A Super Hero story you wont see on the shelves.

Story by MsBritish on SoFurry

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The Falconess silently landed on the metal warehouse's roof. The new springboots worked a lot better, letting her launch herself almost twice as far. Helped her keep with the whole Falcon mystique when she could appear to fly. She crept over to a skylight and peered in, spotting Black Dragon immediately.

Aw, bless 'im. She'd really have to thank him someday. Sure, he was eight feet tall, scaly and clawed, and a dangerous sorcerer, but he chose the worst hideouts. They were either poorly secured, easy to find, or like tonight's, both. Falconess readied her stunner and a flash grenade, prepping to leap in. Black Dragon was already casting some spell (Bad night for Orion to be in Logan's Bend tracking ghosts. Of all the hero's that Falconess worked with, the magicians were the only ones that were never there when you needed them.) that would do god knows what. Time to foil his plan, again.

Falconess leapt through the glass, protected by her costume from any cuts. She threw the flash bomb, which struck the ground just as Black Dragon hefted the diamonds he was about to use in his spell. The staggered back, dropping the gems, which shattered. Falconess landed by him and jabbed him with the stunner. It was a high tech piece and should have dropped him, despite the fact he was a large inhuman beast. However, it and her had passed though Black Dragons chest, who evaporated into smoke.

Bollocks, thought Falconess. It had been a illusion. She tried to spin so she could move to a safer spot, but found her feet stuck to the ground by a invisible force. The heard Black Dragons clacking footsteps and looked. He was coming from behind a crate, wearing his robes and a mountain of jewelry. Between the glistening of his scaled muscles and the gems, it was hard to look at him as he stepped into the light. All the gems meant that he had enough power for a great many spells, which Falconess knew would mean this would not be a fun night.

" So, how's the hand?" the villain said in snakelike intonations. Falconess twitched her left hand. During their last fight he had broken it.

" Better. Still a bit stiff." she said, edging her hand towards her belt.

" Good to hear. So, tonight it ends for you."

" I've heard that before. What's tonight's plan, torture, then death? Or do you have anything more original?" Falconess felt her stomach churn as the large dark reptile's mouth spread into a smile.

" Nothing so trite. I'm going to throw you into another dimension. Hope to never see you again!" Still smiling, he shattered a large emerald, and suddenly the floor dissolved into a whiling vortex. Figures, thought Falconess. The one night she needed a monologue from him, he cuts straight to the heart of it. She had a plan, though., because she was fairly used to falling. She grabbed her grappling gun and fired at Black Dragon, who was hit in the arm. He staggered, and for a moment they stood still, hero hanging in a whirlpool of fire, villain teetering on the side. Then, Black Dragon fell. The two fell together, struck by glances of lightning and tussled by hellish winds.

" You bastard!" Falconess shouted over the hurricane gusts. " I've seen you throw cars! Your strong enough to have held on!"

" Well excuse me! My apologies for not bracing before I was shot and turned into a anchor! It wouldn't do you wrong to lose a little weight!"

" If we live though this, I'm cutting off your dick for that remark!" said Falconess as a wall of light engulfed the two of them.


Things didn't feel right when Falconess woke up. She felt like she was laying on grass, but she could feel the wet plants against her skin. She moved her arm into a move comfortable position, but stopped as she felt her arm brushed by the grass. She had been wearing her suit, and she shouldn't be able to feel the ground that well. She opened her eyes.

To her horror, she found herself nude, lying face up and spread eagled. She quickly sat up, trying to cover herself with her arms. She looked around, and found herself in some sort of dense forest. The trees were tall and covered with flowering vines, the ground had a thick layer of grass, and the sky was barely visible though the leaves. She stood up and looked around. It was dark, but only due to the foliage. She walked into a small clearing and looked up. The sky was clear and blue, and it looked like midday. She had to have been unconscious for hours. She didn't recognize the trees or plants, but by the temperature (it had to be in the low eighties) she knew it was definitely not Britain.

She walked for a while, searching for signs of anyone. There were a number of small birds, frogs, and insects around, but no larger creatures. The forest was lush, with fruit hanging off half of the trees, bushes of berries everywhere, and large squash and cabbage looking plants in many spots. She found a edge to the trees which looked out onto a lake, and forgot about her situation for a moment.

The lake was beautiful. It stretched out across a large valley, surrounded by trees on all sides. There was a waterfall at one side which had to be a hundred feet tall, and the cloud of mist coming from it played with the light beautifully, creating various small rainbows. After a moment though, the feeling of girly-ness the scene induced was gone, and Falconess went for a drink of water.

