Exotic Slave Part 1

Story by Eric Russell on SoFurry

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Part 1

By: Eric Russell

The gavel hit the podium, signifying the beginning of a new bid item. The crowd went hushed as the next item was brought onto the bidding stage. A unified gasp from the audience was emitted as they brought Abal on to the stage. He was obviously the prize of the night, having just been imported from a small island from a distant land. His captor, a short and old grey wolf, pulled Abal by a rope around the poor furres' neck as he led him to the front of the stage.

"My good ladies and gentlemen," began the wolf, bowing and making gestures of acknowledgment to the high class audience, "I bring you from the most exotic island of Yinbabwa, a rare and wonderful find, a full grown tribal skunk." The crowd was a gasp at seeing such a rare slave having been brought this far. The wolf flashed a wide grin and continued, "As you can see, he is very fit and healthy and you can take comfort in the fact that I, Abram Hebert, personally took care of him on the long boat ride back myself."

Many of the audience members nodded in agreement, knowing the Abram's reputation for bringing only the most renowned and exotic slaves to the capital of Tinanza. Even though the previous year the King himself had banned public auctioning of slaves, the trade was thriving in underground warehouses and other facilities. The city guards were of no help either, being paid huge amounts of money to turn their noses away from the atrocities.

Abram cleared his throat and continued, pulling the skunk beside him, "As you can see, this fine young skunk is 6 foot, 4 inches, and is built like a tank. Since he is from a tribal society he does not know the god given luxuries that you, my good gentlemen and women, have. He is skilled in many menial and not so menial tasks from living on his own. His name is Abal and he's a skunk, of only seventeen years of age, prime condition in his youth." The wolf said, displaying his possession. Abal stood blankly in front of the crowd, not understanding the words, but definantly cold as he was wearing only a very thing loin cloth. His fur was messy and unkempt, bushy tail rising far above his head as his body shook from the freezing air touching him. Abram finished, "Now, I trust that all of you fine people will agree that the bidding should start at fifty million."

The crowd gasped at such a sum, the highest bid before that was only twenty two thousand, for a young racoon. Fifty million was more than most of the audience members had. The auctioneer looked at Abram as if he was mad but slammed the gavel down and shouted loudly, "Let the bidding begin at fifty million."

For seemingly hours the bid went on, raising in increments of two and three millions, having finally been grabbed by a rather tall dragoness, dressed all in diamonds, with an unheard of total of seventy eight million dollars.

"Going once...going twice..." The auctioneer shouted as he brought his gavel up for the last time, waiting to see if anyone would intervene the selling. Noone replied so he brought it down, but right before it hit the podium someone shouted, "ONE HUNDRED MILLION!"

The crowd went silent and Abram nodded to the auctioneer, dragging Abal off the stage and into the back while the next slave, a red fox, was dragged onto the stage to be sold. Abal followed the grey wolf as closely as possible, passing several curtains and large crates filled with crying furres until they reached the very back of the building, by a large exit door and several guards standing nearby. The guards nodded to Abram and handed him the check, making the wolf smile before handing the tallest guard the rope around Abal's neck and padding off happily now a richer man.

"This way...slave." sneered the guard, grabbing the leash and yanking it hard, pulling Abal out the door and around back to a carriage. He opened the door and pushed the slave in before nodding to the driver, whom snapped the reigns of the horses and set off into the night.

Abal whimpered as he sat on the cushion, looking out the window at the strange foreign land, dreaming of his home, the warm jungle with the wonderful foliage and warm breeze that would constantly brush through his fur. This place was strange though, the trees were far apart, and giant multicolored blocks lined the black path that the carriage was bouncing down. Furres of every sort strolled along the grey dirt, which looked oddly hard to Abal. Magic orange orbs seemed to hang from black poles stuck on every corner, illuminating what should have been darkness. Everywhere he looked the blocks were shaped oddly, as if being put together by thousands of smaller blocks and had a wooden rectangle on the front. On the sides he could see magic openings into the buildings, which reflected back but still allowed him to see through inside. The skunk was afraid but he soon tired of this wondrous land and curled up into a ball, drifting into an uneasy sleep the rest of the journey.

When he awoke he was in a giant room, seeming like it would have been able to fit his entire home island in it. From the ceiling hung thousands of shiny diamonds, catching his eyes in wonderment as he glanced around quickly. He was laid out on a long couch, with a warm fluffy pillow he had been resting on. All along the walls were tapestries and paintings of unknown furres, well dressed and groomed. To his left was a fire kept in a box. How did they contain fire like that wondered Abal, blinking as he watched the flames spark in the fireplace, not knowing what it truly was.

