Dragon Fate

Story by ThyPentacle on SoFurry

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Old short story I wrote loooong ago... just posting here now. Still means as much to me as it did in ages past. :)

Dragon Fate

By: ThyPentacle - thypentacle at yahoo dot com


Having lived most of my life in the city, I found myself wanting a break from the hectic existence of urban living. I was now in my late twenties, and was feeling burned out by what once made me comfortable. Longing for some peace, I drove to a place my parents took me often when I was a young boy, an old farmhouse in the country that I now owned. Long abandoned, nobody had been to this place since both my parents had died in a car crash nine years before, but aside from the fact that the paint was chipping away from the wooden siding, the old place wasn't in bad shape.

I arrived early in the morning; having left the city well before the sun was up, and pulled my car up into the driveway. I was happy that I made it here in that damn wreck of a car, and as I got out of it, I sincerely hoped I wouldn't have to drive it again until I left to go back home.

After spending a few hours cleaning up the place a bit, I was now relaxing in the front room. Not really much of a room, barely furnished, but I felt more comfortable sitting in there now than I had for the past year combined in the city. Things were simpler out here. A chair, small table with a lamp on it, and a book was all I needed right now. I enjoyed the moment for what it was and nothing more. No worries of the future or regrets of the past were going to ruin this for me. I blocked them from my mind and for once in my life, I was happy to be alone with only my thoughts to keep me company.

The next day I woke up around seven in the morning. Being used to a busy work schedule, it was habit to wake up then and I was halfway out of bed before I remembered where I was and that I didn't have to work today. Knowing though, that I can almost never go back to sleep as soon as I wake, and figuring that staring at the ceiling would be no fun, I got up.

After a slim breakfast, I walked out onto the front porch and sat on the steps. Remembering all the good times I had here with my parents when I was young and near tears over the fact that they are gone. However I snapped myself out of it quickly as soon as I realized what was happening. I knew I couldn't change it and wasn't going to cry over it. I had some good times here and will always cherish those memories forever. Sadness will not ruin my few days of peace.

Chapter One: Discovery

Having spent most of the day at the house, I decided to go for a walk on a nearby road that has seen few travelers. After a good bit of time walking and thinking, I opted to rest for a little while. Standing there, completely alone and enjoying the silence and isolation of this place, I noticed something... I was just within view of an isolated path off to the side. From where I was standing, it seemed rather well hidden, and if it were not for the fact that some trees had been blown over by a recent storm, clearing the path, I would have never noticed it.

I moved toward this new discovery with peaked curiosity. I had been here several times before long ago, and was interested in seeing what I had been so close too but never noticed. I entered the path and continued on for quite some time. Knocking branches and other obstacles aside as I went, I noticed a clearing up ahead. After moving past my final obstacle, a dead tree that had fallen who knows when, I came upon a beautiful site, an old marble pond with a fountain. I wondered how long ago this relic would have been built. The clearing within was surrounded by trees on all sides with the exception of the path I had walked to it from. There was water within it, very dirty, but in the middle of the filth and muck, rising above from the center, was a statue of a lovely creature. It was a Dragon. I had seen many drawings of them before, but took note of the fact that this was the most detailed view of one I'd ever seen. It was almost too realistic, as if it was created using a real Dragon as a model.

Stepping carefully over some fallen stones that once formed an archway, I approached the fountain for a closer look. I noticed some text on the base of the fountain; written in a language I had never seen before. There was a stone platform below the text. It was, I assumed, a place to kneel down upon. Perhaps to worship? After looking around me to be sure nobody else was watching, I knelt down on it. As I did so, the stone moved down from the weight. Startled, I got back up, fearing I may fall through the hole that was now where the stone had been. Looking within, there were stairs leading down underneath. Now I was very excited. Had I discovered some new ancient temple? Maybe this would make me famous, I wondered. Stepping down onto the steps, I quickly realized that I couldn't really go much further without a flashlight.

