Home Again - (End Arc One)

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#25 of Pokè-Treat

Well... Here's the end of Arc One, though until the upload page is corrected, I don't know if I can (or will) start a secondary folder... Still 25 chapters is a major deal for me so YAY me ^^ keep encouraging and I'll keep entertaining. So... yeah... enjoy and comment. ;)

Edit: Never mind about the upload page... found the forum posting about it...

(http://www.sofurry.com/view/341759 Arc two, chap 1 link)

"Welcome to your new home!" The Lucario fem bowed to those following her. "Make yourselves at home and feel free to mingle with the rest of the family and do try not to start fights. Most here are still used to living out in the wilds and will eagerly accept any challenges. Mitch and Ditch will be happy to answer any questions. They are our trainers for the physical standards. I will get with the ones that manage the room building and have them set up rooms that fit your needs since Human standards are different from yours. The meal is sounded by a bell, try not to miss it. Have a good evening to you."

Lisa watched the small crowd walk inside and away from the steep drop of the Landing Branch. Once she was alone, she let Adrian out of the ball then gripped his shoulder. A devious smile got her thoughts across without him even looking at her Aura. They rushed in and to their room.

"Hello everyone." A feminine voice chimed happily.

Jaws hung as they stared at one Victar that had crossed paths with each member of the teams at one point or another.

"Hello, May." Jason finally said.

"Where is my little Sammy?"

"In his ball. So what made you go and do this?" "I swore my life to protect the royal family. Since that incident took most of my charges out of the city and into the wild lands, I had to find a way to follow and stay as close as possible. Though I expected to be with Marsha still." The morph shrugged then turned towards the smoking mountain. "I don't seem to detect any kind of strong presence here. Excluding Jason, of course."

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly that... the Fire Goddess is not here. One of the locals might be persuaded to reveal her location but then there would have to be locals to do that. I believe two things happened here. One: they are being hidden by some kind of arcane mastery; or Two: they evacuated."

"Or there is a third possibility..." Rex walked over to the group carrying a young, limp Vulpix in his arms. "There's a mass grave just over that ridge. There was a single red feather laying on top of this one. It's been a while... most are decaying. Whoever did this did not do it for the hunt." With vehemence in his voice, Rex scowled at the sky. "There was a dreadful scent to the air beyond that of death. We should leave here quickly.

As the Charizard laid the corpse down, Jason came up and placed his hand on the fur. With a sigh, he rose and nodded. "Let's get. It's been at least a week since this one passed. Sleep well, child..."

"Masssster. The Tree bassse hasss been found." A dark purple Ekans hissed out its report to its dark lord.

Ready the warriors. We shall destroy them before they gain a hold on this realm.

"Yesss, Masssster." The snake dipped its flat head then slithered away.

The group quickly packed and fled the lands. When they was in the air, a screech made them flinch, the riders turned to the sound and saw the fiery bird soaring towards them at a deadly speed. Instead of attacking, the Moltres matched their pace and hissed lightly as she caught her breath.

"I want revenge, Guardian of Life, Judge of All. I will join you so that I may honor my friends' lives. They protected me and paid with their breath. My sisters are more resilient. I could not protect my family. Will you have me?"

"Aye, I will take every ally I can take. But we must hurry home, Father has been very clear that something foul is about to take place. And what my friend found only makes me listen that much better."

"Fly in my wake and let my flames carry you. To the Elder Tree!"

Elder Tree? How does she know the base and where did she come up with that?


They flew fast upon the flames of the Fire Queen. It was the break of first light when they landed upon the branches of the Elder Tree. Jason started to question the giant birdess about the title. She just explained that it was the home of the first Guardians and it has been passed on when needed. Though that explained much, he still had questions that Fiera refused to answer.

It was not long after that that the teams were let out. Shadow was the first to dash off making everyone wonder about her. She slid around corners and used the walls as springboards until she found her target. Her lovely Houndoom partner. Though the female was turned away from her attacker, she heard the clatter of speeding claws and braced herself for the Pounce of a lifetime. After a moment, she realized nothing had happened then she shivered as a long lick caught her under the chin.

