Sir Wolfie. A Tale of Two Kingdoms. Part 4.

Story by RuthofPern on SoFurry

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#7 of Sir Wolifie

Part 4.

False dawn started to brighten the Eastern horizon, the faint bluis...

Part 4.

False dawn started to brighten the Eastern horizon, the faint bluish light seeping down into the courtyard and through Ruth's eyelids. He snorted slightly, breathing in the scents that still permeated the area heavily and wondered why his left shoulder was stiff in the damp summer's mist. He cracked an azure blue eye open and grimaced as he realized that Arianna was still deep in slumber, head and neck resting across his muscular haunches, breath tickling at his folded wings. Glancing up he observed that they were both under observation from the walls.

Curious cubs, too young to be affected by the pheromone laced air stared down and giggled as he winked, flicking his long tongue out like an over-sized snake as he flashed it in their directions. A few adults were also still present, sleeping in heaps where they had exhausted themselves in sexual debauchery from the secondhand afterglow of Arianna's and his intercourse in the public space the day before. He just hoped that all those eager eyes that now rested on his and the blue dragoness' slumber form would still be open with life when this day was past.

He cleared his throat, a low rumble that made the cubs giggle even more, "Arianna," he whispered, "Arianna...time to wake up."

The blue dragoness cracked her eyes open and without moving flicked her tongue out and caught Ruth's in a spiral, hauling his head down until their lips touched, "Morning Pearly...thank you for yesterday's efforts."

Ruth snatched his head back, the taste of a female on his lips in a context other than food not something he wished to expand upon, "An effort was exactly what it was Arianna...please do not read more into it."

"But it was so enjoyable..." Arianna started.

"For you maybe. Do not forget why you are here. I have paid your price now, it is time for us to do our duty to the people now," Ruth said interrupting.

"I do not forget my duties Pearly...remember I am a few centuries your senior," Arianna replied lifting her head from where it was resting and staring at him.

"Then you remember that you are here as my guest because your subjects have stepped over the line," Ruth snapped, standing and stretching to loosen the kinks from his shoulder where the muscle had be compressed by her considerable dead weight overnight.

"Ooooh, are we a touchy grouch in the mornings?" Arianna teased as some of the watching cubs laughed.

"Only after I have been morally raped...Was what you were saying about the Eastern lands true? It has not reached me yet."

Arianna's smile disappeared, "Unfortunately yes. Five active and mature of our kind have been killed so far...another three injured. There is rumour of a general conclave being called soon to discuss the issues, and that hasn't happened in over fifteen hundred years. I was notified only because my territory borders the ocean. It is imperative that the formula of this powder does not spread until we come up with a way to protect ourselves from the projectiles it can throw. I have been told to mentally strip the memories of all the crew on incoming ships that make harbour and to immediately incarcerate or kill any that may be carrying it."

"That serious? What of the merfolk? Can they be trusted not to carry the knowledge? You know as well as I do, they suffer no allegiances with anyone. For a price they could cross the ocean with the formula..."

"We have no authority over them and you know it. If they want to create trouble for us...well they will. We cannot examine them without the Tritons and Sea Witches finding out and that would mean storms, tsunamis or worse striking the lands we guard. We can only stop the warm-bloods from spreading the word." Arianna replied sighing. The first flare of the sun peeked over the horizon then, lighting up the fluffy clouds with flares of oranges and reds between the rain freshened blue-wash of the heavens. "Can you turn Lycanopous' mind? It would save his life if we were to fly out together and meet Electra and her army and stop them from progressing further."

"That would be unethical. The wolves would never trust me or Dragon-kind again. The plan of challenge has been issued by Lycanopous, and by now most of the city will know about it if gossip works the way it does elsewhere. It is his right as the sovereign, and the only thing we can do now is watch and make sure the fight is fair."

"Hmmmph! The fight will be no more fair than if someone was to challenge one of us with a lance and a sword. He will be dead before he can draw his sword from his scabbard. Electra will slaughter him in front of his people like chicken on a butcher's block."

"You know that, I know that, and the King knows that...but the gesture will have been made. Lycanopous will die protecting his people, in front of his people. From his reputation, Electra will not survive her skirmish with Sir Wolfie though. She will die today one way or the other. Either her life will end, or her power will. Either way, the innocents of Lupinia will be saved."

"That is one thing I struggle to comprehend...why people with such short lifespans should constantly seek to make them shorter. They martyr themselves even when other options are open, and then they are revered by those that support them no matter how misguided they were." Arianna replied shaking her head.

"We have never had any need to do so...That need may still be on the horizon though if that powder spreads. I for one would happily die to protect my race...the question may be asked of all of us at some point. Is there any way that we can ethically allow the King to make a better show of himself?" Ruth asked seriously.

"Even the swords, lances, horses or armour. Naked and with only a cloak and nine inch smoothly honed, twin edged dagger he may last a bit longer. Age and experience can prevail for a time where brute strength is not an advantage. She will still kill him though." Arianna stated, "What is your pet wolf like in a knife fight?"

"Sir Wolfie is not my pet...And I don't know the answer to that. He must be good enough as he is the head of the Knights circle. To be there he would have to win all types of tourney matches."

"Ask him then...Before we set the rules. That is if you don't want to lose him." Arianna replied grinning.

"I don't want to lose any more innocent lives. One of us will have to fly out and confront the felines and Electra. Tell them that they are to proceed unhindered and in peace to the city on pain of death now that the course of action has been decided upon. They will need escorting to make sure they do not pillage on the way in. Electra cannot refuse, and she will know it."

"I will do it...she and her circle of guards know me from my previous judgments. She will not trust me, but she knows that what I say...goes. I will add that should he still live, the young Prince is to be returned intact and whole as a hostage to the event." Arianna replied and walked to the centre of the courtyard, stretching her wings to allow the suns warmth to penetrate her diaphanous membranes.

