Freebies Vol. 47: Sweet Revenge Edition!: Burst

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#33 of Archived Livestream Stories Pre-2018

Burst and his friend, a dragon named Torrey, get revenge on another wrestler who's a real jerk.

This story was written for the Freebies Vol. 47: Sweet Revenge Edition! livestream on February 5, 2012, for Burst. Characters are copyright their owners.

Livestream stories are not edited or proofread, and therefore are not up to my usual quality. They're written quickly and off the cuff, but should still be a fun read if you're into the kinks in the story. Enjoy!

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Round 2: Burst

The door to the locker room swung open. It wasn't really a locker room, just a room set aside for the wrestlers to use after their matches. Portable showers had been set up for them.

Screams and shouts of the crowd echoed around inside the room before the door swung closed again. Casper strode in, grinning and full of himself as always.

The lynx was huge, especially for a feline. Muscles rippled down his body from head to foot. His thick neck spread into his shoulders, broad and powerful, and from there down his chest, over his shelf-like pecs, and his perfect abs. He was vain enough to trim his fur, ensuring the bulges of each muscle group was visible through his pelt.

His outfit reflected his vanity: a pair of black short trunks, a single elbow pad on his left arm, black fingerless gloves, and black boots. Of course, he couldn't leave them at just plain black, so every inch of the pads and trunks were adorned with studded diamonds, gems, and other jewels. He'd even had his name spelled out in emeralds on the bottom of the trunks.

He hummed to himself as he headed for his hastily-assembled wooden locker bay, where he'd stored his street clothes before the exhibition. His opponent would normally have been in the locker room with him at this point, but Casper had "accidentally" power-bombed him with a little too much force and not enough protection. The rabbit was going to be lucky to be walking in a few weeks, though his tour was over for the foreseeable future.

Served the little punk right, Casper thought. Bitch insulted me.

Casper saw insults and daggers from every direction, mostly imagined. He wasn't afraid to break the rules and go rough in the ring in retaliation for these slights - he rarely pulled his punches anymore and the other wrestlers dreaded having to fight him. That was the way he liked it. And it wasn't as though the organization could do anything about it - he was one of their most popular wrestlers.

The lynx grinned even broader as he stopped to admire himself in a full-length mirror propped up in the corner of the room. His gray pelt was full of circular rosettes, black on the outside and dark gray inside. His chest and belly was snow white, as was the underside of his jaw and cheeks. Black trimmed the white on his face. From his elbows down, his pelt took on a tan shade that faded to darker brown at his fingertips.

Casper curled his arms into a classic bodybuilding pose and grunted. The match had barely tired him - he still felt like kicking a little ass. Maybe he'd find somebody to fight at the after party. Pummeling on random nobodies was one of Casper's favorite things to do at parties, next to getting blowjobs from the trim.

So engrossed was the lynx in admiring himself and his bulging muscles that he didn't notice as Burst and Torrey snuck up behind him.

The gryphoex and dragon were best friends and fellow wrestlers. They'd finished a tag team match earlier in the night. While everyone else had left the locker room to head out to parties, Torrey and Burst waited for Casper's headliner match to finish. The lynx was the only one in the room besides them.

Burst was tall and muscular, though not quite as big as Casper - a fact the lynx continuously lorded over the hybrid. Casper detested Burst, and had ever since they'd first met on their first day at the ISE's wrestling camp. Whenever they had a match, Casper tried to do as much damage as he could to the gryphoex. Burst always laughed it off - being quarter-phoenix, his regenerative powers were well-known and made him quite popular to the fans for the amount of punishment he could take and still finish a fight.

Ruddy orange lion fur covered most of Burst's body, save for the patch of white on his chest. His wrists and hands were taloned, like a bird's, though his legs were purely lion. A large, sharp beak completed the look. He liked to keep his hair messy and wild. In the ring, he was usually pummeled so badly it didn't matter one way or another.

Torrey was a cruiserweight. Skinnier than the other two by far, the wingless dragon had white scales with dark gray on his chest and belly. A patch of dark gray also appeared on the bridge of his muzzle. Long hair, gold on one side and blue on the other, grew down to his shoulders and gave him a rock-star appearance. One of the lesser-known wrestlers, he was more popular with the women who watched because of his underwear-model body.

