Freebies Vol. 47: Sweet Revenge Edition!: RayOElGatobelo

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#32 of Archived Livestream Stories Pre-2018

Cynthia gets revenge on an old ex by stealing his current girlfriend for her own nefarious purposes...

This story was written during the Freebies Vol. 47: Sweet Revenge Edition! livestream on February 5, 2012, for RayOElGatubelo. Characters are copyright their owners.

Livestream stories are not edited or proofread, and therefore are not up to my usual quality. They're written quickly and off the cuff, but should still be a fun read if you're into the kinks in the story. Enjoy!

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Round 1: RayO_ElGatubelo

"Miss Turner, your eleven o'clock appointment is here."

Cynthia Turner reached a hand out and pressed the talk button with a perfectly manicured nail.

"Send her in."

The door to her office opened, revealing a nervous-looking woman standing just outside. She looked around the large room, eyes wide - she recognized the couches near the fireplace alone were worth tens of thousands of dollars. Opulence littered the office like it was going out of style, with more expensive rugs, chairs, light fixtures... even the desk looked ridiculously expensive, all dark onyx and mahogany.

Of course, one expected Cynthia Turner to proudly display her wealth and power. She was the sole owner and shareholder in the largest online retailer in the world. What she would want with Riley Fairbairn was anyone's guess.

Riley was a model. She was doing well, landing major spots on various labels around the world. A few commentators now called her a super-model and, after it was revealed her contract was bought by Turner's company, most assumed she would be the new face of the online behemoth.

Riley looked the part of a supermodel. Tall, skinny, elegant, with a simple tan and light makeup, she had the natural beauty that every label wanted wearing their clothes. She didn't hold a candle, of course, to Cynthia, who was known for being as sharp as business as she was beautiful.

Cynthia's chair, high-backed black leather, swiveled around like some kind of James Bond villain. She wore a tight-cut red dress, strapless, and had her legs demurely crossed. Heavy breasts were propped up by the dress, which sparkled with luxury.

Riley felt self-conscious immediately - she was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a loose, fashionable sweater. Simple clothes compared to Cynthia's.

"Riley! I'm so happy to meet you," Cynthia said, standing up and walking around her behemoth desk. Her long high heels clicked on the marble floor as she extended her hand.

Riley blinked. For a moment, she thought she saw a cat's tail swinging from behind Cynthia. But then she was shaking the woman's hand and forgot about it, playing it up to nerves.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Turner," Riley said, trying to put on a brave smile. Turner had a reputation for destroying careers in the most casual of manner - Riley was determined that shouldn't happen to her.

"Yes, please sit down. Would you like anything to drink? Coffee or tea?"

Riley sat in one of the deep leather seats on the opposite side of the desk from Cynthia's throne-like chair. Despite her height, she felt very short and had to look up at the other woman.

"Coffee, please. No sugar."

Cynthia placed the order through her intercom and smiled. A few moments later, a secretary bustled in and poured them coffees in small, delicate ivory cups. Once the secretary left, Cynthia leaned back and held the cup between the tips of her fingers. Her eyes never left Riley and the supermodel shifted uncomfortably. She'd been living in front of cameras and the eyes of strangers in far less clothing than this for years, but Cynthia's gaze was strangely unsettling.

"Do you know why I bought your contract, Riley?"

Riley shook her head and blinked her large green eyes slowly. "No, but my agent is hoping you want me to represent your company."

Cynthia laughed and shook her head. "No, nothing like that. This is all about revenge." She kept grinning as she stared at Riley. "You're currently dating Vic de Veeres, yes?"

"Um... yeah... our agents got together and thought it would be good publicity for us to go out a few times. He's a real sweetheart."

"Sweetheart? Are you sure?" Cynthia asked. She took a sip on her coffee, leaving Riley to stew in confusion for a few more moments. "Back in high school, I was the misfit. The odd one out. Not pretty, not rich, not popular. Fortunately, I discovered a way to change all that."

Riley leaned back in her chair, eyes creased. Confusion on every corner of her pretty face.

"See, I found a way to make myself pretty, rich, and popular, and I landed a date with the cutest, hunkiest boy in school, the one all of us girls wanted," Cynthia continued. "Vic de Veeres. Only despite looking good, he was a mean jerk. An asshole, really."

Cynthia's voice remained friendly, but took on a sharp edge.