Having walked to my car and back to the fountain, I was rather winded. I had picked up my relaxed pace and was moving rather quickly at this point. I wanted to see what those stairs led to, and I was about to find out. Stepping slowly, past the opening and down into a small hallway. There wasn't much to see until I reached the end of the hall. There was an engraving, with a path to the right and left of it. Knowing I couldn't read what the text said, I went down the left path, figuring that most people would pick the one to the right.

Being pretty deep into this... whatever it was, I began to worry that I may be trapped accidentally, but this thought quickly vanished from my mind when I saw what was at the end of the path I chose. There was a large room with a mirror-wall opposite the entrance, with what looked to be a pure gold border or frame around it. I began to wonder what treasure might lie at the end of the other path, when I noticed something very strange. What was in the mirror being reflected was not what was in the room. It all looked new, as if it was built yesterday, and there were red tapestries on the walls and torches of some kind to each side of the doorway I just came through. My own reflection was still in the mirror, and yet, I knew, this can't be a mirror. My brain tried to make sense of it all.

I stepped slowly closer to the mirror and reached out my hand to touch it. Upon my fingers being to the point they should have hit solid matter, they passed into the mirror. I stepped back a bit in slight confusion... but then, as if by instinct, or some force calling to me behind the mirror.... I stepped through it.

The next thing I remember after this is two strange looking creatures carrying me up the stairs I had came down here on, but everything was different: more different than I could even comprehend.

Chapter Two: Friend

I now found myself outside, in some kind of public square. The two creatures that had carried me there were gone. I wished I was able to get a better look at them, but after traveling through the mirror, or whatever it was, my mind was blurry, but I could have sworn I saw... something...

Standing up and looking around, I noticed that it was nearing evening and the square was empty, and there was, it seemed, nothing alive in the immediate vicinity but me. I walked towards the most interesting part of this new environment I found myself in. A circular area used for some kind of ritual. I hoped in the back of my mind that I wasn't about to be a sacrifice on the alter table at the center. Just then, someone called to me, but the language... so strange. I turned around to see something I could never believe without it being directly in front of me. The creature was, strangely, very attractive to me. It was a green Dragon, but not like the one I first saw at the center of the fountain. This one was more slender and graceful, a standing biped nearly eight or so feet tall at the head, but smaller than I thought they were supposed to be. It walked towards me in a very careful manner, as if it was trying not to scare me, and spoke again, "Nxuk aj oeih dumo?" Of course, I couldn't understand, but did notice it was motioning for me to follow it, yet I could not as yet make myself move... and the Dragon seemed slightly irritated by this fact, but motioned yet again for me to approach. After some careful thought, and noticing again, that I found this... Dragon, attractive... I followed.

As we walked, I thought to myself... based on the softness of its voice and the fact that I saw no obvious signs of this being a male in the strictest sense, this was a female. There was no way to be sure as I had no knowledge of their physiology, so perhaps this was wishful thinking on my part... though, oddly enough, I hoped my assumption was correct. Smiling from the ridiculous thoughts now going through my head, I continued on, my new acquaintance leading the way.

We entered what looked like a regular home, as regular as I could expect to find in this upside down place. It was located down a public avenue nearby the square. Made of stone, but very comfortable, there were rugs on the floors, and a skylight in the ceiling which gave plenty of light. I noticed that, despite what I saw outside, this culture had technology more advanced then I thought at first. There were strange devices laying on a nearby table that looked very futuristic, even to me. Being from a computer-based age, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I thought I had traveled back in time, but this can't be the past with such things, and yet there is a mixture of old and new. Am I in the future, or some alternate reality, and will I ever see my home again? Even if I could, my desire to stay in this strange place was growing. My life back home was not the best, and I hoped, maybe this place can be my new home...

The Dragon was looking at me now, like it was wondering what I was thinking. I myself wasn't sure of this, and simply followed further as it pulled out a chair from a table and motioned for me to sit. I did so gladly; this entire situation was draining me and my mind was still a blur. The Dragon walked off, leaving me alone. This left me feeling even more scared, which was odd, to say the least. The fact that a Dragon would make me feel more comfortable was hard to fathom. Luckily, it returned shortly, carrying a cup of something. The Dragon saw that I was happy for its return, and seemed to be pleased by this. I was handed the cup and the Dragon spoke again, "Thadb kxaj ak nacc xocf oei utzijk udt idtohjkudt." Knowing I had no clue what it was saying, the Dragon handed me the cup, then motioned for me to drink it by pretending that it had one as well. I laughed slightly, thinking that's how you tell a child to do something, but realized that that kind of communication is rather universal, and logical. So I drank.

