Water, Ice and Darkness - Chapter 3

Story by ASHOKA on SoFurry

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#3 of Water, Ice and Darkness

A vaporeon anthro living in the suburbs has lived a quiet and simple life till now. Everything changed as his life becomes disrupted for the worst. A rise of a dark power from the Northern Kingdoms forces him to bring more meaning to his life by aiding a lone feral Absol in her quest to save her mate. He believes they are doomed to what will come their way, but his will and better nature drive him to accompany her through her struggle. This is a tale of magic, and sorcery.

Notes to readers, you'll have to appreciate the narrators dialogue, as he uses unorthodox word placing, wasn't = weren't etc, as that's how he talks.

This present of a fic is for a friend I feel indebted to for being there for her, n' maybe a lil more now than before, so this fic is dedication to them.

Thanks Proteus, n' you too half-pint.

Warning- this chapter also contains sexual content.

Water, Ice and Darkness

Chapter 3

Broken and Found

I knew the river ran deep, I had to wait till the attack was right on top of me before I release me little walk on water trick. It smashed down as my own water tornado bought me the time I needed.


The moment I saw Z's chest rise once more, I pinched the unconscious babe's nose and covered her mouth so she got a good breath. My water attack was splattered away like it were some itsy squishy bug going splat. At that moment I protectively cradled her in both arms, n' dove, deep. I remember the pain hitting my back. The river's surface took some of the umpf outta it, and so did me well timed attack, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. The dark energy that burst past me seemed like doozy of an ass kicking coming me way. It hammered down to the depth's like some ol' sea banshee with a vendetta, even below the friggin water. I had to use me tail to dive deeper. It was looking bad, very bad.

The dark energy kept diving in after me, unrelenting. Some of the attack ripped into me tail, taring a big doozy of a chunk right outta the mid section, and more tore into the side of my ribs as it passed, bubbles of air burst out me side. The pain was agonizing, n' I knew one of me lungs was punctured, n' was gonna hurt like hell when my brain caught up. I was running on pure adrenalin. Thank Arceus Z was alright still.

I lost control as the pressure of the river's under water current swept us along faster than a two bit hooker flinging her legs wide open. I was outta control, spinning n' tumbling, n' hardly breathing. I could go for almost twenty minutes on one breath of air. But with only one lung working, n' the other filled with water, I knew my time was halved. I had no idea if I was gonna make it. I probably was going to die from bleeding as a main artery in my tail was ruptured, n' probably me aorta too. Well that was my guess then, but obviously if it had been the aorta then I woulda been already dead, but cut me some slack, I already told ya I weren't as smart as I'ma now kay?

The babe was struggling a little by the way she made her expressions. I was suffocating her. It was that or she'd drown. I couldn't surface, my tail was in no condition to thrash against the water to allow myself to surface. The waterfall into Dratini Lake was nearing. I just knew the underground lava streams didn't carry that far n' most of it was frozen save for that there little bit the water fell from. I hugged the babe close n' real tight. This was all my fault, frack those bastards! She was a good kid, n' if I hadn't dragged her home for food that she didn't end up getting, she wouldn't be in this mess.

The river ended flinging me like some ol' rag doll off the edge. I fell for what felt an eternity in me head. But I guess nearing death makes time kinda infinite. I saw my ol'man, me mama, me so called buddies, Chayenne, Lisa, Joel, n' everyone else that I ain't mentioned to you that I knew. But you know what? The last image was of the life I was responsible for endangering, Z's. Why was it her face last? The guilt maybe? I had no clue.

I made sure I got her to take a quick gasp of air before I sealed the unconscious absol's maw again. We splashed down hard as the force of the waterfall dragged us mercilessly under once more. Shifting bubbles, blues n' whites were all I saw. I hadn't the strength or the ability to fight the power of the heavy water pressure. I clung to her, not wanting to depart her to the beast which was the water waiting to drown us. I just took it as it came n' let its force push us away. Things weren't getting any better, I could see a thick sheet of ice above us. Finally, as us unlucky buggers entered the vast calm of the under the lake we weren't even close to being home free yet. Well we were trapped n' no way out. I tried using an attack but it weren't gonna happen for me. I just didn't have enough of anything left in me' wrecked body. That nice ally I knew as strength weren't playing nice n' giving me the hand I needed, it continued to leave this good ol'vappy body o'mine, as the blood continued to seep from me.

Z's expression was something I could call desperate, n' if I didn't know better the kid was turning blue on me. I knew I had to get her some oxygen quickly, but with one lung full of water, I weren't too sure if a mouth to mouth exchange would just fill her with water or not. Times like these give ya little options so I gave it a shot hoping the air in me held the water back in the other lung. I pressed me mouth over her plush lil' maw, sealing me lips around it, n' I blew in with fleeting hope. Her eyes shot wide open with an immediate panic as she thrashed her body. I held her tight n' made sure she got the air she needed. Our lips stayed locked till Z began calming. Guess she was battle hardened a lil, but another broad woulda just continued kicking around n' suffocated. I wasn't certain, but I reckoned the cold water was beginning to shock her system. It was down-right freezing.

I slowly parted me lips from hers, pointed upwards n' made a fist with a small jabbing motion. Dang was me head ever like a spinning merry go round. Even that motion of raising me hand felt exerting n' took a hell of a lotta strength.

I felt so light headed.

Yeah even if I couldn't get an attack off, I only hoped the cutie had one more lucky blast left in her. We were gonna both die soon, n' maybe I was done for anyway, but she could make it. Me vision doubled, my mind wracked with guilt.

The world around me took that forked path on a doozy of dizzy streak, progressively getting worse until....

That's when I....

