Timmy (Chapter. 1)

Story by Timmythewolf on SoFurry

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Hello! This is my first story upload. Still busy writing the next one. Please tell me if anything is wrong with it.

I would love, comments, feedback's and watches to encourage me to improve. This story is based on my own life story. Changed it a lot though. The idea is the same and the persons are real.

22nd of October 2002,

Rick leaned in closer and gave me a mind numbing kiss. I kissed him back. He threw me on his bed and removed my shirt and pants. I was nervous as hell. Rick seemed to notice it. ''No need to be nervous, I'm sure you'll like it.'' He said as he removed my black boxer shorts. He groped my sheath and my cock emerged from its hideout. He began licking it, I gasped at the feeling. He took it in his mouth whole and began bobbing his head up and down, lightly squeezing my knot every couple of times. I was in ecstasy. I felt my need to cum growing but I held it back. Rick tried really hard to make me cum and he succeeded. I couldn't hold back any longer. Strings and strings of white cum shot into his muzzle and face. He coughed. ''Hmm, tastes nice.'' I huffed in afterglow. ''I love you Rick.'' I said and almost fell asleep on the bed. I was poked in my side. ''Don't go to sleep now, sweetie, you're already late for school.'' Rick said as he licked up the remaining cum on his face. ''Say what?'' I asked.

I jumped up. The sun was shining through the crimson red curtains of my bedroom. Crap, just a dream. I looked on my alarm clock. ''OH SHIT!'' I shouted and ran for my dresser for some clothes and put my shoes on the wrong feet. I almost fell down the stairs rushing to catch the bus. Of course, it drove away right in front of my eyes. I waited half an hour for the next one and reached school twenty minutes late. After forging a late note (again) I walked into the classroom. After another hour and a half of boredom we had a thirty minute break. I took my two best friends and took them to our spot.

My two best friends are Danny, an overweight otter and Mike, a slender, geeky raccoon. Yep, I fit right in. Despite being a good looking, muscular wolf, I am shy and can't make friends easy. I wanted to tell them often about me liking guys but there was always something in the way like school bells or bullies. Now I was going to tell them and I had prepared for the worst. Danny looked worried. ''I-I don't know how to tell you guys this.'' I stumbled. Danny interrupted ''Please tell me your nanna is still alive.'' He was just crazy about my grandmother. Who couldn't be. She is the nicest person in the world. ''No, no, nana is fine, it's about me..'' I could see them getting more worried then before. ''I-I'm gay.'' Their faces looked shocked. ''Are you sure?'' Mike asked looking at me through his round glasses. ''As sure as I know that I'm a wolf.'' I said sitting down preparing for what would happen. But nothing happened. They were fine with it.

After school I went home. I went into the kitchen. My parents weren't home. I didn't expect them to be. I texted Mike and Danny asking them to come over to have a coming out rehearsal or something like that. And soon they did. They sat with me in the living room. Mike and Danny acting as my parents. Mike asked me first. ''How do you know you're... You know, like you.'' Hearing that sounded weird. ''It's not called like me, it's called gay. And I know because I'm not attracted to girls.'' I explained. He continued. ''Yeah but you're just twelve years old. Are you sure you're not just confused?'' I sighed. ''Of course I was confused at first but now it's all so obvious.'' I said rolling my eyes. Danny continued. ''When did you find out?'' He looked like he was really interested. ''Three months ago, during English class. I couldn't keep my eyes off this guy. I think I'm in love with him.'' I said. ''And what is the name of this guy?'' Mike asked. ''Rick.'' I said. Both Mike and Danny dropped back into their seats. ''Rick, the mean Husky like devil?'' Danny asked. That made me angry. ''He's not the devil. And I just love his deep blue eyes and his soft fur. And he's so kind to me.'' I said.

''Well he steals from us all the time!'' Danny noted. ''Well, he never stole from ME!'' I said. My rage building. ''Right, and you care less about your friends than you care for a bully.'' He shouted. I snapped. ''Well yeah! Maybe I do! Now get the fuck away from my house!'' I shouted back at him. ''You just made a big mistake!'' Danny said. ''Yeah? Like what?'' I asked in anger. ''Go to school tomorrow, you'll find out!'' He slammed the door shut behind him. Mike sat there with an open mouth. ''What about you?'' I asked. There was genuine fear in his eyes. ''W-Well, I agree with D-Danny since you...'' He tried to finish his sentence but I interrupted. ''Well get lost then. Go away!'' I shouted. With his tail between his legs he scurried towards the door. Quietly closing it behind him. I plummeted into the couch and began crying. Way too soon a car pulled up on the driveway. I ignored it and continued crying. The front door opened and my dad walked in. He noticed me crying so he quickly put the groceries on the floor and ran towards the living room.

