Summon This! Finale

Story by Kells on SoFurry

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#3 of Summon This!

So I have to admit, when I wrote this, I was kind of distracted by the more lustful parts I had in mind, so I'm afraid the story isn't much more than an excuse for a couple of dragons to get it on. I think the sex at least turned out well. I think this is the last real installment for these characters. I will probably do a little epilogue for them soon, but unless something strikes my fancy I have other things I'd like to focus on.

Also, this marks the last story I have backlogged from FA, so from now on all content will be as I write it.


The view from the balcony of Lililethan's palace was undeniably beautiful. Perfect blue waters and pristine white sand provided an unrivaled scene. Rolling whispers of the surf and wind provided an almost meditative peace of mind, even in the most tumultuous of times. Recently, however, that serenity had eluded Lily. In recent months her mental state had been undeniably perturbed. In all the years that she had been seducing mortal men and women, none had made an impression like John had. Others had all been nice enough; Lily was picky about the attitudes of her lovers, but even the most open of them had given the impression that being with her was something they did only reluctantly. Perhaps it was a sense of taboo, or perhaps she intimidated them. Whatever the reason, none had connected with her like Johnathan. Certainly none of them offered to stay after the agreed upon night.

At the time she had seen John as a complication in her plans, and had thought is for the best that they part ways. Now her mind was filled with thoughts of what could have been, and the desire to go back and change the past. Unfortunately that ability lay beyond even her power, and she had not had the foresight to leave a way to contact John again. The fact that he had not used her sigil to contact her again gave the worrying indication that he had moved on with his life, doubtlessly taking some human woman as his wife. Feelings of jealousy and regret were things that Lily was unaccustomed to.

Bare feet shuffling on stone reached her sensitive ears, warning her of a visitor. Lily forced the contemplative frown from her face as a woman approached across the expanse of the veranda. "Good evening Maribel", Lily greeted as the human had come within a polite distance. The woman smiled in return, giving a brief incline of her head. A small badge of authority hung from a simple chain around Maribel's neck, marking her as the commanding officer of the local constabulary. Aside from that and a pair of very loose pants held up by an unoccupied sword belt, Maribel's dark bronze skin was exposed to the twilight air.

"Good evening Lililethan. We have some interesting news. A young male dragon is headed this way down the north coast. He should be here in a couple hours."

The announcement temporarily stunned Lily, and not for the first time she was glad that the scales of her face revealed little involuntary emotion. This would be the first dragon to approach in over a decade, and the brief thrill it clashed unpleasantly with her recent pining over John.

A long moment of awkward silence hung in the air as she considered her options. "I'll meet him in the air. I don't expect any trouble, but please have a troop on the ground in case he gets excited." Dragons were powerful, regardless of age, and there was always the off chance that this one could be unfriendly.

Maribel nodded again slightly, "Of course."

After a moment of thought Lily added, "Also, have some food prepared. If he's flying hard I'm sure he would appreciate a meal."

Maribel smirked slightly, "Perhaps he will even stay the night?" Despite her discretion on the topic, Lily's desire for a family was not a secret. It was shared by the populace as well; if one dragon had ensured such a safe and prosperous kingdom, having a family of them was surely even better.

"We'll see", was Lililethan's noncommittal reply.

Maribel just smiled and gave a slight bow before departing. As soon as the woman was out of sight Lily allowed her smile to drop and rose to her feet with a sigh.

Six months ago the news of a male dragon in the area would have thrilled her. Even a hotheaded young nomad might be convinced to stick around for a short time, and perhaps commit some night-time dalliances. Six months ago Lily would have danced with joy, now the most she could muster was a distant curiosity.

Even if she was indifferent about her visitor, she was at least polite enough to make herself presentable. Her constant consternation had distracted Lily from her regular bathing schedule, and there was noticeable grime dulling her normally glossy hide. A thorough scrub in the bath had her emerald scales gleaming once more, and her familiar citrusy scent hung in the air like a perfume. Lily was as prepared as she was going to get.

Flying over the shore was one of her favorite activities, so she took her time gaining altitude. The breeze coming off the water took on a chill as day transitioned slowly to nightfall. She turned westward to watch as the ocean lit up like a curtain of scarlet silk as the sun sunk below the horizon. It was such a beautiful view that it temporarily stole her attention away from the task at hand; thus she was somewhat surprised when a glance to the north showed the definite outline of a dragon just a few miles distant. He had arrived in less than half the estimated time.

The male was flying considerably lower than her, and didn't seem to have spotted Lily, so she drifted northward on a lazy interception course. As the distance closed she was able to make out more details. He certainly was young, significantly smaller than herself. Fairly common hues of dusky red covered most of him, with streaks of coal black scales across his wings and sides. The flight muscles across his chest and back were quite well defined, and in fact he had apparently burned off most of the reserves of fat. He must have spent quite a bit of time in the air recently. An odd sort of pack was slung under his chest, strapped to his neck.