"I'm back, Daisy."

"I half expected to be plastered to the wall by now." The larger Pokèmon smirked then licked the nose of her counterpart. "How was the trip?"

"Long and tongue-less. Let's go get caught up." Shadow grinned evilly as she used her power to open up the shadow world and direct a passage to their room. The Houndoom quietly followed knowing what was expected of her.

"Moon- "

"No, and again no! I will not lift my tail for your pleasure. Nor will I allow you a quickie so stop wishing for it. Be glad I am allowing you to spend time with me."

"Not what I was going to ask." Falrin sighed and stared at the Espeon he had a crush on. "I just want the use of my body. I'm feeling a little exposed for your pleasure."

"Good, maybe you'll remember this."

Moon had Falrin plastered on the wall of her room in a Spread Eagle posture and did everything in her power to ignore him otherwise.

"I'd remember it better if you at least teased me." He would have shivered from the look Moon gave him. "But that doesn't include torture."

"Ah, but that's where you are wrong."

Moon did not say anything further as she used her power to squeeze her captive's sheath. The male gasped as he was psychically fondled. While his focus was turned elsewhere, Moon dug under her mattress and pulled out a small wooden box. It opened and out came a tapered tool. She smiled as she sent it over to her captive.

"Know what this is?" She asked as she paused her massaging.

"No..." Falrin panted and wished he could be allowed to have his body work naturally right now. His swell would be standing proud for her, but he knew that is why she would not allow it.

"Humans call it a dildo. Mostly used for female self pleasure."

Falrin's eyes went wide. Please use it, please, please, oh, Arceus, please.

"Wish granted."

"Oh Fu- " He didn't get to finish his swear as she forced the silicon tool into his mouth. The Glaceon's eyes rolled back as he was forced to deep throat the pseudo shaft.

After a minute, she pulled it out of his throat then directed it to his anus. He whimpered, but otherwise did not fight knowing he would not win.

"Aaaahhhhh ROOOOOOOOOOO!" He howled as pain shot through out his body. The dildo shoved straight to the base in the first motion.

"Good bitch." Moon smiled as she pulled out the shaft to its tip then started a slow pace thrusting into him. "Hmm, I'm forgetting something... oh yes... a milk pump."

"Please... no more..."

A heavy machine appeared in the room despite his begging. The multi-tube machine was meant for Miltanks and Moon knew exactly how to use it.

"Get ready, it will only turn off after five gallons of fluid is pumped." She smiled evilly as she physically placed one of the four longneck suction cups over his sheath. She grabbed the squishy flesh and pulled back to reveal the flaccid, baculum filled meat. "Well, this won't do. Guess I have to get it ready."

Moon leaned forward and allowed her whiskers to rub the meat. Falrin moaned in pain and pleasure. He gasped as she gave him a lick. The immediate swell made her smile. Flashes of her previous Trainer came up; she shoved them away as she slid the milking cup onto the shaft.

With a pleased growl, Moon went over to the machine and used her tail to flick on the machine. Falrin moaned and squinted. Moon chuckled, no power. She put the heavy duty plug into a socket and moaned as the pump hummed as it came alive. She went to her wooden box and pulled out a second, firmer dildo. Then she went to lean against the machine. She attached the remaining three cups to her hidden nipples. Milk started flowing almost immediately. Next she used the remaining resources of her power to shove the dildo into her. She hissed with pleasure as she stared at the male in front of her. He panted, eyes glossy, and his mind silent as he watched her pleasure herself. His seed started flowing into the suction tube and mixing with the Espeon milk.

She sped both dildo's up as her body began to call out for release. Her breathing came in heavy, short bursts. The scent of arousal filled the air around the two which made her want the release even more. She groaned as her muscle contracted over the pseudo shaft trying to milk it dry. Her body wanted the real thing, she refused. Her fluids were held back as she wanted a big release to make her captive give even more to the machine. She pulled the cups off of her chest and moved them to her unattended to nipples. Again milk flowed.