"I will eat then, as I left the Obsidian Mountain in a hurry yesterday morn with only a light breakfast and have not dined since. I need replenishing after our own wrestling match. The King and the others will be up soon, and we need to let the populace fill the bleachers so they can view the matches. I will make sure that at least two hundred spaces are left for Electra's elite guard, officers and private circle as witnesses. They will all be in the same place as well then for the conclusion." Ruth stated.

"Mmm, I will eat well then, then," she grinned.

"Not in front of the wolves...I only eat the convicted when they are in my care. Cubs cannot be allowed to witness us eating other thinking people..."

"Why not? It will cement us in their minds. I often don't bother to carry those convicted back to my lair." Arianna asked.

"This is my territory, so my rules will apply...and you don't have the luxury of a secure dwelling that needs hands to tend it. I like waking up and knowing that I can hold an intelligent conversation with someone if I want to. That is one thing I would ask of you Arianna. Adam still chooses to reside under my care as he has not opted out yet. I would like to take all the females who are judged guilty amongst Electra's army as Adam's guests. They will suffer for their crimes that way until they come begging to me for an ending."

"You have let that evil bastard live? They still talk of him in the taverns on the dock sides. Why?" Arianna asked shocked.

"His crimes were a result of an incurable illness of the mind, not evil. One day the people will understand those like him and just lock them up as insane rather than demand their deaths. He provides good service to me; as I have no taste for dealing out suffering to those that truly deserve it."

"Granted then...there will be enough males to stock my larder caves for a while. I will admit the idea of someone like Adam having his will with some of the bitches Electra has nurtured makes me grin inside. It is a pity that we cannot gift him with Electra herself now." With that Arianna shook her wings and with a huge down sweep launched herself skywards, pumping vigorously until she cleared the trees and headed into the rising sun.

Ruth sighed and turned towards the castle entrance as Sir Wolfie strolled out into the morning light, "Morning Lord Ruth," he greeted.

"Not you as well Wolfie...Just Ruth please as we have shared warmth. How are you with cloak and dagger fighting?" he asked.

"Second only to my sword work...Why?" Sir Wolfie replied without pride.

"That then is to be the terms of the King's challenge. He is likely to last longer where strength is not always an advantage. He will still die, but he will at least not be spitted immediately in front of the crowd. You will have to prevail against her Champion, and then Electra herself. Are you agreeable?"

"Yes...though cats have claws which can be used as weapons...we don't," Wolfie replied after a few seconds thought.

"Well we cannot glove will be naked in the ring. Nothing hidden, no cheating rules. Only one walks out." Ruth said seriously.

"No rules eh?" Wolfie asked grinning.

"No...No mercy either. The match finishes when one stops breathing and not before."

"Then let us hope Electra picks a male to go up against me...I have a second instrument of impalement that could give me the advantage of surprise!"

Ruth stared at him for a second and then burst out laughing, "Oh that's a good one. If you do that...castrate the bastard while you are at it. The felines will not forget that if you do and they will avoid you!"

"Suits me...I tried a cat once. How the fuck they put up with spines up their arses I will never know. I have never taken one since."

"Maybe that's what makes them homophobes?" Ruth joked, starting Wolfie laughing. After a few minutes of mirth which woke up just about everyone with hearing distance Ruth brought himself under control. "Now, breakfast for me...where do you keep your butchers stock around here...or should I hunt in the forest?"

"Stay hungry are you?" Wolfie asked.

"Starving...I could eat a couple of horses..." Ruth replied grinning.

"How do oxen sound? We have the two that pulled the death cart still in the holding pens... they would not be begrudged to you."

"That sounds tasty...But only if you can spare them. They are slow to mature and you could trade them to the farms you know," Ruth replied.

"They are tainted with would be best if you had them."

"Fair enough...where are they so I do not bloody the courtyard?"

"Good point...I will have them brought to the outdoor salle. The sand can be changed there. They will await your pleasure in a quartermark." With that Wolfie turned and headed towards a service entrance and grabbed a guard who was still standing duty despite having been given the option of going home.

Ruth grinned to would be an entertaining couple of marks when Electra got here...ones that he may even file in his memories for future tale telling when others step over the line.


The bleachers surrounding the jousting arena were packed. Everyone in the city, who could get in, was standing on the tiered wooden boards around three quarters of the long sanded oblong. The scent of over a thousand excited wolves, mingled with the fear of the unknown as Ruth crouched on all fours in the middle to await the arrival of the invading force. A bugle call announced the sighting of Arianna as she swept over the Royal pavilion at the south end of the arena and came into land next to Ruth with a thud that shook the stands. "They are less than a quartermark away," she said quietly to Ruth.

"Has she come quietly?" Ruth asked.

"She has had no choice...I have eaten. A few of the males in the force tried it on as they marched in, but I spotted them and judged accordingly and no bitches were raped. They all calmed down after that. The Prince is alive and well, if exhausted. It seems that the Princess has a carriage of her own which she uses for her pleasures while her army is marching around her. The Prince is within it, bound and naked and smelling heavily of Lion pussy...that he lives means he was able to satisfy her." Arianna replied grinning.

"I still don't like it...but at least his father's liberal allowances with the maids meant he was self-taught enough to survive the night. She will accept the challenge when Lycanopous issues it?"

"I explained to her that it was the only chance she had of living as her life was forfeit and at my discretion because of her actions. She wanted to turn and head back, but I refused to allow that. She has gone too far to be the coward that bullies always turn out to be in the end. The challenge has been accepted, though I omitted to tell her that even if she does prevail, all her support will be gone!"

"Ha...that will be a shock then if she gets a lucky blow in on Wolfie. Naked cloak and dagger is to be the terms of the fight, I have removed the joust rail so they have the whole arena to work within. We will flank the Royal pavilion while they duel as observers and referees only. The Princes will watch from the rail." Ruth answered as the sound of hooves penetrated the crowd noise.

