Herd All About It

Story by Shyanne_Skye on SoFurry

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(Author's Note: Contains BE and Lactation. For mature audiences only. If you shouldn't be listening, don't! As a matter of fact this should probably never be read by anyone, ever! So just click the "back" button on your browser right now.)

Miiky let out a soft moo, and rested her head on her hoof, looking out of the window to the huge truck. It wasn't fair; she grew up on that old farm, why is she going to be sold? It's not like she hadn't been a good provider or anything drastic, so why? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, steadying her nerves again. She unsteadily walked over to the hay, plopping down into it, she wasn't used to being in the back of a vehicle.

"Why am I here?" Roxas thought out loud. He looked over to his friend. Sure Mac was a great friend and all but this place made him feel uncomfortable. "Come on Rox! They sell almost everything here!" "I'm only here to buy some apples Mac, I don't have too much on me, and I'm not really able to spend money out of my account." Roxas continued looking at his feet, "Man I sure could go for an apple now..." Roxas thought to himself, he loved apples; truly his favorite food. In fact it was the only reason he came here with Mac, he was aware that they sold slaves here and that thought ate away at his morality and it didn't fly with him. Miika meeped as she suddenly flopped forward, the truck stopping violently. She hit the trailer upside down and let out another lazy moo, her small udder hanging a little. "Were they at the place already?" She wondered, oh well, it didn't matter. Most people avoided the bovines like her because she could talk back and wore clothes. It wouldn't take long, she hoped, before the farmer gave up and decided to pack her back to the farm until next month. She heard the truck door slam, and heavy boots clopping on the ground to the gate of the trailer. The farmer opened it up and said. "Come on, you stupid bimbo and let's get you up on that stage to be auctioned." He looked at her sternly, and she sighed softly. Getting up and trudging out of the trailer with a lack of enthusiasm. He marched her up to the large stage, where a few other cows and other livestock were set up. "Hey Mac, can we hurry this up? My tail is filthy! I need to go home and shower man." "No problem Rox, just want to check out the cattle auctions first ok?" Mac responded. "Damn." Roxas thought, "The one place he wanted to avoid in this whole market was the one place they were headed." "C'mon Mac, why would you want to go to one of those places? It's immoral and wrong." He pleaded. "Ah lighten up bud, everyone knows cows are just objects for us to use, like tools." Mac argued. "Mac there is so much wrong with that sentence I don't know where to start." Roxas grumbled as he dragged his feet. They both came up to a crowd of people shouting out prices. Although the cows they were selling were non-morphic he still felt bad for them. "Poor things." He mused slightly. "Mac come on let's g..." His sentence halted fast as he saw her. An actual morphic cow for sale. He was suddenly overwhelmed with pity toward her. "A woman shouldn't be sold like that! Non morphic cows were one thing." His thoughts raced a mile a minute. "He couldn't just leave her to be bought by some cruel farmer who would overwork her and treat her so poorly could he? What should I do?" He thought to himself. He looked over at Mac, who was talking with an attractive skunk girl with a weird green stripe in her hair. "Typical." Roxas thought, "Here I am confronted with a moral dilemma and he is trying to score." "Hey Mac," Roxas shouted. "Yo what's up?" He responded slightly annoyed. "Why don't you go home? I'll talk to you later k?" Roxas asked, hoping that his friend would agree to it. "Alright, I'll tell you how things went!" He responded with a wink and went off with the skunk whose name was apparently Janice he later found out. "Now what do I do?" Roxas thought to himself worriedly. She grumbled as she got pushed up to the stage rather roughly, and rubbed her arm, looking back at the farmer who'd given her a home almost her whole life among the other cattle he raised. She let out a loud squeak as several knives cut through her shirt and pants, leaving her in her lingerie on the stage. She saw one of the knives getting ready to slice into her udder-bra and her regular bra, and she glared at the judge holding it. "Do it and I'm going to bite your hand off. Got it?" He nodded and looked back at the farmer with, what looked to Miiky, like a disapproving glance. The rest of the knives backed off quickly. She went behind the feral cows and grumbled to herself, pulling a comb from between her breasts and straightening out her hair and picking out the hay from her poofy hair-do. Then she saw someone in the crowd from the side of her eye, and turned to look at them. She lost whoever it was and sighed. She'd almost hoped for someone to get her away from a farm, to not just be a milk provider for a farmer. She went back to running the comb through her hair. The microphone squealed to life with a deafening ringing. It made Roxas fold his ears down; his ears had always been very sensitive to noise, even compared to others of his species. The announcer, (a rather obese pig) wheezed heavily as he spat into the microphone. "Ladies and Gentlemen we have come to our final product in our auction, a quite young cowgirl, age 22, and very fresh. Do we have an opening bid?" What followed would have made crickets sound like a deafening roar, not a single noise emitted from the already dispersing crowd. "Well folks, I suppose that concludes...." "Wait!" Roxas looked around to see who said it when he realized it was him. "Um... I mean, I'll buy her!" "Alright then!" The pig pulling out a handkerchief to wipe his brow, "That concludes our auction for today, all buyers come to the back to pay and retrieve your merchandise and we will be back again next month, goodnight everybody!" "What am I doing? I just participated in an immoral auction!" Roxas thought, but deep down he knew he wanted to help her and that's why he did it. He tried to navigate the crowd to the rear of the stage. Miika muttered under her breath. "Damn...sounded like a young one. Probably a farmhand...Doesn't look like I'm getting off today..." She sighed and got up, and began to mill around on the stage. She didn't want to go, but it didn't matter. The farmer came up and unlaced the cowbell from her neck and a tear came to her eye; she'd had that bell since she was a child and now he was taking it. It was sad for her, almost traumatic; that she forgot she wasn't wearing any clothes. So she tried