My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 1

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#1 of My Roommate's A Stripper?!

Well here we go. Here is the first chapter of a little story I've been working on for a while now. It's taken a while to get here, but since I've pledged to write a little bit each day this year, hopefully my pace will be acceptable to any readers who find this. For now, please enjoy chapter one of this creation of mine. Positive feedback is always appreciated. Thanks!

Chapter 1: "Turning a New Page."

"Oh, hurry up Aiden." The young fox femme moaned in her lover's ear as she pressed her body against his. "I can't wait much longer."

"I'm trying, Layla." He stammered, his body shaking. "But you're distracting me."

Layla moaned in response blowing in Aiden's ear and rubbing her body against his. Aiden could only whimper as he tried desperately to unlock the apartment door. Finally, with a sigh of relief, the lock clicked and he swung the door open.

She was on him the moment they were inside. The vixen turned her fox lover around and pressed him against the door, ripping his shirt off in the process. "Oh Aiden..." she kisses at his chest and neck, pressing her hot body against his. Aiden was quick to respond, wrapping his arms around her slender body and taking her in a passionate kiss, while slipping the straps of her dress from her shoulders. He soon felt her bare breasts against his chest as they awkwardly walked across the living room, neither refusing to give up the other's lips.

They made it to the couch, Layla finally breaking the kiss, only to push Aiden onto the leather sofa. Grinning, she let her dress fall.

"You're lucky my roommate moved out last week." Aiden mused, staring at her black panties. "Certainly wouldn't want him coming in and seeing this. He'd never sit on this couch again."

"You shush Aiden, or I'll just stop and go home right now." She grinned, kneeling in front of him. "Now shut up and enjoy." The vixen pressed her muzzle against his crotch, nuzzling his unseen erection. Aiden simply moaned in response, leaning back to enjoy the upcoming pleasure.

"Oh Aiden, you're so big and hard already..." Layla rubbed her paw over his jeans, enticing him further. Aiden's ears went back with pleasure, leaning his crotch into her hand. Grinning, she slowly, painfully slowly, undid his jeans, pulling them and his boxers down to reveal his dick. "There you are." Without a moment hesitation, she took the throbbing dick in her paw, running her tongue up the underside of his shaft. His gentle moans made her move slower, stopping at the tip to enjoy the bit of pre-cum that had leaked its way out.

Aiden grasped at the couch as Layla began her procedure of pleasure, massaging his fuzzy, white balls in one hand, stroking his thick cock with the other, and suckling the very tip, as if trying to suck the cum out of him. It was a time tested method, and Layla knew how to drag it out as long as she wanted, torturing him as she pleased, refusing him release until she wanted to grant it for him.

Aiden hung his head over the back of the couch, resigning to just sit back and enjoy. "You know, we could do stuff like this every night..." It was simply a random thought that he was unable to keep in his head, but it caught Layla's attention.

She stopped suckling. "What do you mean?" Her hands moved slower, more interested in his thoughts now. "You know I can't come up here every night, gas costs too much."

Aiden looked across the apartment. It was a large apartment, wide living area, full kitchen, and two bedrooms, one next to the other on a second floor balcony level. This gave the living room a very high ceiling, yet the rent was surprisingly low. "Well, there's a free room now. You could just move in here."

"Oh yeah, my parents will love that idea." She managed to keep massaging, picking up pace with the conversation. "They don't want me moving out until I'm married, no way they'll let me live with you here."

"Well, you're old enough...." He moaned a little. "Who cares what they for yourself."

"Aiden..." Truthfully, she had no intention of moving out of her parent's house and in with Aiden. He had brought up the idea several time before, and every time she had played the parent card and changed to subject. "I'm not sure I really want to deal with that just yet." Her mind was focusing on the conversation, so she didn't notice her increase in speed, the pre-cum she was forcing out, or his moaning.

"But Layla..." He managed to get out between moans. "We've been dating for over a year now. We're going to have to be living together eventually. Or do you want to live with your parents forever?" It probably wasn't the best thing to say, but it was hard for Aiden to think with her pumping his dick as she was.