They both turned their heads towards the entrance gates of the arena. A group of very muscular lionesses mounted on strong, well-bred warhorses trooped in ahead of what was obviously a very elaborate Royal coach that was pulled by a troop of four, jet black matched mares, all groomed and plaited up as if it were a state visit, as opposed to an invading force. The tigress who sat in the driver's position pulled up centrally and the lionesses formed a circle around it, swords drawn, and eyes darting across the crowd for any sign of a hidden archer or crossbow wielder. All eyes were riveted on the coach when the door under the Royal pavilion opened and King Lycanopous and Sir Wolfie stepped out, just wearing velvet robes that hung, swishing in the sand under their feet as they approached the still closed coach. Two of the elite guard edged their horses apart nearest the door, one reaching behind her and tapping three times on the gilded oak panel.

A spotted paw hand reached out of the window and released the catch, before a leopard dressed in little other than a loincloth opened the door and stepped out. He was bound tightly in spiraling leather bands that had been shaved into his fur so the leather touched and aggravated his skin, highlighting every toned and rounded muscle on his torso and arms. He bowed towards the coach doorway without saying a word, and then knelt with his paws out to receive the Royal foot which followed him from under the scarlet curtain.

A huge tawny foot paw stepped into the cupped hands, claws extended and digging into the obvious body slave's palms, a huge weight pressing him down as Princess/Queen Electra stepped out into the light, dressed from head to foot in full regalia. A few of the crowd muttered as they realized that her robe was lined with wolf pelts, the collar formed of bushy tails that encircled her neck. A single, simple tiara sat on her furrowed forehead, light glinting from the diamonds where stray beams of sunlight kissed it.

King Lycanopous approached to within ten feet of the proud lioness who had not so much as issued a word yet. Sir Wolfie hung back at a respectful distance, waiting for his formal introduction as Champion. Staring the lioness in the eyes, the King gently pulled his right gauntlet off his hand, holding it up for all eyes to see, before throwing down at Electra's feet. "I formally challenge you Princess Electra to a personal duel to the death for the rights to rule over Lupinia and Lyonesse. I choose this course of action so as to avenge the murder of my family and the destruction of the innocent lives that have been perpetrated at your paws."

Electra sniffed once, bending to pick up the gauntlet, "Terms?" she replied quietly.

"You and I fight...My Champion and yours fight. Winner of both fights, fight each other unless each winner is on the same side. Only one leaves the arena mercy. Fighting conditions are to concealments. Naked, cloak and dagger in front of all. Intervention means forfeiture and immediate execution by the Lord Dragons who will act as referees. Winner takes all with no further bloodshed of innocents." King Lycanopous stated firmly.

"Who is to be your Champion?"

"Sir Wolfie..."

"Ha! A fag? A Gay-boy? I choose my battalion leader, Captain Silas. I will not sully the hands of one of my elite guard in the killing of someone with Sir Wolfie's..." she paused for a second, "Tastes." Electra completed. "You realize that putting him, or should I say IT forward as your Champion, you further insult me and my kingdom?"

"In what way is putting my finest warrior in the ring an insult. There are no rules or laws in Lupinia that forbid someone a choice in their sexuality," King Lycanopous stated flatly.

"That will change after today...I assure you." Electra spat. "Your challenge is accepted under one condition...we fight first. I want to be able to sit back with my guard and watch Silas eviscerate your precious Sir Wolfie in front of his former people."

"And what makes you think that by offering only one of you Captains up for a fight with Sir Wolfie that he will lose? He has not lost a match in two years of competition..." The King started only to be interrupted by another braying laugh from Electra.

"Ha! God your intelligence is poor Lycanopous! Who the hell do you think taught me and my elite circle to fight? Silas. The world will be a better place without you and your family if the wolves gathered here today allowed such ignoramuses to hold the throne. Your brother was a soppy, useless idiot who allowed his simpering bitch to lap at his feet in my court. He only knocked her up once, and then got lucky with twins. They died at my feet, begging and pleading in the stable muck-heap. He died last you know...I nailed those bloody cubs to his crotch after I cut his tendons. The bitch died next, as I stapled her skull to the stupid whore who told me the news. He took a mark to die you was fun watching him squirm as my bed-slaves jammed that pole up his ass...inch by long inch..."

"Enough!!" The King shouted. A few of the wolves in the crowd had been sick as they heard the Queen in waiting boast of her crimes. A few of those felines which had taken position in the bleachers were not looking to well either. "Where is my Son, and we can end this now!"

" new pet, at least he has some spunk in the right places." Electra turned to the coach and opened the door, "Here James...come to your new mistress. Tell your father how much you enjoyed the last few hours..."

A bedraggled Prince James with tear stained fur, red eyes and flattened ears staggered out into the sunlight naked. The fur had been shaved from around his sheath, the skin red raw and inflamed where a leather cord had been tied tightly around his scrotum. The pink tip of his semi-erect member wept fluids tainted with a tinge of blood as his legs collapsed under him, forcing him to his knees as his hands were manacled behind his back.

"Tell him!" Electra ordered.

"I...I am sorry father. I could not save mother..." he hiccoughed.

"Tell him, or challenge or no challenge I will kill you now!" Electra ordered.

"I would rather die than lie in front of my people can't call you a bitch because bitches bring life to my people. You only bring death to all those that touch you. Yes I shagged you until I was red raw...but your crotch is a barren wasteland that would make an elephant whore ashamed it is so slack from the abuse you have given it. I couldn't even tie you... Kill me now, I will not lay with you another second, I would rather throw myself under your horses!" James spat, staring up at her.

Electra's face went red with anger. She reached for a dagger on one of her guards belt and drew it quickly and turned to the kneeling wolf, "!" she stopped staring at her hand and dropped the dagger which had suddenly heated up to furnace temperature with a scream, turning to stare at Arianna who just raised a scaled brow.

"No term breaking. I could have turned that dagger on you for that action Electra, but I want to give the King a chance to kill you. Now clear the arena and take you places. I have other petty criminals to take care of, as does Ruth here. Let us conclude this before I get bored and stop your heart...if you have one somewhere!" Arianna stated firmly.

