Brother's Valentine

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#17 of GenderShifting

When Mark's younger brother professes his love love for him, things take a strange and surreal turn. Unable to have his brother give him the love he wants, Twain finds himself able to control not only his brother's actions, but his body as well.

Commission for MindMellow

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The college library was buzzing with people that were in various states of picking out new classes or waiting to meet up with the counselors who were on staff to give advice. There was barely enough room to find a free table to settle down at, instead people were forced to take up positions against the wall. The only free chair that could be found was firmly under the heels of a long legged student who was muscular enough that most only glared at him before going to take a spot next to the wall. Mark Leopold was barely looking at the book he had spread out, instead he was busy cursing to himself at the stupidity of the community college. They were supposed to divide up the various classes into different days that way things didn't get crowded. Instead they'd got them all here on a single day and everyone was crammed into one room.

Mark rubbed his eyes a little bit as he looked down at his own course load and tried to knock off some of the classes he didn't need. It wasn't that he couldn't handle them, but he was almost positive that if he picked them up Twain would as well because he'd want to be in the same classes. He didn't want his little brother to end up too bogged down with school that he couldn't have any fun. Like most things in his life, he tried to put his brother and his well being first. He'd been looking out for him since their mother had died nearly eight years ago. When she passed away they'd been left alone with their father and Twain had been so young at the time he hadn't quite understood what was happening. Their father had tried to be around for them, but eventually working to provide for both of them had started to take its toll.

He'd stepped in to try and provide a stable influence for Twain. It had been hard, but it'd been worth it as he'd guided his brother through high school and to his graduation. The nights that they had spent studying and working together had all been worth it to see him with his diploma. It hadn't been surprising at all when he had said he wanted to follow his brother's foot steps in college and pick a similar major. Mark had been relieved to have his brother in the same college as him. In his eyes Twain still seemed so young in many ways that he couldn't imagine him away in a strange city or campus. Then again, he had always been a bit overprotect when it came to his younger brother.

"Hey! Hey Mark!" The familiar voice made him lean back on his chair and glance over to see the light brown hair of his brother as he pushed his way through the packed library.

"Over here!" He moved his feet from the chair and straightened up, "I saved you a seat."

He waved towards the chair as his brother wiggled through two upper classman and threw himself down at the chair. Twain had always been slightly short and thin, it gave him an impression of being young no matter how old he was. The bright pale green eyes peered at him with a grin hovering on the edges of his lips as the boy pushed his bag under the crowded table. He ignored the few glares he got from the ones that were still waiting to find a seat and instead pulled out a large overstuffed binder. It was just as messy as most of the stuff he owned, but it worked for him. From the mass of papers he pulled out the green print out of all the classes he would be able to take.

"Man it is PACKED in here! I got my list though. They said it'll be a while before they start calling people in to make their final selections." Twain shoved the paper over towards him and he plucked it up to take a look.

"Yeah. Damn community school still doesn't have the computer system up like they thought they would." Mark looked along the list and grinned. "Well kiddo, looks like aside from two classes you can be in mine."

"Really?" The boy brightened up a little. "That's good. Can you mark it down for me to make sure that I don't screw it up too badly."

"Heh, sure kiddo." He started to mark down the boxes on another piece of paper. Sometimes it was a lot easier to help him out this way. "Hopefully this doesn't take too long. Dad works late tonight and we need to get home early enough to let out the dog."

Twain grinned as he continued to work on the schedules. He didn't seem worried that they'd have to bolt home early for the dog. He'd talked to his father when his brother had turned sixteen and asked to be able to get a dog. The lab was a good natured dog and had done wonders on helping Twain come to terms for when Mark went to school. It had been a bit of a change when he hadn't been as home as much, but having Andy to take care of had meant a lot to him. Even though it had been a few years he still loved the dog and cared for him often. To be truthful, Mark himself adored Andy as well. He was such a sweet goof that he'd found himself halving the duties of taking care of him when Twain had promised he'd do it all by himself.

He let his eyes shift around the room to many of his age group and found himself once again realize just how changed he'd grown. Having to take care of Twain and help his father had made him more mature. He could remember having a lot of friends when he'd been growing up. He could even remember how he had spent a lot of his time teasing his younger sibling. After their mother was gone he'd started to devote himself more into a roll of a parent. In return Twain had become devoted to him. He rarely went anywhere without Twain following behind eagerly trying to impress him. In many ways he felt he had replaced their father as well, but it made him happy that he could help his younger sibling.

The only thing that ever caused him any worry was the fact he sometimes felt as if Twain wasn't quite treating him the way another sibling should. At first he thought they were simply getting to the age that they were becoming friends, but as time went on it became slightly more uncomfortable. When Mark went to hug his brother they lingered longer, at other times it was almost normal again. Sometimes he tried to keep himself from thinking about it. It almost appeared as if Twain were trying to treat him like a romantic love interest. Even as he winced at that thought he forced himself to dismiss it. He glanced up at his brother who was glancing through some of his paper work and grinned. He was just imagining things. Maybe it was time he tried to find a girlfriend.


Twain stood in the bathroom slightly nervously tugging at his clothes. He felt sick to his stomach as he considered what he had decided to do. His father was gone for the evening working a double at the local factory and he had the house to himself and Mark. He knew that his father always worked long shifts on Valentines day because it reminded him far too much of their mother. He'd been revving himself up all day for this, working and trying his hardest to make sure that he didn't back down. It had taken him all week to get his nerve up. He wanted to finally tell his brother exactly how he felt. He was almost positive that Mark felt the same way. He knew that his older brother cared for him and that he wanted to protect him. But he thought that he felt the same way about their relationship.

It was hard to admit it, but in truth he had started to realize he had a crush on his brother from the time he had entered his late teens. It was something he had harbored in secret, but something in the way Mark had been treating him lately made him realize that he wasn't the only one. He felt slightly sick at the idea of finally telling his brother how he really loved him, but at the same time almost giddy. It was the perfect day as well. He hadn't planned for it to happen quite this way, but now that it was he couldn't resist following through with it. He took another long glance at himself in the mirror and flushed at the pains he'd taken to make himself look less unkempt then normal before pushing open the bathroom door. It was all going to be worth it to see how his brother accepted him.