half-heartedly to take it back from the farmer, who punched her thigh (which felt like someone had decided to slap her hoof instead) and she sat down. She waited to be claimed, then. She wondered why someone would pay $200 for a morphic cow, then she reckoned that her attitude had caused the farmer to keep it low, though... Roxas walked up to a man standing next to Miika who was holding a cowbell. "Um hi sir," he stammered, suddenly nervous. "I won the auction for your cow?" He almost asked. "Ok, that'll be 200$" The farmer replied. "Make it 220$ if you throw in that cowbell your holding sir" Roxas said. The farmer shrugged and tossed him the bell. Roxas filled out a check then turned to her. "Um here you go, I seen him take it and you looked very sad when he did, anyway you're free to go. I couldn't stand to see someone as beautiful as you get treated so poorly." He tossed her the bell and turned around and began to walk away. Miika looked up in time to catch the bell -- in her hair. She wiped the tears away from her face and eyes and took the cowbell out of her hair, trying to keep it from getting tangled. She stood there for a moment, before gathering up the shreds of her clothes quickly, and running towards the fox that had given her cowbell back, tying the clothes in a way so that her lingerie wasn't showing as badly, and mooed softly, pushing people out of the way so she could keep an eye on him. "Hey--! Wait up!" She panted, this being more work than she'd ever had to do; thank the lords she had a fast metabolism. She tied the bell around her neck, and it began to clang loudly as she strained to keep moving after the fox, and his big, poofy tail. Roxas was feeling really good about himself. "You did a good deed today, you made a difference to person who was less fortunate than you, and you are a good person. I dare say I earned an apple!" He thought to himself. He looked frantically for the apple cart, in a bit of a panic since everyone else was packing up and closing down. "Ah!" he exclaimed as he found the stand, and it was still up! He jogged up to the stand, "*pant* Are you still open sir?" The badger who was in charge of the stand looked slightly annoyed as he was about to go home and have a scrumptious steak dinner after a hard day of dealing with ignorant shoppers. "Aye I 'spose I could help ya" he replied. "Oh thank you sir! One bushel please!" Roxas got out his wallet and gave him a $20. "This ought to last awhile anyway." Roxas thought to himself, knowing deep down it wouldn't last too long! "Now where did I park?" He said aloud as he turned from the stand and stared at the sea of automobiles and grumbled under his breath as he started walking toward the parking lot; hugging the bushel of apples close to his chest. Miika had almost caught up to him when he bought the apples; She thought he'd be a little longer and had paused for awhile to catch her breath, letting out another moo, panting roughly and closing her eyes. When she opened them again, he was on the move, and a fair distance away -- again! She cursed herself for pausing, and resumed trying to catch up to him again, crying out with a hoarse "Hey!" It was silent, as it was an effort to say it. "She needed to catch that fox!" She thought, and began to walk painfully towards the lot that he'd gone to. "Dimmit!" Roxas shouted out loud. He had walked down another row of cars and still hadn't found his vehicle. He was starving too, he looked down at the apples, there lush ripe exteriors tempting him. He licked his muzzle and shrugged. He stopped walking and leant against a light pole, the sun sinking faster than the titanic as dusk was quickly rushing forth. He reached in to the bushel and grabbed an apple and sank his teeth into it. "Oh god I got to sit!" he thought, "These were the best apples I've ever had!" He felt something on his shoulder suddenly and almost choked on the apple. He jumped up suddenly and turned around. Miiky stood there, obviously out of breath, she waved to him shyly, and sat by him. "Umm.. Hi...Were..You were the one who bought me, right? And gave me back my bell? I hope I wasn't too bad..." she sighed softly "So I'm guessing you aren't a farmer, or a farmhand, are you?" she asked and looked at him, smiling lightly. "Umm, thank you...but...You do realize that I don't have anywhere to go and I can't just get a job around a town I've only been in to be sold, right?" she chuckled softly and stared at the fox, taking in his details like a sponge, happily, and he looked so good...She caught herself before she stared too long and giggled, flicking the bell and smiling. "Thank you, though...The bell means a lot to me..." She messed with the ribbon around the middle and smiled happily; the kind of smile a child gets when they remember something they loved or liked a lot. "Well.." He shifted his legs nervously, " I couldn't stand it when I saw you there, you looked so sad, and I felt so terrible I had to do something." He stared down at his paws nervously. "As for the bell, you looked so sad, as if you were going to cry." He turned to look at her, stunned by how much more beautiful she seemed with the light from the parking light illuminating her figure. "Ah..As f-for not having a home I g-guess I didn't realize that, I'm sorry. T-to answer your question, I'm not a farmer, I work at a newspaper actually." He stated. "Well since you don't have anywhere to live, you can come and live with me for as long as you wish. Now.." He grunted as he stood up. "..To find out where I parked!" He giggled slightly; a nervous reaction he got quite often. He turned around and offered her his hand. "Madam.. Um..I'm sorry I didn't get your name..?" He looked at her inquisitively, tilting his head slightly. She blushed softly and placed her hoof in the offered paw. "I'm Miiky. No last name, I don't think I ever got one...I noticed my name looks a lot like the word milky though, like the farmer thought it was funny or something." She blushed deeper now placed her other hoof over the bell and stood up. "Umm, anyway, what does your car look like? I could help you find it, if you wanted..." She smiled, and began to stare at him again feeling rather glad that he'd taken her off the farmer's hands now. He looked so good...And cute too! She found herself blushing deeper through her hide. He looked at her, getting rather embarrassed, he looked away. "Well it's a lime green Volkswagen beetle, I can't seem to find it." He picked up his apples; his appetite completely forgotten for the moment. "Follow me, I think it was over this way somewhere". Most of the cars were gone now, only a handful were left. This made it quite easy to locate his car now. "Ah here it is! C'mon!" He grabbed her hoof and led her toward