"He cheated on me, dumped me, and broke my heart. Then he went on to be very successful in college football and is now a star player for a professional team, of course. But I don't forget and I don't forgive."

"I'm sorry about that, but what does this have to do with me?" Riley asked.

"Oh, not very much. You're incidental," Cynthia said, her voice now taking on a low, rhythmic purr. She leaned forward and set her coffee down, a cat-like grin on her red lips. "Just a tool to get back at Vic. I steal all of his women, you see. Every single one."

Riley shook her head. "Look, I don't know-"

Cynthia interrupted her. "How are you feeling, by the way?"

Riley shivered as a hot flash ran up her backside, as if on cue. "What... what have you done?" she asked, pushing away her coffee cup.

"Oh, it wasn't in the coffee. Happened the moment you set foot in the door. Just needs one more thing."

Cynthia stood and walked around her desk. She reached for Riley's hand and lifted it up. The other woman didn't resist as Cynthia brought her palm up and opened her fingers, revealing her palm. Riley shuddered as Cynthia licked her palm. Her tongue felt coarse and feline, not smooth as she expected.

"Mmmm... delicious..."

Riley yelped as Cynthia suddenly bit down. Teeth far sharper than a normal human's quickly pulled back, leaving tiny dots of red on Riley's otherwise unblemished hand.

The supermodel went limp and gasped. "What have you... done to me?" she asked, eyes wide.

"Oh, this and that. Vic will want nothing to do with you very soon, but don't worry - I'll be here."

Cynthia returned to her desk and slid a few fingers over the far corner. A computer monitor lifted itself out of the onyx and turned on. Ignoring the supermodel, Cynthia began to check her emails.

Riley felt as though someone were pouring hot lead through her veins. Every pore screamed as she twitched and moaned. Her huge green eyes fluttered open and closed before patches of sandy orange fur sprouted along her cheeks. Her high cheekbones became even more accentuated as her body fluctuated, changing and morphing. More fur grew in, covering her smooth skin completely in a short, dense layer of sandy orange. The fur spread down her neck and under her sweater.

The supermodel groaned again and leaned farther back into the chair, arms at her sides, legs similarly limp. She could do nothing as the changes swept over her, changing her completely. Her skinny hips broadened and her chest flattened. She gasped as something shifted under the fabric of her tight jeans, pushing down one of the legs. She - or rather, he - stared at his crotch in fascination as the unusual sensations continued.

"There are two things going on," Cynthia said, voice casual, fingers still tapping away as she wrote on her computer. "First is the spell you walked into when you came through the door. That's turning you into a male so that I can have you instead of Vic. He was never into guys. I could've kept you female, but that wouldn't be as much fun, would it?"

Riley's eyes flicked over to Cynthia, just visible over the edge of the desk. The supermodel was still attractive, but decidedly male now. Slanted eyes and high cheekbones gave her a definite feline appearance, helped by the fur and whiskers. Her lips retained the same pout as before and her new cat ears twitched and turned on top of her head, between the long blonde hair still draping the sides of her face and muzzle.

"The second part is the part I really like. See, the secret to my success is magic," Cynthia said. She brushed her fingers over the corner of the desk and the computer folded back in. She stood and walked around the desk once more. This time, Riley knew her eyes weren't deceiving her - there was a tail hanging behind the most powerful businesswoman in the world. A long, fluffy, dark blue tail. "My magic stems from being a werecat. But I won't bore you with the details."

As Cynthia spoke, her features transformed. A thick, lush layer of long fur grew in all over her body, hanging over the hem of the dress that cupped her breasts. Black lines formed from the corner of her eyes to lip of her muzzle, to either side of her pert black nose. Her cat ears were blue, like her tail, as were her wrists and fingers. Her ankles and feet were similarly blue, while the rest of her body was a pale shade of brown. She purred as she walked towards Riley, her transformation finished by the time she pressed her paw down on the sweater over the former supermodel's chest. Cynthia looked for all the world like a two-legged Angora.

And she smelled like one, too. Riley closed his eyes and moaned deeply as arousal surged through his loins. The scent of Cynthia's body, the touch of her paw, was making it hard for him to think.

"Those clothes will never do for a male like you," Cynthia said. "I'll get you a nice suit to wear later, but for now... strip."

