A Weekend Visit pt.1

Story by cold turkey on SoFurry

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#2 of Bigger and Better Things

I thought about writing this all out the other night and got it out in a few hours. Hopefully more will be following shortly, instead of waiting another 3 and a half years.

I ran across the campus in the cool late-February rain, hood up and bag in tow, thankful for the relatively short jaunt across campus. Finally schlepping into the lecture hall for Chemistry, I plopped into my usual of the 200 seats in the auditorium. All around me was the dull roar of conversations; the occasional snippet caught my ear but never amounted to anything more interesting than haphazard plans for the extended weekend. I set up the desk connected to the seat and pulled out a pen and my notebook, taking a cursory glance at the previous lecture notes.

Stretching, I let loose another long yawn and rubbed my eyes as a body fell into the seat immediately next to me. Without opening my eyes I mumbled "Good morning, Sierra. Pleasant weather we're having, eh?"

She huffed and yanked a notebook from her overloaded bag, muttering before finally saying out loud "Fucking bullshit. A month into the semester and two papers, the printers are out of ink, it's pouring rain, not to mention the exams in..."

A lynx had slunk into the seat ahead of Sierra as she was listing her grievances and crossed her legs knee over knee, her yellow galoshes dripping water. I leaned far over my desk, letting Sierra trail off from my concentration. "Hey, Caitlin. Could I borrow Fajita for the weekend? I was hoping to head home to see Robbie and all."

She was gnawing on her pen cap as she turned around and gave me a death glare with her hypnotic emerald eyes, "If you promise not to get tagged by a speed camera-"

I tried cutting her off, pleading my case but she only spoke louder.

"-again! That's a $75 fine coming from your pocket. Again. Fill her with gas when you get back and work your editing magic on my English essay and you have a deal."

I pat her on the top of the head, giddy and saying "Don't worry your pretty lynxy head. She'll be gassed up and ticket free at the end of the weekend! And I can all but guarantee you an A minus on your essay."

The professor, a stout Chihuahua in a navy blue lab coat, shuffled to the head of the lecture hall and cleared her throat. I sat back and uncapped my pen, Sierra nudged me in the ribs and leaned over. Talking beneath the start of the lecture, she murmured "Can you drop me off at Martin's on your way to the Fox? He's just in Greenway and I can give you directions."

I nodded and tapped my pen on my open notebook, "Sure thing. I'd be passing by to get home anyways." A smile curled up on my lips, "Be ready to leave Monday afternoon or find another ride back."

She full out elbowed me in the ribs, eliciting a muffled grunt and groan from me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Three o'clock finally rolled around and giving Caitlin a hug goodbye, I picked up my duffel bag and trotted back down the stairs, her car keys jingling in my jacket pocket. I emerged from the building and into the humid parking lot, clicking the unlock button and making my way over to the dark green sedan parked just by the door. I tossed my bags into the back seat and flipped open my phone, calling Sierra.

"Hey hi, I'll be over at your building in like 5 minutes. Be ready to leave then because I'm not waiting for you!" I held out the last word and I could practically see her fur poofing out in anger as she growled over me on the phone-

"Don't threaten me... you're going to be in a car for an hour and a half with me and I don't have to be nice."

"I'm just giving you a hard time. I'll be there in 3 minutes now." I flipped the phone shut and dropped it into one of the cup holders as I made my way from the parking lot.

Pulling up behind Sierra's dorm, Pangborn, I saw the little lioness standing at the back door with just her usual book bag. She stalked to the car and sat in the passenger seat, pulling her skirt farther down her thighs she looked over at me as I started pulling away. "It was 4 minutes. I thought you said you'd be there in 3."

I shook my head and chuckled, flipping on the radio and switching the station to the all news channel. "Traffic was horrendous. And don't give me a hard time. Why are you in such a pissy mood today." I glanced over at the lone bag sitting between her legs, "And what's with the lack of overnight materials?"

She rubbed her bared knees, leaning back into the seat as I sped down the highway. "I'm stressed out. And I'm going to Martin's. I don't wear clothes at Martin's so the only things I need are what I'm wearing now."

