Gunther's Warlord 4

Story by SuperWaffle on SoFurry

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#4 of Gunther's Warlord

Part 4, Gunther's Warlord.

Lots of steamy sex here <3


Even though he could see, Zoltan knew that the hallway was in fact pitch black. His vision was tainted by the greenish hue associated with night vision goggles that granted him sight. A mapping display blinked in the upper left hand corner of his visor, telling him exactly where to go.

He descended a flight of stairs silently, carefully watching for any detectors that might alert the rebel stronghold to his presence. But there were none, for no one expected any intruders to make it this far.

At least not undetected.

Soft footfalls reverberated through the soles of his boots. Automatically Zoltan reached upwards and pulled himself into the plumbing and ventilation systems that covered the ceiling. The moment the guard's flashlight vanished from sight, he descended and approached a reinforced hatchway.

He punched in the code his masters had extracted from a prisoner of war, and the hatchway slid open to another hallway. Only this hallway was much smaller and Zoltan could feel his massive shoulders touching the sides as he walked, and then stopped behind one section of wall.

There were voices coming through it. There was one man on the other side, the leader of this stronghold. His masters had commanded he be slain in a specific manner, and Zoltan was to obey.

Zoltan raised his hands.

And smashed them through six inches of plasticrete.

People began to scream as Zoltan's hands seized the rebel leader and found their way to his chest. In one smooth, practiced motion his hand penetrated the rebel's chest, encircled his still-beating heart, and tore it from his ribcage.

Zoltan pulled his hands back from the wall and checked his work. His hands were soaked with hot, red blood that spilled from the organ that twitched in his hand. He turned to make his way out of the stronghold, to bring the heart back to his masters, just as they had instructed-


Zoltan bolted upright, shaking violently, his heart racing. Had he screamed? He looked around. No, there was no one here who could answer that question.

He ran a hand through his sweat-stiff hair. No, not sweat. It was blood, his hand was dripping with it, it was black in the light, the whole bed was covered with it-

Zoltan woke up, in truth this time. And this time, he had screamed.


Jacob had fallen off his chair when an ear splitting roar exploded into his ears. At once he scrambled to his feet, trying to make sense of all the beeping noises coming from all the computers and medical equipment in the control room.

What the hell was going on?! Anomalous readings were springing up everywhere! The Warlord's brainwaves, pulse and breathing rate seemed to be in flux. Groggily he squinted through the two way mirror into the Warlord's dark ward.

The bed was empty!


Jacob sprang off his seat and ran to the hatchway. It had been locked such that it couldn't be opened from the Warlord's side. A safety precaution, they couldn't have the hulking stud wandering around without permission.

Then a set of huge, huge claws tore through the reinforced hatchway as though it was made of cheese. Jacob stumbled and fell on his ass as Warlord Zoltan tore the hatchway away like a curtain, and found himself looking up and up and up.

Oh god he was fucking enormous. Blood began rushing to all the inconvenient places as Jacob gazed at those gigantic pecs. And those biceps! Oh god they were freaking land masses all on their own! His wrecking ball shoulders rose and fell; synchronized with his heavy breathing. Jacob could see the thick, cable like muscles standing out of his neck.

The six foot eight wall of muscle turned a menacing gaze to him. Then a monolithic arm shot down, knocking the wind from his chest as it picked him up. Jacob felt himself shake as he was brought to Zoltan's eye level, his legs dangling uselessly above the floor.

"You," the Warlord snarled, giving Jacob a good shake as he did, as if emphasizing his titanic strength, "tell me where to find Sergeant Gunther, now."

Jacob answered, unsure of its accuracy, his brain had tunnel vision-ed itself onto those melon sized biceps that seemed to swell with veiny size.

Then he felt the floor hit him and the ceiling clicked into view. Jacob was glad to be alive. Life was wonderful! Why on earth were there things like depression and war, he did not know.

Then the Warlord stepped over him.

HOLY FUCK! Jacob thought he knew exactly how big Zoltan's crotch had been. But oh god oh god the perspective from underneath him! It was a huge. It was mammoth-sized! The Warlord had long since left, but all Jacob could see was that bulging cock-bulge bouncing up and down as the Warlord walked; could see that hefty package oscillating left and right like... like something heavy and big that oscillated!

Jacob continued to lay there. His eyes were wide and glazed; his lips softly moving, an expression of lustful delight on his face.


Zoltan rubbed at his face as he walked. Regaining his memory was all well and good, but sitting in that tiny ward relieving the same painful events over and over was taking its toll. He needed to get out, to talk with other people, to try and remind himself that he was normal and free and capable of living a normal life. If a weapon like him could have one.

