A Timelord's Beginnings

Story by Arsen on SoFurry

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Arsen Delacroix's beginnings as he's activated after the fall of Gallifrey in the Last Great Time War.

It was the day that Gallifrey fell and the The Last Great Time War stopped as the shrouds of the Time Lock closed tightly around the event, pulling Gallifrey out of Time from the rest of the Universe. Some say it was the time that the great civilization of Gallifrey should have ended. And at the time, one Timelord escaped before Gallifrey fell. He roamed around, the Last Known Timelord, The Doctor, alone and forever running away from his past with his stolen Type 40 Tardis. But unbeknownst to him, there were many more new Timelords of a new generation bred to carry on the legacy of the fallen Gallifrey. Hidden away in various locations were Tardises that remained undetected by The Doctor's antiquated Type 40... Lying in wait for the day the Time Lock sealed away the War.

It was the day that a few new Timelords were activated and their Tardises came online, each unknown to each others' existence. They were thought to have been lost forever in the Time Vortex as the Last Great Time War with the Dalek Empire burned and ripped apart segments of it, never to be seen or heard from again. This was the moment, known as The Awakening, that restarted the Timelord race to a new breed of Timelords. To carry on with research, to observe, to learn and grow as the New Timelords. Each of these Timelords were brought into existence and before gaining consciousness, they were put into a Stasis Chamber, unprepared for what the future held for them.

One such Timelord became active in a rather violent way. Immediately, the Timelord became active as a tear in the Time Vortex started to sever the part of the stream he was held within. His Tardis rather abruptly ended his Suspended Animation cycle and with a hard jolt to the Tardis, he was dumped out onto the floor. Before he could get his thoughts together, the Cloister Bells rang loudly to alert regarding the impending danger. The Timelord's first thoughts were already filled with loud bells ringing in his ears before he rushed through the halls as they reconfigured themselves to make the shortest distance possible to the console room. The heavy thuds of his hindpaws echoed against the hastily made metal grating floors that lead into the console room before he saw the sparks flying from various outlets as the Tardis quickly tried to maneuver as much as it could on its own. The Timelord's eyes jerked from readout to readout, monitor to controls and back before he acted on pure instinct and the psychic feedback from the Tardis itself. From nobs, to levers, controls to brakes... he let the Tardis guide him into how to jump from this torn stream, to directly into the Time Vortex and then Normal Time Space with a massive burst of power from the Tardis's newly designed fully functional Eye of Harmony. The jolt was hard enough to send the new Timelord flying over the railing and landed hard on the floor from a 2 story drop below and knocked him out.

The Timelord was out cold for a while. His mind was floating in the ether of unconsciousness while random flashes of thought came and went in a mindless haze before the pain started to kick in. It was distant at first, at the edges of his mind before it started to creep up on him in his daze. It started off as annoying before it made itself well known when it bit in and started becoming real. In his mind he was thinking of why the pain was there, how did it happen, before fleeting images of what happened filled his mind. He thought about the Tardis, was it alright? Then he felt the Tardis's probe to see if he was still out before he jolted awake with a blinding headache and a little pool of blood on the floor. He searched himself for injuries before he got the first look at his body. He thought 'Fur? Well this is new... What am I talking about... this is all new... legs, hindpaws...' He gave them a wiggle and a deep flex. "Good, good... they seem to be working." He spoke to himself as the Tardis reestablished the Psychic link with him. "Arms, hands... ok... good good... I... I can see the end of m'nose. White fur, black fur, stripes... wonderful... a tail! Well this would come in handy I would imagine." He laughed to himself despite the pounding headache. "Ah... let's see..." He pushed himself into a seated position before rocking himself up on his legs to stand, albeit a little wobbly of course after a two story fall.