Blacked out.

The darkness came like a hammer to the head to celebrate a new sorrow for probably taking her life. I just wanted to make sure the babe got food n' made sure she was fit for travel, but me only act of generosity was a new death sentence for her. Poetic huh?

Was it time to finally embrace the cold? The world fell slowly away from me. All I remember was me body drifting between blacks n' greys. Had I reached the afterlife, n' was this the morgue of silent corpses? Whoa.... those were some creepy n' shitty thoughts which wavered around me skull, I'll tell ya something for free, limbo between death ain't the nicest place to be.

I knew I was moving on.

That was the time I questioned me pathetic life. I couldn't find anything of value or worth that I'd lived for. Nothing I'd achieved at that point was worth remembering. What a lame life I'd lived to die with nothing. No friends, not even anyone to remember me but me ol man, wherever he was. I'd never seen the world, n' yet to experience much.



Light.... Where was it coming from?

"Proteus.... Proteus...."

Who was bloody calling me? Could me body not be given the time to rest in peace even in death? Quit the nagging....


There it was again, n' then I finally came to. I was flat out on my back as me eye lids flung open. I jolted to sit up faster than a springing jack in the box. Talk about rude awakenings? I found me'self on edge of the frozen lake.

"What, where, how, why, huh? Z?" I completely startled her. Well of course I was confused, I even bloody startled me'self in that pinch. I thought I'd hit that nice ol' highway to heaven, but I guess Arceus didn't want me coming n' knocking on his door just yet. Yeah us Vaporeon anthros always are the rowdy type, I couldn't blame him. That all knowing big cheese probably figured I still needed a wee bit more of what life had to throw me way before he took an ol' stray like me in. Maybe my ass hadn't been whipped enough.

Weren't I hurt?

The how's n' why's sling shot through me mind, while me paws ran amok down my body n' over the parts which should have been injured. Not a sign of damage apart from the small rip in me favorite vest. Wasn't that where I'd gotten me ribs smashed? Damn Eric! It was real dyed human skin, very light weight n' tough. The rarest kinda of material you are ever gonna find. "What happened?"

"I dealt with your injuries. I carry supplies." She turned using her limber form to curl back to her hind leg, n' nudged at her pink thigh garter. "See those 3 remaining pebbles? I had two red, and two blue. I used one of the blue ones, it recovers injuries and also stamina, magical or otherwise. I've only got one of them left now."

She turned back to face me. I was curious on how the babe acquired 'em. "Where did ya get 'em from?" The absol chick just kinda paused n' didn't answer. "Well?"

"I found them." I wasn't sure what she was trying to cover up, but it was as clear as one plus one, a blatant lie. It was a given with the way the half-pint couldn't even keep eye contact. I didn't push for further answers, after all she just saved my skinny hide. She probably had reason enough for lying, n' I trusted her for some reason.

"Just curious kid, what are the other two for?" Again I got her on the spot with that one. Her eyes did lock to mine that time.

"Its a private problem I have inside me. I won't to go into details. Sorry." She weren't lying that time. But if the babe found them, then it seemed pretty darn convenient they were the right ones for her problem, that's a mighty good coincidence huh? So she had some kinda illness or something I thought. I respected her decision not to tell me, as who was she to open up to me? We'd only met hours ago.

Then it hit me.

"Wait, weren't we under the ice?"

"I used a attack to blast a hole and got us out."

How the hell did she manage to drag me? It ain't like I'm some kinda light weight. The kid's just a short stuff, n' rather skinny. Well I ain't one to talk about skinny, just look at me. "But, how the hell did you drag me out?"

The babe just rubbed her head with her paw coyly before she replied. "Err well... I didn't, I just blasted you clear out of the water." She had a smirk on her face, boy what an evil minx.

"You... What?"

"Like kaboom, vaporeons can really fly under the right application." I've gotta say the babe either had a brutal sense of humour or she really did it, which kinda made sense, but still brutal. She snickered a little. "I definitely attacked you, but quit complaining, it was either that or I left you to die. Do you really think at my size I could have dragged you? I knew I could heal you 'if' you were still alive."

"If? I ain't too down with ya methods hun, but oh mama you're a meanie. Well don't ya worry your pretty head, it's fine, seeing as I'ma all fixed up. So we better get a move on, those two may still be around. Just one more question I got for ya. How the hell was your attack so strong back there? Alright it's a given theirs was mutant n' all but yours was pretty big too, n' there ain't no way I seen anyone your size able hit like that, or even very many people mhm."

"I think you place too much emphasis on anthros. Pure breeds can do just as well. I'm inclined to agree that it's time we move on though."

"Fair enough tuts, I don't wanna sound pushy, I'm a tad curious is all." She smiled, shivering, n' what an idiot I'd been as it was so bloomin' cold. She was wet on top of that, just like me, but I wouldn't suffer from pneumonia being a water type n'all, but it weren't the case for her. I had to get her high n' dry. Me ol'man had a shack around here n' it weren't too far. He would take me out to it every few months when he returned from an adventure, n' teach me how to use water abilities by fusing them with a lil' magic. Not even Eric n' Shelton knew about it. It seemed a good a place as any to take shelter, n' as a bonus, me ol'man had a stash of food there, some nuts n' berries. We could probably hold up there for the night. "Still I'ma not sure how Eric n' Shelton got that beefed up."

"Boreas is building a rather large army. Those gauntlet's they wore, if you remember back, enhanced your friends attacks. They are human relics of a war that's decades left in history, where it should remain buried."

