Upon the moon part four: resoultion

Story by Chitzkoi Keaton on SoFurry

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#4 of upon the moon

though life throws challenges at you, some can over come them... others submit or surrender to them. i surrendered to a challenge once... but got help later when i met my mate. for those who have submited or surrender to something you thought you couldn't do... there will be help or assistance for you. feel determened with this person and face every challange head on with out fear of surrender... knowing that you will get help.

i came to this when me and raiku had slept together for the first time at my place, i don't know why then, but it just came to me.

but remember, even with someone, life will throw greater challenges for the both of you... just don't give up with who or what you may have...don't falter, just try.

* five years later *

i woke up, the sunlight pouring throught the window. i sat up and streched, then rubbing my eyes awake. i sat on the edge of the bed and smiled, thinking about what might come to me today. i stood up and padded out of the room and into the kitchen. i stopped and looked at my dragon, his figure bent over the counter.

i padded behind him and rubbed my waist against him, makeing him stand up so i could wrap my arms around him.

" morning love... how did you sleep?" raiku asked as i felt his paws on my forearms.

"i slept great thanks to you."

" heh... i did wear you out..."

" so? i loved it."

"mmhmm... your moans proved it."

i gave a light blush as i turned him around in my arms leaned into him, nuzzleing his chest as i felt his arms wrap around me and hug me in a warm embrace.

" so im guessing the bills came in?" i said.

" yeah... nothing we can't handle."

i looked up at him." well seeing how WE BOTH have good paying jobs."

" thank you boreing collage..." raiku said with a big grin.

i looked at his belly." do you think this apartment is to small for both the of us?"

" no, why?"

" just wondering." i looked up to see him looking down at me.

" do you think it is too small?" he asked

" no... i thought by how... big... you are... i thought you might think it would be small." i said with a smile.

" nah... its fine"

i nodded and laid my head against his chest. he slowly stroked my head with a paw as he hummed lightly. i closed my eyes and smiled, trying to rub his back in return.

" hey chitzkoi?"

i looked back up at him " yes?"

" i made special plans for tonight"


" mmhmm... a really nice dinner.... then maybe a walk through that park you always talk about."

my tail began to wag " really!?... thank you hun"

" thank you hun... for loveing me"

" i should be saying that to you... but your welcome."

he nuzzled the top of my head with a smile and i let go of him.

" i got to get to work... last day of the week... i dread what the boss might have for me today...i hate fridays."

" just think though... we get time together tonight"

" as we do every night... the greatest part of anyday is when i get to be with you."

i gave a deep blush and smiled. " awe... thank you hun... i can say the same thing."

he gave me a quick kiss on the nose before grabbing his coat and padding to the front door. " i'll see you later on hun, okay?"

i nodded and waved at him " good luck... love you!"

" love you too!" he said before leaving throught the door.

as the door shut, i smiled. i went back to our room and sat on the bed. i looked at the digital clock on the night stand next to my side of the bed and sighed... 7:47. a little less than an half an hour before i had to go to work and eight hours before i got to see my mate again.

but my mind drifted off back into the past... on the moment when i had gave my virginity to raiku.


it was a friday afternoon... about an hour after i had got home from school. i was still a junior at the high school i was going too. i was listening to my music as i waited for my lover to come by like he said he would.

he came into my room and i stood up to give him a hug.

" why did you sound so eager this morning when you asked if i could come over?" he asked as he nuzzled my head loveingly.

"im...ready..." was all i could say

" ready?... ready for wh-" it clicked in his head when i gave him that one look...

i had looked down, but look up at him with my eyes, a very dark blush tainting my fur.

"a-are you... sure....?" he asked, nervousness in his voice

i nodded and lifted my muzzle up, getting a better look at his face again.



i nearly jumped out of my fur when the alarm went off on our clock. i turned it off and i looked at it... 8:00. i stood up and found a pair of cargo pants and put them on, then padding out of our room. i worked at a labortory as an assistant for curing diseases and raiku worked for this big this big newspaper company, writeing adds and what not. i sighed and padded to the front door and looked back at our apartment, smileing at the fact that we have a place of our own. and i was also glad that my job was in walking distance.


three'o clock. i had just got home and sat down in the living room. i was watching the weather channel to see how cold it would be tonight. i heard the front door open and close, so i got up to see raiku padding up.

" your home early hun." i said as he stopped infront of me.

he padded up and hugged me. "mmhmm... " he looked down at me and smiled " we still have a long while before our reservations are due... you want to go around and sight see for a couple hours?"