He was having second and third thoughts by the time he walked down the hall way. He could see his brother's bedroom door open and dimly heard the sound of music coming from the MP3 player. Mark was probably working on studying. He twitched his lips in a half grin at that. His older brother was always working so much harder to earn his degree, but at least that allowed Twain to have someone help him when he needed it. He drew in a deep breath before edging the door open with a nervous smile. His eyes were automatically drawn to where his brother was sprawled out on the bed with Andy laying against his side. The lab's head resting on his owner's stomach, though his tail wagged lazily to see his other owner.

"What's up, Twain.." Mark barely looked up from the book he'd propped up on his chest. "Feel free to pull out a chair. I'm just running a refresher course from last year."

"Oh..ah.." Twain swallowed nervously and fidgeted. "I actually just wanted to talk to you about something. Um.. Important."

"Oh?" His brother's bright brown eyes peered from over the edge of the book. "What's that? Don't tell me you want to rearrange your classes again!"

"No! Hell no!" Twain broke through his nervousness to giggle. "I think you got me set straight on that. I just uh.. wanted to talk about important stuff."

"Sure, what's up? You know I'm here to listen." Mark let the book fold shut as he set it aside and moved his hands down to absentmindedly rub along Andy's floppy ears. Twain felt his cheeks start to darken in a hot flush as he remained in the door way. He tried to steel himself for what he wanted to say.

"I just... Well it's just that..." He swallowed and gritted his teeth. He just had to get it out in the open. "I love you, Mark."

"Heh, yeah and I love you too, little guy." Mark's grin quirked up in amusement. "Man, didn't think you'd get all choked up about it though."

"R-really, you do?" Twain felt his stomach turn over slightly with nervous butterflies. "I didn't know you felt the same way as I did. I mean, I knew you loved me like a brother, but its different yanno? I wasn't even sure til I knew that n-no one in my class could make me feel the way you do. I just kept thinking about you and though.."

"WHAT?!" Marks' voice came out loudly and shocked Twain to silence as he watched his brother sit straight up. The normally pale cheeks were suffused with a rush of color as his eyes bulged slightly.

"You know.. just.. Like I was saying. I just have always felt like that with you." Twain felt himself stammering as Mark's cheeks turned dark dark red.

"What the hell, Twain! HELL NO! I could never.... I'd never.." Mark stopped and grabbed his book to throw it at the wall in a sharp movement. "I'd never love you like that, do you understand me?! Fuck, I love Andy more then I could love you that way!"

"B-But.." Twain felt his stomach go cold as his eyes watered slightly. Mark didn't even glance at him as his older brother angrily kept his eyes down towards the lab that he ruffled the ears up.

"Get the hell outta my room, Twain. And don't even bother coming up here again!" The shouted words broke his paralysis and he stumbled out of the room.

The tears rolled down along the curve of his cheeks as he choked out a rough sob and made his way towards the stairs. How could Mark do this to him? He was just trying to tell him how much he loved him. His hand found the railing as he launched himself down and out of the house. The tears rolled down as his face, blinding him to everything. Even the small slightly figure that had been watching from the bushes. The slender woman's eyes glowed green and a smile curved her lips. The little fairy had been watching. She fingered a glove and smelled the chance to make some mischief as well as some justice for the poor broken hearted lad.


Mark felt as if he'd been run over by a truck. Everything seemed surreal as he started to get dinner ready for the dog. How the hell had this happened? He didn't have feelings for his little brother and he'd never given any indication he had! The fact his brother felt that it was alright to come up to him to try and profess his love and do other things made him feel ill. Everything that he had done for his brother, everything that he had tried to accomplish to make sure that Twain grew up as a regular adult had been ruined in one moment. He felt almost like crying, but instead set about emptying out kibble into the newly cleaned bowl. He'd go play video games, call up some of the friends he hadn't seen in forever and just let Twain find his own way. He wasn't going to play this sick game.

"Mark?" His brother's voice came from the hall behind him making him stiffen slightly as he bent down and placed the bowl on the tile.

"Just leave me alone, Twain. Go upstairs and find something else to do." His voice came out cold even to his own ears before he gave a shrill whistle that brought the dog trotting in from the next room.

"If you love that dog so much, maybe you should spend more time with him." Twain's voice came out harsh and angry.

Mark stiffened and turned his head to glare at his brother angrily. His younger brother stood in the hallway with his hands balled up into fists next to his side. It was obvious that Twain was working himself into a temper, but there was no way he was going to let it affect him. He glanced briefly at the black glove on one hand and then turned away with his back stiff and angry. He'd go call up friends that he hadn't talked to in ages. He couldn't believe he'd given up his entire life to help raise his brother to have it turned around on him like this. It made him want to scream. He took a step forward only to feel his leg buckling beneath him. His knee bent as he hit the ground kneeling before leaning forward to place his hands on the cold tile. He immediately tried to push himself up onto two legs, but his muscles wouldn't obey him!

"That's better, more on the level with your precious Andy." Twain's voice was smug as he strutted into the kitchen with his gloved hand held up with the palm facing down.

"What the hell, Twain?!" He snarled up at his brother as he tried to lunge upwards again. "Let me up right the hell now!"

"I don't think so." Twain grinned down at him. "Since you like Andy so much, I think you can be more like him."

"The fuck?! How are you doing this?! I don't want to be more like Andy!" He struggled to try and shove himself free only to watch his younger brother crouch down close by. As his brother came in closer his protests were lost in a sudden high pitched whimper. The breathy cry escaped his lips before he could even stop it. He struggled to for out words only to be horrified as he let out a sudden harsh barking sound.

"I'm going to make sure you're a very well trained pet. You're going to do everything I want, okay?" Twain moved a hand out to ruffle his short hair lightly just as he would the dog. Though Andy had made no move to come out from the corner where the nervous dog was staring at the baffling actions of his owners.

Mark tried to let out another protest only to hear himself whimper again as Twain stood up. He stared at his younger brother in outrage and a bit of fear as his ears started to ache and tingle along the tips. He couldn't even lift up a hand to try and feel what was wrong. As he tried to twist around he found himself looking at the gleaming metal of the oven. His reflection was distorted, but the distortion didn't hide the fact that his ear was strangely changing. He could see a gleam of something pale yellow and suddenly he watched as the tip of his ear flopped over like a soft dog's ear. He moved forward jerkily on all fours towards the oven door as he tried to see what was happening. A soft whimper came out as he saw fur spreading from the ear.

"Awesome!" Twain's voice sounded delighted. "Now sit boy!"

