Konrad's Stud Duty - Chapter 1

Story by Samadhir on SoFurry

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A bear slave is sent to a famous breeding institute to perform stud work on three lusty females... who will in turn introduce him to new heights of sexual pleasure.

This is my first erotic story, and will be published in several parts over the coming weeks. I hope you'll like it.

Characters and setting belong to me.

The leopard moaned in delight as Konrad bobbed his head up and down between his legs, gently caressing his feline lover's cock with his tongue. The brown bear was kneeling at the foot of the single bed in his personal quarters to which he'd invited the leopard, where, after some small talk and sharing of matters of the heart, clothes had been shed and the bear had started pleasuring Theodore, his close friend and fellow slave, orally in preparation for their coming lovemaking.

Konrad had been born and raised on the Prospero Vineyard and had worked there all his adult life, as a planter, harvester, caretaker of the household and of course as pleasurable "company" for Simon Prospero, the reigning heir of the prestigious line whom his own family had served for three generations. Theodore had been bought and brought to the vineyard a little over a year ago, and he and the bear had quickly developed a strong emotional bond that had almost blossomed into full-blown love. The two tried to be with each other as often as possible, taking whatever time they had to spare from their duties to seek each other out for companionship, both innocent and... less than innocent.

That didn't mean that they desired to be with each other every hour of every day, of course. Both required some alone-time occasionally, and this clandestine meeting between the two was the last they'd be able to enjoy before Konrad was to leave his master's household for a awhile to perform a very special task he'd been assigned...

"A-Alright... That's enough..." the leopard groaned, guiding the bear's face away from his glistening shaft, not wanting to waste his load in the ursine's mouth. Patting the spot on the bed beside him, he bade the nude bear to stand up and take his place beside him. Doing so, Konrad leaned into Theodore and the two started kissing each other tenderly.

"God, I'm going to miss you, Conny..." the leopard whispered in between his tongue intermingling with that of his friend.

"Aww, it'll only be for a few weeks, at most," the bear responded through his own kissing. "Just for as long as it takes me to inseminate them. Surely we can be away from each other that long?"

Theodore sighed. "I guess so..."

Continuing their gentle make-out for a minute, the leopard pulled away and gave his friend an inquisitive look. "So, how does it feel?"

"How does what feel?"

"That you're going to become a daddy?"

Konrad mulled it over. He hadn't actually thought about it that much. He'd been preparing himself so much for his trip to the Breeding Institute and what he would be busy doing there that he hadn't been pondering too much about the long-term consequences.

About a week ago, Konrad had been chosen to perform his first "stud duty". Genetic testing had determined that he had the perfect genes for siring the next generation of the bloodline of slave bears he was part of, and Lord Iosaphat, a powerful real estate broker and a personal friend of Master Simon, had the perfect "mares" ready for breeding. Tomorrow he would travel to the city of Otavio, to a famous institute for slave breeding, where he would meet up with a trio of bears owned by Iosaphat - a brown bear like himself, a polar bear and a panda from what he'd been told - and proceed to... get to know them quite thoroughly over the following days and weeks, until they went home pregnant with his cubs.

The fact that he'd be tasked with impregnating three sows at once was rather unusual for a first-time stud. While more experienced males had no problems handling that many partners or even more, a first-timer would probably find the task quite overwhelming and exhausting. But Konrad was of strong build and possessed excellent stamina and endurance despite his mere 21 years of age (as well as being able to "discharge" several times in a row), and the performance enhancing drugs he'd be injected with would help him in doing his duty properly.

"I'm not entirely sure," he answered Theo. "I mean, I don't find the very concept of acting as a stud that off-putting; I'm the result of such a union myself, and so was my mother. At the same time, I've never met my father and... I'm not sure that's the kind of relationship I want with my offspring.

"Relationship?", the leopard said, somewhat surprised. "I think you might've missed the point about your upcoming romancing. You're not there to establish any proper relationships with anyone, or to be a good father. You're there to breed new, high-quality slaves for the benefit of society." From the tone of his voice, Konrad couldn't tell whether his friend was expressing it cynically or as an unquestioned matter-of-fact. "You're not expected to support them or care about them; Iosaphat and his household will take care of that, both financially and emotionally. No-one will think less of you for not being there."