He walked through the claustrophobic ship's hallways toward Bunk 81C. Navigating the narrow hallways reminded him of the memory he had just relieved, and he forced the thought out of his head with all his might. Somewhere along the line he noticed the shipboard cloak read 2317hrs. That meant he was wandering around afterhours.

Almost absently he pressed the open button next to hatchway number 81C, only stopping when he realised he was crushing it.

The hatchway slid open and Sergeant Gunther Hawke, who had been sleeping, started, rolled over, and sat up, his eyes wide and alert.

"Zoltan!" he managed, concern lacing his voice, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah..." Zoltan hesitated, unsure of what to say, "I... I just need some company, m-mind if I came in?"


Gunther had been in the process of preparing a thank-you-so-much message for the godly deity that had blessed him so when something huge filled his vision.

Before he knew it, Zoltan had crossed the room and scoped him up in the beefiest muscle hug he had ever had. For several moments Gunther felt bliss. Nothing in life concerned him anymore. His world comprised of those heaving, rippling pectorals; those heavy, titanium brick abs; those ripped, shredded arms; those bulging, demolisher-like quads!

Somehow he realised that they were on a bed. Zoltan had effectively wrapped that orgasmic body of his around him. He sensed those punisher-like biceps pressing against the sides of his face. Those tree trunk quads were beside and behind him and a veritable wall of fucking godlike pectoral and abdominal muscles were pressed against his torso.

Not to mention a thick, thick bulge pressing against his crotch. It felt so big and sooo heavy! His cock was already painfully hard and still Zoltan's soft bulge proved stronger, pushing his erection off to one side.

Then he realised the gigantic musclebeast was crying.

"Zoltan... " Gunther managed, "Wha-"

"It's you," he whispered, his deep voice resonating in his ears, "It's really you. I remember you from the visit to the zoo, before you transferred. You did not give me your last name just now, but I know what it is."

"You're Gunther Hawke."

Realisation hit him so hard it felt as though he had been struck by a tank.


For a split second, Gunther's brain mustered the power to deviate, and he found his sight wandering over to those monstrous arms. Damned aren't those things arms or what!

"Yes," his wept, "It's me."

And then it was as though a dam broke inside Zoltan. He recounted his story between sobs with Gunther listening intently. He told him of the suffering he had endured from being small. His family was wealthy, and had sent him to a private boarding school after kindergarten, where he had been bullied mercilessly.

He spoke of his bullies, and how they were got away with everything they did to him, protected by rules and their powerful families. He spoke of his near death experiences, of his humiliation. And what he did for revenge.

His father had connections. And Zoltan had used those connections to offer his body to the Warlord Project, a secret project aiming to create super soldiers for the Ruling Council to use as weapons. He did not know that then of course, all he could see were the muscular benefits.

Soon after his first treatment, his body had swelled monstrously, packing on insane amounts of muscle in short periods of time. Zoltan had gone on a rampage, getting back at his bullies one by one, leaving the worst for last. And then he mentioned a name that made Gunther's heart skip a beat.


As in Lieutenant-Colonel Mitch Michelson.

"The military came back for me then, after I put so many people into the hospital," he sobbed, clearly tormented by the memories that so haunted him, "made me a slave to their will. I'm a monster. The things they made me do. I'm just a weapon now. A weapon made to serve the will of a higher power."

Gunther knew what he was trying to say. He thought he had been 'liberated' from the facility to serve the rebels instead.

"Zoltan, please listen to me." Gunther said, freeing his arms and wrapping them around that thick, corded neck, "When I infiltrated the facility, I did not expect to find you. I watched you scream, Zoltan. The things they were doing to you! I could not leave you there while we made off with their technology and data. You were my last minute addition to the plan, and I didn't even recognise you. You are effectively my responsibly. Even if you are not, I promise I will make it so."

Gunther was unsure how he sounded, so he added a little more, "I promise you Zoltan. Your will is your own now. We will not ask things of you that will shatter your spirit. You will not be condemned to do them, you are free Zoltan, these choices are yours to make."

Zoltan did not reply, instead they simply sat there, entwined in each other's bodies. Gunther could feel his heart pounding in his chest and the stifling heat emanating from the Warlord's superhuman development.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Zoltan's powerful muscles began to relax. Gunther hadn't even pulled his arms back when a huge fist grabbed the back of his shirt and lifted him up.

And then Zoltan kissed him.


