Spa Time

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#1 of Androl's Retreat

A short story I wrote whilst I am waiting on things to be edited, thanks to Dylan for letting me use him

Spa Time Androl (c) Russet Dylan (c) Strawberrymog

Walking up the steps Dylan ran a critical eye over the neat little building, noting the sign with a soft smile, 'Androl's Spa' was a modern glass and steel building and the entrance hall was large and airy. Pushing through the glass doors the otter smiled, running a paw through his wind tousled blonde hair, flicking it out of his eyes before approaching the white ewe sat behind the reception desk. Giving her a smile he placed his paws on the counter, presenting to her the small slip of glossy paper he'd been given as a Christmas present.

"Hi I have an appointment for a massage and spa access day, names Dylan,"

Taking the slip the curly fleeced sheep read over it then typed something on her computer and nodded her head, "Very good sir," she drawled with a smile, teeth constantly chew something small and pink, bubblegum he thought. "You're down for a sauna first then in with the boss for a full body massage." she blew a large pink bubble which she swirled back in with a practiced flick of her tongue before it burst. "After that you're good to enjoy the rest of the facilities locker room is through to the left, change into a towel then head through to sauna room eight."

It didn't take long for Dylan to strip, bundle his clothes into a locker and find his sauna room. The sauna's where all in a long corridor, ten wooden chambers built around heating rocks and water with vents overhead to draw away the excess steam. The corridor was warm and muggy and a mixture of scents filled the air, bergamot, rosemary, thyme and lemon, it was a welcoming mix and Dylan was happy to slip into the steam and relax. He spent over forty minutes just relaxing in the sauna, letting the rather cute hedgehog who was attending to the rocks and water keep him enfolded in the wet, warm embrace of the thick steam. When he finally emerged he couldn't help but yawn and stretch, cricking his neck, sighing happily before following the directions he'd been given into the massage parlour. He was still slick with a layer of moisture, his thick brown fur glistening, causing the water to form into beads that clung to his body or soaked into the thick towel wrapped about his waist. As he padded over the dimpled tiles his webbed paws gripped expertly to help him stay balanced as his rudder tail swung back and forth behind him eagerly as he thought about the massage to come.

He couldn't help but take a professional interest in the room, it had been awhile since he'd been on the receiving end of a massage and he was happy to see this parlour met all the standards he'd expect. He was just examining the oil bottles when the door clicking open made him jump. Turning around his polite greeting died in his throat, a strangled squeak all that emerged at the behemoth looming in the doorway. It was a very tall, very broad orca, well over three feet taller than him; his smooth, streamlined head almost touched the ceiling. He was wearing a pair of heavy duty black boots that laced up to the knees with a pair of plain black denim jeans tucked into them. The jeans were tight, his body streamlined but muscled to show off his swimmers physique and as Dylan let his eyes travel over his body he flushed and squirmed a bit when he noticed he was only wearing boots and jeans with nothing covering his dark black and clean white chest. His skin was damp and his face had a welcoming smile on it as he shut the door behind him, the orca then moved to stand by the table and looked down at Dylan, heavy, rudder like tail swaying from side to side.

"On the table please sir, face down and just relax for me," his voice was a deep, rich rumble that had the otter curling his toes and trying not to squirm at the thought of this big liquid smooth killer whale having him under paw. Quickly Dylan clambered onto the bed and lay down, head resting on the cushioned pillow he closed his eyes and waited; it had been sometime since someone gave him a massage. "My name is Androl and you sir... just need to relax and let me take care of you," that rumbling voice seemed to echo through his mind and the powerful hands that started to spread lemon scented oil into his fur seemed to transmit it directly into his spine.

Dylan was very glad he was face down on the bed; he could feel his sheath thickening even as Androl worked the oil past his fur and into his skin. It felt good, very good, the orca knew what he was doing, fingers working the oil in until he tingled from his calved up to the back of his neck. All the while he talked quietly and confidently, explaining what he was doing, why he was doing it and what muscles he was intending to work on. When he began to massage with deeper reaching, firm strokes Dylan couldn't help but cry out, it was an odd mixture of pleasure and pain, coupled together, leaving the otter limp and responsive only to the big orca's powerful, skilled paws.

When it was over Dylan had to be helped shakily to his feet, paws clutching the towel as Androl wiped excess oil from his smooth hands. His broad muzzle lowered so he could look Dylan in the eye. "You'll feel a bit of a twinge for while and you should wash off the excess oil, I suggest you go have a swim in the pool." he pointed at the door on the far side of the room, "Go relax and enjoy the feeling of your body being properly relaxed, life will soon have you tensed up again but a good swim and soak will help you really enjoy the feeling." It wasn't really a suggestion Dylan could ignore, infatuated with the big, powerful guy Dylan nodded shyly and scampered for the door, he slowed and stretched before he went through, he really did feel great.

