A Spirit on the Rise - Episode 3

Story by Fawks Silverwind on SoFurry

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#3 of Spirit Force Adventures!

This one is a biiiit more suggestive than the last ones, so I'm gonna mark this as adult just in case. =P

Not much action this time around as this is mostly just setup for villains and interactions between characters. Hopefully it will still be entertaining x3

All characters are mine except...

Watchdog belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thewatchdog/

Hawkeye belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/aeapanda

Buck belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/wilkfiadh


It was night time of an otherwise dull day for the black and gray fox as he sat in an empty classroom. Robert Loxwell was a smooth, smartly dressed fellow with dual colored eyes that could look right into your soul if he fixed his gaze on you long enough. His demeanor and presence just oozed confidence and an unearthly grace that so many would love to claim for themselves. He sat at his desk, leaning back with his legs up and resting on the cool wooden surface while reading his old copy of Robin Hood. His phone had started to ring, which brought out an irritated sigh from the fox. He let it ring a few times before putting in a bookmark and snapping the book shut.

"Mmmmm... I suuuure hope you boys have good news for me tonight, for interrupting my reading time~" He words were slow and somewhat breathy as he spoke. As if constantly bored.

~"Ehhh.. yeah, sorry sir! It's just.. we failed to get the money and.."~ The pit bull was cut short by a snort from the fox.

"You aren't the good friar. I am... getting annoyed now. What happened to Mitch, my oh so merry man? What has you so worked up? Hmmmmmmmm?"

~"Mr Hood.. Mitch was caught by the cops... A lot of us were caught."~

"Oh I am soooo not amused by this, John. You and Lil' where supposed to protect that little friar and bring back all that cash so I could give it to those that neeeed it. Children are going hungry, and -now- I need a new friar!" The sultry, soothing tone of his voice shifted just for a moment to something more menacing, making the fox pause and rub his forehead for a moment to regain his composure. "Sigh.... oh well though. Everyone makes mistakes, and I'm glad at least -some- of you got out of there~"

~"But Mr Hood! We did everything as you instructed! No one should have found us out until it was too late... but then this masked freak came in! Never seen the guy before, but I've heard the rumors. Bullets didn't seem to hurt him and.."~

"Ohhhhh? That Spirit something fellow? And here I thought I'd only have to deal with Watchdog and his deputies~ Mmmmmmm... yes, this is interesting indeed~ I want to hear eeeverything about him. If you aren't at Sherwood yet, go there now. I'll join you with Mr Scarlet near the morrow~"

"Right-o sir!"

There was a click and the line went dead. Leaving the fox to think to himself about how he'll plan for his next daring escapade. Perhaps he would have to lend a personal touch this time around. The thrill of having to deal with this new "sheriff" sent a tingle through vulpine's body as he sat there, grinning. He had yet to deal with any of the so called heroes thanks to staying under the radar so well. It also meant that very few have actually been physically hurt in his quest for the greater good, but perhaps it was time to let his deeds be seen.

After a few moments, the fox looked up to see his friend and associate standing at the door. He was the teacher of the metal working class down the hall and was sipping a soda as he leaned against the frame. "William~ So good of you to come. I suppose you heard already that we failed to take from the rich tonight. The poor must sadly continue to suffer.."

"Oh... yeah, I heard.. We gonna teach them hero boys a lesson, I reckon?" William Scarletta's southern accent was a little thick. He tossed his hair a bit to one side, but that didn't stop it from falling back down in front of one of his eyes. The red panda was built like a linebacker. He wore a leather vest over a t-shirt and some denim jeans.

"On top of that, we simply must get a new lieutenant. Friar Mitch has been lost to the evil royal guard of this tarnished city. Oh my dear William.. we have so much planning we must take care of~ Soon evvvveryone will know I only want to give the wealth of others to those that really need it. They will -all- understand~"

"Or ...we're gonna -make- em, right?" There was an almost eager flash in the red panda's eye. The otherwise droopy sounding southern boy getting a bit more of a gleeful tone.

"Yes.. That would make for a very good night indeed~ Come! Let us be on our way" The two walked casually out of the fox's art class, where he taught the "far less gifted" youth of the school. He also happened to be the teacher of another fox, who at that very same time was not having the best of nights.

