Story Sample: Addicted to Grace

Story by MrNibs on SoFurry

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Story Sample.

Anyone know how you add a cover to stories on this site?

Fat Friday eyed the window of the potion shop, measuring its width with his hands. While he had less girth than his moniker implied, the window was just barely bigger than he. The front door would be easier, but Friday knew what the wards protecting the door would do to a man; transmutation wards were not something you messed with lightly. Compared to the possibility of spending a week as a banana slug, the small window's iron bars looked much more inviting.

Taking a pinch of dust from a tiny bag, he spread the fine powder on his open palm. Friday blew the dust toward the window and waited while the minute particles danced around the iron bars. After a minute he smiled, no hidden wards. He hadn't expected wards on the window but as the city's premier cat burglar - a title not won by taking unnecessary risks - he used every advantage available, since nature saw fit to make him average in every other way. Friday was an average height, slightly above average weight with sandy brown hair and forgettable brown eyes. With different clothes, Friday could be mistaken for a common bureaucrat.

Very carefully, he reached under his long woolen cloak and withdrew a sliver cord from one of his vest's countless pockets. The cord was tied around two iron rings, each just large enough to admit Fat Friday's thumbs. He hesitated for a moment as a cloud of guilt passed over his soft features: He'd counted the owner of the shop as a friend two months ago and Friday did not like stealing from friends, even former ones. Still, she had what he needed, so he shook himself, squared his shoulders and started work on the iron bars. The sliver thread slipped through the iron with only token resistance. Friday chuckled as he caught the bars before they hit the ground, remembering the slender elf assassin he had stolen the vorpal garrote from all those years ago. The weapon was a bit messy when used for its intended purpose, but as a breaking and entering tool it had no equal, slicing through solid steel as if it were butter. Beyond the bars the window was nothing more than a pane of cheap glass. From another pouch, a pinch of blue dust, and the glass melted away without a sound. "Ah, there we go," he poked at a globule of the former fragile substance. It jiggled.

With the window clear Friday peered into the shop, the interior draped in curtains of darkness. He fished in a nearly empty pocket and pulled out a small glass bottle. He looked at it mournfully as his other hand probed a pocket on his belt, fingers searching around and finding nothing.

He uncapped the bottle and gave a small sigh, "Looks like you'll have to do," he whispered to it. He quaffed the liquid and closed his eyes. When he opened them a breath later, his brown eyes caught the moonlight, the iris dilating farther than any human eye was supposed to. Peering into the shop again, the dark revealed the maze of shelves and bottles to the thief.

First checking that the area below the window was clear, Friday hauled himself through the window headfirst. He had been planning to land on his hands and curl into a somersault but his boot caught on a nub of a bar, leaving him in a rather awkward handstand. "Aw bloody hell," he thought, "This never happens when I have my juice." Friday's mind indulged in a litany of curses as he struggled to free his foot. After a moment of futile struggling it ripped free with far too much momentum. The boot arced from the window, tipping Friday forward before striking the stone floor with the slap of leather on stone. Friday bit into his knuckle to hold back a torrent of the old blue English, cursing himself for his clumsiness.

Instinctively, his hand reached back into that empty pocket, desperately groping for a potion that wasn't there as the fear of discovery sunk icy talons into his heart. Straining his ears, he listened for some sign that the noise had woken the shapely alchemist in her apartment above. The memory of their last encounter replayed in his head, particularly the threat at the end.

But no sign came; the door that led to the upstairs apartment remained closed. Cautiously, Friday slowly crept to his feet, placing them underneath himself with deliberate care. He ignored the countless bottles and jars that littered the shelves. His eyes fixed on the only thing in the shop that interested him: a heavy cabinet in the back. Friday pulled a flask with a long and tapered nozzle from his cloak and applied the oil to each of the cabinet's six cast iron hinges. Then he placed four iron runes around the cabinet's lock. Something in the keyhole flashed and Friday smelled the smokey scent of burning ink. Friday tsked. "A Rune of binding, Melissa? That's just sloppy... it's like you're inviting me in," Friday smiled as he swung the doors open without a hint of a squeak from the hinges.