''Whoa, Timmy, what's wrong?'' He asked as he sat beside me. I tried to respond with a steady, calm voice. But that didn't really work. ''I-I had a fight with my friends.'' I stuttered. ''Oh don't worry about that. It used to happen to me all the time.'' Dad replied. ''Want to talk about it?'' He asked me. I nodded. ''What was the fight about then?'' He asked as he cleared the tears from my muzzle. ''Well, I think I'm in love with... someone.. but they don't approve cause apparently this someone is a bully. But they're wrong!'' I said as tears welled up again. I never had a fight with my friends ever before. ''What's the name of miss mystery then?'' He asked as he rubbed my side with care. I wanted to lie about him but I couldn't. ''It's a he. His name is Rick'' I said. I began crying again. ''Hey, there's no need to cry.'' He said as he gave me a hug. ''Y-you're not mad at me for being gay?'' I looked up with a surprised feeling. ''Of course not, you're my son, how could I be mad at you about something like this.'' As he said that a huge burden dropped from my shoulders. ''Thanks dad!'' I said and I ran upstairs.

The next day I wanted to come out to the school. Hell, I already was a nobody so I figured, what harm could it do. But when I arrived I received giggles from girls and dirty looks from guys. I was like what the fuck? But when I walked to the courtyard I saw Danny talking to basically everyone. He saw me coming and ran away. I chased after him and quickly closed the gap. I grabbed him by his sweater and threw him against the wall. ''What were you telling everyone?'' I asked in a quiet but angry voice. ''N-nothing.'' He said. It wasn't hard to tell he was lying because he sucked at it. ''Tell me!'' I shouted in his face. ''Alright, I was telling everyone you have a crush on Rick.'' He said. I got really angry and wanted to throw him away but I couldn't. I hated to be violent. After that I hurried towards class. The entire day, Rick looked at me like I was an alien. When school finished Rick approached me. ''Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? You fucking faggot!'' He shouted. I whimpered. He spat in my face. Then he left. I sat there bewildered and heart-broken.

I went home and threw my bag in the corner. I went upstairs to my room booted up my brand new Playstation 2. And played Grand Theft Auto 3. A great game to release my anger and sadness. All I did was walk around and shoot people until I felt better. I continued doing missions for mob bosses and when I had enough. It was already quite late. I heard my dad shout ''Dinner's ready!'' From downstairs. I sat there in front of the Tv, watching stupid television series while eating my french fries. I finished quickly and unlike most times, I didn't say a thing. I scooted back upstairs so I could bathe in misery.

The rest of the year I didn't talk to anyone. No one understood anyway. After that misery had ended I went to high school.

19th of September 2003.

I met some new people and made new friends. It really helps by coming out on the first day of school. It's a lot easier to make good friends that way. My new best friend was a white arctic fox called Sean. I used to go over there and talk to him about myself, and my problems. ''Hey Sean.'' I said. ''Hey there, buddy!'' He said as he opened the door to let me in. I put my bag down and launched myself onto the couch. Everything in the living room was bright white. He offered me a drink. I had a coke, while he had a glass of water. ''I think I still love him.'' I said. ''Who?'' He asked whilst sipping from his water. ''Rick.'' I replied. ''Man, let him go, he was a bully. Besides, he isn't gay. You don't have a chance.'' He said. I agreed. ''He doesn't know what he misses, you are a great Wolf.'' He patted me on my shoulder as he went to the kitchen to get cookies. ''I'm not, I haven't done anything right in my life.'' I said as I put my head in my hands. ''You are, you're funny, kind, caring, sexy, really good at math.'' He said as he stroked my back. What I did next was something I can't explain. It was probably the tiredness, compliments and sadness all together. I leaned over and kissed him deep. He immediately pulled away. ''Whoa! What was that?'' He asked with his eyes wide open. ''T-That, I-I'm sorry. It's just that, you're so understanding and you actually care about me. I-I couldn't help it.'' I cried and ran away. Away from there. Back home.