-Safety in numbers-

It was morning of the next day. Birds were singing outside this quiet little hideaway for vigilantes. A very modest setup, but it had everything a hideout would need. The periwinkle fox was laid out on a bed with most of his costume, save for his mask and collar, on the table next to him. He had been stitched up and was out for the whole night recovering from the injuries he got for being rather sloppy. Also in the room was a slightly pudgy deer at a computer, a muscular mutt sitting on the couch near the bed, and a slender looking wolf cleaning off her equipment. There was some blood here and there that needed some cleaning up thanks to the fox, but it wasn't nearly as bad as what was thought. The blood loss combined with the vulpine's own exhaustion from having to exert himself was the main reason he passed out in the first place. His wounds weren't bad enough to need more than the skill levels of those in the room. Which was lucky for the fox, because waking up in a hospital bed would be really disheartening and disorientating after knowing you passed out in costume.

"You sure it's a good idea to have him stay here, Eddy? And why did you leave his mask on? It could have made our jobs a lot simpler to know for sure who he is." She spoke calmly, but with a hint of annoyance. Very rarely did he show emotions, but Eddy always seemed to have a knack for getting under her fur. This was one of those times.

"Oh come on, Hawkeye. He doesn't seem like that bad a guy. I'd like to gain his trust, and taking the mask off of someone without asking isn't exactly a polite way to start things out. Besides, you don't seem to be holding back civi names, Cadhla. Heheh"

"I... oh." She looked surprised at herself for slipping like that, and bothered by Eddy for calling her out, "It's a safehouse. I'm just used to talking this way..."

"I just wanna know how the mask stays on! Normal glue wouldn't work too well... You don't suppose he uses "Spirit" gum, do you?" The deer seemed proud of this comment

"Do you wanna touch his collar again, Buck? I can arrange it" The wolf sounded serious, but she always does. Made it hard to tell when she was joking or not, but a smirk gave it away

With a shy chuckle the deer shook his head, having already received a nasty shock when he tried to take the fox's collar off earlier "It wasn't too bad though.. You think he has a supplier? Oh! You think he really did work for Twilight Hound and was given all that high tech stuff?" The deer seemed quite a bit eager after all the excitement of last night.

"Heheh... don't get too excited, Buck. We still don't even know if he'll stay once he wakes up. Though thinking about it, you know how Rabbit Foot is super fast because of his shoes? I'd be willing to bet Spirit here gets his powers from something to do with that collar."

And as if his ears were burning, the fox stirred a bit in the bed. Eyes blinking as he yawned and stretched out with a slight cringe from agitating his stitches. The pain snapped him back to his senses as he suddenly remembered what was doing the night before, and that he was in costume when he passed out. Which he wasn't anymore! He padded himself down quickly and felt that he at least still had what mattered on. With a somewhat confused look on his face, he glanced around at the others in the room with him with a sense of deja vu from the last time he woke up in a hideout he didn't know. Only this place smelled a little more musty than that time. "Ummm... Greetings, fellow heroes! I... I seem to be without my clothes..." He rubbed the back of his head with a soft chuckle and a grin "Talk about charming the pants off of someone.. I wasn't even awake!"

"...Is this what I'm gonna have to deal with from now on?" She -almost- sounded disappointed.

"Now now, Hawkeye. Let's be nice to the new guy!" The mutt chuckled softly as he got up to walk over to the fox "Don't mind her, she's just bothered I brought you to one of our safe houses. You're not gonna turn villain on us, are you?"

Fawks shook his head quickly, "No way! I have vowed to fight crime as long as I am able. It's my duty to walk the streets just like my brother.. uhh. Never mind that last part! Heh heh heh.." He bit his tongue and made sure his mask wasn't too loose.

"See! I knew he was a good guy. And we didn't peek at who you were, just to let you know. I'm not too sure how we could have gotten away with it and gotten it to stick to your face again." He let out a giggle. His voice sounded normal compared to the night before. It was friendly, but there was still a hint of something a little darker. Perhaps from a troubled past.

"Oh, well I appreciate it! And who are you? I'm afraid I don't know much about you!" His question was directed to the deer at the computer, flashing his typical hero grin to maintain his "Spirit" persona.

"I'm Buck! I'm... like the information center for the Watchdog league. I helped figure out who you might be in the background. I wanna know more about your gear!" His little tale was wagging like he just got a new comic he had to read "I wanna see you glow too. It sounds cool! And why did your collar shock me when I tried to touch it?"