"I know, Theo. It's just... It feels kinda sad to become a father and not being able to see your kids. Maybe no-one else will think less of me, but I have a feeling that I might."

Theo put a supportive paw on his shoulder. "Well, you're fortunate in that regard, since Simon and Iosaphat are close friends. They see each other often, and if he comes around here he might take one his bears with him and they'll probably bring along their kids."

That cheered Konrad up. "Yes, that's a possibility. Thank you."

"Also, keep in mind that if this stud session goes well, you'll probably be called upon to breed more children in the future. You might sire dozens of kids in your lifetime; you won't be able to see them all."

"True..." the bear nodded sadly.

"Anyway," the leopard said, wanting to turn their conversation to a more upbeat, and saucy, direction, "I bet you're looking forward to the coming weeks quite a bit, eh? Three juicy, eager females all too yourself..." He winked at the bear. "I can only imagine all the naughty things you'll be doing to each other."

Konrad chuckled. "I appreciate the thought, but sadly I don't think it'll be quite as kinky as you imagine. You see, since I'm supposed to be getting those girls pregnant, I'm not allowed to waste my sperm anywhere outside... you know, their vaginas. That means no oral and no anal."

"Aww... So there'll be no bum fun with those buxom ladies?" Theo asked sympathetically.

"'Fraid not." Konrad pouted with only partially mocked seriousness. Then he smiled wickedly at his friend. "But then, I get plenty of that from you. Even if it's as a recipient more often than as a giver." While the bear often engaged in anal play with his feline lover and a few others among the slaves in the Prospero estate, and was occasionally taken by Master Simon whenever the mouse summoned him up to his bedchamber for a night's release, he had yet to do so with any member of the opposite sex. He figured that it probably didn't feel that much different from doing it with a male, but there was a saying: male-on-male anal was just sex, but male-on-female anal was naughty. And naughty delights were the best ones.

"Indeed!" The leopard laughed. "And speaking of that, my cock is getting rather impatient. Get ready; while you may not be able to pleasure yourself in the females' asses, if you present me yours, I'll make sure to give you a memory that'll carry you through all the time we spend apart."

Blushing at those words, the bear lied down on his stomach, lifted the tuft of his tail and presented his bottom to Theodore. Looking over his shoulder, giving his lover the most sultry expression he could summon and wiggling his tushie at him, the leopard fumbled through his opening of the bottle of lube and the coating of his shaft with the substance in his eagerness to avail himself of the target Konrad was offering him.

As Theodore positioned himself on Konrad's back, his warm, comforting presence made the bear forget all his worries over his upcoming task. And as the cat entered him, the sensitive cluster of nerves surrounding the area of penetration sending pleasant tingles across the bear's backside and up his back, shoulders and neck, he knew he would remember and treasure this intimate moment with his dear friend as he performed his duties at the Otavian Breeding Institute.

The next day, Konrad was travelling on the suspended monorail for the two-hour ride to Otavio. Master Simon had been kind enough to pay for a nice spot in the observation lounge, and now Konrad was sitting there gazing out on the fields and forests and the river in the valley below which the train followed, his travelling bag at his feet. He had packed a couple of toiletries, some personal affects, a few books - he had been informed that he'd be provided with clothes at the Institute, so he hadn't bothered packing any. He also carried his travelling permit from Simon on his person, a must-have for any slave travelling on his own for any length of time or distance. The fact that he was allowed to travel on his own like this at all was a sign of how much his master trusted him; he knew that some slave owners, due to troubled relations with their slaves or their own paranoia, hardly ever let them out of their homes. He was glad that he was living with a more benevolent master.

He still carried quite a bit of trepidation with him. It wasn't just about being away from home and loved ones for so long. Despite having been raised in a home and a society that was very indiscreet about sex and tolerated, even encouraged, open sexual relationships, Konrad's mother had instilled a few morals and sentiments that went against much of the prevailing atmosphere. This included the proper way to treat women.