Falrin whimpered as his own 'milk' was sucked from him and his prostrate tormented but the intruding shaft. He panted as he watched Moon start herself up again and went even faster with the shafts. He couldn't help but howl as he was forced into an orgasm. Moon licked her lips and let herself go, fluids flowed around the shaft and slowly pooled above the floor. The shaft stopped long enough for her to take her lubricants to Falrin's mouth and allowed him to taste the milky bubble. He greedily sucked the bubble into his muzzle and swallowed. He licked his lips afterwards which made Moon work herself even harder.

Before she even got herself going again, the machine buzzed and powered down.

"Damn... already?" She muttered to herself as she wormed her way to the view glass. It was full. "Good work, my bitch. I bet you are thirsty now, aren't you?"

Falrin said nothing as he opened his muzzle submissively.

"Good bitch."

Moon opened the pressure seal then took a cup and dipped it in. She levitated it to the male's mouth and slowly poured it in. She then brought the cup back and dipped herself some. She allowed it to overflow her mouth and drain down her chest for him.

"Mmm, tasty. Maybe we would make a good pair, hmm?"

"Damn..." Falrin muttered as he licked his lips once more.

Moon pulled the line attached to him and took the suction cup with it. Next she removed the dildo, then her powers from him.

"I want you to be a good bitch and drink up. I want to see this gone."

He went to the machine without a word and climbed to the edge of it. His muzzle was soon stuck into the vat and he began to feed. She caressed his rump with a gentle paw. He moaned into the milk.

He finished the vat off after an hour of working on it and two piss breaks. Moon smiled at his work. She knew he did this to please her more than himself for a change. He collapsed onto the floor next to the machine. His ice blue fur stained white across his muzzle. She came over and rubbed her muzzle against his.

"Don't think I'll be easy on you next time. Though you will never be dominant with me. If we are to become a couple, you will be the bitch. Understood?"


Jason smiled as a pained howl echoed through the halls. He was making his way to Lisa and Adrian's room when the howl struck. He knew that Moon finally had broken down. He would have to ask for details later. He knocked on the door and waited. After a moment, the Lucario fem opened the door then stepped aside.

"Lisa, my dear, I wanted to see you off."

"Thanks. We were just packing the essentials."

"Good. Don't forget the tent. You can take it from my old gear. On that note, I've a package waiting for you in town. I won't spoil the full surprise, but there is a set of clothes that should fit you. Trainer style, to make this official. Try not to get lost or what not. Then there is your kick off. I haven't talked to Professor Jaclyn yet, but I was hoping to strip you of everyone but Adrian and Mona and let you start there."


"Really, I'll make the call soon then I'll get back with you."

"So it's really happening?" Adrian said quietly.

"Yes, sir. Just do me a big favor and keep her safe."

"I would give my life for her and our daughter."

"Good. Oh, um, just so you two can show a good example for Mona, try not to speak."


"Telepathy only. You three are going into the human world where the way of life in Parzaa is not a standard thing. Lisa will have a hard time out there without me beside her. Just make sure you watch her back and listen to every command she gives. She is the Trainer over you after all." Jason clarified.

"Right. Ultimate fantasy turned reality." Adrian smiled even as Lisa elbowed him.

"I'll pretend I did not just hear that. Now, I'll leave you two alone. See you at dinner; I have a call to make." Jason left before Adrian could shove his foot any deeper into his throat, leaving the Lucarios to pack the few necessities that had.

"Commander, the front line is ready for orders. All units are at standby." A skinny Mienshao reported to a dark skinned Alakazaam.

"Send in the Kecleon scouts. As soon as they hear the bell for the common meal, send the grunts in to distract them so the Fire Squad can light that damned thing up."

"Yes, sir!"

Humans parted as the Pokèmon ran away from the Psychic type. Trainers they were, death they would become. At least that is how their commander saw them. All around the small army, darkness clouded the area. They could not be bothered with the local life as long as they appeared menacing. The shadows danced as those within the cloud prepped for battle.