The fox was caught off guard by all the questions, dropping his act for just a moment when he blushed, "Well.. Umm... isn't that all kinda pri-"

"Spirit, we're friends here, you can drop the act. Let me start this off." The costumed mutt reached up to grasp his mask, pulling it from his face slowly to leave his identity fully exposed as he looked at the fox with his green eyes, smiling, "We are destined to walk the streets and protect everyone from the villains out there. I want you to do it with us. I'm Eddy." He blushed a bit, always finding it hard to reveal himself.

"Ugh... I suppose there is no turning back at this point. I hope you know what you're doing, Eddy. I'm gonna go take out my contacts" The wolf walked off to the bathroom for the time being

"The ball of happiness over there is Cadhla. Don't worry, she'll warm up to you. She's really smart! I owe a lot to her."

"Well, I didn't expect this at all, heheh. Just wow. I came out here to try out going solo, but it's a lot harder than Twilight made it seem. I, well, okay...It's only fair I do this." With the wolf out of the room, the fox took this opportunity to get up out of bed to rifle through his clothes on the table and grab his shorts. Trying not to give -too- much of a show as the others looked away, blushing brightly at the sight. They were too busy with the medical stuff earlier to really steal any actual peeks until now. Even while on, the green shorts still clung tightly to the fox's body and gave plenty to think about. Not that the fox minded being naked, but he'd rather show off to people he knew! "Well see, Twilight Hound is quite a skilled inventor. He was my mentor before I moved out here."

"I knew it! I'm not a comic nerd for nothing!" The deer smiled proudly and walked over to the other two to get a closer look at the fox, "My name is Wilk by the way. Please continue. Hehe"

"Well, he made this special spray-on adhesive to keep my mask in place. It holds for quite a long time, but it does have one thing that will make it dissolve right away... I'd rather not go into the details of that, but I'll show you this instead!" Fawks pulled out the very small spray bottle from his gear and gave a quick spritz to his face. Within moments the fabric that held so tightly had loosened and fell onto the fox's nose before it was taken off completely to reveal his purple eyes to everyone, "Yes, my name is Fawks. You guys really didn't take too long to figure it out. I'm a bit disappointed in myself!"

"We're heroes! You can't hide from the Watchdog league for long. Ummm, could you show off what you've got?" The deer continued to smile and look intently at the fox.

"I eh...what? Didn't you two already get a good look?" The fox blushed with a shy chuckle

"I think he means your powers! Heheh.. You don't mind, do you?" Asked the mutt, still smiling as he extended his paw to shake "More importantly; will you join us in our fight?"

"Well I..." He looked between the two of them, taken aback as the offer finally sank in. He hadn't felt this kind of excitement since he was first asked to be a sidekick. It made his tail sway happily as the fox grabbed the mutt's paw with a nod, "Okay, I'd be honored to fight with you guys! I hope I don't let you guys down. As for powers, let me shed some light on the subject!" As if on cue, the dark and wispy purple aura appeared around the fox who stood there smirking proudly.

Eddy giggled with his tail wagging about "Woooow. Do you have these all planned, or do they just come to you?"

"What? Well, I've been told my wit was always very -punishing-" He paused for a moment after hearing a dull thud against one of the bathroom walls "I do hope she's alright in there! I thought she was going to remove her contacts, not make contact~" There was an almost mournful groan after that one, but the fox continued to smile as he hadn't been able to enjoy the company of others and just be himself in a while. "Annnyway, now that that's out of my system, let me show you some neat tricks!"

-Stalling a stallion-

The fox spent the whole morning at the hideout. He wasn't one to brag, but he loved to show off if the chance came up. Fawks never went into too much detail, but did a basic run-through of what he could bring to the league. He talked about his past as a sidekick and how he already has a lot of experience on the streets. He was quite a skilled fighter to the point of being almost on par with Watchdog in hand to hand, but his specialties differed. The fox relied more on movement and finesse tactics, where the mutt was better at staying in the fray and making use of his strength. Before powers or tools came into play, that is. Speaking of, the fox also showed a few tricks he could do with his "Spirit" abilities, and only briefly went over why some things aren't stopped by the aura. He still only just knew them even if they were heroes, so the fox still wanted some aces up his sleeve just in case. The deer seemed to enjoy the show a lot, and once his curiosity was taken care of his "nerd boner" finally went down.

