A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 1

Story by Arsen on SoFurry

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The Timelord Tiger's First Companion.

Arsen spent the last few weeks gaining new experiences, filling his life with a lot of 'First Times' and the like, while visiting different places on this wonderful planet but today was going to be special. He was walking along the streets early one morning with hardly anyone out but the local police patrolling. A quick wave and a smile was all the time they had for the Tiger before they were off, chatting amongst themselves and turning the corner, leaving the street devoid of life outside of the Timelord who stood there, taking in one last look of the street in which he spent the first few days of his existence. He walked by the Tattoo Parlor, running his paw along the door as he managed to see Shop Keep which he learned later was named Derrick and was rather fun to explore different aspect of male sex with, which was something he wouldn't likely forget. He did have a few meals at restaurant and Tonya did her best to make sure she was the one that served him... He originally thought it was because of the tipping but there was one night she wanted to spend with him outside of work and Arsen learned of more tender things, like cuddling, watching a movie and at the end of that, much to Tonya's flattery... Arsen's first female.

It was time to move on to experience more than this one town in time could give him and with a bit of a gruff, he walked into his Tardis who greeted him warmly. He took his shirt that was given to him by Derrick off and set it on a seat by the console before he smiled at his first friend and set the time/space coordinates in for a jump 200 years in the planet's future. The Rotor spun up and hummed along before the console shook a little as the flight through the Time Vortex was a little bumpy. Curious, the Tiger watched the sensors to see that there was a fragment of a Time Stream still present but it was such a fleeting reading that it was quickly overshadowed by the landing. The bell rang to let him know that the tardis had fully materialized. Readings about the air quality came in first and it was still breathable, the radiation from the sun was within acceptable parameters even though it did seem stronger than back in Derrick and Tonya's time. Everything seemed fine for the Timelord to head out into this new experience. He walked into his room, picked up his vest and immediately head out the main doors.

Arsen was greeted by a massive rush of wind before he stopped dead in his tracks to see the Tardis was parked on top of massive building. It had taken the form of a tool shed to blend in with the architecture of the building. As Arsen walked towards the edge of the building, he looked down to see just how high up he was and it wasn't a pleasant feeling. His guts clenched as he felt himself getting a little lightheaded from the view. He managed to stay there long enough to look around to see the clouds below, some flying vehicles and other buildings equally as tall as the one he was on. After a good look around, he backed away from the edge and came across a rooftop access door before he noticed the lock on it was definitely more futuristic. He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out his sonic screwdriver and as if instinct took over, he pointed it at the lock and extended the probe before a quick spark and the words 'Access Granted' appeared on the monitor. The door unlocked with a heavy 'kachunk' and a soft creak as it swung outwards.

The Timelord walked down a few flights of stairs as there was nothing to really stop and look at until he came across another access door. A quick flick of his Sonic Screwdriver later, he opened it up to see an amazing view. Inside this massive building he was in was like a city onto itself. The level he was on was a large arboretum. Plants of different sizes and shapes filled the available space below him. There were a few winged creatures flying from tree to tree and a few people out in the open relaxing on the grass with blankets tossed out for them to lay on. He rushed down the remaining steps that brought him to the arboretum's ground floor before he stumbled across two lovers behind the bushes, enjoying each others company. "Oh! Pardon me." Arsen said, rubbing the side of his muzzle before the couple waved at him, giggling a bit to themselves before they motioned for the Tiger to move on so they could continue in peace.