Layla picked up even more speed to match her growing frustration. He apparently wasn't going to drop the subject as easily this time. "Not forever, but...I just don't see why we have to live together. What's the big deal anyway? I like our relationship the way it is now." She wouldn't admit it to him, but Layla had no interest in that level of commitment. He was just a toy for her right now. A good lay, and someone she could use to piss off her father.

Aiden wasn't buying it. His paws were clasped tightly into the couch, and he was panting hard. "Come on Layla. Why won't you move in with me? It's not that big of a change really. Don't you....don't you want....want to spend more time....with me?" He felt it coming up, felt the orgasm approaching.

"I don't know Aiden..." Layla was lost in thought. She never noticed how hard she was actually massaging him, or how close he was to cumming, until he did. She jumped as he released streams of his fox cum onto her face and chest. He grunted with every squirt, emptying his balls onto her. His cum was dripping from her muzzle onto her breasts and the floor by the time he was done. She looked up at him, slightly annoyed at both the unexpected cum bath, and the conversation. "We'll see..."

Wiping the cum away from her eyes, Layla stood up, only to sit back down on Aiden, straddling him. She smeared a bit of his juice on his own nose. "So, you gonna clean me up now, messy boy? I don't want any of this stuff drying in my fur."

Aiden nodded and began lapping up his own cum, tasting every salty drop of it along his tongue, sliding down his throat. Layla pressed her breasts around his muzzle, making sure to smear any he missed on him. Better his fur get matted than hers after all. But Aiden didn't mind, it was his cum after all, and he loved the feel of her sticky breasts around his face. He cleaned off every last drop, finishing with a deep kiss.

Layla cringed slightly as she tasted his cum on his lips, in his mouth. She had never cared for it, that salty taste, and peculiar after taste. But she put up with it for the sex afterwards. Aiden always lasted so much longer if he had already gotten his rocks off. "Good boy...but now it's my turn." She grinned devilishly as she slipped off her silken panties and straddled him again. He could feel the heat from her pussy as she rubbed it against his dick, stiff once again.

She rubbed against him, played with him, tortured him to make sure he was fully erect. Layla had no use for half flaccid cocks. She held the tip between her lips, staring into his dark eyes, before dropping down on him. God he felt so good, so hard and thick. It was definitely worth putting up with the occasional blowjob and cum shot.

"Ohh Aiden..." She murred, wrapping her arms around his neck and slowly riding his shaft. He felt so much better without a condom. Thank god for birth control, and that it was so easy to get him hard. If it wasn't for the sex, what use would there be for men?

Layla rode Aiden's dick at her own pace, pleasuring herself with it as if he was nothing more than a sex toy. He had already gotten off anyway, now it was her turn for fun. "Oh Layla..." Aiden moaned, grasping her breasts. "Oh yeah..." His own mind was lost now. Any thoughts he had of continuing the conversation of them living together were lost the moment she wrapped herself around his dick, just as she had planned.

"Shut up and fuck me." She rode him faster, moving with his own tired thrusts. She held him tighter, leading the way, controlling it as she did every aspect of their relationship that she could. "Yes! Harder! Oh Aiden...Fuck!" She clung to him, holding him close and letting him finish up. She needed him here, he always moved fastest at the end. Like a jackhammer he pummeled her pussy. "Yes! Yes! FUCK!"

Aiden let out a grunt as he came again; filling her with all that he had left. Layla didn't move, recovering from her own blissful orgasm. If Aiden was good for anything, it was this. "Oh Aiden, I love you."

"I love you too." Aiden managed to pant out, his head buried in her chest. She leaned back to let him breath, staring down at him. He looked so weak now, so pathetic and controllable. She couldn't help but smile.

"So, why don't you move in?" Aiden finally asked again, still panting. "We could fuck every night and not have to worry about a thing."

"Oh I don't think I could handle that much sex." Layla lied, slipping off him to find her panties. "And I don't think you could either. We would just fuck each other until we died. Would you really like that?"

"There are worse ways to go." Aiden laughed, still too tired to get off the couch. "But seriously, why not move in?"

Layla let out a sigh as she slipped her dress back on. "Listen. Let me think about it for a while. I'll sleep on it, talk to my parents, and we'll see where it goes from there." She was a deceptive liar by now. Layla planned on forgetting about it the moment she walked out his door.

