More then just friends... lDriving down memory lanel

Story by Slagar The Cruel on SoFurry

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A few notices Obviously if gay relationship's offend you then im not responsible for your actions, im not the one that clicked a story with something i didn't like.

if your under the age of 18 you'll most likely ignore this and read on,if your in any form of trouble,etc im not responsible for your actions

Please comment or rate! either way constructive criticism would be well respected,writing something without knowing its good or not is like writing to no one

And enough random talk! lets actually get to the part where you can read


As Lexiharin drove his motorcycle down the street within the enveloping darkness he was at last finally aware that he never checked the time thus he took a quick scan of his digital watch and soon discovered that it was 10 P.M, he had another two hours left.

He was driving through the outskirts of town and it was almost as a dream for the only thing that broke the silence was the sound of his motorcycle speeding within the darkness of what was ahead, he continued to think on perhaps numerous things some of which just came recently and some he have had for years...

His first thoughts were upon his closest *and only* friend Sekhai, Lexiharin soon found himself consumed by a sudden sense of guilt, Lexiharin was friends with Sekhai sense middle school and yet he barely knew much on the ocelot.

Of course Lexiharin knew of what Sekhai liked and disliked and his personality, but often times he did not know much of on how Sekhai lived at home.

He would remember often times when he visited Sekhai on how he never saw Sekhai's foster parent, one time Lexiharin decided to ask Sekhai on why and he simply nodded and said she had to work to jobs to try and keep the house.

Her name was Geraide and she was a Lioness, she worked two jobs because she wanted to ensure that Sekhai was happy *or as many would say spoiled*, this was probably a way to hide the horrid reflection of her own traumatic childhood.

Lexiharin noticed he was half way to the wolves house, he began thinking he should turn back while he still can, but that was perhaps to late, this only made him ponder on his actions even more.

One being on why he was driving within the pitch black to meet a wolf he never known or heard of...other then from Sekhai of course, this of was slightly worrying because Lexiharin did not get along with any of Sekhai's friends, Why was he so intrigued to meet this wolf?

''Perhaps to help him?'' this thought came up automatically to him maybe it was all just pity to meet this wolf?

soon Lexiharin was overwhelmed with thoughts that soon became a massive irritation.

Within the darkness he continued to have thoughts...soon those thoughts began turning into memories...

Lexiharin began to recall on how he met Sekhai, that was 3 years ago and like many people it was his worst years.


It was 8th grade and just like now Sekhai would join any sports team he could get his hands on, meanwhile Lexiharin would just plainly walk home.

Often times Lexiharin was requested by the school its self to tutor fellow peers, often being people he hated but he still contributed and helped them since he had bigger enemies after all.

for awhile he decided to not pay any attention to the fact he was helping people he hated, in fact he began to enjoy knowing they probably wouldn't bother Lexiharin as much.

This went on for awhile until one of his most hated classmates needed help to pass a test or else he would not be able to appear in an important game of football *Semi Finals* Lexiharin couldn't bear to think on helping this person that would probably never help him back, let alone probably backstabbing Lexiharin any chance he could get there for the request was declined.

Lexiharin wasn't ever popular but at least he didn't have to much enemies either, Until the team lost the semi finals then they began to reticule Lexiharin and blamed him for why they lost one of the most important games of the year.

Absorbing insults became a routine for the remainder of 8th grade to Lexiharin, he was fully aware physical damage was inevitable as well and he imagined it being his birthday they would decide to beat him up,Lexiharin was off by 5 months and 1 day, they decided to attempt to beat him up before Christmas vacation.


3 years ago through Lexiharins eyes

The halls were decorated with Christmas ornaments and the atmosphere was of course cheery, it was after lunch time when Lexiharin began to head back to class that he encountered them with there intentions being obvious.

A lion glared at Lexiharin smirking at him mockingly, making the lion and his followers appear even more devious.

''Sorry that we never bumped into each other earlier, i found we'd have to pay you a visit before Christmas though''

Lexiharin almost couldn't believe anyone would hold onto a grudge over a sport...

''Ok I'm fair enough to give you a chance to save your tiny ass from humiliation and a beating, Humor us''

Lexiharin knew that he was in a paradox, he was damned if he did and he was damned if he didn't.

''Well i actually did you a favor'' Lexiharin replied.

The lion was obviously puzzled at the unexpected reply.