Arsen couldn't help but be a little embarrassed, interrupting the couple like that but as he walked onto the grass... his attention was on the beauty of this enclosed patch of nature. The lights from the ceiling were blindingly bright but he assumed they needed to be to keep the plants alive in the confined space. He walked towards a small bench he saw that was on the side of a walkway and a young male fox was sat there reading a book. Arsen thought this to be a little curious as something seemed out of place. As the Tiger walked up to the fox, the fox looked up over his book and sighed... "Yes? Can I help you?" Arsen looked at the book, it was old, tattered, with dog eared pages and a faded leather cover. "I was just admiring your book." He said before he took a seat next to the fox and smiled. "Oh this thing? It's one of my favorite books." The fox smiled as he put a paper bookmark in place and handed it to the Timelord. Arsen brought the book up to his nose and took a whiff of it. He smelt the old ink and the paper of the book before he flipped the pages with a thumb. With a bit of smile, he looked at the back of the book which told the story of a old time traveler's adventures. "I guess you can say I'm a little out of touch with this world..." The fox chimed in as he looked at the Tiger and blinked a bit. "Seems like I'm not the only one. Where did you get your clothing from? I haven't seen jeans since I was a kit and we went through the museum at school! And leather! The production of it was halted over century ago if memory serves!"

The Timelord blinked as he looked down to see the fox's paw tugging on the bottom of his vest and the other paw feeling the denim of his pants which looked like they were brand new. "The machining is perfect... the rivets are in the appropriate place... This is an incredible reproduction." Arsen furrowed his brows for a moment as he trained his ears on the fox, listening to him going on and on about his clothing before he gruffed and handed the book back. "Well... you can say I have a supplier that provides clothing from all sorts of time periods." He smirked before he looked to see what exactly everyone else was wearing before brought out his sonic screwdriver and waved it across the fox's clothing. "Well I guess I should have played a little more attention to what everyone else was wearing." He said with a chuckle as the sonic screwdriver detailed the composition of the clothing. It was a plant based fiber not unlike cotton and the information from the Tardis detailed that leather and jeans itself was something that went out of style not shortly after the time period he just left.

The Fox blushed a bit as he was being a little rude... "I'm sorry... I should have asked before touching but you don't see clothing like this anymore. I'm Terry by the way... a big fan already." He giggled softly as he held his book to his chest. "It's like you are a blast from the past... You have to come with me... I know some people that would love to see this in person." He said as he stood up and held a paw out to Arsen to take. Reluctantly, Arsen accepted and was lead through the fields of grass and flowers before reaching a large round elevator. They stepped inside before Terry looked back... "What's your name by the way?" He asked with perked ears. "You can call me Arsen." The Tiger replied before Terry grinned wildly. "Arsen it is!" He turned his attention to the screen on the elevator before he spoke out "The Rabbit's Hole Club" The screen responded by displaying the name and the picture of the front of the club before the gravitron plates engaged with a soft hum and off they went.

During the journey there, Terry looked back at the Tiger with a pleased grin on his face. "This is a place where a few of us get together and dream about being in a different time, a different place... It's basically where people like me imagine what it would be like to be in places like in this book here. There's a few good books that circulate around the club but the books are disappearing and now there are only five left. I'm not sure if they are being sold off because they are worth a lot of credits for anything that has historical value or... worse, being stolen." He said as he hugged the book to his chest. With a soft 'ding', the doors swung open and within a few steps, they were within the club. Arsen spoke up, "Then if you don't mind me asking... why do you read it out in the open if it's worth so much money? I would think that you would keep it at home or within the confines of the club." Terry shook his head. "It's far to easy to break into houses if you know what you're doing... keeping them on you at all times makes it a little more difficult to take unless, you're not watching where you're going and you end up in an alley. We make sure to walk out in the open so we're always within the Peace Keeper's eye." He said as he pointed to the various cameras in different places out in the open outside of the club.

Arsen took note of these devices and felt a little unnerved being watched like that for some reason. His train of thought was quickly interrupted by a little heavy set wolf walking up to Arsen and the peculiar look he was given... it was some mixture of surprise, mistrust and intrigue. "Who is this?" The wolf grumbled as he looked Arsen over... checking out his clothing before he raised his eyebrows. "Nice knockoffs." He snorted before Terry stood between Arsen and the wolf. "That wasn't very nice Ralph." He said before he huffed and puffed his cheeks at him. "His name is Arsen and look closer..." Arsen stood there scratching his blue tipped black head fur as watched the scene unfold before him. Ralph walked around Arsen a few times before he pulled out a little device and held it up to Arsen's chest. Arsen quickly pulled out his sonic screwdriver almost in defense before Ralph ducked his head. "Whoa whoa whoa... it's not a weapon... just... a detector of mine." He said as it started to beep in the wolf's paw.