I stuck my tongue out, giving her a disgusted look as she continued, "And what I'll be wearing on the drive back." And she snickered. "Besides, it'll make me significantly less pissy when I get back."

There was a heavy silence that loomed between us; the only sound was the monotonous drone of the tires on the road and the equally monotonous drone of the reporter on the radio giving stock numbers.

"That's mildly disturbing, Sierra."

She patted midway up my thigh, giggling, "That's why I say these things. Did you pick up Caitlin's paper?"

"Of course I did. It's on the school provided flashdrive. And I even brought my computer so I can actually do the work."

She gave my thigh a terse squeeze "Good, just trying to keep you honest."

There was another long silence, the radio signal crackling in and out as we drove through underpasses. I lamented softly, "You're so mean to me..."

Her grip on my thigh tightened slightly.

"You can let go of my leg now."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A little over an hour later I was taking the exit to Greenway, following Sierra's directions to her boyfriend's apartment complex. I maneuvered into a parking spot and parked the car. "Tell Martin I say 'Heyyyyyy'. And you don't be a slut."

She grabbed her bag and climbed from the car before turning back slightly and flipping up the bottom of her skirt, her lime green lace panties coming into full view as she giggled and slammed the door shut.

Making her way around the front of the car I rolled down the window and shouted after her "Yeah, just like that! None of it!"

She turned around and stuck her tongue out at me before disappearing around the corner of the building. I picked up my phone and gave Robbie's cell phone a call, mildly disappointed to only get his voicemail I left him a message.

"Hey, it's me. I am assuming you're at work, which is why you didn't pick up. I'm in Greenway right now dropping off a friend. I'll be by in about a half hour. I'll see you soon. Love you." and flipped my phone shut, again dropping it into the cup holder as I pulled from the parking space and back out onto the street.

In twenty minutes I was slinging my bag over my shoulder and making my way up through the parking lot and to the door. Covertly peering in the large plate glass window, I saw a grey wolf at the register and a fox pacing between the espresso machine and the bar, both wearing black shirts and green aprons. A smile crept up my face as I walked through the door and into the warmer, coffee scented air. Lacey, the grey wolf, saw me first and smiled, giving me a playful wink as she turned to my Fox and muttered at him.

His ears perked up and he beamed at me. "Shawn!" he placed the order he just finished on the bar and came around to the front, wrapping his arms around waist and rocking back and forth slightly. "I missed you so much." He nuzzled into the nape of my neck and gave it a little nip.

I kissed top of his head and chuckled, returning the hug. "I know, I missed you too." I looked over to Lacey and smiled, rubbing Robbie's back.

After a moment I gently tapped between his shoulder blades, "Sweetie, you have got to get back to work. People are waiting."

He swatted my side as he stepped away from me and made his way back around the counter. "You always have to ruin the moment, don't you?" He faked a scowl at me but I could see the smile underneath of it.

Sauntering up to the register I beamed at Lacey "Heya, Lace. How are you doing?"

She smiled back and leaned closer to me "Not so bad. Better now that Big Ears isn't so mopey and glum anymore. What would you like?"

I looked down at my pocket, pulling a few singles from it "To see you. But since you asked, a medium coffee would be wonderful."

"Right-o. Don't worry about it, it's on the house." She turned around and filled a large cup for me, the steam curling up from the rim as she clamped a lid on it.

I stuffed the small wad of bills into the tip cup between the registers as she was sliding my cup to me and leaned farther over the counter. I grabbed hold of the cup and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Thanks Lace."

She giggled and leaned back across the counter, "No problem, Stripey Butt." and she nodded to the tip cup, "And thank you."

I walked over to the bar and leaned on it, Robbie was setting out the last order, saying "Triple grande, no whip soy Chai, extra hot." and a marmoset picked up the cup muttering a curt 'Thanks" and quickly left.

He blew a raspberry, muttering loudly "About what I expected from somebody who orders a drink like that." He set about cleaning up as I took a sip from my cup. "So what's in the bag?" he glanced up and nodded at my shoulder before focusing back on what his paws were doing.