Zoltan felt his back striking the bed as the kiss went from passionate to fiery, his tongue deep inside Gunther's throat. God he was so beautiful, as he kissed and licked and sucked against Zoltan's strong mouth. It was magical, Gunther's lips were connected to his, fused in a fiery act of passion that marked a beginning and an end.

Gunther moaned then, their lips still locked, his arms wrapped around Zoltan's awesome traps, exploring the shifting collection of tectonic back muscles that rolled beneath the fur. Zoltan tightened his grip around Gunther's strong and slender back, marvelling at the true strength beneath this exterior.

They continued to suck, to kiss. Two passionate lovers joined in their lovemaking, breathing heavily. Zoltan constantly flexed his powerful body, constantly rolling his muscles against Gunther's eager body. The two lovers hungered for each other, and continued to suckle, continued to create each other's warmth, continued to turn on the other beyond belief.

He flexed his abs against Gunther's rigid cock, causing him to jerk. Zoltan did it again, teasing his little buddy ever more. Gunther retaliated, forcing their tongues back into Zoltan's throat and assaulting his pecs with his hands. Zoltan gasped, his hips bucking as more and more blood was pumped into his cock.

"Oh god yes, Gunther yes!" he managed through locked lips, spreading his legs wide.

There was a monster growing in his trunks, he could hear the material straining as his cock grew into a huge mound. Gunther continued his assault, coiling his tongue around Zoltan's and sucking with all his might.


The front of his trunks exploded and a huge cock erupted out, ruining it utterly. Zoltan growled, his hunger burning within him like an inferno. Gunther had realised this as well, and was trying to divest himself of his shirt and shorts.

Zoltan assisted him, shredding his clothing with one massive claw and seized that firm ass with his hands.

Holy fuck it was hot! Gunther's ass was so firm and hard and muscly. Zoltan tightened his grip on the sexy thing as Gunther gyrated his hips, rubbing his swollen cockhead between Zoltan's titanium brick abs.

Oh god this was so fucking hot. Their foreplay began stepping up several notches at a time. Zoltan would flip Gunther onto his back when his hunger would not be sated, and Gunther would tease his hands, assisting them in exploring his lithe, muscular body.

Then Zoltan would flip himself onto his back again and let Gunther have his way. His mouth fighting to contain the tongues and drools and moans as Gunther rubbed himself all over the fucking landscapes that were his muscles.

Hours must have passed before he finally realised the soft clinking sounds that came from the bed with each flip. Somehow, the sound family strangely familiar, but it wasn't till a few more flips more that his curiosity finally got the better of him, and he broke the kiss.

Gunther wasn't about to give up though, his mouth immediately travelling down to Zoltan's muscular neck, biting him in places, licking in others. It was so hot, and Zoltan let him have his way with him for a few minutes as his hand went underneath the mattress.

Gunther had just kissed his nose when his fingers contacted something he didn't think he would find outside the Haclyonian military.

A stimpack.


Gunther knew his eyes had widened to the size of meatballs. Zoltan had discovered his secret stash of stimpacks, there was only one logical outcome to this!

The two of them sat at the edge of the bed, laughing to each other despite their maddeningly hard erections. Good god Zoltan was so big, so beautiful, his chest feeling so tough and strong against his face. Gunther tried to tease him further by groping those freakish-yet-heavenly quads, and was rewarded when Zoltan lifted them both back to the bed, taking one stimpack with him.

He was sure he squealed when Zoltan grabbed his legs and pulled them onto either side of his waist, until their stiff members were almost touching. Gunther still marvelled at how big that cock was. Gunther was already quite big where it counted, nine inches of solid cock stood up from his crotch.

Zoltan on the other hand, was ten inches hard. But the thickness of that cock was astounding, it was as thick as Gunther's clenched fist and so veiny he could see the organ throbbing with Zoltan's heartbeat.

"I know you like big muscles, Gunther," he whispered, tickling his ears with his manly voice, "so I'm going to use this, I'll make you a happy man tonight."

Zoltan brought the stimpack down, puzzling him.

"Wait," Gunther said, "You have to put it to your neck for the best effect."

Then Zoltan chuckled, a reverberating, masculine sound.

"I'm a Warlord" he smiled, melting Gunther's insides, "I'll show you how to use a stimpack."

Then he brought the stimpack to the base of his cock and pressed it against the fleshy underside. The stimpack began to hiss as a thousand microtubules penetrated his skin harmlessly, pumping the juice into the base of his shaft.

"Oh shit," he gasped, his hips bucking as the juices flooded into his cock and balls, "This feels so fucking good! Ahhhh ahhhh, oh fuck!"