"Humans.... they really messed up the planet. Scums. If they hadn't made 'em we wouldn't be in this mess. I swear if I ever...." She got lil' sad with my comment. I really knew I ought to cut back on slagging humans. Even if they deserved it, swines. There weren't any reason to upset her about it. I paused to take a deep breath n' get back on track. "So there's a few of 'em gauntlets around I'm gonna figure, n' there's many more anthros out there like Eric n' Shelton, does that sound about right?"

"Yes you got it. I'm going to have to avoid them. I can't take them on, so I just need to get to Boreas and take him head on."

"What if I took out one of 'em anthro's out n' got meself a gauntlet?"

"Its not that simple, only those under the veil of Boreas's darkness can wield them. Meaning his slaves and lackeys, which are tainted by him."

"Figures. Anyway, its not my style to be sneaking around, but its not like the odds are fair either."

Z had me more curious-like than ever about her. For one, how did she know so much? I got my skinny ass off floor, shrugging some of that frozen dirt of myself, n' damn was I feeling stronger than I ever had. In fact I'm gonna tell you now that I felt like I coulda took on the world. Whatever she'd done to me made me feel like I wanted to yodel like a drunken sage of Sinnoh. I cracked me knuckles n' gave a few punches to loosen me body as I swung me tail. I knew I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Shelton n' Eric could still take me out with ease.

This time I didn't bother asking as I grabbed that lil' minx n' threw her over me shoulder. I began walking off as she furiously made demands. "Stop it, and put me down this very minute! Where are you taking me? I can walk just fine you brutish....!" She had to think. I figure insults are not the babes forte.

"You talk too much kid, I'm getting bored of this tough chick act. You keep trembling, n' pretending you're alright, but you ain't. You've proved to me time n' time again you're strong, so you don't have to keep it up. You even passed out back there. I think I'll go right on ahead n' save you the trouble this time."

"Fine then!" she huffed. She knew I was gonna carry her, despite her protests.

What a mess I'd gotten me'self into.

The gloom came, as night covered us like snuggly blanket. Dark shrouds like some hippy's smoke shack drifted around us, as the mists swallowed us. Despite the way things were looking, it weren't so hard to find me way around. I knew exactly where we were heading. The trees loomed with frost over us, n' the water had crystallized, hanging from them like spikes that could have probably impaled us if they'd fallen. Oh mama it woulda been nasty if they had, shish ka-absol, n' vappy.

I could feel that rascal squirming. "Sit tight, n' stop wriggling around kid, we're almost there."

"There, is where exactly?" The babe was trembling kinda like a violently shaken can of beer. Still she moved around irritating me, n' also found humor, "So you're kidnapping me huh, oh my, or you just can't live without me already?"

"Somewhere safe for now. N' yeah a lil' pesky kid what won't hold still. I'm gonna spank ya for real in a minute, hardcore B, D, S, M, style, so cut it out," I told her, n' in a real serious-like tone. She stopped immediately, not liking the sound of that.

I needed to dry her off, the kid was gonna be a Popsicle soon. Just barely from outta the darkness n' hazy mist, I was able to make out a faint shadow. The shack! I strode faster towards it til I finally got to the door. Looking down I kicked the nice lil' welcome mat to the side n' knelt down, letting the minx off my back. I dug my paw under a crack at the door step, pulling out a rusty looking key. Just where I thought my ol'man would leave it, so predictable. Getting up I plunged it into the lock, n with a quick turn, I opened up the door. Some dust fell down off of it as I pushed it open. Seemed I'd not been here in awhile, nor me ol' man. Rich mahogony n' pinewood furniture greeted us with that nice cozy feel. Things looked the same apart from the odd gathered cobwebs, months of abandonment. I headed right on in, while Z followed. The absol sneezed a coupla times -she probably was coming down with a cold, or maybe it was the dust.

"It belongs to me ol' man. Make yourself at home til I make heads n' tails of the day. It's a lot to be hit with in one go if ya know what I mean." The place only was one small room, n' one bed. I moved to the fire place. "We're gonna have to deal with the cold, as I ain't lighting it. It's like saying, hey guys I'm over here. Smoke."

"I'm not stupid you know," she retorted. Maybe I insulted the babes intellect boo-hoo. I smiled at her, giving her a shrug. Hey I was only making sure. I kept looking around the shack but with poor lighting it wasn't helping. Finally there it was, half buried in the pile of junk, just what I was looking for. I grabbed the lamp it outta the heap to the side of the bed, as other clutter fell down the side.

I quickly pulled out my lighter.... "Friggin hell...." The damn thing was all wet. "Well that's just dandy ain't it...." I muttered some curses under my breath. Now it was her turn to smile.

"Don't fret and allow me." She winked raising her paw, n' kissed the sole of her paw to create a small black flame which danced there. She blew it, but it weren't no love kiss I'd admit, but still teasing enough, that lil' tease! The small dark flame drifted from her paw n' floated flickering in the air as it made its way to land right on the lantern I held. I had to hand it to her, now that was down right impressive.

"Nice trick babe." The lantern flared up brightly, casting its welcoming light into the room.

"Seems we'll be fine. The light is gonna give us a tiny bit of heat. Don't worry yourself peach, the trees n' mist are gonna stop the light getting anywhere far. So there ain't gonna be any high rising smoke to alert anyone ta' where we are." Crap, I just spotted something, my ol'mans erotic artwork collection was scattered all over the floor by Z's feet. "Sorry they ain't for your eyes kid, you're probably too young for 'em."

"What?" She looked down by her paws, a red shade crept across her face. "Oh...." She looked back at me, "Hey what do you mean I'm too young!" she cried furiously with a pout.

"Why do you think I call you a kid every now n' then? You look fifteen or something."