Right now, both dragon and gryphoex were naked. Torrey held a small auto-dispensing needle in his hand, which he quickly jabbed into the side of the unsuspecting lynx's neck. As Casper fell to the ground with a thud, the last thing he saw was the two leaning over him.

"Payback time, Casper," Burst said, beak stretching into a vicious smile.

When Casper woke, he was tied to a chair, arms bound behind him and feet strapped to the back legs. He was also completely naked. He tried to break free, but the leather straps held him down fast. He growled and snapped his jaws, trying to reach Torrey and Burst, who were sitting a few feet away watching him with obvious amusement.

"You two queers better let me out of this fucking chair!" Casper roared, his entire pelt puffing out in anger.

Burst just smiled as he leaned in closer and focused his eyes on the lynx's. Without missing a beat, he grabbed Casper's muzzle, wrapping his fingers completely around his mouth and preventing him from opening it.

"You hear only the sound of my voice," Burst whispered, eyes widening into pools of liquid black. "Only my voice, nothing else matters..."

Ten minutes later, the deed was done. The knockout drugs had been laced with a chemical that made the recipient susceptible to hypnotism, though Burst doubted he would have needed the help. Phoenixes had more than just regenerative powers, though he tended to keep a lid on them.

Casper grunted, drool dripping from the side of his lips, limp in the chair. Torrey grinned at Burst as the gryphoex unstrapped the muscular feline, who promptly fell forward onto the floor.

"Jeez, what did you do to him?" the dragon asked, rolling the cat over with his foot.

"Just got him ready for the fun part," Burst said, licking the edges of his beak. His cock swung upwards, anticipating what was to come next. "Won't be any trouble now. In fact, he's gonna enjoy every second of it."

It was true, Torrey noticed. The lynx's cock was rock hard and throbbing already. Without waiting, the lithe dragon straddled Casper's hips and grinned up at Burst.

"Been wanting this cock for a while... was always a shame it was attached to such a repugnant ass."

"No shame wasting a good opportunity," Burst said, reaching down to give his balls a fondle. "Me, I'll stick with his muzzle."

The lynx moaned, hearing all this, opened his jaws, tongue out, inviting the gryphoex in.

Torrey shuddered as his cock rose to slap against his belly. He nestled his rump around Casper's cock, gasping as the barbed head scraped against his pucker. The lynx generated more than enough pre, which Torrey smeared around with one paw. His other paw was busy rubbing his own cock.

Burst grinned and straddled the lynx as well. He settled his rump down on Casper's chest, letting his cock bob in the air above the feline's muzzle. Torrey leaned forward, putting his arm around Burst's belly. At the same time, he pushed back, grinding his rump down around the feline's thick shaft.

"Oooooh, yeah," Torrey groaned, chin on Burst's shoulder. "Mmmm... that's the stuff..."

The dragon kept moaning in Burst's ear as the gryphoex chuckled. With the dragon leaning against his backside, he leaned forward, pushing his hips forward, until the tip of his cock dragged over Casper's lips.

"C'mon, Casper... you know what to do..."

The lynx's blank eyes slowly opened and closed a few times before the groggy, muscular male's muzzle closed around the tip of the thick, dripping black cock. The tip was pointed, slightly, with a thick midsection. Burst was getting excited, enough that his fat knot popped free of his sheath. A few more drops of pre-cum rolled out of his tip, straight onto the lynx's tongue, as he shuddered in pleasure.

"Yeah... suck my cock, Casper... just like you've always wanted to..."

The gryphoex moaned as the lynx did just that, lifting his head and hollowing his cheeks, taking in more of the fat shaft drooling into his muzzle.

Torrey, meanwhile, was panting and gasping, both paws clutching at Burst's belly from behind, as he took inch after inch of the lynx's thickness. The dragon was a power-bottom - he liked to take it, but he always let it be known he was in control when he did. With Casper out for the count, Torrey was in his element as he ground his hips down, taking the shaft up to the hilt. He resisted the urge to bite Burst's shoulder as the barbed head tickled his insides, though he couldn't help as a few thick strands of pre-cum splattered against Burst's lower back.

The gryphoex didn't mind or didn't notice as he reached down and clutched the back of Casper's head, pulling the male's muzzle forward. He humped forward, hips lifting off Casper's chest so that he could get a better angle. He thrust in hard, until he felt the lynx's throat squeezing around his tip. His knot bumped against Casper's lips and he let out a few groans of pleasure.