"Laptop. I have to edit a paper for a friend. As a condition for borrowing her car." I took another short sip of my scalding hot coffee. "When are you off? I can start here if you're not done your shift yet."

He glanced over at the wall and then towards the door as a dingo wearing a pair of khakis and a black polo shirt came in. "Well, right now actually."

The dingo smiled and said "Hi." in a soft tenor voice to Lacey and made his way around the counter and into the back room, coming back out as he was tying a green apron around his waist.

Robbie pulled his own apron off over his head and made his way passed the dingo, touching his back as he went behind him. "Hey Kale. How are you doing?"

Through his short fur, I could tell he had started to blush as he looked down at his feet and tried to pull himself as close to the front counter as possible. "Hi Robbie."

"I gotta go punch out for the weekend. And then we can be on our way. Stay right there." Robbie said as he disappeared into the back room, leaving me with the tawny dingo who was still blushing slightly.

I took another sip of the coffee and set the cup down, extending my paw over the bar. "Hey there, I'm Shawn."

Tentatively, he took my paw and shook it. "Kale. Are you a friend of Robbie's?"

I smiled, releasing his paw. "Yeah, we went to high school together. Just back home visiting for the weekend."

Lacey made her presence known by kneeing the door to the microfridge shut as she poured a cup of ice coffee for a kangaroo at the register. She faced Kale and grinned, "That's not all they did together."

He started turning a deep pink color as she slid the cup across the counter and said thanks to the kangaroo. I tried to glare at her, only managing to smile. "Shut your mouth, you don't know what you're talking about."

She let out a maniacal chuckle as she leaned back against the counter.

Luckily, Robbie came back around and grabbed my paw, pulling me towards the door. "See you all later. I'm gone for the weekend!" Lacey huffed and Kale waved timidly as we walked back out into the humid afternoon.

I gave his paw a squeeze, tapping it against my thigh as I fished the keys from my pocket and unlocked the car. "Kale likes you. He's cute, too."

He blew a raspberry and let go of my paw, opening the passenger side door. "He is cute. But you're probably better in bed. That boy is as pure as the freshly driven snow."

I tossed my bag into the back seat and started up the car, our seat belts clicking. "I thought you'd be all over him then. Especially as a virgin." I threw the car into reverse and pulled out of the space. Pulling around the corner and down the street, Robbie his fingers through mine and brought it up to his lips. Giving the top of my paw a kiss, he chuckled.

"You're all I need, babe. So what did you have in mind this weekend?"

Turning, I let the question hang in the air a moment. "Hmmm, I'm not sure. Tonight I was thinking movie, dinner. Then sexy time?"

He gave my paw a squeeze and laughed. "Horny tiger. I gotta shower first. I went from class to work and now I reek of coffee and coffee products."

I whined softly, "But I like coffee."

He let out a groan, "You get tired of this odor pretty quickly. It'll give you time to start on the paper while I'm in the shower."

I pulled up to his building and let go of his paw, putting the car in park and turning it off. "Makes sense. No rambunctious shower sex just yet." Turning towards him, he looked at me and I ferociously pressed my muzzle against his.

My tongue slipped from my maw and ran along his lips as he slightly parted them. He returned the kiss passionately, closing his eyes and moaning softly and tilting his head slightly as I gently stroked the tuft of fur on his cheek.

He broke the kiss and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I opened my eyes, seeing him smiling and he gave me another quick kiss. "I really missed you. I'm glad you came home."

I kissed the end of his nose and gently rubbed his cheek. Staring into his soft amber eyes, I smiled. "Me too, Sweetpea."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Robbie opened the creaky door to his modest apartment, tossing his keys onto the cluttered table and pulling his shirt off as I closed and locked the door behind me. He turned back towards me, a playful glint in his eye as he sauntered down the short hallway with his shirt in paw, his hips swaying back and forth.

I set my duffel bag on the couch and my other bag on the table, watching as he crept into his bedroom. "You're really challenging me and the no shower sex thing aren't you?"

