Project Icarius - Chapter One

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Stephen is under stress from a project for work that must be finished on time, but all work and for dull times, wouldn't you say?

Project Icarius Chapter One (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr 28th January, 2012 All Rights Reserved.

Stephen sat at his desk in his study, then snarled and smacked his paws on the keyboard in exasperation, before he growled and pushed it away, before burying his paws in his muzzle and sighing in frustration. His long, sender ears slicked back, he placed his paws on his muzzle, then gently rubbed his tired eyes with the leathery paw pads on his fingers. He had been fighting with the computer for hours, his tired brain and emotions getting the better of him - but he knew he had to finish this project...the question this young grey kangaroo anthropomorph asked himself - was how?

A pair of black gloved paws slowly slid around the exhausted young buck's neck, then caressed his muscular chest, as a warm breath tickled the fine hairs in his back-swept ears.

"Rough day my love?" Come a whisper, right into his left ear.

Stephen sighed and slowly twisted his head to the side, gazing at his lover, from the corner of one of his dark brown eyes. A handsome young red fox gazed back at him, his eyes sparkling with vulpine mischievousness and a smile curled the edges of his pale dewlaps, before he swished his long brush of a tail from side to side - slowly turning the chair and the young kangaroo around - then straddling his lovers hips and wrapping his black gloved paws around the buck's neck.

"Oh, Palen..." Sighed the exasperated kangaroo, as he reached up and caressed the fox's cheek ruffles, then kissed his lover affectionately on the forehead. "You have no idea...."

Palen smiled shyly, then leaned in close, pulling Stephen's head towards him, then breathed tenderly against Palen's right ear, making the sensitive hairs twitch. He knew how much of a turn-on this was for his buck, and judging from the growing bulge beneath Palen's hips - it was working.

"Then put aside work my love," Palen giggled, suggestively wiggling in Stephen's lap. "All work and no play, makes you stressed and upset. You know how your fur gets all dried out and - "

Stephen smiled, he couldn't help himself - Palen had always been able to cheer him up, when he was stressed or frustrated - and the fact this handsome young fox also knew Stephen's weaknesses, probably contributed. As Palen leaned in close, then nibbled Stephen's throat with his sharp canines, Stephen gasped and moaned in pleasure, his head tilting back and a low gurgle escaped his pale furred throat.

" taste wonderful bucky..." Palen murmured, then sensuously began unbuttoning Stephen's tightly fitting shirt - gazing down at the muscular kangaroo's chest, before giving an appreciative moan.

Stephen giggled nervously, his lovers eager paws sliding inside his shirt, then peeling it off - before Palen nuzzled and nibbled Stephen's pectoral muscles. Stephen gasped as Palen gave a gentle nip with his sharp teeth, then twitched and squirmed, as Palen's hot breath and warm tongue began licking over his nipples and chest.

"''re a naughty fox..." Stephen gurgled, feeling Palen's tongue flick a nipple, making him gasp.

"Naughty?" Palen inquired, as he slowly licked down Stephen's chest. "Me? Oh, I'm not naughty - I just want to make you happy my love..."

Stephen felt the uncomfortable bulge in his slacks grow even more pronounced, as Palen slowly and carefully licked, nibbled and caressed his way down his lovers belly - before grasping Stephen's growing erection through the thin material.

"My...what's this tasty little morsel here...?" Stephen snickered, then unclasped the belt buckle, and with some awkward wriggling from Stephen, slid the belt free of the loops.

"Little...?" Stephen gurgled.

"It looks like a little joey's weenie - " Palen teased, as he slipped his paws into his lovers lacks, then with one swift movement, slid them down Stephen's furred legs.

"Why I should...oh...oh god..." Stephen squealed.

Palen freed the young buck's penis from its tight confining underwear, then looked appreciatively at the eight inches of trembling penis before his eyes. With a mischievous giggle, he gently cupped his lovers scrotum in one furred paw, then other he slid around the base of Stephen's penis, then began a tender caressing - his warm paw pads sliding slowly up, his claw tips scratching the tender flesh, as Stephen gasped and clutched at his chairs armrests. Wasting little time, Palen smiled, then he dropped his head and with one swift stroke - slid his muzzle down onto his lovers length - easily and expertly taking it into his throat, before he slurped and slid his muzzle back up, his tongue sliding over the trembling buck's length from base to tip - his lips firmly rubbing along the whole length, before he flickered his tongue over his lovers penis tip and looked up at the now visibly shaking kangaroo.