The foremost reason that Konrad had enjoyed sexual relations with males quite a bit more often than females was because it somehow felt more... safe and appropriate. With males it was easy; you could just walk up to them and ask them for a quick fuck whenever you were feeling horny, and more often than not they'd accept it, with no-one thinking it strange. But women had to be treated more delicately, or so the convention went. It was considered rude to just ask them for sex in the same way. Konrad may have been quite tall and of sturdy build like most bears, but he was gentle and submissive in personality, and didn't relish the notion of getting aggressive with any prospective partners.

And now he would tasked with mating three bear sows, three complete strangers that he was supposed to go up naked to and have intercourse with one after the other over and over again for the better part of the coming month, without any former socializing for either part to feel comfortable with the situation. The whole thing made him nervous, and he twiddled his fingers quite a lot as he gazed out the elegant windows of the lounge at the rolling landscape, wondering what the upcoming days would bring.

Of course, those same fingers often tried to cover the hardening bulge that formed in his pants from time to time. There was no denying that the prospect of spending his time in coitus with three lovely femmes both excited him and turned him on as well as made him nervous, and in some sense his nervousness only added to the excitement.

There were interesting times ahead, indeed...

The monorail eventually made it's way into Otavio, the famously idiosyncratic style of the buildings providing a worthwhile distraction to Konrad as the train moved into the central station. Exiting the train, he boarded the tram that passed by the Institute, and went off at the platform that lay at his destination.

Looking up at the Breeding Institute, the bear was both impressed and puzzled by its appearance. It looked like a strange mix of a Victorian mansion, a Gothic cathedral and an old factory. It was a premier example of the weird fusion of architectural styles that had made Otavio well-known across the world. It's large, tinted windows gave no indication as to what went on inside it; that it housed dozens of slaves who were furiously copulating to produce the next generation of tailored serfs would never have struck your mind unless you already knew about it.

Walking up the steps to the front doors and entering the lobby, a beautiful room with exquisite wood panelling, crimson carpets and curtains and sunlight shining in through the large leadlight windows, he went to the large marble reception desk and stated his business to the vixen behind it. Giving her his travel permit and the papers detailing why he was there, the vixen looked through them and her own files before asking him to sit down and wait for one of the managers to come and direct him to where he was supposed to go.

Seating himself on one of the comfortable leather sofas that lined the walls, he waited for about half an hour before a kangaroo dressed in a doctor's uniform appeared out of one of the side corridors. The kangaroo approached the bear and extended his paw to him, a friendly smile on his face.

"Hello Konrad," he said, shaking the bear's paw. "I'm Doctor Waldo, and I'll be your caretaker and supervisor during your stay here at the Institute. Simon Prospero contacted me earlier, so I knew you would arrive today. I hope you will enjoy your stay and that you'll be able to perform the duty you were sent here for."

Konrad was gladdened by the kangaroo's pleasant and gentle demeanour. He knew that a lot of people didn't think slaves merited any politeness and could be ordered around like cattle and spoken to however you wished. If the other staff of this place treated him like this, it would make his stay much easier.

Waldo beckoned for him to follow as he lead the bear into the corridor he'd arrived from, took him on a short trip in an elevator and then led him to the quarters he'd been assigned to for his stay. The room was small but comfortable, with a soft bed with a dressing table, a desk and a small bathroom. It was smaller than his room at home and certainly not luxurious, but compared to what he could've ended up with it was very nice.

"Alright, get your stuff unpacked and then follow me to Medical. There are a few examinations we need to perform, and we have to inform you of what's required of you during stud-duty."

Konrad had of course already been examined thoroughly to make sure he was in perfect health, but he understood that they were careful enough to do their own testing, just in case. Leaving his bag in the room, he then went with his caretaker to the medical wing, which went in the theme of the rest of the building by combining top-of-the-line medical equipment with the antiquated look of a doctor's office from over a century ago. Told to strip naked, he submitted to the various tests without complaint. Some of the examinations got quite intimate, but he was used to such things and didn't find them overly uncomfortable.

