Tyler's pokemon adventure 8

Story by Dirana the rune on SoFurry

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­­­­­­­­­­­Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon this is a pure work of fiction and is to be treated as such. However this work of fiction is copyright to me and is not to be used unless permission is asked and I say you may.

(Aurhtors note: well this is a bit long overdue hope you all enjoy it)

"Aww, what do I do?" he thought thinking about what he should do In a situation like this.

In the end he had to just give in. Aura had an iron grip even when asleep with one arm. Every time Tyler had tried to move away she'd only tighten her grip on him.

"How did she even get in the bed without me knowing?" he thought again.

Slowly Tyler's thigh was getting even wetter.

"Great I only have one god damn pair of shorts" he said to himself.

"They had better be dry in the morning".

Eventually Aura had began to moan for a little bit in her sleep but soon after she stopped and both were back to sleep.

When morning came Aura was feeling much less energetic than usual. With a yawn she hugged Tyler who was sleeping, at that moment she smelt her own scent on him realising what had happened.

"Oh no!" she thought feeling very embarrassed much more than when she fell over and kissed him as riolu.

For the next half an hour Aura spent her time staring out the window both admiring the view and thinking of what to say to Tyler when he wakes. The scene before her consisted of grass covered in dew with a slight breeze. Even the bird pokemon were out and flying high.

Aura turned to look at Tyler who rolled over in his sleep and.... Crash!

He fell out of bed hitting the floor hard.

"Fuck! That's a great way to wake up" he said placing one arm on the floor and pushing himself up off the ground and back on the bed. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes before looking around and spotting Aura at the window looking at him.

Both were sceptical to say anything. Then all of a sudden there was a loud thump against the door. At the thump against the door both quickly turned their heads to the door.

"Wake up you lazy arse!" Lyra shouted from the hall way.

"Shut up Lyra! It's only god damn six seventeen!" he shouted back.

"You know we could make it look like an accident?" Aura said sounding out each word like she was teeling the truth and forgetting their silence.

"I may just keep that in mind" he said jokingly while getting out of bed.

Tyler was trying his hardest to just forget what he woke up to in the middle of the night even though in the back of his mind he did kinda like it.

"{Yawn} so what's the plan for the day then?" she asked yawning through words, now sitting on the window sill.

"For you don't know, but for me I'm going to go for a shower, get some breakfast and then get out here without Lyra finding out. That's my plan" he says while heading over to the bathroom.

"I'll come to!" she shouts trying to go for a shower with him walking just a little behind him.

"No!" he quickly shouts closing the door.

"Aww but I really wanted a shower!" she shouts in a childish tone, like she was whining to get what she wanted.

"The answer is no Aura. You can have a shower after im finished if you really want one then" he said just as he was turning the shower on.

"Gah, fine then" she says annoyed and disappointed before jumping from one end of the room onto the bed.

She sat down on the bed taking a meditative pose. Her intention was to focus and use her aura vision to spy on him.

"I might not have gotten the shower but at least I can still see him" she said to herself closing her eyes.

(Authors note: Clarification here Aura's change in emotional state and the way she acts now has changed from her evolving. Just like ash's charizard)

She focused on all the different coloured aura's and ignoring all the normal ones looking for Tyler's.

"Damn it!" she shouted in her mind.

It was impossible for Aura to see Tyler clearly because of his unusual aura. Like a giant white flame. It was impossible for her to see him properly. After her little tantrum about her little problem she got up and walked back over to the window frame.

A few minutes later the door to the bathroom opened up and Tyler walked out fully dressed.

"Still need to go for a shower?" he asked walking up behind Aura and looking out the window as well.

"No. I'm good. So where are we going" She asked turning to look at him with her red eyes.

"Well I think we should go to snow point city" he said still thinking.

"Snow? What's snow?" she said confused as to what snow is.

"Of course she wouldn't know what snow is" he thought. "Well snow is like sand only made of water and more powdery and slippery. Hmm actually just wait and see, I'll show you once we get there" he said to her before thinking about some essential things he'd need.

"Oh okay then. So when do we leave for the...... snow?" she asked a little anxious making a motion with her left hand before saying the word snow.

"Today after we get some stuff. Now help me out the window will you" he said as his way of getting out without letting Lyra know.

"Umm.........Okay?" she said confused as to why he'd want to take the window.

Aura grabbed Tyler and pulled him onto her back before looking down from the window assessing the height. Tyler was breathing a little fast and hopping that she doesn't by any chance let him go. Then she jumped down landing on the floor outside the pokemon centre.

"W-well that was faster than I expected" he said slightly unbalanced now.

"Oh right! I almost forgot to return the key" he said before quickly running back in to the pokemon centre.

Aura following behind as the automatic doors opened for them. Once inside they stopped running and began to walk to the front desk. Tyler was looking to make sure that Lyra wasn't down here. He made his way over to Nurse Joy who was just like yesterday on her computer typing away. She looked up wondering why they came in through the front door.

"I'd like to return my room key" he said to her placing the key on the front desk for her.

"Hope you were comfortable. Please do take care" she said cheerily before resuming her typing.

"Oh before I go nurse joy, is there anything I need for being a trainer like a license?" he asked remembering back like this was the game.

"Yes don't you have one?" she said thinking.

