Canimorphs: Perseus

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#6 of Canimorphs

Here you are everyone, the final episode of Canimorphs.

A tad short, I know, but I felt that this ends the series in a good place. If I extended it any further, I'm pretty sure it would have ended up as a boring drag :P But as always, with any of my finished series, I give it over to you, the readers, to continue as you see fit. I don't think I'll be adding any 'Holiday Specials' for this series predominantly because 'Space Christmas' or 'Future Easter' just sounds silly :P

In anycase, I hope you enjoyed the series!

You now have a space station and an entire galaxy to have fun with ;)


Canimorphs: Perseus



Repent! Repent! Before it's too late! All yea who underage will have to wait!

Repent! Repent! This story is full of males! What follows involves them in a sexy tale!

Repent! Repent! Kneel and pray! If you haven't figured it out yet, this story is gay!

Pray! Pray and wash away your sin! Muscle growth for the win!

Pray! Pray all ye breakers of oath! Suffer ye from gigantic cock growth!

Pray and pray lest thine bodies fall to damnation! Turn instead to pleasurable transformation!

Be warned for the dogs and wolves are here in immeasurable sum! Sinners be drowned in their infectious cum!

Hark and take this warning to your very core! Ahead of you lies cock vore!

Stand not and merely gape! Behold, gratuitous tentacle rape!

Repent! Repent! The end is nigh!

2012 comes and everyone is...

... going to have pie.

(We were out of cake)

_ _

---Serendipity ---

ISMMP Corona


The sounds of gunfire once more echoed in the halls of the Corona. Screams joined the noise, the sound mixed between lust and fear. Howls grew amongst the cries, overturning the other noises with each bounding step that Crossfire took. The earth shook underneath the titanic Devourer's mass, his gargantuan muscles bunching and relaxing with each movement. His enormous, pulsating cock dripped precum in his path.

"Will Blake be able to breathe in there?" Bee asked worriedly.

A deep chuckle rippled out from behind him. An enormous pair of arms as big as his head were firmly wrapped around his waist while another pair held down onto the tuft of fur that rolled down Crossfire's back.

"He'll be fine, Bee," Sandman rumbled. "His cock is just like a cockoon. Hell, I bet your buddy is having the time of his life." The massive hulk patted Crossfire's massive back. "Isn't he, hun?"

Bee spun to regard Sandman. "Did you just call Crossfire 'hun'?"

The Hulk beamed at him. "Well, yeah. He's my mate. Isn't Blake your mate?"

Peering deep into his own emotions, Bee wondered at that very question. Remembering his own transformation and how Blake had facilitated it, he found his answer. Shaking his head, Bee said, "No... He's more than that." He patted Crossfire's back. "So you hear that, bud? You better give him back just the way he is!"

"You're no fun," Crossfire rumbled, speeding around a corner.

The two Canimorphs on the Devourer's back clung on tightly as they sped past an army of Blades and Liquidators. The Canimorphs were practically swimming in their own cum, the Liquidators growing stronger and stronger the more the Blades gave more of their seed. Crossfire had to leap over the mass of writhing, furry, sticky bodies to progress any further.

Explosions rocked the Corona. An enormous drill erupted from their left, revealing one of the insertion pods the Atlantis must have deployed. Armoured marines immediately emerged from inside, levelling their weapons. Laser sights cut through the faint mist of metal and dust, all levelling at the bounding Canimorphs.

Sandman let out a tremendous bellow and leapt off the charging Crossfire. His landing shook the very ground. The marines were temporarily knocked off their feet. The Hulk seized two of them in his enormous paws. One he impaled on his own cock, the screaming marine going positively rigid. In that same instant, he spun and threw the other marine at Crossfire.

The Devourer roared and his cock bucked. In a shower of cum, Blake erupted from Crossfire's cum, slamming into the flying marine in midair. The two went crashing down a short distance away, Blake naturally on top. The Spitter drove his tentacle-like cock-tongue through the marine's breathing mask, smashing the metal instantly and penetrating the man's throat, spewing cum deep into his stomach.