Fawks got to learn more about the others too with how well they were hitting it off. He learned about their styles, how they liked to do things and whatever else came to mind at the time. They all joked and talked for quite a while with not much that needed doing that morning. They seemed like an eclectic group, but the most important thing Fawks could see was that they were all friends rather than just co-workers. The fox longed for the day when he could be one too, having not had a true friend for a while aside from Conner. Fawks eventually took a tour of some of the neat little gadgets they had available to show, which were not nearly as high tech as Conner's stuff, but still pretty useful.

It felt amazing having others to talk to so freely again! Fawks somehow felt a little uneasy even after all this though. They all seemed to have roles to fill and he didn't really fit into a peg. Perhaps he would find his place sooner or later, the fox thought. With all the pleasantries out of the way, they exchanged contact numbers to keep in touch and called it a "night," so to speak. The fox packed most of his costume into a backpack and put on some civilian clothes that Eddy had around for emergencies so he could get back to his apartment without drawing a bunch of attention. Unfortunately, the clothes were a lot smaller than what Fawks was used to, which made Buck and Eddy giggle at the sight as the fox stood there blushing. "Shhhhh! I can't help being tall!" After a short ride back home thanks to the mutt, he rushed through his building with only a few curious glances from the students he passed by.

Once he was finally back to safety, it struck him. Cody! How was he gonna explain this outing to him -this- time? The fox let out an audible gulp in front of his own door, hoping maybe the horse wasn't there to ask questions. After a pause he finally opened it slowly and walked inside while trying to look as nonchalant as he could. After closing the door behind him he let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the stallion still sleeping. "This is great!" He thought to himself, except the fox quickly started to blush hard once it finally hit that the colt was sleeping naked! The blankets were eschew as Cody lay with his toned butt in the air and face buried in his pillows, letting out soft moans. -Everything- was on full display, or might as well have been with the way his satin sheets hung on the stallions brown and white body. This distraction made the fox not notice a magazine left on the floor as he walked, and he slipped. Slamming down with a loud thud which made the horse shoot up!

"YES, SPIRIT- ....waahh..??" Cody looked around with surprise and then quite a bit of annoyance after being woken form such a wonderful dream that his naughty equine mind came up with. He quickly spotted the fox sprawled out on the floor with his hair a mess and clothes that looked a way too small for him. They were far more casual looking than what Fawks normally wore and seemed to show off the fox's surprisingly good physique, which Cody had never noticed before. It made him pause briefly since his roommate actually looked hot for once, but the annoyed pout soon returned to his face, "And where were you!? I was gonna give you a make-over last night. You look like you just got home from spending the night with...oooooh! Did the little foxy get lucky last night? Tell me tell me!" Cody rubbed the sleep from his eyes and quickly sat up to stare intently at his roommate with a knowing smirk on his face

"It wasn't like that at all!" His periwinkle and gray cheeks took a surprising shade of red as he tried to scoot himself away. His eyes darted around the room for ideas "I was...out playing dnd? Yeah! It was a huge session and we had a new party member join, it was crazy." His heart was pounding hard, but he did his best to sound convincing. "The funny part is that I spilled a tray of drinks all over myself. Klutzy me! I had to burrow a clean outfit from my friend. Eheheh..." He did his best to hide his nervous smile. Which wasn't hard when Cody got to his feet, letting the sheets fall away to reveal his freely hanging pride to the room. The fox's mouth hung open, eyes glued below the waistline.

"Eyes up here! That is not for geeky foxes to enjoy!" After walking a little bit closer, the colt could see the bruises on the fox's face and exposed part of his arms, sparking a surprising bit of concern to show, "you're hurt!" His hazel eyes were fixed firmly on the fox, as if trying to comprehend or remember something as he looked at his roommate.

"Heh heh. You know me, I fell down the stairs last night. I reeealy should get ready for class..."

"You know, you look a lot like someone else with your hair like that. Oh! What's that shiny medallion?!" The horse quickly grabbed at the fancy " S" tag on the fox's collar

It took a moment for the fox to realize just what Cody was talking about, which made the fox pale once he remembered that he never did switch out his insignia tag. Fuck! His heart nearly jumped into his throat when he suddenly pushed the stallion back and jumped to his feet, "Oh that.. it's nothing! Just some geeky trinket" He yanked it off with a flustered look.