"Grrrr, like hell. I'm a year into my adulthood!" She did look adorable when flustered, n' a savvy vaporeon like me'self couldn't help but get in the odd word.

"Whoa Z no offence, just saying. Hmm only a year younger than me huh? Well ya still look young, take it as a compliment. Hmm Maybe I might take a nice long look over you now, instead of keeping eye contact as seen as your legal." I teased with a small laugh.

"Stop looking at me like that!" she timidly said. She lost the fire in her words, as her face further went as red as a beetroot, poor babe.

"Well chicks only dress up n' look cute when they want attention, what's a hot blooded male to think with that hot garter n' goggles? Haha. Those boys were right about one thing, you're a real cutie alright."

She didn't answer but I felt like laughing some more with the way she was shying away. I weren't intending to take advantage or anything like that. Hell I wasn't even intending to hit on her. I was just having a ball being a rotten tease to the core, yeah I could get like that sometimes. I needed to lighten the heavy load that life had thrown on me shoulders with all that's happened. If you can't laugh now n' then, how do you expect to ever cope with life? I had me lil' laugh n' decided to lay off the babe.

I moved across n' grabbed a towel outta one of the rickety cabinets. Phew it was clean thankfully, n' no dust, just some luck I guess. I threw it over the babes head. "Dry up, or the reaper will claim ya cute ass for a humping."

"Ha, ha real funny." She pulled it from over her head with her maw n' started to dab it along her body. I woulda given her a hand, considering she was feral, but it was amusing watching her.

I got serious again as I still knew so little about her. "Why are you hunting this guy Boreas?" I paused to check out her reaction but before she had an answer, I continued. "Reason I ask is, what did he do to ya to get you wanting to go on this suicide mission? If Boreas can boost me buddies pokemon abilities that much there ain't no telling how powerful he is."

"He, I.... He stole someone close to me." She hung her head like a sack of potatoes, dropping the towel. "I want to save him. Boreas took from me the only one thing I cherish."

"Like Eric n' Shelton huh? I know how ya must feel as I ain't got no where to return to, no where to go." Right now I didn't even need to say that last bit, maybe was a tad irrelevant n'all but I was looking for reason to go on meself. Maybe some kinda purpose now my life had crumbled, but for what it was, I guess I was taking it pretty well.

"No, your friends' darkness was set free. It had always been there. With Tantan he couldn't pervert him. His thoughts were pure. He's been imprisoned."

"So who's this Tantan to ya, if ya don't mind me askin' that is?

"He's.... My eternal life mate. The one that carries the same flame in his heart that I do for him," she said. I saw tears hitting the floorboard as she kept her head hung, her face hidden behind her hair. Maybe she was too prideful to have me see her crying.

"I'm sorry babe, he musta been real special. So what species is he? Is he feral or anthro?"

"Neither, he's...." I knew this was hard for the babe, I could see it was taking a lot for her to get it out. "A titan."

"You've gotta be kidding me?" Those things were meant to be wiped out during the last great war of the spell casters.

"Why would I? I knew you wouldn't believe me."

"Hold up I never said I didn't believe you, but I had no idea those things still existed."

Her head cocked back suddenly as tears ran like rainfall down the tykes face. "He's not a thing! He's a living breathing creature just like you and me. If you call him a thing or show your hatred in anyway towards him like you do with humans, I swear to Arceus I'll I'll....."

She stopped, having gotten a lil' fired up over it. She couldn't finish her line. "Its alright, he's not human so it's fine. I can only imagine his pain. The poor creature probably was a slave to those bastards just like my ol'man was." I reached down, n' swept the tears on her face.

She nuzzled against my palm with the side of her maw before she replied. "Still, you're kind to me, so how can you hate humans so much?"

Even though I tried to avoid the human thing, I owed the broad an answer of some kind. "The terror n' war they brought. The pain n'suffering they put us all through. I've sworn to take them out should I ever come across any."

"What about me? Would you hurt me too as I'm different? A cursed bringer of disaster is what many call me."

"Never, you ain't human. Another thing tuts, those disaster stories are just made up." I understood the last part now. I'm putting it down to those absols being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"What difference does it make? If I was human, would you hurt me then?"

"Yes," was my simple reply.

Her eyes watered more.

"I see. Then hate and hurt me too because we all bleed the same."

"Hey hey, come on now? You know I'd never do that. I saved your life when you passed out remember? If I wanted you hurt ya babe I woulda left you to die."

"I've repaid that by saving yours in return," she snapped out. I didn't mean to rub it in her face. I was just making a statement. I needed to switch the topic of humans as it was only upsetting her.

"About that, why do ya keep sticking by my side? The fight weren't yours back there. If ya died then who woulda saved your mate?"

"All life is precious, to turn from it would be to turn from myself and who I am." Bah! She was one of 'em reckless types that would throw herself in front of a stampede to save a stranger.

"Pride's a dangerous thing, wear it with caution. What's there to say I ain't gonna turn out like me so called buddies n' kill ya?"

"You would've already turned and then let me drown, if your darker half was greater when you came in contact with their attack."

"Huh? I see.... I just don't know what to do anymore. I can't return, n' I lost everything."

"I'm sorry, I guess we'll part company tomorrow and set out on our own paths then."

I raised my fist clenching it in front of her. "You ain't gonna go anywhere."

She stared up at me, backing up a coupla steps.

"You can't stop me."

"I never said I would stop ya, I just said you ain't gonna go anywhere if ya even think of trying parting with me now babe. As I got nowhere I can go, I'm coming n' you ain't gonna go anywhere without me. We've been through hell already. I've never done anything in me life that's been worth a thing, but now I have a chance."

"Huh?" I really lost her then.

