Scene - In the Garden

In the Garden by Sajja It was a beautiful evening, the lizard thought, with no moon in the sky, just the twinkling of the stars overhead to provide only a hint of illumination. He had retreated to a secluded portion of his gardens, off in the corner...

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Scene - Third Act

Third Act by Sajja The final scene of the third act of Izasha's latest play, a special performance of The Prince of Daniir, had begun, and so far, things had been moving well, if rather unexpectedly at times. The audience he had invited were on the...

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Scene - Costume Change

Costume Change by Sajja Another day, another dance completed. Tanaang slid his twin shortswords back into the scabbards strapped to his thighs, securing them in place for the time being. They would be back out soon enough though, to put on another...

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