"Mmmm... he's good at this, for his first time," Burst said. He reached back and stroked Torrey's cheek - the dragon still had his chin on Burst's shoulder.

"And his cock is nice and... ooh, fuck... thick," Torrey gasped.

Burst grinned as he felt the smaller dragon shifting against him. Torrey was really going to town on the lynx, taking the cock to the hilt with every thrust.

"Damn, I love barbs," the dragon said, his voice rising a few pitches near the end as those same barbs rubbed against his inner walls.

Things continued like this for a few more minutes - Burst abusing the lynx's stretched muzzle as Torrey got himself off using Casper as a warm dildo. The lynx, for his part, did little but lay there, arms and legs slightly spread, eyes glazed over, and nostrils flaring as he tried to breath around Burst's thickness.

Burst pulled free first. His fat cock came out slow, leaving strands of pre-cum connecting the tip to Casper's lips. The hypnotized feline's head fell back to the floor for a only a moment.

"Lick it clean, you shithead," Burst demanded, pointing at his cock. "Balls too!"

Torrey giggled between moans. He and Burst had talked about what they would do to the lynx should this opportunity ever arise and he couldn't remember the gryphoex ever expressing the desire to verbally abuse the lynx, but it made sense. Casper's acid tongue was nearly as painful as his misguided pile drivers. Burst had been on the receiving end of more false rumors and sneered dismissals than any of them.

Once Burst was satisfied with Casper's cleaning of his balls and cock, he stood up, turned, and watched Torrey for a few minutes. Stroking himself slowly to keep his cock rock hard, he made a deep purring noise.

"C'mon, Torrey - I want a turn at his ass!"

The dragon nodded and after a few more grunts pulled himself up and off of the lynx's cock. Burst grinned. Despite the copious mess the lynx's cock was making, the feline wouldn't cum - part of the programming.

Torrey helped him drape the lynx across a chair, leaving his muzzle at waist-height and his ass up in the air. Burst shivered as he stepped up to the plate and pulled on the lynx's tail, roughly getting it out of the way. The lynx groaned and moved his arms, clutching at the legs of the chair. Torrey moved in front of him, cock dripping, rump messy, and pushed his length between the feline's lips.

Burst was inside the cat and up to his knot in moments. The lynx's body struggled automatically, shifting and flexing, trying to pull away as Burst roughly shoved in. Torrey groaned and humped forward as well, loving how tight the lynx's throat got around his dick.

The spit roast did not go well for Casper. Stuffed from both ends, the hypnotized feline got two helpings of the kind of fuckings he usually graced on random females at after parties. Burst and Torrey hammered him, stretching his throat, abusing his tail hole. Burst even knotted and de-knotted several times, making the cat squeal around Torrey's cock.

It was no less than he deserved, as Burst thought back to all the times the lynx had ripped out his down, tried to break his neck, once caving in the vertebrae in the small of his back with a folding chair. Torrey hadn't been in the ring with Casper thanks to his weight class, but he'd been the subject of more than a few rumors and had lost several high-profile matches because the management was scared they were true.

"Oooh... it's time," Burst gasped. "If I stay in his ass I'm gonna pop too soon..."

The gryphoex shuddered as he pulled inch after inch of his thickness free of Casper's rump. The lynx's tail hole remained stretched and wide, dripping with pre-cum. Torrey nodded and shivered, still humping away at the much larger feline's muzzle.

The gryphoex shivered as he moved down towards Casper's feet. He hadn't done this often, but it seemed the most fitting punishment for Casper. He and Torrey were going to take him down quite a few notches...

The lynx's feet were easy. In addition to everything else, Burst left a suggestion for the lynx to not unsheathe his claws. They pushed inwards against the slit at the tip of Burst's cock, stretching the black length out. Torrey watched, eyes wide, as Burst carefully moved forward, pulling the lynx in up to his ankles.

The gryphoex's cock stretched from inside, revealing every outline and contour of the feline's lower legs. Casper's feet twitched and flexed as they pushed down the length of the cock. The black skin stretched like rubber. Then the lynx's feet were in the gryphoex's balls, pushing outwards against the fuzzy white sac. Soon the lynx was up to his knees, then his thighs disappeared down the shaft. Burst was breathing heavily, eyes closed, going by feel as he pawed at Casper's limp form. The muscular lynx was larger than Burst, taller by a foot and heavy by a few dozen pounds. It was a real challenge to get him down.