With a delicate laugh, Palen settled into a stead suckling, his paws cradling his lovers testicles and gently massaging them, as Stephen squealed and clutched at Palen's shoulders, his strong paws contracting and relaxing with each downwards stroke of the talented fox's muzzle. For nearly an hour, Palen teased, tormented and drove his lover wild with pleasure, bringing him to the height of orgasm, then letting him slowly relax, only to do it again - but this time, Stephen couldn't hold his self control any-more - the sensation of his lovers skilled tongue and powerful throat muscles made Stephen moan, before his body tensed and Palen blinked, then smiled around the buck's penis - burying his head in his lovers soft fur - as Stephen began bucking against the fox's muzzle, and with a shriek of pleasure, he began ejaculating down the willing fox's throat.

Palen had no objections to this salty drink, waiting until Stephen had finished, knowing from experience how sensitive his mates penis was when he come - and when the last few dribbles were slurped out - Palen licked his lover clean, then nuzzled his way up his belly and chest, before straddling his lovers hips, pressing the still quite firm penis of the kangaroo between his thighs sensuously - before sitting on Stephen's knees and caressing his lovers length with his paws.

"Oh my dear - " Stephen gurgled, his head thrown back and tongue lolling from his muzzle, the unmistakable scent of musk nearly overpowering in its intensity.

Palen murred in pleasure, slowly stroking his lovers length with his fingertips, marvelling how his beloved mate could maintain an erection for hours on end - even after the orgasm.

"You...oh god - " Stephen croaked. "How..."

Pausing, Palen took the half-empty glass from Stephen's desk, then drained the half-full contents, before coughing delicately into a black gloved paw and smiling sweetly at his lover.

"Years and years of practice my love - " Palen whispered, then leaned close and began nibbling Stephen's furred throat. "I've always...had a gift, as it were - of pleasing others...."

"A gift?" Stephen murmured, then bucked against Palen, who giggled and stopped tickling his lover's penis with his claw tips.

"Indeed - " Palen chuckled, then carefully pulled his lovers muzzle close - then pressed his warm furred lips to those of the buck.

Stephen was never disappointed with his vulpine lover - it seemed as if Palen could always find new and interesting ways to make love, or as he had just proven, spontaneously relax his lover. Stephen did not understand how someone could enjoy swallowing another semen - he had tried it once, many many years ago, with himself - and he had promptly been sick to his stomach for hours afterwards, yet the young fox who now snuggled in close, feeling his lovers racing heartbeat pounding against his chest, did not seem to mind in the slightest. Palen gave so much, hardly ever asking for anything in return - and their love was one based on true love and trust, both having complete faith in the other - and often, Stephen felt guilty for the fantastic things Palen done for him, yet often, the young fox only asked for a pittance in return from his mate.

"Are you relaxed now, my love?" Palen smiled, then kissed his lover passionately, stifling any possible replies.

After a few moments, Palen released his lover from his grasp, then began stroking the shivering buck's cheeks, gazing adoringly into his eyes. Stephen mumbled incoherently, then leaned close and touched noses with his lover, before smiling and sliding his paws around Palen's hips and pulling him closer, then murmuring into his ears.

"You do that again - and I swear - I'll make love to you so hard and for so'll not walk for a week..."

With big, puppy-like eyes, Palen looked at Stephen, then giggled playfully. "Ooh - do you promise?"

Batting his eyelashes teasingly, Palen slipped out of Stephen's grasp and left the study, going off to prepare their evening meal, leaving Stephen sitting in his chair, his fur damp with sweat, and scratching an ear, wondering how he had ever been so lucky, as to find a lover as gentle and loving as this frequently insolent young fox. Stephen slowly pulled his slacks back up, carefully tucking his wilting penis back into his pants, then getting out of his chair and leaving his study.


After a lovely dinner, the two anthropomorphic creatures lay snuggled together on the couch, both as naked as the day they'd been born - Palen resting comfortably within the strong grasp of his boomer, Stephen nuzzling and nibbling Palen's small, triangular ears, as they sipped the last of a nice bottle of wine from their glasses. Palen wriggled suggestively against Stephen's groin, then slid his brush of a tail to one side, draping it over his right thigh, and Stephen moaned, feeling the warm rump of the eager young fox pressed to his groin.

