Average Day Out

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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My Second Yiff story but my first Gay Yiff. Comments welcome.

Average Day Out

It was a typical Tuesday morning for me & the people I work with. My name is Daniel, I work for a home insurance agency. Lately work has been slow for us here at the firm. Not that I mind, it just gives me a chance to catch up on a few other things unrelated to work. Finding the right person to date & eventually marry, it's one of my life's simple goals. Some things are easier said than actually done in my life.

I've tried all sorts of dating sites & personal ads in the local newspaper. For some reason nobody seems worth it to me. I'm sure if I made the first move it might not be so bad. The thing is I'm a little shy around new people or asking someone I like out. There was a strange breeze today, when the weather stated it was going to be a calm, & sunny day. I know they aren't very accurate, but you've got to give them credit for trying. Though I can admit this much the weather guy is very cute. It's too bad he's already spoken for or I'd make a pass at him. Considering he's also my next door neighbor.

All things considered it's a little odd having someone that works for a big news cooperation living next door. His wife is a lucky woman to have such a stable man in her life. Now if only I could find someone like that for myself. Well to the powers that be, I would soon get my answer in the form of a tall, brown, well muscled jackal. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, he was everything I was looking for in a man. I quickly regained my senses & I returned to my work before my boss got mad.

The man I was checking out had noticed me looking at him. So he calmly walked over to my desk. "Excuse me sir, my name is Rick Quentin and I'm looking for a Mr. Daniel Tyler. I'm to here readjust my monthly insurance payments." He asked. "I'm Daniel, please have a seat Mr. Quentin." I replied, offering him the seat in front of me. "Please just call me Rick, I'm not fond of my last name." He smiled. When I saw that smile of his, my heart melted immediately. "Alright let's get down to why you're here." I smiled. We spent the next 45minutes fixing his monthly payments for his house insurance.

As he went to leave I wanted to ask him if there was anyway I could see him again. He must have been reading my mind or something. Cause he wrote something down & placed it on my desk, then calmly left. I waited awhile before picking up what he left behind. So I opened the folded piece of paper & read what he wrote down. The note that was contained within it was a phone number & an address with a little heart at the end. "Cute touch." I whispered putting the note in my pants pocket. I returned to my work until lunch time rolled around. I took a short walk to get some fresh air & decided whether or not to call his number.

I really like the guy, but something was telling me I shouldn't bother. A guy like that is most likely taken already. Sadly that wouldn't surprise me at all, but what the hell. I pulled out my cell phone then dialed the number on the note & waited for someone to answer. After the other end rang four times someone picked up. Unfortunately it sounded like the answering machine so I went to leave a message. "Hello who's this?" A man replied. "Excuse me is this Rick?" I asked. "Sorry, my brother is out doing some errands. Can I help you with something?" He stated. I let out a sigh of relief when I heard those words.

"Do you have any idea when he'll be coming home?" I wondered. "As to my knowledge, maybe within the hour or so. If you want I can give you his cell phone. In case whatever you're calling about is important." He said. "Sure that will be a great help cause this concerns his house insurance policy." I stated. It didn't take his brother long to provide me with his cell phone number. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" He wondered. "Nope, you have done enough thank you for you're time." I smiled hanging up.

With my lunch break almost over I tried giving his cell phone a call. Sure enough after two rings he picked up. "Hello?" Rick answered. "Rick is that you or your little brother speaking?" I wondered. "It's me I was wondering when I'd here from you Daniel. The man you talked to was my older brother not my little brother." He pointed out. "Whoops I'm sorry." I said feeling a little dumb. "It's alright that happens more than you know. Actually I was hoping to hear from you when I got home. I guess you couldn't wait to talk to me again huh?" He stated. "Kind of obvious." I replied.