"sure... where first?"

" you pick."

" we go to the book store first."

" why the book store?" raiku said with a grin.

" you know i like to read!"i said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

he grinned. " i know... im just teaseing"

he put his paws in his pockets of his jacket. " well lets go and get in the car then."

i padded behind him and out of the building.


as i padded through rows of books, nothing seemed to catch my eye... to be honest my mind was on the thought on why raiku made reservations for today. i just kept thinking as i looked over the books, my eyes not even reading the titles.

why today of all days? i know its not his birthday... or any other holiday for that matter... so why the special treat? did i do something right...?

" hey chitzkoi... find anything yet?"

i shook my head as i looked at raiku, who had padded next to me. " i wanna go somewhere else." i said.

" where to?"

" i don't care... "

" well seeing how much time we have... i guess we could go for a walk around town if you'd like?"

" sure... i could use some fresh air... my head feels stuffy."

he nodded and we left the store. as we walked on the side walk, raiku had his right arm around my chest, close to my neck, and rested his head on my left shoulder, humming softly. i was lost in thought again, the crisp cold air letting me think more clearly. i looked at the buildings around me, just towering over us as we walked. i could hear a bird in the distance and i could feel a light breeze try to ruffle my fur.

why is tonight so special? what is going on? and why am i so worried all of a sudden? is... he thinking about leaving me?

i sighed.

no... i know him... he would never leave me. he is mine... and i am his... there would be no way he would leave me...right?

my thoughts were intrupted by raiku letting go of me and checking his phone.

" hey hun, its time to go"

i nodded at him. walking back the way we came, we got into the car and drove away from the book store.

as he drove, i saw the sun beginning to set. i looked over at raiku and then out of the windsheild. i couldn't stop thinking on why he did this for us.

we pulled into the parking lot of the resturant that raiku had made reservations at. it was called the five claws, a VERY fancy resturant that i have heard some much about. even my own parents went here before my dad passed away... when i was young i was told.



"wow..." i said in awe.

" we haven't even gone inside yet, let alone get out of the car, silly"

" i know... but... why here... this place is exspencive"

" and we can afford it... come on hun... lets go eat"

me and raiku got out of the car and walked into the bright building. all of these diffrent aromas hit my muzzle hard as we walked up to a podium, a well dressed otter behind it.

" how my i help you sir?"

" i made reservations for tonight"

" name?" he asked as he looked down at a agenda like book

" hayabusa"

his finger scrolled the page of the book before he stopped it" ah... come this way please"

we followed behind the otter as he led us to our table. he stopped at a booth and we sat down.

" here are our menus, take your time, some one will be with you shortly" he said with a slight bow.

" thank you" raiku said.

the otter padded off and we looked over the menus. i admired the selection of the diffrent types off meals they had. i ended up choseing their chicken alfredo and raiku said he was going to try their spagitti.

a female fox came and took our orders, as well as our menus. she left fresh baked butter bread, a few wine galsses and a bottle of wine at the table for us. raiku poped the top on wine bottle and poured us both some of the almost amber liquid. i brought the glass to my muzzle and sniffed it. this would be my first time trying wine. i took a sip and admired the smooth taste.

" so raiku... why the special occasion?" i asked as i placed the glass down on the table

" heh... don't ask questions... just enjoy the moment while it lasts"

" but i am dieing to know why your takeing me to dinner."

" you will soon know... but first i want you to enjoy a well desurved meal alright?"

i nodded. we waited for quite a bit before our food came to the table. after setting our food down, the female fox padded off and we began to eat.

while we ate, we talked about various subjects that were in our daily lives, like how my boss was stuck up and his boss was an ass. then funny topics came up about them and we laughed. as we talked and ate, time flew by, and before i knew it, we had been there for almost an hour.

the female fox came back and handed us a check. raiku took it and smiled.

" wow... cheaper than i thought"

" well... im stuffed... i could use that walk... seeing how i might have to burn off a few pounds now." i said as i rubbed my belly.

" heh... i don't care what you look like... i love your personality... that's all i care about... not your figure." raiku said with a nice smile.

i blushed hard from his commment. " awe... quit it... im going to be on fire by the end of this night... i can feel it..."