Masculine musk lingered in the air behind him, a strange but comforting mix of scents that reminded Lily of the temperate forests of home. She couldn't deny that he was a handsome youth, and for a moment she entertained a fantasy of luring him to stick around before memories and regrets of John soured such thoughts. It was obvious that she couldn't just hide behind him, so she began to slowly descend, falling into a flight path very nearby. "Hello!" She called out in forced cheer, raising her voice to be heard over the wind. The male whipped his head around in surprise at the sound. "May I ask what brings you to my home?"

The male stared at her blankly for a moment, but quickly recovered his composure, smiling pleasantly. He spoke with a thick accent, not at all local or familiar; "I am traveling to visit a friend."

Lily frowned in confusion. "I didn't think there were any other dragons in the area."

"Ah." He responded noncommittally, his easy smile still glued to his face. His eyes stayed almost uncomfortably on hers though. Lily put the question to the back of her mind for now. It would be easier to discuss his motives on the ground.

"Since you are here, perhaps you could share a meal with me? It has been an age since I have entertained another dragon."

He nodded almost eagerly. She had obviously guessed correctly that he would be famished. She angled down again, leading him toward the beach in front of her palace. Maribel had followed orders admirably: despite having arrived an hour early, the two dragons were greeted by a small feast laid out on tables hastily erected on the beach. A small troop of men and women scurried around the food. All of them wore billowing robes of light colored silks, neatly concealing that they were armed. Lily landed a short distance off to avoid blowing sand over the gathering. Her guest landed just behind her; he looked briefly over the food before turning back to her with that same peculiar gaze.

Lily had long ago grown used to the idea that her body was bare to anyone who looked, but this male's eyes made her feel naked. "I'm sure you're hungry after that flight; help yourself." She gestured to the food in an attempt to distract him.

"Well, actually, there was something I wanted to say before I ate." He didn't get a chance to elaborate though; the human staff had started swarming towards them with platters of food even before the dust of landing had cleared. For a moment he attempted to ignore them, but they would have none of it. "Oh, if you insist." Obviously in a hurry, the unnamed male reluctantly sat back on his haunches and reached out to accept a large dish of meats and bread. He swiped the whole thing into his maw, chewing vigorously.

"You said your visit here was en route to a friend in the area?"

He chewed frantically and chugged wine to clear his mouth. "As I was trying to explain," he gasped, "I actually came here to see you."

She was silent for far too long after his declaration. "Oh." She finally muttered, her voice tinged with remorse. That remorse didn't go unnoticed by her guest, who tilted his head quizzically at her. Lily struggled to decide which way her feelings leaned on this statement. Part of her wanted to encourage his veiled proposal; another part wanted to scream that he was six months too late.

Before either of those responses could surface, he spoke again. "I think before you say anything, I need to show you this." He reached one hand up into that strange pack. A long minute passed where he shuffled unsuccessfully around its confines before he drew out a tiny little metal flask. Lily stared at it, feeling like she should recall the significance of this otherwise insignificant item. When the memory struck her, it was like a brick upside the head.

She recalled enchanting that silly little lump of metal and the liquor inside of it, moments before making the mistake that had haunted her these last months.

"Johnathan?" She blurted incredulously.

His face split in a toothy grin. "I couldn't let you get rid of me that easily."

The flood of confused emotions was too much for Lily to contain; despite her best efforts to remain calm she came to all fours with her wings flared wide in aggravation. "What is going on here?"

Humans scattered from the area as she came to her feet in a potentially hostile motion. The dragon claiming to be John faltered for a moment before dropping the metal flask to hold out his hand imploringly. His voice was calm and soothing as he replied. "All I know is that when I got back I made my wish and drank the whiskey in the flask, and shortly afterwards I was a dragon." He took a step towards her, still hobbling weirdly on three legs, reaching out to her. "I knew I had to come back. I would have contacted you, but the guard chased me out of the city and I lost all my spells."

Lily was not one to falter under pressure, but the storm that was roaring through her mind was at hurricane levels. She could hardly focus on his words or her thoughts through the noise, but she managed to pluck a couple of questions out of the madness. Perhaps the most selfish one stuck at the forefront. "Did you want me to change you back?"