"Feel that?" Mitch asked his partner.

"Darkness. It fills the forest." Ditch fluffed the harden fur on his chest.

"We better tell the boss man."

"Boss man? He's a kid still, not even twenty."

"He has become a mega corporate man with those shirts and he's an army leader. I'll declare him a man any day."

"Whatever. Let's go tell the Guardians of the danger. No doubt they feel the darkness as well."

Mitch hummed with an agreeing tone before the Gallade transported them to Jason.

Jason had just hung up his phone app when the dup appeared. He crossed his arms and waited for the news. He knew it was important when both appeared to him.

"The enemy is preparing something just out of our sight. I believe they plan to attack."

"They are. No doubt about it. They will wait for the dinner bell before attacking. We will give them that. Ready the Physical fighters and hold back the Grass and Waters. I'll ask Fiera to lead the Flyers."

"What about the other types?" Ditch asked in a melancholy tone.

"Split them up between the three groups. You two lead the main defense lines. I'll take the Guardians to the front and do what we can. Should things go foul, do whatever it takes to save this tree."

"Very well." The two bowed slightly then vanished to do their tasks.

Jason went off to gather the Guardians and talk to Fiera.

An hour passed by, Jason had warned Ditch that they may send scouts to report when the bell tolls. The plan was to take out all but one scout and leave the remaining one alive long enough for it to report back. The Guardians gathered in the dark recess of the entrance hall. Zaps stood silently beside them clad fully in his armor, his body unseen from anyone. They waited for the grunts they knew would attack first.

The tree stood silent despite the rushing of defenders. Things were growing thick as time pressed against them. As Jason watched outside, Ditch appeared suddenly and started slashing quickly with his hardened bladelike fur patches on either arm. As planned, he allowed one to barely stay alive and attack him. He vanished before the scout could turn to appear weaker than he looked. The Kecleon's camouflage faded leaving the lizard panting. Within a minute, the bell rang loudly. The lizard rushed off. Jason readied his blade as did Zaps. A rustle of metal reminded them all that Mewtwo was quick at his work to make a lightweight armor for each of the Guardians. Fatigue would set in quicker but that was a price they were willing to pay for survival.

The ground rumbled. Jason gripped the pommel tightly. "Get ready..." The first of the enemy broke into their sight. Jason gulped. "On my mark!" The line broke into the clearing and headed for the Elder Tree. "To battle!"

The Guardians rushed out of the tree and spread out. It seemed like an eternity before their side came roaring out of the woodwork and quickly out numbering the humans and their Pokèmon. As both side collided, fire started flying towards the tree from the canopy. It was quickly countered and the few that hit were quickly extinguished.

A large amount of Pokèmon and humans were turned to ash, the enemy stole a glance at the twin 'eons fighting aside each other. Many turned and started to run after that. Those that defected vanished in a puff of black smoke and smoldering ash. A creature entered the field, its figure contorted into various shapes. The only known thing was that it was darkness incarnate. A hissing roar came from it and the enemy retreated. Smoke shot from the main form and enveloped the running army. When the smoke retreated back to the source, blackened grass remained.

Jason raised his sword above his head and spoke a strange language that even he questioned in the mind. His blade flashed brightly. When the glare waned from everyone's eyes all that remained was the dead and injured. None of the enemy remained. A quick count told Jason that only thirty had died. They would be mourned. He then counted his family. They were present and accounted for... at least those that could fight. Grace guarded the younglings.

A sharp pain in Jason's right shoulder drew his attention to a deep cut. Something had cleaved the armor and chain mail he wore. Blood was seeping from it. He quickly checked the rest of his body before moving closer to the medic team that Morning Glory had put together. He stripped off his armor and mail then applied pressure to the wound.

"A victory for the first battle. Now the war has started." Jason sighed and tried to focus on staying conscious.

Moon came too him and used her power to stop the flow of blood then started to wrap him up. "Too close for comfort. If it weren't for Shadow and I, I think that we would have lost more."