Mark tried to keep his gaze on the oven door to see at the floppy dog ears, but his body didn't bother listening. His hips dropped down and he turned to face his brother as he sat down on the tile. He flushed hotly along his upper cheeks and the newly formed dog ears while he settled in front of his brother. It was humiliating, but it only grew worse as he saw his dog stand up and the long tail started to wag rapidly back and forth. Andy trotted forward with his ears perked towards Twain before the canine settled down right next to him. It didn't escape him that his dog was in the exact same pose that he was. He could feel his face turn bright red as he tried to keep his eyes averted to one side.

"Well aren't you two good learners!" Twain almost squirmed in his chair with his excitement as he wiggled a finger in the glove. "Here's a reward for both of you!"

Mark watched in disgust as his younger brother pulled out a dog biscuit from the jar. Andy almost quivered and he heard his dog's tongue licking over his muzzle in anticipation before he was allowed to take one. The second one was brought down to his lips. He looked away from the hard stale bone shaped treat, only to hear his brother's almost laughing command that he needed to eat it. He didn't know what had happened to his ability to control his own body, but no matter how hard he tried he still leaned forward and took the biscuit between his lips. His teeth gripped the dry treat and before he knew it he started to crunch down on it. It tasted as bad as he thought it would. The dry strange taste crumbled on his tongue as he tried to force himself to swallow it. Without even the ability to get water to ease it down, he managed to eat the disgusting treat.

"See? That wasn't so hard was it?" Twain grinned at them both before he patted his leg. "Alright, come on boys. Come to heel."

Andy knew the command from countless times of going for walks with them. The eager dog took his place right at Twain's leg with his tail wagging wildly. The pink tongue lolled out from the golden muzzle. Mark stared for a moment before he found himself getting up on his hands and knees and moving towards his brother. He moved in right beside Andy before he was forced to follow as his younger brother started to walk around the kitchen. It would have been embarrassing at any time, but the fact that Andy was walking calmly beside him made it worse. The dog's tail wagged wildly and Mark kept his own floppy ears down against the side of his head miserably. He wanted to do nothing more than to break down crying as he was forced to keep up.

As Twain took another lap his feet picked up and Mark was forced to stumble and try to keep up at the faster face. His dog trotted along happily beside him with his claws clacking against the tiles. It was awkward for him to keep up with his jeans sliding against the ground. He felt clumsy as he tried to keep up. As they came back to the spot by the oven he nearly slid against the cupboards trying to stop. Twain's laughter at his predicament made it all the worse as he picked himself up. He could feel his eyes watering slightly as he glared up at Twain and stifled a little growl.

"Awww don't be so angry. I'm trying to make you a good pet!" Twain's hand ruffled against his newly grown ears. "But there's something missing. Or maybe I should say should be missing. A good dog doesn't wear clothes! Those are for people." Mark widened his eyes and backed up in an attempt to make a run for it. His heart was pounding against his chest as he swallowed roughly. "Now stay!"

His body froze before he could even get towards the door that led into the living room. He couldn't make it move any further as he stood on all fours and stared at Andy as the dog flopped down on his belly obediently. The dog's tail swept against the ground as Twain moved closer towards Mark. The hands moved to tug lightly against the edge of his shirt and started to peel it upwards. He let out a sharp bark of protest as he writhed slightly to feel his skin exposed. His brother didn't seem to care, but all Mark could think was this was how Twain was going to get him back for the hurtful things he said. A soft whimper came from his throat at the thought of his brother forcing such affections on him. It was muffled as his shirt was pulled over his head and tugged free from his forearms.

"There we go, that's a good fellow!" Twain's fingers moved and rubbed right against his bare chest. Mark let out a soft growl only to feel the hand give a short little tap against his nose. "No, bad dog! Behave and stand still."

Mark came to a trembling halt as his brother gripped the edges of his pants and started to peel them downwards. A yelp came from his lips as he tried to tell his brother to stop, but it was too late. The edge of his jeans were peeled over his ass and then along his hips. He could feel his underwear being peeled down with the rest and felt a tear rolling down his face as he felt more and more exposed. Twain stood up next to him as the fingers gripped the edge of the pants and suddenly gave a sharp pull that lifted his legs up from the tile. He writhed and kicked his legs backwards, but it was no use. Instead he landed on his hip and was pushed over. The sharp command to roll over helped aid him as he was forced onto his back. His body trembling against the cold tile as his brother tossed his jeans away.

"Ohhh look at this, an unfixed dog! How naughty!" Twain peered down and Mark yelped out as a pair of cold fingers moved up to cup just along the swell of his heavy balls. "What a very naughty dog you are."

Mark squirmed as the fingers curled upwards right against his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. The pressure made him suck in a breath as he felt his shaft draped over his stomach. Twain tugged his balls downwards lightly until he let out a high pitched whimper. His breath caught in his throat while his stomach tensed up a little bit. His breath caught in his throat as the gentle pulling movements started to make him writhe. The touch slowly drifted away and he found his body able to move again. He let out a soft bark as he rolled over in an attempt to cover himself. The movement didn't help much as the hand moved to touch one gloved finger tip right against the base of his spine. The touch didn't hurt, but it did send an electric jolt running through him.

He yelped out and twisted his body to remove Twain's touch, but the damage already seemed done. He could feel the heat starting right where the finger had touched him. The warmth started to grow as he twisted back and forth in shock. He tried to ask what was going on, but instead he let out a sharp series of barks and snarls. His ears perked up on top of his head as he watched a tail start to slide from his body. There was pressure as he watched it appear and worse, he could feel the muscles twitching and tensing as the magic spilled over him. It rose up from the base of his spine and arched up over his body as golden fur started to cover the swaying appendage. He tried to move his hand back to grab at it, but he barely was able to lift his hand from the ground. He felt the appendage wagging above him as he let out a sharp whimper.

"Aww that's a good boy, don't you look smart with that new tail?" Mark twisted his head to glare at his brother. "Don't worry, you don't have to thank me for that." Twain's grin widened as he let out a soft growl in response. "Now don't get mouthy at me."

Mark let out a soft growl as he glared up at his brother. He stood up on all fours and felt the breeze brushing against the curve of his bare ass. It made him uncomfortably aware that he was no longer wearing clothing. He could even feel his shaft hanging between his legs and exposed. He arched his back slightly and tried to ignore the way his newly formed tail wagged above his rump cheeks. The sensation of it moving muscles he had never possessed and flexing his bare ass cheeks made him squirm slightly. His little brother stood up and grinned wickedly down at him just as he felt something cold and wet touch right against his ass cheek. He let out a sudden yelp and lunged forward as he tried to twist his hips away. To his horror Andy was behind him with his muzzle extended as if he had been exploring his former owner curiously.

