Raven of Blackshire - The Slaying Land

Story by Crowchild on SoFurry

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Raven of Blackshire The Slaying Land by Crowchild This story contains sexual/homosexual content and is intended for mature readers. If you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to view such stories in the area which you live... What the fuck are you doing here! Get out! Get out NOW!! With that being said enjoy and please leave comments/criticism/whatever. Thanks. Character Raven is © Crowchild 2003 Character Rin is © Crowchild 2004

  • * * Ice had formed on the rocks near the small camp. The surrounding trees had frozen over as had all of the fallen muddy leaves. The forest was cold and still, with a thick fog shrouding the aera like a mourners veil. All things on the slaying field were seen but not seen. Sounds could be heard but not known, at least to most common folk. Mostly it was quite and this was prefered to the alternative. Sounds of screaming and dying and killing. It was quite, but no one slept. Raven held his head low, scanning the horizen for any signs of movement. A small cloud of fog from a hidden foe to give away his breath, the twitch of a branch, a bird, anything. He saw fog and nothing more. This annoyed him. He had been out on watch for almost 16 hours in this ditch and before that he had been on partol. The front lines had been a living hell for almost seven years. He had been here for all of it. He had been out on the very front of the line always moving deeper into the vast woods of the kingdom. Always standing watch at the doors of hell and waiting with bated breath for some stupid fool to open the door and give him another kill to his name. He figured that since the war had begun he had travelled over seven hundred miles. Always he was repaid for his skills. After a few weeks he could go to the nearest town that had been taken over, throw down a handfull of gold (most of it not his) and get a nights worth of pleasure for a months worth of death and killing. He should have been well into his third ale and having some big breasted vixens head in his lap, drunk as demons and well on his way to the bliss that was not to come now. No. He had to sit out in the freezing snow with some half dazed archer who looked about eighteen years old and didn't even know what Redhill was. Nothing more than a pup. He hated this part of it. Waiting for the kill was like waiting to be killed. But it was what he did. A killer for hire. A killer who now had the greatest chance of a lifetime before him... full open war between the two rival clans. The Bloodthorn Cland and The Blackshire clan, who he served. To commoners it was called hell. To Raven it was heaven and to the pup it was a job. He liked being on leave for a time, but his passion was here on the field. A true predator in love with the kill. But he wasn't killing now and town was sounding better by the minute. Cheap booze, gambling, barfights, and easy women. "Another three days of this crap." He looked at the pup. He was almost asleep. Raven glared at him, but he didn't notice. His eyes were heavy, his bow was hanging limp in his hand and his other hand was stuffed into his pants, killing boredom one stroke at a time. Raven looked back out onto the field. Still nothing. The report stated that six or so enemy scouts had been sited in the area earleir that morning. Raven hedn't seen a sign of anything and even if he did they were invisible in this fog. A waste of time. He looked at the archer again. He was too young and thin to be in the front. He had a rather feminine quality to him that made him seem more exotic than some. He had an ankle bracelet and long hair with a small braid on the side. Raven saw this and it interested him. Now, If anything perhaps he could kill some time with the pup. He was probably into men anyway by the looks of it and Raven was in command. He tilted his head and stood up. The archer didn't notice. He was off in some wet dream and obliviouse to the fact that he was, in all ways, off guard. Raven moved closer to him and drew his blade. The archers eyes flickered as he began to massage his sack, his toes and ankles curled and he began to pant and moan. He rolled his head slighty. Raven looked down at him. He could slice this fool in half right now and he would never even know. He was no soldier. As the archers eyes flickered he suddenly saw the black wolf before him. He drew his hand from his pants and looked at Raven startled and embariced. Raven snorted. "Strip." Raven said, his voice gritty and low. The archer looked at him for a second. "What?" Ravens blades went to the archers throat. "Take off your cloths. Now." The archers eyes widened. "Why, what are you going to do?" Raven didn't answer. The archer began to undo his tunic, then his pants. Raven's eyes watched him but showed no sign of emotion. No emotion but a slight lust. The archer stood before him now, a look of vulnerability had taken him. He was affraid. "Walk out onto the field." The archer's eyes shot open. "W...what? Why? What does this...?" His words trailed off. Raven snarled, a look of amusement in his one good eye. "Seeing that you make such a good target, might as well give those savages something to look at." Raven snickered. "You might as well be out there all day like this...whats you name again?" The archer s eyes were begining to tear. "Rin, sir." "Rin" Raven repeated. " Get going. Leave your bow." Rin turned and slowly walked up the small hill onto the field. Raven watched as he went. The boy was fit, and in good health. He had a thin but powerful build, as well as a nice tight ass. Perhaps he could find some use for the boy later. "Rin" He repeated to himself. Kind of a stupid name. Not the name of a soldier. Sadly the crown didn't train decent soldiers anymore. A terrible waste. The boy had potential with the bow. He had seen him shoot earlier in the week. If he survived this Raven hoped this would be a good lesson for the boy not to "shine his sword" on watch. He didn't expect him to survive. Rin stood out on the icy field. Exposed and terrified, knowing that at anytime he might be riddled with arrows...from either side. Raven was considered by many to be as dangerous as the Bloodthorn troops. He was unstable, a sadist who took joy in killing his emenies with ruthless passion and persistion. Rin had been fascinated by him as well as rather attracted to the brooding mercenary.. and still was. Now, sadly this latest humiliation might cause his idol to shoot him in the back and leave him for dead. He wimpered. He could feel ravens eyes on him, but, they were also scanning. Raven was waiting for a shot. all he needed was one shot to see were the ememy