He shook his head emphatically. "No Lily. I don't want you to change me back. I want to be with you. If you'll let me, I'd like to show that I'm good enough to give you that family." A weight suddenly evaporated that she hadn't realized she was carrying. Somehow, both of her most pressing desires had been answered in one stroke. Slightly unsteady from emotion, she reached up with one clawed hand, accepting the outstretched limb. John smiled tenderly and pulled her into a very human hug, falling back on his rump to wrap both forelimbs around her. The embrace was unusual, but Lily accepted it willingly, laying her head cheek to cheek with him. She sucked in the aroma of moist bark and fertile earth that came off him, savoring the heat of his body against her. For a time, that was enough, just the two of them entwined on the soft sand of the beach. Slowly the long-absent touch of a male worked its way into her blood, igniting an itch that hadn't been scratched in far too long.

It started with little licks and love bites along his neck, but soon she was leveraging him back, until they collapsed in the cushion of the beach, him trapped beneath her. Lily licked the taste of his scales off her lips wordlessly and pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes. The need that she saw there mirrored her own, and she felt no need to speak her question aloud

She fell on him with months of pent up ardor, planting her lips against his and worming her tongue into his mouth. Desire took over; she rubbed against him in a serpentine writhing that betrayed her lust with each grinding motion of her loins. John groaned into her mouth, responding to her motions with the utmost approval. Lily slowed and forced herself to calm before things got too far beyond her control; she wanted to draw this night out as long as she could. Reluctantly, she broke their kiss, panting in his face momentarily before peeling herself out of John's embrace. She only parted with him long enough to rotate in place, so that her backside was hovering over his face in an obvious invitation. Her eyes drank in the sight of the swelling crease in the scales of his crotch, his arousal already peeking out of its shelter. She licked her lips before bending her neck and letting her tongue tickle the cute sprout of pink skin emerging from his scales.

John's reaction was immediate and powerful. His hips jerked upward at her and he hands gripped her flanks. She continued her teasing, ignoring his growing erection, but licking the area around it. This torture wouldn't go unanswered though. John tightened his grip on her rump, lifting himself up to bury his nose in her sex. While Lily had been light and teasing, John seemed uninterested in lengthy foreplay. The thick, slick heat of his tongue slipped right past the folds of her sex to explore the more delicate flesh inside. At the same time he forced his snout firmly against her, as though he was trying to push that into her as well. Her stomach fluttered at the sudden intrusion, and her canal flexed and tightened reflexively. She forced herself to relax and enjoy the attention.

Under other circumstance, Lililethan might have been upset by this forcefulness, but in this case she wasn't truly in the mood for taking it slow. What her body was really yearning for at the moment was hardly better than rutting, and she was barely able to restrain herself. Seeing John's eagerness was a match for her own, Lily had no qualms about speeding things along. Her tongue snaked down and into his vent, encircling his cock down to the root. John shuddered under her, but if he made any noise it was muffled against her crotch. With Lily's careful nursing, his erection surged from his body to point needily skyward. Years had passed since she had last handled a male of her own species, but from her memories this was the genuine article.

The tip was flattened out into a teardrop with a small dimpled opening in the center, and the first few inches of the shaft leafed out like the petals of some sort of exotic flower. The whole length had soft spongy hooks that tickled her tongue as it explored. She wrapped one hand lovingly around it, feeling the wild pulse of John's heartbeat. The stroking coaxed a thick bead of fluid from him, which she paused to lap up, savoring the tang of him and smiling devilishly at the shivering reaction it elicited. Though he was momentarily stunned by the sensation, he quickly recovered and returned the favor, extending his tongue to its fullest and lashing the point against the back wall of her sex. Lily chirped in happy alarm, her toes curling in the sand on either side of John's head. For a moment her hips wavered as she fought the urge to hump down at his face. She could feel her dampness dripping, running down John's muzzle as he pleasured her.

Excitement was obviously getting the better of John, judging by the steady stream of pre dribbling from him and leaving a glistening trail on the scales of her wrist. His hips twitched up at her, pistoning his cock into her closed fist. Lily chuckled at him and let him molest her hand for the moment, occasionally giving him a lick as he jabbed through her grip. It seemed as though he would do all the work himself, when Lily was taken by surprise; a powerful spurt of his spunk landed right across her nostrils, inundating her with his heady smell. She gave a greedy rumbling growl. She licked off the sticky gob, but it wasn't enough to satisfy her now. She pulled her hand back. John's hips kept humping, and he whined in dissatisfaction. He didn't wait long however, Lily quickly engulfed him in her mouth, just barely letting her teeth slide over the sensitive contours of his shaft. He jerked and twitched under her in fits of bliss, and this time his yowls of pleasure were clearly audible. Her tongue slurped messily as she pulled him further in until he bumped against the back of her throat. Lily let him linger there a moment before tipping her head back and swallowing him completely, until her nose was nestled into his vent. John grunted and bucked desperately into her throat.