He looked up to see exactly where the console was before he found stairs leading up to it along the side of spires that supported the console's flooring. In the center, underneath the the console was a long series of cables that hung down along either side of the line that lead directly down further than he could see into the Eye of Harmony room. The only thing he could make out down there was lights of various types but a warm beating glow which he considered the heart beat of the Tardis. It was a steady thrumming that filled him with a sense of comfort that everything was alright with his Tardis. He made his way up the stairs to the console itself while taking a mental inventory of himself as the headache started to slowly subside. He felt the swing of his tail, the feeling of the metal flooring underneath his hindpaws, the sway of something else that was exposed as well... He looked down to see he wasn't wearing any clothing but it felt more natural to him at the moment. "Well look at you..." he deep voice rumbled as he looked over the controls of his Tardis. "You're definitely a work of art." The Timelord's fingers ran across the controls, feeling the knobs, levers, the keys of a keyboard against his fingertips as he looked at the Time Rotor itself, gently moving up with each swell of power that emanated from below and pushed down to distribute the power into the rest of the Tardis's functions. The Rotor was comprised of crystals that glowed a soft light blue, rotating as well as pistoning up and down with another set of crystals that meshed between the lower set... creating a lively spark that pulsed in mid air within the glass confined rotor.

"Well m'friend..." He said with a smile as he grabbed one of the edges of a monitor and slid it into place in front of him before the circular shapes of the Gallifreyian language started to appear in front of him. "What have I missed?" The historical records in relation to Gallifrey as the central point in time started to spill out in front of him. Layers of data were displaying behind the screen as if it was a three dimensional display to show all the events that lead up until the original Eye of Harmony was destroyed in Gallifrey and as the final act that ended the War... the Time Lock was put into place. The Timelord's hearts sank as he caught up on the events that lead up to his activation before he saw why and how he was created, finally leading up to his name... Arsen Delacroix. Arsen was created in the genetic looms much like his Tardis was. He was given a mind filled with the common knowledge of a Timelord that started the Preservation Project. This project was to carry on the knowledge and history of the Timelords they would never be forgotten the Universe that could use Timelords to help maintain the various fragile and already broken Time Streams created by the Last Great Time War. The name of the last existing original Timelord, The Doctor, was embedded in his mind to avoid at all costs until the day that Gallifrey was either restored or rebuilt. And to that end, Earth was pretty much off limits as the Doctor was seen as the champion and protector of Earth.

The lights that filled the console room started to shift and rings of light began to illuminate hallways leading out of the room as if for the first time, the Tardis has initialized for the first time. Rooms were developed and moved into position as the Tardis started to configure itself for its Timelord's developing personality. Slowly Arsen moved from the console room and down one of the halls before he turned as if he knew the place already like the back of his striped paw and walked up to a door that opened by zipping off to the side inside the wall. He looked in to see a room with a bed, a mirror on the wall. Arsen walked up to the mirror and gave himself a good look over. "Animalistic... oh dear, I'm going to enjoy this form." He laughed as he looked over the angles of his face and the protruding muzzle crowned with a moist and keen nose. His eyes were a deep blue but a soft pulse of living light glowed within them. He had black hair with electric blue tips and a symbol on his forehead which he considered a birthmark but was well detailed out with runes along the circles. "Whiskers..." The Timelord said to himself before he fanned them out as if he already knew how before he examined his chest to see a rather interesting pattern, almost tribal on the front that blended in with his black stripes. "Tiger... Where do I know that word from?" He thought to himself as he looked down further to see hanging down from his loins a full, thick black skinned pride, hanging free. Cut with full bell shaped glans that crowned the heavy black shaft. Little fleshy nubs creatively adorned his length along the throat of his pride and the base in several rows and one row on either side of his urethral bulge underneath his shaft. Two heavy striped orbs rested along his thighs. Further down he saw his legs were bent back a bit, a little different from a humaniod form... digigrade legs that lead to two large hindpaws to support his weight. "Impressive..." He said a little narcissistically to himself before he turned around and looked at his back. Two tribal wings in blue were embedded into his fur with more tribal patterns that lead down to his lower back before he saw paw prints running up the side of his leg and the thick tail he saw before. He turned back around and looked into his eyes, trying to figure out why he was created this way with the markings before the idea started to form in his mind. "This is what I wanted. I was a nothing more than a thought in the Genetic Loom... ideas of various combinations that a Timelord could take... The thought of this form was majestic to me... I was created and put into stasis here... I wonder... if there are others like me... Surely if I saw forms like mine in the loom... there has to be a few Timelords that came across other species...." He mused to himself before he sat down at the edge of his bed and looked at himself once more... getting use to his new identity.