"Yeah, most likely. They weren't expecting an energy blast coming from a set of twins. But they'll be ready for it next time. They'll make some kind of defense for it."

"Then we will as well. There. Try not to jar it."

"Easy for you to say. Where did Azu go?"

"She's came down to help clean wounds. Around by that Miltank, I believe."

"Watch, she'll have a conniption over this."

"I know I would. Be careful."

Moon walked off to help another wounded one as Jason pushed himself back upright. He was making his way to the only Miltank the tree had when he was stopped by an all too familiar presence. He turned to it with a forced smile.

"We won the first bout even if we lost some." Jason said solemnly.

"That you did, my child." Arceus rumbled and looked over the field. "This is not the first time this ground has been tarnished by evil. Fear not the darkness for the light within you is bright. I shall take my children home and make them whole once more."

"Thank you, Father Arceus, but I do have one request for that... Will you allow everyone to watch you take them? I think it would put many to ease knowing that their loved ones are truly with you."

"This will be the only time. The rest must be joined with the soil."

"Again, thank you."

Arceus placed a loving paw on Jason's shoulder. "In time, my child, your brothers and sisters will see the power in you and respect it at first sight. Train hard and never give up."

Jason nodded being at a loss for words. He watched the Pokèmon walk to each of the fallen and whisper into their ears, or equivalent, Jason noticed that the commotions were silenced as everyone watched the dead stand and gather away from the living.

Silence befalls all as the last of the thirty have risen. Suddenly a female that was hidden among the crowd wailed out for her lover. Arceus looked her way and the crying was stopped. He joined the group he was about to take and looked upon them.

"My children, behold, your beloved has risen upon my command. Yet they are not whole. This shall be the last you see of them in this form. When your time comes, you will meet them again. They shall be waiting for your short time here for you. Behold... the Land of Paradise!" Arceus roared out and a portal opened behind the waiting. Lands rolling with green grass and shining suns beckoned them all. "This will be your home one day. But today, this is their's. Farewell for now, my children."

The thirty began to file through the portal and vanish among the grass. When the last of them passed through, Arceus bowed his head then backed through the portal. A single tear floated in the center of the epicenter as the portal closed. The tear then crystallized and fell. It dropped down then shattered. The shards seemed to melt as a small pool formed among the shards and slowly filled in. The cool, blue water was as calm as the crowd it formed in front of. Without a sound or quake, the pool deepened.

Jason approached it and knelt at its edge. Silently he prayed to whatever force could hear him. He thanked them for Arceus' being and his power. Before he even rose, he cleared his throat.

"Today is the start of an epic war. Prepare yourselves, for as we all saw, tomorrow may not come for you. Live as though today is your last and prep yourselves for battle. Today we train; tomorrow we fight in the name of our loved ones and Arceus. I'll be watching and judging all. I must select leaders; brute strength will not be the only aspect I will judge by. Answer any questions I may bring to you as honestly as you can. Once able, we will eat and celebrate the lives we lost today. No matter how much we morn, we must celebrate for their fight is now over."

As Jason stood, the Pokèmon and humans embraced each other. Weak smiles on all faces. He turned to face them. He, too, had a weak smile. The truth hurts. He knew this lesson well. He grasped the pommel of his sword and stood attentive. He had to change as much as those he led. With a deep breath, he strolled through the crowd and went back inside. His team not far behind him. Together they went upstairs to his room and sat down. The Legendary trio sat near the door and stared at their leader as if they expected him to lash out in some way.

"Well..." Jason said quietly after a moment. "Looks like we will never get that peace now until this thing is finally over with. So be it. For now, I like you all to take training into your own hands. Join your fellow primary types if you wish, I for one don't care. I will be joining all types and will be trying to stay in my other form as long as I can. During that, I will focus on my own power. If anyone wishes to spar... I will accept it. Win or lose, I look forward at finding out what I can do." He sighed and looked towards the floor.