"As I figure it, I shoulda died back then, so this is probably life's way of telling me that I still got something to do before I leave, mhm."

"Then you're proposing a pact?"

"Yeah, n' I'm suggesting we make tracks at first light. I hope ya got a plan?"

"I'm still pondering on it, but I'm tossing around a few ideas. I have no problem with you coming, but just remember one thing."

"What's that?" I enquired curiously.

"It's like you said before, it's probably going to be a suicide mission. I still don't get why as this isn't your fight...." Seems she was giving me a chance to reconsider, but like hell was I gonna change me mind.

"N' it weren't your fight back there with Eric n' Shelton, but that didn't stop ya did it? For someone I only met today I care a lot about ya already. As ya know babe we risked our lives for each other out there. We didn't know each other but we still did, didn't we?" She nodded skeptically in agreement.

Walking over to the window I made sure the shutters where secure, after that I paced to a small storage box in the corner. The thing was air tight, but darn good to preserve food supplies. After turning the dial a few times I had to pry that bloody thing open, but nothing is too tough if ya add a lil' elbow grease. It gave a small pop as the air seal broke. Oops....

Well it weren't anything to worry about, its not like we were gonna be coming back there in a hurry once we left. Guess my ol'man would kick up a fuss when he found it, but whatever. I pulled out two pouches -that's all there was with berries- n' another with some nuts.

Her eyes sparkled, n' I was thankful she was starting to cheer up. "We're friends now, and I'm glad I took you up on that offer for food. I don't regret we met. You're not as bad as I thought you were. "

"Thanks I guess." I didn't know what to make of the comment, but just scratched my head sheepishly. "You ain't too bad yourself kid."

I moved back towards the bed, n' seated my ass down, then slowly reclined to rest me back comfortably against the side of the bed. I opened the two small pouches, looking at her making her way towards me. She came in n' tucked up next to my thigh n' snuggled against it for warmth as I took a handful n' lowered it to her. She really did seem affectionate. Somehow I got a nice cosy feeling inside just by being there with her. I watched her take them so quickly. My paw was empty with three quick swipes of her mouth. Did she even chew? I didn't realise how starved she was, but I guess it was that darn pride again that she wore like a scarf. I guess it kept her grace before others, n' was stopping her from begging for 'em. I didn't say a word about it for a coupla minutes, as I continued to take handfuls n' fed her, while taking the odd few n' eating them myself. I didn't know if it would hurt her with the rate she was scoffing 'em down. "Slow down, or you'll end up with one doozy of a belly ache tuts."

She looked up, having not realised. Both her cheeks were stuffed. I almost laughed again, but I stopped myself n' just gave her a warm smile. She took one king size gulp before she replied. "Sorry, I must seem rather undignified."

"So it's been more than a coupla days like you said earlier hasn't it? Well how long has it really been since you last ate?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. It's only a week."

"Only? No wonder. But ease up, the food's not running anywhere." An awkward silence took over as we ate. My worry grew. I knew Z was capable of holding her own, n' at full strength she maybe real hard to put down in battle, but it didn't stop the ache that she was too sweet to be hurt, n' if one of my ex-buds woulda hurt her, then I woulda had no one but meself to blame. "We'll get your love toy-boy back, I promise."

Why did I say that? Hell I didn't know her that well but what I did know was the loneliness in her eyes. I could see her suffering, n' if I felt there was another reason apart from settling a score with Boreas for doing this to my buds n' the grove, then hers was nobler. Why? 'Cus what she was doing was outta the love for her mate, unlike the retribution path I was destined for.

I decided to break this hush hush interlude, damn I hated silences. "Z?" I grabbed the babes attention again. "So we're comrades then?" She nodded, smiling, n' wolfed down the last berry I placed to her maw.

Her body language changed, as she stood up. She moved away stretching. "Yes, comrades. But as seen as we're comrades now, there's something that close friends and comrades do to make an allegiance to one another in this region."

I was a lil' stunned but I ain't stupid, n' knew where this was leading. She wanted to friendship mate to bond n' become closer as friends. The act was commonly used to seal allegiances as comrades, especially in smaller groups. Bonded friends never abandon each other or so the saying goes. It shows unconditional trust for one another, n' to an extent that they trust 'em with their bodies. Its not hard to figure 'cus we individually become responsible for each other's bodies out there. It's more a symbolic stature as much as anything else. Although I'd admit I weren't expecting that request to come from her. The moment came, n' I gave a nod. Even if I was a fool for deciding to go with her on a whim, but sometimes I was a spontaneous kinda of guy n' didn't need much reason. With nothing left, n' so much that's happened, it gave plenty enough reason. What else was there to do now anyway, its not like I could commute forty miles to the next city every day, while ducking n' diving from those two.

I felt so betrayed, those I called friends meh... Maybe my hostility towards them was much stronger 'cus I loved 'em as brothers. Still it hurt, n' a hell of a lot too. You know that feeling you get when ya end up being so upset n' it kinda manifests around your heart? The one where you physically feel the heartache? Well that's how I felt n' there ain't no way better I can describe it. It had to be felt to be known.

What was more unlikely was I would be friendship mating with her, n' she weren't any ol'run of the mill anthro, but a pure breed Absol of all species. I weren't one to friendship mate so easily n' my trust was harder earned. Still, even though I knew she weren't telling me something, somehow I trusted her, n' that she would tell me when it was time. I could tell whatever it was, it weren't the malicious type o'secret, maybe something that caused the babe a deep pain.