Seeing the contents, Friday's smile broke into a grin, his fingers twitching with eagerness. "Oh Melissa, why are you lying to me? Shortage my ass..." The cabinet's four shelves were full of small, narrow vials each about two inches tall and capped with a pewter stopper shaped like the head of an animal. Friday licked his lips as his eyes fixed on the vials with the feline heads labelled 'Cat's Grace.' There were so many! More than he had ever seen at once. Friday clenched his fists and forced them back down to his side. It wouldn't be any good to be caught now. Friday gritted his teeth and forced himself to look for any other traps that might be lurking within the cabinet, but he saw nothing. No hidden wires, nor pressure plates where the vials sat. Unable to restrain himself further, Friday plucked a vial from the shelf, popped the top and slugged it back.

Oh, that was the stuff! A soft growl escaped Fat Friday's lips as he felt the magic slide through his body, his every movement becoming smooth and fluid. He stretched himself backward, his spine supply bending until his out-stretched hands brushed the floor behind him. How he had missed this feeling! These had to be Melissa's best batch yet. With these, Friday would truly be the best thief in the world. More than ready to rob all those wizards at the convocation blind tomorrow!

With an almost mechanical efficiency, Friday began loading his many pockets with the vials. At first he told himself he'd only take a few and hope Mel wouldn't notice, but it would be such a shame to let all these go to waste. This would be nearly a year's supply! Just as Friday had pocketed about half of the vials, he noticed something else was in the back row of Cat's Grace potions. A bottle, twice the size of its fellows, stood in the shadows with the back of the shelf. It was capped with a tiger head.

Friday's hand froze, hovering over the next vial to be taken. Could it be? Yes, it had to be a Greater Cat's Grace Potion! Friday had only tasted one once before, and the memory was enough to make his fingers tremble. Without thinking, he reached for it. His fingers curled around the neck and-

CLICK! The sound echoed out of the cabinet. To Friday, it was louder than a church bell.

Instinctively, Friday hurled himself backwards but it was too late. A green cloud blasted out of the back of the cabinet. The scent of sweet lime and wet mortar assaulted his nose, filling him with terror. His hands hit the ground with perfect timing to propel him onto his feet in a perfect backflip. His feet hit the floor with heavy clunk.

"Too slow!" was the thought on his mind has he felt his limbs begin to stiffen; the crackling of the transmuting limbs filled his ears. Flesh to Stone! Friday's mind filled with utter panic; never in his life would he imagine that Mel would use such a cruel spell! Blindly, he made a step for the door and then his legs refused to move, his upper body frozen. It was all Friday could do: close his eyes and whimper as he waited for the end.

His heart thundered in his chest. Friday opened his eyes, confusion filling him as breath continued to pass through his nostrils. He felt constrained but still quite alive. He wiggled his toes, cold but there, and his fingers were free too. Friday looked down and saw the gray stone of his leather clothing.

Not Flesh to Stone! Clothes to Stone! Friday laughed, now that WAS something he could see Mel doing.

"Addicts are so predictable." The soft voice floated from behind him, right on cue.

"Good evening, Melissa! How are you doing this fine evening?" While Friday's mouth spoke of its own accord, his mind focused on escaping. Encased in the stone of his clothing there wasn't much he could do, except maybe fall over. Would the stone shatter? Or would it just leave him in a more compromised position? Not that it could make him any less mobile than he was now. He shifted his weight from side to side in an attempt to push himself over.

It didn't work; his feet remained fixed to the floor as he listened to the soft shuffle of Mel's sandals creeping closer. "What did I tell you I'd do if I ever caught you stealing from me again?"

Friday felt the prickle of sweat on his forehead and swallowed. "Oh come on, Mel! You didn't give me any choice! You tripled your prices! I can't afford that!"

"And so you thought you'd just steal them?"

Friday winced. "I'd pay you back, Mel, I swear. Just after this job!"