"'ll call me tomorrow then? Let me know what you decided?"

Smiling, Layla walked over and kissed the fox on the tip of his nose "Better yet, I'll come and tell you in person. And maybe we'll get a replay of tonight." Winking slyly, the vixen turned for the door, purposefully allowing her tail to smack his face. "Good night, Aiden."

"Night darling. See you tomorrow" He called back, expecting, hoping that she would return the next day with her belongings, ready to move in right then and there. "Oh I can't wait." With renewed energy he bolted out of the couch to lock the door behind her. "A whole apartment for just the two of us. I may never wear clothes again."

Layla had other thoughts on her mind. She know she had to come up with a way, an excuse to tell Aiden when she spoke to him tomorrow, telling him she would not be moving in. The beginning of another little white lie were already forming; her parents were the ultimate scapegoat. She looked up at his apartment window one last time, smiling. "Why are men such idiots anyway?"

"You going to eat that, or what?" Aiden suddenly snapped back to reality, starting at Marcus, his feline friend, and former roommate blankly.

"I said, are you going to eat that? You've been staring at the sandwich for ten minutes now."

"Oh yeah, sorry." Aiden took one bite, before returning to his melancholic stupor. The black and white short-hair cat shrugged in surrender. "You're hopeless, dude."

"Oh go easy on him." Jacob, the raccoon friend with the purple dyed hair, interjected. "We don't even know what's bothering him."

"One week." Aiden answered the unspoken question. "Layla hasn't called me in almost exactly one week. I haven't seen or spoken to her for one whole week."

"Well that explains everything." Marcus shook his head, grabbing the untouched half of Aiden's sandwich. "The ol' haven't seen my girlfriend in a week blues."

"She was going to ask her parents if she could move in. She said she would let me know the next day. But now it's been a week and she hasn't called me or emailed me or anything. Not even a text message."

"Maybe she was just grounded for being a bi- for being late on her curfew." Jacob never cared for Layla, but he always tried to keep that opinion to himself, for Aiden's sake. "You're always saying her parents treat her like a little kid. Keep her out too late one night?"

Aiden just shook his head. "She left on time. I hope she's okay. I wish she would just call." As if on queue, his cell phone went off. "It's a message...from Layla!" His eyes lit up as he opened the message. But as he read it, his friends watched his features dampen, his eyes go wide, and his ears slowly droop. " she can't...she can't be serious..."

"What?" Both friends inquired, but Aiden's only response was to burst into sobbing tears, dropping the phone on the table. Marcus grabbed it up and read the message aloud.

"Aiden, after discussing it with my parents, I've decided I can't move in with you. I'm just not ready for that level of commitment yet. In truth, I'm beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed by our whole relationship. You're just too clingy for me right now. I need to stay free and unrestrained. I'm sure you understand. You're a nice guy, and I'm sure you'll find someone who'll live with you. If not, maybe we can try again in a few years. But for now, it's over between us. Love always, Layla."

"What a bitch!" Jacob couldn't help himself, grabbing the phone from Marcus' hand, as if he needs to verify his claim. "How could she dump him like this? And with a text message?!"

"Umm, Jacob, maybe we could keep it down just a bit?" He was beginning to draw attention from the other tables.

"I mean the least she could have done was tell him face to face! I always knew she was a bitch!"

"Uh, Jacob, I don't think..."

"I always knew she was a bitch, but this is a new low! You are so better off without her Aiden. You deserve a lot better than her."


"What?!" He looked up to see Marcus pointing to Aiden, who was a complete wreck. He hadn't heard a word of it, lost in his own sorrow. The fox just sat there, sobbing uncontrollably, weeping onto his half eaten sandwich. "Oh, sorry Aiden. I just...I got carried away."

"Hey, it'll be alright man." Marcus offered, wrapping an arm around his buddy's shoulder. "Just let it all out."

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with a grown man crying when he's sad." Jacob said loudly, more to the people at the nearby tables, to get them to stop staring.

The sobbing went on for a few more minutes, Marcus and Jacob sitting awkwardly around their disheartened friend. Eventually Aiden was able to collect himself enough to stop the waterworks. "I'm sorry guys, I just...I think I need to go home."