"You've got a one track mind - " Stephen admonished Palen playfully, then placed his glass down on the table, before sliding a furred paw tenderly down his lovers chest and stroking his warm, creamy belly fur.

"What's the matter buck - getting old? I remember when you would make love to me at the slightest inclination - I'd just brush my tail against you, next thing I'm bent over a couch or something, and your big, strong paws are around my hips and you're..."

"Palen, shush - " Stephen blushed, then nuzzled his lovers nape, his paw slowly sliding down to caress the fox's sheath.

"Ooh" Palen giggled, then obediently quieted, letting his more dominant lover caress and tickle the warm sheath.

"What," Stephen murmured, as he nibbled Palen's nape and gently began squeezing Palen's sheath, feeling the warm penis within. "Did I ever do, to deserve you my love?"

Palen squirmed, the pleasure from his lovers nape nuzzling and gentle stroking working wonders to get him aroused.

"You said yes - " Palen whispered, then giggled and nuzzled one of Stephen's paws, licking at the leathery paw pads.

"Stop that!" Stephen gasped, then squeezed Palen's sheath warningly.

"Or what - " Palen snickered, as his long tongue slipped between two of Stephen's furred fingers, then lipped at them suggestively. "You'll get all excited and then want too - "

Stephen moaned, feeling his urges rising, and Palen happily wriggled back against his lovers groin, further exciting the young buck, who kept a firm paw wrapped around Palen's swelling sheath

"Well Bucky - " Palen moaned, then kissed his lovers free paw, resuming licking and nuzzling at the paw pads. "I'm waiting for your answer...."

Stephen groaned, the desire unmistakable and the warm rump of his lover pressed against his firming penis didn't help.

"No little fox, this time - you get pleasured...not me." Stephen growled, then nibbled Palen's nape.

Palen blinked, then twisted his head around, to look over his shoulder in surprise. Stephen smiled at him, then caressed his lovers now quite firm sheath, his leather paw pads sliding up and down, as Palen moaned and squirmed.

"Ooh - " Palen gurgled, his breathing quickening.

Stephen stopped, the turned Palen around and picked him up, grunting slightly.

"Hey - " Palen giggled. "Stop it, I'm not that heavy - "

Stephen laughed, then licked his lovers forehead, wrapping his strong arms behind his lover back and carrying him to the bedroom, where he lay him down on the bed. Palen looked in curiosity, seeing four long silk scarves tied to the bed posts, and an eyebrow arched as he looked inquisitively at Stephen, who blushed and coughed delicately into a paw.

"Kinky little buck...aren't you?" Palen murred in pleasure, then happily lay on his back, holding his paws and ankles out in a X like pattern, as Stephen smiled and nuzzled Palen, before carefully tying his lover down on the bed.

Once Stephen was sure Palen couldn't wriggle out of the knots, he smiled and left the room, returning soon with a crackling tray of ice-cubes, making the young fox's eyes go wide as he moaned.

"Oh...oh no...not...not that!" Palen squealed, struggling against the scarves that firmly bound him.

"Oh yes...that - " Stephen snickered, then pulled an ice-cube from the tray, and holding it carefully in one paw, slowly slid the freezing water block down Palen's chest.

Palen bucked and writhed, the freezing cold chilling his flesh, but the pleasure was also unmistakable. Stephen smiled, then put the cube back into the tray, then pulled a thick scarf from beneath the bedsheets - then as Palen blinked, Stephen giggled and blindfolded him.

"Hey!" Palen moaned. "This isn't fair - I won't...EEEK!"

Stephen giggled again, clutching two ice-cubes between both paws, and he slowly slid them up and down Palen's heavily swollen sheath.

"Oh gods that's cold...." Palen gasped.

"Shhh...don't make me muzzle you - " Stephen whispered, then laughed delicately. "You're my plaything now fox..."

For an hour, Stephen playfully teased Palen with the ice, placing some on ticklish areas, using others to slid up and down the squealing fox's sheath, and even more, was used to randomly dab at Palen's shivering fur. Placing what remained of the ice-cubes back in the tray, Stephen put the tray on the sideboard, then wrapped his frozen paws around Palen's sheath and began a sensual stroking.

"Gods your paws are like ice - " Palen moaned.

"My paws are...but this..." Stephen whispered, then dropped his muzzle and his lips pressed themselves around Palen's sheath.

"EEEK!" Palen squealed, then began wildly thrashing.

