7 Months In The Rain Ch 5

Story by Silverwolf117 on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

Austin remained seated in his car with the note of paper in his hand. He stared at it as if there was something more than the 5 words he wrote before.

Before his mind could settle, his phone rang and broke his concentration.

"Augh, what the hell is it now?" He yelled before looking at the caller ID. The purple screen on his phone read "Danny", Austin opened the phone and pressed talk, trying to sound calm when he answered.

"Hello?" Austin said in a calm yet emotionless voice.

"Hey Austin, its Danny, you doing anything right now?"

Austin looked at the time and saw it was almost 10 o'clock at night.

He sighed before answering "Nope, why do you ask?"

"Well I'm at the pub and I need a buddy to talk to."

Austin looked out his window and saw Jake put the guitar down and stretch, showing some skin on his stomach. Austin smiled at the sight of it. The view wasn't much but he saw Jake was nicely toned in the stomach and was definitely not as lazy as most people were at Dimetown High.

"Austin..? Austin???"

The sound of Danny, snapped Austin out of his little fantasy and back to the annoying sound of his friend's voice.

"You know I don't drink Danny."

"You don't need to drink Austin, just keep me company."

"Sure, and be your ride home when you get wasted as usual."

"Oh come on man, don't be like that."

"Listen, I have to go and visit Ja-" The slam of the music store door startled Austin and made him see that Jake was walking over to the parking lot where he was residing in. Austin dropped his phone and slammed his foot on the gas pedal, bolting out of the parking lot at a dangerous speed. Before he was clear of Jake's sight, Austin looked into his rear view window and saw him staring after him and scratching his head.

The next day, Austin was still breathless and restless from the runaway the other night. He remembered every detail in his dreams, the melodies Jake spun, the abs he had, the endless eyes he bared, the casual yet messy hair he wore. He seemed like a small knight in shining armor. It was official, Austin wanted Jake, no, he needed Jake and his body. He smiled at every thought of him but then his expression went dead and he wondered. "I know him in that way, but I don't really know him in the important way."

While physical attraction was nice, Austin knew that emotional appeal was important too. He made the mistake of being attracted to Jade without even knowing who she truly was. She may have been pretty on the outside, but inside her was a cold, heartless shrewd who never stopped nagging and harassing her unlucky mate or partner at the time. To him, it felt like being with Tom Walker's wife in the story The Devil & Tom Walker by Washington Irving, mistreated, abused and ignored.

"I wish the devil would've taken Mrs. Walker's reincarnation while he was at it." He mumbled, chuckling to himself at the cruel joke.

A typical Saturday morning was all that it was for Jake today. He woke up at 8:00 a.m. and looked out the window to see a damp neighborhood and his guardians leaving for a church activity. His guardians went to church everyday but Jake didn't attend simply because he didn't believe there was a point. No matter how many times Mr. Henry tried to "use the word of the lord" on his opinion, Jake just wouldn't budge and he would sleep in every weekend.

As he walked downstairs, he noticed he left his phone on the kitchen table and opened it for any messages. Two from Danielle and one three-part message from the owner of the Disarm Studios.From: Danielle

Morning ^^From: Danielle

Wake up Sleepyhead!!Jake ignored the two messages and opened up the message from the Disarm Studios guy.

From: Disarm Studios (Robert)(1/3)Great job on the music session last night Jake, our customers seemed thrilled and we were selling more than we ever do on a Friday night. You also seem to be gaining quite a bit of fans. I saw some girls winking at you as they walked by you.

 Jake rolled his eyes at the thought of girls winking at him, which was the last thing he wanted, girls trying to hit on him when he would clearly like a guy to do so.(2/3) I also saw one man, he was lean and muscular and I saw him looking at you, but it looked like he was trying to remain hidden from you while he watched.(3/3)He bought some bass strings from me then walked out as if he was in a hurry. Well hopefully he'll come back soon. Have a nice one Jake.


Jake jumped at the thought of a guy admiring his music; he immediately cracked a smile and was happy with joy but then turned blue.

"I don't even know who this guy is or if he is going to come back to the store." He muttered to himself.

He laid in his bed and looked at the ceiling, thinking of Austin, the feel of his muscular chest when they collided, the warmness of hands when they touched his, the seduction in his eyes when they met his, and the beautiful sound of his voice made Jake feel tingly and turned on. He stayed in his bed, rested with his eyes closed and a big smile across his face.

Another fantasy ran through his mind, different from the one in his science class, much better.....

His dream made him wake in an empty park, there was no sign of life and the grass seemed to go on forever. It looked like Dimetown Central Park but there were no buildings in sight, the park ground went on forever, no streets, just grass and trees.

When he turned towards the lake, he saw a figure ascend from the water in majestic form, his back turned. Jake blushed at the sight of the dreamy man and tried hiding the redness on his face with his hands.

The figure turned around and Jake saw that he and the figure were wearing nothing but tiny bathing suits that were tight and barely coverable of anything important. The figure's hair was in his face as he walked towards Jake. Water trickling slowly down the man's pecs and abs. Jake couldn't help but to look at the figure's swimwear, the clothing was so tight and butch; he could see outlines of what was underneath.

The man touched Jake's cheek and wiped the hair from his own face. Jake became nervous when he saw that the man was Austin, but before he could decide to build up courage, Austin had already wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close to his chest.

Jake blushed and felt Austin pull him in to kiss him.

His lips upon Jake's, his arms around his body, his beautiful body pressed against his. Perfect moment for Jake, the warmness of his love's lips, the feel of his embrace and the rough yet comforting shape of his body pressing against his. Heaven, real heaven in his mind.

"Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!"

The sound of Jake's cell phone woke him from his fantasy and instead of waking up in a nice park; he woke up in his plain, boring, dreamy boy-free room.

He looked at his phone and saw it was just another message from Danielle. He pouted and shut his phone off, deciding he should get his day started. Unfortunately, after seeing what his dream did to his sheets, he saw he had one more chore to add to the list before his guardians came home. Laundry.

Even after waking up from such a wonderful dream, Jake smiled and said to himself, "Austin McElroy, who am I kidding? Only in my dreams that would happen."