Slowly he ran his paws over his new form.. starting from his ear tips down over his muzzle to get a feel of what it would feel like to be touched. Different areas felt differently to him as his fingertips ran over various parts. Hair felt soft, the fur a little more coarse but not off putting. He spent a little time at his neck as it felt a little more receptive to touch. He moved down his shoulders, his arms and down to his hands... those felt normal. He moved over his chest and traced along his stripes before finding two black nipples that jutted out slightly from his pecs. Sensations filled the flesh there that stretched down into his loins as his fingers roamed along his pert nubs of flesh. "That feels good..." He thought to himself as he watched the reaction hit his loins. Already a warming tingling sensation started to grip his pride. His paws left his chest as he continued on the exploration of his form before the light brushes of his fingertips hit his stomach, his loins and finally he slowly wrapped his paw around the base of his growing pride.

Arsen gave his pride a good squeeze which caused him to arch his back and brought forth a deep groan before realized his paw was moving back and forth along his length. His little fleshy barbs were sensitive to the passing paw as he got harder and thicker than before. His glans stood out proudly like a large bell with a thick ridge to meet his fingers as they traced over every contour of his cock. "This feels amazing." He said as he licked over his lips and watched a clear liquid drip from his broad cum slit and pool on the floor. His other paw roamed over his chest, as his twin hearts were starting to beat faster, to the point he could feel them pound behind his pecs. Arsen started to moan and growl, filling the room with the sounds from his exploration before he collected the fluid and spread it over his hot and throbbing length. In his mind, he had the idea that something was going to happen but he wasn't sure quite what to expect as he continued to move his paw in various directions, twisting it at the tip and giving himself a good work over. His panting grew louder, faster as his body told him to keep going. Arsen's large hindpaws started to grip the floor as his toes splayed while getting closer and closer to some hidden goal before he watched in astonishment as a thick, rich white fluid jetted from his tip after a heavy bulge formed along his urethra. "Uhhhhhnnnngggg... Gods!" He roared out as kept at it until nothing further came from his release.

"That was amazing." The large Tiger said to himself as he panted and looked down at the mess on the floor before a small panel on the wall opened up close to the floor and a little wheeled device came out. It zipped along the floor before the chassis lowered and started zooming around the Tiger's release and cleaned the floor. "Oh no way!" Arsen said with a bit of a laugh as he stood up for a bit to feel his muscles relax from the euphoria of his climax and from the broad tip of his shaft, further remnants of his climax dripped to the floor. The little bot backed up for a moment as if waiting for the Tiger to finish before it rushed in to clean the mess and then waited to see if there were more to follow. Once satisfied, it flew off into its own little home in the wall and the panel closed up. "Well that was most entertaining and enlightening" He chuckled to himself as he looked down at the clean floor before looking at himself once again in the mirror. The Timelord turned from side to side, moving his tail around in different positions before he decided that he had enough self exploration and left the bedroom to head up for the console room.

Arsen's hearts started to slow down from the high he was on during his climax, he felt a little more relaxed than before which helped considerably with the last of his headache. He made his way up the flights of stairs before he clasps his paws together and looked at the readouts once more. The Tiger thought it was about time he set out from his standstill position in space and find a place to explore. The Tardis was buzzing in his mind, giving suggestions based on what it knew of the Tiger already but there were so many choices to choose from and with a grin he looked into the rotor as if that were the eyes of his only companion and said... "Surprise me." The lights lowered a bit in the console room as the rotor spun up as the flight engines hummed along. Arsen took his time to walk around the console, familiarizing himself with the layout as he kept an eye on the main monitor from time to time to see how far away he was from his destination. The flight only took a few minutes before a soft bell chimed to alert the Timelord that he's arrived at his first planet. Eager, he rushed down one of the stairs and walked down the hall opposite of his bedroom and found the room he was looking for. After stepping inside, the walls and ceiling faded from view and for a moment, everything was pitch black before sounds were heard. Arsen couldn't make out the sounds at first before objects materialized around him. Trees, organic life were first. Birds of different colours, flowers of different shapes, a body of flowing water and then the grass underneath his hindpaws. This was the Tardis's way of showing the Timelord what was outside of the exterior walls of it.