Cody stood there for a moment rather surprised by the strength behind that push, and firmness of the normally shy and quiet fox. Just something about that tag seemed so familiar, and his curiosity was in put into full swing. "Ooooooh foxy, you're hiding something from me!" he pouted cutely again, still with a hint of knowing in his eyes "...there's just something about you I can't put my hoof on yet, but I'll find out~" The stallion found the fox a lot more interesting with this added bit of spice. "And don't hide that body! He tackled his roommate and struggled with him to try getting the shirt off, but somehow the stallion wasn't strong enough. What the heck?

They rolled around on the floor until the fox ended up on top of his still naked roommate, having forgot about that for just a moment, "S-stop it, Cody! I'm shy! You're gonna get yourself in trouble if you keep acting like this around people. Not everyone wants to be naked.. like.. you..!" And that's when it hit him. They were pressed hip to hip as the fox held the stallions arms down on the floor.

"I.. uhh.." For once Cody seemed unsure of his situation, almost like he was when they first met that one night. His heart was pounding and his cheeks were actually red as the fox's words started to sink in. The tone sending a shudder up his spine and made the horse squint a bit when something finally clicked in his mind, uttering under his breath, "..Spirit?"

The fox's eyes went wide and his ears shot up in surprise. In one fluid motion he sprang back to his feet and left his roommate on the floor, backing away slowly to the bathroom, "Spirit? Well I -do- have school spirit. Well! It's time for me to be hitting the ol dusty traaail..." He darted into the bathroom, locking the door with a click as he bit down on his lip, quite certain this was not gonna work out as smoothly as he had hoped. Was he discovered yet again? This was a terrible start to his career he kept thinking to himself!

Cody just sat there, going over all that just happened in his mind. He shook his head and puffed out his cheeks in annoyed expression, getting back to his feet, "No, you can't be! He's a hunk, and you're just a dweeb! I...I'll see you later, Fawks." In a huff he got dressed in one of his more cute outfits as quick as he could. Slamming the door behind him as he tried to piece it all together in his mind. It couldn't be true! Could it? "Noooo... there's no way! But... maybe? If it were true" The look of confusion in his eyes slowly turned into a look that was more plotting. An excited smile forming on his lips as he walked down the stairs to head to the campus. "Then I could have that wonderful fox all to myself! Oh, I simply -have- to find out now!" With a gleeful skip in his step, he went off to class. All the while trying to think up ways on how to make Fawks admit his little secret.

-Business as usual?-

The next few weeks were actually pretty quiet. There wasn't much that Fawks was actually called out to do that involved him running around as Spirit Force. Which was very lucky for him, because his roommate seemed to be paying a lot more more attention to his actions. Asking questions to try and trick the fox into giving away his secret. Cody's moods ranged from acting sweet and innocent, to trying to be lustful in order to force the fox into giving something up, but the vulpine had gotten wise to this. He wasn't gonna be caught off guard again, and kept his typical nerdy act going strong. Much to Cody's displeasure, which would probably lead him to more drastic measures, the fox thought. He wouldn't do anything crazy though, would he?

The leafs on the campus had already started to change color with fall starting to begin. Giving the whole school a nice mix of green, red and brow shades. The weather was still warm, but it had cooled just a little this week as a cold front past over the city. Fawks had made some casual friends from class, occasionally hanging out with a lizard and a dragon friend, but found himself going out far more often to hang with the other heroes. They were really fun! Much to Hawkeye's dismay though, Fawks had made it his job to try and make her smile, like he used to with his big bro on patrol nights. He'd tell his jokes and come up with as many puns as he could on the spot, which either made her groan or threaten to hurt him. Never did stop his cheery dissipation in the slightest though.

They normally only went on patrol together to try and gather more information on the new gang that was starting to make a name for itself. The Hoods were a small group, but they seemed decently organized and careful about where they struck. It made them very hard to track, but clues seemed to be popping up more and more often. Almost as if they were giving them away. A trap? Most likely, but it was better than nothing. They'd go back to the safe-house and meet up with Watchdog to try forming a plan. It was only a matter of time before they discovered where this "Sherwood" was located. They just needed to capture someone important.

Everything was going surprisingly smooth. In fact, the only thing that Fawks never looked forward to during his week was going to his art class. The teacher was way too cool and acted like he was better than everyone, but in that sort of mysterious way that would make anime girls go crazy for. He was like the rival of the main character in an anime! Thought the fox. One would always be happy and be considered the klutz, and the other would be the quiet, good at everything jerk that has to prove he's better, but fails to in the end. Funny how that works out. Fawks only kept coming to this class just to spite him, but this was really turning into a waste of time as nothing he ever did seemed to warrant anything more than a C grade.