Electra looked defiant for a second, but then turned to her guard. "Take the front row, get Silas prepared, but be ready if the crowd turns when I win," she ordered. "Burn the city to the ground if any step out of line. We can use this patch of forest as a game reserve; there is no need for the building to be left standing."

The lioness who headed the guard saluted and the coach driver churred the horses into pulling the coach out of the arena, the leopard slave trotting behind it in its dust. Sir Wolfie held out his hand to Prince James who grasped it as he was helped to his feet.

The King patted his son on his shoulder, "Know that I know you did your best. You will make a good ruler son." Turning he pulled one of the razor sharp daggers from Sir Wolfie's belt. "I will borrow may claim it to kill her with in your match."

"As you wish easy," Sir Wolfie said shaking his head.

"I go. Prepare yourself for your matches. I will tire her if I can for you." With that the King released his belt and dropped the robe to the floor, revealing that he was naked underneath. Taking the dagger he picked at the stitching and then tore the inner cloak lining out of the heavy cloth before kicking the remains to one side. "En Garde, when you are ready Electra," he stated, taking up a fighting stance.

The lioness smiled, "So eager to die Lycanopous? So be it." She stripped herself of her raiment's, also kicking them to one side. She was all muscles. Cords and cords of sinews ran up and down under her tawny fur. Her breasts were almost nonexistent; nipples flushed in pink aureoles the only thing defining them as anything other than male's pectorals. Lycanopous's eyes dropped to her crotch where she had shaved an arrow in her fur, as if guiding males to a target. Bending without taking her eyes off him she touched the dagger which she had drawn tentatively confirming that it had cooled, before picking it up. "I seem to be short of a cloak," she said grinning.

"Stop stalling you coward..." Lycanopous spat, "Tear my robe in half and meet me like a warrior!"

"I am no coward...and you are no warrior. You have a paunch on you like a well fattened pig!" Electra growled, "Shall I spit you and roast you over one of the dragon's fires? How you sired a son with a shaft like James there I don't know...a chipmunk couldn't be satisfied with one that size," she gestured at the King's sheath which was tight against his belly. "Your bitch queen must have slept with a real male behind your back!"

"I said En Garde. We can trade insults all you wish, but try me more and I will forget my vows and attack you now!" Lycanopous roared in anger.

"Oooh...I am scared!" She mock cowered as she picked up the torn robe and shredded it with one of her claws. "Let us end this then...En Garde King. Come and meet your maker!"

The two Princes and Sir Wolfie watched from the pavilion. They began circling then, the King remembering his training, dagger grasped in his right hand, cloak in the other. They held positions, just out of reach of each other, watching for an opening. Lycanopous fainted then, darting in and trying for a swipe on Electra's cloak guarded ribs. She avoided it easily, bringing her dagger around underarm, only to be blocked and tangled by the King's cloak. He rolled free, tugging at the fabric, trying to disarm her and failing as he gathered it back to himself.

Electra smiled, spitting in the dirt, "Good play...for a new recruit." Without warning she leaped towards him, launching herself from the ground in a feline pounce, her two hundred pounds of muscle guided precisely at the King's body. He ducked, rolling flat as her foot claws tore ribbons from his back, grasping and ripping his tail from his socket in a bloody fountain of gore. He was in agony, tears dripping from his eyes as he tried to focus on where his opponent had turned to face him again. Electra picked up his tail, sniffing it before sucking the marrow from the stub. "Thank you for the new robes will need a new ruff!"

Lycanopous was growing weak from the pain and blood loss, he gathered his remaining strength and charged her, avoiding her parry and wrapping her dagger in his cloak as she gripped his swinging wrist with hers. They were chest to chest, the wolves muscles bulging as the lioness held his dagger tip away from her neck where it had been aimed. He tried kneeing her, anything to make an opening. She smiled then, increasing her grip and he heard his wrist bones snap as the dagger dropped from his hand, "Pup," she sneered, sweeping his legs from under him as she bore him to the ground. "Wolves like to go for the throat, don't they...Lions like the spine!" With that she lent hard and dislocated his shoulder as he screamed, spinning him into a tight arm-lock. She dropped her entangled dagger then, letting it drop to the floor in his cloak and counted four vertebrae down with her free claws, "One...Two...Three..." his eyes widened as she lowered her mouth to his bowed neck, "Four!"

Electra bit hard, blood fountaining as her teeth ripped the forth vertebrae from its place, licking her lips as all the kings muscles went limp, his bowels and bladder emptying themselves all over the sand and her feet, "Faugh! I hate it when they do that!" Picking up the Sir Wolfie's dagger she examined it briefly before kicking the King's limp body over. He was still breathing, eyes bulging, and his throat spasming as his lungs tried to suck in more air to scream. Bending, she neatly carved his shaft and sheath from his body and forced them down his throat. "Say hello to your brother in hell!" she whispered before she plunged the dagger into his chest in a single smooth movement. His body tried to cough up blood, ears falling flat to the sand as his eyes closed while his heart slowed to a stop.

Electra kicked sand in the dead wolves face and turned towards the wolves in the stands and mock bowed, as their dead King's blood dripped from her muzzle. "I am not even warmed up yet! You will bow to me!"

"NOT YET!" Ruth roared. He walked over to Lycanopous's body and held a huge fore paw over it and whispered a few words. The soul of the King rose into the afternoon light, forming an indistinct shape in the dusty air. "You fought well my friend, but you chose this path. Now onwards and upwards to join your mate and family," he spoke as Electra watched. The wraith seemed to smile and a beam of sunlight briefly broke through the now overcast sky, spearing the King's soul with its luminescence, before vanishing again as the clouds closed above. Gently he cradled the King's body, swinging his tail across the fouled sand to turn it over afresh, and then carried it over to the pavilion's end, placing it in the sand before he drew Wolfie's dagger from its chest. Cleaning it magically, he handed it up to Sir Wolfie who took it grimly. Ruth turned to Electra who hadn't moved from where she stood. "Bring on Silas...and then you get what is coming to you."