At the same time, Sandman's own cock went rigid and the marine he had impaled was thrown clear off like a bullet. The man slammed into the other marines who were desperately trying to get out of the pod. Two marines managed to untangle themselves from the rest.

Before they could move, Bee felt his nipples hardening and his nipple-cocks emerging. With a deep growl, he seized them and gave them one firm squeeze. The red, rocket-like cocks spewed a constant stream of cum at the soldiers. They splattered into the marine's helmets and like corrosive acid, burned through the metal. Screaming, the marines clawed at their faces and fell back into the lopsided pod.

Crossfire let out a bellowing roar and leapt onto the pod, sticking his massive, car-sized cock into the open door. His entire body was wracked with convulsions. The Devourer tilted his head back and let out an ear-splitting howl.

Even without looking, Bee knew the pod was flooded with cum.

Once he was done, Crossfire leapt off the pod and gave a nod towards the others. "How much time do we have?"

"Not enough to be dealing with these idiots!" Sandman growled, leaping onto his mate's back once more. "Let's move!"

Bee walked up to Blake who had just finished with his convert. The marine was twisting and letting out screams of pleasure, shouting 'Fuck yes' over and over again. Bee wrapped his arms around Blake and gave his neck a tender kiss.

"This time, you're in the cock," Blake muttered.

"What? You didn't like it in Crossfire's cock?" Bee teased.

Blake spun and pushed him towards Crossfire. "Fucking loved it. But next time he decides to use one of us as a furry, cum-covered bullet, it's going to be you!"

Bee could only laugh and gave his mate that small victory. He willingly approached Crossfire who regarded him with a gentle smile. Taking a deep breath, Bee lowered himself and pressed his muzzle against the top of Crossfire's enormous cock.

"Are you sure I just can't walk?"

"Get in there you, wuss," Crossfire growled, shoving his cock forward.

Bee gagged as the stench of Crossfire's cock was pushed directly into his sensitive nose. Like a greedy animal, the cock hungrily wrapped around his muzzle, the touch hot and strangely arousing. Bee whimpered softly as the cock slipped further over his head, plunging him in near darkness. He felt his shoulders engulfed by the tremendous cock, the moist, undulating, muscular walls of the cock worming around him and pulling him further and further into the cock.

Cum clung to the walls wrapping all around him and essentially lubricating him. The deeper he was pulled, the faster he slipped. His arms were engulfed by the cock and he could hear Crossfire moaning the more he progressed. Bee wiggled deeper and deeper, the heat from Crossfire's cock almost like a warm blanket around his body. He couldn't help but moan a little himself, his cocks all contributing to the copious amount that already flowed in around him.

He moaned softly as his muzzle soon broke past the thick walls of the cock and entered the scrotum. It was pitch black but his eyes adjusted with what little light streamed in through the entrance. He took a deep breath of Crossfire's arousing scent and eagerly let himself slip the rest of the way in. He splashed into deep cum, almost like a pool.

"Fuck, this place is so big..." he muttered. His feet rubbed around large, bulbous masses that were as big as his chest.

The cum around him began sloshing around and he guessed that Crossfire had begun to move. Like being in a thick, fleshy, cum-filled washing machine, Bee could only ride around as Crossfire continued to bound through the Corona.

Then the sound of gunfire came.

"Shit! Let me out!" he cried.

"No need," came Crossfire's muffled rumbling. "Hang on. I'm sending in some company."


Before he knew what was happening, the world took a tilt to his left and he rested against the thick walls of Crossfire's scrotum. There was a loud squishing noise and more of Crossfire's grunting. There was a loud splash and Bee instantly knew someone was in the pool with him. The smell in the air was distinctly not that of a Canimorph's.

Some primal instinct kicked up inside of him and his cock-tongue instantly sprang out from his muzzle.