There were buildings of modern age cropping up in the distance before he heard the sounds of a city starting to become louder as the buildings got closer. He could make out streets, cars and finally people. This was all becoming rather exciting for the Tiger as he saw people that were like him, animal and human hybrids. "Is this where my form came from?" Arsen asked aloud before the Tardis answered him directly. "Amazing... absolutely amazing." He said when he saw businesses and these hybrids going along their daily routines ignorant of the watchful Timelord. "Ah! Clothing! I knew I forgot something." He laughed as he noticed the styles of clothing and some common threads. "Jeans... no... wait, yes! That's what those are called. And... shirts... no... T-shirts... but wait... there's someone there without a shirt on and a..." He snapped his fingers as he thought.... "VEST! Yes a Vest, what a funny word but a nice look he's got going for him."

Arsen immediately left the room to head back to the bedroom. As the door opened for the room, so did a panel in the back of the room, displaying a massive collection of clothing on two different tracks. As he walked in, he had in mind something he wanted to wear and within seconds, the tracks whirred by and selection of jeans hung before the Tiger while a selection of vests hung behind him. "These are perfect!" He smiled as he brought the clothing with him to the mirror in the bedroom. He put on the vest first and looked at himself... thinking that if he could just walk around with only the vest on, he would. But the trick came with putting on the pants. He stepped into them just fine and pulled them up before he noticed that he would have to heft himself into them. His large orbs and his shaft hung down his left leg which seemed a little interesting to him but when he zipped up carefully, he saw the bulge there as obvious as day. "Maybe... it's suppose to be like that?" He thought before he shrugged and paid it no further mind as he buttoned the pants above his tail and headed to the main doors.

Arsen stood in front of the main doors before they slowly opened towards him, revealing the world to him. He stepped out and took his first breath of air of this alien planet. With a grin he turned back to look at his Tardis's exterior for the first time while the doors closed. It was in the shape of a large circular public toilet building with an "Out of Order" sign on the doors. "Cute..." He thought with a bit of a chuckle as he walked along the concrete lined walk ways, smiling broadly to each person he walked passed but he found he had to squint a little due to the bright sunlight but he didn't let that bother him as he observed people walking in and out of different shops. He found the individual that was wearing the vest as he walked passed the Timelord into a shop that had "Tattoo and Piercings" written on the front windows. "This should be fun." He thought as he walked into the store and heard the chime of an electric bell. The store owner was a well pierced snow leopard with a thick coat of fur. He was standing behind the counter with a bit of a smirk on his face as he noticed the large white tiger walking in without a single piercing on him.

"Welcome! Are you looking to get pierced or..." The snow leopard looked at Arsen's chest and noticed he had different markings along it. "Well looks like you had some nice work done with the chest already... I wouldn't dream of ruining that." He said as he made his way from behind the counter to examine the new comer. He was dressed in a pair of distressed jeans and leather chaps which showed off a rather firm ass and accented a bulge up front. "Take off the vest, I want to see this piece of art." He said as he reached up to help Arsen out of his vest before the Tiger rolled his shoulders back to let the leather vest fall into the shop keeper's paws. "Well this is beautiful indeed! The work on the back is stunning and there isn't any fading at all!" Arsen felt for the first time, someone else touching his body and couldn't help the flushing of his face as he tried to relax the best he could against the snow leopard's touch. "Tell me... who did this?"

Arsen grinned as he looked back with a bit of a shrug. "Well, it was done so long ago that I can't remember who." He lied but it was enough to get the shop keeper to walk in front of the Tiger. "Let's see..." The snow leopard said as he looked at the triangular ears of the Tiger. "You could do with some earrings at least... maybe more if you're adventurous." Arsen furrowed his eyebrows for a moment before he tilted his head. "Adventurous?" He said before the shop keep hooked his finger into the Tiger's waistband and tugged him over to the counter as he reached over and pulled out a book of piercings. He looked through the tabs of the pages before he turned the pages over to show what he meant. Arsen's eyes grew larger as he was staring at different sized cocks with different style piercings. Some erect, some flaccid but he saw something that he was interested in. He turned the book towards the Snow Leopard and said... "Well... what does it feel like?" The shop keeper grinned and motioned for the Tiger to follow him in the back before he pulled the curtains closed behind them.