She showed her teeth, raising her tail she dropped to all fours and pissed in imitation of a feral towards the wolves who sat silently in shock from their King's death. "As you wish...dragon," she snarled.

Sir Wolfie descended the steps then, removing all his clothes and covered Lycanopous's corpse with them carefully. He strode out to the arena's centre, stopping just off to one side of the bloodied patch with a black cloak in one hand, his dagger in the other. He was every inch the warrior that Lycanopous hadn't been, but Electra outweighed him by at least seventy pounds. If he survived this match, he would have to rely on speed with her, not strength. The gate by the bleachers opened and Wolfie's eyes turned to face his first opponent. "Bollocks," he muttered under his breath.

Silas stood at over seven foot six in height, a grizzled veteran that was covered in scars. He was a spit in build to Electra, not an ounce of fat or spare flesh anywhere on his body. His sheath was huge, poking proudly through a thicket of greying pubes where his legs met in a shadowed 'v'. His perfectly rounded buttocks swayed as prowled as only a cat could across the sand towards the waiting wolf.

'God he is attractive...if only I could get him in a private room for an hour or so...' Wolfie thought as his crotch stirred involuntarily, his shaft emerging from his equally large sheath in excitement.

Silas glared at the semi erect wolf, and then spat a gob of meaty saliva at his feet. "Nice to meet you fag...I will be glad to clear the world of another of your kind for my Queen!"

"We will see...En Garde!" Sir Wolfie declared dropping into a fighting stance, wondering just how he would defeat someone he wanted to make love to...not kill. What he had declared to Ruth earlier flickered though his mind, and he relaxed his faltering control with a grin...allowing his other 'sword' to reach full readiness.

Silas shook his head in disgust as Wolfie's pre dripped onto the sand under him, "En Garde!" He didn't even circle once; he just pounced on the sound of his E.

Wolfie had been watching the lion's crotch, and saw the muscles tense as he declared readiness. The huge beast launched himself instantly and Wolfie dropped and rolled, neatly avoiding the foot paws that tried to rake him. Spinning to his feet he leaped instantly onto Silas's back, shaft pressed tightly against the lion's spine. "Idiot," he whispered as he plunged his dagger into the muscled shoulder of his dagger arm, popping the joint cleanly as he cut the tendons free before leaping free as Silas tried to roll and crush him.

Wolfie circled as Silas got to his feet again, right arm hanging limply at his side, dagger half buried in the sand where it had dropped. Bending the lion picked up the dagger with his left hand, "You play with me fag...why didn't you just cut my throat?" he panted through the pain.

"Your Queen likes to play with her would be unfair of me if I didn't return the favour. En Garde!" Sir Wolfie challenged.

Silas circled this time, fainting here and there with quick thrusts of his blade, trying to gauge more carefully his next move this time. He was dead now anyway, even if he won. Electra would take his life as he was permanently disabled. He could still give her a chance though, if he took this defiant wolf down a peg or two first.

Wolfie deliberately left his flank open, drawing the still very dangerous veteran into another silly move. Silas followed his faint through this time, lunging at Wolfie with all his weight behind him, using his dead shoulder as a ram towards the wolf's chest. Wolfie dodged the blade, but couldn't avoid the muscles that followed it on his undefended side. The two of them went down in the sand in a huge crash, Silas's dagger skittering into the sand on impact as three of Wolfie's ribs cracked audibly. Wolfie locked his cloaked arm under Silas's neck as the lion tried to force his head up from the sand to rip his throat out. As he fought for breath he brought his dagger around in a sweep, cutting a long furrow in the lion's left flank until he plunged in under the sweaty armpit, poking it through the shoulder blade, before twisting and popping it out as well.

Silas screamed as his other arm went limp and Wolfie rolled him off him, standing swiftly in case he was struck again with one of the Silas's legs. He was winded badly, his ribs crackling with the pain as he watched the lion roll himself onto his knees. "Kill me now! Give me a warrior's death!" Silas screamed, baring his throat to the wolf.

Wolfie turned to Arianna, "Is this beast a warrior that deserves a quick death?" He asked her.

"That beast is no warrior...he likes to take his oppositions wives and children to his tent...they never leave. He is one that is well known to me. Do as you wish with him, there are no rules or laws in this arena today." Arianna said gravely.

Wolfie toyed with the idea of ending it there and then as the wolf crowd was baying for the lion's heart blood as he managed to stagger to his feet as Wolfie circled him. No...He would prolong it just a bit longer. Silas would die with no honour left, and the felines in the bleachers would know that.

Wolfie darted quickly under the bleeding lion's tail and with a quick slash cut the Achilles tendons on his ankles and rolled aside as Silas collapsed to his knees. A roundhouse kick just above his sheath doubled the lion over and his muzzle buried itself in the dirt as the wind fled his lungs. "Just FUCKING Kill Me!" Silas pleaded as Wolfie walked to stand in front of the Lion's sand covered muzzle.

Stroking his partially aroused shaft back to a full erection he bent and stared into Silas's eyes, his tip pointing at the blood spittle inflected lips, "This is not how I wanted this...This is not what I usually do... Had I had my choice you would have come home with me after an evening in the Inn. Hard times are prowling this world, and life is never easy. My people will judge me on what I do next, and maybe, just maybe, yours will to." With that he stood and paced around to the lion's rear. Silas's eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen.

"No...No...NOOOOOOOOO!" he screamed as Wolfie gripped his tail hard and cut the muscles that were swishing it from side to side in agitation. Wolfie snapped the bone easily and laid the still attached appendage flat on Silas's back. Blood was running freely from the cuts, pouring over the tightly clasped anus and soaking into huge meaty balls that were swinging now between the lions crippled legs. Taking his dagger tip he teased those fuzzy ornaments, tracing it back and forth over the scrotum's skin, not drawing blood, but inciting action against his final wishes as Silas's shaft began to grow and emerge from the stimulation. It took but a few minutes before the fourteen inches of meaty goodness, ridged and rippling with power hung free, spiny tip ploughing the sand as his pre bound the gritty granules to it, flushing it red in aggravation.