He poked his head out of the doorway a moment later as I was setting up my laptop and putting the thumbdrive into it. "No, why would you ever think that?" A grin crept up his muzzle as he took a step from the doorway, completely naked with a towel in one paw. "Oh, my.. I dropped my towel."

There was a soft fwump as the towel fell to the floor and he not so subtly bent over to pick it up, hiking his tail high to reveal his tight pucker. Shaking his rump, he peered back at me and giggled, his cream colored sac slowly swaying from side to side between his legs.

I let out a soft moan and anxiously rubbed my thighs. "Hon, I should really get to this.."

He snapped back up and went into the bathroom, leaving the door open and shouting out. "I know you should. Why are you so critical of everything I do?" the water was making a loud racket as he climbed into the shower and started humming.

I bit my lip and shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts as I muttered to myself, "Just bang out the revisions of Caitlin's paper and be done with it." I rubbed my eyes, thinking to myself that 'banging out' wasn't the best choice of words.

Twenty minutes later, I was almost just about finishing up with my second revision of her paper. I laced my fingers together and stretched, leaning far back in the chair as I did.

Taking a long drink of the now lukewarm coffee and I set the empty cup aside, perking up as I heard the water in the bathroom shut off and the shower curtain pull aside. Saving the revisions I made, I closed the lid of my laptop as Robbie walked out of the bathroom vigorously rubbing the towel over his stomach and chest, his hard cock swaying and bobbing with each step he took.

He made the short trek across the room to me as I pushed my laptop away from the edge of the table and he swung his leg across my lap, sitting down in it and facing me. With my paws at my side and my tail whipping back and forth, he moved the towel to his back and started into my eyes, smiling gently he leaned forward and kissed me.

Moaning softly, he tilted his head to the side and forced his tongue into my maw. Draping his arms over my shoulders, I brought my paws up to his waist and held him there as his hips bucked against the now obvious bulge in my pants, his hard cock grinding against my straining jeans eliciting a soft groan from me.

He broke the kiss, nuzzling against the nape of my neck as my paw worked its way from his hip to his sheath, running my fingers up the length of his cock as he stopped grinding against me. "Scoot back a little bit."

Pushing with my hind paws, the chair scraped against the vinyl flooring and created about two feet of space between the edge of the table and my knees. As I stroked him, he started humping into my paw and moaning softly, gasping as I lightly nipped his ear. He brought his arms back around front and tossed the towel onto the table and slipped out of my lap and onto his knees in front of me. I leaned farther back in the chair and he opened my legs, creeping between them and nosing at my straining bulge, inhaling my musk deeply and moaning as his tail swayed excitedly from side to side.

As his paws crept up my thighs at an agonizingly slow pace, I shuddered. His tongue crept from his maw and ran over my tent, moistening the fabric as I pushed back against his muzzle. I let out a long, drawn out "Fuck." and ran my fingers through his headfur, gently rubbing his ears as his paws made it passed my belt and up into my shirt, his claws scratching my belly.

Gasping, I squirmed under his expert ministrations as his nimble fingers finally undid my belt and pants, opening them and letting my tent out. Taking my pants and underwear in grasp, he dragged his tongue up the full length of my tented underwear, flicking the underside and said "Sit up for a sec."

Doing so, he yanked everything down to my ankles, allowing me to shuck them off and kick them aside as he again ran his fingers up my thighs, the feeling more intense as they were now bare. Moaning loudly, he positioned his muzzle over the head of my throbbing cock and exhaled, making me shudder as his hot breath ran over my sensitive tip.

Bracing myself by putting a paw on the side of the chair and one on his shoulder I let out a low groan, pleading with him "Mmmm, please suck it."

Ducking farther down, he planted his tongue against my furry ball sac, suckling gently on one and then the other before dragging his tongue up the full length of my cock and taking the tip into his maw and sucking on it, rolling his tongue around it. I bucked up into his maw, letting out a loud moan as he slowly started taking my full length into his maw, his tongue lapping at the underside of my shaft until he took a deep breath and his nose bumped against my pubic fur, my cockhead slipping into his throat.