"Fuck!" came the all-too-human cry. "What the fuck is this shit!? Where the fuck am I?"

Bee growled and instantly dove for the unsuspecting human. A startled cry ripped from the man's throat but that was quickly muffled as a thick, meaty cock was shoved deep into his throat. As Crossfire began speeding through the Corona once more, Bee wrapped his massive arms around the much smaller marine, tearing off armour and clothes alike. He shocked his throbbing cock up the man's ass, bringing a scream that turned into a gurgling choke as he his cock-tongue poured more and more cum down the man's throat.

The marine twitched in his grip and the hard beatings he was giving Bee quickly turned desperate. Humans hands clawed at the back of Bee's enormous back but then they just became claws that dug into Bee's hide, clutching onto what little humanity was left. The man's hips bucked, grinding his exposed cock against Bee's hard abs.

There was a hard twitch in the man's chest as hardened pecs exploded outwards. Small shoulders grew and rubbed hard against Bee's own chest. Thick fur spread over the man's hardening body like weeds. A muzzle stretched outwards and met Bee's lips, sucking and slurping, begging for more of that cum that Bee eagerly fed him.

The last part of the man to truly resist were his legs. He kicked out wildly until his thighs burst with new muscle and fur. His calves twitched right and left until thickened veins crawled over their mounds and built their muscle. His toes curled over, claws emerging from their tips and his feet rubbed seductively over Bee's legs.

Even without looking, Bee could tell the man's cock was enlarging, becoming thick, red and pointed. Its thick, mass soon became so big that it pushed them both apart and with a loud pop, Bee squirted the last drops of his cum into the man's throat and ass. The newly made Canimorph's cock writhed like a live snake between his legs, growing bigger and bigger until there was no longer any room in their little cocoon. It had to coil around them, building a solid wall around them.

"Fuck... Fuck man..." the former marine groaned. "This is some fucked up shit... but it fucking feels so good."

"I know right?" Bee laughed, wiping his muzzle. "Wait until you meet your mate."

Crossfire suddenly stopped.

"Shit!" the Devourer grunted. "We're too late! They're lifting off!"

Bee turned to the man and his coiled cock. "Crossfire! Fire!"


"Shoot you jackass!" he bellowed. He spun towards the man. "Hey, I'm going to need your help."

_ _

---End Quest---

ISMMP Corona


The world shook.

Bivouac's head spun and he felt like he was floating. Not to mention he was insanely horny. As much as he wanted to groan, he kept it all in and slowly peeled his eyes open. The light hit him hard and that little flash of light was enough to break his concentration. What little resistance he had left him and his cock rocked violently.

He arched his back, letting loose world-shaking howl that overcame the roar of the engines. His cock felt like a dam had just broken and his cum came splattering out like a torrential flood. The bliss of afterglow almost knocked him out again but he somehow clung onto consciousness. When he howl died, his vision managed to adjust.

All he saw was white.

White... and Solder.

"You -!" he cursed.

He tried to move but found both his arms and even his legs held down. Glancing over his shoulder, he found himself pinned to the airlock doors. They were standing in the small enclave between the escape pod and space itself. The little room was perfect for preparing for space walks.

"I wouldn't move if I were you," Solder warned, getting up. In his hands was a large canister filled with sticky, white liquid.

His heart froze.

"What are you going to do to me?" he growled. "Throw me out into space?"

Solder stared at him blankly. "I would if you didn't have an experimental weapon bound to your arm. So don't tempt me."

The traitor spun.


Both of them were thrown against the wall.

"What the hell!?" Solder exclaimed.

Both of them spun and peering out of the airlock windows, they saw what appeared to be a titanic cock wrapped tightly around one of the escape pod's wings. With their cheeks pressed up against one another's, they followed the length of the huge cock as it ended in the groin of an medium-sized Canimorph. Arms tightly wrapped around the Canimorph was a Hulk and paws wrapped around the base of the cock was a Devourer.

