Scene - Costume Change

Story by Sajja on SoFurry

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A scene for the character Tanaang, showing what he does when performing for an audience. Or, rather, what he does in between his performances to keep his audience coming back for more.

Costume Change by Sajja

Another day, another dance completed. Tanaang slid his twin shortswords back into the scabbards strapped to his thighs, securing them in place for the time being. They would be back out soon enough though, to put on another display of acrobatics, dexterity, and skill. The lizard with the vivid, blue-green eyes and rich indigo hide practically sauntered as he stepped away from his makeshift stage, the long, thin tail behind him swishing about languidly and doing next to nothing to keep his bared rear covered. And bare it was, for he was dressed rather simply and immodestly, in addition to the scabbards at his thighs, he wore just a pair of hard soled boots and a set of gauntlets, gray leather with thin, supple plates of metal overlaying them. Before him, his long, thick shaft bobbed with his every move, that fleshy purple cock jutting up hard and decorated with the image of a sea serpent coiled about it, done in glowing ink that matched his eyes.

Someone was waiting for him off to the side, someone that Tanaang had the pleasure of entertaining with his displays on a regular basis. Not that he knew that large minotaur or even his name, no, they only rarely spoke to one another, and today they wouldn't. But he would still know just how much the bull appreciated his performance. The minotaur was a good foot taller than the lizard, and he was nearly six feet tall. Ebony skin and fur that was inky black covered his body, save for where white leather and silvery metal kept him covered, a breastplate, some gauntlets and other bits of armor, as well as a heavy loincloth of leather with metal plates attached to it that hung from the bull's belt and draped down between his legs. Or, it would, if the bull weren't already in the process of unstrapping his belt and pulling it and the loincloth away.

They didn't need to exchange any words. Tanaang knew what the minotaur was here for, and the minotaur knew what the lizard was offering up after his nigh-nude display of dancing. They both had been through it all before. Without even a hint of hesitation, the lizard dropped to his knees before the larger male, the imposing length of the minotaur's half-hard shaft almost bumping against the end of Tanaang's muzzle. His lips parted before that nearly black flesh before him, his long, pointed tongue flicking from between them to give a teasing caress against the fat head of that bull-cock. It brought a grin to the minotaur's muzzle as he looked down on the sight of the slim, slinky lizard before him, and neither he nor the lizard seemed to care in the least that there were others there watching them. It wasn't exactly the most private of places, after all, a cul-de-sac near one of the arenas that dotted J'Zhai, and it wasn't exactly deserted.

It only took a moment before the lizard was taking full advantage of his tongue, its length every bit as dextrous as the rest of him, curling that warm, wet flesh about the large shaft before him, pulling the bull's stiffening flesh into his maw as he leaned forward. Tanaang's lips quickly sealed about the minotaur's flesh just beneath that cockhead, his tongue caressing against it as he started to suckle from it, eliciting a pleased groan from the larger male. He kept his tongue in contact with that black cock as he started attending to it, stroking and caressing at the sensitive flesh held in his mouth, coaxing the other male's flesh harder, and the minotaur was all too eager to respond the way the lizard wanted. Tanaang's hands weren't idle, either, one lifting to the minotaur's hip and taking hold there while the other rose up between the bull's spread thighs, the clawed fingers of his gauntlet just barely touching against the ponderous orbs of the minotaur's heavy balls, teasingly touching against the furless skin covering them.

Lips pressed tight about the considerable girth of that cock, the lizard slid his muzzle down the length of that shaft, a slow, smooth, silky stroke as Tanaang swallowed inch after inch, his tongue following close behind his lips, caressing at the exposed flesh as it was drawn into the heat of his maw, greedily tasting the bull's skin with every eager lick at the flesh inside of his muzzle. Low, quiet sounds of pleasure were slipping from the minotaur's mouth while tiny throbs were running up the length of his shaft as that bull-cock stiffened in the grasp of Tanaang's lips. Fingers kept playing against the bull's heavy balls the whole time, cool metal points almost lovingly stroking along the back of those sensitive orbs while the soft leather of his palm brushed up against the underside of those dangling balls, a gentle stroke against the bare skin.