"Looks like Andy was certainly curious about you." He twisted his head to glare up at Twain only to feel his little brother's touch ruffling his flopped over dog ears. "Now now, don't look at me like that. A good dog should learn how to obey."

Mark lifted up his lips slightly and let out a bit of a growl at that. Behave? Why should he behave? He hadn't done anything wrong! He kept his hips tucked down away from Andy as he watched his brother moving to sit down on the edge of one of the dining room chairs and snap his fingers. The gloved hand glistened slightly and Mark found himself pushing more firmly onto all fours and taking an unwilling step forward. His body refused to listen to him as he struggled to hold it back as he watched in horror as Twain tugged at the edge of his jeans and loosened the button. His tail tucked down between his legs and he could feel the strange furred appendage brushing against the back of his balls.

"Come here boy!" His little brother's voice came out sharper and soon Mark found himself with his head nearly level with the other boys knee. "Sit."

Mark's hips dropped down with a slight quiver as he was commanded. His body just wouldn't obey his commands! It seemed as if he was a puppet on a string. He watched with his eyes slightly bulging in horror as his brother pulled the edge of his pants downwards. He could see the flash of the pale lower stomach and squirmed. His tail tucked harder between his legs just as Twain lifted his hips and pulled his jeans all the way past his knees. He tried to avert his eyes from his little brother's loins. He kept his gaze to the table top rather then what was just before him. No matter how much he tried to keep his gaze away from what was between the legs, he couldn't help but look. He swallowed roughly as he saw the firming girth that lay there. His cheeks burned red as he could see his little brother rapidly starting to harden.

"Now be a good puppy and give us a lick." Twain's words were taunting him and he splayed his floppy ears.

He rolled his eyes up pleadingly at his brother. He didn't want to do this. A soft whimper spilled out of his throat before he could stop it as he felt his body being forced to move forward. Before he could stop himself he was nuzzling up against the firming shaft. The cock bumped against his lips and nose lightly as he nuzzled in against it. His tongue tip flicked out and moved up to trail against the smooth skin all the way from the base towards the very tip. Mark tried not to gag as he licked right over the glans. The gloved hand moved to rest against the back of his neck as suddenly he started to spread his lips open wide as he nuzzled against the cock tip. He rolled his eyes up to stare at his little brother's eager expression as the cock tip pushed along his tongue and then into his mouth entirely. The heavy girth forced his lips open wide as he gently suckled around it and pressed his head forward beneath the coaxing of the hand. Inch by slow inch the hardened cock delved deeper towards the back of his throat until it pushed too deep.

Mark coughed and gagged slightly in reaction only to pull his head back and start to bob back and forth a few inches at a time. His own saliva slickened the shaft, even as he felt a thick dollop of precum drool out onto his tongue. He swallowed roughly as the salty taste clung against the tip of his tongue and pushed his head forward in a short hard movement. He forced the tip deeper into his throat as he began to swallow and press his tongue upwards right along the underside of his brothers shaft. His breath came out in short pants as he heard Twain moan out above him before the hips rose up. For a moment the thick glans pushed into his throat itself making him panic before his little brother dropped his hips again allowing him a moment to sputter and cough before it was repeated.

His cheeks burned and were flushed dark red in humiliation at what he was doing. How could his own brother do this to him? It was sick, it was wrong! All because he didn't want to be lovers? He choked slightly as the thick flesh thrust into his mouth and his tongue pushed up a bit harder. The tip drooled out a thick spill of precum that dribbled down along his tongue and he was forced to swallow as he pushed his own head forward. He could dimly hear the faint thump of his dog's tail from somewhere in the kitchen, and that just made it worse. He couldn't believe his own dog was standing there watching this! Mark squirmed slightly as his brother's hands moved to grip along either side of his floppy ears.

The hold was used to force him to keep still as his brother's hips rolled up from the chair and started to thrust harder and faster. The movements pulled against his lips and forced him to try and deal with the sharp pushes inwards before he was allowed to breathe again. He closed his eyes with a muffled cry as his tongue worked to swallow around the hardened shaft. He could faintly feel the orbs bumping against the curve of his chin while he was trying to adjust. Suddenly he heard Twain let out a muffled cry and the hips pushed forward firmly. Mark tried to jerk his head back in shock as the tip pushed firmly just into his throat before he felt the first pulse throb along the cock. His lips tightened down as he felt a sudden hot wash of thick ribbons of seed spilling into his muzzle. His body trembled as he worked his throat trying to swallow it as it coated along his tongue and the back of his throat.

"G-Good dog..." His brother panted above him as Mark struggled with the pulsing shaft. "Good boy..." The half changed boy closed his eyes trying to ignore what had happened to him. How could this have happened?


Mark had thought the worst of his ordeal was over. He had thought that once his brother had had his 'revenge' things would go back to normal or at least he wouldn't be forced to continue this sick game. Instead, his brother had recovered and gone to pick up Andy's leash, as well as a brand new bright purple collar and matching leash. He'd shrunk away slightly, but that hadn't stopped him. Instead he had been fastened into the collar and the leash attached before he was pulled towards the back door. He spent each step dragging his hands and knees in protest at the idea of going out naked, with a dog's ears and tail adorning his body.

"Now stop that and behave." Mark moved his hands up to try and stop himself from being tugged any closer to the door. "Oh.. well it is cold outside isn't it? Not the best conditions to take you out in." Mark felt a surge of hope rush through him, hope that the next words stopped. "That should be easy to take care of."

For a moment he thought his brother meant to let him put his clothing on. Not the best outcome, but at least it would mean he could cover himself. Instead he felt the fingers brushing along the curve of his back and trailing all the way down towards the base of his newly formed tail. Where the fingers brushed he felt warmth blossoming along his bare skin. He shivered and crouched down until he could almost feel his chest and belly against the ground. His skin twitched and shivered in reaction as the tingling heat ran down along the curve of his sides and towards his chest. The warmth started to be followed with an itching sensation that made him twist slightly. It was only when he turned his head backwards that he spotted something strange happening. There was a glimmer of something pale yellow along the curve of his upper leg that were rapidly starting to flow downwards.