The Leopard rested his back against one of large chairs like you would see at a dentist's office and unbuckled his own pants before letting his sheath out. He pulled back the fur and flesh there before his pride hung freely and in the tip was a small Prince Albert. "This is what it looks like in person." He said before he casually reached the Tiger's paw and pulled it over to his tip. Arsen couldn't help but feed his curiosity and wrapped his paw around the slightly flared cockhead. "It's... warm" he said as he ran his fingers along the underside of the Leopard's glans and let his claws lightly clink against the metal there. The shop keeper wasn't really expecting to be handled so gingerly by the Tiger but he grinned from ear to ear as he asked... "So... interested in a Prince Albert?" He said as he watched Arsen nod while fingering the ring and groaned when he gave it a full testing tugs. When the Tiger noticed that it was bringing the Leopard pleasure... he couldn't help but want to have one of his own.

"It'll run you about a hundred..." But when Arsen looked into his pockets... he found nothing there that would have been of use. "Well... tell you what..." He looked out from between the curtains to see if there was anyone lingering in his shop before he got a big smile on his face and ducked back into the semi private room. "I won't lie to you... this will be painful..." He said as he looked up to Arsen as he reached down and undid the Tiger's pants, letting them hit the floor as the Timelord stepped out of them and followed the Leopard's lead. As the Leopard patted the seat, the Tiger sat down and looked down at black flesh. "Oh my word... No sheath? That's just hot!" The shop keeper said before he grinned. "I'm Ashely by the way... And you have a lot to work with." He said before Ashley reached down and hefted the flaccid length up into his paw. He examined the large head and used two fingers to spread open the large cum slit before he reached his head down till his lips were an inch away from the hot flesh. "May I?" He said as his blue eyes looked into the eyes of the Tiger.

Arsen really didn't know if this was normal or not but he knew in the end he would get the piercing done so he just nodded his head to see where this was going before his eyes grew larger when the pink tongue of the Leopard rolled out of his mouth and onto the tip of his pride. Ashley purred deeply as it got bigger in a matter of seconds. "There we go..." He rumbled to himself as he saw how big the Tiger was... the width of the Timelord's cock just made him shiver before he wrapped his lips around the tip and suckled tenderly. Arsen's toes splayed as he arched his back. The heat of Ashley's mouth concentrated on the tip made him growl softly and grab the arm of the chair rather tightly with both paws. One of Ashley's paws reached underneath the heavy orbs of the big Tiger and rolled them around to feel their weight. "Would be a shame to let you go with a fresh piercing without getting you off at least once." He said as he licked from the base of the Tiger's cock up to the tip with a flick of his tongue.

The Timelord watched intently as he squirmed a bit in the chair from the sensations burning in his loins. He reached out and ran his paw over the Leopard's face as he looked at the lips stretched over his glans. He loved the look of his pride in someone's mouth and when Ashley's lips popped over the thick ridge of his glans... the Tiger groaned deeply. "That feels amazing." he manged to get out before Ashley went further and further... the little nubs of flesh popped softly against the Leopard's lips which just added to the wonderful wet sensations the shop keep bestowed onto his pride. Ashley reached over with his free paw, making mental notes of the Tiger's impressive size, marking out measurements with his tongue to use later for the piercing before he wrapped his paw along the base of the Tiger's shaft and pumped it up and down.

Arsen rolled his hips back and forth instinctively as the Leopard throated him. He felt the soft, hot and wet passage open up and stretch over his aching flesh before Ashley worked the Tiger over faster with his paw before matching the speed and movements with his muzzle. Up and down, back and forth within his throat, panting through his nose roughly as he sucked Arsen off. Arsen looked over to see the Leopard's cock hanging out and fully hard. He reached over and slowly worked Ashley's cock with his paw while he enjoyed being in the Leopard's mouth. It wasn't long before Arsen stiffened up and with a stifled groan, he came rather hard into Ashley's hungry maw. Ashley who was busy drowning in the rich Tiger cum slowly backed his hips away from the Timelord's paw so he could concentrate and not miss a jet of cum.