Before long, Tanaang's lips were wrapped about the base of that cock, the end of his muzzle being rubbed by the thicker tufts of dark gray fur that marked the apex of the minotaur's thighs, the comparatively lighter fur standing out from the ink-colored fur and skin surrounding them. His every breath was drawing in the minotaur's scent, the lizard drinking it deeply while his tongue was coiling its way around the bull-cock in his mouth, rubbing wetly along that flesh and leaving it damp with his saliva. The lizard's cheeks caved inwards slightly as he suckled from that fat minotaur-cock he held, a gentle suction tugging at the bull's length, drawing another groan from the larger male's mouth as he watched the lizard attending to his cock. Tanaang's attention was focused fully between the bull's thighs, his lips pressed firmly about the thick shaft he was nursing from, his fingers deftly caressing against the minotaur's balls, and his tongue incessantly lapping along the full length of the other male's cock. Even his gaze was focused there, staring at the curls surrounding the base of that shaft, loving the sight of that thick fur around the bull-flesh he was so eagerly sucking on.

He only let himself savor the taste and feel of that large cock filling his muzzle for a moment longer before he started to draw up off of it, his lips still held tight about the minotaur's flesh as several inches slid from the warmth of his maw, his lips stroking firmly about that girth as Tanaang moved. The exposed skin, now damp with his saliva from the caresses of the lizard's tongue, didn't remain unattended for long, though, the lizard quickly pressing his muzzle forward once more to draw it back into his mouth. He could feel the gauntleted hand of the minotaur touching against the back of his head and brushing between his long, pointed ears as the larger male placed his hand there. It was a light hold, just enough to rest it there and encourage the lizard to keep going, a gentle press against his sleek, pebbly hide while he buried the end of his muzzle fully in the thick, soft fur about the base of the bull's cock once more. His lips didn't hold the bull's cockbase for long, though, before he was sliding back up off of it, only letting them rest there for a few heartbeats before he was drawing back and stroking that thick shaft between his spread lips once more.

Within his muzzle, his tongue was mimicking the caress of his lips, that wet flesh curled about the minotaur's cock, pressing firmly against the bare skin of it as the bull's shaft was pulled from his mouth and then eagerly sliding down the length of it as it was drawn back in. His fingers were likewise keeping up their attention on the bull, his touch light as he kept the tips of those metal claws teasing against that black skin, letting them run along the backs of those orbs, just following the curve of them down and then back up, with light little tugs on those heavy balls from time to time. With his other hand,Tanaang was keeping himself steady, gripping firmly at the minotaur's hip as his muzzle bobbed along the length of bull-cock and he teased at the bull's flesh, servicing the larger male with his mouth and tongue, keeping up a steady steam of quiet sounds coming from the minotaur's mouth.

Eagerly, Tanaang's muzzle worked along the bull's shaft, lips stroking it, coaxing drops of precum to spill from the tip of it onto his tongue and in the back of his mouth. He was keeping the motions of his muzzle smooth and even, at least until those fingers at the back of his head gripped tighter there, taking hold of him. The lizard didn't resist, knowing what was coming next, just letting the bull take control of the situation. Bucking into his mouth, the lizard could feel that thick cock being slid between his lips, fed to him as his head was being pushed towards those fur-covered hips. The minotaur's thick fur as ground against Tanaang's hide for a moment as muzzle and bull met. It was only for a heartbeat, though, before his head was being pulled back up off the bull-cock, half of that flesh sliding out of his maw and out of the grasp of his tongue, only to be quickly driven back into him, forced between his lips until that thick, dark gray fur about the base of it was firmly pressed against the end of the lizard's muzzle and the minotaur's cockhead was poking at the back of his mouth.

Squeezing gently at the minotaur's hip, Tanaang let his muzzle be fucked by the lust-filled, larger male, that cock driven into his mouth where his tongue could work on it, hungrily licking at that dampened flesh before it was yanked back out of him, only to be forced back into him with the next thrust of the bull's hips. Each drive of minotaur-cock into his maw was accompanied by the push of his head down onto that shaft, back into the thick fur, giving the lizard many opportunities to drink deeply of the other male's scent, and he was all too happy to take advantage of those opportunities. Even though it wasn't being attended to, the lizard's cock was still jutting straight up and hard, the tip of it dribbling thick, clear precum to run down the length of it and stain the smooth hide of his balls with the musk-scented fluid, much like the bull's was doing in his mouth, staining his tongue with the intoxicating taste of the larger male that he was servicing.