"Oh, and I suppose I'm supposed to allow you to hit the wizard's convocation this week?" Melissa's voice dropped to a husky growl as she stepped into Friday's vision. The sight made Friday's mind suddenly seize up like he HAD been turned to stone. The Alchemist wore sandals and nothing else. Friday had always thought of the half-elven woman as cute, but he had never imagined the body she hid under the heavy wizard robes would look like that. Large, full breasts graced her curvaceous body. Her hair, usually tied in a bun, now tumbled down around her shoulders in a luxurious tangle. Her golden eyes were bright as a mischievous smile settled onto her lips, even as she fought to keep her brow furrowed in anger. Friday's eyes strayed downwards; a dainty dab of pubic hair seemed to glisten in the dim light of the shop.

Friday's mouth worked to find where it had dropped the witty retort, but his brain seemed to have abdicated in favor of the prince located between his legs. All that came out was a flow of ums and ahs.

She chuckled in the way a cat might after it had cornered a mouse. "Well, what did you expect? Had I stopped to put on some clothes, the thief might have gotten away." A delicate finger pushed Friday's chin up to see her eyes, "Eyes up here, Friday."

His mouth suddenly starting working again and it spit out words as if it wouldn't get another chance. "You set me up!"

She grinned. "Why pay for criminals to experiment on when they'll just pop through the window given the right-" she stepped forward and gave Friday a quick kiss on the lips, "Enticements."

Friday squirmed in his stone shell, feeling a distinct lack of space in his crotch. As his eyes fell to her breasts, the problem got worse. "Come on, Mel, let me out of here."

She stepped back, "Oh, you are not leaving until I'm done. I'm claiming wizard's justice on you."

Friday winced and summoned up his devastating puppy eyes. "Please, Mel? I'll repay you! Anything you want!"

"You know that look doesn't look nearly as pathetic with the cat eyes. Anything I want?" She quirked a thin eyebrow and tapped her full lips with a finger. "Hmm..." She slowly turned and sashayed toward the counter positioned by the front of the store. The view did nothing to ease Friday's discomfort as she pulled a dark curtain across the shop window, then bent down across the counter. She moved slowly, teasingly, letting Friday see between her legs for just a second before standing back up with something in her hand.

There was lust in her golden eyes as she turned around. Friday fumbled with his inner thoughts, trying to convince himself that escape was still the best option here. No matter how badly his fingers itched to feel her pale skin or his lips ached in remembrance of that kiss, his cock, never his most creative body part, just hungered to be inside her.

A tiny part of Friday's mind was alarmed and confused by Mel's behavior. He had flirted with her every time he had come into the shop, and she had always played along, but never once did he get more than a smile. He had never seen any evidence that she possessed a love life; he had supposed that she was like most wizards--in love with their work and not with people. This little voice theorized sudden lust might mean he had somehow crossed the threshold from an ordinary person into the realm of interest.

As Mel stalked back towards Friday he tried to pull his gaze away, but the way her hips swung from side to side snared him as sure as spider web clings to a struggling fly. As she drew ever closer, that little logical voice drowned under a rising tide of lust. She knelt before him and brought a small crystalline perfume bottle to bear. "Let's see what we have to work with then," she aimed the nozzle at his crotch and squeezed the bulb. Instantly, the rough stone entombing his penis disappeared. Friday gasped with relief as his cock swung upwards into the cool air of the shop.

"Well, I had suspected your addiction might be a case of compensation but," Friday made little guttural sounds at the back of his throat as the warm touch of her hand wrapped around his thick shaft and she smile up at him, "I don't see anything here you need to compensate for Friday."

She leaned forward and ran her tongue around the head of Friday's manhood. He moaned as white precum began to dribble from the tip. Then she closed her mouth over him, sucking that little bit of cum off the tip. Friday almost came right then and there, straining against the stone that still constrained his limbs. His cock was so hard it hurt.

Melissa leaned back far enough to give Friday a good view of her breasts, with their very erect nipples, dark on the cream of her skin. She was licking her lips. "Yes I think that will do nicely." Friday was going to ask what she meant by that, but when she reached up and cupped his balls, the shot of pleasure made his sentence fall apart in his head. "I can feel that it's been awhile. All the better, let's get the first one out of the way."

