Fox Fire 2: Sone Of The Flame Chapter 2

Story by Deca4531 on SoFurry

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#10 of Fox Fire chronicles

The night air was chill as blossom sat and stared out at the sea. Her pink scales sparkled in the moonlight; her long red hair flowed down her back like liquid rubies as she ran her comb through it. Despite the view and her hair, her thoughts were far away. Her heart was constricted in fear and anticipation as she waited for her sister to arrive. The day she had feared for a long time had come; she was of age to mate.

It was law that, once of age, all female dragon's had to mate, in hopes of baring young to preserve their dwindling race. It had been amber who had made that law a long time ago, when she had first formed her army. Blossom had been young when she had been made to join the army, but it was join, or be killed, as was the choice of all dragon women amber found. She had watched helplessly as dragon men were captured and enslaved as breeding materiel, she was against everything this army stood for, as were many others. No one said so out loud though, if they did they would be killed. And so there was nothing blossom could do, except wait.

The clicking of clawed toes broke her thoughts, her sister had arrived. Blossom didn't turn or greet her; she kept brushing her hair as if unaware of her. She paid no attention to her as she joined her on the small stone bench; the tension between them was high at the moment.

"Um... hi blossom. Are you ready?" blossom could tell she was reluctant to speak, as was she. She shook her head slowly, continuing to brush her hair. "Now look!" she sister said, trying to mask her feeling with anger "I won't hear any more arguments, I told you that you will get no special treatment." She stood up putting her hands on her hips for emphasis. "Your not getting out of this just because you're my-"

Blossom through herself at her sister, cutting her off as she hugged her close and buried her face in her chest as she started to cry "I'm scared sis," blossom sobbed "I'm not ready to mate, and I don't want a child. I always wanted my first to be someone I loved, not some slave." She couldn't go on; her body was racked with sobs. She felt her sister's arms hesitantly close around her, a soothing hand patting her head. After a while blossom calmed down and sat back down, wiping at her tear stained cheeks.

"I'm sorry I yelled," She told blossom, after a long silence "but what will the others think if I start treating you different. But I'll tell you what, there's a male, not too fertile I don't think. He is my personal favorite. If you mate him, you probably won't get pregnant, ok?" she put her arm around blossom's shoulder, pulled her a bit closer.

Sniffling, blossom nodded "thank you amber."

They walked the halls of the elegant palace, hidden away on an island, away from prying eyes. Generals saluted amber as she escorted blossom to her male 'he's not a male' she scolded herself 'he's a person, just like me' her sisters views had started to rub off on her. They entered the main chamber, where many soldier sat and enjoyed their breaks, non soldiers relaxed with friends, or nursed their young. They passed many room along the walls, these were the breeding chambers, were the males 'their not males damn it, their people' were raped for their seed. Her sister always told her that most didn't mind, that all males thought about was mating and they were happy here. She never believed her.

At last they came to a door behind the throne, a guard saluted amber then opened the door and stepped aside, giving blossom a sly grin as she passed. The room they entered was vast, most lost in shadows. In the center of the room sat a lone figure, shackled to an ornate steel chair. Amber left her alone, bidding her to try and have fun with him. She had told her what to do on the walk over, but her stomach was still twisted in knots. The person in the chair was the strangest she had ever seen, parts of him, wings, tail, were that of a dragon, but other parts, like his face and furred limbs, were more that of a fox. As she approached she got the fleeting impression he might be dead, he didn't move, though he must know she was there, and he gave only the slightest impression he was even breathing.

As she neared him she felt her face start to flush, she had seen naked men before, but not often. She knelt down at his feet, remembering what amber had said about how to get him hard. Sucking him was out of the question, she felt like gagging just from touching it. Unlike dragon males, he had a furry sheath, not a slit. She cringed as she wrapped her hands around it and began to massage him. She felt awkward, disgusted with him, and with herself for what she was about to do to him. After a while the pink meat of his member began to slide from its home. Blossom marveled and shuddered in fear as the sight of it. He was impressive, and she was sure he would rent her in two. She looked up at him, before she couldn't see his face, his head slumping on his chest like that. But now she could look right into his face, and she felt her breath catch and her heart beat faster. He was beautiful, or would be. The gag in his mouth looked painful, but more than that he looked heartbroken, but even worse was the look of calm, as if he had accepted he would suffer like this till death.