"Are ya sure about this babe?" I watched her nod n' give a wee' lil' purr, real cute-like. I just tilted my head admiring her while I sent a few words to drift to her ears. "Honey is what ya remind me of right now." Something was telling me it was the right thing to do. Her shoulders rolled with each step. Her tail raised n' swirled in slow alluring tandems. Sways to the night air, seduction to the wanting, that's what it was. I probed her body with greater intensity, reading her movements that were like a mysterious magnet drawing me in. I bet the babe was a real heart breaker where she was from. She ran a paw through her hair, removing her goggles. Z shook her head as her hair came loose, wavering n' shimmering down her neck, while she tilted her head to look back over her shoulder at me. She cast her smile that made her features flush with life. I loved watching her that moment, n' that smile at that time remains in me mind, still picture perfect to this day.

I tracked the babes movement as she turned to me, the pink highlights in her white hair made her uniquely so pretty. Her unexplored body spoke without words to beckon me.

She was a friend I wanted to be bonded with.

A friend I yearned in that moment.

N' definitely a friend I weren't gonna say no to.

I felt my heart beginning to thud with want. Her form slim yet shapely with broad hips n' a tiny waist that I could probably wrap both my hands around. She reached back to her hind leg pulled her garter down her thigh. I watched it drop, n' I watched her all the while running her paws over her body. She playfully stretched as her back arched, every bit of her was stunning as me eyes followed the ridge of her back all the way down to her shapely ass. She stepped over it as the light from the lantern danced over the fur covering her desirable form. Exotic would be the right word to be had.

She crawled to me with that gentle look, cocking her head so she could get her hair outta her eye while she give me a look that coulda shattered me there n' then. Yeah you figured right, I was becoming putty in her paws, n' then I felt them too. She rested both of them on my shins, n' there's no way in hell I get nervous, but I coulda sworn the heat was rising to me face with the way she was coming onto me n' making me feel. I wanted to howl like some horny mightyena.

The absol wasn't hesitating with her advances. I'll admit she was brave lil' tyke to want to friendship mate considering how big I was in comparison, n' that wasn't the only size I was talking about. I knew she was gonna make this a moment that neither of us would forget n' I could see it in her enticing body language.

Z's muzzle grazed along my knee, n' slowly but surely she was soon nuzzling up my inner thighs, n' all the while purring like a seductress. I was guessing this weren't her first time as she knows how to make a male want it. I felt her poke my crotch with her nose, rubbing up my stiffening trapped serpent n' stopped when she reached me zipper. She grasped the metal with her teeth, pulling it down ever so slowly, then paused leaving it half undone, damn tease. I heard her giving me another little growl like she was about ready to devour me. I could tell she was gonna get me good. Her paws dug into my muscle n' shin, moving up, n' progressing groping away, becoming firmer as she moved her paws along my thighs. She really did want to take me like a beast. Her head jerked down with a sudden motion unzipping me fast n' giving me a predatory roar that rocketed my heart into a million rev's a second. I'm usually not so easily worked up but she was making easy work of me, n' I was already incredibly hard.

My first thought was whoa she's kinda a sexual deviant.... "Easy tigress. Ya coulda caught my dinger."

She paused spitting the zipper from her mouth, "Oh really? Well it's going to be caught anyway, and I'm a hunter that loves stalking long blue and white snakes. So what color is it? I think I'll find out soon enough." She opened her mouth and bared her fangs teasingly before snapping them shut n' roared once more.

"Hey hun, ya know, you really are evily playful." I did enjoy that. Her tail swished behind, n' it was easy to see she was happy n' equally as excited. I could even smell a subtle musk in the air, one that was intoxicating n flowing from her, slowly becoming more intense with the growing tides of her arousal.

"Of course I am, that's just because I'm a deviant by nature. Want me to show you?" She giggled n' gave a wriggle of her nose looking at me trouser button then back at me, "Are you going to be a gentleman and oblige me Prowty wowty or not?! I'm rather impatient."

"Oh yeah. Sorry, where are my manners after all, let me help ya out with that." She didn't have fingers like me, and I'm not one to keep a beautiful young lady waiting. I reached down, undoing the button as my trousers flew wide open around my thighs n' waist. There it was, my big ol'pride was let loose from its binds, n' stood like a erect monument in front of her for the taking. The white organ throbbed as me thick green veins pulsed throughout it.

Oh Arceus did I ever feel like I had a beast between me legs, I didn't ever recall ever being so hard for anyone before, it almost ached to ravage her intimate folds.

"That's... that's really big. Ehhh" She moaned a lil, but I coulda sworn she just gulped with a pant just before that. I'd admit it was kinda big for a Vaporeon, but her reaction broke a smile outta me.

"What's wrong, scared its too big for ya hun?"

Aww did I just tease her then? Well she can take some of my own little cheek back. I could be teasingly playful too when I wanted.

"No...." She pouted with a wee' huff, which I found adorably satisfying, while I watched a small quiver take place across her fur. I loved the way she came out with that lil' lie. So the tigress ain't as tough as she was making out. I reached for her, running my hand through her hair to brush it back, wanting ta' have a good look at her.

"Ya know, ya look even cuter when ya blush for me. Its alright ta be nervous n'drop the tough chick act." Her cheek were rosy, illuminated with vibrancy. Was that even a lil embarrassment there?

"Hmpf! It doesn't intimidate me." Without hesitation her tongue caught my pride with a long powerful lap along its entire underside. My needy organ felt its strength then bounced back into place. Before I had a chance to reply, my next cry was a moan as a few more long laps followed, caressing it all the way to the end, firmly n' with swift powerful motions. Damn it she was good, n' knocked the words right outta me. The runt had an amazing technique n' had me quivering like some inexperienced school boy. Maybe I shoulda given her a bit more credit. She paused n' hissed with that sexy stare that had me beat, before teasing. "What's wrong? Persian got your tongue?"