She scooped up a handful to her mouth, and found the water tasted wonderful. She gulped down some quickly, and then looked around. While beautiful, the area seemed deserted of all but small animal life. Then, Black Dragon lumbered down the embankment to the waters edge. Falconess hid quickly and watched. He had lost his clothes as well, and in a stroke of luck, appeared to have no jewelry of any sort, meaning he could not use magic against her. He leaned to the waterside to drink, and Falconess had to admit his rump was perfectly muscled. He drank deeply, then sat back in the sand and stretched out. He basked in the sun while Falconess watched. She finally decided it would be best to come out of hiding. Even if he attacked her, she could get away, but for the moment, it would likely be better if they worked together to figure the situation out. She walked over, and was pleased when he didn't jump up to attack. When he looked at her, however he had the unmistakable look of a man imagining sew with a woman, but Falconess decided that trying to cover herself would be pointless. She sat next to him.

" So." she said. He was still sprawled out, but had politely closed his eyes.

" Were trapped her in forever." The villain said it with a finality that assured Falconess it was true.

"No hope of rescue even from other magicians?" Black Dragon shook his head.

" Normally they could, but this dimension is very new. It has existed for mere centuries. Before anyone else can find it, we'll have been dead a thousand years. Also, since I have nothing to work a spell with, we can't escape. Bright side, however, this is one of the best places to be trapped. Year round growing cycle, mild yet enjoyable temperatures, and the largest creature on the planet is a bird the size of a robin."

Falconess laid back in the sand and began to soak up the rays.

" You know, except from the company, this place isn't half bad."

After nearly a hour in the sun ( Falconess didn't feel a bit burnt, but had tanned nicely), she and Black Dragon had gone about collecting various things that looked edible and met back on the beach. The sun had begun to set as they sat, eating the various fruits and talking.

" So you didn't mean to end up transformed into a dragon?"

"Well, not exactly. I didn't mean to end up half dragon, half human. But when I miscast the spell I was stuck like this. I couldn't even do magic anymore with out powerful components like gemstones.". He sighed and bit into an apple. " So, were those rumors about you and the Scotsman hooking up true? It doesn't matter now, but I had a bet with Count Fury that you had."

"Yes," Falconess said, giggling a bit. " We were sleeping with each other for about four months. He was pretty good, but that beard of his was such a turn off that I could never get quite all the way, and he refused to shave it." She was a little surprised to see him blush a tad when she said this.

"So...you ever hook up with any of the bad girls on team evil?" She had to admit it was kind of cute when his dark cheek scales became noticeably red. She was going to tease him for a bit.

"No." he said, sheepishly.

" Ever hook up with anyone? There had to be some freak out there that was into tall, dark, and scaly."

"No." Falconess mouth dropped in shock. Here he was, a muscle bound, evil, super-VIRGIN?

" Your joking." She just knew, though, that he wasn't. He crossed his legs and wrapped his tail around and began wringing it in his hands. She had seen him do this once when he had lost his powers and knew it was a sign he was worried.

"No. This is going to sound silly, but please don't laugh?" She nodded her head. " I wanted to be married before having sex."

It took a few moments for this to register with Falconess, who burst out laughing. She couldn't help herself. Here he was, one of the greatest supervillians in Britain, and he wanted to be married before he could fuck a girl? He'd robbed banks! He'd taken the Prime Minister hostage!

" I'm.." She stifled a laugh down. "..sorry. I just never would have expected that." She looked over at him and was amazed to see he was crying. This was the greatest shock of the evening to her. He...was actually crying. Silently, but she could see the large tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Hey." Falconess said, grabbing his arm. " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He looked up at her.

" Its not a problem. Its just this stupid thing. Figures that the one moral I have is that one, isn't it?"

"Well, while it would be better if you wouldn't kill people or rob, it does put you a step or two above most men. Its kind of romantic."

It was at that exact moment that they both looked down and saw that Black Dragon's sheath was bulging, the tip of his cock poking out. He froze in fright and Falconess looked away. She scooted herself a bit away and the two at in silence for a moment.

It was awkward, to say the least. Falconess had to admit, she had never imagined that she would be trapped on another world with a large, sexually shy man. She also felt a little strange at the fact that she couldn't look over at Dragon without feeling a little hot. He was muscled beautifully and, as she had seen, hung like a horse. She also really liked the fact that underneath all that muscle, there was a bit of sensitivity.

It then sunk into her that she was going to be here for the rest of her life, and what the hell, it was going to come up eventually. She turned to the large reptile.

" You want to do it?" She admitted that it was funny to see his eyes go wide with shock.