"Mmmmmm... another amateur piece from our dear Mr. Silvarin. Bravo good sir~ You'll never reach a higher level of skill if you keep slacking off. How disappointing~"

The black and gray fox spoke in his breathy, annoyingly bored tone that he normally did. It turned Fawks's stomach every time he heard it, but that know-it-all stare with those oddly piercing eyes made it worse. "But, I always work hard! You know how distracting it is when the model, errmm.. "wakes up" in the middle of a pose.." He blushed a bit after remembering that day.

The teacher shook his head with an amused smirk, "Noooo. I'm afraid I don't~ Perhaps you'd be better off learning "massage therapy" with all the other like minded foxes~ Hmmmmm? Moving on!" His comment got a few other students to snicker a bit as he continued to hand out grades.

Fawks turned an even deeper shade of red, thinking to himself "Even villains don't get under my fur like this guy does" before resting his head in his arms on the desk.


It was late in the evening when Fawks' phone started to ring. It was on his regular cell phone, but knew the number well. See when Eddy would call the fox at his apartment, it was normally about their "night life." And since it was a public line, they always had to talk in a way to get the point across without actually giving anything away to anyone that might be listening.

"Oh hey, Eddy. Calling about that big DnD game we've been working on?" The fox sounded relaxed, trying to make the conversation sound boring while Cody sat across the room working on homework for once. He had his reading glasses on, which looked rather good on him. Round and thin framed.

The stallion poked his head out from behind a book to look curiously while trying to hide that he was listening in.

~"Hey there Fawks! Yeeeah.. We just came up with this great dungeon to raid"~ The mutt had a surprising knowledge of this sort of stuff. They really should do a game at some point.

"The one with that evil elven archer, right?"

"Yup! Him and his goons are going down tonight. Heheh"

"I'm sure it's gonna be riddled with traps and monsters for us to deal with too. I'll head over to your place as soon as I can and we can finish planning this campaign, alright? Sp- ..I mean, see you soon." The only problem with talking on the phone with Eddy was that Fawks sometimes forgot to -not- end it like he would a call while on patrol.

The colt suddenly rolled out of bed to walk casually over to his vulpine roommate. He had a coy little smirk on his face and was wearing actual clothes for once. "Soooo... I wanna come along! I've always wanted to play...dungeons and dragons?" He paused to make sure that was right in his head, and then smiled eagerly because it was.

Fawks was stuffing his things into a bag that he had neatly scattered throughout his closet. People would try to steal a locked box thinking there was money inside if there was ever a robbery. Having his "super gear" scattered nonchalantly within his piles of clothes would draw far less attention. Especially with all the pieces separate. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up when he heard Cody's words and he stopped suddenly. "Hehe.. but you hate geeky stuff like this" He spun around with a shy, somewhat nervous look on his face.

"Oh pretty pleeeeease. I promise I won't try to ask you a bunch of questions anymore~" His eyes were big like a puppy's. His hands were balled up and close to his chest as he tried to give the cutest begging pose he could think of as he shook his ass.

The fox scratched the back of his head with a nervous smile, shaking his head "I'm sorry, Cody. Maybe next time! We've got an important plot point to get out of the way if we can."

"Pssssh. No fair! I know you've been keeping something from me, foxy~ You go out at night far too often for a dweeb with a Master Sword on his desk! I've seen the bruises and cuts you sometimes come back with. You can't possibly be that spazzy!" He puffed out his cheeks and pouted.

"Eheheh. Maybe I am? Listen, we can talk about this later. I really have to get going." He quickly stuffed his mask in the pack as the final piece he had tucked under a some sweat pants. Zipping his pack up tight before turning back around to smile at the stallion, "Try not to get into too much trouble, alright? I'll be back much later, so don't wait up!" The fox waved and quickly walked out the door before Cody could say anything more in protest.

That was it, thought the horse. "If he won't tell me, maybe Spirit will!" with a huff the colt rushed to his suitcase and popped it open. Inside was a tight fitting leather jacket with a little galloping, flaming horse logo on the right breast side. There were some other pieces of gear mixed in for amateur villain and vigilante alike! It was clearly a different, updated outfit from the first one he wore, "You can't avoid me this time!"