''Most likely he would be whoring the spotlight without needing any skill, he can't pass an assignment without cheating and he also tries doing so in sports with steroids, i am sure you wouldn't be amused your self finding a steroid jockey whoring the spotlight when the rest of you have actual skill'' Lexiharin stated.

An ocelot that stood within the crowd of them seemed amused at this reply.

''i suppose thats tolerable enough to save you the beating....but not the humiliation'' the lion gazed at Lexiharin.

''what the hell are you doing Mazaran?'' The ocelots attention now was clearly towards the lion named Mazaran.

''i said all of us being humored Sekhai, not just you'' The lion stared back at the ocelot.

''figures for a lion you don't have a lot of flexibility'' The ocelot was pleased with the remark he made.

''.....We'll see how flexible you are next time you face off with me in any sport'' the lion began to walk away with the rest of his friends,but the ocelot stayed behind for a second then began to walk with them.

''Your an ocelot aren't you?'' Lexiharin eyed the ocelot.

Sekhai stood in silence then turned around.

''You mean you can actually tell?'' Sekhai asked.

''Yes, ocelots have black rings on there tails'' Lexiharin began walking.

''You do know you don't need to attempt any more on saving your self right?'' Sekhai replied sarcastically then walked off as well to his next class.

It was perhaps the oddest way for a friendship to form, if Lexiharin said anything other then that most likely him and Sekhai would be enemies and not friends, at first they weren't close friends but more of the type you stop to say hello in the hall in between classes, at least it was a start.

By June a disaster struck upon Sekhai, His parents were murdered and the name of the convict was scarred in his memory, Lexiharin once asked Sekhai who it was and Sekhai clearly stated the name Oklain.

After the murder of Sekhai's parents affected him because he suddenly started becoming more close to Lexiharin, asking in desperation that hopefully the murderer wasn't after him as well he was obviously other then depressed, paranoid.

Lexiharin would comfort Sekhai by simply saying to him that by the time the murderer was out of prison Sekhai would be out of school and would be able to move.

Other then simple reassurances Lexiharin was probably Sekhai's only friend that worried more on the ocelots problems then on his own.

Soon enough Lexiharin was the only friend Sekhai spent time with that was outside of school or sports this is perhaps what made Lexiharin question whether Sekhai was gay or not, but whether Sekhai was or not it didn't matter to Lexiharin, because in the end they were friends that didn't believe in labels like goth,preps, or even believed in borders on sexual preferences *Homosexual/Straight*

Was there friendship really because they actually were friends or was it just nothing more then of pity?


Lexiharin continued the drive to the wolves apartment, his thoughts soon began to vanish and all he could do was nothing more then just drive towards a wolf which would soon either become a friend or an enemy.

As soon as Lexiharin stopped ahead of the apartment what was left of his thoughts vanished and this made him fully aware that he reached his destination, Apartment 648 was at last to be entered upon, the apartment seemed destroyed and barely sanitized maybe this was not the best of ideas.

The time stated it was 10:30....he was never aware it took him thirty minutes to get to the wolves house and now as he walked to the door he was soon to find out whom the wolf was.

This was the prelude to what would soon become a burden, Lexiharin's ignorance was soon to be judged by fate, Sekhai knew the wolves name was Oklain...the same name of the murderer of his parents.

Sekhai would not put Lexiharins life to risk...would he?


Meanwhile a phone call at 10:20

The phone rings

Sekhai at last picked up the phone "hello?"

''hey Ocelot'' Oklain greeted.

''Can't you call me Sekhai?'' Sekhai commented.

''yes i can, i called you by your name last phone call remember?'' This comment didn't amuse Sekhai.

''So what do you want?'' Sekhai asked.

''where is your friend I'm getting tired waiting'' Oklain grumbled.

''he left at 10:00 he should be there soon'' Sekhai replied.

''I suppose thats good then, Thanks ocelot'' Oklain was surprised by Sekhai's next action.

''much obliged i suppose'' Sekhai hung up the phone

Sekhai didn't often demonstrate this much caliber of respect towards Oklain, but then again Oklain did not grumble as much as he usually did either.


P.S sorry thats it's short, and I'm not completely happy with the work, usually flashbacks are disappointing ....Comments please! or rating! i need something to fuel me to redeem the series! *next chapter will be better if you doooooo

*and yes it was stated that the wolves name was Oklain last chapter and this one Oklain is the name of the murder of Sekhai's parents...perhaps a coincidence?