The fur was sprouting over his skin rapidly so that it flowed over his pale flesh. It started out thin, but soon started to grow thicker as it ran along the curve of his spine. The places where he was aware of the slightly chilly kitchen were loss as it thickened and even moved beneath his stomach and chest. He stared down and let out a high pitched yelp as he watched in horror as his skin was soon drowning beneath the thick coat. It was the exact color of his dog's fur, even down to the slightly paler gold fur that formed along the inside of his arms and legs. It moved all the way down towards his finger tips. He trembled slightly and his yelping cries turned into a high pitched breathy whine.

"And we can't have you hurting your poor hands..." Twain's voice seemed thoughtful. Mark let out a sharp protesting sound, but it was already too late.

The fur covered fingers twitched and he felt pressure growing right at his finger tips. It hurt slightly as he felt the ache all along his joints as his fingers started to pull backwards and the bones shortened before his eyes. He lifted one of his hands up and stared in horror as the pads of the fingers started to thicken and grow harder. It was bare of fur and darkened as they became paw pads instead of just the palm of his hand. Mark's nails started to grow thicker and slide outwards as he watched. The tips curved down into claws as he lost truly mobility of his finger tips. The only thing that distracted him from that sensation, was the ache of his bent legs. There was suddenly a popping sound as he felt his joints along his knees shifted.

Mark let out a high pitched squealing sound as he pushed upwards on elongating toes. They started to grow more compact and became patterned after what had happened to his hands. His legs themselves became shorter and shifted until they adjusted to stand on his toes.... Paws instead of his knees. His breathing came out in soft pants as he twisted his body to watch the furred legs ripple and shift as the muscles changed to support his body naturally on all fours. His tail twitched between his legs as he lowered his head and whimpered out. The fur along his spine rose up and bristled as he tried to come to terms with his changed limbs.

That chance was never really offered as the moment his legs stopped changing his jaws started to ache. He spread his lips and let out a sharp yelping cry as his tongue arched up in reaction. His teeth started to ache as his entire mouth seemed to be on fire. His breathing came out in shallow pants as he felt his tongue starting to thin down and grow broader. He twisted his tongue tip back and brushed the edge of his flat teeth that had started to curve upwards. He probed against them as the fangs as they descended from his upper and lower jaw. Before his terrified eyes he watched his mouth start to elongate. His nose pushed outwards as his furred cheeks stretched to form a muzzle the identical of his dogs. His nose darkened as his lips felt looser over his teeth as he licked his tongue up to watch it nearly curl its way over the bridge of his muzzle. Oh god...

"There, that is much better!" Twain's voice was cheerful as he made the announcement. Mark twisted his head up and snarled, only to have his collar tugged and the door opened up. "Just remember, no one is going to look twice as two dogs being walked."

His cheeks flushed beneath the fur as his collar was tugged and he stepped out into the cool night air. He was almost grateful for the fact that he had fur to keep him warm as his compact paws touched the chilled pavement. Andy trotted next to him with his tail wagging eagerly at being taken out for an unexpected walk. He was forced to struggle to keep up as Twain set out at a brisk walk and kept the leash taut between them. He couldn't forget that he was changed or forget that he was on a leash as the collar rubbed against his fur coated neck. He struggled to keep himself under control, but each time he thought he heard a person he would flinch away immediately. He could only imagine what would happen if he saw someone that he knew.

Twain seemed to be wandering with no real destination in mind. He picked his way through the back alleys that move between houses. He seemed to have no hurry as he paused a few times to let Andy go to the bathroom. That was a special hell for Mark. He was terrified Twain would try and make him do the same, but thankfully he escaped that humiliation. He wasn't used to walking on all fours, it was uncomfortable and ungainly to him as he trotted at times and walked at others. When they reached the deserted park he was ready to flop down in relief. No one came to the park at night. It was almost always empty, especially this late at night.

"I see you've used my gift well, Twain..." Mark froze at the female voice and hunched himself down close to the ground. His eyes twitched to either side trying to spot the speaker.

"Do you like him?" Twain tugged at the leash and he stumbled forward shakily to find himself put forward in front of a short strange looking girl.

At first glance Mark thought it was a young girl. Her cheek bones were angled, her hair tumbled down in a dark red wave towards the small of her back. She was barely four feet tall and was even dressed in loose jeans and an oversized shirt. He kept his head averted as he tried to hide against his brother's legs. Why was he doing this? Hadn't he suffered enough already? It was obvious that Twain didn't feel he had. He was pushed forward again and then realized that there was something strange about this 'girl'. Her eyes were a bright green that glowed slightly. The closer he looked, the more he became aware of the cat like slitted pupils and tapered ear tips.

"You used my gift well..." The girl... thing grinned down at him. "It looks as if he's getting exactly what he deserves."

This.. this woman did this to him?! He flinched back as her hand moved out to touch one of his floppy ears and gave it a light tug. The movement tilted his head to one side while his breathing came faster and his throat vibrated with a low growl. How dare this bitch make him suffer like this! He didn't even know her. What made her judge and jury?! His lips curled back slightly so that he was showing his newly sharpened white teeth. His fur lifted up against the back of his neck and shoulders before he snarled out and snapped at the hand that fondled his ears. His teeth grazed right over the pale skin as he reared back on his haunches and tried to follow up with a lunge further up her arm.

"MARK!!!" Twain's voice shrieked in his ears as he snapped his jaws again at the strange creature, "Don't bite! Sit!"

"You will pay for that, dog." His haunches were forced back as he flattened his ears against the side of his head and let out a low warning growl to the strange fae creature.

"I didn't think he would..." Twain trailed off as the pale skinned creature turned her glowing green eyes towards him and stumbled to a stop.

"You need to learn to control him better. He'll pay for this attack before the end of the night." Her eyes flicked down towards Mark and he felt his stomach run slightly cold.

Mark wasn't sure what had happened. One moment the fae woman had been standing in front of them and the next she was gone. There wasn't even a scent of her on the air. Not even a pair of foot prints in the frost tinged grass. He looked around to try and see where she had gone and how she had managed to slip away so swiftly, but a tug at his leash forced his attention to his brother. Twain's eyes were narrowed angrily as he gripped the leash and glared down at him. Mark glared right back. So what if his brother was angry, it wasn't fair what had been done to him and Twain should know it. His fur bristled slightly while Andy let out a soft little bark beside him. It sounded nervous and anxious.

"Fine. If you're going to behave like that I think you need a lesson." His little brother gave a little gesture towards Mark. "If you're going to bite like a real dog, I think you need to do other things like a real one."