his car, though he carelessly decided to try to squeeze between to cars that were parked very close together. She followed so she wasn't dragged and blushed deeply, suddenly getting squished in between the two cars, even though she was going through sideways, she mooed softly, blushing deeply and let go, trying to push back out and go around "I'm sorry, I'll be over there in a minute, ok?" She smiled shyly, embarrassed, pushing softly on the car in front of her, mooing softly, the cowbell tucked safely in between her breasts, small wet spots forming on the cloth covering her breasts and udder as some milk dripped out; she hadn't been milked that morning, since the farmer had wanted to get "an early start". Even though, after waking her up, he'd taken about 3 hours to get into the truck. She pushed the car a little rougher and it lifted a little, giving her some space to maneuver out of the tight space, and walking around to hopefully catch up with the fox... "I-I'm so sorry bout that!" Roxas stammered, bowing his head. Although deep down he was quite aroused by the display he just witnessed, he shrugged it off. "Uh, my car is right over here". He led her to his small car, he walked over to the passenger side door and opened it for her. Then he jumped in the driver's seat. "Sorry for the lack of space, I know it's small, but it was the only thing I could afford. You can adjust the seat with the lever at the bottom of the seat". She giggled softly and nodded, looking at the car before opening the passenger door and pushing herself inside. She mooed softly and smiled, the bell ringing gently the whole time she was forcing herself inside. "Mm, this isn't too bad." She smiled at him, and moved her bangs out of her eyes, pushing the seat back a little. "So, umm..I'm..I'm sorry for any inconvience I'm causing you umm...I don't think I got your name..." She smiled softly, her head tilted, the clothing a little more torn around her breasts and around her rump, it was pretty obvious she was in good shape, not overweight for her size. Her stomach smooth and flat like any model's, except the udder, which seemed to be the only extra weight on her torso, not counting her breasts. Her hair was the same tint of brown as the brown splotches on her hide, and from the bottom of her jaw to just under her belly button was white hide. The rest was brown. The udder-bra looked like it was straining a tiny bit now, though. Miiky didn't notice, though, as she was enthralled at the smell of the car, the buttons, and fox behind the wheel; mostly the fox though. She realized she was ogling him and turned to look out the window, an even shyer smile lighting up her face. He opened his window a bit. The night wind ruffling his light brown hair and fur. It was warm out earlier so he had dressed quite sparingly, wearing only a pair of tattered blue jeans (sure they looked like they perhaps a bit too worn out but he loved how comfortable they felt so he refused to get rid of them yet.) and sneakers. He rarely wore a shirt in the summertime, so he was thankful that he was in shape lest he be self-conscious bout his body. Granted he didn't have abs or a lot of muscle but he was trim and stomach flat. He being a red fox, he had black fur from his hands to his elbows and on his feet up to his ankles. Reddish orange fur covered the rest of his body save for his stomach on up to just under his nose which had white fur. His ears were white on the inside and on the back they were trimmed with black fur. The wind from the open window tickled his nose slightly, (It would tickle yours too if your nose was wet and cold like a dog's!) He had been trying to focus on the road as to not be distracted by Miika's udder (couldn't resist) beauty. It took a long time for his mind to realize that she had asked him a question. "Well my name is Roxas, and don't be silly! You're not an inconvenience! Granted my apartment isn't that big, but I got a spare bedroom and if you'll excuse the mess till I get around to cleaning it, it won't be any trouble at all." He looked at her, smiling gently. She nodded softly and looked back at him, looking at his jeans, and then realizing how poorly she was dressed, tried covering herself and blushed scarlet. She smiled shyly, looking at the floor "Umm..If..If you wanted, since I might have to stay for a while...Would you consider letting me do some chores around your home? I might not know how to do them now, but I'm sure I could learn...And it would make me feel easier about living with you." She started to smile again, but then she began to blink rapidly, something irritating her eye. Then her contacts fell out, and her eyes, which had been brown, like her hide, went to a kind of beautiful gray, the kind you see on a blind person's face. She started looking for the things, and swore in her head, wondering why they had decided to bother her now of all times. She gave up, and sighed. She had forgotten the containers of the contacts before they'd gotten on the road, and she'd forgotten them when she had mess this good looking fox too...She decided it didn't matter, and closed her eyes before he could see that her eyes had changed hues out of the blue. "Don't be silly, you don't have to do any chores, it's quite ok. I always wanted a roommate, to be honest, I've been kind of lonely lately and it'll be nice to have someone to talk to." He sighed and focused back on the road. He turned onto a dimly lit road with few road lights on it. "The problem with this road (he said out loud, forgetting for a minute that she was even there) is that it's so dark at night, you can't always see the poor deer that sometimes cross it." He grimaced to himself a little and remained silent. Watching the dotted lines in the center of the road pass by, a never-ending line of dotted lines highlighting a barren road, a hideous blight on a once gorgeous land. She stared at him for a moment, then realized he wasn't talking to her, and watched the endless gates and trees...She began to wonder why, or how, anyone could own parts of a forest. She thought that was downright ridiculous, and gasped as the trees started giving way to houses, and what she thought were marked houses, with stuff that wasn't interesting to her; She'd learned to read, but was slow at it, one of the marked houses had "tools" on the big board, but that was all that called her eye on that way. She held the cloth tight to her body, pronouncing her curves even further without knowing it. She turned and smiled at him, forgetting about her contacts because of the new place that had taken the trees from existence, so it had seemed. He looked at her and seen her confused look at all the stores. He looked back to the road. "Kind of sad isn't it? Forest slowly