"Yep, it is. Hey, why don't you come by when you get off work. We can talk then alright." He said. "Sure I'll see you then." I said with a lump in my throat. Once I hung up my mind was racing, I couldn't believe he actually asked me to visit him. This was too good to be true, the rest of my day I couldn't keep a single thought in my head. So once it was time to close I punched out turned everything off & locked the doors. I jumped in my car & drove home to get cleaned up. My tail hadn't stopped wagging since we talked over the phone.

Once I entered my apartment I made a bee line for the bathroom & the shower stall. The second the bathroom door closed my clothes flew off like they were on fire. One thought that did go through my mind was would he be jealous of me. If we were to go out & decided to take that intimate step. When we've been together for a while as I looked down at my crotch.

My mother & father said it themselves as scrawny as I am I'm built extremely well were it counts. Being a mix breed doesn't help matters much in my favor. My mother's a pure bred Pharaoh hound & my father was a Shiba Inu mix. The funny thing is I don't look like either of my folks not that they mind & neither do I. To them I'll always be their loving son no matter what.

When I was little I always felt a little out of place around kids my own age. During high school a lot of the girls had taken a shine to me but I showed no interest. That's when I met my first love Kyle he was a nice, soft spoken, gentle & handsome Alaskan Malamute. We went so well together I had a hard time telling my folks about me being gay. When I did they were shocked at first but they supported my choice. They liked Kyle right away when he came over for dinner at the end of the following week.

Sadly during our last two years of high school we simply went our separate ways. There are still some nights I lay awake wondering were I went wrong. I've had off & on relationships throughout college but nothing really clicked. Since I graduated from college I haven't dated anyone. When Rick walked in today at work I haven't looked at any man like that since Kyle. Maybe this was some kind of sign, that it's time to try for love instead of lust. Hopefully my hunch is right I would hate to find out differently.

After my long shower I got out, dried off & walked into my bedroom for some presentable clothes. It took me a while to find something that would make a good first impression. Once I felt everything was in order I made my way over to his place. It was kind of strange he didn't live all that far from my apartment about a fifteen minute walk. So instead of wasting gas I decided to walk there taking my time as not to rush getting there. I figured he might not be home yet so by taking my time. He should be there by the time I walk up to the front door.

As I took my time walking to his place I never noticed how nice the neighborhood was. Usually I don't jog this way but I may start after today just for a change of pace. When I first moved here I didn't think about checking out the area before. I was merely happy with my apartment & my job once I moved from the frat row. Granted that was ten years & many late night parties ago. The closer I got to Rick's home a knot started forming in my stomach. As if I wasn't nervous enough just talking on the phone with him.

Those 15 minutes came & went by as if I was standing still in the middle of nowhere. Standing in front of his home only made the knot in my stomach much bigger & tighter. "Well there's no sense on delaying this any longer." I mumbled to myself. As I walked slowly up the walkway to the front door & took a deep breath. I exhaled slowly but nervously, then knocked on the door. From the looks of things it appeared he was home due the car in the driveway. Then again that could be his brother's car & he's still out doing errands. Since it appeared there was nobody home I decided to head back home.

"I was right he's still out doing his errands. To think he could have been interested in me. I'm such a fool I guess there's no sense in feeling sorry for myself now." I muttered walking back home. "Is that what you think huh? Then I'd say you were pretty accurate in my eyes." A voice called out from behind me. So I turned around quickly to see Rick standing in the doorway smiling at me. At that moment I didn't know whether to smile or start crying. Sure enough I started smiling & crying at the same time. "I wasn't sure you were even home." I replied walking back towards the front door.

"I was upstairs on the phone & I barely heard you knock. So I'm sorry for ignoring you like that. Though my doorbell does work the little light bulb in it is broken. Come on inside, we can sit & chat for a while." He said ushering me in. "I certainly feel silly now, may I just to humor myself." I replied pointing to the doorbell. He merely ushered me to go right ahead & push the button. So I did sure enough the bell sounded with a very welcoming tone. Once my curiosity was quelled we walked inside.