"Pffft, your detectors and gadgets never work Ralph." Terry snorted before he placed his paw over it and tried to get Ralph to put it down. "Well it's doing something now!" He said before he narrowed his eyes when Terry's paw touched it. "It's detecting that energy signature again!" Ralph huffed loudly before Terry dismissed it. "You said it detects it on me as well... so it obviously must be broken!" Ralph was rather upset at the insinuation that his life's work was broken. Arsen flicked his sonic screwdriver open before giving it a quick wave over Ralph's device. A quick read was that it detected energy alright... Time Vortex energy but Ralph wasn't aware of that. "It might have some flaws in it... I agree." Ralph said as he pocketed his device, not sure what to believe from it before he returned his gaze to Arsen before looking at Terry to see he still had the book about the time traveler. "Almost done with the book?" He said, seemingly eager to get his paws on it. "Yes yes Ralph, I'm almost done with it. I even had a few dreams about it." He chuckled before the three walked up to a round table and sat down.

"Would be amazing to travel through time, to go out there and discover new planets and just live the life of an explorer." Terry said with a sigh as he set the book on the table and flipped through the pages. He found a picture of what the author thought a time machine would look like but all Arsen could do was smirk as he looked at how common household items were assembled together to make a 'time machine' that could withstand the Time Vortex. There were no walls, nothing to protect the traveler as he traveled through the dangerous Vortex itself. Ralph smiled a bit and nodded, "Would be amazing indeed instead of stuck in these City Buildings." Arsen tilted his head. "Each... building is a City?" He asked as he tried to imagine what they were talking about. Ralph laughed! "You even sound like you're not from here. Of course! Everyone knows that each building is a city onto itself."

Terry looked at Arsen curiously... "You did know that didn't you?" He tried to get a sense of if he saw someone like Arsen before but he kept drawing a blank. "Well, I am just visiting." Arsen laughed softly before he shrugged his shoulders but Ralph looked at Arsen's eyes for a moment and saw something he didn't notice before. The blue colour of Arsen's eyes glowed with a soft pulse of energy. Ralph took out his device one again and held it under the table before he scanned between himself, Terry and Arsen. The device started to display a higher detectable energy on Arsen than it did on Terry but when he held it to himself, there was no energy signature. Ralph tugged on Terry's leg for a second to show what he discovered before Terry kicked Ralph under the table to put it away. "Sorry... Ralph's toy is going off on you and I again... One day he'll learn that it's just broken." He said in apology to Arsen.

Ralph looked at Arsen again, convinced that something was going on... the clothing, not knowing where he was, the energy detection device displaying detected energies. He continued to ask question after question, drilling Arsen for more answers before Terry got embarrassed by the way Ralph was handling Arsen and decided to leave. "Goodness Ralph... I thought you would be more excited to see Arsen instead of asking stupid question after stupid question." He huffed and apologized to the Timelord. "I don't know what got over him really." He said before he walked Arsen back into the elevator. "Don't worry about him... I'm sure he was just curious." Arsen laughed before he walked over to the computer screen of the lift and flashed his sonic screwdriver at it. A dark red light flashed as the elevator halted. Terry looked at Arsen a little shocked at what happened before he looked at the Tiger. "How.... how did you do that?"

"Nevermind that." Arsen said as he held his sonic screwdriver up and ran a scan of Terry this time instead of his clothing. It was to see why Ralph's device went off on the fox as well as himself before he detected the energies from within the Time Vortex attached to Terry. "Ever thought of yourself as being in the wrong time period? Like you should have been born earlier?" Arsen said as Terry's eyes were fixed on the sonic screwdriver. "Well... I don't even remember growing up here if that what you mean... I've always felt like I was out of place." He said with a bit of a frown. "What if I told you... that I could take you back to when you were suppose to be." The Timelord said softly before Terry's comm went off with a voice message from Ralph. "Terry! Terry! My device... it's not malfunctioning! There's something strange about you two... Come back to the club..." Terry was a little frightened and clutched his book tighter. "But there's... no way to do that. It's impossible." He said as Arsen just smiled and reactivated the lift. "Then if you don't want to believe... don't follow me." He said as the doors swung open and out he walked into the arboretum. Terry picked up his comm and started typing out a message to Ralph as he reluctantly followed Arsen into the fields. He watched as the Tiger climbed up to the roof's access and opened the security sealed doors.