being destroyed to put up more pointless houses and unnecessary Wall marts." He shook his head a little as it was a topic which greatly annoyed him. "By the way...you have gorgeous eyes." He looked at her and smiled softly, then turned his attention to the road. "We are almost there." He said as he drove over the last hill, his apartment coming into view. She was just as confused, if not more, at the strange terms; what was a wall mart? She'd heard the farmer talking about stores and the like, but..a wall mart? She thought she'd heard something like that from Buck once...he said it had a whole lot of things that weren't needed or something like that. So a mart was a kind of store, she thought. She looked at the apartment building, but she hadn't heard what he'd said past the "wall mart". She blinked, and tilted her head looking at him. "Wait, what did you say...?" Well here we are!" He announced, perhaps a little too happily. He thought quickly why he sounded so cheerful, but put that thought aside. He pulled the car up to the building. It was a one story building, quite modest looking. It was a good two acres away from the road, a long stone driver leading to the dark apartment. Behind it one could barely make out the outline of a forest not 3 acres away from the back of the building. Tall maple trees were scattered around the front and backyard. He pulled up to the door and killed the engine. "Well it's not much, but its home. And now it's yours too for as long as you wish it to be." He smiled a looked at her. He then opened the door and reached in the back and got the apples from the rather small backseat. She smiled and nodded at the fox, still staring at him a little longer than she should every time she laid eyes on his beautiful fur, and his face and blushed a little deeper every time; every time it seemed like her blush was almost gone, she had to look at the fox again, went straight back to blushing. "So umm...Well, thank you," She looked down at her hooves, then tried to figure out how to open the door, pushing, pushing and pressing the buttons on the panel. She sighed and waited to be helped out; this was probably why she wasn't allowed in Buck's car. "Here let me get that for you" Roxas exclaimed, seeing her struggle to open the door. He set the apples on top of the hood and opened the door for her. "S-Sorry bout that", he stammered. He cursed himself. Every time he got nervous he would stammer and stutter. When she was clear of the door, he closed it. Retrieved his apples and made his way to the front door. He tried to balance the bushel of apples while fidgeting for his keys that seem to have traveled deep into his pocket. Although these were among his favorite jeans, they must have some of the deepest pockets. After a few awkward moments of trying to juggle and retrieve the keys; he inserted the key and turned it, motioning for Miika to enter. She gasped happily as the fresh air blew into her face as she stepped out, and hugged him, then looked at the door distrustingly, pushing it in a manner that she thought was light; ironically, the door slammed shut and there was a small dent where she had "pushed" it shut; that is, having balled her hoof into a fist and hitting the door to close it. She looked at the new dent in it curiously, wondering why something would be so fragile, then sighed and found herself looking at his long tail again, this time wondering what it would be like to have a tail like that. "Oh I'm so sorry!" Roxas apologized quickly and turned the door and opened it for her, switching on the light. "The door is so old, I keep bugging the landlord to fix it but he keeps putting it off." After she is inside, he closed the door and set the apples on the counter. He switched on more of the inside lights. "Babies I'm home!" He said as he walked over to a giant fish tank on the counter. About two dozen different colored fluorescent tropical fish were swimming around. Complete with a mandatory drowned plastic skeleton next to a treasure chest that lazily opened and closed releasing billions of tiny bubbles every time it did so. Roxas grabbed a small tube and poured some fish food into the tank. "Well let me show you around Miika". He grabbed a shirt that was slumped over a chair and quickly put it on. It was a white button up shirt although quite wrinkly from not being properly folded. The walls were covered in a fake oak wallpaper. A weird rust colored rug blanketed the floor. The main door led to the kitchen area. Past the kitchen was the living room, complete with a 36inch TV, shelves imbedded into the side wall were lined with CDs and tapes, none of which was neatly organized. Beyond the living room on the left was a small bathroom, on the ceiling were load bearing wooden horizontal beams lining all the ceilings. Creating a log cabin look. After the bathroom there was a spare bedroom, completely empty save for a bed and a armoire and a dresser. "This will be your room for as long as you like". Roxas showed her the room. "My room is the next room down on the right." He pointed to the next door. She followed willingly enough and nodded. "I would be glad to help out around the house if I can..." She looked into her room for a brief second then went back to looking at the fox, and smiled. "And is there anything more..." She looked down at herself before finding a good enough word. " ..decent, I could wear?" She looked at him pleadingly, her gray eyes looking straight into his own eyes, her tail flicking a little, and shifting a little nervously in the hallway, hoping that he did have something to spare. "Oh! um let's see.." He went to his room for a second. Rummaging sounds rang out for a bit, then stopped. He came back carrying a handful of clothes and dumped them on her bed. "Well these used to belong to my ex girlfriend but I highly doubt she will be back to pick them up, that was about 5 months ago. Hopefully these are your size. We can go and buy you some new clothes tomorrow if you wish." He smiled and looked at her eyes, which seemed to sparkle a bit. She picked up one of the bras with a deep blush and giggled; obviously his last girlfriend had been quite a bit smaller than her! She pushed the bra against her chest, and saw how badly the cups covered her chest. She wasn't wearing that~. She put on one of the t-shirts and blushed deeply; this enhanced her breasts more than the cloth did when she had tightened it around herself in the car., and started looking through skirts, pants, and shorts, before stopping suddenly, practically flinching and realizing he was still..right..there. "Oh, umm, sorry. I didn't mean to do that in front of you!" She blushed and flicked her tail nervously. "No sorry that was my bad!" Roxas stammered as he