"Oh right you were the one that was injured badly, I'll get a license sorted for you in a few minutes" she said opening a filling cabinet looking for the right forms and what not that had to be signed.

She passed them over to Tyler before briefly going over them and getting him to sign where needed.

"Okay that should be all that's needed" she said before pulling a camera out and taking a quick photo.

"Agh... did you need the flash?" he said slightly dazed by the bright flash made from the camera.

"Yep" she giggled before connecting the camera up to her computer.

After a few seconds there was the sound of printing and a beep, of which signalled that his license was finished. Nurse joy handed over the license and a pokedex.

"I thought only the pokemon professors could give these out?" He said confused but still taking them.

"No myself or any of my sisters are also allowed to give them out. Also you have 5,000 credits as a starting balance which all new trainers get when they begin." She said with a cheerful smile.

"Thank you nurse joy" he said before turning around and motioning to aura who had watched the whole thing quietly.

The two made their way to the front door which quietly slid open for them. They were greeted with a cool morning breeze before they went walking about the town before locating the Poke mart, which wasn't too hard as the building had a blue roof. Once again the door slid open upon them coming close to it.

"Aura why don't you have a look around and see if there's anything you want, but you have to tell me first, okay?" Tyler says before leaving her in the first isle.

"Holy crap this place is huge compared to the game" he says to himself as he looks down and see's at least 18 different isles' that were all quite long. There were even 5 clerks. He needed help.

Aura was astounded that she could have whatever took her fancy in this building. She was quickly looking around at all the different products. What caught her eye was the fact that there were a few isles that were dedicated to pokemon. Her first isle had hair products for pokemon. Hair shiner, dye's you name it. In the next isle Aura was looking at accessories for pokemon such as little charms, bells to clothing.

Aura picked up a nice scarf and another ribbon. She looked at both, the scarf was a purple blue and the ribbon was a bright crimson red. She had no clue what she'd do with either. That was till she turned around and saw a magazine section that had stuff on contest there were a lot of pokemon that had ribbon tied in neat bows around their necks.

"Okay I grab this" she said putting the scarf back and holding onto the ribbon.

The next isle was even weirder to her. Their were pictures of large muscled pokemon running on treadmills and using other equipment. She was quick to get out of that isle, an isle filled with pictures of ripped fighting types and even a sickening lucario that was covered in muscles about the same size as a machoke. (Obviously photoshoped)

Tyler was going through a isle filled with different travelling equipment. He grabbed a simple bag which was 300 credits and then moved onto another isle to grab some food stocks. Easily filling the bag up with assorted berries a total of easily a total off 700 credits worth. He relised he'd need another bag so he went back to the previous isle and grabbed an black satchel bag. (Think that's what their called the bags with one strap?) for another 250 credits.

He moved on to a medical isle.

"Oh great now what will I need?" he looked at the lables on the many different bottles. "Hmm... how many people are going to mess with aura and actually injure her?........2....defiantly 2" he says grabbing two potions, worth 600 credits. He then grabbed a small first aid kit worth 500.

"Okay now to see if Aura can get rid of the rest of the money" he says in his head before walking down each isle before finding her. She was standing in the middle of the woman's clothing isle holding a bra up against herself. "Oh dear god!" he thinks before walking slowly to Aura. "Aura...their for human women" he says to her embarrassed that his pokemon was close to trying on a bra in a public place.

"Well how come in the pokemon section there pictures of pokemon in clothes then?" she says as back in the isle with the magazines she stumbled onto one form the johto region that had pokemon dressed up in naughty clothes.

"Forget about the bra. Did you find anything you like?" he asks her taking the bra from her and putting back on the shelf.

"Yeah this cute ribbon" she says displaying it to him as she held it in her paw."Could you tie it in a nice bow around my neck?"

"Maybe if I buy it. Now come on we have to go pay for all this stuff" he says before heading the row of counters with clerks. He walked up to the closest one who quickly weighed the berry's and scanned the rest of the items.

"Okay that comes down to 2750 credits sir, how will you be paying?" the clerk asked.

Tyler pulled out the pokedex. "Pokedex nurse joy said there was 5000 credits on it"

"Okay just put your pokedex against the box that say Pay poke. (Like paypass for those who know what im saying)

In a few seconds the transaction was complete and the clerk handed them all the items. The medical equipment in satchel and the food in the larger bag.

"Have a nice day" the clerk said.

The two walked outside the pokemart with all the gear being carried by Tyler.

"Okay you'll be carrying the satchel and I'll carry the larger bag" he said placing the satchel around aura the strap over her left shoulder and the bag hanging on her right.

"One thing though you cant fight while you have this on okay"

"Alright, alright. Could you now do my bow!"she says excited about the bow, she even seemed a little jumpy.

"Okay here you go" he says tying the ribbon into a large looped bow around her neck before taking a few steps back to have a look.

"It looks great on you" he says complementing her choice of accessory.

"Thank you!" she said as she jumped on him hugging with a bit of force. "Thank you! Thank you!" she repeated holding onto him like a child.

"Can't....b-breath" he makes out.

"Oh sorry" she says releasing him.

"Well how about we leave before Lyra figure's out where gone"

Just at that moment a loud scream rung through the town.


"Well that's our queue Aura" he said before sprinting down the route that would eventually lead him to snowpoint.

Well that's it for chapter 8. Now I would like to get some more detailed post that specifically say what you've enjoyed.