" oh... you will be" he gave a huge grin before standing up and takeing the check off the table.

i got up and padded behind him, going to a counter with a wolf behind it, a normal looking timberwolf. raiku placed the check down with a fifty that he had taken out of his wallet. the wolf took the money and handed back a few bills and some change. after takeing the money and saying thank you to the wolf, we padded out of the resturant and into the car.

as raiku drove us out of the parking lot, i looked out my window and smiled... i knew something great was going to happen tonight.

the park i have been wanting to go to ever since it opened up last year when the city finished it up wasn't too far from the five claws resturant. we got out of the car after raiku had parked it in the small parking lot just outside of the park.

i looked around, it was dark. the sun was long gone as i looked up, a full moon lighting the ground below us as it continued to rise in the night sky.

we walked side by side, following one of the many concreate paths that divided the park in to parts. i looked around and felt like a kid at a playground... i just wanted to run around and laugh. but i kept myself calm as i looked over at raiku, who was looking at the ground. i tilted my head and stopped, grabbing his right arm.

" hun... you okay?"

he looked like he snapped back to realaltiy " huh... oh... yeah."

"are you sure?"

" yes... im just... thinking..."

" about what?"

" well... " he looked to the side and took a deep breath, then exhaleing it"... you know how much i love you right?"

i could feel my heart sinking down into my stomach " y-yeah."

at this point, raiku looked nervous as hell " w-well... i have been giving it some thought for a time now... and... well..." he put his paws into his pockets.

i could feel pain in my chest now as i just looked at him.

he brough his paws out of his pockets and held something in front of me... a... small white box in his right paw.

my heart jumped up into my throat as he knelt down on one knee and opened it, a single diomond band inside of it.

"As the moon watches us and is our witness... chitzkoi magnavox... w-will you marry me?"

i was stunned, overwhemled, excited, and like hundreds of other emotions washed over me as i just looked at him, stareing at the ring. my heart was pounding, i though he was going to leave me... but instead... he just asked me to be with him forever.

my paws reached out and touched the box, to see if was real. as my paws felt around the box... it was real, this was no dream. i looked at raiku's face and could see the love in his eyes as he continued to wait for my anwser. i was still stunned as my paws gripped the box.

" y-yes..." something came over me as all the emotions that flowed through me were let go through tears that now fell out of my eyes.

i let go of the box and raiku held my left paw. he took the ring out of its box and slowly slipped it on my ring finger. it was a perfect fit. i cried when i brought my paw to my face, looking through the tears and smileing hard, trying to see the ring. i felt raiku hug me as my mind was on another planet, in a diffrent world, so many thoughs filling my mind to the point i thought my head was going to burst.

i pressed my muzzle against his chest and cuddled close to him. he held me for what felt like a half an hour before i finally stopped sniffleing and looked up at him. i brough both of my paws to his face and made him lean down, our muzzles connecting for a deep and passionate kiss. i could feel how hot raiku was as i pressed myself against him.

he broke the kiss and smiled down at me. i looked around and then smiled back up at him.

"mmmmm.... you wanna go home?" he asked in a quite, teaseing tone.

i nodded quickly " please..."

he grinned and grabbed my paw, fast walking together back to the car.


before we even got into the apartment, our muzzle were locked together. raiku managed to unlock the door and open it as we continued to kissed deeply. he tossed the keys on the counter and clumsuly moved me and him to the bedroom door, tearing off his jacket and tosseing somwhere in the living room. he slammed me against the door and made me groan lightly in his muzzle.

he broke the kiss and looked down at me." before we go through this door... and let the... magic happen... what spell does the wolf want?"

" anything my dragon can cast"

he giggled and opened the door, turning me around and entering our room. we stopped at the foot of the bed and looked at each other. i pressed onto him and he held me. i could feel a very stiff tent press against my belly as i looked up at him and chuckled. my paw drifted to his covered erection, slowly rubbing the area with care, knowing how senstive he is. i looked at the bed and then his face.

he looked at the bed as well and then looked down at me.

" fuck the bed" i said as i grinned.

i pounced, knocked him down, me sitting upon his on his chest. " heh... someone want to go wild?" raiku said with a huge grin.

" you can say that..."

he smiled and grabbed hold of my waist. i murred out and rubbed his bare chest with my paws, then leaning down and licking him slowly up his chest. he let out a small moan as i felt both of his paws move to my stiffened tent in my pants, grabbing teaseingly. i moaned out slightly as i closed my eyes, the pleasure beginning the dam affect already. then something hit me.... he was below me.... and he was almost never below me. i looked at him and blushed hard... he was takeing the submissive role this time.


" yes hun?" raiku asked.

"a-am.... i... going to.... ya'know...."

he brought a finger up to my muzzle and made me stop speaking." yes... its your turn to take me"

my face flared up like fire, going completely red.

he giggled and caressed my right cheek " god, how i do love your reactions..."