I followed him though it certainly didn't stop me from glaring at his cute ass. Sadly he caught on that I was checking him out. "Please feel free to comment on my ass if you like." He smiled as we entered the dining room. I stopped in the doorway as my jaw gaped, wide open. He turned & noticed I didn't follow him into the dinning room so he walked over. "Speechless I see well let's see if I can do something to fix that." He smiled. Before my brain checked back in I was wrapped up in his strong arms. Something about the glint in his eyes told me this was meant to be.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare it jus..." "Relax I knew how you felt towards me the second we met. You have nothing to be ashamed of I feel the same way." He replied pressing two fingers over my muzzle. My heart was doing back flips of joy when I heard those words. "We just met how could we feel so strongly about someone?" I wondered looking into his eyes. "Let's have a small drink & talk I don't want rush anything." He said letting me go & walking over to the fridge.

At this point he was right it was clear he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. So there was no point in rushing this it was better to sit back & enjoy. We made our way to the parlor to sit down & have a friendly drink. Nothing hard just a glass of white wine. Personally not a big fan of hard liquor it's fine on occasion. We spent a good few hours drinking & talking about simple things. Mostly likes, dislikes, hobbies & other nonsense then he asked the one thing I figured he'd avoid.

"Tell me Daniel have you ever dated a malamute named Kyle several years back?" Rick wondered placing his empty glass on the table. For moment I couldn't bring myself to speak. So many questions raced through my head all at once. I finally nodded yes. "I see when we were together five years ago. Every so often your name would come up during one of our conversations. Everything he had to say about you was good. It struck me as odd that he talked of you so fondly yet he didn't stay with you." He informed raising an eyebrow.

"Strange, you dated him a year after I graduated from college. How long were you two actually together? If you don't mind me prying a little." I replied. "About four years we fit so well together but sadly we grew apart. One day he just left without so much as a goodbye." He said lowering his ears & looking away. I reached over & placed my left paw on his as a sign of understanding. He responded by holding on to it endearingly. Before either of us knew we embraced in a long passionate kiss.

It was hard to tell which of us needed it more though so it was a toss up. Only a few seconds later I found out who needed it when I pushed him away. "Huh? What's wrong?" He asked, as I moved to the far end of the couch "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so forward..." "No, no it was just... a bit sudden, that's all." I replied. "Daniel I won't lie to you, I do want this but I think I went to far." He stated. "Yeah you might be right I'm sorry Rick it's my fault entirely." I pointed out. "No I think we are both to blame on this." He said moving to the middle cushion.

"Maybe a warm meal will help ease that awkward moment. Anything in particular you feel like having?" Rick said getting up & walking towards the kitchen. "You know something I don't think that's a good idea tonight." I replied. "How come? It was my fault for being so direct." He stated walking over to me. "Relax maybe I shouldn't have come over so soon. I think it's best that I go home. I'll call you sometime during the week I need some time. Have a good night Rick bye." I informed getting off the couch & left.

After a long 15 minute walk I got back to my apartment. The whole time my cell phone was ringing I knew it was Rick. What happened back at his place was too sudden for either of us. I did enjoy the kiss it carried such passion & love but it did surprise me. As I unlocked my door & pulled my phone out of my pocket. The second I walked in & closed the door it rings but the ring tone was different. So I pulled it out of my pocket & looked to see who it was. When I looked at the caller ID it read as private so I answered.

"Hello?" I said. "Well I thought for a second there you weren't going to answer the phone Daniel." He replied. "Who is this?" I asked. "Surely you haven't forgotten me after all these years." He stated. "Look I'm not in the mood for stupid games." I snapped. "Easy tiger I guess it has been awhile. You should have been a little nicer to Rick though. After I told him so much about you." He informed. "Kyle is that you?" I wondered. "Naturally who else has your cell phone number besides me & your folks?" He pointed out. I couldn't believe it I'm actually talking to him again. After all this time I never thought I hear from him.