"Enjoying yourself I see," Sir Wolfie called loudly towards the feline crowd as they stared at what was happening to their Captain. Electra had a look of pure thunder on her face as Wolfie reached underneath with his free hand and gripped it tightly, pumping hard as Silas' groans could be heard as they escaped his gritty lips. Shifting his hips slightly he placed his own presoaked member at the helpless lion's back door. Grinning he stared at Electra, dead in her eyes and thrust hard.

Silas arched his back, screaming as his last vestige of perceived masculinity was taken from him. Wolfie reached up and looped his left arm around the lions throat, wincing as he gripped the huge beast's back to his chest, as he sunk his teeth into his neck mane. Thrusting harder and harder he ploughed the virgin field as his broken ribs crackled under the strain when they moved within him. Feeling his way down with his right hand still holding the dagger he caressed the huge leonine member that he would have wanted in him in better times, feeling the sand bound spines beginning to flutter as Wolfie tried batter his knot through the last obstacle to complete. A huge final thrust and it gave way, and Wolfie docked tightly as it closed around him snugly. He spat out the mane and blood in his mouth as his knot swelled to full diameter, tearing the flesh apart around it and compressing Silas' prostate. "You don't deserve this gift of pleasure you are worse than those that never chose to walk on two feet!" he shouted. With that, he switched his hips a final time and let himself go.

As the wolf's cum began to flood his bowels Silas let out a huge roar, and his shaft began to fountain his own masculinity out over the bloodied sands in front of him as his eyes locked for a final time on Electra's.

As Wolfie felt the shaft start to spasm in his hand he swept down with the dagger and severed it where it joined the lion's body, cleaving through the pubis like it was butter and leaving the stub spitting blood infused cum out in faltering gouts. Taking a stronger grip on Silas' neck as the lion froze in shock mid orgasm, he bit hard and twisted, snapping it like a twig in the wind and then let him fall to collapse flat on the sand in a pool of his own cum and blood. Unlike Electra, he made the break at the join between the second and first vertebrae. Silas was gasping like a fish out of water as his lungs and heart started to fail without his brains instructions, his eyes misting as the oxygen failed to get through as he swallowed his tongue. With a final huge thud, his heart stopped and the arena fell silent as his spirit detached itself from his body to hang in the air.

Arianna stepped forward then whispering as Wolfie knelt, still tied to the corpse and used his dagger tip to cut the frenulum and free himself of the body to stand and let his orgasm paint the dead lion's back with what his balls had left. Staring at the wraith that had been frozen in semi visibility in front of the crowds by her whispered words, the dragoness paused as Wolfie backed away towards Ruth. "A fitting end for you mortal life, and now a fitting start to your immortal one I think," she declared and standing on her hind legs she tore the air apart with her forepaws, reciting muffled words of magic as a seam appeared full of purple lightening and fog where none was visible before. "OH KEEPERS OF THE VOID, A NEW GUEST AWAITS YOUR PLEASURES!" she shouted, the wolves and felines in the bleachers hugging their ears at the sound of her amplified voice.

Creatures stirred in the roiling fog of lightening and mist, a face appearing to stare out everyone and no one at the same time, "HIS CRIME?" it asked, focusing on the wraith held by Arianna's magic.

"SEXUAL AND VIOLENT DEPRAVITY OF ALL THE WORST TYPES!" she declared as the creature smiled.

"THEN HE WILL FIT WELL HERE AS ONE OF OUR PETS!" With that a clawed hand shot out of the seam and grasped Silas' wraith as it tried to coil away in horror a silent scream trying to make itself heard from his ghostly lips as the demon pulled him in.

Arianna clapped her paws together once, and the tear sealing itself with a clap of earth shattering thunder. Gripping the empty blood and cum soaked shell of Silas in her mouth, she threw it up in the air and opened her jaws, swallowing it whole as it descended. She turned to the felines in the bleachers, licking her lips, "Know this Electra...worse awaits you if you lose." And with that she went to stand next to Ruth again and nuzzled him as they awaited the Princess' next move.

Wolfie was horrified, seeing for the first time truly the powers that the True Dragons held within their bodies. Ruth lowered his head and began licking him clean of all the accumulated fluids that were plastered on his fur, "I can make the memory go away of you want..." he whispered to the shocked Knight.

"No...No...The people need to know. I really didn't want to do what I just did to Silas..."

"Then why did you do it?" Ruth asked quietly.

"Because it had to be done..." Wolfie stated flatly as he winced as Ruth's tongue caressed his broken ribs.

"Then you learnt another lesson today Wolfie. As True Dragons Arianna and I don't take pleasures from what we do to preserve this world from its own destruction," he paused as Arianna nodded in conformation, "We do what is best at the time for the better whole." Ruth finished, whispering another couple of words in the unknown language, healing Wolfie's broken ribs and making him firm and strong again as Electra stepped back down into the arena. "Good luck friend...good luck."

With that Wolfie straightened himself up and walked out to greet her on the bloodied sands and took up a fighting crouch again, "En Garde!"

Electra didn't drop into a crouch yet, she just looked at the figure in front of her. The matted fur, the sweaty brow, the cum still dripping from the end of his sheath as he had still not come down from his orgasm yet. What he had done to her trainer...friend...and yes, occasional lover when they rolled in the sanded circles of the salle was foul. But she fought to control her anger. One thing that Silas had instilled in her from a young age...Never, Never go into a fight blinded by anger. No one deserved to have their life ended that way, not in front of his peers. God she hated him...she hated everything that the wolf in front of her stood for. Never had she had such loathing before in her life. She had killed many, tortured many more, raped males of all species, castrated effeminate male cubs, thrown females that were pregnant outside of mateship to the pigs...murdered her father, murdered innocent cubs. All those she just did, because it was perceived to be her duty to feline kind...she did not hate those she punished though, though she took some pleasure from it. It was impersonal. Business so to speak. This wolf...this gay, fucking fag of a wolf she loathed...but she also feared. Silas had been getting old, but he was still one of the best...if not the best she had in her army. This creature, this Sir Wolfie she was now facing had played him like a rank recruit on his first day. What that bloody bitch of a dragon had done afterwards was the final straw, but she couldn't help but wonder what would happen to her if she did lose.