Despite being five hundred metres away from the Corona and already in space, two Canimorphs bolted up the length of the long cock, both of them looking similar.

"Fuck!" Solder growled. He bolted towards the control centre but before he could reach it, Bivouac threw his legs out as much as possible. Despite being bound to the door, his legs were long enough to trip Solder.

Loud splats could be heard against the frame of the airlock. Something quickly ate through the metal of the airlock, alarms blaring in the escape pod. The pod instantly began to depressurise, all the air being sucked straight out into space. Bivouac roared and used all his strength to tear his wrists free of the binds that held him down. He hastily ripped at the irons around his ankles and scrambled to his feet.

"Solder!" he roared.


He spun just in time to see Bee tearing the last parts of the airlock doors out. How he was breathing through space he couldn't imagine but he didn't care.

"Be back in a second!" he shouted.

"No you won't."

A bolt of energy slammed into the Canimorph before Bee, striking his crotch. The Canimorph let out a painful howl and instantly lost his footing.

"Blake!" Bee shouted. His yellow eyes flashed with rage as he spun to face Solder. "You son of a bitch!"

"Look who's talking," Solder answered coolly.

There was another bolt of light. Bee ducked, wrapping himself around the cock that pinned the escape pod. Solder instantly levelled his gun at Bee's head.

"No you don't!" Bivouac roared, lunging at his former team mate.


Pain erupted from Bivouac's crotch but he ignored it and seized Solder's wrist with his one good, working hand.

"I'm going to fuck you hard!" Bivouac growled.

For a second, Solder's eyes narrowed. "I'll take a raincheck."

His words surprised the big Canimorph but that one momentary lapse of concentration was all Solder needed. The traitor twisted his body upwards, leaping off the ground and wrapping both his legs around Bivouac's arm. His feet slammed hard against Bivouac's shoulder and with one powerful kick -


... dislocated the shoulder.

Bivouac roared and his grip around Solder's wrist slackened. He fell to his knees just as the airlock doors shut. Bivouac could see Bee leaping into the escape pod. Solder jumped off the titanic him, seized his gun and spun.

He came face to face with Bee who had a cock-tongue primed and ready to spit in his face.

"So close," the traitor said.

Bivouac closed his eyes when her heard the loud blast.

Bee's cry forced his eyes open and before he could do or say anything, he watched as Solder slammed his foot hard against Bee's muzzle. The Spitter was thrown back against the airlock doors with a bone-shattering crack. Solder charged at him , pinning him to the wall with a well-placed arm against his neck.

"Sorry Bee," Solder said, his voice clearly remorseful. "I fly solo."

There was a loud beep and the airlock sprang open once more. Bee was hurled out of the airlock and Bivouac could only watch as that other Canimorph that had been on the tongue caught him in mid-flight. The two stood on the long length of cock and stared up at him. Hair blowing in the gushing wind, Solder levelled his gun at them... then at the cock that held down his escape pod.

He fired once, twice... three times...

The howl of the hyper-endowed Canimorph could be heard even in the vastness of space and the cock instantly unfurled.

Solder shut the airlock doors.


"Don't even think about it, Biv."

Bivouac froze and glanced at the Anti-Matter Rifle fused with his arm. "I could kill you, you know. One shot from this gun, this whole pod goes down."

"You won't do that."

"Oh yeah? Why not?"

Solder smiled at him, a humourless, dark smile. "Because... You want to fuck me."

Then... He did something Bivouac never expected.

--- Understanding Events and Love ---

ISMMP Corona


General Anderson waited patiently at the hanger of the ISSC Atlantis. At least that was how he appeared to his men. To the close observer, however, one would see the gentle tapping of his finger against his forearm was increasing in pace and his eyebrows were lifting ever so slightly. Beside him, his aide, one Admiral Harks was less subtle at displaying his impatience.