Lisa and Grace stood at the doorway listening. Lisa spoke out once he was done. "As I am out on my travels, I will spread word to Trainers and Pokèmon alike that all will be called upon by Arceus. I fear, though, that many will not heed my words until the dark forces hit the public openly. I won't put it past them if they had not done so already."

"It doesn't feel like they have, but Arceus has been whispering that he can only sense the darkness not actually watch them."

"Are you sure it is Arceus?" Sam asked as his curiosity peaked.

"Ultimately... no. Though when he shows up, the voice is silenced. It's like that little voice telling you that something isn't right, but slightly louder. If I concentrate hard enough at times I can make out the words, but unless it is important, I have to struggle to hear it."

Sam nodded as his next question was answered.

"Jason, why are you acting like you were defeated out there?"

"It's more a shock to the reality of things. Yes, we won the battle. Yes, death is a part of war. The fact that we'll lose friends and family is what is making me so desolate. If I could use my gift of life to resurrect everyone, I would. But I would have to take my own life to do that now and they forbid that."

"They?" Loraline cocked her head as she tried to look around her bigger mate.

"The Unnamed Ones, the ones above Arceus. I have a feeling I've met them once yet it's so fuzzy that it feels like a dream that I only half remember."

"Well, all we can do is play the game that has been set before us. Whether or not that we can get ahead is up to the ones moving the pieces." Moon said quietly making the room even more solemn.

"Anyone up to helping with supper?" Jason abruptly stood. "Who's with me?"

You failed me.

"Forgive me, my Dark Lord. I underestimated- " The dark colored Alakazam knelt before a dark figure.

Silence. You will not fail again for I will have your head!

"My life was always yours to take."

Darkrai, take this fool

's head!

As you wish.

Darkness enveloped the Alakazam then a moment later the body rolled away. A head was tossed across the forming blood pool and landed in the claws of an ominous black figure. Laughter came from the creature. In a dark corner out of sight from the Dark Lord and its mindless slave, a small figure opened up a shadow portal and vanished into it.

"Daisy! Here, girl!" Shadow whistled as she stood in the doorway of her shared room.

Not long after that, the fast clatter of claws scraping wood echoed the near empty hall. Shadow quickly jumped onto their hay-filled mattress and presented herself to the open door. A howl erupted from the hall then a spout of flame shot across the doorway. A scream, along with some vulgarities, came after that. A black figure slid on the floor and thumped hard against the frame. The large Houndoom bitch panted then stalked towards the bed.

"There's my girl, give momma a kiss." Shadow chuckled as she moved her thin tail to reveal a swollen lump between her legs. Daisy came right up and ungraciously licked away at the mound making Shadow moan. "Ooooh... yes. Momma likes that. Mmm, yes."

A muffled laugh came from her legs as the Houndoom paused her work. She pulled back and stared at the Umbreon she called a mate. "Bet you can't guess what I stuffed into my little bag today."

"Mmm... Me?"

"Tempting, but no. I 'stole' a toy from your sister."

"Do tell. Ooh my!"

Daisy had gently pressed her paw into her lover's tight tunnel and rubbed against the sensitive, flat clitoris that was common for most of the canine species. "A double toy, we both can play 'tug-of-war' now." Withdrawing her paw, she reached under her belly for a fanny pack and unzipped it with practiced difficultly. A pink, rubber shaft flopped onto the floor. The Houndoom wore a wolfish grin as she backed up to pick it up with her teeth.

"Oh, that's a new one. Wonder who she liberated that from," Shadow craned herself to look at the toy.

"Ish ah dooble."

"Mmm, then put it to use."

Daisy did just that slowly teasing her lover. Shadow moaned as she was filled rather comfortably, but what she didn't see was a harness that Daisy quickly slipped into. A flick of a claw turned on the vibration motor. Then Daisy 'mounted' her mate. Shadow gasped at the sudden weight and full fledged thrust. Daisy growled and ground her hips against Shadow's. When she pulled out, she lovingly bit down on her mate's shoulder before setting a slow paced thrust. Shadow grunted as she was taking while laying on her back. She did her best to grip her 'male' counterpart and moan sweet nothings into the stiff ear near her muzzle.