She backed away from him, she could do this, no matter what the reason she was being asked to rape him. She turned and walked up the stairs, but when she reached the top she found it locked. Banging her she yelled "what do you think you're doing, let me out." there was no answer 'amber must have told them to do this' she looked back at the figure in the chair; there was nothing she could do. She slowly made her way to him and came to stand over his member, reaching down to rub it back to full hardness. She squatted down a bit, getting him in position, this was going to hurt and she knew it. Before she moved though, she brought a hand to his face, resting it on his cheek. "I'm sorry," she whispered to him, then dropped down on his shaft, her virginity leaving her in a scream on pain that echoed in the vast room.

Alex sagged in his chair, enjoying, if you could call it that, his day off. This was the one day of the week no one came to mate him. Then the door swung open, its rusty hinges screeching loudly. He groaned inwardly, maybe this wasn't going to be his day off after all. He did as he always did nothing. Whoever it was could take what they wanted and leave without him even hafting to open his eyes. After an oddly long amount of time he felt soft hands on his sheath. This was a new person it seemed; her hands were soft and supple, not callused and rough like the other soldiers. She was inept though, groping and squeezing randomly. He had trained himself to become and stay aroused easily, but she wasn't making it easy. Then, once he was up she left 'what is up with this one?' apparently they locked her in with him. This was going to be an odd day. After a while she came back and got him hard again. 'Finally,' he thought 'lets get this over with' but then something strange happened. She touched his cheek, apologized to him even.

All of a sudden his dick was engulfed in her hot confines, meeting resistance for a brief instant then breaking through. She was the tightest he had ever felt, but most other thoughts were lost in her cry. He felt her head rest on his chest, and slowly he opened his eyes. She had a marvelous body, well curved and well kept scales. Her hair was soft, smelled of rose. But she was crying. He looked further down her, and gasped in shock. A small trickle of blood flowed down his shaft 'she's a virgin?' she was panting and sobbing, obviously in pain. "Are... are you alright?" He said, but his voice was muffled by the gag.

The pain that shot through blossom's body was more than she had expected, she felt something in her tear, warm blood flowed from her pussy, which she was amazed was still intact. She rested against him, recovering from the pain and catching her breath. She almost screamed again when he spoke, actually spoke, to her. She looked up at him dumbly, into deep brown eyes that were almost black. "What?" she couldn't understand him through the gag, but wasn't sure if she should take it out either. At last she comes to the conclusion she deserved any mean words he might have for her. She reaches behind his head and unclasped the gag. He flexed his jaw, then repeated himself. It wasn't so much the words that hurt; it was the look of concern and kindness in the worried gaze he fixed on her 'concern for the person raping him.' She thought. She leaned back from him, biting her lip to stop a gasp as his shaft moved inside her. She buried her face in her hands and wept in shame "I'm so sorry," she sobbed "you must think I'm a monster." Her body jerked with her sobs, which caused her to bounce on his cock, making both of them gasp.

Of all the things Alex had expected, this wasn't one of them. He had no idea what to do, be barley understood what was going on. What he did understand was that seeing her cry hurt him, he didn't know why, but it did none the less. So he did the only thing he could do, and in truth he found he wanted to as well. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. She froze, his own eyes were closed, but he knew her's had shot wide open; he could tell by the pause in her breath, by her trembling lips. He didn't force his tong into her mouth as most would, but he did lightly lick her lips, asking entry. Then her body relaxed into his, though her lips still trembled as they parted. He wasn't quite sure if her lips trembled in fear, in shock, or maybe for the same reason his did, for the same reason he found himself short of breathe and felt his heart race. His long tong moved over her's soothingly. He felt hot tears drip onto his cheeks even as her arms wrapped around his head. The kiss broke, and he made a trail of small kisses down her cheek and neck as he nuzzled her.

