Derek Does... Chapter 2 - His Dad's Boss

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#2 of Derek does...

Hello again!

I know that there was a little while of a pause between my chapters, but that was because I had a fair amount of crap happening in my life. Well, now that things are finally starting to calm down, I can finally get back to writing my story! Huzzah!

Anyways, this begins the long series of flashbacks that make up a vast majority of my story, so please, bear with me if they suck. I will try and explain them as best as I can beforehand.

This particular flashback starts off the entire thing, being as it's Derek's dad's boss. Hope you all enjoy! Constructive critisism is muchly appreciated!

Enjoy this new chapter!

Chapter 2 - His Dad's boss

"I guess you could say how I turned out how I am today is thanks to Mr. Harrison."


"The boss. It all began a few years back. It was just after my thirteenth birthday, and it just sort of happened to conincide with my dad's 'Bring Your Son To Work Day'..."

"It was always fun visiting the factory. All the guys were always so nice, not to mention, since puberty was just starting to hit me like a ton of bricks, I was noticing a lot how fucking sexy the guys were..."

He was only 13... A thin, almost feminine young boy. He clutched onto his father's paw tightly, nervous at all of the larger male's that were around him. Pitbulls, dobermans, tigers, all of them, though friendly, offering a wave, or the non-chalant buttslap, what Derek had hungered for.

It wasn't quite a "Bring Your Son To Work Day", it was just an excuse that Derek's father told the school so he would bring him to his work place. He liked having Derek around, and Derek loved being around all of the guys, for more than just "They were nice." Whenever the young husky could, he would sneak off to the change room and peek into the showers, watching all of the men stripping down and showering, their muscles slick with sweat, bulging from the profuse workout that they just got from a life of factory work. It would send a lustful chill down his spine...

But there was one man in the building that he knew he really wanted to go for.

The boss, Eric Harrison.

The feline wasn't quite like the other guys in the office. He was a bit leaner, but that didn't mean that he didn't have the strength of the other guys. A bit leaner, he was more suiting towards upper management.

The siamese would always watch over the young boy when he would come into the office, small wireframed glasses pearched on the edge of his nose, hazel eyes watching the husky as he walked around. He thought it was quite curious for a young boy to be heading to the change rooms, which also doubled as the factory bathrooms, that many times. He would make a point to raise it to the boy's father that there might be something wrong....

But the 40-something year old's train of thought was derailed when he saw that rump swish on by, clad in a pair of damn-near skin tight jeans that left nothing to the imagination, that left his pants feeling a bit tighter... He reached down to squeeze his growing cock through his khaki's, readjusting himself...

On second thought... He may just ask the boy if there's anything wrong...

The husky continued to wander the factory, as he normally did, venturing in between the break room, wandering the catwalks to watch the guys at work, and the bathrooms.

Heh, no one has even noticed me whenever I'm in the change room! He thought to himself, rubbing his hands together as he walked down the hallway that lead him back to, as he liked to call it, his "eye-candy room". No one will suspect a th-

"Your James' boy, correct?" He heard a light baratone ask, along with a soft paw on his shoulder. The light touch alone was enough to send him jumping out of his skin. He turned, only to find himself face-to-chest with... Well, a lean chest, covered in a red silk shirt. He wasn't sure who it was until he looked up, an embarrassed squeak escaping his maw as he looking into the piercing hazel eyes of Mr. Harrison.

"Y-yeah, I am." He squeaked in response, heart pounding in his throat.

"Is everything ok? I've noticed that you're been heading to the bathroom an awful lot throughout the day."

Oh fuck. He thought.

"O-oh, yeah yeah. Just been drinking a lot of pop." He said, heart still pounding in his throat, threatening to leap out of his mouth to expose his plans.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! He figured me out! Please buy that, please buy that, please buy that...

"Well, even then, the frequency that you're going to the washroom is still a bit alarming. I really should tell your father to book an appointment with a doctor."


The feline quirked an eyebrow, "Why not? There might be something wrong with your prostate."

The husky already knew that there was nothing wrong with his prostate, considering the fact that the toy that he bought was curved to grind against his prostate and make his toes curl.

"Everything is fine, I'm healthy!"

The Siamese's brow raises even higher. "Yes, but you might need a prostate exa-"

"My prostate is functioning perfectly fine!" Derek quickly said, almost a bit too quickly.

Mr. Harrison couldn't help but allow the corner of his mouth to twitch into a smirk.

"Is that so?" He said, mind racing with perverted thoughts and ideas on how he could test out weither or not the husky's prostate was, indeed, functioning perfectly fine or not. The cat beckoned the younger boy towards his office. "Why don't we step somewhere a bit more private?"