Shadow's moans escalated with each vibrating thrust. Her system being sent into overdrive as Daisy matched the speed of a male. Dark energy shot from her mouth as she howled from a sudden orgasm of which Daisy kept on pumping through. Her eyes crossed, and her claws dug into her lover's pelt. She could not think of anything better than this very moment.

When the high finally started to drop, she panted and sloppily licked Daisy's muzzle. Daisy 'tied' her mate and applied most of her weight onto the smaller female of which she proceeded to lick at a hidden nipple under the black fur. The Houndoom was rewarded with a drawn out moan. During all of this, neither of the pair noticed the lone blue male that had been watching the entire act.

The scent of male musk and seed drew their glazed eyes to the door. Palrin happened to be the Peeping Tom. The females grinned at each other then continued the private show for the male. He stepped into the room, his bone-filled shaft dangling below and dripping. He licked his lips as temptation beckoned him to join in, though he knew better than to interfere with the Dark Fire hound.

"Bet you want to taste us don't you?" Daisy lustfully wiggled her hips enticing a moan from Shadow.

Palrin nodded slowly.

"Well, to gain that privilege, one has to earn it." Daisy growled out quietly as she demanded dominance. "I want you to come over here and lay on you stomach, tail up."

Palrin gulped but did as she demanded. As he did so, he did his best to make sure his sensitive shaft was under him comfortably.

"Uh-uh. I want to see that." Before he could fully lay, Daisy used her paw to pull the shaft between his legs into the tied position. He yelped at the roughness of her pads bought did not fight it. "Mmm, been a while since I've seen a knot. Much longer since one had the privilege of being in me."

Daisy removed the strap-on from Shadow, despite her detesting growl, and hovered over the male's back.

"Ever been mounted before, big boy?"

"What? No." He answered nervously.

"Ooh, a virgin. Pop the bitch, love, make him scream your name."

What have I gotten myself into?

Palrin gulped as he felt a moist prod at his tail hole. He whimpered and tried to relax. Daisy gave one solid thrust and forced the pre-lubed dildo into the male's backdoor. He yelped but took it, though he drew blood from his lower lip.

"That's a good boy. The name's Daisy, by the way, and you can scream it whenever you want. But that won't make me let up."

Palrin whimpered and nodded. Shadow contorted herself to lick clean then grinned at the pair.

"Feeling lonely?" Daisy asked Shadow with a lusty tone.

"A touch." Shadow chuckled darkly. "Only a touch. I grab one of our other toys. This will be fun."

"Oh, someone is feeling the dominance trickle out finally."

"Only because I am bored. What do you think? Hmm? Whip or stirrup?"

"The stirrup, we haven't had that out in a while."

During the conversation, Daisy started to thrust. Palrin's eyes went teary, though the action played havoc on his shaft. It throbbed and gave a spurt of pre-seminal fluid which attached to Daisy's legs. Shadow jumped off the mat and went to a small chest in the corner of the room. She hefted the lid up with both paws until the strap caught, then she started digging for the object of her desire.

She pulled out a device that was long (compared to her short legs) and slender with a two thin plates of metal attached to two arms on either side of the two plates. She used her two front paws to manipulate the device with an evil smile on her face. She held the device in her maw as she returned to the 'rutting' pair and laid the device in front of Palrin before turning tail. Palrin sighed with relief.

"Hope you know how to hold your breath, sugar, 'cause you ain't going to get the chance soon." Shadow chuckled as she looked back.

Daisy stopped long enough to lean over the male and grab the device with her paws. Shadow backed up closer to the two with her tail raised. Daisy steadied the device and aimed for the barely big enough slit of Shadow's labia. As the device was properly inserted, Daisy spread the lips wide until the device locked.

"Stand." She growled, the male obeyed. Daisy stood comfortably over the male without having to put any of her weight onto his back, she was disappointed.