" w-well... you know... how i am..."

" mmhmm... and knowing you... you won't have a problem then?"

" of course not"

he smiled and stood me up. he then kneeled infront of me, pressing his muzzle against my tented pants. i grabbed his horns and moaned out as i felt him move his muzzle this way and that, makeing me buck up against his muzzle. i looked down and watched him like i always did, loveing every small thing he did to me to make me moan out.

he pulled away and undid the button to my pants, pulling them down with my boxers slowly. my red erect member come into view, pulseing infront of the dragon.

" i want to hear you" he said just before leaning in and moveing his tongue around my orbs.

i gasp out at the sensation that slowly crawled all over my body, makeing me shake a little bit. i felt his tongue work its way from my orbs to the underside of my member, pleasure jutting up my body as i clenched and gripped his horns tighter. i continued to look down at him with half-open eyes.

i felt that one muscle... that pleasure bringer.... moveed on the underside of my memeber again, pleasure jutting through my body once more. i had moaned out loud, giving the dragon what he wanted. i bucked aginst his muzzle, my member prodding his snout harshly. i could hear him chuckle just before i felt one of the most amazing feelings i will ever feel. he decended on my member, makeing it tight as he sucked down, going ever so slowly down my member. his muzzle tight like his tail hole, wet like the showers we took together, and hot like his body when i was against him.

i shuttered and moaned out at each inch he took into his muzzle, bringing a new wave of pleasure that pulsed through out my whole body, and my whole new state of being. i gripped the back of his head with both of my paws, both of them setting in between the spikes. i looked up and moaned out as i forcefully pulled him down on my member. i brought him down as far i could, to the base of my member where his snout rested against my knot. i shuttered again, pleasure building up in my member now, feeling a quick climax rise. i felt him move his muzzle around on my member, my meat rubbing against the walls of his muzzle. i moaned out and gripped the back of his head in pleasure, my hips bucking up.

i looked down, seeing my knot pressing the snout of the dragon's muzzle. i pulled my self from his muzzle, the quick climax almost reaching its peak. as i felt it disapate, i herd raiku let out a whine.

i helped him up, stepped out of my pants and boxers, and pressed him against a wall that we were next to. i licked his chest and moved my paws to his tightened pants, rubbing them against the covered member of the dragon. i slowly moved my paws up so i could undo the button and let them fall. only a pair of boxers delaying my paws to their prize, but i slowly took his still covered member in my right paw and rubbed the tip with my thumb, feeling a wet spot where his tip was and hearing my dragon let out a low moan. i brought my muzzle to his chest again but lapped at the right side.

i felt him embrace me tight, hugging me close. both of his paw gripped my rump,caressing both of my cheeks in his paws. i pressed against him and murred out, a little pleasure entering my body. i used my paw to pull his boxers down, letting slip down his legs and on to the floor. i will never get used to the sight of the dragon's member, twice the size of mine and always pulseing when i hold it. his size had broken me a long time ago and i still enjoy the sight of it.

i use both of my paws to grip his member, my right thumb on his tip again, rubbing the phallus as it leaked the pre the dragon produced, and there was always and abundance of it just for me. as i felt the pre coat my thumb in its slickness, raiku had reached in and rubbed my tail hole with a finger. i let out a low moan as he pressed against my ring, trying to gain access to my insides. i began to pump his member in my paws, my right thumb rubbing the flesh under his tip and his phallus as i gave him slow short strokes. i could feel which finger he was useing now. it was his middle as he used his other fingers to spread my cheeks.

i felt the appendage slip into me, a low moan and growl eminating form my muzzle. i felt my member rub on his waist, on the right side of his member, a little pleasure comming from it as my member pulsed against his scales. i looked up at him with half open eyes as my strokes became increasingly long, my paws going all the way down and back up with that still slow, teaseing speed i was useing. he was looking down at me with closed eyes, pants comming from his muzzle with a murr every now and then.

i pressed my chest against his belly and nuzzled his chest. i felt his finger dig even farther into me, a low moan leaving my muzzle. i felt him rub my walls slowly, pleasure slowly corseing through my body. i sped up my pumping of his member, trying to get him to feel what i was feeling right now. sure enough he moaned out to the speed increase, pressing his muzzle against my head and licking between my ears.

i pulled away from him, my paws letting go of his member and removing his finger from inside me. i looked up at him, panting lightly. he smiled at me, knowing that it was time.