Suddenly there was the sound of a massive 'THROB', and his big cock suddenly swelled, lengthening and thickening by an inch.

"OOOOHH!!" Zoltan moaned, tossing the empty cartridge aside, "OOHHH GOD!"

Whatever blood Gunther had was rushing to all the wrong (or right) places now. He had seen people hulking out on stims before, hell even he had done it. But he had never seen anything like this.

Zoltan's body! With every heartbeat, Zoltan's growth accelerated as the stims surged through his naked body.


Gunther held his breath as he watched that glorious incarnation of muscle swell even further. He watched as the chasms between the Warlord's titanium brick abs etched themselves even deeper. Watched as those planetoid pecs expanded, packing on more and more mass and roiling like angry cables beneath his paper-thin skin, undisguised by the fur. His nipples were fully erect, pointing to the floor and dripping with sweat.


Those wrecking ball shoulders bulged monstrously, packing on freakish size even as the arms they were connected to surged with their own growth. Zoltan began to flex, each pump causing his bis and tris to swell even bigger. What used to be 22 inches around bulged to 23, and then to 24!

He was getting taller too, Gunther could tell, judging by the way those pecs rose ever higher, or by the way that solid eightpack expanded. His back was broadening immensely, his massive lats blowing out from either side of him as his shoulders grew and grew!

Gunther could even feel his legs being raised higher and higher as Zoltan's freaky quads got freakier! They looked like bulging, segmented mountains joined in perfect unison under his thin skin, held together by a myriad of angry, throbbing veins.

Then he growled. A sound that made Gunther's insides quiver. His muscles were still twitching with growth, still pumping on the stims, but Gunther could not see those now.

He could only see Zoltan's frightening arousal.

Holy fuck! His cock was beyond enormous! It was easily fourteen inches hard and twice as thick, topped off with a gigantic, bulbous head. It, like the rest of him, was pumped full to bursting and riddled with so many veins even a blind man could see it throbbing under his power.

His scent, thick and strong and musky, overwhelmed Gunther's senses; filling his bunk and turning it into a hotbox of pure, erotic energy.

Gunther swallowed dryly as Zoltan leaned forward; somehow retaining all that flexibility despite his ripped new form, and kissed him with lips that were bigger and stronger and fifty times hotter than he remembered.

Then Gunther was on his back. Zoltan crawled over him, looming huge and hot and crushed his mouth to Gunther's lips.

The kiss was hard, savage, but it swept him up. Gunther seized that golden crowd and gave him everything he had in that one, hard moment.

Zoltan eventually tore his mouth away with a growl and crawled forward, pressing his chest against Gunther's hungry lips. Gunther responded at once, sticking out his tongue and worshipping the valley between those enormous muscles, forcing a growl and a moan from his massive friend. Then Zoltan adjusted his position, trusting one hard, stiff nipple into his mouth and growled.

Gunther knew what the growl meant, and obeyed, biting against the nipple and licking it with all his might.

Zoltan roared then, powerful and deafening. Gunther suddenly found himself astride the muscle god, his hands exploring the massive pecs that roiled and rolled beneath his puny hands. Zoltan arched his head back and spread his arms out, enjoying Gunther's magic as he sought to make himself appear as big and muscular as he could. Those he didn't do so for very long.

Another beastial growl, and Gunther found himself on his back. Zoltan's huge frame blotted out the dim light, his monstrous endowment pressing against Gunther's hungry hole.

Gunther flexed his ass muscles against the head.

"FUCK!" Zoltan roared.

Then, without warning, he slammed his entire cock through the hole.


Roars and screams were wrenched from their mouths as their orgasms struck. Gunther had no idea how long his orgasm lasted, but Zoltan's load was hot, sweet, and seemingly everlasting. Gunther thought he was going to pass out with something so huge slamming into his ass like a jackhammer, spewing load after load of hot, thick cum.

But then Zoltan rescued him, reaching down to pull him off his cock and into his lips. The kiss was a hard, fast one, and when Gunther opened his eyes, he found them following the path of Zoltan's right arm, now more massive than he thought possible, and saw Zoltan's hand pumping his cock.

His rock solid cock.

Wait... didn't he just orgasm?

"You didn't think I would be spent so soon did you," he growled, holding him close to his face, licking his own satisfaction from his lips, "this is going to be a very long night."

Zoltan shut his eyes for a moment, and his body swelled another inch. When he opened them, his face split with a large, feral grin.

"Fuck yeah."