blushed deeply and began to leave the room. "Thanks for the clothes...I think I'll see what I can use before I tell you which aren't going to fit, ok?" She smiled kindly to him. He looked up and smiled at her. "Ok take your time, I'll be in the kitchen!" And with that he was gone. She smiled and pulled off the white t-shirt. Too tight. She picked up a button up shirt and giggled, imagining just what she would look like in such a tiny shirt, popping the buttons off...Then she put it down, and slipped on another, larger shirt. She pulled it off, since it was a rather comfy one, and found that it 3 sizes larger than her norm, and gulped, looking at her breasts. "Oh..Oh jeez...I haven't been milked in two days...Oh god, I hope this guy knows how to do that...my hooves can't..." She put the shirt back on, and slipped on one of the skirts, which did, ironically, fit very well, even with her udder inside of it. Roxas looked at the time; 6.30pm. "Man, it sure is getting darker, earlier and earlier." He thumbed his fingers on the tabletop. He rested his head on his paw, elbow on the table. He sighed heavily for a few moments. It had been a very strenuous day, full of unexpected activity which erupted into a fervor of, unbeknownst to him at the time; life-changing events. He sighed again and blinked, pausing momentarily before opening his eyes again. He spied part of the television remote control, the majority of which was hidden under his muzzle. He reached for it, and fumbled for the power button. The television slowly crackled to life, emitting a very high pitched hum. Roxas cringed and his ears involuntarily pressed back against his head. He turned the channel to news 8 now. There was always something exciting on that channel, and besides he enjoyed the friendly banter the anchors conducted themselves with. Miika opened the door from the room, blushing gently. "Umm..Roxas...? Can..Can I ask you something?" She stayed hidden behind the door, afraid the size of her chest was getting more obvious by the second, and she giggled nervously, a part of her udder bra still visible through the crack in the door. It was rather large, after all, though you could see more udder than when he'd gotten her home. She looked hopeful, her hair hanging down in curls, her gray eyes staring at him pleadingly. "Coming!" He turned the TV off and gently got up. Making a mental note not to walk over there too fast. He got over to her room and he swore his eyes almost grew two sizes bigger! She seemed twice as big, chest/udder wise, than she did when he first picked her up. Instantly he blushed, he could feel the heat on his cheeks; burning straight through his fur, still not sure if she noticed or not. He lowered his eyes to the floors and twiddled his thumbs. "U-um what w-was it y-you wanted?" "Dimmit!" He thought! Why couldn't he conduct himself in a smoother manner? He mentally made a note to kick himself in the tail next time the opportunity presented itself for being such a "nervous ninny" to quote something his grandmother used to say. She blushes and sat on the bed. "D-do you have anything to get rid of this?" She indicated her swollen breasts and udder, with a wince, both bras straining to hold her in. It was pretty clear why that bra had seemed so small to her earlier, since she'd gotten so large so quickly. Not being milked for a couple days had its toll... "I...I wasn't sure if you'd be comfortable milking me yourself, so..I thought you would have a pump of some kind...or maybe you have some pills that won't make me make so much milk until you can get something to stop me from swelling up like a balloon?" She stated coyly. Roxas thought for a moment. "Well, my neighbor used to be a farmer, but his barn burned down some time ago. Now it's another apartment complex." He grimaced slightly, still looking at the floor. "But before the place burned down he had asked me to store some stuff for him. I just stored it in the basement. I wonder if there might be something in there that might help, if it's still there. I'll be right back ok?" She nodded and blushed softly, wondering if she should have asked him for help...It didn't matter though, in the meantime..she worked at pulling off the bras, definite difficulty in undoing the straps, the sheer weight and size of them more than enough to make it difficult, much less the soreness in them... He headed down the hall and to the main door. He opened it. Although it was the middle of June, it was a crisp breeze on the air. He circled the house to the left side where the double doors led to the basement. He always hated going down there. Every time he did, he always ended up bumping his ears on the low rafters that supported the basement ceiling. This would explain why he hasn't been down there in years. He didn't want to have to bandage up his ears again, but he knew he had to help Miiky out. So he breathed deeply and threw open the doors. An instant odor of mildew and dust agitated his sensitive nose. He sneezed loudly. He peered into the murky dank. Thankfully his eyes were already used to the dark, since he had been outside for a little while now. He walked down the narrow corridor, feeling the wet dirt under his paws. He never bothered getting the floor cemented. Seemed a waste of time since he rarely went down here. He past a small wine rack, with one decrepit bottle of wine left. He never was a big drinker, and this one was from 6 Christmas' ago when he received it as a gift. He walked past his old wood burning furnace and too a large rack which was literally littered with junk. Most of which he probably has forgotten about. He rummaged through a old wooden bucket, where a vast array of metal objects where stored. All of which he had no idea what they were. "No, No, that's not going to help. That'll give her tetanus, Don't know what this is, Ah! What's this?" He retrieved a dusty old bottle from the bucket and placed it back. He squinted his eyes, as there was not enough light coming from a single bare bulb that hung in the middle of the long corridor. He was supposed to be able to see rather well in the dark. Like others of his species. But for whatever reason he was born with somewhat poor eyes. Sure he could see normally, just not that well in the dark. A fault he was always self conscious about. He barely made out the words "Bovine GT Hormone" There were more wording but it was all but gone. Smeared away by the ravages of time. "This may help control the swelling till I get some more info on what to do." He grabbed the bottle in his hand and headed back out. He had almost made it out when a thunderous noise and searing pain flooded his ears. "Sonofamotherrappingsasmafras!" He cursed, rubbing his ears sorely. "I knew this would happen!" He