Terry followed right behind until he saw the roof for the first time in life. Once Arsen made it to this shed looking building that looked a little out of place... Terry ducked his head inside and the view blew him away. "It's... massive in here!" Arsen laughed softly and nodded. "Yes... it's much bigger on the inside." He said before Terry finished his message to Ralph. He dropped the book outside on the roof with his comm as it sent a the last message that Terry. Ralph rushed up to the roof nearly an hour later to find the locks still undone and the book about the time traveler with Terry's comm resting on top of it... The message read, "You were right... Goodbye old friend." Ralph looked all around for Terry before he clutched the book to his chest... smiling... "Lucky fucking bastard..." And walked away back to the club to tell his story about how his friend was taken but a Time Traveler.

Terry looked around in amazement as the technology was nothing he had ever seen before but the question came up that he just had to ask Arsen... "Why me?" Arsen chuckled softly to himself as he sent the information he received from his sonic and plugged it into the Tardis's mainframe. "Well, Ralph was right, you did have a detectable energy about you and it was from what we call... the Time Vortex." Arsen brought up a small tablet that had the picture of the Vortex on it. "You apparently came from a different time all together and you were ripped from your time and ended up in Ralph's time." Terry looked stunned as he watched the tunnel of time energy spinning on the screen before him. "I've seen this before... in my dreams. And then I was found in one of the arboretums. They thought I passed out from a big party or something and lost my clothes." He laughed remembering walking around covering himself with just his paws and his tail.

"I always thought Ralph's device was broken... cause it kept going off with it pointed at me... and none of his other devices worked." He smirked before he looked around the Tardis's controls before setting down the tablet. "Who would have thought... that a real time traveler would appear!" He said a little gleefully before he wrapped his arms around Arsen from behind and hugged him around his waist. The little red fox only came up to right under Arsen's pecs. The Tiger chuckled before he reached back and fuzzled the fox's headfur. "It was that book that made me curious, I didn't think m'clothing would have been something of note." Terry shook his head and laughed. "Guess you should have done more research before stepping out of your time machine." Arsen rolled his eyes before laughing. "It was m'first time traveling to a different time, I didn't think clothing would have been a big issue but there's some things we have to get straight. M'proper title is Timelord and this Time Machine as you call it is called a Tardis."

Terry looked a little puzzled. "Tardis? What a strange name! What does it mean?" Arsen held up a finger "It's actually an acronym. T A R D I S. Time And Relative Dimension In Space." Terry wrinkled his muzzle a bit. "Relative... Relative to what?" Arsen turned around before he looked into Terry's brown eyes. "Relative to m'home planet... Gallifrey." The fox perked up. "Could we go there?!" Arsen's hearts sank a bit before he shook his head. "No... There was the Last Great Time War that has locked it out of all time streams... so we cannot go back." Terry looked away, feeling bad for asking such a question. "I'm sorry to hear that... It must be terrible not to be able to go back home." He said before he thought about himself for a moment. "I guess I can relate in some way if I'm really not from my previous time." He said but Arsen rested his paws on the fox's shoulders, "Ahhh but we can go back to your original time... Would you like to go there now?" He asked before Terry shook his head and laughed... "Could... we go somewhere else first? I dunno... some place... um... alien!"