"I wish I could stay on the phone longer but sadly I can't. Please promise me you'll patch things up with Rick. He's a good man to be honest you two fit together quite well. Look he didn't mean to spring that kiss on you so quickly. He wants to make things right with you. So once I hang up please call him okay." He said. "Alright I will just cause you asked me to. Will I hear from you again?" I replied. "Sorry babe right now I was thankful I could talk to you tonight. My job keeps me extremely busy I'm sorry. So I don't think you'll be hearing from me again. Promise me you two get together & stay that way for the long haul. I wish I could tell why I left you both. You two truly deserve that answer but I can't I'm sure you understand." He informed. "Yeah I can but I want you to promise me something." I said. "Sure what is it babe?" He asked. "If either one of us asks to marry the other. I want you to be there at the wedding if we get that far." I stated. "Of course I'll do everything I can to make it their on time. Well I gotta run I'll see you & him sooner or later take care & good luck." He said as he hung up.

I was shocked to actually hear from Kyle I wonder if Rick called him. I'd better not concern myself right now. A good meal & a night's sleep is the best option to sort this out. Once I made my dinner I watched the news & my favorite crime solving series. I got up went to my bedroom undressed & turned in for the night. During the night I couldn't get comfortable something about that phone call kept me awake. That was not only a strange phone call but something told me that I needed that. Maybe I should give Rick a call he deserves that much for inviting me over.

"Though it's awful late I'm not even sure he's even awake. Well at least I can leave him a message on his phone." I mumbled. So I grabbed my cell phone of my nightstand. I searched through my contact list for Rick's number & hit the call button. After four rings it went to voice mail. "Hey you've reached Rick sorry I can't answer your call. Please leave a short message & I'll get back to you soon. *Beep.* "Hey Rick look I'm sorry for the events that occurred tonight. Maybe some time this Friday we could grab a bite to eat. I'd like to start things off on the right paw. I'll try to call you later during the week. Bye." I said then hung up.

After a while I slowly began to drift off to sleep so I shut my phone off. After I placed it back on my nightstand I grabbed my blanket turned over & fell asleep. The following morning things seemed much clearer from what happened yesterday evening. So I got up, showered, put something decent on for work & turned my phone on. Once I finally booted up a message alert went off so I accessed my voice mail.

After I punched in my password I hit the number to listen to the message. "Hey Daniel I'm the one to blame for being forward last night. Maybe it was too sudden for the both of us. As for a grabbing a bite to eat sometime this week sounds great. Call me whenever you feel like going out okay. I'll see you later sweetie bye." The message stated. I hung up my phone went into the make shift kitchen to make some coffee & a quick breakfast. Once I finished both my drink & meal I grabbed my things then went to work.

As I got to the door Rick was waiting for me. Honestly I was shocked & excited to see him so soon. He didn't say anything to me he simply walked over gave me a small bouquet of flowers. I couldn't help but give the guy a big, tight hug. He smiled kissed me on the cheek & said I'll pick you up at 9 o'clock Friday. Then he walked to his car got in & drove away.

Of course my coworkers saw the whole thing they were going to tease me. For some reason they didn't bother to which suited me. I wasn't going to listen to them anyway I was so happy. My whole day went by so fast it didn't seem like I got any work done. As I punched out & made my way to the door I noticed a small card in the bouquet. I grabbed it & opened it to see what was written in it. The second I finished reading it the card fell to the floor. What was written on it was to beautiful to repeat.

I rushed home to tell my folks I meet a potential new boyfriend. Considering I haven't called them in a while I figured it would be a good idea to touch base with home. Maybe my mom would have some advice for my first date in years. I could always count on her when I'm stuck with a strange problem. Though I'm not even sure they are home today considering their strange work schedules. Well the only way to really know is to give them a call.

