Poem #36: Where I'm From
#37 of Poetry
Senior English assignment. This is a pretty common English assignment across the states, but for those who don't know, all of them are based on the format a poem of the same title by the writer George Ella Lyon.
Where I'm From
I am from constantly read books,
from dirty Adidas smeared with grass and dirt.
I am from the giant tree in front of the house
(Rides that always miss the green trim because of it).
I am from the smooth river-rock stones,
the somewhat surviving flower gardens that
never last through the winter.
I am from the disassociation of blood
and belief, from abandonment by Ken,
and emotional abuse by Grace.
I am from drinking and bearing the pain
that comes along with it, from
"Always tell the truth" and "Don't do drugs".
I am from growing up with belief only to find
my own belief, my disbelief in a gods image.
I am from Washington but truly from Montana,
from pasties and my mom's thick fudge,
from mom's unfathomable determination in my
upbringing, the lack of help my father provided.
I am from the old shoe box of memories
that is now full
to be made full over again
because of my relocation
of which I am scornful
yet grateful.
I am from my numerous friends, in many places
from which I hold dear,
their worth to me so high
no cost less than my life
would suffice.
"Where I'm From" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License