The General knew why Harks was so aggravated. Anderson, a grey-haired, old war veteran with a severe, well-trimmed beard was one of the Military Primes, the head of the military that commanded everything and everyone that had to do with the military. Even though Anderson spent most of his time planet side fighting the Earth Empire and not actually in ships firing cannons the size of houses, he still held more command over the Atlantis than even the Admiral.

As far as he was concerned the Atlantis was a property of the military and not some flyboy who managed to earn some medals.

Anything that even touched the military would automatically be a property of the military.

Especially the Corona.

"Harks, how long does it take to get between here and the Corona?"

The Admiral didn't reply.


"Thirty minutes."

Anderson waited patiently. Then... "Ahem."

"Sir," Harks added with his voice positively dripping with revulsion.

"How long as it been since we received notification that the escape pod had left?"

"You have a watch, sir."

"I was asking you."

Harks checked his own watch. "Two hours and twenty minutes."

"Two hours and twenty minutes?"

"Yes... sir."

"What is taking my agent so long?"

"We received reports that there were complications before the launch. Your spy reported that it was resolved and he was on his way as fast as he could. Perhaps his pod suffered some structural damage."

Anderson closed his eyes. "How much longer, Harks?"

"You can open your eyes, sir. He's here."

The General made a mental note to find a way to humiliate the Admiral. However, now was the time to open his eyes and take the fruits military labour. Billions of credits had gone to building that military instillation in that asteroid and keeping the Corona covered up. All that went to shit the instant some overambitious, civilian prick decided to see the Corona in action. Give a man a couple of billion and a big enough stick and they think they can stick their drill anywhere.

He was just grateful that some competence existed in the military.

He made a personal note to ensure that Lieutenant... What was his name?


Lieutenant Solder that's right. He made another mental note to ensure that the Lieutenant got proper commendations.

The General opened his eyes and a knowing smile touched his lips for the briefest of moments as the captain's escape pod from the Corona came flying into the hanger. The damage to the pod was extensive. It appeared that something had attacked the ship multiple times and one of the engines looked severely damaged. Hull integrity appeared minimal but it would have significantly slowed down the ship.

He was glad that Solder hadn't decided to slack off.

It would hurt the Lieutenant's commendation.

The doors to the ship sprang open and the army of soldiers that had gathered around it immediately pointed their guns at the sole marine who stepped out of the ship, hands raised in the air. In one hand was the object of the General's ambition.

A single container half-full with white fluids.

"Lieutenant," the General greeted, striding forward with his hands clasped firmly behind his back. He gestured at the soldiers around him and each one instantly lowered their guns, adopting a rigid, attentive position.

Such was the power of his command.

With Harks by his side, General Anderson approached Solder. He peered over the marine's shoulder into the pod and smiled. Inside, he could see a pitch-black, massive, muscular 'Canimorph'. It was bound down with its blazing, yellow eyes filled with hatred.

"You have exceeded our expectations, soldier," Anderson said, beaming brightly, taking the capsule from Solder. "A sample of the Canimorph's... erm..."

"Semen, sir," Solder answered. "It is how they infect others. They literally rape others through various means, injecting their semen into their victims and transforming them into other Canimorphs."

Harks clearly seemed disgusted and Anderson could sense many of the other soldiers around them flinched at the notion.

"What is the incubation time?"

"It depends, sir. Perhaps it is a genetic difference or the will of the subject. Sergeant 'Bivouac' King over here resisted the transformation for the entire duration of our stay." Solder hiked a thumb over his shoulder. "That is, until the last few hours when he turned on me."

Anderson gave Solder a curious eye. "Are you infected, Lieutenant."

Solder closed his eyes and nodded gravely. "I am afraid so, sir. The contagion is also airborne. I am hoping that with this sample and a live specimen, you will be able to find a cure."

Anderson returned his gaze towards the sample in his hands. "Rest assured, soldier, we will. Now tell me, what is the nature of the mutations?"

"Again, it seems to vary, sir. There is apparently twenty-seven types of Canimorphs in existence. I did not document them all, sadly. However, what I noted is that those that are infected do not necessarily transform into the same species as the Canimorph that infected them. A popular method of transformation seems to be inserting victims into cocoons shaped like canine penises and processing them through that."