The husky was shaking, nervous that the siamese was going to rat him out to his father. "S-sure, sir." He mumbled, making his way into the older male's office. What he didn't notice, however, was the feline idly stroking his cock through his pants, eyeing the young husky's ass all the while.

When the two of them stepped into the office, Eric locked the door, giving the two of them ample opportunity to... "Not Be Disturbed."

The siamese could only smirk again, stepping behind the younger husky and placing a firm paw on the younger fur's shoulder.

"Now, pup, why don't you tell me something..." The only male pressed a bit closer to the boy, "How is it that you know something like that?"

The younger husky blushed deeply, realizing what he had done. He was trapped, so he would have to tell the older male the truth. "I-i... have a dildo... I use it almost every night..." The husky whipped around, the blush still rather prominent on his cheeks, "P-please don't tell my dad! He'd kill me if he knew that I was in a sex shop!"

The siamese grinned evilly, trapping the boy right where he had wanted him.

"But I think he would want to know that his 16 year old son was somewhere that only people who are older than 18 should be in..."

Derek's eyes widened, "N-no! I'll do anything, I swear!"

_ Bingo_, Eric thought.

Silently, the older cat walked by the younger male, sitting himself down in his almost oversized looking leather chair. He picked up his phone, turned it over, and unplugged it.

The siamese set the phone back down after he was certain that the line had been properly disconnected, then he looked back up at the husky. He pushed out his chair from his desk, and with a smirk, unzipped his pants, fishing out his achingly hard shaft from it's confines.

"Then get over here and put that hot little mouth to work."

The husky's eyes continued to grow even wider, and his jaw hit the floor. "W-wha-?"

Mr. Harrison could only grin evilly, watching the boy's reaction as he idly stroked over his shaft, smearing the small bead of precum that had formed on the tip down his length to slicken it, smirking as he watched the blush crawl up the young husky's face and noticing the little twitch in the younger male's jeans whenever the slick noise of the feline's paw stroking over his dick hit his ears.

"You see, young one, I figured out that you were interested in men a while ago, and I have been keeping an eye on that juicy peach of an ass of yours for a while now." The feline said, the grin still on his muzzle.

"And I also know what you have been doing in the bathrooms as well."

"W-what do you mean?"

The siamese smirked a little bit, gripping his cock at the base, presenting all 8 inches of uncut feline dick for Derek to eye hungrily, trying to keep himself composed and keep up his innocent facade as the older male had begun to call him out for what he was doing.

"You see, little slut puppy, I know that you have been going into the washrooms to watch the men changing out of their uniforms... watching all of their muscular bodies on display, and seeing their nice big dicks." He gave his own a soft squeeze for emphasis, "hanging out..." He beckoned the little husky closer, but it wouldn't have mattered if he did or didn't, he would make him come closer one way or another. A sneer went over his face, "I bet every time that you go in and watch the guys change and you see the two bulls, you want to go out there and drop to your knees, don't you?..." He purred, the mean leer still on his face, "Let them use that hot little ass and mouth like the proper little slut that you are."

The husky was still registering what the feline was saying, the bulge in his pants rather rapidly growing as the thought of the two bulls that worked in the factory swam through his mind, his dick twitching and leaking a bead of precum, a small wet patch forming on the crotch of his jeans from it.

"I-i... u-uh..."

"So, I will tell you what you are going to do." Eric said, standing and stepping out of the black dress pants that he was in, pooling them around his ankles, showing the pup that he had strong legs, shaft jutting out in front of him.

"From now on, you are going to be my personal little slut. You are going to get on your knees and work me over until I shoot my load either all over that pretty little face of yours, down your throat, or deep in that hot little ass of yours."

"I-i d-do-" The husky began.

"And if you refuse..." The feline walked over to his computer, hitting a few keys, the conversation that the pair of them were having about Derek being in a sex shop having played back to the husky's horror, "This might just get sent to his father, who might also lose his job. Comply, and that file will be erased and there might just be a new higher up position opening for your father. Understood, boy?"

The canine couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was either he be used for sex by the guy that, admittedly, he had been lusting after for years, or have his father lose his job. He was shaking from the culmination of emotions that were washing through him. He closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm himself, before he opened them again, looking at the older feline in the eyes.

"Ok... sir... I will c-comply..."

Eric could only help but grin, sitting back down in his chair, making sure to keep his legs spread for his new husky fucktoy, cock jutting straight up in the air.

"Good boy. You chose wisely. Now, get over here and suck my cock, slut."

"And that was where it had started." Derek said, glancing over at Draco, blushing a little bit as he noticed that the dragon was at half-mast, the older male licking his lips and grinning.

"That's fucking hot, slut."

Derek couldn't help but smirk a little bit. "It doesn't stop there, sir. Next up is Raymond, a construction worker I met here in Toronto while I was here with family..."