A heavy purr escaped Lily while she suckled powerfully on the textured flesh in her mouth. She swallowed rapidly to stimulate the part of him that was lodged in her throat. The frantic lashing of his tongue inside of her was working magically; the familiar tightness in her belly and loins signaled an impending climax. John must have taken a hint from the way her insides were quaking, because he decided to finish her off with a bang. He wrapped both hands around the top of her tail and hauled down, pushing his head up powerfully. With a lewd and loud squelch, the end of his muzzle sank into her. At the same time his tongue flicked up to that spongy button of flesh on the roof of her sex.

Lily's eyes went wide as she squealed in shock around his manhood. She couldn't hold back the urge this time, and humped his face shamelessly, working the slicked scales of his snout deeper into her. The thunderstruck blankness of orgasm washed all the thoughts from her head and left only the heady lust of the act and the carnal need to keep going. It was only after conscious though returned and her high faded that she could stop the movement of her hips, and release the deathgrip her loins had on John's face. He extracted himself from her, and soon there was a satisfied smacking of lips as he enjoyed the copious fruits of his labors.

She pulled off of him with a soft gurgling, thick strands of saliva still slung between his organ and her mouth. Lily's knees quaked as she stood up and carefully changed position, getting face to face with John once again. He was still licking her juices from his face, the corners of his mouth curled up in a discreet smile. She was about to remark on his smugness when something else caught her attention. The humans that had been serving the meal were still standing next to the erected tables, not more than a stone's throw away: Lily had never dismissed them. Most stood with their backs to the couple, but Mirabel and several others looked on in open approval.

Lily returned his smile with her own bare-toothed grin, "Let's hope you can perform for an audience." She quipped, lowering her hips slowly so that his spit-shined member slid up between her thighs. It caught in the natural grove at the base of her tail, sliding along the slickened scales to nestle against her lips.

John's smile turned quizzical as he followed her gaze until he spotted the spectators. He opened his mouth the object, but she did give him a chance. She pressed the length of her body to his in a combination of pin and embrace before angling her hips down and impaling herself on him. The strange shapes of his manhood snagged in her, tugging in the best of ways. She gave no respite; the moment her hips touched his, she lifted up again, only a few inches, and pushed back down, starting a deep and rapid pace immediately. She had forgotten how deliciously intense it was to be with another dragon. The strange curves and shapes of John's maleness filled all the right spots every time she ground her hips down, and the spongy little spines dragged like fingers across her insides every time she lifted away. Panting, tongue lolling out of her mouth, Lily's pace became frenzied. John's concern with the humans vanished as he was overcome by lust. He reached up to grab the bases of her wings like hand holds as she rode him. The muted smacking of his tail against the sound was drowned out by the much more messy sound of her crotch slapping against his.

Unfortunately it couldn't last. John had been close to orgasm already from the Lily's mouth, and Lily was still reeling and sensitive. All those spines started to get firmer, and the length of his shaft started to throb inside her. Lily slammed down one last time, so that not one inch of him was left exposed.

Lily shuddered as she felt his cock swell up, the head blossoming out and locking him in place, stretching her almost painfully. The blistering heat of his orgasm exploded in her depths. The feeling of his cum spreading inside of her sent Lily tumbling into another climax. Her breath caught in her throat as she ground her hips down, trying to get even another fraction of an inch of penetration. By the time the fog of bliss cleared, her lungs were aching for air and her legs were on the verge of giving out. With a sigh she rolled to her side, wrapping her arms and legs around John to pull him along. He was still trembling and groaning, and she could feel him pulsing inside her with an ongoing orgasm.

"What?" He gasped at her as she felt yet another surge of warm semen splash into her.

Breathless herself, Lily smiled as she panted in his face. "I see you haven't had this pleasure yet." She wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him close to kiss him. Even in his state of quasi-distress John accepted the gesture, calming slightly at the comfort she offered him. "Relax darling, it's normal. It will pass in a few minutes. I wouldn't plan on going anywhere for the next hour though." She emphasized the statement with a tiny tug of her hips, and shivered at the feeling of her sex being pulled pleasantly by the spines of his penis; he was in her as surely as if glued there.

She kissed him once more and purred in satisfaction as he gave one more spurt inside her. All that wonderfully hot seed was staying just where it was supposed to, just where it was needed to ensure conception. "John, thank you. I had thought I had lost you, but you've come back and you've given me the most amazing gift." She paused, testing the three word she was about to utter. "I love you."

He turned his chin up to look at her with undisguised appreciation. He tried to say something in return, but the throes of pleasure turned it into an unintelligible mumble. "Love you." He finally managed to respond in an almost drunken slur. It was enough for Lily. She wrapped her wing around him to shelter him from the gaze of the humans, and slowly slipped into the most comfortable slumber she'd experienced in decades.