Melissa pushed herself forward onto all fours in front of Friday, and began to lap at the base of his cock like a cat lapped at cream. Slowly, she worked her way upwards toward the tip, Friday began to sweat and groan as the pressure started to build, her fingers reaching up to caress his sack. Friday strained against the stone of his encasement, wanting to touch her, to participate somehow, but there was not even enough room for his hips to thrust. All he could do was grunt and moan as she worked that magical tongue up the length of his cock. As she reached the base of the tip, the pressure was too much. With an anguished cry Friday came, his cock spurting white cum which arced over the beautiful alchemist and onto the stone three feet away.

Friday panted and sagged against the stone surrounding him as Melissa sat back on her heels, shaking her head in clear disappointment. She wiped away a stray speck of cum from her cheek. "If you want me to go easy on you, Friday, you're going to have to last longer than that. I've been brewing up Lust Potions for the Duke's wedding all day. That always leaves me with," her smile turned predatory, "an appetite."

That expression sent a shiver up Friday's spine adding fear to a sense of embarrassment. "Sorry," he mumbled, "I'll be ready again soon." He could feel his cock already beginning to soften.

"Don't worry, I have just the thing." She held up a ring, far thicker than a thumb and studded with stones that emitted a dull pink glow in the grey darkness of the shop. To Friday the stones seemed to have a malicious glint to them.

"Ah, Mel, I can't say I'm into cock rings." Friday managed to protest. In response, Mel stood, bringing her eyes almost level with his. They were hooded with a thick lust that seemed to make the air between them viscous, but beyond that, in the tightness of her jaw and a certain shine of her eyes Friday could see the anger.

"Aww, does the kitty have cold feet? I bet you just need a bit more encouragement."

Friday sputtered, "Kitty? Is this some sort of weird pet play, Mel?"

She chuckled, her eyes lighting up with amusement. "You've got cat's eyes, are under the influence of at least one Cat's Grace potion, which you are clearly addicted to, and you're going to object to being called Kitty?"

Friday's jaw worked a moment. "Well... Yes! I'm not a cat."

Her grin broadened. "You see, I have a theory about that. What do you dream about, Friday?"

Friday's eyes widened a little bit then licked his lips nervously, the gesture was a little cat-like, the tip of his tongue poked out from the center of his mouth and then traveling to the corner before disappearing back into his mouth. "I dream about money, like any good thief."

She chuckled, "For a thief you're a terrible liar, Friday. You've drunk probably over a thousand Cat's Grace potions in the last three years alone. I bet your dreams have nothing to do with money anymore."

Friday swallowed.

"My theory is that all that cat essence has had some side effects over the years; potions have a lot of extra magic in them. In moderation it's harmless, but you're not one for moderation are you, Kitty?" She reached towards his head, curling her fingers around his ear. "Tell me how this feels," she cooed as she began to scratch behind the ear.

"Just feels like you're scratching my ear, Mel. Cut it ou--" Friday blinked as the scratching sensation morphed into something else entirely. It felt good, like a back rub from a skilled masseuse but concentrated on a much smaller point and much more arousing. "Ssssstooop..." Friday shook his head to free it from the sensation before he lost himself. He opened his eyes to see Mel's triumphant smile.

"I think Kitty likes it." Friday sucked in his breath as her fingers traced the length of his stiffening cock. "Let's see what else he likes." A little perfume bottle somehow materialized in her hands and she spritzed down the stone covering his chest and belly, the stone simply evaporating under the spray. Everything in his front pockets fell to the floor in a rain of metal and glass. Friday waited for Mel to comment on the number of potions and lockpicks that had just fallen onto the shop floor, but she paid it no attention. Instead, Mel's excited eyes were on his chest. She made a motion, muttered something and the debris was swept away by a sudden gust of wind as she stepped for forward. "Oh, what do we have here?" her eyes wide with astonishment. Eagerly she ran her fingers down Friday's chest, raking them through the thick hair, over his nipples and down to two dark spots two inches below each nipple. "You're growing an extra set of nipples!"

"They're moles!" Friday voice squeaked as Mel's fingers brush by them.