Arsen tapped his chin for a moment before he looked through the Tardis's databases of planets and time periods before selecting one that seemed alien enough. "I think I might just have the place." He grinned wide before Terry's eyes lit up. "That would be amazing!" Terry watched Arsen as he entered the time and space coordinates for this new alien place before he fixed his eyes on the Rotor when it started to spin up. "This is too cool." He churred as he reached out to touch the glass casing around the Rotor, feeling it distribute the energy throughout the Tardis before Arsen motioned Terry to follow him. "Is it... ok to leave the controls?" He asked before Arsen laughed. "The Tardis well beyond intelligent, he's able to so much more than just travel through time and space." Arsen reassured before he walked down one of the hallways with Terry close behind. "We have a room for just about everything imaginable and if we don't have it and we need it, the Tardis can fabricate a new room." Terry thought for a moment... "Even something like a room to swim in?" Arsen walked up to a door before it quickly slid open revealing a pool with a hot tub off to the side. "Oh no way... And me without proper swim attire!"

Arsen laughed a bit. "I wouldn't worry too much about that... if you're in the mood to swim, go for it, it's just you and me out here... feel free to shed you clothes and get wet." Terry looked at Arsen and chew his bottom lip in thought. "Well... How long do we have until we reach the planet?" The Timelord thought for a moment before the Tardis responded psychically... "Well we can be there in just a few minutes." Terry shook his head. "Then we should probably hold off on the skinny dipping till later." He said before Arsen nodded in agreement. "Then follow me." He said as the Tardis started it's landing procedure a few minutes later. Arsen guided Terry into another room that was filled with clothing from different planets, time periods and the like before Tardis whirred through the selection on each side of the room to select the appropriate clothing sizes for both Arsen and Terry.

"This is too cool..." He said before he trailed off when Arsen just casually undressed next to him. Terry couldn't help but to fold his ears back in a blush when he noticed the Tiger's pride hanging freely without a sheath. The fox unzipped the front of his jumpsuit from the chest down to the crotch, and wiggled out of them before feeling a little self conscious about being nude next to the larger Tiger. "D..damn... you're huge." He said softly as Arsen reached over him to grab a few articles of clothing that the Tardis suggested for him. "Sorry? Huge?" Arsen said as he looked at the shy fox who has a small white sheath and a orbs the size of two large eggs within a furry sack. "Oh! You mean..." Terry blushed harder and pointed. "I haven't really... seen someone as big as you before." He quickly pulled his paw back and rubbed the back of it. "A...anyway..." He quickly turned around and looked at the screen that showed a few different styles of clothing that would fit him before he got dressed in first selection the Tardis gave him. The was a light coloured tunic with a slightly open neck that had string to pull it closed and a pair of buck skinned leather pants with a lace up crotch. Arsen was dressed in a black pair of leather pants with the same style laced crotch with laces along the outside of the legs and a black leather vest that seemed to have slightly armored shoulders and back. With a flick of his wrist and a swing of his arm, he put on a cloak that touched the floor and drew a hood over his head so only the tip of his nose and the front of his muzzle was exposed to the light.

"You... look like a Grim Reaper in that!" Terry said a little shocked at the appearance but admiring how well the Tiger was able to pull that off. "Shall we go?" He said before Arsen flashed a grin and held his arm out to escort Terry out. "Reaper... I like the sound of that." The Tiger laughed before Terry walked out of the room, followed by Arsen towards the Main Doors. "You ready for your first Alien Planet?" Arsen asked before Terry looked up with a sparkle in his eye... "Lead the way Timelord..." With that, the main doors opened to a sight neither of them really expected. With a step out of the Tardis, the doors closed and their adventure began.

A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 2

Terry's eyes were wide as could be as he looked out towards a small village of buildings no higher than two to three stories and made out of stone with thatching roofs. But nothing prepared him for what he was about to see. Both Arsen and Terry walked...

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A Timelord's Beginnings

It was the day that Gallifrey fell and the The Last Great Time War stopped as the shrouds of the Time Lock closed tightly around the event, pulling Gallifrey out of Time from the rest of the Universe. Some say it was the time that the great...

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Jasmine on the Prowl

It was a lonely day at home and Jasmine couldn't help but feel like she had to go out and do something before her husband got home in a few hours or she would just burst. The young wolfess headed back into the room... Looking through her clothes to...

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