Riley didn't need to be told twice. His brain was functioning, but at a different level than before. He knew something strange was happening, but the shock of the transformation, the new feelings of his furry body, the way his tail was twitching back and forth behind him, and especially Cynthia's unavoidable, rapturous scent...

He was naked in moments. His looks were just as good as when he was a she, though more exotic. Cynthia examined him as he stood up, legs shaking, fully aroused.

"Abyssian, I think... I was going for calico, but then, it is an imprecise magic at times," she muttered. Reaching a paw out, she stroked her fingers down the back of Riley's head. "Still, you're quite a pretty catch."

Riley found himself purring with pleasure at her touch. He turned his head into her fingers, just as a cat would. Then he reached for her, and was very happy when she pressed forward against him. Riley stroked down her backside, fingers dancing over her dress. Cynthia purred at him, lips inches from his, and let her tail slide over his legs.

Riley felt so strange, but so wonderful. His maleness was unusual, yes, but it brought him just as much pleasure. The way Cynthia pressed against him, maybe more. New instincts made him act, gripping and squeezing Cynthia in close. The Angora growled and bared her teeth at him.

"Good boy..."

Riley's ears tipped forward at the praise. The naked feline lowered his muzzle, pressing his chin between her visible cleavage. She stroked his ears, teasing and tickling the flexing tips, as he sniffed and huffed at her fur, drinking in her scent. After a few minutes, his claws snagged her zipper in the back. She quickly joined his nude state and they embraced once more.

Riley was quite happy her desk was flat and bare when he lifted her up and sat her down on the edge of it. His hips pressed forward, erection against the long, thick fur on her flat belly. She reached down and stroked him with one paw as the other gripped the back of his head, pulling him forward for a kiss. The kiss was strange, unlike any Riley had had before. His lips parted all the same, though, and he found himself pressing his tongue past her sharp teeth.

The urge grew inside him until he could take it no longer. His fuzzy body pulled back and, with her paw guiding him, he slipped inside. Cynthia growled and wrapped her paws around his backside, claws out. The sharp little pricks she left on his backside only spurred him on as his paws reached for her hips. Soon their moans and gasps - and even a few full-throated feline yeowls - echoed through the office. Riley leaned forward so far Cynthia ended up on her back, legs around his hips, as he pumped forward again and again, driving himself into her forcefully. Cynthia liked the new were-cat's attitude and urged him on, sticking her claws in his backside a few more times for good measure.

They changed positions. Riley rolled onto his backside, legs hanging off the edge of the desk, and Cynthia got on top. She grinned down at her new conquest, paws in his chest fur, his fingers stroking her breasts. As she lowered herself upon his maleness again, she squeezed tightly and gasped. He was a big boy, something else she liked. She pushed down firmly, taking him entirely, and rotated her hips. He growled and moaned, head tipped back, tongue out. She stroked his short fur, running her paws against the lay, as his hands returned to her hips, guiding her up and down.

Cynthia shuddered as she peaked, yeowling loudly again. Riley grunted a few moments later, though Cynthia wasn't sure how much time had passed before she felt him reach his climax inside her. She panted heavily and squeezed his chest and belly, mixing her moans with purrs as she relaxed around him.

"Good boy," she said again, tickling him under his chin.

It wasn't until much later, when Riley - appearing human once more, having been taught how to change by Cynthia - was sitting at his new desk in a brand new suit that he realized what she'd actually done to him. She'd changed him! Into a guy! And then... and then had sex with him! It was... crazy.

Riley glanced at his nameplate declaring him the vice president of Human Relations. He tried to get himself into a dander, to get angry about what she'd done. Whether it was her magic or his own enjoyment of his new body, Riley wasn't sure, but there was no anger to be had.

Back in the CEO's office, Cynthia leaned back in her chair and kicked her legs up on the desk. She was naked and in her feline form. A smile played on her lips as she reached over and lazily hit the "Send" button on her email. The message would go to Vic, letting the football player know Riley was the latest in a long line of women to break up with the star football player. The press had dubbed him the Breakup King.

Email sent, Cynthia let her tail drift as she thought about what to do next. She had half a dozen male werecats and a good dozen females to play with, all ensconced in high-ranking positions in her business.

An idea hit her and she giggled madly. Her finger reached out, claws retracted, and stabbed at the intercom button.

"Send in the presidents and vice presidents of every division," she growled. "Staff meeting. Immediately."