The Wilderness

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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This short story was from an English final junior year. We were given the option of either doing a narrative experience, an expository essay, or a short story based on the theme of "The Wilderness". It's obvious which option I chose.

The twigs littering the ground felt like knives tearing at his feet as he ran. Leaves whipped his face as he hurled himself through the trees and overgrown bushes. The forest lay quiet, but his lungs were screaming with agony, and his heart was beating so hard he swore that the entire forest could hear it beating. He continued to rush forward, knowing the fatal consequences if he stopped. As he ran, he tried to think back to when this had all began...

Robert walked up to the reception desk, carrying his luggage behind him. After he had reached the desk and paid for his plane ticket, he walked over to where his family stood waiting.


Robert let go of his lugage so that he could hold his beloved six-year-old daughter, Anabelle. His wife Lauren stood by and watched, smiling.

"She'll miss you terribly, you know."

"I know. I'll only be gone for a couple of months. If the company makes this deal, then I'll get a promotion."

"I know dear."

"Daddy, please don't go."

Robert bent down on one knee and looked into his daughter's beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh, honey. I have to go, but don't you worry: I'll be back before you know it. Now, be a good girl, and give your daddy a kiss."

Robert held his cheek out so that Anabelle could give him a big, wet smooch. Afterwards, she ran to stand by by her mother. The intercom interjected, announcing his flight number. they finished their goodbyes, and Robert boarded the plane. He buckled his seat belt, took out a pillow, and fell asleep.

Robert woke up in the midst of chaos. The plane was jerking violently, people were screaming, and he could smell smoke. A passenger went up to the airlock door and opened it. They were sucked out of the plane, screaming. Something collided with Robert's head, knocking him unconscious.

Robert woke up sprawled along a beach, his clothes tattered and wet. He stood up and saw the broken remains of the plane scattered along the beach. Robert decided to see if there were any other survivors. After hours of searching, he realized that he was the only one.

Suddenly, there was a rustle in the bushes. Robert turned and saw a person, half-naked, holding a bow aimed at Robert The native fired an arrow, which pierced Robert's leg. He fell onto his knees with a cry, while another native picked up a rock and hit Robert over the head with it.

Robert had woken up tied to a tree, but had managed to escape by wriggling himself free from the loosely tied ropes. And now, he was running for his life.

Vines, trees, shrubs, twigs, and rocks were his enemies, trying to stop him and bring Robert down. Arrows kept wizzing past his head, embedding themselves in tree trunks. Robert knew that he had to keep running if he wanted to live, but how long would he have to keep running? How could he escape this god-forsaken wilderness?

Robert cried out and fell as an arrow pierced his back. He heard wails of triumph in the distance. Robert lay there, deep in the heart of the wilderness, wishing that he had just stayed home with his beautiful little girl. A native stood over Robert and raised his knife. Robert closed his eyes and knew no more.


Creative Commons License "The Wilderness" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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