"You want me to walk you back?" Jacob offered, Marcus nodding in agreement.

"No, no I just want to be alone for a while." And with that, the heartbroken fox walked off, an air of misery and hopelessness hanging about him.

"Come on Aiden, open the door! It's been three days already!" Jacob banged on the apartment door loudly, not for the first time. "You can't just sulk in your room for the rest of your life!"

"Yes I can!" came the gruff response from behind the door. "I'll sulk for as long as I want!"

"It's not the end of the world, you know!" Jacob retorted, banging so loudly he was drawing some unwanted attention from neighboring tenants, not that he cared. "Open the door, and we'll have a guy's night out, what do you say?"

With no apparent answer coming, Jacob was about to start another round of pummeling the poor door, when Marcus stopped him, holding up a key. "How about we do this the easy, quieter way?"

Aiden was quite surprised, not to mention annoyed, when the door opened and Jacob and Marcus entered, both grinning like mischievous fools. "How'd you get in?"

"I kept a copy of the key." Marcus grinned wider, holding up the key. "Just in case of an emergency, like this."

"I could report you for that." Aiden grumped. He was buried in the couch, wrapped in a blanket and surrounded by used tissues and a few empty beer bottles. The TV blared the boring nonsense of some crappy reality show, not that Aiden was really watching it. The normally tidy apartment was a disheveled mess, as if representing the mess Aiden felt his life was in. Marcus and Jacob could only sigh and shake their heads at the mess.

"Dude, you can't just mope here, it's not good for you. You need to get back out there, and on the road to recovery."

"I don't wanna." Aiden crossed his arms indignantly, settling deeper in his seat.

"Too bad!" Marcus and Jacob came up to Aiden, grabbing him under his arms and lifting him to his paws. To match the room and his mood, Aiden's clothes were wrinkled and looked a few days old. "I think a change of clothes is in order."

"I'll help." Jacob volunteered, his tail wagging a bit too eagerly.

"I can dress myself." Aiden grumped, conceding defeat and sulking to his bedroom.

"Dress nice!" Marcus called after him. "We're going to a strip club!"

"I still say we should go to that new techno bar. It's quite a hot spot."

"Jacob, while I respect your particular sexual orientation, I am NOT going to a gay bar. Besides, Aiden needs to see some hot ladies to remind him of what he's missing."

"A strip club, really?" Aiden asked, returning from his room in a fresh set of clothes. "Terra's alright with you going to a strip club?"

"It was her idea." Terra is Marcus' girlfriend and the reason he moved out in the first place. "She said you need to be reminded that there are other women, hotter women by the way, out there in the world."

"Let's just get this over with." Aiden grunted, leading the way out the door.

Stardock 69 was more a high end night club with partial nudity than your typical strip club. The entertainers were always of the finest quality, and the clientele were expected to dress and act in a dignified and respectable manor at all times. While light degrees of touching were allowed, things such as excessive drunkenness and overzealous grabbing were a guaranteed way to get escorted out the back door. It was a respectable business, at a respectable cost.

Marcus had selected a large booth towards the back of the establishment, in full view of the main stage, but out of the way of the main crowd. Aiden was trapped in the back of the booth, between Marcus and Jacob. He was going to complain about it, but the mostly naked she-wolf on the main stage currently had his attention.

"See, I told you this was exactly what he needed." Marcus gloated to Jacob, who was completely uninterested by the show.

"I'd still prefer a gay bar, but if it's for Aiden, I suppose I can suffer in peace." Marcus could only laugh at that statement.

"Are we having a good time, boys?" A sultry voice turned all their heads. The voice belonged to a young, curvy skunkette, clad in a revealing blue string bikini. She was carrying the trio of drinks Marcus had ordered earlier. With a disarming smile, she handed out the drinks, put the serving tray aside, and climbed atop the large table, kneeling before the three in a suggestive pose. "So is it somebody's birthday, or just my lucky day?" She glanced at Jacob suggestively as she asked.

Sorry hun, but you're not exactly equipped for my pleasure."

"It's always the cute ones." She lamented with a wink, then turned her gaze to Marcus, who simply pointed at Aiden.