Mark felt a chill run down his spine at those words and he tried to step back away from Twain's legs. He didn't get a chance to do more than stumble backwards before he felt himself stiffen and his hips dropped down to the ground. He couldn't control himself as he rocked back on his hips. The leash was loosened as he stared up mournfully at his brother and then his head dropped down to nose at his own side. He tried to stop himself as he realized that his canine muzzle was starting to slip in just beneath the curve of his belly. He contorted and twisted as he brushed all the way down until he was nearly bumping against his lower stomach. As he nuzzled downwards towards where his shaft hung limp he felt a rush of humiliation. Twain wouldn't make him do this, he couldn't make him do this!

"That's a good boy, you know you were always envious of Andy. Better get in some licks while you can." His little brother's voice was smug as Mark let out a muted whimper.

He tried to stifle his sense of humiliation as his tongue flicked out and moved to run right along his cock tip. He squeezed his eyes shut. What guy hadn't joked about how dogs could lick themselves, but that didn't mean he wanted to forced into this position! His tongue flicked out until he licked right out against his tip and tasted his own cock. The moment his slippery tongue brushed out around the glans he tensed up and trembled as warmth seemed to flow from his tongue and towards his girth. It teased over the edges as his breath came out in a shivering rush while his hips rocked forward. The warmth blossomed along his girth as it started to thicken in reaction. His tongue flicked out again and curled around his tip as his hips gave another rock forward.

Mark opened his eyes to watch as his cock started to harden and firm up along the tip and heft of his cock. The warmth started to almost burn as he began to work his tongue faster and faster along his tip. He swirled it over in slow circles until even that light touch felt pleasurable until a thick viscous drop of precum welled up and he licked up swiftly. His lips wrapped right around the tip and squeezed down as he started to swallow around it. His breath panted out as the tingling heat spread all the way towards the very tip. He pushed his lips down further as the tingling heat made him aware that the thick rounded glans that rested on his tongue started to change.

He muffled a whimper as he popped the tip free and started to lick downwards towards the very base. He opened one of his eyes to watch in horror as his tip started to redden even as his tongue moved back up to bath around it. His breathing came out in soft pants as his broad tongue seemed to be able to work in broad strokes. Each touch made him tremble slightly as nerves seemed to grow more roused and he became aware that his hips were giving subtle pushes of his hips. He lifted his eyes to find his little brother watching with a grin on his face as his muzzle slipped down over his cock tip again. The wet splash of precum caught on his tongue tip and he felt it starting to grow tapered. It pushed upwards as it grew thinner and rounded a bit further down. He whined out around his cock as his hips gave another push forward.

Mark's broad tongue lapped down around his base and his eyes tried to focus on what was happening as the girth started to turn a deep violet red. He could see small veins crossing over the flesh as the entire shape turned. He was forced to explore it intimately as his head dropped down forcing the inches deep into his muzzle. It wasn't until his lips pushed down towards the base that he realized that it was starting to thicken. He had to stretch his muzzle open wider to push over the bulge before pulling back. His entire length grew more sensitive. The feel of his hot silken mouth working over his cock had him squirming in place. In horror he heard his own tail thumping against the ground in an uncontrolled wag as he pushed his muzzle down and drew back so that he felt the tapered tip dragging along his tongue.

He popped off his cock tip and blinked before his ears started to burn with a rush of blood. His cock was tapered at the tip, spread open wider and ended in a thickened base. The changes that seemed to run over the shaft patterned it exactly like that of a true dogs. It throbbed against his lower belly splattering out a rush of precum against his stomach. His tongue lolled out as he panted shallowly before his head ducked down to start licking himself in shorter strokes. His tongue seemed to catch against the tip and teased all the way around the base. The dribbling precum caught against his lips while he panted out shallowly. His hips started to push upwards in short little bucks to try and push against his own tongue.

The wet sounds of his tongue working over his girth seemed loud in his own ears, but that didn't matter. He was humiliated, but even that humiliation didn't matter when he concentrated on the increased pleasure of his tongue working over his cock tip. He lapped over the thicker portion of the base as his hips started to give short hard bucks forward. The positioning was awkward, but he couldn't seem to concentrate on the uncomfortable shifting of his hips. His eyes squeezed tightly shut as his tongue pulled upwards all the way towards his tapered tip. The slow pulling stroke tugged right up along the sensitive glans as he felt a sudden a splash of precum catch right against his tongue. He squirmed a little bit more as he felt heat pulsing at the base of his shaft. The flesh started to swell and double in size as his stomach tensed up.

His balls pulled up tight between his legs as he let out a sharp yelping cry. His cock throbbed right up against his stomach as he felt a sudden tension ripple along his lower belly. He didn't move his muzzle back in, but he didn't pull it away either. His reddened cock tip suddenly pulsed and a hot line of seed spilled along his muzzle and tongue. The thickened knot pulsed as it throbbed against his stomach while he let out a soft whimpering cry of pleasure. He squirmed and heard a sudden laugh as his brother watched him helplessly staring at his own orgasming cock. The thickened knot made it jut outwards lewdly as he shifted his hips in a slow rolling push forward before coming to a halt.

"Andy's never done that.." Mark glared up at his little brother. "Aww poor pup, looks like you're not having a good time. Maybe I should make sure you have some fun."

The last thing Mark wanted to do was to have fun. A snap from his brother's hand forced him to stand up with the still hard and pulsing dog cock hanging beneath him. It swayed back and forth as he felt occasional contractions of his orbs sending up occasional splatters of cum towards the ground. He lowered his head slightly as the leash was tugged until he came up close to his brother. As he stood next to Twain's legs he felt a sudden flick of a tongue and cold nose against his pulsing cock. He yelped out and writhed back to find Andy snuffling curiously at his former owner's erection. His tail wagged back and forth happily as he tried to follow after. The only mercy was the feel of the leash being unclipped from the collar.