She gave a hard thrust to move the male closer, his muzzle came just a hair away from the open crevasse. Daisy gave another push and the muzzle was inserted deep within Shadow. The Umbreon moaned as the device was removed and all was left was the muzzle. Without being told, he began to lick what he could and used his frosty breath to give her an even better thrill.

"Mmm, little Glaceon, you keep that up and you will get a treat." Shadow closed her eyes and leaned into the male as his tongue flicked the mound that was her cervix. "Go slow love, I don't want to go through birthing pains just yet."

With Shadows approval, Daisy returned to pound the male lightly.

Palrin's eyes glazed over as the Umbreon's nectar filled his senses with bliss, he wanted more. So much more. He used the ice to form a small opening to allow air into her so he could breath a little. His muzzle started to thrust into her thanks to the female above him. Shadow's head arced up and her jaw went ajar. He didn't even bother try to look anywhere other than the fleshy pucker in front of his eyes. It contracted with each thrust and just barely relaxed. He growled into her as his own body was starting to reach the limits and build pressure below. His shaft bounced off his stomach making him wish that it was not so sensitive, yet that motion is what was making come close to his own climax before the females. He forced his mind into a different plane, though it did not last long.

Shadow gasped as the male growled, the vibration of his muzzle hitting her sensitive, flat clitoris drove her crazy. She wanted to scream for more, but her body wouldn't respond. Her body quickly began to shiver, her head dropped to the mat and her rump came up ever so slightly as she stood on her hind toes. She began to howl as her body let loose a series of spasms. Her orgasm struck filling the muzzle and the little space around it. Daisy grinned as the male below her tightened up and spilled his seed onto the mat. As they both came down from the clouds, Daisy removed the tool from the male and allowed him to pull out of her mate.

"Catch your breath, I'm next."

Palrin just gulped between breaths. A nod showed his willingness even if his shaft ached for sweet deflation, it ached more for the true tie. If she would allow him to mount her. He watched her lay beside her mate and lick her cheek. The short furred tail tangled with the limp tail of the Umbreon. He took the distraction to make his move. He jumped onto the larger Houndoom and gave a few dry thrusts to find his target. When he hit the moist mound, he gave it his all.

She yelped but could not fight him as her body shook into submission. She quickly felt his knot enter her and quickly swell to lock him inside her. Her body couldn't hold back against the quick and powerful thrusts of a true male. She went into a spasm and milked the chilly shaft. He grunted and spilled a larger amount of seed within the Dark Fire bitch making her his first successful breeding. He panted as his body demanded him to stop. He turned and lifted his leg over the engorged shaft to properly tie with her.

"Good enough?" He managed to ask.

"Yeah." Was all Daisy could say.

"Good. Shadow, you're next." He growled with a smile.

Shadow whimpered slightly even as Daisy gave her a good lick.

Within ten minutes, Palrin was relaxed enough to pull out but neither of the pair moved. She was too warm for him to want to leave her grip. But the shaft had relaxed completely, now was Shadow's turn to feel him. He pulled out, his shaft almost immediately returned to the sheath. He turned Shadow and used a paw to coax her to raise her rump. It helped that Daisy used her snout to wedge under the Umbreon and forced her to stand for the male.

He growled lustfully as he gave her a few licks then he mounted her. Her legs shook, more out of nervousness than his weight. As he did with Daisy, a few missed strikes and he was in. He pounding shook her and made her whimper. His knot quickly filled her and locked into place. He rested on her back as his seed flowed into her begging womb as it milked him dry. He just held her tight with his forelegs and rubbed his still moist muzzle on her back. After a minute, he turned and threw his leg over his shaft and tied her. He smiled happily as he licked at the fur on his muzzle.

"So... does this mean your duo is now a trio?" He asked with a slight smugness in it.

The females looked at each other, silently debating. "Guess so," Daisy said for the two of them.

"Yeah! And keep that 'toy,' I feel like having a sandwich later on. How about you two?"

They laughed but agreed to the offer.