he turned around, bending slightly against the wall and lifting up his tail up to show me my prize. now out of all the time i have been with him, i have been wanting to try something new for the both of us, and what better time than now? i padded up behind him and rubbed my member against him, reciving a low moan from the dragon. i slowly went to my knees as i rubbed his legs in my paws. i was eye line with my lover's tail hole and got a puzzled whimper from the dragon above. i quickly burried my muzzle under his tail, slowly lapping at the puckered flesh.

i think i hit it... because he let out the loudest moan i have ever heard from him. it suprised me quite frankly and only pushed me to do it more with each moan from the dragon above. i began to add pressure to the flesh under my tongue, wondering what his insides tasted like. it also made me wonder what he was feeling right now... something that wasn't hard and pulseing... but always wet and flexable. it really made me wonder if i could get him to a new exstasy high.

my tongue slipped in and to my suprise there was no taste. raiku had reached back and placed his right paw on the back of my head, gently pushing my muzzle against his rump. my tongue went in as far in as i could so i began to rub my tongue against his walls, hearing him moan above loudly. he pressed my muzzle into his rump harder, feeling pressure on my snout now as my tounge went in just a bit further, a groan comming from my muzzle. i could tell he like this new feeling i gave him, because he he was trying to get as much of it as he could by the notion of him trying to push my muzzle as far into his behind as he could.

i pulled back, pushing against his paw, comming up for air as i took a deep breath. i watched him turn around and kneel next to me, a wide grin on his muzzle.

" what was that all about?... mmm... i loved it... didn't know you had it in you to do that sorta thing..."

i blushed hard " its.... just something... new"

" well... your going to be doing it more often... that was great... but time to go traditional..."

raiku pounced on me, knocking me over and sitting on my belly. i blushed hard as i saw his member inches from my muzzle, pluseing and dripping pre on to my chest.

"mmmm... get ready... my turn..."

i layed back and closed my eyes, feeling my member poke and prod his tail hole as he held himself over me and trying to sit on my member. he persisted to sit, adding more force with each passing second, my tip just barely spreading him open. then that jolt of pleasure shot through my body when i felt force let up and a warmth began to cover my member as my dragon moaned above. my paws clenched carpet below us and my back arched slightly. i felt him stop, my knot feeling the force of the weight from the dragon sitting on me. i looked up at him and saw him panting hard. i saw both of his paws on my chest, but i didn't feel them untill now, when i saw them.

i closed my eyes again and murred out as he pulled up slowly, pleasure slowly corseing through my body again. i felt him stop near the tip of my member, then slamming himself down on me, my knot feeling all fo the force. my back arched and a lustful moan left my muzzle. i could already feel my climax rise from the depths of my pleasure slowly, my meber pulseing with each spasm of my lovers rectum.

i felt the same thing again as he rose off of me and slammed back down, a louder moan comming from my muzzle. i moaned loud again and panted hard, and the climax that i was now holding back was pounding against the head of my member, begging to be free. he must of known that i was ready to blow beacuse he did it one more time, but when he slammed himself on me, he use enough force to let my knot pop in him. he groaned and i couldn't hold back any longer. i forcefuly came in my dragon, filling him quickly with my seed and my knot blocking it from leaving him.

as i calmed down from my powerful orgasm, i opened my eyes and looked up at him a wide grin on his muzzle.

"d-damn... wolfy... that was really quick... i was hopeing to tease for just a bit longer..."

" im... sorry hun... it once in a blue moon that i get to be in your tail hole..."

raiku smiled " yeah, that is true" he moved his waist in a circular motion, spikeing my pleasure for just a moment as i felt my member rub againt his walls, makeing me moan out.

i looked back up at him, then traced his from down to his member. i saw that a pool of pre had collecet in my chest fur as he continued to leak quite a bit with each passing moment. i brought my right paw to his member and began to furiously stroke his member.

" im not done till you are... now cover your wolf in your love." i said as i watch his eyes close.

he let our a roar of pleasure as his hips bucked up into my paw, his head going up and his tongue hanging out on the left side. he moaned, growled, hissed, and groaned in pleasure, filling the air of his music. i was pawing him as fast as i could, trying to get him climax as quickly as i did. but it would seem that i would have to keep this up for awhile... becasue he would tell me when he was about to blow. so insted of covering me, i got the bright idea to take him into my muzzle and let him fill it.