My head rolled back and my jaw dropped as he held himself like that for a moment, one paw stroked my furry sac and the other working his own slickened shaft. "Oh my god..." I started panting as he came up off my shaft and lapped at my tip, gently rolling my balls in his paw. I giggled, saying "Where did you learn to do that?"

With just the tip in his maw, he sucked hard on it, eliciting a low groan from me as he came off with a lewd slurp. He licked his lips "Thought I would give it a try for you, obviously it worked well."

My tip started leaking copious amounts of pre as he lapped at it again, chuckling and going down on me. My toes curled and I ran my fingers through his headfur, "Mmmm, I can't hold out long if you keep this up."

He redoubled his efforts, bobbing up and down my shaft. I thrust against him, my cockhead slipping into his throat as his tongue dragged against the underside of my shaft.

A growl slowly started building in my throat as he took my cock slower, moaning loudly and causing my cock to twitch in his muzzle. I placed my paw on the top of his head, holding him there as I shallowly thrust into his muzzle, my growl growing louder.

"Ahhhh, god. I'm gonna cum."

He tongued at the underside of my cock as it twitched, releasing several ropes of my load into his eager muzzle. Suckling on the tip, he swallowed as more came dribbling into his maw.

He let out a loud, low moan as he thrust into his own paw; I could hear the sound of his cum pattering against the linoleum under the chair over my soft panting and the blood pounding in my ears from my intense orgasm.

Coming off my cock, he gave my cockhead a wet lick, causing me to shudder and pant harder as he stood up and sat in my lap again. Pressing his muzzle roughly against mine, he put both paws on my cheeks and slipped his cum coated tongue into my maw. Moaning softly, I run my paws up his back as I suckled on his tongue, tasting myself on it.

Breaking the kiss and nuzzling my cheek, I nibbled lightly on his ear, my fingertips playing up and down his spine. He giggled and ran his fingers through my hair. "Better than shower sex."

I chuckled, still panting softly. "At least just as good I think." My fingers paused at the base of his tail, running circles just above it. "I'm glad you didn't wait until later. I don't think I could have lasted that long without it."

He leaned back in my lap, giving my nose a kiss and smiling "I couldn't wait." and looked around on his table, reaching over and grabbing the paper. "We should check on movie times. Since you got me all excited about going to the movies earlier. I'm going to make you sit through one of those sappy romantic ones."

I gently flicked his chest, smiling broadly "I think I'll be able to survive."

As he was flipping through the pages, I was gently running my paws up and down his thighs, making him yip and giggle as his knot was shrinking and his tail brushed against my shins as it wagged to and fro. "There's an 8:30 for Music and Lyrics. We can catch a nice dinner and even get there early."

I groaned softly, resigned to my fate. "Fine, but only because I love you."

He refolded the paper and set it on the table, giving my cheek a nuzzle and a kiss. "And I love you too." He patted my chest, "I should go get dressed."

I pouted, running my paws up his side. "If you think you have to. I like you naked, though."

He hopped out of my lap and turned, hiking his tail up a bit and calling back at me "And be a dear and clean up underneath of your chair for me."

I pulled my pants back on and grabbed a paper towel, wiping up his mess. Tossing it into the trash and stashing my laptop in my bag, I turned in time to watch Robbie slink back out of his room dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a cream colored button down. I looked down at my meager ensemble and sighed softly, "Sweetie, you're going to make me look like a hobo. All I brought was tshirts.."

"I've got extras if you're so self-conscious. I'm sure something will fit."

I tore my shirt off and tossed it on his couch, walking up to him I stopped and chuckled. He ran his paws from my chest and over my trim stomach, letting out a soft moan. "You've lost weight since I last saw you. Kitty, you be lookin' fine."

I pecked him on the lips and went into his room, rifling through his closet until I found an old striped shirt of his that would fit me. Buttoning it up, I walked back to the kitchen and grabbed the car keys, slipping them into my pocket. "Ready to go?"

He grabbed my paw leading me out the front door and into the hallway, pausing to pull the door shut and lock it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, that's it for this part. Hopefully it's not so bad.