The relief was short lived as Twain seemed to forget about what he had just forced his brother to do. Instead he called both 'dogs' to heel and Mark was forced to trot along as his brother's heels. His ears held back as it was uncomfortable walking as he could feel his still hard and knotted cock swinging beneath him. Something that became horrifying as his brother picked up a stick and playfully dangled it over Andy and his own head. He didn't want to respond, but the teasing voice and flexing of the glove soon had him dancing on all fours beneath the dangling stick. To his humiliation his brother threw it and the moment he heard the word fetch he went tearing across the park after it with Andy. The violet-red dog cock bouncing against his stomach as it forced him to swing his legs wide to stop jostling it. He just hoped his brother would be done tormenting. What else could happen


The sight of the house in front of him made relief course through Mark's body. He'd never been so happy to see his own house. His cock was starting to finally soften, but the fact he'd had to walk down the side walk with it swinging below him was horrifying. He just wanted to get home, get Twain to turn him back and curl up in bed. At least no one could have recognized him in this strange hybrid form, but that didn't make it any more comfortable for him. As soon as the door open he rushed into the safety of his own home and nearly yanked the leash out of Twain's hands. His body trembled a little bit in relief as he felt immediately better. That sensation was taken away when he spotted a short pale looking girl leaning up against the wall in the kitchen. Her glowing fae green eyes peering at him with silent laughter.

"You've had your fun then, Twain?" Her high pitched voice held a hint of malice that made him squirm.

"Yes..." His little brother leaned down and he felt the leash click free from the collar.

"Good, then its time for him to answer to me." The fae woman stepped forward and Mark tried to shrink back slightly at the wicked gleam in her eyes. "Now now, SIT!"

"Do you need the glove..." Twain sounded nervous as Mark's hips were forced to settle down on the cold tile in front of the woman.

"I don't think so. My my, look at you. Exposed and out of your sheath! What a filthy little animal." Mark's ears and cheeks burned at that comment. He could feel his cock still hanging out from his lower belly. "I think we should take that way."

A rush of horror made him stare up at her with his muzzle parted. A sharp barking yelp came out of his throat in protest, though it seemed to fall on deaf ears as the fae stared down at him. His stomach churned in reaction while something teased right along his cock. He jerked backwards with a yelp as he felt a spark of electricity that made him tremble as he tried to run away from it. His side crashed against the kitchen cabinets as he twisted his head down to look at his red boned shaft. Even as he stared at it he felt a tremor of pleasure make his hips buck forward. The bucking movement made the shaft bounce against his chest, but before his eyes he watched it slowly start to slide backwards. At first he thought that it was drawing back into the sheath that had been formed around the base.

That comforting lie was soon erased as he realized that it was growing thinner. The sheath itself started to thicken and wrap around either side of the base as the cock drew backwards. His stomach felt uncomfortable as his balls tightened up a bit more firmly between his hind legs. The red girth started to brush up against his stomach and even that light touch made him shiver slightly as the nerves became more sensitive by the moment. His tongue lolled out with his shallow pants as he let out a high pitched whine. The pressure of his balls started to grow as he awkwardly shifted his hips. He had to twist his head at an uncomfortable angle to watch as his heavy orbs pulled tighter against his body. They seemed smaller as he watched them start to draw up into his body.

Mark let out a high pitched protesting cry as his lips pulled back from his teeth. His protesting yelps and barks were useless as the place where his balls had been soon was smooth furred. His stomach seemed to roil as he felt them pushing deeper inside of him. He felt nauseous as they started to form the start of ovaries and attached along tubes that led towards a womb. His cock itself was pulled back all the way until the tip started to disappear between the thickened sheath lips. The puffy mound formed something that looked like a spade that came down to a slender tip. The flesh grew swollen and drawn taut over the area as he squirmed and forced his eyes away from the changes.

His legs trembled as he strained to hold himself up. His tongue lolled out from his jaws while he stared blindly around the kitchen. He briefly stared at his little brother who was staring at him with his cheeks pale and eyes huge. The female dog sex that had formed ached slightly and felt strange as his tail dropped down so he was forced to quirk it up higher in the air. He shifted his eyes over to glare at the fae woman who tilted her angled head to one side as if considering her work. His lips curled back as he let out a soft angry growl at the strange woman. The growl turned into a sharp high pitched fearful yelp as something hot and broad slapped up against his newly formed mound.

He twisted away and heard the sound of claws clicking against the tile before he watched in horror as Andy trotted after him and ducked his head to snuffle towards his sex again. The broad head pushed his tail out of the way as the muzzle rubbed right between his legs. The cold nose pushed up against his folds before the tongue lapped out and moved right between the swollen outer lips. The heat of the appendage spread over the soft folds and pushed inwards making Mark arch his hips up as he whimpered. The penetrating tongue tip jabbed and pushed as the hot rush of breath teased over the overly sensitive lips. He wanted to bolt away, but his legs refused to move, instead his hind legs spread open a bit further.

"It wouldn't be nice to stop him. After all, you had all the fun and your poor beloved dog has been very patient..." He snarled at the fae woman as the hot tongue suddenly plunged inwards and the snarl turned into a high pitched whimper.

His hips were pushed up as the Labrador started to work his tongue in smooth long movements. The sensation of his body being violated by it as the wetness starts to be pushed out around the edges. His eyes closed as he tried to ignore what was happening. His own dog's tongue worked faster until the lewd wet noises were too loud to be blocked out. Worse, he could feel himself responding. The feel of the tongue passing over the sensitive flesh had him clenching around the appendage. It was almost too sensitive as he writhed his hips slightly and let out a breathy whine back at his former pet. He lifted a paw and forced himself to take a shaky step forward, before he raised the opposite one. If he could just get away.

The tongue pulled free from his folds with a lewd wet noise followed by the sound of the lab licking over his muzzle. Mark felt a moment of relief as his plump spade shaped sex was left alone, but it was replaced with a sudden slam of a body against him. He yelped out as his clawed feet were scrambling against the tile and forelegs suddenly hooked around his hips. He tried to twist away from the body that was shoving down against him only to feel Andy's hot breath against the back of his neck. The big lab expertly hooked his forepaws right around his owners hips and pulled up tight against the curve of the stomach. Too late Mark thought about how many owners had come with complaints of his dog getting at their bitches when they were in season.

The claws dug in against his sensitive stomach as he tried to scrabble forward, but the weight kept him in place. His normally passive dog's muzzle opened and he felt the teeth grip down right against the back of his neck. They dug down slightly as he whimpered a protesting noise. His eyes bulged as he tried to catch his younger brother's eyes. Surely Twain wouldn't let this happen to him! He couldn't let his own brother be taken by their family pet! A whimper spilled out of his muzzle as the powerful hips pushed forward and he felt the tapered tip suddenly bump right up against the curve of his ass cheeks. A hot splash of precum erupted out of the tip to drool out along the curve of his ass cheeks as he writhed.