The room with the swimming pool in it was quite cosy with tiled walls, no windows illuminated by recessed panels of glass that glowed with a diffuse white light. Diffused because of the warm, wet mist that was almost worse than the saunas fog had been, it was a thick, heavy fog swirling and clinging against his mostly nude frame. Wafting back and forth around Dylan as he padded toward the pool that filled the centre of the room this heated water vapour mixed with the oils still in his fur, making it glisten and fracture with oily rainbow patterns. It felt rather nice and Dylan would have been happy to relax in the steam alone but the orca had all but ordered him into the pool. Walking to the edge Dylan dipped a foot in the water; it was warm but not hot enough to cause the steam which was a relief. It was a very large pool, the far edge lost in the fog and it was deep and dark, he couldnt even begin to make out the bottom.

Looking around sheepishly Dylan slipped off his towel and lowered himself into the water, he was up to his shoulders and still couldn't touch the floor. Smiling his broad nose twitched, scenting the salty tang from the warm water now flowing and clinging to his body.

"Salt water pool... that's different." he murmured to himself, pressing his legs against the side, bending his knees, holding on with his hands so he could arch his back. Swishing his tail back and forth through the water he pushed off, cutting through the water with a powerful stroke. With his webbed paws spread wide and his rudder moving to steer him the otter pushed through the water, leaving the shore behind, enjoying the disharmony of the hot, clinging steam playing over his head and back as it breached the surface and the cooler touch of water sliding around him as he swam. Drawing a deep breath Dylan dived, searching for the floor of the pool, sinking down into the murky blue depth. Ten feet down he found the tiled floor of the pool, paws sliding over the smooth ceramic he turned his body and looked around and then gaped as lights clicked on around the edges of the pool. Beams of bright white light cut through the darkness; illuminating the underwater realm, creating strange ethereal patterns of shadow and light.

Turning his body so his feet were pointed down Dylan started to lazily move across the bottom of the pool, enjoying the slick rush of heavy water across his oiled fur. He had enough breath for at least ten minutes and it felt good to stretch, his body hadn't felt this limber and free for ages. Doubling up he wrapped his hands about his ankles and held the position for a count of ten before releasing, it was amazing he could bend and curve so much. Pushing up off the bottom of the pool Dylan struck out again, weaving around beams of light this time, just enjoying the pool and everything it had to offer for an otter like him.

As he swam in a slow circle near the centre of the pool he sensed more than felt a change in the water. Looking around he didn't see anything at first and then a shadow passed in front of one of the lights. Slowly Dylan was able to make out details, a rich white underbelly, smooth black skin covering the rest of him and a powerful set of arms that thrust him through the water with the air of an even larger tail then his own. It was Androl... he had no dorsal fin but his size and power more than made up for that and then a part of Dylan's mind kicked its way into his consciousness. The whale was naked, smiling and coming straight toward Dylan, smooth as an arrow released from a bow and almost as fast.

Panicking the otter flailed at the water for a moment before swimming instinct kicked over and he bolted. Swimming as hard as he could he shot toward the edge of the pool, angled toward the surface, hoping to escape. A small rational part of his brain was trying to tell him it was a silly way to react but the greater part of his brain was just screaming the word "Orca" at him and he was fleeing! Less than three feet from the surface something dark suddenly blotted out the light from above. Androl smoothly inserted himself between Dylan and escape, arms wide and a winning grin on his muzzle as he passed above the otter. Try as he might to slow down and change course it was too late and he was going way too fast. Dylan swam right into Androl's open arms and they closed about his body, not crushing but holding him firmly in place against that smooth chest, his crotch pressed against the orca's toned stomach.

Dylan flailed and squirmed but Androl held on tightly and breached the surface, taking the otter with him for which the otter was grateful as he heaved in a lungful of fresh air. Gulping he wriggled a bit against the powerful grip of the orca as Androl lazily swam on his back toward the short, his short, blunt muzzle pressed against Dylan's a wide, predatory grin on his muzzle.

"You swim fast little otter..." he rumbled, relaxing his grip to smooth his paws down the otter's back and tease across his tail, Anyone would think you were scared of me."

Flushing and letting himself relax Dylan squirmed lightly, more embarrassed now then terrified. "You... scared me is all... orca bearing down on me underwater, most people would panic... mfffff." He was cut off as one of Androl's hands pressed his muzzle up against his and he kissed the otter firmly, other paw lifting his rudder to slide through the water-slickened fur of his tail, teasing and kneading firmly and provocatively. The otter melted into that kiss, letting the orca's broad tongue slide into his muzzle to tangle with his own, moaning as those fingers pressed every spot along the length of his tail that would make him react.