"What?" He said, turning and looking at her.

" Well, were trapped her forever, right? And sooner or later were going to get pretty horny running around naked. It might be best if we try it now. Heck, since your not human, you cant even get me pregnant, can you?" For several seconds he seemed lost in though.

"Well, no, I don't think so. Are you sure?" Falconess responded my crawling over and sitting herself in his lap. She had to admit she liked the fact that she was in control of the situation. First-timers were so much fun. She put her arms around him and pressed herself close to him, and his instincts took over. He cuddled her back and let his cock slip from his sheath. Falconess felt it sliding against he skin and looked down. It was almost the size of a baseball bat. It was that moment she realized a problem.

"Oh, crap. There's no way that's going to fit in me." For a moment the both looked at his two feet of dick.

"Well damn." He let go of her and she rolled off. She had to admit she was disappointed, though not nearly as disappointed as she knew he felt. She could see his length pulsing and he had started to leak pre from his tip. They sat in silence for a moment.

Falconess then felt something poking into her hand. It was too sharp to be a stick or rock, and she grabbed it and held it up. It was a broken piece of a emerald, with a small chunk of gold still attached. She held it up to Black Dragon excitedly.

" Hey! I found this in the sand! Do you think you could use it to get us out?" He shook his head, dropping her sprits back down.

" To create the portal I had to use three jewelry stores worth of diamonds. Diamonds are best for transportation. Emeralds are for transformation." An idea instantly entered Falconess's head.

" Could you use it to turn you back into a person?" He shook his head again.

" No, that's the problem with the spell. Since it failed, I am stuck like this. Using it on me would only strengthen the spell." His eyes lit up like a mad scientist after finding a new type of radiation.

" Its too weak to transform you on its own, but I could extend the spell onto you! It would change you into a part dragon as well!"

" What good would that do?" The words were barely out of her mouth when she realized. If she was like him, it stood to reason that her pussy would large enough to handle his cock.

" Your sure that no one can find us here?" He nodded, and Falconess could sense he was being truthful. Screw it.

" Cast away, big boy." she aid, handing him the gem. He took it and muttered for a moment, then crushed it in his hand. There was a bang and a flash of light, and for the second time that day, Falconess found herself laying sprawled out. She sat up slowly.

It was night, and about ten feet away she could see a shape that had to be Black Dragon. She looked at her arm and found it large, muscular, and scaled in a deep green. She stood up. With out thinking she whipped her tail around with perfect control, stopping it so she could look at it. She felt strong, and she liked the look of the claws on her hands. She was also not sad to she her breasts were gone. She had never really liked them. They got in the way.

She decided to give her new body a test and leapt, doing a flip she had countless times before. She literally launched herself through the air, but landed on her feet perfectly nearly forty feet away. She began to practice with her new body found everything she had been able to do before ridiculously easy. She then noticed Black Dragon stirring. She landed next to him as he stood up. He stopped suddenly, then moved like someone who had been tied up a long time.

" That's odd. I feel really limber." Falconess noticed he didn't seem as bulky as before, with taunt, sleek muscles. She had to admit he looked unfairly sexy at the moment. " Hold on a moment." He suddenly leapt in the exact same manner she had moments before, landing perfectly as well.

" Bugger. Well, I messed up again. The spell didn't extend to you. It looks like it merged us in ways."

" What do you mean?" said Falconess, confused.

" I could have never done that flip. But I have seen you do it a hundred times. My muscles are just as strong but smaller, and I am now as agile as you. Vice Versa applies." And then, as had happened before, that night, they both looked down at the same time.

Their bodies were not quite male or female anymore. They were both sleek, but heavily muscled. Their hips were wider, like a woman's, and there were two slits on their crotches. Immediately, Falconess felt a warmth in her hips she had never before, and out of the upper silt a long erection began protruding. She could feel the lover slit begin to moisten in a way that felt more familiar. Her erection ended at almost a foot long and was as thick as her fist, and was sort of a fleshy pink color. She looked at Black Dragon and saw that he was the same.

"Well." Black Dragon said, looking into Falconess's eyes.

" I have to hand it to you. You mess up big." She sidled up next to him. " Now, want to get to what we had tried earlier?" A look of hunger took over his eyes, and they embraced, licking each others face with long tongues. Falconess realized then that she was several inches taller and the heavier of the two. She smiled internally as she felt...hirself guided down onto the soft grass. Shi felt the tip of hir lovers cock touch her femslit, releasing a feeling of warmth through her body. Then, shi felt it slowly push inside hir, spreading hir wide. When Black Dragon had pushed all the way in shi felt hirself shudder with pleasure.