Ashley finished and groaned as he pulled his wet lips from the tip of the Tiger's cock... "Damn... that was well worth it..." He chuckled as he wiped his lips with the back of his paw before blinking a bit. "Not bitter at all... so... bizarre." He said but he walked back, looking the panting Tiger over before grabbing a tray of tools and selecting an appropriate sized ring for the job. "Ok... Let's get you cleaned up first." he said as he gently handled the Tiger's still throbbing pride and cleaned the tip with a bit of alcohol which the cool feeling made Arsen shiver. "Now... This is a receiver tube." He held up a hollow metal tube that had a groove cut into the bottom of it. "We'll try to numb you up the best we can..." He said as he put the tube down and mixed a liquid with a lube inside of a small disposable cup with a q-tip.

Arsen looked over a little apprehensive as he saw a needle there that was pretty thick. But his attentions were quickly shifted to the q-tip that contained the little mixture. Ashley moved the tip to Arsen's cum slit before he opened the slip and pushed it inside the Tiger's urethra. Arsen tensed up a bit as the feeling was rather foreign and made his stomach clench as it burned for a little bit before becoming numb in a few seconds later. Ashley spoke softly, "This will be cold at first... and then following that will be the most intense pain you've ever felt... just bear with me and don't move... well... too much." He said before he slowly inserted the tube and rotated it into place. With a curved needle, he counted to three but pushed the needle through between two and three. Arsen snarled as the pain was blinding for a second but it quickly went away. "You're doing good... almost done." Ashley smiled as he moved a ring into place behind the butt of the needle and quickly slid the needle out with the jewelry slipping into place. With a pair of ring expanders, he opened the ring enough to slip in the bead and it was done.

The Tiger looked at his newly pierced pride while Ashley cleaned up the blood. "It'll take a little bit to heal and until it does, try to use the bathroom as frequently as you can... it'll help heal it faster and keep it clean... Now... let's see how about your ear?" He looked up and grinned. "Looks like you could use a few in your right ear... It means you like men." Ashley laughed a bit as he gruffed. "And judging from your release... I wouldn't be wrong in suggesting that." Arsen grinned a bit as he looked the Snow Leopard over and nodded. "I guess you're right... but you were m'first." Ashley nearly tripped over his tray stand before he whipped his head to look into Arsen's eyes. "Yer kidding me!!!" He said before he puffed his chest up proudly. "Then let me at least say... it was my pleasure! Now how many earrings you want in your ear?"

The Timelord furrowed his brow before he said. "Three... sounds like a good starting number." Ashley chuckled and nodded before he pulled out a few clamps that had holes in the tip to allow a needle to slip through. "Ok... Three it is then." He worked from the bottom up, lining up the clamps to make sure they looked perfect in the ear before piercing each one with a quick and well trained motion, following the rings as they slid into place. With care, he slipped the beads into them and he was done. "Salt water is a good way of cleaning these out. Make sure you turn them frequently to prevent the body from sticking to them." Arsen was handed a small mirror to look at the piercing which he smiled broadly at how they looked. Ashley then grabbed a square of gauze and placed it around the Tiger's cock head before securing it loosely with a bit of tape. "This will keep your blood from staining your jeans." He said before the both of them put their bits away. "And hey... if you ever want to... do more when... you know you're all healed up, take my business card... call me." He said with a bit of a blushing smirk before Arsen put on his vest.

"Sounds like a load of fun... I'll be sure to call you!" Arsen said before he bowed his head and headed out. He noticed that the piercings throbbed a bit, especially the one in his cock tip which made him walk a little funny. Every time he moved, his jeans would pull tight across the tip and make him sore as hell. He decided that he should hobble back to the Tardis and just relax for a bit after his little encounter. As he stepped into the Tardis, the doors closed behind him and he quickly undid his pants and removed the gauze before smiling to himself at the experience. The Tardis probed the freshly pierced Timelord before sending out swirls of healing nanites to help facilitate the healing process and within seconds... the pain subsided. "Yes... Thank you." Arsen answered the Tardis as if it asked him if he felt better. He reached down and gave his large gauged ring a tug and instantly, it was something he enjoyed.