It was sweet as honey, but with a metallic after taste. The face I made after drinking it down got a giggle and a smile from the Dragon. I began to somehow know for sure, that this Dragon is indeed a she. I had no idea how I knew for sure, but there wasn't a doubt in my mind. Pleased that she was a she made me laugh again. What was I thinking?? I must be losing my mind to have such thoughts. She looked at me intensely, as if she was reading my mind like a book. This made my face turn red, as I knew that if she could do that, she'd be in for a shock at the thoughts I just had. She simply smiled again, and after a short pause, spoke, "Ne yea awnobcdiwn grid U cxoit weg?" After realizing I didn't understand yet again, she repeated several times, and started to get a confused look on her face. As if something should have happened to make me understand.

She spoke again, "Do yea awnobcdiwn grid U cxoit now?" I couldn't believe it, I understood a small part of what she said. She repeated again, "Do you awnobcdiwn what I cxoit now? I was giddy with excitement as I started to understand. I motioned for her to repeat, which she did happily. "Do you understand what I speak now?" I could barely contain myself as I shouted, "I can understand you!?" She was very happy to hear this, and spoke again, "What I have given you will help you adjust and understand." I asked as I looked at the empty cup, "What was it that I drank?" She answered quickly, seeming glad to talk with me finally, "It is the elixir of knowledge and life. It is a very special gift I give to welcome you to my home." She finished with a smile. I gratefully returned it without pause. "Thank you very much... what is your name?" I pointed towards her forgetting that she completely understands everything I'm saying and it isn't necessary. She smiled at me, making me feel very nice indeed, speaking again, "My name is Jenendra Torren. What is yours?" I had to think for a second as I had forgotten it, "My name is Matthew. I'm very glad to meet you Jenendra." I smiled at her with the intent to let her know I liked her very much, even though we had just met, I was completely intrigued by her and hoped she wouldn't be angry with me as I moved my hand towards hers on the table. I feared I was moving too fast, and started to pull it back, when she put her hand on top of mine. "I'm very pleased to meet you as well Matthew." I was surprised by how soft and warm her touch was, and began to forget about any thought of ever going home again....

Chapter Three: Understanding

Jenendra and I spent several hours talking. I had told her how I came to be here with her, and she was very impressed by my story. It was known that this had happened before, but it was very rare. She told me that only the worthy are granted the gift of finding what she called the Temple of Destiny, and then they are presented with two paths: One leading to the path most desired, and one leading to the start of life, with each choice being different, but the same. That meaning, whether I chose the left or right path, made no difference. It was meant as a metaphor for making a choice more than anything. Only my purity of heart would determine what was at the end of the hall, of either path. She explained that the path to the start of life, would have led me to relive my life again, so I would learn more, and eventually come to choose the correct path only when I was ready. I wondered how many times I had lived my life, before finally being granted this gift. To be here with Jenendra made me happier than I had ever been, and she was feeling the same about me. I asked her if such matings were strange in this place. She simply said that love has no boundaries here, and that we were meant for each other. That's why she came to greet me in the square. She knew I would be there.

I also learned through our talks, that I was indeed in the distant past, and that Dragon society is very advanced, much more advanced technologically then we are: hundreds of years ahead of us in fact. She explained, that centuries ago, when they were at their peak of technological advancement, they began to live simpler lives, and combined the old with the new. Creating the perfect balance of technology and culture. I asked how it is possible that in my time we have no records or fossils of such a society existing in our history. She told me about what they have studied of time by using the Temple of Destiny: of a time when Dragons will leave this planet to find a new home in the stars. This becomes necessary she says, because of the evolutionary introduction of a new species on Earth, one that is brutal, and difficult to coexist with. That being humans. She tried to comfort me and explained she doesn't mean to offend me.... but I quickly let her know that I feel the same way about humans, even though I am one. Her response, "It must be difficult to think of humans like that, being one yourself..." I simply said, "Not anymore." and smiled at her.