"Very sensitive moles I bet." Mel started circling the dark spots with the very tip of her nails, making Friday squirm against the rock that still held him in place. Sure enough, the center of the dark spots stiffened, and the centers extended out from the skin ever so slightly. "Oh these are sensitive, aren't they?" Mel looked down at Friday's hardening cock, "And I think you like it, Kitty. What other surprises do you have in store for me tonight?"

Friday gasped in shock as new sensations assaulted him from body parts that he was sure had not been there a few months ago. They had certainly not reduced him to a squirming, panting mess when he had poked at them. Mel started to use her lips and tongue, alternately teasing and sucking on all four of his nipples as her hands reached down to caress his cock. Any hesitance on the part of his body crumpled, and Friday thrust the rock hard shaft into her hands.

He felt the metallic surface of the ring slip over his tip and down to the base of his shaft, the metal was warm and the tightness of it made Friday moan. There was a tingle of magic as the ring squeezed around him.

The ring in place, Mel lost herself, assaulting Friday with a rapid series of kisses, nibbles and licks. She focused first on the nipples and then slowly worked up his chest to his neck, finally culminating in a savage kiss. Friday kissed back as hard as he could, eager to respond to her in some way, to assume some small measure of control. Mel overwhelmed him, seizing his head with her hands and pushing herself up his body as their tongues twisted against each other. Even when the weight was too much and Friday toppled backwards, she didn't break the kiss, she just shifted backward , protecting Friday's head with her hands as the stone cloak shattered to dust on impact with the floor.

Only once they were on the ground did Mel break off the kiss with a feral snarl. Friday struggled for breath as she first aligned herself, then plunged herself down onto his granite hard cock. Friday howled as her dripping wetness enfolded him. She began to work herself up and down along his length, moaning with relief and need. Friday thrust upward into her as she crashed down on him, driving himself deep into her pussy, and tickling her womb.

"Yes! That's it, Kitty! Fuck me! I want it! I-oh!--want aaaall you-Oh!--have!" Mel threw back her head and screamed as her body seized with a soul-smashing orgasm. The stone encasing Friday's limbs shattered as a wave of magic pulsed out of the wizardess; all the candles and lamps in the shop flickering to life at the same time. But Friday didn't even think of escape, or rest. With a growl of his own he clamped his hands on her hips, using the added leverage to slam into her even harder.

Mel howled, "Yes, take me! Show me how strong you are!"

Friday didn't need to be asked twice. He threw her down to the floor and pinned her down, thrusting into her with wild abandon as he felt the pressure in his own loins build. It only continued to build, the pressure swelling up behind the ring even while Mel quivered around it as a thunderous series of orgasms rolled through her body. Growling with frustration, Friday rolled her writhing body onto her stomach and took her from behind, trying to force himself deeper and deeper into her body. For what seemed like hours, Friday fucked her, driving into her with all the strength he could muster. She screamed in ecstasy and begged for more as each thrust added more to the pressure gathering behind Friday's cock. Friday felt like a corked volcano as the pleasure pushed into pain. Each thrust became a torturous effort, Friday shuddered and gasped as Mel's insides became tighter and tighter.

Finally, he could take no more and fell off Mel's backside. There was a wet sucking sound as his tip pulled out of her stretched pussy. Friday gasped when he saw the size of his swollen equipment between its legs. His cock was three times the size it had been when it had entered her. His flesh was an angry red; the veins of his cock bulging with strain. The pink stones of the cock ring glowed brightly. He flopped onto the floor, unable to move from intense pressure that now filled his entire body.

Next to him, Mel panted on all fours; she caught her breath and swallowed, then gave him a look like the cat that had gotten into the cream.

"Please," he begged. "Take it off. Let me come." It felt like if he didn't discharge then his head would explode.

"You have to promise to be a good Kitty for me all week."

At this point Friday would have agreed to King's justice if it meant relief. "Yes! Anything! Just let me come!"

With a smile Melissa reached over and touched the cock ring. Its stones went black and Friday felt something loosen within himself. The giant dick started to quiver as Friday fought to breathe, every muscle as his body started to shiver in anticipation.

"Oh, this is going to be messy." Mel grinned.


This was just a taste of my Novellete, Addicted to Grace. The full story is avaible on Smashwords, Amazon and at Barnes and Noble for just 2.99

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