Torrey sadly pulled free of Casper's muzzle and moved to help Burst. The dragon watched in amazement as his friend's balls swelled in size, growing larger and larger by the moment as more of the lynx ended up in the gryphoex's huge, swollen nuts. Once Burst got past the hips, Casper slipped in up to his armpits. Torrey pulled the lynx's arms above his head; that helped things go quickly again.

With a sound not unlike a bathtub draining, Burst's stretched-out cock dragged the lynx fully inside. It quickly shrunk back down to its normal size, though his balls were huger than ever before. Almost four feet in diameter, they shifted and roiled as the lynx rolled about inside them. They could hear muffled moans through the flesh and fur. Torrey grinned and reached out, pushing against the huge sac. He could feel the lynx inside.

"Now... give me... a few... minutes," Burst gasped. His body went into overdrive, transforming the unlucky lynx into so much cum. Thick strings of it drizzled from his tip, still clear. Torrey reached out, smearing the sticky seed around Burst's length. The gryphoex shuddered and moaned as he leaned back, sitting on his own balls as the bulges of the lynx gradually disappeared.

It took longer than a few minutes. Nearly half an hour passed before Burst's over-inflated nuts stopped jiggling. Now fully spherical, perfectly round except where they pressed flat against the cement floor, the male was packing an explosive about of seed from the recently transformed feline.

"You know what to do," Burst said, eyes tightly shut as he struggled not to cum. "Hurry up!"

The skinny dragon licked his lips. A nervous look crossed his muzzle before he nodded, got onto his knees, and wrapped his paws around Burst's thickness. One hand squeezed on the gryphoex's knot for good measure.

Burst swung his hand down and curled his talons into the back of Torrey's head, forcing the surprised dragon deep onto his cock. With a cry somewhere between a squawk and a roar, he came.

Cum exploded out of Torrey nose and the sides of his muzzle, but most of it went straight down his throat. Great amounts of cum, gallons upon gallons, flooded his body. Burst's grip was iron around the back of his head, refusing to give him any choice but to drink down the lynx-cum. As Burst came, his balls gradually deflated, a few inches at a time, as he emptied his nuts into Torrey's belly.

Something curious happened. Instead of getting fat on all the cum gushing into his body, the dragon's figure grew stronger. Muscles popped into existence, shifting around under his scales. His existing biceps swelled dramatically; his abs deepened as though cut with diamonds. His chest expanded until his pecs looked nearly like breasts. Even his tail thickened and lengthened as he added on several feet in height.

All of the lynx's power and muscle was going straight into Torrey's body. The dragon gurgled and gagged as dozens more gallons poured into him. Every drop changed him, making him stronger and bigger, until he was taller than Burst, heavier and more muscular, approaching the size of the lynx. By the time Burst's balls had emptied down to close their original size, Torrey possessed the massive body the lynx once sported.

Thick, gooey cum covered Torrey's face, chest, and belly. He had came long before, though his newly grown shaft even limp was nearly twice the size of his original length. Burst pulled free and flopped onto the floor, utterly spent.

"Wow... I feel... so good!" Torrey said happily, flexing his arms and pecs. His massive thighs lifted him up into a standing position easily as he examined himself in the mirror.

"You look good... now we can have matches against each other," Burst said. The gryphoex was tired, but he still managed to stand back up and lean against his newly grown friend.

All around them, the drops and streams and strands of goo vibrated. A hum filled the air as the drops pulled together in the center of the floor, forming a single massive puddle. Even the cum stuck to Torrey's scales and Burst's fur and feathers pulled away to join the pile. Both watched as the seed reformed, working quickly to bring the lynx back into existence.

Only Casper wasn't quite the same as he was before. He was smaller, skinnier, and less muscular - appearing much as Torrey had, with the body of an underwear model and not a world-famous heavyweight wrestler.

Torrey and Burst glanced at each other and giggled as the cum-covered lynx gasped, coughed, and sat up, looking around wildly.

"What the... you... you took... why am I..."

The gryphoex and dragon laughed loudly as the sputtering, cum-soaked lynx stared with dismay at his new body. As the two friends left the locker room, mission having been more than accomplished, the lynx shouted after them.

"I'll get you for this!"