In addition to the tests, he was also injected with various chemicals and given pills that would increase his stamina, help him to prolong his erections, increase his production of sperm and otherwise heighten his chances of inseminating the females chosen for him.

Getting dressed again, he was then taken to a separate room where Waldo and a few other employees went over the schedule he'd be keeping over the coming days, what was expected of him during the stud sessions and what he was allowed and not allowed to do. Most of it he had been told before; he was only allowed to spill his seed in their vaginas, and to be safe the females weren't allowed to stimulate him orally. They were allowed to stroke him, but not to orgasm. He could pleasure them with his tongue and fingers as much as he wanted, so long as he remembered the ultimate purpose of why he was with them. And he was not allowed to engage in sex, including masturbation, outside of his sessions.

While the medical examinations hadn't caused him too much embarrassment, being the center of attention for several doctors, including females, giving detailed descriptions of what sex acts he was allowed to perform and giving him tips on how to ejaculate more strongly and often, definitely did. He blushed furiously as Waldo procured a document sent by Master Simon detailing his sex life and preferences, including how he enjoyed being the recipient of anal sex. That last part caused the kangaroo and some of his colleagues to give him ponderous looks as if considering something, but they quickly returned to normal conversation before Konrad had time to think about what it meant.

After they had finished questioning him, Waldo turned towards the bear. "Now that we have gotten everything essential out of the way, I was wondering if you would like to meet with the females and get to know them a bit before your session tomorrow? They've already been here for little over a day and it might put you a little at ease if you encountered them in a normal, social context without any... expectations to perform."

This was another surprise to Konrad. He hadn't expected to meet with the "mares" until the first session, and he was a bit unsure whether meeting them beforehand would make the whole thing easier or harder for him. On one hand, getting to talk to and socialize with them might allow him to establish some kind of connection to them outside his stud sessions and allow them to discuss each other's comfort zones and experience in a way that would make it easier to perform later. On the other, seeing the sows as anything else than breeding mares or them seeing him as anything other than a stud performing a job might make it rather uncomfortable later when they had to get down to loveless, clinical and dispassionate sex.

In the end though, he decided to take the chance. "Yes sir, I would like that very much."

Waldo nodded in approval. "Very well. Last time I checked, the ladies have chosen to spend some time in one of the observatories." He smiled slyly at Konrad. "Come with me and I'll show you what I mean."

Konrad once again got up to follow his supervisor. He was taken to a wide galley with tilted glass walls overlooking several smaller rooms. As they entered it, Konrad was distracted by the sound of moaning and cries that could be faintly heard through the glass. He walked over to the transparent walls to see where they came from.

His eyes widened as he beheld the scene about three meters below him. A naked Siberian husky was lying atop a female wolf whose feet were wrapped around his back, plunging himself in between her legs over and over again, his tail wiggling in the air and his sweat-covered buttocks rising and falling as he frantically sought to bring himself off inside his partner. Their cries of pleasure, muffled by the glass, reverberated in Konrad's ears.

This was the observatory overlooking the breeding rooms.

Continuing behind Waldo at a slow pace, he constantly peaked into the various rooms displayed behind the glass walls. All in all, about a dozen were occupied by nude, sweaty, panting creatures - wolves, cats, lions, mice, horses and others - furiously mating in order to produce offspring and carry on the slave bloodlines they were part off. All were healthy, good-looking and virile individuals, who had been determined to have the worthy genes to create the next generation of servants for the nobles and elites of society. Most consisted of single pairs, but some males had been given the honour of servicing two females at the same time. He couldn't spot anyone with three women; he hoped that was because this was a "slow day" and not because he'd had the misfortune of biting off more than he could chew. None of the busy slaves noticed him, even when they should've been looking right at him; presumably the glass acted as a one-way mirror.