It was getting rather late in the evening, and I was very tired now. Jenendra noticed my sleepiness and asked if I'd like to bed with her. My response was an immediate thought of sex with her, of which she somehow knew. "No not like that... sleep, unless you want to bond with me immediately?" with some embarrassment in her voice. I looked into her eyes... big beautiful green eyes that seemed to reach into my soul, "To be and talk with you makes me feel more fulfilled than anything I've ever experienced in my life, and to have you in that way, would make my existence the purest it's ever been, but we should take it slow. I don't want to rush you." She seemed disappointed, but agreed. So we walked into her bedroom. It was the same kind of room as we were previously in with the exception of some very large, very comfortable looking bedding in the center of the room. She laid down on it and invited me over with a teasing smile. I wondered if I should just make wild love to her right then and there, but decided, in my present condition, I most likely couldn't handle the challenge at the moment. I laid down in front of her and she put one of her surprisingly soft muscular arms around me, and then a wing. No blanket in existence could feel as good around me as she did. I was afraid of going to sleep. Fearing I may wake from this perfect dream. Immediately, Jenendra assured me, "This is not a dream Matthew. Fear not, for I shall be here when you awake." After hearing her soft gentle voice putting to rest my fears, I fell asleep to the gentle rhythm of her heart beating against my back.

When morning came, I awoke feeling like a new man. Never before had I been so well rested. Strange, I didn't feel hungry as I usually do when I wake up. Jenendra was still sleeping behind me. I watched her intently for several minutes, and studied her body. She was a Dragon, but she was more attractive than any woman I ever saw. Long slender body, but not too slender, very powerful muscles, sharp teeth, large wings now folded behind her, and a long sexy pointed tail. I wondered who in their right mind would challenge such a powerful gorgeous beast as her. If they did so, they surely would not survive. Then I noticed something that made me turn red again.... just above her tail, now exposed, was her private area.... I looked away for a moment to see if she had awakened, and seeing she had not, continued to stare at this new find. "She looks tight." I thought, but didn't dare say, at fear of her hearing me. I hoped she couldn't read my mind in her sleep as well. I was tempted to dive right in and start licking away, but I kept control of myself... I thought, certain other areas of my body didn't have such control over things. I was as hard as a steel rod, and wanted so badly to penetrate her I could taste it. However I noticed something strange that demanded my attention, my erection was twice as big as usual. This was puzzling, so I pulled my pants away from my stomach to have a look and was shocked to see that my penis had grown in length and width. I was happy to have a nearly fifteen-inch boner, but had no idea how this could be. Just then Jenendra woke up and noticed me staring at my new member. She laughed, "You like what you see?" I put it back under my clothes and tried my best to remove the red from my face, with no luck. She smiled, "I forgot to tell you. What you drank yesterday is a more precious gift than you think. It gives you knowledge and life. Your body has been.... adjusted. Take a look in that mirror over there." She motioned for me to walk over to a mirror on a far wall. What I saw before me, in the mirror, was indeed a changed man. I was still human, but I never looked better in my life. Near perfection were the first two words in my mind at seeing this 'new me'.