whimpered softly. He shrugged it off this time though, he had a gorgeous new roommate to help out her "condition". "I sure hope this helps her..." He mused as he closed the door and rounded the house and returned through the main door. Miika sat there, shivers and whines, waiting for him, the poor bras on the floor, and rather stretched out, but she put the shirt back on, hoping that he wouldn't notice the large heaviness, and that the shirt isn't as fitting as it was even just a few minutes ago...She hoped nothing bad happened to him...She sat on the bed and laid back, the door still cracked open. She could feel the milk going in overdrive though, like, instead of needing to stop, it needed to go faster. She whined softly..It sure was a lot of weight... He opened the door and walked back into the kitchen. He walked into her room and was flabbergasted by what he saw. She must have grown at least double her size since he was gone! He instantly grew hard again. He whimpered lightly and prayed to the gods she wouldn't notice. "Um, sorry f-for the delay. All I found was this. I don't really know what i-it does though..." He handed her the bottle and quickly scooted back to the door to her room and stared at the ground. "I-I can leave if you wish.." He said, unsure what to do. She blushed and smiled softly, hoping that her new sizes weren't too noticeable...But she didn't see the bulge growing in his shorts, because of the sheer size of her chest... "If...if you want..you can stay...it's your house..." She shivered and moaned softly, looking at the instructions, then, taking 3 pills instead of 2, swallows them and gulps nervously, hoping she won't need to take any more...then redecides and takes out another 2, swallowing them; it was such a vast amount of breast and milk, after all...She mooed gently and closed her eyes, struggling to keep her breath calm* "W-well, if you don't mind me being here. I'm sorry i don't know much about milkings and all." He shrugged and just watched. He didn't know if he was seeing things but he could have sworn she was looking bigger! "Must be my imagination." He mused to himself... She hefted herself off the bed and got up. She certainly didn't feel any smaller, in fact, she felt larger, and the shirt was rubbing her breasts uncomfortably, her udder pushing up most of the skirt, showing the swelling udder very clearly. "S..So umm...d..did it work...?" She was blushing harder and harder by the second, as she got even larger and more swollen by the minute. "U-Um I can't really tell if it did". He blushed even harder. "To be honest, y-you kind of look a tad bigger." He stammered and looked at his feet again. He felt like his penis was about to burst it was so hard. "D-do, um-anything I can do to help you?" He questioned nervously? He looked at the bottle she had set down at the counter. 5 pills were left in the bottle. "M-Maybe i can find some info on these pills.." He wondered aloud. "I'll be right back! got to check to see if I can find a website for these!" He raced out of the door before she could protest. Miika meeped softly, and before she could comment on the bigger comment, he was gone...She looked at the pills again... "Maybe I should take the rest...I hope they aren't making this happen though...but...better take them just in case..." She moved with more strain than usual, grabbing the pills and popping the rest in her mouth. She swallowed them before that awful medication taste could get on her tongue again, and let out a soft moo; staring at her breasts, waiting for the weight to stop growing on her body... Roxas raced to his computer down in his room. He jumped on his chair, thankful that his computer was still on and that it hadn't gone into hibernation yet. He got on firefox, (He had always preferred that over IE mainly cause of the cute fox icon that showed up when he started it up. It was one of those skins you could download separately to pimp out your web browser.) and started up Google. "Now what do i search for? The name of it? Yeah we will search for the name of it" He said to himself. He did that quite a bit; talking to himself. The first hit for "Bovine GT Hormone" was apparently an old dead website for a product that went out of business a good 20 years ago. He didn't find any active businesses that sold the product anymore. He read the product description. "Hmm let see here..."...was designed to make cows increase their output of milk production 10 fold per pill?!! Oh shiit! Miiky!!!" He shouted, racing toward her room, sweating with anxiety. Miiky sat there and moans softly, the bed creaking a little as the weight starts to increase faster, and she moos, thinking "oh god, not much bigger, too much and I'll burst! so tight...!" She rolled over as well as she can, lying on the massive things, watching as the bed inches away from her nose. Roxas at full sprint raced into her bedroom, panting, and just about fainted at the sight that greeted him. Miiky was laying on all four of her massive breasts, each roughly the size of a very large watermelon and constantly growing. She was almost totally suspended above the bed, her massive bosom forcing her higher off the bed. "M-Miiky?!" He gulped. "I-I have some very bad news!" He announced, worriedly. Miiky blushed and realized that her skirt didn't hold up very well; not only did he have a very good view of her casabas (breasts) and udder, but he also had a good view of her rather large ass and sex... "Umm..umm...like...like instead of stopping the growth, it..it encourages it...?" She questioned as a matter of factly and moaned and closed her eyes, trying to keep her growing body from swelling any bigger. "Um about 10 fold more growth per pill..." He stammered. "Um Do you want me to leave? If you need some privacy?" He couldn't believe what he was saying! He definitely didn't want to leave her. This was the most erotic experience he has ever witnessed, yet he couldn't help trying to be polite. She was beautiful, laying there atop her swelling, engorging mammary glands. Her huge udder was beyond description. Its growth slowly lifting her ass and legs higher up. Her four nipples growing dark pink and swelling in proportion to her growing breasts. She shook her head, before moaning loudly, before realizing something was amiss...There was a new feeling of growth below her first set, suddenly swelling, sore, and tight "Oh..ohhh please stop!" She squealed and tried to stop them from getting any larger, pushing on them, trying to milk them, practically bursting with milk. "Please..I...I need help.." She moaned louder, the new set of swollen boobs starting to become more obvious with the rest of her milk-strained producers. Roxas just watched as she continued to swell, then he noticed