She didn't think she'd be able to reach it though before the horny dog was done. Oh well, she could take care of that after he finished. Deciding to enjoy it to the fullest, Adelaide let herself go. After a while she began to feel a bulge thrusting in and out of her, looking down she saw an even thicker part of the dogs cock slipping in and out of her sex. This was new, she'd never seen a dogs cock up close. The dogs she'd seen mating had been stuck together by something, this must be what kept them tied together. As she watched it swelled larger and larger, though still slipping in and out. Every time the dog thrust in, the bulge bashed at her clit, when he pulled it back out to thrust in again it pulled at all the right spots. The combined effect was bringing Addie to orgasm faster than she thought possible. Suddenly and without warning it crashed in on her, she moaned out loud, almost howling to the night her pleasure. Even while she burned through her orgasm the dog kept pounding his knot in and out of her, finally it caught inside and wouldn't come back out again. This didn't deter the border collie in the slightest though, he just get pounding into the druid, with shorter and faster thrusts.

Adelaide could smell the dogs musk, it was getting stronger and stronger, she could feel herself tighten around him squeezing his cock, pulling him into herself. Even her own arousal permeated the air, she could almost taste it the smell was so strong. All at once another orgasm washed over her, stronger than the last, her walls clenched so strongly to the dogs cock that he pushed into her only once more, much deeper than he had before and howled to the night, his cock swelling even more before pulsing within the druid's clutching pussy.

When Adelaide came to again she couldn't feel the pressure of the border collie on her back anymore. She could still smell him and feel him buried in her snatch though. Thinking back she smiled to herself and wagged her tail at such a fantastic orgasm, she'd never had two like that before. Wait, wagged her tail? Addie looked down at her hands, rather paws, turned around to look at the dog still tied to her, his cock pulsing within her vulva and saw that she had become a mirror image of the dog mating her, granted a female version but still.

Adelaide had managed to find her second animal form, and all in one night. Glowing with happiness she felt a sudden tugging at her snatch and with a loud wet slurp the male border collie pulled himself from her folds and curled up to clean himself. Feeling a little dirty herself, Addie curled up and began to lick the cum oozing out of her snatch, getting several deep licks in before she realized what she was doing. Stopping in disgust she realized that it didn't actually taste that bad and curled back up to finish the job. Slurping and licking at her swollen canine pussy she realized her tongue was a lot more dexterous than before and longer. Licking and lapping up the remains of her coupling with the male border collie a familiar tingle started to build in her loins once again. Digging into all the places she could reach, pushing her pussy lips apart she found her canine clitoris and began abusing it harshly with her long and hot tongue. It didn't take long before she was close to another orgasm. Pushing as deep into her sex with her new tongue as she could, Adelaide brought herself to one more, but much smaller and significantly less satisfying orgasm. Exhausted she padded over to her sleeping skins and curled up just as the light breached the horizon. Just as she fell asleep, back to back with her canine lover she thought to herself that they must have been mating for hours for the sun to be up already. Sighing with satisfaction the druid girl fell into a deep sleep, confidant that her new lover would wake her if someone approached.


For some reason Microsoft Word has a problem with my reflexive pronouns so I'll try to make then next chapter with fewer of them.

Oh, and stop pawing off, or if you must, let me do it for you ;)

Just Collie smut

This is pure smut, nothing more. I didn't put much effort into it and honestly it's only an attempt to get more people to look at the series I did before to maybe get some feedback on if I should continue either of them, or to start something new. ...

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Alternative Payment 2

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Alternative Payment

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