Sure enough once the other end of the phone started ringing after the second ring someone picked up. I was thankful it was my mother who answered this way it was one less person to talk to. I've got nothing against my father it's kind of hard to talk to him when he's grumpy or tired. So I spent a good hour talking about my date this Friday. I can always count on her to be there when I'm in a pinch. This was no different when Kyle & I were starting out together. She helped me look as handsome as possible. Of course it blew Kyle's mind when he came to pick me up the night of the prom.

So I knew I was going to have to top that hoping that I can. I still have all day tomorrow & Friday morning to get everything in order. To be honest I was having mixed feelings like I was excited & nervous all at once. Rick's an amazing man from what little I know about him. Maybe Kyle's right it's not like him to lie or beat around the bush. This date should prove what he said true or false though I intend to enjoy myself.

After I made dinner I watched my favorite TV program then shuffled off to the bathroom & finally bed. When I woke the next morning I felt so rested I was ready for anything. Since today was my day off I could have slept in. Why bother with what's happening tomorrow night. I couldn't contain my excitement at all. So I figured I'd go out & get myself all pampered & groomed this way I'll look good for Rick. I'm not a real big fan of irony but who cares.

After a good 45 minutes she finished I got up & paid for everything. Gave her a good tip & made my way back home for a nice dinner. Thoughts about what's going on tomorrow made me so excited I couldn't settle down. I laid in bed wondering if Rick was doing the same thing. Lying in bed wondering about tomorrow night's events or the thought of us taking a chance. To see if we could have a long & happy life together. Maybe I should give him a call & see for myself. No he might be trying to sleep so I should get some sleep. I have to get up & go to work in the morning. After another hour passed I managed to settle down & fall asleep.

When my alarm went off I really didn't feel up to getting out of bed. I did however despite the damn thing beeping loudly. Once I shut the alarm off I dragged my tail into the bathroom. It took me about twenty minutes to wash & get dressed. I walked into the kitchen for a quick cup of coffee & a small meal. After I finished I put the dishes in the sink washed them & place them in the drying rack. I grabbed my keys & wallet then made my way to work. As I got there nobody was there waiting for me to unlock the door. So I unlocked the doors, punched in then got the place up & running.

About 30 minutes later my coworkers started to find there way inside. They punched in & got started. I got started filing the ones I had already done & finished the ones I got halfway done. That took almost the whole work day to get done. By the time my shift was coming to an end. My boss walked by & asked me if I could stay an extra hour or two. My heart was telling me to say no to him. Considering my plans for this evening with a certain male jackal. He could see it that I had other things planned tonight. That's when he said that it can wait until Monday to get done.

So I shut my computer down put my stuff away & punched out. I jogged home hopefully Rick wasn't there waiting for me. Sure enough he was waiting at the front door to my apartment complex. "I hope I'm not too early." He smiled. "Kind of I just got off work & I was going to get all cleaned up before we go out." I said. "Well I guess I got excited about tonight that I couldn't stay home." He replied. Sadly I was thinking the same thing myself but I didn't have the heart to admit it.

"Well come on up & relax while I go get ready." I replied punching in my password. Once the door buzzed we entered & walked up three flights then down the hall to my apartment. Once inside he walked over to my couch & sat down. While I made my way into the bathroom & got washed up. I knew Rick wasn't going to walk in on me so I left the door unlocked. Granted I had a feeling he was going at least peep on me. Sadly I was counting on him to actually try that kind of stunt.

To my disappointment Rick never left the living room I guess he wasn't interested. No big deal it simply means I can still surprise him later. Though I'm starting to wonder if he was planning the same thing. Only one way to find out let's see just what he's doing. When I finished getting ready I quietly walked over to the couch where Rick was calmly watching TV. As I peered over the back I couldn't believe my eyes. Either he didn't notice or it was simply on purpose. I simply couldn't look away from the bulge forming in those jeans.