Jenendra walked up behind me and took me in her arms, "Your body has chosen it's new form, and I'm glad to see, that you have come out very nicely." she then put her hand over my newly elongated member. This caused an intense surge of blood to enter it, I could safely say now, that I could impale a horse with it in its current state, or at the very least a pony. Jenendra placed her head on my right shoulder, and I put my right hand over it as I looked at her in the mirror, "You sure it's not too big? I don't know how well hung a male dragon is...." She tightened her grasp on me, "I can't be sure, as I have never been with anyone in that way before, but I'm fairly certain, you have enough and then some. We'll have to take it slow so you don't hurt me." This caused me to feel very proud, and with great sincerity I turned around to face her saying, "You mean I'll be your first?..... I'm very honored Jenendra... I don't deserve you." A tear came to my eye as I lowered my head and my heart felt heavy as a bag of bricks. She placed her hand under my chin lifting it up then wiped away the tear, "I am the one who is honored Matthew. You underestimate yourself." she then hugged me so tight I thought I was going to be crushed. After a long embrace I asked, "So what other new things did that potion of yours do to me?" She thought for a bit, "Well, I think you already know. You have not felt hungry have you?" I remembered thinking that earlier and she explained to me that I would never have to eat or drink again to sustain myself, unless I wanted to for the mere enjoyment of it, but I never really enjoyed the process of eating and digesting food, so I was relieved I no longer had to. We talked for some time about many things after that. She told me that I no longer had any worries. My life was now very simple on a physical level. My body would heal itself and I would exist in perfect health for as long as I wanted to. She also told me she herself has these same benefits, and in fact, has been alive for almost a thousand years, which she said is young for one of her people. Being a man that has always liked older woman, and seeing some irony in that she calls herself young at that age, was oddly amusing to me. Over the greater part of that day, she made me understand many things, but the only thing I really cared about now was that my feelings for her were growing stronger. I had never felt a love so pure as this...

Chapter Four: Bonding

Late afternoon was approaching now, and Jenendra and I had been walking around the surrounding beautifully forested landscape outside of town getting to know each other better. We came to rest on top of a small hill that overlooked the town below. She was telling me of her people as we watched them doing their daily routines below. I now knew that I never wanted to leave her side, and I asked her straight out, "I'm not sure what you call it here, but... um... we call it marriage." She stopped me, "Ah, we call it bonding." I stumbled for the words, but thankfully, she interrupted, "I would love to bond with you and be your mate, Matthew. Do you wish the same?" I blurted out, "Hell yeah!... um, I mean yes, I would." This got a sweet giggle out of her that made my insides shake with joy.

We faced each other and she took my right hand in hers and placed it over her chest, with her left hand now over top of mine there, she motioned for me to do the same with her other hand. I placed it on my chest and then my own over hers. She spoke, "I bond with you, Matthew, taking you above all others, in honor and happiness, I give you my eternal promise of love and devotion." I repeated, "I bond with you, Jenendra, taking you above all others, in honor and happiness, I give you my eternal promise of love and devotion." At this moment, a feeling of intense warmth filled our hearts, and I saw some kind of energies transpose between us. I felt so full of life I thought I was going to explode in a flash of energy, and then, as fast as it started, it was over. Jenendra took me in her arms, "It is done." After a short pause to recover from what had just happened, I spoke with a smile, "and they lived happily ever after." She pulled me away from her chest with a laugh, "the end, or is it the beginning..." Then she gave me the wettest tongue kiss I've ever got. We both were so happy we could scream, and I asked if now would be a good time to consummate our union. She grabbed me and before I knew it, she was air born heading back to her home, with me in her arms. I was holding on tightly even though I knew I was now nearly immortal, I still didn't think it would feel to good to hit the ground from this high up.

Now in her soft bed again... she slowly took off my clothes. Soft sounds like purring coming from her mouth as she used one of her pointed clawed fingers to slowly rub a line down one side of my face, "I know you were looking at my private area this morning... and I know what you were thinking of doing. So I invite you to proceed..." I was more than happy to oblige her now, all embarrassment and shyness was gone. She laid down on her back, her wings stretched out under her. I came towards her seeing that she was now very wet and her vagina was slightly inflamed, demanding my attention. I slowly rubbed her with my hand and this caused her to let out a low groan of pleasure. I wondered how loud that would get when my now enormous penis was inside her, but I wanted to take it slow, and please her the best I could. I proceeded to lick the outer parameters of her vagina, and slowly moved in.