that she was in a pretty small room. "Shit!" He thought. "I need to find a way to get her out of this house before she out fills it!" "Um, Miiky? We need to somehow find a way to get you outside before you get too big." He said, hoping she was not already too big. "C-Can you walk?" He asked her, his mind racing a mile a minute. She mooed softly and tried to look at him. "I..I think so..I just need..s..some help getting on my hooves." She moaned softly, looking at the huge things, practically bursting already, and she thinks. "Sooo much milk..too much...but so full...so nice...so much..." "Um, sure, let me help you". He raced over to her. He grabbed her hand and helped her as she moved her legs into a sitting position. As he was helping her, Roxas' hand brushed against one of Miiky's breasts. At the same time, when Miiky was trying to sit up, her leg rubbed against Roxas' crotch area, brushing against his raging hard. Roxas blushed even deeper, and apologized. She shook her head and mooed in an embarrassed way, wobbling on her hooves. "We..we should get out of here..." She mooed, eyeing the doorway, not thinking she'd be able to get through it in a few seconds. "Please..." Her sex flared, however, as she remembered the touch to his crotch, accidental though it was, and the lovely sensation as his paw rubbed her breast, even though it was brief, it was so full of pleasure... "Here", he said as he bent over slightly to let her put her arm around his shoulder. He led her slowly to the door, she was waddling slowly; her udder dragging slightly on the ground. "I'll go through first and try to help you through ok?" He said as he walked through. He held out his hand for her to take as she was ready to try to squeeze through. She mooed again, and smiled, grabbing his paw, before trying to step through. She was immediately caught in the doorway, the sides of her breasts rubbing it before getting larger and tighter in the doorframe. She moaned loudly; pleasurably, her sex suddenly flaring up, her musky scent flowing from her strongly. She hoped he didn't see her getting this horny, but thought it was impossible by now...She was blushing through her hide deeply. He seen her having trouble in the doorframe and was about to help her when a distinct pungent smell infiltrated his nostrils. "Was she getting turned on by this?" He thought. Then he mused, "Well I guess that goes without question, I know I sure am!" He then felt really guilty. "This is all my fault, curse my ignorance! I should never have given her the pills! Specially when I didn't know what they would do! Well I can't think of that now, got to help her!" He thought. "Um, if you don't mind Miiky, please allow me to help you." He reached to her breasts and gently lifted on them, unwedging them from the door frame. "Quick! Scootch through now while you can!" He shouted at her. Even while holding them, he felt them growing in his paws. Feeling the sloshing of the liquid her mams were damning up within. He blushed awkwardly as she wiggled through and finally made it out. Miika blushed deeper, trying not to moan aloud, and looked at the front doors. Blushing deeper, thinking of how much more trouble she'd be in if she waited any longer..She grabbed his arm and began to push herself towards the door, but it took more and more energy as she got bigger, and she wasn't sure she'd make it. He helped lift her tits up once more while she tried to shimmy out the front door this time. He marveled at how much bigger they have become only since trying to get her out the bedroom door! He blushed even harder. He was so aroused by her wondrous figure now. He looked down at his feet as she made it through the door, she tripped slightly. And since she was just getting used to her new top heaviness, she fell; right on him. Roxas "oofed" as she fell on him. He was about to ask if she was ok but was speechless. The feeling that greeted him was pure euphoria! Four massive breasts now the size of beanbag chairs swelling and pushing against him. He felt her udder resting on the ground between his spread legs. He felt the top of the udder press up against his balls and cock. He moaned out loud. Unable to withstand the feeling. He "Eeped." quickly as he felt her first pair of breasts start to grow over his face. He smiled to himself as he felt their soft masses cover his face, his nose nestled right in her cleavage; allowing him to breath. He managed to ask "You ok?" to Miiky although it was rather muffled. He was in absolute heaven, feeling her second pair of breasts pressing against his chest and stomach, every second bringing more growth. Feeling their mass almost completely cover his whole body. Reflexily his tail began to wag, the base of his tail brushing softly against the end of her growing udder. She nodded and moaned, safe out of the door again, and realized she was on top of the sexy fox! She began to blush incredibly darkly and moaned louder, her udder starting to slowly spread her legs. Her scent becoming stronger, her poor breasts so huge! She started to pant, sending ripples jiggling through her huge hooters. The feeling from his heated body wriggling under her making her scent grow tenfold, making her loins burn as she tried to get up...It was so good, but maybe he'd be able to enjoy it with her on her side or her back. As much as he wanted to stay there forever, her udder was growing quite heavy against his hard cock, which was starting to hurt him. "Here, try to roll over for a second ok?" "I'll try she replied and started rocking back and forth, (much like a turtle would) trying to roll to her side. This process of rocking sent her huge breasts pressing even harder into him, tiny beads of milk dripping out. She managed to roll on her side finally. He sat up, and saw that there was a bead of milk on his nose. He smiled and stuck his tongue out and tasted it. Roxas' eyes lit up, it was fantastic! It was the most delicious substance to ever grace his pallet! He looked at her and smiled softly. She was so huge! He didn't think she could even see him, her breasts were so large they must have blocked her view. He could barely contain himself anymore. He couldn't contain his lust anymore. "Please forgive me Miiky, but I can't help it anymore. Your gorgeous and I can't resist your beauty no more. I hope you don't mind. He walked on his hands and knees toward her and gently kissed her on the cheek. After he did, he backed up a little, about ready to stand up to help her up, when he was in such a position that her breasts grew toward his crotch. He soon found his throbbing dick in her ever deepening cleavage. His first reaction was to back up but something held him in place. He moaned as her soft breasts encased his hard member. Her