"Enjoying the view hun?" He smiled looking up at me. The fur on my face turned the brightest shade of red out there. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to look." I replied turning away. Rick simply sat up, turned around, then placed his arms around me & started to nuzzle my neck. "I hoping you would look at what I have to offer." He said seductively in my ear. It sent a chill up my spine & made me blush even brighter. Without warning he started to place little nips along my neck causing me to moan.

"It looks like my love hasn't been touched in some time poor thing. I guess I'll have to fix that huh?" He smiled as one hand started to rub my chest. I took my left arm & gently placed it behind his head. He took it as I wanted more & he was right. "MMM! Below the ear." I mumbled. Rick moved his maw towards the back of my ear. He started kissing & nibbling that very spot that all canines love having scratched. At this point I was in heaven I didn't care about dinner anymore. I wanted him to play with me like a toy for the rest of the night. So too make thing a little easier he got up & walked around to the back of the couch.

Once he was back in my arms he noticed I was just as excited as he was. "Someone's a bit eager let's see if I can do something about that." He smirked moving his right hand down to the bulge in my own pants. As he rubbed my crotch I gasped at how sensitive his touch was. "OH! My word that's amazing." I gasped. While he was teasing me I thought it best to share the pleasure. I slowly moved my left hand to were his crotch was but he moved away. "No, no you cum first I'll get to share the enjoyment later." He teased. I gave him a frown which he used to his advantage to kiss my lips. The kiss didn't shock me what shocked me was his nose was strangely warm.

I merely wiped it from my mind as I returned his kiss with all the passion I had. While we embraced each other, our maws & tongue's twisted around in between our jaws. At this point both our cocks are screaming at us to be released. "I think it's best that we don't prolong things any further Rick." I pointed out pulling back a little. "You sure you just want to get right into it granted I don't mind." He replied. "It's better to live in the moment than wait things out." I smiled grabbing the waistband of his pants & leading him to the bedroom. Once we entered I playfully pushed him onto the bed.

He let out a giggle of as I begin to give him a little strip tease. Rick had other plans for me as he grabbed my tail. I let out a small yelp in shock then found myself laying on top of him. "I think you done enough teasing & foreplay my dear. I want to treat you to something now." He grinned seductively. My tail was wagging so fast with anticipation I had to grab it to stop it. Rick merely let out a laugh but continued with whatever he had planned for me.

"Get on your elbows & knees please." He asked with a naughty smile. So I complied whole heartedly moving to the foot of the bed. Once I got into the position he asked of me, he simply began to undress me slowly. I let out a murr of excitement & licked my lips. He smiled then continued with the task at hand. As his hands trailed my thighs & hips the gentleness of his touch sent strong waves of pleasure throughout my body. I knew for a fact my boxers were soaked with pre. At this point it didn't bother me at all we were together.

No sooner did my pants & boxers hit my knees. His warm soft hands were on my cock. The sudden sensation made me shudder, then melt as he began to stroke it. While he jerked me off he was quick to lose his pants with his free hand. From the corner of my eye I could tell he wasn't wearing any kind of underwear. So to have a little fun with him I guided my tail & gently brushed it against his fully hard cock. He shivered with pleasure as I continued to use my tail to tease him.

"Now, now no cheating my love." He whispered into my ear. As he moved my tail away from his crotch. I looked back & gave him such a sad look he merely leaned over & kissed me deeply. "Hold on if I'm the one getting all the special treatment there's something you're going to need eventually." I replied moving over to my nightstand. "One step ahead of you my darling male." He whispered into my ear making it twitch playfully. Without warning I soon felt that erect member of his brushing gently against mine.

As he continued doing that I was in a state of bliss I didn't want to come down from. I couldn't help myself I grabbed his & my own cock, I began to gingerly stroke them. Causing him & myself to moan in bliss & it caused him to buck into my hand. I took it as a sign he was enjoying my contributions highly. I looked into those gorgeous eyes of his & I rolled over onto my back. With a lick of my lips he knew instantly what I wanted.