Before I could think of a witty reply she was right back at it. Z had me now against the ropes, with my hips n'legs trembling as I rolled my head back grunting. Damn her again, she really knew how to work n' use my manhood to her advantage. She admittedly was more skilled with her tongue than the other females I'd taken in the past, n' whoa was she mind blowing.

My organ was pulsing as I was restraining the excitement from rising too quick, but it was useless against her. Her tongue work was beautiful, n she was loving this position of power over me. Her tongue moved into a flurry of powerful movements against me, n' I had no defence against her but my few whimpers. Z had my organ oozing drib's n drabs already. Not wanting to settle for just a good licking she opened wide and suddenly took it. I watched her muzzle settle around the bulging thing, driving down fast. She was Impressive with the way she managed to swallow it whole n' deep throat it in one go. She really knew how not to hold back. Pleasure burst around it, the warmth of her mouth so welcoming, I loved the feeling of it in there.

"Z... Ahh. You lil' demon. Mmm" She had me now where she wanted, n' there wasn't much I could do or wanna do. She continued swallowing it n' moving up n' down slowly at first, all the while her tongue wriggled around my manhood. This is suppose to be friendship mating, but that twerp was having way too much fun, but then again I'd never friendship mated with a female before, I just had sex for the sake of it when it came to the ladies. Her motions got faster n' more needy. Her head jerked up n' down in my lap as she went at me furiously, swallowing away. I had to cry out. "Stop..."

She did, n' moved off with a worried look. "Wasn't I good?" She dropped her gaze as if she'd done something wrong.

"No babe you're amazing. Maybe too good, but I'm starting to feel greedy." I had to hide the fact I was gonna cum too fast, n' needed to calm the beast a lil' before the mating. I reached down, tilting her chin up to meet my gaze once more. I slowly pushed my pants down my legs n' finally got out of 'em. Stroking her cheek soothingly I moved onto my knees. She sat down as I leaned towards her placing my mouth to her neck, n' gave tender kisses, grazing along her fur. I let the warmth escaping my mouth to waft over her skin. I made my move, n' me hand began its journey down, tickling along her fur, over her belly, and further south till I found her needy wetness. My fingers worked in wriggling motions where she felt it burn the most, n' if her intimate area needed something badly, then it was my attention.

My lips caressed her neck working up it, gently nibbling till I got to her ear, which I suckled softly on till her gasps came. I worked my oral motions into a blend of soft nibbles n sucking along her ear. She had been left hanging too long, as I daringly plunged two digits into her tightness, as rapture came, n' the warmth. Judging by how it felt, it had probably been awhile since she last mated. I knew it may hurt her a little to start, n' my size didn't help. As I nibbled away I peered down, watching her sexual drool escape from her vagina, down my fingers. She'd soaked them in next to no time as I pumped them in n' out of her at a smooth easy pace. Her purring became louder, as I kissed back down her neck. My lips came to rest on her shoulder giving a last kiss. Suddenly me two digits went from the very slow pace to a sharp aggressive motion, shoving them now frenziedly into her, with a instant burst of speed. The needy warm folds splashed along my hand as her head thrashed back with a loud cry.

I continued for a coupla minutes enjoying the sight of her like this. Then without warning I stopped. She panted heavily, her chest heaved with fast deep gasps. Beads of sweat crept down her face. The pleasure I gave her had left her speechless. Her body hot while her cheeks were redder. Gently I unplugged my finger, n' withdrew it from her. She shuddered a little, I could tell she was nervous, even if she didn't like to admit it. I reached out to her and allowed her to lick my wet fingers clean. Her tongue gave a few bashful laps before she moved her head away.

She placed her paw forth as I reached n' took it, giving her a hand up. I was a gentleman when it called for it. Turning from me, she raised her rear cheekily, n' wriggled it. Her body was screaming for more.

She purred n' gasped making her demand. "I need it, hurry."

Still as brave as ever, even though she was trembling n' it weren't from the cold. I reached grabbing her by the waist n' yanked her by hips back to me with a lil' dominance. My hard organ gently slapped across the surface of her vulva. She gave a timid kinda cry, but I'm gonna leave it to some excitement, n' nervousness. The babe was one of the most beautiful females I'd ever had the privilege of being in the company of. It wasn't just her body, what really did it for me was her smile.

I ground me full on length slowly along her slit n' tormentingly between her entire length to give her an appetiser. My tip reached all the way to her belly, n' when she looked down between her legs, I could see her chest rise n' fall a lil' faster in response.

I glided it back n' forth, it was really beginning to feeling empowered as her wetness started to soak it. I knew it would probably hurt her at first. My hands rolled under her, feeling her velvet-like fur. I stroked up her body to her ribs, feeling every part of her belly n' chest while she gave those muffled moans. I soon came across a new exciting discovery, something sexy. She may have not had breasts but she did have nipples. It was kinda strange as they were oddly placed n' on her chest n not her abdominal, more an anthro thing. Not only that but both under her soft fur were pierced through with bars. She cried as I gently pinched both of 'em and explored then between my thumb n' finger.

"Z mhm you're full of surprises, studs huh? Sexy...." I continued squeezing to tease them a lil' more, n' grinding my organ as I passed it over her own. With the pressure I applied I was making sure to catch the sensitive nub above her entrance, as her pants came heavily. I was ready, with a final tease, my organ gave one last grind, n' firmer against her sex to be greeted by sweet moan. "Are you ready to take it hun?" All she could do was nod at this point. She looked beautiful, n' so inescapably desirable.