In all blossoms life, what he did was the last she thought would ever happen. She was scared, confused, and needed him at the same time. She returned his kiss, whimpering softly as she held him close. While she wasn't quite sure why, she still found comfort in his presence, in the warmth of his body next to her's, being able to feel him in her arms. As he kissed her neck she moaned softly, resting her head on his shoulder. They held each other close for long moments, finally blossom spoke. She whispered softly in his ear "how? How can you be so kind to me after what I did?" She sniffed back more tears "you should hate me, and I wouldn't blame you. I wish you would hate me," her voice began to crack as she held him tighter "hate me, despise me, but please don't love me for what I have done!" she wept into his shoulder, but didn't let him go.

"Please don't cry." Alex whispered back, rubbing his cheek to hers. "I know, I should hate you. But you're not like the others who come here; you're not like that bitch amber or her generals. You sweet and beautiful, and while I don't even know your name, I can't help but to find myself falling in love with you." She leaned back and stared into his eyes "but something I don't understand, why did you come here, why me?" blossom told him her story, she left out that amber was her sister though, she feared he wouldn't be able to handle that, and despite what she said, she didn't think she could handle the thought of him hating her after all. Alex listened intently and when she was finished he said simply "blossom, what a beautiful name." she blushed deeply, and he kissed her again.

"So they won't let you out until you mate me huh?" Alex asked once they broke the kiss.

"From what I can guess that's the case." She groaned, if only the circumstances could be different.

Alex was silent for long moments, then looked up into her brightly gleaming eyes "are you feeling better?" she nodded, telling him the pain had passes. Without warning he bucked his hips, causing her to yelp. "How did that feel?" he asked, grinning.

"Amazing," she breathed, then yelped again as he repeated the action, this time a moan fallowing it. Alex picked up a rhythm as he thrust into her, once she thought she was ready blossom put her hands on his shoulders and brought herself down on his in time with each thrust. A fire unlike anything she had ever known burned in her loins, sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body as she made love to Alex. It wasn't long before her breath came as a pant and her whole body burned with lust. "Oh god Alex," she moaned "I feel so strange, for the love of god, please doesn't stop!"

Groaning himself, Alex continued to pump into blossoms tight body, her well developed tits bouncing in his face, far too tempting an offer. He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking it feverishly as his tong flicked and teased it. His long and dexterous tail wrapped its self around her other breast, squeezing and massaging it. Her arms hugged his head close to her breasts as she moan heavily. Pre leaked from Alex's cock as he fought to control himself in her tight body. Her own love juices were flowing as well, he could feel them dripping down his shaft, covering his thighs and hers. Each thrust came with a loud, wet smack as their hips met, what he wouldn't give to have the use of his hands at this moment. He released her breast and came up to kiss her lips again, his tong shot into her mouth and, to her great shock, down her throat. His long tong slid in and out as he fucked her throat with his tong.

It wasn't long before blossom was at the peak of exdicy; her body was drenched in sweat as her mind was consumed by lust and pleasure. A sliver of fear crept into her as she felt her muscles start to tense up, "Alex, something's happen-" her words were lost in her scream as Alex's cock slammed into her hard, hot fluid spraying into her body. Something in her finally snapped, bright light exploded in her eyes as lightning surged through her body. She hugged him close, moaning loudly as her walls closed around him, drawing his seed from his body into hers. Her wings fluttered and her tail thrashed as the rest of her body convulsed from sensations she couldn't handle. Then the light faded, the feeling eased back. She collapsed against his chest, resting her head against his shoulder once more. She lay wrapped in warmth, enjoying the afterglow of her first orgasm.

Feeling exhausted himself; Alex did his best to cuddle next to her. "Blossom, I love you." He whispered into her ear. She nuzzled him in answer, and after a while she fell asleep. Alex sat awake for a while longer, feeling happier than he though possible since arriving here. His heart was filled with love and joy simple having her close to him. He closed his wings around them, and was soon asleep himself. Several hours later he awoke, and she was gone. At first he wondered if it had all been a dream, maybe his mind was playing tricks on him or he was finally going insane. Then he felt something tickling him; he looked down at his shoulder, and a smile slit his face. A single strand of long, ruby hair lay across his right shoulder. Alex leaned back in his chair and fell back asleep, feeling more content than he had in a long time.