Incessantly, that bull-cock was driven into his mouth over and over, the larger male not even pausing between thrusts into him, immediately pulling back out for the next one once he had Tanaang's muzzle pressed into his dark gray curls. Grunts were escaping from between the minotaur's lips as he rutted with the lizard's mouth, the lizard making sure to keep his tongue stroking along the pistoning cock of the bull as it moved through his mouth, pressing up along that shaft to let the tip of it rub against the textured roof of his mouth with each thrust into him. Tanaang kept his fingers busy the whole time he was being used, cupping those large minotaur-balls and toying with them, rubbing the soft leather of his gauntlets up against that naked skin the whole time he was being fucked, the minotaur's gauntleted fingers pressing firmly against the back of his head the whole time, gripping firmly at the smaller male. With his other hand, Tanaang did little beyond keep himself steady, holding firmly there at that hip, the clawed tips of his fingers digging through the black fur to prick against the ebony skin beneath, which only seemed to spur the large bull onwards, making him thrust faster and more forcefully into the willing maw of the lizard.

Before long, a loud grunt escaped from the minotaur's muzzle as he drove himself into the lizard, grinding himself against that muzzle for a pair of heartbeats, the bull's tail lashing about behind him. He then quickly pulled back on the lizard's head, pulling Tanaang up off of his cock, inch after inch of hard, throbbing bull-cock sliding between those lips as it was freed, the naked skin of it glistening with the moisture coating it in the light. Swiftly, that shaft was yanked from the lizard's maw, the fat cockhead eventually slipping free to slap up against the end of Tanaang's muzzle. The bull's free hand was quick to slip down and wrap those gauntleted fingers about his shaft, vigorously stroking along it as he looked down at the lizard. Tanaang knew what was coming, and lifted his head, his muzzle lifting up into the air and exposing his neck to the larger male, leaning forward in the process to let the minotaur touch his cock's tip to the lizard's bare, smooth hide of his throat.

A second later, he was rewarded as heat hit him, the first spurt of the bull's spunk hitting his neck. It was quickly followed by another and another as the minotaur stroked himself rapidly. The bull's cockhead rubbed against Tanaang's pebbled hide the whole time, painting lines of thick, creamy white cum on that indigo hide with each twitch that ran up the length of the bull's shaft. The feel of that liquid heat hitting his hide, thick and sticky as it splattered against him, sent throbs running up the length of the lizard's own shaft, the tip of it leaking more precum to make that plum colored, painted flesh glisten as much as the minotaur's was. More of the sticky minotaur-spunk dripped from the bull's cockhead down onto the lizard's chest while the cum painted on his neck slowly started running down his throat, steaks of white that stood out starkly against his considerably darker colored hide.

He kept his muzzle held up into the air until he finally felt the grip at the back of his head lessen, the minotaur releasing him from his grip, though he kept stroking his cock, coaxing more drops of spunk to spill from it onto the smaller male before him. Tanaang only then lowered his head, his muzzle dipping down to press his lips against the head of the bull's cock, kissing at it and letting a few drops of the minotaur's seed stain his lips white. His tongue flicked from between those lips after a moment, lapping at the bull's cockhead, cleaning away the drops that still clung to his naked skin, licking the cum from the flesh that had been in his mouth moments before and getting his first real taste for the day of the larger male's heady spunk. The whole time, the minotaur was looking down at the lizard, watching him, watching as his cum was painted on the smaller male's hide and then watching as his cockhead was kissed and cleaned, a grin forming on his muzzle.

It took the bull several more long moments before his hand slipped away from the slowly softening flesh of his shaft. Tanaang didn't move away from the minotaur until the bull finally released his grip about his own cock, the lizard rising to his feet in front of the larger male. His tongue stroked along his lips, gathering up the minotaur-cum that had been left on them, licking it away from his hide. He also let go of the bull, slipping his hand from between the minotaur's thighs and releasing the larger male's hip. One of those hands quickly fell to the still hard length of his cock, his fingers wrapping about it, the lizard giving his own flesh a firm squeeze. Almost lazily, he ran those fingers along his shaft, smearing the precum staining it about with his gauntleted fingers. The minotaur wasn't paying any attention to what the lizard did, instead fishing out a handful of coins, the lizard taking them with his free hand.

Payment in one hand and his shaft still in the other, the lizard then turned and headed back over to his makeshift stage. It was time for the next performance, and he had been properly decorated by the bull for this one, not to mention been given some strong encouragement to make it an interesting display. And there was already a crowd gathered to watch him put on his performance. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the bull he had just been servicing, getting ready to watch his next performance, belt and loincloth in one hand, and his cock still standing out half-hard on display for everyone around him.