Rick carefully position himself around my hips & began to explore my cock. As that tongue of his went to work I arched my back & moaned. "Oh My Fucking G...AWD!" I muttered as he began sucking slowly. At this point I was at his sole mercy not that I cared anyway. Every single motion, touch, kiss & fondle sent waves of pleasure cascading throughout my body. If he kept this pace up I'd cum in no time at all.

"Pant...pant....Rick can I join in on the fun now?" I asked catching my breath. "Hmm? I suppose." He replied as to sound like I broke his concentration. The second I got into a comfortable spot he returned to his work. As for me I decide to have a little fun on his expense. I leaned up & blew gently on his beautiful furry balls then ever so slightly ran my tongue across them. "MMMMM!" He replied as he continued to suck me off. I continue my little tease session just watch his reactions.

So I began to lick & gently nibble along his shaft. Making sure that every inch is pleasured immensely. As I continue my efforts his cock was leaking pre-cum like mad. "Hmmm, Do. M... ore." He muffled in-between sucks. After he muttered that a huge wave of pleasure washed over me. "OH Y...ou Na...ughty Fuc...king Male." I gasped as he found my sweet spot. At this point I was coming close to my release & he knew it. He had me at edge with my know fully swollen then he backed off. Before I could protest he looked into my eyes & smiled.

"I think that's enough for now shall we move onto the next step." He asked repositioning himself. I licked my lips with anticipation as to what he had in store for us. "Sh...all I ge...t what's need...ed?" I huffed. "Allow me." He replied moving over to my night stand. Once he grabbed the sexual lubricant from it I couldn't help but start to suck on his beautiful cock. "Where did you learn how to do that?" He stated as I sucked long & deep. To answer him I waved a finger at him stating I'm not telling.

"OH MY WO...RD THIS IS AM...AZING!!" He moaned. I picked up the pace given him countless waves of bliss. "DAN Ple...ase Ea...se Up!" He replied panting heavily. "POP!" "Something wrong?" I asked pulling his cock out of my mouth & looking up at him. "Y...ou Alm...ost made me Cum." He pointed out. "Oh! I'm sorry hun." I smiled licking along his shaft & swollen knot. "You Nau...ghty canine." He gasped. I stuck my tongue out as he moved towards my hips.

Naturally I perked up knowing all to well what was coming next. Though I couldn't keep still while got himself lubed up. "I see someone is really eager huh?" He stated looking at me in the darkness of my room. "Would you behave any differently?" I asked in response. "No I guess I wouldn't." He grinned. "Well hurry up lover I don't think I can wait any longer." I said seductively. "My apologies my love." He smiled positioning himself.

I no sooner got ready as the tip of his cock began to press against my tail hole. So I made sure I was as relaxed as possible to make things easier for him. Years of practice made entering me a lot easier for him. "POP!" "He...llo St Uddd." I stammered as his full length entered me. I did however give him a small look of concern. That however faded when he leaned over & kissed me. "I'll be as gentle & skilled as you want me to be love." He whispered sweetly into my ear.

With that being said he started to thrust in & out slowly making sure I wasn't uncomfortable. "Huff, huff, Fa...ster uuh you beaut..ifulll mma..le." I stammered with love in my eyes. He leans over once more & whispers gingerly into my ear. "How's this?" He replied seductively as the pace of his thrusts increased. Sending me into a state of bliss I've never experienced before in my life. I knew Rick was skilled but I didn't think this skilled.

So I decided to throw him a bit of a kinky curve. As he thrusted into me I grabbed his hips, folded my legs against my stomach & rotated on his hard shaft. "Ho...lly Shh...iii...ttt Wh...ere did yooo..uuu learn ttthhaat?" He stuttered. "Kyle did it to me a couple of times when we were together." I informed looking back with a naughty smile. "Sheesh if you rotated any further I would've cum." He replied resuming his thrusts. I waited a while until he got back into his rhythm before doing it again. "Do you mean like this?" I replied rotating to the left a little.