I let my length slap her there a coupla times, n' pulled my throbbing bulb back over her intimate flesh, to her entrance. My hands glided back to take a hold on her hips firmly. I pushed but not too hard, n' not too fast as it gave n' parted for me. She was tight, but as the biggest part passed her threshold I thrust the rest in hard, slamming into her hips. Her claws dug into the floorboards to leave claw marks. Her head rolled back with a loud cry, I could just about see her gritting her teeth. I felt it hit rock bottom as it was lodged well into her need.

I was deep inside her now.

I was really inside my friend.

I was enveloped by my sweet Z.

I felt her walls tighten around me in protest, trying to deal with the large intruder that had entered. Her juices dribbled from her intimate area like rain drops down my ball sac. I held my position inside, n' reached for her. My finger ran through her hair letting her know I was still there with her. I knew it would hurt more if she didn't ease her grip on my organ. Sounds escaped both our maws as passion seared within us.

"You feel amazing, it's okay babe I'll try n' be gentle." Slowly I rubbed her cheek while she cooed, looking back over her shoulder. I could see it was hurting, but she gave a brave smile wanting me to go on. My hand pulled back, stroking down the arc of her back n' settled around her hips again.

I slowly pushed her hips away while I pulled my organ out half way, n' settled into a rocking motion, gently pushing her on and off me without thrusting forcefully. I wanted to work her in just a lil' to get her use to my girth n' length some more. Her pussy made the cutest wet slushy sounds. Her body loosened up more, her choke around my male hood felt more relaxed, I knew then she was ready to handle me properly.

Slowly I gained that conviction in my thrusts n' drove it harder with each push, n' took her with the me entire size. I felt spiritually closer to her, as we both intertwined. The sounds escaping from her mouth n' vagina both encouraged me to feel more as I moved faster. My whole body was yielding to her with the burning passion that we were creating. My hands held her hips even firmer as I began to crash into her. Again n' again I me'self into her. The feeling of her fur, even the warmth escaping from her around my loins when we met made the fire burn heavier between my legs. I thrust into her furiously as the haze filled my head, n' me face felt as hot as my pleasured intruder.

The sweet embrace so intense as I smashed me hips into her, not holding back anymore. The faster I went the faster me heart thudded for her. My rod screamed within her drooling female modesty.

She thrashed her head back as her cries turned into screams, while her juices slapped onto me thighs. I growled forcing it in harder, n' repeatedly buried myself into her roughly. Each thrust reached into her so deep n' so hard that I hit the bottom of her feral depths every time. My knot slowly begun to take shape, I could feel its developing into a bulge, popping in n' out of her wet noose.

I accelerated on and on, not giving her any chance for a second wind. My thrust jerked her body around I could feel the pleasure building so heavily. My organ rammed n' forced itself inside her, each action left my sweet friend squirming n' tensing in ecstasy. Delving into her without fear as I could hear her screaming away in pleasure. Warm tingles hit my face as it got too big n' the final thrust thudded into her pussy hard enough to take her of her hind paws. The knot formed slowly bigger inside her as my whites flooded into her pinks, n' a lotta pressure being a water type n' all. I gripped her body firmly to mine, watching the tremors take place over her well mated body as she lay within my grasp. My sight almost doubled with how intensely I was pumping her full. Tingles ran down my neck n' expanded over me entire body.

We remained joined, unable to part of one another by our most intimate of organs. I helped her body down into my lap as I sat back onto my knees. My arms folded around her knotted dainty body, so her back pressed into my chest. Holding her softly, I continued to still grow bigger within her.

She panicked as she came to her senses. "Stop its too big pull it out. Ahhh too big."

"Its okay babe." I held her tight n' protectively from behind, n' brought my head down to nuzzle the side of her face. "I'm guessing it's ya first knot huh? It's alright, as it's normal to worry if you ain't experienced it before but if I pull it out, it'll tear ya. It wont hurt you while it's inside, I swear. Just enjoy it filling you." There weren't anymore words as we nuzzled cheek to cheek. Her paw descended down to massage that sensitive nub.

My gun kept on emptying its load into her. I reached around to give her a hand instead. "Allow me babe." I nudged her paw away, n began to work it. I was at my climax, n I also wanted her to reach the same point with me. I masturbated her, rolling her clit in quick circular motions. Her flesh felt so delicate as her nub beautifully rolled against the tip of my finger. I heard her purr contently. She gave an enormous moan before I felt rippling contractions around my organ. I stopped n' snuggled her once more, as we remained like that for awhile, quivering away.

The exhausted babe just rested her head back against my chest as she struggled n' gasped to whisper the words out. "Was.... I .... good for.... you? I really did my....best"

I almost snickered a little, why did girls always have to get so insecure about their performance? Well I guess they needed just some reassurance, as this was something only shared with a mate, or those cherished as the closest friends or comrades. It wasn't just given. "You were mind blowing hun."

"I'm a little sore...." Without anymore words, she passed out in my arms. My organ just kept on filling her sweetly even as she slept till even I ended up dozing off n' it slipped out itself sometime later after going limp. I think it was one of the longest knotting sessions I ever had.

I'm gonna say I was happy, she was a friend worth my time n' sharing.


Stop standing, you look like damn jello wobbling like that, sit your ass back down, I ain't finished yet. What, hmm you're just excited we were alright n' I screwed her real good? Well yeah that was some good bonding. Whoa careful, ya almost fell into the bleedin' fire. Shit hahaha I thought I couldn't handle a few drinks. Sit down damn it.

Alright now you're sat down I can carry on in a sec. Hmm was she really that pretty you ask? Well I got a picture of her around here somewhere. I'll show ya later n' let you decide.

End Notes- Thanks for reading and a big thanks to Mysterydude for the beta once more.