"His girlfriend just broke up with him, and he needs a little pick me up."

"Oh who could ever break up with a sweetie like you?" She cooed, leaning over to give Aiden a full view of her ample cleavage. "If I had someone as adorable as you, I'd never let him go."

Aiden was blushing at that remark. Or perhaps it was the view. The young skunk had to be pushing D-cups, and her top could barely contain their ample treasure.

"Told you this is just what he needed." Marcus gloated to Jacob, who conceded with a raised glass. "He'll be back to his old self in no time."

Suddenly reminded as to why they were there in the first place, Aiden returned to his defensive gloom. If he wanted to sulk, he'd sulk, whether his friends liked it or not. Though it became very difficult to be depressed when the skunkette sat up on her knees, legs spread to give Aiden a full view of her crotch, just barely covered by that blue bikini.

He and Marcus were both grinning like fools as the dancer ran her hands over her gyrating body. They couldn't look away as her fingers toyed with the edges of her bikini, as she ran them over her tight stomach, as her hands massaged her breasts, even slipping under the top from time to time. They were practically drooling as she sucked her fingers and eyed them suggestively. Even Jacob was watching, but more out of politeness, and to perhaps pick up some moves he could use on a boyfriend, if he ever got one.

Aiden was so entranced, that it took him a moment to realize Marcus was handing him some money. He took the bill, a hundred bucks, and looked at his feline friend in confusion. Marcus simply gestured to the stripper, who grinned at the sight of the cash.

Of course, Aiden thought, no matter how much she seems interested in me, it's her job. She just wants cash. Just like how all Layla wanted was sex. With that realization in mind, Aiden offered up the cash.

To his surprise, she didn't take it. Instead, she stuck her thumbs into her bikini bottom and stretched it out, just barely revealing her crotch. She may have just wanted his money, but she certainly knew how to make it worth while. Aiden tried to get a peek deeper as he dropped the money in, but she was too quick, letting the bottoms snap back into place.

"Don't worry, I've still got plenty to show you." She cooed, reaching behind her neck and undoing the tie to her top. All eyes were upon her as the cups fell loose, revealing the big, bouncing breasts within. Even Jacob could appreciate the vision before him, but if Aiden and Marcus weren't drooling before, they certainly were now.

"All better now I see." She giggled, lifting her breasts up and suckling her own tits. She let her tongue play around the studs piercing her nipples while her hands squeezed and cradled.

Roughly one hour and four hundred dollars later, the trio was left Stardock 69 in much better spirits. "Yep, nothing like a strip show to remind a guy that life ain't over yet."

"I still think a gay bar would have been just as successful."

"For you, maybe." Marcus slapped Jacob on the shoulder. "But I'd rather avoid that particular scene."

"I bet your girlfriend would like it." Jacob teased, which brought a concerned, somewhat distraught look from Marcus. "It's only fair since she let you come here."

Aiden laughed hard at Marcus' sudden speechlessness. Yes, strangely enough the visit to the strip show definitely perked up his spirits, among other things. Perhaps it was time to move on with his life. Who needed someone like Layla anyway?

It took only three days for Aiden to get his life, and apartment, in normal working order again. Thanks the encouragement of his friends, and a call home to mom, which never hurts, Aiden was more than ready to continue on with his life. He was over Layla, he would tell himself, and ready to get back to single life.

It was late in the afternoon, and Aiden was engaged in a staring contest with his computer, desperately trying to write the latest chapter of his unfinished novel, when a loud banging interrupted his thoughts. He opened the door and was greeted by the landlord, a big bear of a man named Boris Kuksov.

"Good day to you, comrade!" Boris announced, taking Aiden's paw with bone crushing force. "I have good news for you!"

"You're lowering the rent?" Aiden asked jokingly, nursing his throbbing paw.

Boris laughed deep and hearty at that. "No, my friend. This is better news." He pushed passed the smaller fox and looked about the apartment. "Ah good, you clean the place up. Perfect for your new roommate."

"Yeah well- wait. What new roommate?"

"That is the good news!" Boris turned with an enthusiastic grin. "You have new roommate, to take the room of your kitten friend."