After he spent a few minutes giving it a tug and feeling the new weight of it, he decided to slip back into his pants and walk back out... healed completely. He started to feel an odd sensation in his stomach as he walked by a mother and her two cubs. His tummy rumbled rather loudly which got a bit of a giggle out of the kids before one of them tugged on her mother's paw and said, "He must be very hungry..." Before she smiled up to Arsen. "Hungry... Oh! Yes! Hungry! Food... must eat. How silly of me!" He rubbed his stomach as he looked around and remember... "Money... need Money..." He turned around and ran back into his Tardis before walking down the halls to find a small room that had a machine with various little lights and knobs on it with a large open area in the middle of it. Arsen thought of what he needed and before long, a small wallet appeared with some local currency inside of it. With a smile, he grabbed it and head back out into the world once more.

Arsen looked back to make sure the Tardis doors shut before he walked back down the sidewalk and looked at the various shops before finding a place that had tables outside and people eating. He couldn't help but look at what people were eating... to the point he was being rude by staring at their plates. He did get a few funny looks but it didn't stop him from walking into the restaurant. The Tiger nearly walked by the Maitre d' before the smart dressed wolf held his paw out to stop him. "Excuse me sir, The sign says "Please Wait to be Seated". Arsen furrowed his brows for a moment before looked at the sign and shrugged. "So it does! So... hrm... how long do I have to wait?" He gruffed a bit as his stomach growled again before the Wolf smirked as he gathered his pad and a menu. "Not long at all... especially if you're -that- hungry." He laughed as he walked ahead of Arsen, finding him a table by the window before he gestured with his paw for the Tiger to sit down and shortly after Arsen settled down, he was handed a menu. "So what would you like to drink?" He asked as Arsen opened up the menu and looked all over the place for drinks... "Iced Tea sounds interesting... I'll give that a shot!" The Tiger said with a broad smile before the Maitre d' spoke up again. "Our specials for the evening are a Prime Rib, with mash and seasonal vegetables and..."

Arsen chimed in... "That sounds wonderful!" The Wolf smirked a bit and wrote the down the order. "So how would you like that cooked... Rare, Medium Rare...?" Arsen went with the first choice, seemed the easiest before he smiled again... just enjoying the idea of his first meal. "Very good sir! I'll give this over to your server who should be with you shortly with your drink." The Wolf walked away and headed towards a small terminal next to the kitchen to put the order in while Arsen looked over the restaurant. He saw all sorts of individuals talking with each other, eating and enjoying the atmosphere before seeing someone headed his direction with a tray in her paw. "Hello there! My name is Tonya and I'll be your waitress for the evening." She was a young looking female rabbit, soft gray fur with one ear tipped in white that flopped down along the side of her face. She seemed friendly enough as she leaned over the table and placed the glass of iced tea in front of the Tiger. Arsen couldn't help but to look her over as her busts were right in front of his face. He was a little curious about them but he shook his head as he assumed from earlier that staring is apparently rude. "Thank you very much Tonya." He said before she slid a small basket of bread in front of Arsen as well. "Not a problem at all hun." She responded before looking the Tiger over.

"I don't believe I've seen you around here before... I would definitely remember a face like yours." Tonya said, flirting a bit before she took a seat across from him. "You're not from around here are you?" The Rabbit asked before Arsen just smiled. "You're right... I'm from... well you could say from a distant land." He laughed before he took a slice of bread and started to tear into it with his teeth. "Well, wherever you're from..." She said as she reached across the table and touched the top of his free paw. "I'm glad you made it to our place to get some food. The food here is excellent and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" Arsen looked at the paw for a moment, surprised to be touched but he didn't mind it at all before he nodded. "It seemed like the people out front were enjoying the food... so I had to try it m'self." Tonya withdrew her paw before standing and leaning against the side of the table. "Let me go check on your dinner hun." She turned and walked away as Arsen took another bite of his bread.

He took his time... savoring the simple tastes of bread and the interesting flavours of the tea as they danced on his tongue while watching what others were doing. He spotted someone spreading butter on the bread before eating it, so he did the same and tried it out... Definitely tasted better in his opinion. The Tiger spotted someone mixing the two liquids on the table into a small plate and dipping the bread into that. Arsen just had to try that as well... The bottles were labeled "Olive Oil" and "Balsamic Vinegar" and with a quick pour into the plate, he swirled the bread around and gave that a try... The tastes were amazing to him. Tart and tangy at the same time. After a while of experimenting with different things on the table, Tonya came back with a plate of food for the Tiger.