She shook her head to clear it, gripping her dagger tightly in her hand and wrapping the cloak loosely around her other wrist, "En Garde fag," she spat, "Silas was an old fool for his opening gambit, but you are going to pay for what you did to him. You will die slowly Sir Wolfie, inch by inch. I will torture you in front of your people and mount your head on the castle's front wall with the two Princes in cages as the city burns around them."

"I have had enough of your empty prattle you evil bastard. Now fight me, make your opening move and we will see if you can kill someone who is not an out of shape King in the ring during fair combat. En Garde bitch...come and get me!" Sir Wolfie taunted.

Electra snapped, launching herself in a double overhead sweep as if she was carrying two daggers and not just the one...Wolfie realized his mistake as he began to roll to the side, the glint of steel showing from amongst the cloak she had wrapped around her left wrist. A searing pain ripped through him as the hidden dagger ripped his left leg open from knee to ankle, thankfully not cutting though any tendons. He rolled to his feet and keeping his eye on the circling lioness he knelt and bound his cloak around the wound to prevent too much blood loss. "So you cheat as well then," he commented grimacing as he pulled the knot tight.

"It was never stated that only one dagger may be used, fag," she spat, closing in again.

Wolfie remained in his kneeling position, watching her muscles for tensing as he tried to gauge her next move...Her right leg tensed, and he rolled to his left as she pounced again, forcing her to miss him completely. He took a huge risk and as he rolled to his feet again he balanced his dagger in hand and threw it, burying it deeply in her right bicep, cutting through the muscles cleanly as her hand spasmed and dropped her own to skitter in the sand. She turned a look of agony on her face as she gripped it and ripped it free in gout of gore before tossing it behind her and closing the gap again. Shaking the cloak free of her left wrist, she freed her second dagger and closed in again, "Stupid little are now unarmed," she growled before beginning to circle him again.

The sun broke through the clouds then as Wolfie rolled on the balls of his toes, watching her carefully, "I don't need steel to kill you," he said quietly as he sidled towards the north side of the arena. She was watching him too carefully, but not watching he was doing. Bracing his legs he crouched and leaped up six feet into the air, but not forward. Her eyes followed him as he twisted midair and the sunlight blinded her as he descended. He hit the ground and threw himself forward, handfuls of sand already cycling in over arm throws at her face as he dived between her legs, raking her stomach and crotch with his foot-claws, gripping her tail in his jaws, dislocating it neatly as he elbowed the back of her knees.

She collapsed screeching as she clawed at her face, landing hard on his hips, which was as far as his momentum had carried him. Wolfie reached up and twisted her left arm up behind her as he pulled himself from out under her writhing body, twisting it into a shoulder lock until she dropped her dagger to the floor as she struggled with him. He kicked it to one side and then took her arm past its point of no return, dislocating her shoulder before he released her and stepped back. "Now you are unarmed too...though I am suffering no more than bruises. I am willing to grant you mercy Electra and allow you to withdraw now. If you are lucky, Arianna will grant your custody to might live then for a few years."

Electra spat at him... "Never fag. I would rather die!" She turned and rammed herself into the wooden sidings of the arena, snapping her dislocated shoulder back into place before scooping up a dagger that had been kicked aside, grinning, "I can still beat you one handed!"

Wolfie sighed, trotting over to pick up one of the other daggers while keeping an eye on the heavily bleeding lioness. "As you wish..." He charged her this time, taking her by surprise. Twisting at the last minute ducked and flipped himself over, driving his feet into her chest as she brought her dagger to bear. The force of his impact smashed her back into the wooden sidings on the bleachers as her dagger found it's mark in his thigh, burying itself hilt deep in him as all the breath left her body, several ribs cracking as her breastbone snapped. Her hand tried to pull the dagger's blade free of Wolfie, but he let his body drop to the ground pulling it from her reach.

He was in agony, but it had been a necessary sacrifice as she collapsed to the sand after him, struggling to breathe. Rolling to his feet, he tested his leg as his thigh muscles clamped around the blade, and decided not to pull it free for the moment, and switched his weight to his left leg to compensate. Electra was coughing up blood as she used her good arm to lever herself upright into a sitting position. Wolfie pressed his advantage and with a rapid down sweep of his blade, cut the muscles in her shoulder, crippling it before he shoved her over onto her back. She could still disembowel him with her feet, but he wasn't going to give her the chance. "You know Electra, I always hated pussies. Since they day I slipped free of my mothers, I have never found them attractive in anyway...I never even suckled at my mother's breasts...or so she told me before she passed on." Electra's eyes followed him as he spoke and approached her from the side, "I think that as you have defiled so many males, it is only fair that before you die, I defile you!"

Wolfie drove his dagger in a back handed sweep deep into the gaping lips between the prone lioness' legs, twisting it as it vanished past its hilt as fountains of blood poured out of her as she screamed in agony. Her legs were locked straight with the spasming muscles as he ripped the dagger lodged in his thigh out, staggering with the pain as he swept it across her chest, cutting her nipples off to stick like whelks to the timbers behind her. "Now you know what it feels you know what happens when someone who is your better faces you and you have no support. If you had ever shown any mercy, I would kill you now...but you haven't. I think that it is only fair that you die a slow death, not a fast one." Positioning the tip of his bloodied blade, he drove it deep into her liver, pulling it free so the black blood could spill anew on the sands as her teeth cracked in her agony clamped jaws. "You have about half a mark if your heart is strong... Think on your life before it ends today at the feet of one who need never have been your enemy. You will also hear exactly what will now happen to your country because you ignored the wishes of your late father." Wolfie spat in her face and turned, throwing the dagger aside and staggered a few paces away from her before collapsing in a heap from exhaustion and blood loss.