"Wait just one minute. You went ahead and hired a tenant for this room, to be my roommate, and you didn't even ask me first?"

"Is my building. I can rent out to whoever I want."

"But you can't just bring someone in here without my consent! Don't I get any say in who I have to live with?"

"Think of it like college. Is how you met the kitten, no?"

"Yeah but I expected it in college! Isn't there something in my lease about getting to choose whom I live with?"

"Listen here, writer boy." Boris jabbed a fat finger in Aiden's chest, no longer a jovial bear. "This is my building, and my rules. Is free country and I can rent to whoever I want. She make more than you anyway, so if you no like it, you can move."

"Yeah but, wait, did you say 'she'?"

"Yes, Nice young girl, just move out on her own for first time. Thought it be good to put her with someone trustworthy." He moved in close to Aiden's face, issuing a low growl. "You are trustworthy, yes?"

Aiden gulped uncomfortably. "Boris, you know me. I wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Then all is good, no?"

"No, it's not all good. I just don't think its right for you to assign me a roommate behind my back."

"Excuse me?" The sweet, melodic voice broke the conversation, and both men turned to regard the young skunkette standing in the doorway. "Am I interrupting something?"

Aiden's ears twitched with a faint hint of recognition to that voice, but Boris quickly interrupted his thoughts.

"Of course not, little lady. I was just telling Aiden the good news of your arrival! Isn't that right, Aiden?"

"Uh yeah, can you excuse us for a moment?" Aiden quickly grabbed Boris' arm and turned him aside, continuing the conversation in hushed tones. "You couldn't even tell me before her move in date?"

"Is problem?"

"Yes, is problem! It's bad enough you bring someone in behind my back, but you could have at least giving me prior notice."

Boris simply shrugged it off. "Is too late now. She moving in, and she makes more money than you, so I say she stays."

Before Aiden could even think of a response, Boris was gone, moving to better great the young girl. "You like, yes? You're room is up there, up the stairs and on the left. Big room with good view. I just put up fresh coat of paint and new carpet even."

Aiden was left ignored as Boris showed the young woman around her new room. He couldn't believe that all this was happening. One drastic change in his life was enough for one month, but this was ridiculous. What was next, meeting a long lost twin?

"So, room is good yes?" Boris was asking the skunkette as they returned to the main room.

"Oh yes. There's more room than I know what to do with."

"Very good then. Your new roommate will be happy to help you too. Right, Aiden?"

"Uh, yeah, sure." Aiden answered half-heartedly, still trying to wrap his brain around all that was happening. It took him only a moment to notice Boris' disapproving stare, however.

"Forgive him, little one. He is usually much nicer than this."

"Oh it's alright. He makes up for it by being so adorable." She threw him a wink as she made her way towards the front door.

The compliment had Aiden blushing. "I, uh, I can help you with your stuff, if you want that is." She smiled warmly at him. "It's alright. I don't have all that much anyway. And the name's Max, by the way." And with a flick of her large, fluffy tail, she was gone.

"You be nicer, writer boy. I don't want to hear any trouble from you." Boris' stern gaze brought Aiden back to reality, and feeling a bit guilty about his earlier complaints.

With one last stern look, Boris left Aiden alone with his thoughts of this young skunkette, Max. She was taking this much better than he had, though Boris had probably told her about him in advance. He still couldn't believe she had called him adorable, just like that. No one had ever called him that before.

No wait, someone had called him adorable before. Just recently in fact. Yes, he could swear that another young, very attractive, and rather scantily clad skunk woman had called him adorable, at that strip club. But, could that mean? No, he shook his head at the thought; it must just be a coincidence.

He was brought from his thoughts as Max stumbled through the front door, carrying more suitcases and boxes than she could really handle. "Um, maybe I could use a hand after ACK!" Suddenly she found herself on her ass, her boxes scattered around her. "Ow! Dammit that hurt."

"You alright?" Aiden rushed over, offering her a hand up. It was then, as he lifted her to her feet, that their eyes met. Yes, he had looked into those eyes before. And he had seen that cleavage before, accidentally getting a view down her shirt. This was the same woman he had met just a few nights before, as the strip club. His eyes went wide as the realization finally hit him: his new roommate was a stripper!