Dylan was happy to sink into the orca's powerful arms, kissing back with gusto as the large, smooth body holding him lowered them into the water and backed him against the side of pool. When Androl broke the kiss Dylan blushed, ears tinged red as his thick otter dick pressed against Androl's stomach. This left him gasping and squirming as Dylan's sensitive flesh slid over Androl's smooth skin. This was caused by the orca deftly bobbing up and down, tail supporting him in the water, stopping them from sinking.

"I... wasn't... expecting oooooh," Dylan's attempt to speak was cut off as the Orca settled lower in the water, causing his dick to ride over Androl's smooth chest. The orca stopped bobbing up and down then and pulled Dylan down, which had him right on the edge, squirming and gasping as his shaft was pulled back over the slick flesh pressed so delightfully against his body.

Androl didn't stop even as Dylan's head approached the surface, "Big breath now otter," the orca rumbled as he plunged the otter under the pool until his feet met a hidden ledge. Androl was stood on it, easily towering out of the water but Dylan was now three feet under the water. Squirming lightly he wasn't entirely sure what to expect or do next as Androl held him under and then he almost lost his breath as the orca pushed in close, pinning him to the wall. Something nudged firmly against his chest, prompting the otter to look down, it was Androl's cock, thick and warm, tapering at the tip and broad at the base where it emerged from his body. It felt warm and slick against his body and even beneath the water Dylan could feel the orca's thick, gooey pre-cum smearing through his heavy fur. Androl ground his dick against Dylan's then drew back and the otter started squirming, mind filled with how much it'd hurt when the orca split his arse open with that thing, it was as long as his forearm and nearly as thick.

The warm wet flesh nudged against his thighs, drew back along with Androl's hips and then suddenly the big guy thrust his hips forward, the tip of his cock flaring, engulfing Dylan's dick! The sudden squeezing, tugging assault and the sensation of his dick being swallowed by another made Dylan gasp, expelling the oxygen from his lungs. A powerful thrust of legs and tail from Androl made sure he didn't have time to drown and instinct stopped him from inhaling a lungful of water. Cutting through the water on his back, holding Dylan in place the orca continued to engulf the otters hard dick in the hot, rippling flesh of his own, docking with the otter with powerful, rippling tugs of his own massive whale dick.

With steam clinging to fur and flesh above and warm water buoying them up from below Androl and Dylan were locked together in a hot embrace as the orca slowly thrust his hips, plunging more of Dylan's shaft into his own, groaning in pleasure at the feeling, pressing down on the otter's rump to slide more of his cock into his until there was no more to go. Grinning lazily at the otter as he swam on his back Androl kissed Dylan's ears, paws running up his back and then back down, a happy groan escaping him as he continued to squeeze, tease and tug on the otter's throbbing dick with his own.

Dylan didn't know what to do, instinct had taken over, and all he could do was thrust his hips, groan and shudder in pleasure at the tight, tugging pleasure surrounding his dick as Androl rode him in a most peculiar and very stimulating manner. Eyes closed, arms wrapped about the black and white body beneath him the otter continued to fuck the orca's shaft even as pre welled up around his shaft, thick and gooey it splashed against the fur of his groin only to be washed away as Androl started to dive. It was so tight, the flesh of the orca's dick gripped his own firmly, tugging tightly, dragging against the flesh, stopping Dylan from pulling it free, all he could do was hump and squirm and gasp in delight as the orca's larger, warm cock held his captive and assaulted it with squeezing pleasure that was more intense, more intimate than anything else he'd plunged his ottery dick into.

Drawing a breath and moving his hips Dylan followed the orca under the water. With his furry form pressed to smooth skin, the otter's paws rubbed and stroked along Androl's sides even as the big guy teased him. Fingers kneading, stroking, stimulating his body even as his cock tugged, teased and pulled over his cock until in the heat of their embrace, deep beneath the water Dylan hit his peak. Dick throbbing, balls drawn up against his body the otter unleashed a torrent of thick cum straight into Androl's shaft, only to have it pushed out and splattered against him in the water as Androl came as well. The obstruction of otter cock in his own forced his cum and Dylan's own to shoot up around his shaft. It was a strange rushing, tingling sensation, having that rich cum squish around his shaft and out. It also felt really good and Dylan found himself grinding his hips against Androl's own insistent grinding until he was left spent and shivering against the Orca's chest.

The heavily built black and white killer whale took his time to surface, paws petting over the otter, holding his shaft firmly about the smaller males until they reached the surface and he gently slid Dylan off and out of his dick.

"See," Androl rumbled as he groomed the otter's muzzle fur and kissed his neck, "I told you a swim would help finish your relaxation..." his paws scooped up water and poured it over Dylan's head, "Get in the showers and clean up, I'll expect you back tomorrow so I can work on your neck." Grinning he pushed away and dived again with a splash. Blushing heavily Dylan started to swim slowly toward the edge of the pool, he felt relaxed... embarrassed, exhausted... and thrilled by the idea of coming back tomorrow to find out what else his massage therapist had in store for him...