"God almighty..." Harks muttered, taking a step away. "It must've been hell..."

"You have no idea, sir."

"And the experimental weapons?" Anderson asked.

"Sergeant King has one fused to his arm. The Anti-Matter Rifle. Apparently, it is the only weapon the Canimorphs fear as it is capable of destroying them completely."

"Excellent," the General answered.

"There are still many more items of interest on the Corona, sir. Might I suggest sending another team in there to retrieve them? One better equipped than those grunts that so willingly joined the ranks of the Canimorphs?"

For a moment, Anderson pondered that thought. "Hmmm... I think not."


The General turned his back to Solder. "Harks. Nuke the facility."

Both Solder and the Admiral gave an exclamation of surprise.

"What?" Harks demanded. "General, you just said you were confident you'll make a cure! Those are still our people down there! We can save them!"

"Oh I'm sure we can, Admiral." His eyes turned back to Harks. "However, we cannot have any trace of this going to the public's ears. What do you think the people will think if they found out we were using an asteroid as a research facility, masqueraded mobile mining platform as a supply ship and let a multi-billion operation go to ground because of some civilians?"

"But sir -"

This time it was Solder.

"Don't worry, soldier. Rest assured you will get full commendations for your actions." Anderson regarded his prize once more. "Post-mortem, of course."

Both the Admiral and Lieutenant were about to protest but several guns were instantly pointed at them. Anderson didn't need to turn around to know what had happened. Everyone and everything that so much touched the military was under his command.

These men were his.

This ship was his.

And soon... so would the galaxy.

"Is this how it's going to go down?" Solder demanded. "You're going to kill us here and now? You get your prize and then we'll just be 'noble soldiers who died in the line of duty'? What about the Admiral!? What did he do?"

"Simply put? He committed the gravest crime of all. He knows too much."

"You bastard..."

"Save your breath, soldier." Anderson began striding away. "Savour every last breath you have. You have few of them as it is."

"Can I have some last words, General?"

The General thought it was somewhat cute to have some final words. "Sure, son, what are they?"

At that moment, a sharp, piercing pain slammed deep into the General's rear like something thick, pulsating and immeasurably hot had stuck itself up his ass. A gasp escaped him as his entire body went rigid. His entire body went rigid, freezing up in pain. Molten liquid seemed to be continuously pumped into his stomach and he dared a glance down as his belly burst from his meticulously maintained army suit.

A scream ripped through his throat, cut short when a pulsating tentacle erupted from his throat, bright red and pointed with a single slit at the tip, spewing white, sticky semen everywhere. A terrible roar erupted from behind him mixed with the screams and cries of fear from his men. He was lifted off his feet and turned forcible around by the thick tentacle that had impaled him.

His eyes widened.

There stood Solder, pulsating, bright red tentacles crawling out of his back as his muscles exploded out of his body, thick veins crawling over his exposed flesh and black fur appearing all over his body. His eyes were a bright yellow.

Behind him, the big, black Canimorph burst from his confines. The creatures' enormous body pulsated and grew even more monstrously big. The gun-fused arm migrated onto his back as another thick, muscular arm emerged beneath it. Another gun-arm emerged from his left shoulder, giving the massive creature a pair of impressive weapons mounted on his shoulders and two, fully-working, titanic arms free to grab and rape.

Those guns on his shoulders exploded with energy, instantly breezing through the rows upon rows of marines. The poor men screamed as their armour was completely stripped from their bodies, leaving them utterly naked. Many stared at their hands in horror as claws emerged from the tips of their hands and their bodies contorted into alien shapes, each one immensely muscular and covered in fur.

A newly transformed marine lunged at his fellow beside him, tearing into him with powerful blades made of bone emerging from his wrists. Canimorphs quickly overran the hanger and right underneath Solder, a thick pulsating, fleshy growth began to spread.