"Aah! Y-y-yes." He stammered as the sensations coursed through him. Luckily he was able to hold his urge to cum back for now at least. He looked into my eyes which such lust I merely licked my lips with anticipation. While we gazed into each other eyes he leaned over & we exchanged several deep French kisses. Our tongues wrestled around in each other muzzles eliciting moans, murrs & grunts from the other.

After a good fifteen to twenty minutes we were lost in our lust for each other. "HO...LD ON!" I stammered. "What's wrong hun?" He replied leaning closer. "I think it's my turn to please you." I pointed out. "Alright just give me a second to pull out okay." He stated as he slowly removed his cock from my tail hole. With a subtle sloppy pop his member was free I didn't enjoy the feeling of being empty. After a few seconds it passed & I went to work on Rick by gently massaging his prostate.

"Alrighty you I think I'm ready let's see what You/ oh my god." He replied as he saw my large rock hard shaft. His tongue flopped out of his mouth as he started drooling with anticipation. So he quickly bounded over to the foot of my bed & bent over. Once he lifted his tail out of the way I started to stroke my cock against his. Making sure his knot got special attention which thrilled him to no end.

"Oh god it feels so good oh yeah" He moaned as I kept stroking our cocks together. That nearly sent Rick & myself over the edge. "OH YES OH GOD YES!!!!" "We gasped. "EN-ou-gh Ba-be please put your cock in me." He stammered between moans. With that he spread his ass cheeks looked back at me & smiled. Once I got the "take me" look I proceeded to enter his tail hole. I teased him at first which he growl in disapproval so I thrusted in.

He arch up howled in bliss as my cock filled every inch of his orifice. "Sheesh you tight for an experienced male." I informed. "Well I wasn't expecting such a big cock from such a lean figured male." He smiled looking over his shoulder. I leaned over started placing gentle, tender kisses up his back & down each shoulder. "MMM!" He crooned. As I began thrusting he started jerking himself trying to match my pace.

Rick continued to moan as I continued to pump into him. He felt the pressure build to its maximum he couldn't hold back anymore "AHHHH OH YES AHH I'M CUMMMMIN'!!!!!!" He howled shot hot streams of cum landed on the bed. My knot swelled slowly as I continued to pump into him at a steady rhythm. I pulled back and slammed into his ass one final as my knot popped into him. "OH YES I'M CUMMMMING TOOO!!!!!" I screamed feeling my own hot streams of cum spurting into his ass. Sending him & myself completely over the edge with unhindered bliss.

"Wow in all my years I've never cum so hard or so much." He stated as we feel onto the bed. "I guess Kyle wasn't lying when he said we fit together perfectly." I replied wrapping my arms around him. "Mhmm." He smiled. As we laid there enjoying our afterglow. We used what little strength we had to move to the head of the bed. Neither of us bothered to cover ourselves with a blanket.

Rick drifted off to sleep a few minutes later I stayed up for a little while longer. Once I felt my knot shrink some I slowly pulled it free he let out a small grunt. Though he didn't stir from his slumber so I nuzzled myself against him. As I held him close to myself I started thinking. Who knew an average day out would turn into something so beautiful. I went from being alone looking for love in all the wrong places. To winding up sleeping with the man of my dreams. The odds are pretty far fetched but I certainly wouldn't change them.

In the months that followed I moved in with Rick & things are going wonderfully. We've been tossing the idea of marriage back & forth but we can't seem to come to a decision. Even after we took a couple weeks off of work to visit our parents. Granted we got their blessings sadly we still can't make up our minds. So we settled for engagement & see where things take us. Well all I can say is that the future is never set in stone. We're all along for the ride so enjoy what you have while it's there. For you never know what's waiting for you around the next bend.

The End.