breasts kept growing, which mashed her cleavage even tighter. Further squeezing both breasts hard against his member. He moaned as his eyes fluttered. He could feel the liquid in her tits that were filling them up more and more. Miiky let out a soft moo as she strained with the massive amounts of milk, her poor udder so massive it was stretching her legs to the side, her sex leaking it's juices down the large bag of milk. "Pl..pl..please just do it, make me pop, please..." She moaned and clenched her eyes, bucking gently against the huge milk-balloon between her legs. Her hair softly swinging around, the massive globes bouncing gently as she kept pushing her breasts into his sex. "Please Roxas, please...I...I want you to so badly." She tried to push his shaft further into her tits, hungrily, lustfully. Roxas didn't need to be told twice. He backed up, marveling for a second at the sheer size she had obtained. And yet even as he watched she was still swelling even larger. Her whole body being overwhelmed by her massive breasts and udder. She looked like five swelling orbs of flesh that once was Miika. Roxas almost blew his load at the mere sight. He slowly walked around to her back and slowly entered her pussy. He began thrusting, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The heat that greeted his dick was overwhelming. He almost came just from how hot she apparently was. Her juices dripping down his dick. Miika moaned and mooed loudly as she began to bite into the top of her tits, her udder's precious milk beginning to puddle on the ground as her sex's lips engorged. Her nipples stiffening painfully as her limbs left the ground, squeezing her globes of milk as she tried to lift her hips in the air for you to push into her easier. The cow leaking all over the ground as her pussy's juices burst over the shaft, the multiple mounds of breast flesh quivering and shaking. "Pl..please...harder. faster!" She clenched her eyes, her heat burning in her udder. Roxas fucked her harder and harder. Amazingly he felt her pussy walls seeming to grow tighter and tighter around his member. "What?" He questioned. He realized what was happening. His sex was growing! He watched in amazement as he actually hit her cervix. He seemed to be growing to accommodate her growing body. "This must be a side effect of the bovine pills!" He stated in disbelieve. He also noticed that her swelling udder was swelling up to touch the base of his balls. He moaned in pleasure as he was surprised to find that he was slowly being lifted off the ground! Miiky's growing appendages have finally outgrown her limbs and as a result their continued growth was lifting her higher off the ground. And since he was in her, he was going along for the ride. He moaned again as her udder was pressing against his ball sack even more. The skin of her udder spreading apart a bit as it damned more milk inside of it. She screamed loudly, her juices practically bursting from her as she felt the cock inside of her expand, and feeling her udder push harder and harder into the furry scrotum of the wonderful fox. She bucked roughly against him. "Oh...oh goddess! What's..what's going on..b...back there?" She mooed in pleasure, her small nipples pumping the milk out as fast as they can, her udder-tips leaking more milk than they ever had in her whole life. Roxas moaned anew as he felt something else growing. As he was nearing climax he noticed his balls were starting to grow! He kept on thrusting, feeling his balls pass tennis ball size, pressing back against the udder, which in turn grew up against the growing balls again. He moaned as they kept on swelling, prepping to unleash a massive torrent of seed into her sex. He felt like he was on a waterbed being slowly filled. Ever movement he made sent vibrations reverberating through her massive udder. Roxas riding the waves as he kept on thrusting. His balls must've been the size of grapefruits by now. His dick for the most part had stopped growing, her pussy creating a perfect, airtight seal around his member. He was overwhelmed by the number of indescribable feelings erupting throughout his system. He imagined what Miiky must be feeling. He moaned, he was so close near orgasm. She could feel his balls stretching and growing as well, and lost herself before he could; her orgasm made everything wiggle like waves in the ocean, screaming "yes! Roxas, oh goddess!" A painful torrent of milk stretching her nipples, engorging them as it forced itself out of her. Her udder was getting bigger, trying to cover up her sex now. The liquids inside of her felt like scalding water, burning her so much; she couldn't imagine how hot it was for the wonderful fox as she bit harder into her tits' skin. Her whole body feeling like it was about to pop with pleasure. Roxas felt her convulsing beneath him, the shock waves almost making him fall off, 20 ft to the ground! He groaned loudly as he couldn't hold it anymore and climaxed. He whimpered as it took a whole 3 minutes just to release all the sperm that had be held captive by his massive balls. She screamed again, louder, pleasure and pain mixing wonderfully inside of her, her sex burning hotter and hotter. She realizes something after the orgy from the fox is done though...Her breasts are huge...and they aren't growing any more. She was panting roughly, trying to keep him from falling off. "Oh..oh jeez...I'm...so big..." She tried to look over her shoulder, the sheer weight of her breasts making it hard to do even that. "H-How are you back there, Roxas?!" She wondered if she was going to be pregnant again, since her sex was so swollen and tight and full from his seed. Roxas; physically spent, crawled on his hands and knees over her back and nestled safely in her cleavage in front of her face. He grinned a tired grin and kissed her softly on the lips. "That..was..amazing!" He smiled and inadvertently wagged his tail, which was straight down her cleavage. She blushed harder and let out another soft moan. The immense globes sooooo sensitive it felt like her sex was going to pop more liquids out. "Yes..i..it was so good..I..I think I love you, Roxas.." Roxas smiled and looked deep into her eyes. "And I, you." He kissed her again, blushing deep. She shivered and held him close, kissing you back. The huge cow jiggling plenty enough even at that small movement. Roxas couldn't stay awake any longer if he wanted to. He curled up into a ball inside her massive cleavage and fell asleep. Miika cooed softly to the warm, wonderful ball in her breasts. She feeling sleepy herself; the lactation stopping. She fell asleep with him in her massive tits, happy to have found her partner in life. She closed her eyes and sighed heavily with a smile on her beautiful face.