Harks scrambled away, dodging over the tremendous orgy of fur, cock and cum.

Anderson prayed he would make it... but that prayer went unanswered. A huge centaur-like Canimorph impaled him on one of its two, titanic dicks, nearly jamming him through a metal wall.

The General lost hope at that moment, letting go of the canister in his hands and letting it shatter on the ground beneath him. He turned his eyes towards Solder, pleading silently for mercy.

"My last words?" Solder asked, his muzzle growing in.

"Fuck you!"

_ _

--- ?????---

Freedom Space Station


Henry Delacruz stared out into space absently.

It had been a month since he had last seen his father. While the two never truly knew one another and Henry emitted an air of indifference whenever his father was around, he couldn't deny that deep down, he was truly proud of his father.

After all, how many teenagers could claim that their father was a military captain?

Henry gripped the acceptance letter in his hands eagerly.

Today, he swore that he would break the ice between himself and his father.

From day one, he was absolutely petrified at what his military-born-and-bred father would think of him, a ditzy arts major. However, when he saw all his father's medals and all the campaigns he had been on, Henry had never felt so inspired.

Every chance he got, whenever he father wasn't looking, he went to the gym to work out.

He studied military tactics.

He worked on his leadership skills.

He became more assertive.

And in the end, he applied to the military. Not just the military, office school.

And now, after months of training and feverish waiting, he was finally in.

He couldn't wait to greet his father, Matthew Delacruz and show him the letter. What he wouldn't give to be assigned to his father's unit, fight side by side with him against the threats and dangers of the galaxy.

Even now, as he stood waiting in anticipation, he never felt closer to his father.


He spun and found his best friend, Clark, standing not too far at him, waving excitedly. Clark had made it into officer school as well. They were entering together.

"The Atlantis is pulling in!"

"She is?" Henry replied, grinning broadly.

The Atlantis was the ship his father served on. If it was returning, that means that it would have his father onboard.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air. "This is in, Clark! I'm finally going to make my father proud!"

Clark patted his shoulder, mirroring his grin. "Henry, anyone would be proud of a sex stud like you."

Henry gave his friend a roll of his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, fuck you too, Clark."

"You know I want it, baby!"

And yes, Clark was gay. He flaunted it everywhere but in the military, that was nothing to be ashamed of. Hell, most of the military was male-only these days. Women had their own units and sometimes, they even kicked the guy's asses. Henry still remembered when he had a combat test against the girl. It was all fun and games until someone kicked him in the balls.

Clark offered to kiss and make it better.

Henry bounded towards the hanger, Clark right behind him. There was already a large group of people waiting at the hanger for the Atlantis to dock. Rumour had it that General Anderson was on the ship. Why one of the Military Primes would bother boarding a carrier was beyond anyone else but that still warranted an audience.

Apart from the maintenance crews, there were also the young, eager hopefuls from Freedom Space Station looking to catch a glimpse of greatness. Henry and Clark managed to push through the thick crowds and get to the forefront of the greeting committee.

"Huh..." Clark muttered. "I didn't think ships could rust..."

"They don't..." Henry inclined his head to the side, trying to get a better view of the Atlanis from his angle, the ship looked like it had a thick layer of rust all over it but that was impossible. "It must just be the light."

There was a thunderous boom as the ship docked with the station.

The extension bridge closed the gap between the ships, locking in place.

Henry held his breath. Clark gripped his hand and for once, he allowed that.

This was it.

Somewhere in that ship, his father was waiting.

The instant he came out, Henry would charge up to him and show him the acceptance letter.

"Matthew 'Mauler' Delacruz," he whispered, his pride rising in his chest. "I wonder what my nickname will be."

"I guess it'll depend on what kind of soldier you'll be," Clark said. "Just don't fuck it up."

Grinning, Henry turned back towards the bridge...

The doors opened...


Darkness... and eyes...

Hundreds of feral, yellow eyes.