The elite guard of Electra rose in silence, triggering the other felines to start towards the bleachers exits as the wolves began to howl and cheer with enthusiasm. "Stop where you are cats!" Arianna shouted, moving to the feline bleachers, "It is not over yet!"

Ruth walked over to Electra, checking her over as her eyes bored into his, "She is dead, but still breathing. It is only a matter of time. What are you planning for her soul?" Ruth asked.

"Hold it when she expires...I have something in mind if we can find what I want. Heal your pet wolf first, she won't die just yet. How many do you want to keep?" She asked, turning to the felines who were watching her warily.

"The worst of the female offenders as I mentioned before...Adam deserves a gift before he opts out..."

The head lioness in the elite guard stared at him for a second, "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Electra was just the head of you well know. Ruth and I are judges and arbiters. You are guilty of just as many crimes against species as she was. I am going to cast a spell now. All those of feline blood here and in the army outside who have killed outside of fair combat...All those of you who have abused a prisoner...All those of you who have victimized those less fortunate than yourselves will fall asleep and wake up in our custody. Those who remain awake are free to go back to Lyonesse and inform the populace of your defeat. As soon as he recovers, Prince James of Lupinia will assume your throne and will expect pledges of allegiance from your Barons and Dukes, as was the terms of the contract between King Lycanopous and Electra. Prince Lycanopous will assume the throne here and will begin the merging of the two kingdoms in peace. Ruth and I will watch over you all as always, so don't step out of line again." With that, Arianna stood on her hind legs, towering those before her and recited the complicated spell.

Some of the guard tried to fight the lethargy that descended upon them, but they all eventually succumbed and collapsed in heaps of armour and clattering weapons. Some three quarters of the army outside were still standing, but only nineteen of the officers remained awake. There were over three hundred somnolent bodies lay where they had fallen. "Mmm...This is worse than I thought. How many can you take?" Arianna asked Ruth as he was kneeling and licking Wolfie's wounds while whispering healing magics.

"A hundred or so maximum...I don't eat them unless they opt out as you know. Those that go to Adam will not be allowed to opt out of course. I have limited resources in the caldera as I have maybe four hundred under my care already counting offspring." Ruth answered as Sir Wolfie began to wake up.

"Ha! You will have to invite me to dinner then. You are too soft for your own good. I only have thirty personal staff! Oh well, I will just have to eat cat for the next month or two. Take the female elite guard, and all the female officers for Adam. You want to transport them or send them?"

"Send...Adam is expecting new arrivals. I will sort them out when I get back. One day you will work out like my predecessor did that living a life with your guilt is far worse than a quick death. Those that show no guilt still end up my guests at mealtimes." Ruth stood and walked over to the bleachers and began sorting through the sleeping bodies, stacking the ones that were his in a large pile on the sand after stripping them of all clothing, armour and weapons.

"Hmmph!" Arianna snorted, and walked out into the army and selected all those with insignia on their armour to add to Ruth's stack. When done, Ruth held his paws out over them and recited the transport spell, ripping a circular hole in the air again which formed a tunnel through the ethereal plains that opened into the obsidian mountain grassy sward. He began throwing his new prisoners through one at a time as his current ones gathered around the portal at the other end to receive them. There were over a hundred, but he sent the extra anyway...he would find room.

He paused before closing the portal as Arianna dropped a couple of large male lions and a well hung tiger at his feet. "Who are these?" he asked.

"Sniff them...they are of your taste. Call it a gift for your gift to me...they may last you a couple of weeks." Arianna winked as Ruth grinned as the smell of other males rose from their crotches.

"Thank you," he said, bowing as he threw them through last, before dismissing the portal. He helped ferry Arianna's prisoners to her portal as she fed them though, the difference being that hers exited in a dark, torch lit cave.

A bubbling noise sounded from behind them and they both turned to look at Electra who was bubbling more and more blood from her mouth as her breathing began to falter. "What is your plan?" Ruth asked as they walked over to hover over her.

"None are around that I want...would you be averse to having another guest...but one in your mind? I was going to tie her soul to a newborn cub who is going to grow up homosexual, but none are due just yet. If you take her, she will be aware of all your sexual acts, but will not be able to guide you." Arianna asked grinning as Electra's eyes rolled in her head in fear as they discussed her afterlife.

"Oh that's a good one...she would probably enjoy the depravities of the demons in the plains. I will take her...after all I have maybe a thousand years or so of life left for her to...enjoy with me!" Ruth stared at Electra, as the two Princes walked over supporting Sir Wolfie between them. "Do you approve?" he asked the three wolves.

"It would be fitting I think," Prince Lycanopous said as the other two nodded agreement.

"So be it then." Electra drew her last breath, the used air bubbling from her throat in a fountain of gore. A few seconds later her spirit rose from her corpse. "Come join me for a millennium or so...I will wake you when I have guests!" Ruth breathed in then, sucking the Princess' essence into his nostrils before he swallowed, licking his lips.

"It is over then," Arianna declared satisfied.

"For the time being," Ruth agreed and turned to the trio of wolves. "I am afraid, Sir Wolfie, you will have a limp for a few years. I can heal bones and skin, but muscle has to regenerate itself. Prince, I will go and fetch your mother and then lay her and your father in the courtyard and cremate them before I go home. Train some new Knights up quickly, and I suggest that if he is ready you ennoble your dingo squire as soon as the Prince is crowned. I hope that I won't see you again too soon, but you know how to reach me if you need me again. Go calm your people, and send some of your guard to escort the rest of the Lyonesse army out of Lupinia."

They nodded as Arianna moved out into the centre of the arena and opened her wings, "I will call you when I lay your children in a couple of years Ruth. It is only fair that you name some of them." She began flapping and then launched herself skywards without waiting for an answer.

Ruth sighed, taking the place she had just vacated. "Ruth..." Sir Wolfie called, making him pause for a second.

"Yes Sir Wolfie?" Ruth asked.

"Thank you."

Ruth smile, "Just doing my duty friend, just doing my duty." He launched and headed out down the Lutra road to collect the Queen's remains.