Stephen giggled, using his paw pads to slide Palen's sheath slowly back, exposing the tip of Palen's penis.

"Mmm...what's this tasty little bit of..." Stephen murmured, then licked the tip of the fox's penis, making his lover gasp.

It did not take long for Stephen's playful nuzzling and licking to bring Palen to full arousal - and Stephen reached over, sliding open a drawer then retrieved a bottle of astroglide - which he squirted a small amount onto his paws.

"What...what are you...." Palen moaned and trembled, helpless in the confining scarves that bound him to the bed, the blindfold keeping him in darkness.

"Shhh - " Stephen snickered, then began rubbing his paws together, coating the leathery pads - then sliding the slippery paws over, around and down Palen's exposed length.

"What..." Palen moaned, not having any idea what Stephen was doing, other than stroking his penis, which began to form the knot at the base.

Once he was satisfied, Stephen knelt over Palen, then holding the trembling fox gently down with one paw, Stephen used the other to wrap two fingers around Palen's firming knot and position himself over the unsuspecting young vulpine length. Carefully, Stephen lowered himself down, and Palen gurgled in pleasure, feeling the tight sphincter of the buck slowly giving under the relentlessness pressure.

"Ooo...that...that feels good - " Stephen gurgled, tilting his head back and pulling himself back up, just brushing his sphincter against Palen's penile head again.

"Arrgh - don't...oh god...don't...don't tease me so - " Palen moaned, feeling his knot growing firmer and firmer, the ache almost unbearable. "Please Stephen...don't...."

"Shhh - " Stephen whispered, then stroked his lovers chest with a sticky paw.

Carefully, Stephen lowered himself back down, the well-lubricated penis sliding inside him, until he grunted and felt the knot pressing between his buttocks. Stephen began rocking gently, applying a firm but insistent pressure against Palen's knot - then with a soft pop, it slid inside and Stephen gasped, before instinctively pushing himself down further, feeling Palen's knot swelling within his tight anal passage.

"'ve done it - " Palen panted heavily.

"Oh..." Stephen gasped, feeling Palen's knot growing even larger inside him. "Why didn't you ever - "

"I did warn god that feels..." Palen arched his back, driving himself a little further into his willing partners rump, before Stephen pushed his on hips down, pinning Palen to the bed.

Palen's knot now quite firmly tying the two males together, Stephen felt the growing warmth slowly spreading from his violated rump, then Palen bucked again and Stephen gasped, feeling Palen's knot beginning to press firmer and firmer, until it reached its maximum expansion - and Palen giggled weakly, then blinked as Stephen tore the blindfold off his head - then looked down into the eyes of the fox.

"Oh god, that feels" Stephen rasped, then tried to lift his hips, but found the knot wouldn't let him dismount. "Now I know what a female feels like - "

Palen laughed, then could do little as he was tied to the bed, paw and ankle, and his knot deep inside his lover bound them in an intimate way. Stephen gurgled and carefully began rocking back and forth - stimulating his prostate and making Palen moan, before he used his still wet paws to slowly beginning to masturbate himself, his head thrown back and gasps of pleasure escaping his furred throat as he felt Palen's knot with each gentle thrust.

" better go easy buck - " Palen gurgled, then timed his own awkward hip movements to opposite those of Stephen, who began rocking faster and faster. "We'll be...well...ooh...we'll be like this...for at least two get're going nowhere any-time...ooh...soon!"

Stephen's eyes flashed open, and he turned a started look on Palen, who smiled innocently and quivered.

"We'll be...." Whispered the startled kangaroo.

"The word my love - is tied, and yes...enjoy it my love...its really quite...pleasurable - for both partners, so go easy on your..." Palen grunted and squirmed, making Stephen gasp. "...self-masturbation - oh, I know you're capable of multiple orgasms...but look where you're sitting...You KNOW how hard it is..."

Stephen twitched and Palen gurgled, before resuming lecturing his kangaroo lover, who shivered again.

"...too get cold semen out of fur - " Palen finished, then twitched, feeling Stephen's muscles squeeze his knot. "No point...getting...anxious bucky - you're stuck enjoy being tied, you'll find it's...ooh...its bad."

Stephen moaned, slapping his lover on the chest with his paws, before he placed them on Palen's shoulders and began carefully rocking, listening to Palen's low gasps, and he had too admit, Palen had a point...being tied like this, once the initial shock was over - was quite pleasant....

To Be Continued...