"Ahhhh, good you're finally awake" Came a soft voice off to his right, making Abal jump slightly. Out of the shadows came a short rabbit, carrying a tray of food. She wore a rose in her long hair, just between her tall, proud rabbit ears. Below her ears were two piercing green eyes, showing off her deep and knowing soul. A smile made her nose twitch slightly and her buck teeth stand out as her cheek were pulled back in friendly gesture. Her body itself was a masterpiece of the gods Abal thought. She was only a mere 5 feet, 1 inch, but every inch was pure strength. Her muscles rippled beneath her fur as she gracefully walked towards him. The next thing to catch his attention was her wonderful breasts, they were huge. They bounced with each of her steps, making him almost drool as he stared at the mounds, large but not grotesquely so. She wore a skin tight leather tunic, accompanied by a particularly short leather skirt, which just came below her crotch and threatened to come up and reveal what it hid with each of her steps.

"Enjoy your nap I hope...uhhh.." The rabbit murmured as she set the tray of food down on a table next to the couch, pulling a letter off the tray and opening it up, "Abal..yes that's what Abram said your name was.."

Abal stared blankly at her and blinked, unable to discern what she was saying. The rabbit slapped her head and smiled, "oh yes, I forgot, cant speak English...poor, poor neglected barbarian. My name is Ginger..Giiiinger" she emphasized, pointing at herself as she said her name repeatedly. Finally Abal blinked and nodded as if he finally understand what she was trying to say. Ginger smiled, she was already making progress. But something was inhibiting Abal's lesson, he seemed to not be able to take his eyes off her chest long enough for her to teach him something.

Not only that, but he was starting to get a little horny.

The loincloth easily hung out of the way as he rested on his side, showing Ginger everything he had as his limp member slowly began to harden, growing in size. The rabbit blinked and stared at it, watching in amazement as it seemed to stretch on forever until reaching its full hard length.

"My, my..you certainly know what you want Abal." Murmured ginger, reaching down to the bottom of her tunic and easily pulling it off, then slipping her thumbs between the waist of the skirt and her skin and wiggling her hips as she got out of the skirt, now standing in front of Abal in her glorious furred buff. Abal whimpered and continued to stare at the big bouncing chest.

"Oh...so you want these?" Ginger said, tracing her hands up her sides until she reached her chest, sliding her hands up under the large mounds and cupping them, teasing the poor skunk. She continued doing so as she walked over, reaching down to easily tear the loincloth off Abal's hip and tossing it to the side, smiling as she was starting to get pretty hot herself.

Ginger reached down with her right hand and cupped Abal's warm balls, teasing them with her thumb as she stroked in circles, using her left hand to grip his warm shaft and slowly raised and lower her hand, jerking him off slowly. Abal gripped the couch and turned onto his back, closing his eyes and enjoying the administrations. After a few minutes he began to start to breathe hard and gently thrust his hips up, sliding his cock into Ginger's left hand as she jerked him. She smiled as pre dripped oozed out of the tip and took her right hand off his balls, using both her hands to jerk at his shaft hard now. After a few minutes of continues jerking and humping, Abal let out a primal moan and thrust his hips up hard, holding it there as his cock flexed and began squirt out cum in thick loads, spraying all over his belly as Ginger continued her fast pace. After a long intense moment Abal finally stopped cumming and lowered his hip, panting loudly.

Ginger brought her hands to her mouth and murred, licking the hard earned snack off the gooey paws, finishing it quickly and smiling at Abal, who was staring back at her. She blinked and looked down at his crotch, amazed to find the cock to be just as hard, if not harder than before, "oh my, you're defenantly horny tonight aren't you? I'll have to fix that." Ginger half murmured to herself.

The rabbit climbed onto the couch and put her large legs on either side of Abal. She smiled at him as she reached down and got a hold of his cock, jerking it a few times before looking down between her legs as she slowly sat down. Abal closed his eyes and began to moan as he felt his cock's head slowly engulfed by the warm wet lips as his mistress slowly sat down on him. He gritted his teeth and enjoyed being engulfed until the rabbit stopped, taking all she could, nearly three quarters of his cock. He smiled back at Ginger as she leaned forward on her knees and placed her palms flat on his stomach, beginning to slowly raise and lower her hips. Abal gritted his teeth and moaned louder, reaching down to grab her hips and quickly began to raise and lower her on his shaft, thrusting his hips up each time she came down, making her bounce back up. Soon Ginger was bouncing upright and crying out at the top of her voice as she began to orgasm. Abal cried out along with her, feeling her inside walls clench down on him, squeezing and milking him as they drove him over the edge. He thrust up into her deep and held her still as he began to fill her with his warm skunk cum.

After a few intense minutes of panting and moaning, Ginger laid down on Abal. The skunk's cock slowly began to soften until it slipped out of her. He hugged the female close and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the afterglow of two orgasms in a row as he slowly drifted off into sleep.