Arsen's ears perked up as he smelt something that he registered as delicious and mouth watering before she slid the plate in front of him and handed him a steak knife. "There we go tiger... A Rare Prime Rib with a side of Au Jus for dipping it in. If you need anything else, let me know! For now enjoy hun." Arsen looked down at the plate and looked at the knife before it clicked why he would need one. He looked around to see people using a fork as well and mimicked what he saw... Slowly he cut into the steak and saw the juices flowing from it. It looked like he would enjoy this and finally when he dipped the steak into the dipping sauce, he put it into his mouth and it was an instant hit for him. He chewed the steak which seemed to melt in his mouth before swallowing. Arsen had to try everything on his plate to see what he liked and didn't like before he decided that everything was just wonderful. The Tiger even tried dipping his bread into the Au Jus and trying that... it seemed to be a little more soggy than the olive oil mix but was still edible to him.

Tonya watched the Tiger eat while she was between tables... she couldn't help but smile as it seemed that he was enjoying it. She would come back from time to time to top off his Ice Tea and ask him how everything was until there was an empty plate in front of the Tiger. Tonya slipped back over and cleared his plate for him before asking, "Did you leave room for dessert?" Arsen furrowed his brows for a moment as he the word triggered some latent memory. "Why yes... I think I did!" Tonya laughed softly at the response before she held up a finger and walked away to pick up a tray of different display desserts and held it up for the Tiger to choose. "This one right here is my favorite and is a hit." She pointed to a shallow dish filled with what looked like a custard and some dark coloured translucent crust on top of it. "It's called crème brulee and it's absolutely to die for." Arsen just had to try it and nodded. "Then that's what I would like!" He was excited at the prospect of trying a dessert. It took a little time for them to prepare it but he didn't mind waiting as his food settled in his stomach.

After about 10 minutes, Tonya popped back up with the dessert in hand before she slid it in front of Arsen but this time, she leaned against him and watched him as he moved a spoon over to it, cracking the sugary shell. He spooned a bit of the custard up before trying it and it was deliciously sweet with a caramelized shell that crunched in contrast. "This is amazing!" He said as he looked up to Tonya... running his tongue over the ridged roof of his muzzle before she smiled and bumped him with her hips. "I figured you would! Well enjoy and here's your bill, I'll be your cashier when you're done." With that, she walked away, pleased to have a customer that enjoyed his food. The Tiger slowly finished his dessert before he looked at the little black folder that held the bill. He slowly flipped it open and saw a small chart at the bottom about what would be an appropriate tip for good service right next to the total of his meal. He counted out the cash in his wallet and made sure he had enough before pulling out more than what the tip had suggested. He had a machine in his Tardis that could generate more cash so he didn't see a point in being stingy with his money.

Arsen left the money in the black folder as he saw other people do before he stood up and made his way out. It was only a few minutes later that Tonya ran out, holding up some money in her paw. "Sir!! I think you left too much..." She panted as she stood in front of Arsen. "Your bill was only 45 and you left 80..." Arsen shrugged and said. "The rest is for you... Thank you for serving me." He said with a smile before he tried to walk pass her. She intercepted him and wrapped her arms tightly around Arsen. "Thank you!! You're too sweet." Tonya said before she stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek. Arsen blinked a bit before he smiled... "You're certainly welcome Tonya... I hope to meet you again." He said before he walked on towards his Tardis. "I hope so too! Maybe next time you'll tell me where exactly you're from" She giggled before stuffing the money into her pocket and made her way back into the restaurant.

The Timelord Tiger walked up to his Tardis with a broad smile of his face. "Life... is sure going to be interesting indeed." He said as he walked into the welcoming open doors before they closed tight behind him. He made his way up to the console to find a device sticking up from one of the ports. "For me?" He asked his Tardis before he plucked the device up and examined it. The Tardis explained what it was and what it was used for... a universal multi-tool that can scan and link back to the Tardis's database. Arsen was psychically linked to it as he was the Tardis and with a flick of his wrist, the probe end popped forward and lit up before sounding off with a high pitch buzz before another flick of his wrist, the probe slid down into the tubular casing. "Sonic Screwdriver... M'very own." He said as he flipped it up into the air before catching it and tucking it away into his vest inner pocket. "I think we'll stick around here for a little longer... explore different regions..