i lean up some, resting on my elbows as i took the tip and some of his thick meat into my muzzle. i heard him roar out again, his paws gripping the back of my head, pulling my down more on his member. it felt so weird... still tied to him and now taking his member into my muzzle. i went down as far as i could before i felt my reflex gently kick in. but raiku had other plans. he kept on pushing, his tip pressing into my throat. i my reflex kicked harder, but as more of his member went into my throat, the less my relfex protested. i felt my snout bump his crotch, his member buired deeply in my muzzle. i swallowed around his tip and the inches that were in my throat. he moaned out above, knowing that he also broke my limitation. i was suprised that my reflex stopped completely, letting me go for geater moves.

i smiled... knowing this move that i saw on porno once. it was already hard to breath with him member in my throat, but i forced my self to hum around his member. he literaly yelled out, pressing my head into his crotch hard. i felt his member convolse and spasm, a slight smile on my muzzle.

then it hit. he erupted into my muzzle, shooting the back of my throat with his warm seed. it was creamy and smooth, like it always has been. i didn't have to swallow, my dragon's seed just flowing down my throat and into my stomach. i could feel how many shoots that went into my muzzle, a total of eight, the most i ever made him shoot.

as he calmed down, he pulled my head off of his member. i gasped for breath as his member left my muzzle. i layed back and hit the floor, panting hard, my dragon laying on top of me. i could feel my knot protest as his ring pulled it gently.

"f-fuck baby... god damn... that... was abosultly fantastic... the best... i have ever felt." my dragon said as he rested his head on my chest.

i caressed his head in my paws, rubbing his neck and the back of his head in my paws. " yeah... your broke me again... muzzle this time..."

he leaned up a bit, look at me know. " i know... im sorry if it hurt any..."

" it didn't hurt... but my gag reflex hates you now..."

raiku chuckled " sorry... lost in the bliss of the moment"

i nodded and looked at the bed. " mmm... this floor is starting to hurt."

" i was your idea to do it on the floor."

" i know... let go to the bed so i can cuddle next to my husband."

i watched raiku let off a bright blush when i said husband. " a-alright... im going to disengage... "

he pulled up harshly and quickly, feeling a bit of pain aas my knot poped out of him, a huge wave of cum washing over my waist. he stood up and helped me up, looking down at the big wet spot on the floor.

" it would seem we have marked our next spot."

i giggled and push him to the bed, only to pounce on him again, landing on the bed. we both laid with the bed, raiku pulling me close to him, my back against his belly and chest.

he whispered." mmhmmmhmhmhmhm.... this was the best night i have ever exsperienced."

" hmmmhmmm... i can say the same thing my adorable husband."

he turned me to face him, a bright blush on his muzzle " im never gonna hear the end of it, will i?"

i chuckled and smiled " nope... and i hope you enjoy all the years you hear it."

" oh, i will, don't worry."

he kissed me deeply as we both brought each other to connection with our bodies.

i began to think again.

it makes me wonder... what would barrett say right now? i guess i can only wonder what he would say right now.

i broke the kiss and gasped, a voice filling my head.

you know chitzkoi... all this time i've known that i wouldn't be your mate... but someone better would be... and raiku as proven this to me... all the years you two have came and vistied my grave, knowing that the bond between you two would never break under tension, it proved to me that there is always a second chance... one just has to wait. good luck in the future chitzkoi... and i will never forget you.

"chitzkoi.... chitzkoi?!"

raiku's voice fadded in and that famiular voice fadded away... i was utter shock as barrett spoke to me. " i will never forget you eather." i said softly.

i looked at my lover, feeling my self calm down "its alright... im fine."

" what just happend... you spaced out for like five minuits as i said your name."

" oh... its nothing... hey raiku...?"

" yes chitzkoi?"

" i love you with all of my heart."

" as i love you with my entire being."

i smiled and cuddled close to him, knowing that we were never going to be apart.

You can say... he is my final resoultion.


Upon the moon part three: determining fate

as prmoised to lots of others, here is the third part of the story...enjoy... ans skipping all of the leagal stuff... because who dosen't know it \>.\< ~~~~~~~~~~ all though fate has diffrent effects on people and the way they do things, the way...

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Upon the moon part two: life moves on

im continueing due to popular demand from people. ~~~~~~~~ just a few months ago... i was inside myself... blameing myself for not relizeing my calling to a friend that lost his life to cancer. when i thought i lost everything, a dragon showed me...

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Upon the moon: lifes second chance

a christmas present for Raiku Hayabusa... for others reading this i hope you enjoy it... skipping all of the leagal stuff because who dosen't know it aready \>.\< XD please mind my spelling... i cant spell if my life depended on it \>.\>... im...

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