His nose twitched slightly. The scent of male dog clung on the air as he felt his stomach tense up. His folds ached and he could almost feel how swollen they had become. It was nothing like having a cock. It was nothing like growing hard, instead it was a burning itch that made him uncomfortably aware of the cock tip that bumped against the curve of his ass. It wasn't just uncomfortable in touching him, but the heat in his stomach that wanted it to drop lower. He dug his claws against the ground as his paws were pushed forward with Andy's chest shoving against the curve of his back. His panting muzzle clenching down harder against the scruff of fur on his neck.

The hips pushed down as he felt the hind legs spreading wider along the curve of his ass. The slimy cock tip dropped down to suddenly push right against the tender folds. Mark tensed up at the probing touch and his whimper came out breathy as the claws suddenly clenched down tightly against his stomach. He could feel welts forming along his stomach as suddenly the lab lunged forward. Mark's jaws spread in a sharp yelping cry as the hot slimy dog cock suddenly drove into his tender folds. The outer folds spread open wider and wider as the walls were forced to mold around the girth. A hot splatter of precum marred inside of him as the furred sheath ground up against her outer lips while his dog pushed out of his sheath directly into his owner's body.

His hind legs were forced lewdly apart as the paws on his hips tugged him back. Andy didn't pause to savor his triumph, instead the dog yanked his hips back shortly and then drove in with a series of sharp hard thrusts that tugged along his newly formed passage. Nothing in his experience prepared him for feeling the sudden push and drag of the shaft inside of him. His walls were forced to clamp down around it as the first edge of pleasure rushed through him. He whined out and dropped his head slightly so that the jaws gripping his neck clenched down harder. His eyes rolled up to find himself being watched by both his brother and the strange woman. He opened his jaws and let out a breathy whine again as the hips slammed forward.

The heavy golden furred balls slapped up between his hind legs, driving in the point that he no longer possessed anything like them. The tapered cock tip drove so deep inside of him that he could feel it tapping and pushing up snugly against a sealed ring deep inside of his body. His ears burned in humiliation, not simply because he had been mastered by his pet, but because he was being watched. The silken walls rippled down and started to squeeze around the cock as he felt the thicker portion of the base hammer up against the swollen lewdly spread folds. The hammering of the dark red cock soon forcing out a mixture of his own arousal with the precum that was constantly dribbling out of the tip.

"Sh-should I get them apart before..." Twain's voice cut through the strange mixture of horror and pleasure.

"Of course not, they're just doing whats natural. I think your brother enjoys it."

Mark opened his eyes slightly to find the fae just grinning at him. Her expression slightly smug as the forepaws tightened against his stomach. The cock seemed to rub and tug at places that sent tremors through him. To his horror he was soon pushing back against Andy as the thicker portion of the base started to splay his walls open each time the lab thrust forward. The skin strained open in a wide circle before being closed down when the hips pulled backwards again. The jaws that gripped his neck released them so that the muzzle rested against his shoulder. The harsh panting noise came in close to his floppy ear as well as the wet tongue hanging out against his furred shoulder.

The paws shifted and clutched against his hips, each lunge forward tugged his hips backwards forcing him to grind against the swelling knot that hampered against him. It was uncomfortable, but it didn't stop him from feeling a tremor of arousal as the knot kept grinding right up against his swollen clit. It pushed and rubbed against it until he felt himself spreading his haunches just a bit further. The knot spread him open wider and wider. The walls started to be shoved open as the flesh strained in protest of something so large being forced into him. He twisted and let out a series of sharp yelping cries as steadily he was forced to wrap around it. The swollen lips thinned down as Andy gave an almost violent tug forward. The movement forced his hips backwards as his body finally gave into the strain.

Mark's head jerked upright as there was a lewd wet popping sound as the thick knot finally shoved itself inwards and his walls squeezed down tightly around it. He clenched down as his body felt stretched impossibly wide, almost as if he were about to be ripped in two. His eyes bulged as his dog continued to thrust his hips in a series of short thrusts that tugged steadily against the knot. Each pull made him uncomfortably aware of his hips being forced backwards before the cock shoved forward again. The very tip bumped right up against his tender cervix as his walls rippled and squeezed around it.

Andy suddenly slammed forward and the dog's knot blossomed open wider inside of Mark's already strained passage. His walls clenched down in reaction as the balls shoved right up between his hind legs. He wasn't prepared for the sudden pulse that ran through the swollen dog cock. His body tensed up and he let out a high pitched cry as the cock tip shoved up tight against his cervix before the first hot splash of dog seed erupted inside of him. The throbbing pulses flooded his body as the cock started to pump out wave after wave of seed inside of him. His hips were pulled back snugly against his pet's as the tip wedged just inside of his cervix sending a hot rush of the seed deep inside of him.

Mark twisted and yowled out as his body started to contract tightly around the heavy girth. His walls wrapped open like a second skin around the shaft buried deep inside of him. The pulses kept making him tremble as he felt each hot rush that dribbled into his body and spilled in deep. In the end he ended up squirming back and forth slightly and his dog pulled and then slid off his back. The hind leg swung up and slipped right over the curve of his haunches so that he ended up standing ass to ass. The heavy pulsating balls were forced in snugly against his inner thighs while he panted shallowly. His eyes rolled up to find his brother's jaws working a little bit.

That warm semen was sinking in deep inside of his body. He could feel the mixture of sperm and his own arousal filling his belly as Andy panted heavily behind her. The broad tail wagged back and forth to bump against the curve of his rump cheeks so that he twisted his body slightly and let out a breathy whine of protest. He couldn't get pregnant could he? The thought made his stomach tense up as he twisted his hips and tried to lunge forward. The moment he did he felt the thickened knot forcing him to hold still. He could only move a bit before it became painful as the swollen base started to spread her already strained folds open.

"Now he'll know better then to bite anyone again.." The fae woman grinned down at him with her lips quirked up in a wicked smile. "I think for now though he should get his rest."

"Will he have puppies?" His brother's voice came from a great distance as the world started to grow heavier and darker. He struggled to listen to the response, but the strange magic already spread over him as he was forced into a deep sleep. The pulsing eruption of canine cum his last sensation as his forelegs gave out from under him. Sleep had never been so welcome.

I accept tips. If you enjoy my stories and would like to show your appreciation feel free to send me a tip. While not required, they're always appreciated. Reference a series or story that it's for and they'll HIGHLY influence what I write in the future!