Black Dragon began much like a virgin does, pulling out and thrusting in again full speed. Falconess didn't care, though. She was in the mood for a good hard rodgering. Black Dragon continued to hammer into her, licking the sweat off of hir neck scales. Black Dragons tongue slid across her, sending new shivers throughout Falconess again. Next time, shi would make Black Dragon start with oral, for it seemed shi might have some talent there. Much like a virgin, Black Dragon didn't last long, and soon Falconess felt the large cock surge within her and fill her with long, heavy sprays. Slowly Black Dragon pulled out, hir cock coated with semen. Falconess was a tad disappointed that it hadn't lasted longer, but she was eager to try out hir cock. Shi, however, knew the value of a little foreplay.

Black Dragon slumped back into the grass, breathing hard. Hir cock was still fully erect, and Falconess leaned over and licked her tongue up the length of it. Black Dragon gasped and clutched the ground. Slowly Falconess began lapping up and down with her tongue, slowly cleaning the semen off. The taste was far different that shi was used to. It was a sweet, strong flavor that filled hir with a increased lust for hir mate. Shi held herself though, and finally slid her mouth over the cock. She pressed deep down to the base, tickling her tongue around the slit. Shi felt Black Dragon shaking with pleasure and buck hir hips up, pressing hir cock deep into Falconess's throat. Falconess savored the cocks flavor as shi pumped up and down, suckling with contentment.

Finally shi was rewarded for her efforts as Black Dragon came again, spurting into her mouth thick gobs of seed, which Falconess devoured. It took nearly ten seconds for Black Dragon to run out of seed, but Falconess was able to swallow all of it with ease. Shi withdrew her head and looked into the loving eyes of Black Dragon. Shi then smelled a scent that shi had never before, and could see a look on Black Dragons face shi had seen before: The look of someone who needed to be taken badly.

Falconess pulled hirself into a embrace with Black Dragon, cuddling and bucking hir hips gently as to rub hir member against Black Dragons pussy. Shi felt Black Dragon leaking copiously and the look of desire in hir face was so cute, Falconess felt that it would be rude to wait any longer. Shi slipped hirself into the warm, welcoming passage. Shi managed to contain hir gasps of ecstasy, though Black Dragon could not. Shi gasped and bucked hir hips down, forcing Falconess's cock as deep in as it could go. Falconess began slowing withdrawing a little bit and thrusting in, barely containing the sensations from hir cock. Shi had never felt pleasure like this.

Shi continued her slow pattern, increasing speed as hir loins demanded. Shi licked hir lovers scales, savoring their musk as she bucked into hir mate. Shi had the feeling that shi was going to emerge the dominant of the pair.

Falconess began to let herself go, picking up speed and pressing deeper. Shi felt barely sated and pressed harder and harder, Black Dragon bucking her hips back. Black Dragon moaned and gasped in pleasure, egging Falconess on. Shi stopped, withdrawing hir length to the tip. Black Dragon whimpered for a moment, begging for hir to continue. Falconess then rammed herself as hard into Black Dragon's pussy as she could. Black Dragon screamed with pleasure, back arching and tail flailing.

Falconess grabbed Black Dragon and flipped hir over. Black Dragon's instinct told hir to raise her rump for hir mate, as shi did shi was mounted by Falconess, who began pounding hir voraciously. With each thrust both felt themselves pushed a little farther away by their mating needs, until they were acting merely though lust. Falconess leaned over Black Dragon, thrusting with hir full weight behind hir. Shi opened hir mouth as if too lick hir mate, but instead bit down on the scruff of Black Dragons neck. This didn't seem to hurt Black Dragon, who raised hir rump higher and spread hirself wider, and filled Falconess with a feeling of power. Falconess knew shi was the dominant of the two of them, now, and would rule the pair. This feeling sent heir crazy and she began hammering harder and harder until shi felt hirself surge.

With a primal roar from each, a powerful orgasm took both of them. Black Dragon tightened around Falconess's cock as shi spurted, milking hir mate for everything shi could. Falconess pressed hard as she surged, spraying hard, filling Black Dragon with hir thick seed. It flowed out of the edges of the slit and poured to the ground. After nearly a minute they cum slowed and the two went slack, panting where they lay. Tiredly, Falconess slid out of Black Dragon and lay beside hir. Black Dragon cuddled up to hir, and Falconess held hir arms around hir mate. Shi was tired now, but shi come the morning shi would be ready to take hir mate again. Smiling at this, she slid into sleep, glad that shi was marooned here.