I separated her with my fingers to expose her clit, and then licked one time to test the reaction. She let out a load moan that would make any man proud to hear. I went to licking deeper and inserted a finger or two. Her every sound of pleasure was just begging me for more. Her vagina was so hot and soft I couldn't believe it, and it took some effort to even insert my fingers. I wanted so badly to push deep inside her with my manhood, but I continued to lick her. She was shaking from the inside out and I could feel every pulse she had through my mouth. Then she let loose a squirt that tasted so good I picked up the pace of licking to encourage more to come forth.

As I did this she curled her body and her head was now up between my legs, she took her hand and guided my member inside her mouth. Her tongue rapped around it and it felt so good I nearly ejaculated on the spot. She moved down and inserted my entire length into her mouth and began to come up, then down, then up, my god it felt so good. Her muffled tones of pleasure demanded me for more, so I licked on, and began inserting three, then four, fingers, she was so tight, but I wanted to save the biggest insertion for last, my now throbbing member, so I held back the urge to push in my entire hand. She was sucking me so hard that I feared I would cum too early, but just as I felt it on the way, she would stop for a short time, as if she could feel what I feel. The thought of this made me even hotter: I felt my energies building. Continuing, throbbing, licking, sucking, the experience was more intense than I ever thought possible.

Her soft fine scales, now hot to the touch, felt so good against my skin. I encouraged her to allow me to move on. She removed my member from her mouth, my cock now wet with her juices. She layed fully on her back, as if surrendering fully to my advance... I came up over her tail, placed her legs around behind me, and gently, with great care, placed the head of my penis over her waiting hole, and used it to message her slowly, she was now moaning with every exhale, I was almost ready... I started to push it in. Now past her slit... she was so tight that it took a few moments to break the inner surface, but eventually, in a fast reaction to the pressure I was applying, it popped in, now just the head, but enough to make her scream with ecstasy and tighten her legs around me. I pushed forward, now nearly halfway in, she screamed again, then moaned softly, "I want all of you." then she wrapped her tail around my body, it now felt as though we were one being, one soul. I pushed the rest of the way, my full length now deep inside her. She screamed loud enough to wake the dead, and the thought of any neighbors hearing us briefly entered my mind, but I didn't care. I thrusted, and thrusted: slow long hard thrusts at first. I was loosing myself inside her.

She pulled me close to her chest. Her orgasmic screams were constant. I began to thrust faster... and faster, I wanted to fill her with my seed so badly it hurt. Her vagina was tightening, her body was shaking in pulses, each more intense than the last, I felt her starting to climax, with each of my thrusts she came closer, and closer, I tried to time my orgasm with hers... we were almost there, moaning, screaming, thrusting, faster, and faster, so hot and tight. I loved her so much, and she loved me, I could feel her starting to cum. Her pussy was squirting more of those delicious juices, I felt her tighten one final time, then it happened... the most intense feeling I'd ever felt. She came with such force and sound that it rivaled the loudest of thunderstorms. I too came, far more than I ever have, it surged out of me, once, twice, and then a final last injection of my seed. I came so much her vagina spit out a small amount of overflow. I had filled her as much as I could, even more than she could handle. We both fell from the intensity of it. Exhausted, spent, and completely satisfied. Sleep soon followed, with me again, tightly in her loving embrace.

Chapter Five: Happiness

It has been several decades since we first met each other, and we are still happily bonded to this day. Having been together for so long, and even making time for a family along the way, I can't imagine ever being without Jenendra in my life. To be without her now, would be a fate worse than hell itself. I can only hope that you, who read these words now, can one day find such a perfect state of happiness as I. For this must be the meaning of all things. This is why we are all here; to seek out happiness in it's purest form. Just remember this one thought upon your quest. Be grateful for the gifts you are given, and always keep in mind, through all the pain and strife you endure, to cherish the good moments you have. I can safely say, being a humble man myself; I could never put into words how much I appreciate what I have.

Looking back on these events makes me feel very fortunate. If there was ever a time two soul-mates were brought together, this surely must be one of those instances. We love each other without end, and this will sustain us in perfect happiness.

The End

May your quest lead you to your hearts desires

Be they dreams of love, riches, or a life without mire

One day all will come to you, if you have patience to wait

Endeavor to be thankful, when you receive your gift, your fate