Two scenes caught his eye in particular. In one of the rooms, a proud-looking, shaggy-maned lion was taking a lioness doggystyle, while another female knelt behind him, grabbing his buttocks and wiggling her tongue in between them. The look on the male's face spoke of being utterly overwhelmed by the sensations assaulting him, his eyes closed and his breath coming in short ragged gasps. In another, a rhesus monkey, wearing the same expression, was taken care of by two female capuchins, one of them laying below him in the missionary position while the other slowly pushed what appeared to be a vibrator in and out of his bottom. The male's long tail was flailing wildly in the air, his prehensile toes twitching and shivering and his rumpcheeks clenching around the vibrator in his backdoor, but he was held firmly in place by the arms of the monkey below him wrapped around his shoulders and the steady hand of the one behind him on the small of his back as she continued moving the sex toy underneath his tail, a naughty smile on her face.

A harrumph behind him reminded the bear of what he was supposed to be doing. "I understand that you're fascinated by what's on display here," Waldo commented, "but we can't keep the girls waiting. Tomorrow you'll be down there yourself and experience what it feels like personally."

Konrad nodded and stepped away from the glass, the shriek of the monkey who had apparently been brought to orgasm by the twin stimulations at his back and front sending him off as he walked over to the three bears standing not far away.

In the middle of the galley, it widened into a circular room with a padded bench in the middle. In the middle of it were the three females he would be getting to know very closely during his stay here. The brown bear, the polar bear and the panda faced him with smiles ranging from expectant to sultry to, in the panda's case, shy. They were all wearing sleeveless blue jumpsuits, the uniform for any slave staying at the Institute.

Preparing to greet them, Konrad realized to his dismay that he had a raging erection from the matings he'd recently witnessed. At first he tried to maneuver or cover himself in some way to hide the huge bulge in his pants, but the giggles of the sows told him it had already been noticed.

"Never mind that," the macropodine laughingly waved it off. "Considering what you've witnessed, it's understandable, and you'll be spending your time getting intimate with them tomorrow anyway. Besides, it might even be polite to give them a little preview of the 'merchandise'."

The females laughed uproariously at this, causing Konrad to blush and feel rather uncomfortable. Sensing his embarrassment, the brown bear sow went over to him after her giggling had died down.

"Forgive us, Konrad. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She took his paw in hers. "I'm Alex, and it's nice to meet you."

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you too." Konrad looked the female bear over. She was the same height as him, her fur a slightly darker shade of brown than his, and her red, slightly wavy hair flowed down over her shoulders. Her ample bosom stretched out the front of her jumpsuit quite nicely. She was beautiful, and he looked forward to getting to know her later.

Calling over her companions, she first introduced him to the polar bear. "This is Sofia. She was born and raised in Iosaphat's household like I was, so I've known her all my life."

"Indeed she has" Sofia responded as she shook Konrad's paw. "We are very good friends - very intimate friends, I might add - and I'm sure our bond will only grow stronger during our time with you."

As she spoke to him, Konrad found himself having to look up slightly. She was very tall for a female, almost a head taller than him. Her platinum blonde hair meshed nicely with her snow white fur. In comparison with her rather plump and curvy companions, she was noticeably muscular; he certainly wouldn't want to get on her bad side, and hoped she wouldn't get too rough during sex. Not that she was any less feminine than the other two, her hips and breasts stretching out her clothing in a most delectable way.

"And here we have Yun," Alex went on, presenting him to the panda. "She was bought by Iosaphat two years ago, but she is as much a part of our circle as me and Sofia."

Raising his paw to greet her, the panda hesitated for a moments before accepting it. "Yes, it's... it's very nice to meet you. I-I hope we will be getting along well, when we... are together these weeks..."

As she spoke, she was mostly looking to the floor, barely giving Konrad the chance to see her green eyes. She was the smallest of the three bears, as short in relation to Konrad as Sofia was tall in relation to him. Her straight black hair fell down over her neck and cheeks, framing her pretty face with it's white fur and black circles around her eyes. Her obvious shyness aroused his sympathy, as he had felt quite the same way coming here.

Putting a reassuring paw at Yun's soldier, Alex spoke: "Be gentle with her, Conny. She's not as sexually experienced as me and Sofia, and the prospect of motherhood is understandably making her feel uneasy."

Konrad understood. Yun's shyness awoke within him the male instinct of wanting to protect and comfort his mates. He wanted to make the adorable little panda feel good and secure, and knowing that someone else shared his nervousness would make it easier for him to handle himself and do what he had come here for.

"Don't worry, Yun," he said, holding her paw in both of his. "I know just how you feel. When I came here, I was so scared I had problem walking on my quivering legs. Everything will be fine; these people are professionals and you'll get lots of help and support while you're carrying my child. You'll be the best and most beautiful mother there ever was!"

Yun looked at him gratefully, her cheeks red. "Thank you, Konrad. That... that means a lot to me. I'm sure I'll be fine, it's just... Well, I'm sure you know how it feels to be a breeding animal."

"I certainly do," Konrad chuckled.

"And speaking of having trouble walking," Sofia put in, "I'm sure that bulge between your legs makes you feel the same way now. Not to mention all the trouble you'll have every night after we're done with you."

It was another joke at his expense, but the bear felt comfortable enough to laugh along with the others.

"I need to go take care of some quick business," Waldo said afterwards, "so why don't you stay here in the meantime and get to know each other?"

He walked off, leaving the bears to their own devices for awhile. They sat down on the bench, deciding to have a little chat about their own backgrounds and interests, trying to their best to ignore the groans and cries still faintly emanating through the walls.

Konrad found out that Alex was 22 years of age and Sofia 23. Yun, in addition to being the smallest of stature, was also the youngest at 20. Like him, they were all born and bred slaves, coming from bloodlines and families distantly related to his own. Alex's and Sofia's families had lived in the area for generations, but Yun's parents were first generation immigrants from Quan-Shou; she carried a slight Eastern tinge to her accent.

Getting to know stories from their upbringing and life at the Iosaphat household, Konrad told them a bit about his own life at the Prospero estate. As he told them about his boyfriend Theodore, they listened with great interest.

"He sounds like a really nice guy," the polar bear commented. "I'd like to meet him someday."

"You might, if you ever come visit us at the vineyard."

"I just hope he hasn't made you so hungry for cock that you'll be afraid of getting some cunt," Alex smirked, leading to a guffaw between her and her snow white friend. Yun just blushed. He had noticed that while Alex and Sofia were very open about all things sexual, gladly making ribald jokes and graphic references to their own experiences, the panda was notably more reserved about such things and usually just spoke about her own sex life in brief and technical terms. Another thing that reminded him of himself, as the other two's blatant talk about such matters made him a little uneasy too.

After about a quarter of an hour, Waldo returned. "Okay, dinner will begin soon. I think you can find your way back to the medical office where you'll be given your own jumpsuit and then you can go to the dining room. The ladies live and eat in another part of the Institute, so you'll be seeing each other again tomorrow when it's time to get down to business. I just have a few more things to say to them, and then I'll be along with you. Say goodbye to your new friends, Konrad."

Konrad turned his head to do so, but froze as he felt a paw caressing the bulge in his pants.

"Yes, goodbye Konrad," Alex cooed as she stroked his member through the fabric. "We all look forward to meeting you tomorrow. I promise that you'll have a really fun time ahead of you..."

"Alright, that's enough," the kangaroo sniggered. "He hasn't discharged for nearly a day, and you don't want to accidentally bring him off and leave him with less precious semen to give to you tomorrow."

The ursine's penis, which had softened during his talk with the females even through their ribald stories, hardened again. Embarrassed, he quickly rose and said a quick farewell before he stumbled away down the corridor.

Looking at the sows, the kangaroo did his best to look like a parent giving a stern talking-down to a naughty child, but seeing that it only threw the bears into further fits of giggles, he merely shook his head and inquired: "So, what did you think of him?"

"I liked him," Alex responded, drawing nods of agreement from her friends. "I'm really glad a nice fellow like him is going to be the father of our cubs."

"Good. And have you read the files about his sexual capabilities and preferences I sent you?"

"We have."

"Well, do you remember the section about his... particularly sensitive area? About how stimulating it will make his ejaculations more frequent and potent? Remember to tend to that area as often as you're able; it will increase your chances of pregnancy."

"Oh, don't worry. We will." The brown bear grinned wickedly. "We will make sure to pay very close attention to his pleasure spot. I said we intended to have him walking funny after our sessions, and by God he will..."