was hidden. If Rin didn't fall dead at one shot possibly two perhaps Raven may be able to hit a few of the bastards if they missed. A sudden gust of wind flew past Rin. Two arrows shot through the air, missing him by hairs. He froze, as another was sent past him grazing his ankle. He started and fell to the ground. He wasn't hurt bad, but that was only half the attack, and Raven might shoot through him to hit his mark. He rolled on the ground out of the way as a second set of arrows hit next to his arm and head. Then the famialiar sound broke through the air, and Rin froze. The high pitched crack of the black wolfs bow broke all sound on the field. Three massive steel bolts shot through the air. Rin could see the blood spatter on the far side off the field. He heard to blows of the bolts striking the thick armor of his attackers. He saw their shadows as they died. Again the cracking sound. Again the screams as three bolts broke through the forest. Rin smiled, dumbly and began to stand up. A sudden gust of wind shot past his head. He felt his ear go numb as he turned and ran back twords the camp at the end of the ditch. He felt his ear to make sure he wasn't leaving it behind. Making a mad dash the final feet to the ditch, Rin lost all sence of danger and panic. Just a few feet to safty. Raven's form was at the lip of the ditch. "One more shot." he wispered. As Rin was about to jump down a blast of pressure threw him forward. He shrieked as an arrow imbedded itself in the right side of his buttocks. He fell face first down the ditch landing hard on his stomach. Raven launched three arrows out into the fog. He waited. Then he nodded as a distant shout broke the air. Rin rested his head on the ground, panting and squirming as he tried to ease the pain. He looked at Raven, his eyes were tearing and he was whimpering. Oddly, Raven looked at him with a sence of puzzled amusement. "Much better than I expected." he said. "I was betting you'd take six in the chest not one in the ass." He chuckled "Hold still and don't scream." Before Rin could relize what he said Raven ripped the arrow out of the young archers right cheek. He screamed but Raven seemed to have expected that. He walked up the ditch and drew his dagger. "Start a fire and shoot dinner." He didn't look back. Raven returned two hours later swinging his small hook around with some weapons he had taken from the dead Bloodthorn scouts. Their ears were stuck onto the hook, blood still fresh on Ravens hands. Rin was lyeing on his stomach. The fire was burning low and the sun was just about set. A glow was still on the horizen but the fire was nice all the same. A rabbit was on the spit. Raven licked his chops. "You might come in handy after all." He said, absently. "Still, pull anything like that again I'll shoot you myself, you here me." The coldness returned to his voice. "Yes sir." Rin said lowering his head. Raven looked out onto the field. The fog had lifted as night fell. he saw nothing and this pleased him for a change. He looked back at Rin. The boy was looking into the fire, resting his head. He had dressed his own wound but it was obviouse he was not going to be much use now. Not that he was needed, the enemy was dead for now and there wouldn't be another scout party for a week or so if the ice held. Two days of watching trees. Rins eyes were relaxed, his face was tired and he looked sore. Raven grinned. Not many would have come back from the field, especialy naked and blinded by fog. Yet, Rin wasn't bitching about anything. He was resting. The boy had left his cloths off. The patch on his right cheek was only slightly red ans seemed well enough. A small pain caused Rins cheek to twitch every few minutes. This amused Raven. He didn't let the boy know it but in a strange way he was a little more fond of him now. Wether he had gone out into the field as an act of responcibility for his carelessness or just plain stupidity was beside the point. He had come back. Not many people did, and many of the dead were veteran fighters. Rin was most likely still a virgin. Raven finished eating and slid two of seven ears off the hook and threw them in front of Rin. It startled him. "Twenty gold coins each. Don't exept a mil less." Rin nodded. "Yes sir" Rin looked at the hook. "Seven ears, sir?" Raven nodded and sat down with his back to a broken log. "I'm not cutting you short kid. I shot them and you baited them. Usually thats one ear or just a pat on the back. Be glad." Rin nodded again. "Yes sir. Thats not what I ment. Just that the report said six Bloodthorn." Raven looked at the fire and then back to the field. "So it did." Rin shrugged. "Do you think theres more out there, sir?" Raven looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. Rin grinned "I didn't think so." "Two days of staring at trees and dirt kid." Raven snorted. "I honestly can't wait to get the hell out of here." Rin turned to face him "I thought you didn't like town." "I don't like town I like the taverns and the girls." he chuckled. Rin chuckled slightly. Raven looked at him for a minute. "Yeah, I need to get laid." Rin didn't say anything. "We need to get you laid too, eh?" He snickered. "Three ears is sixty gold chips kid. One night of soft, sweet vixen pussy for ya." Rin blushed "Yeah, i guess. Maybe next time in." Ravens eye went soft for a minute. "I still need to get one more ear then, right?" "Yeah, unless you want to get some sleezy fat tramp for the night. If the price is that low then so is the quality." He opened his pouch and withdrew a flask. He tipped back on it and opened his belt. "Yeah" Rin said. A slight sound of dissapointment in his voice. Raven tilted his head back and looked at Rin. The closest thing to a woman for thirty miles was this skinny grey wolf. So, what the hell. He even looked enough like a lady to actually pass in the low light. Raven hadn't actually noticed how feminine Rin actually was. Even his voice was thin and wispy. A slight eastern accent made him seem a little exotic besides the jewelery and long hair. Raven was puzzled by the attraction. He didn't go for men usualy but Rin had something to him. Raven tipped back the flask again and put it away. Rin would have to do for now. Raven lowered his voice to a rather deep low drawl. It sounded sexy and he knew it. "I do know of a way for you to score an extra twenty." "Really? How?" His voice picked up a little. "Well, you can earn it by doing some sevice for me. Nothing too hard...you up for it?" Rin smiled. "Yeah. Sure I am sir." Raven put out his hand. Rin shook it and leaned up on his elbows. Raven grinned. Never shake until you know what your end of the deal is kid. Well, better he learn this way than from some sleazy merchant screwing him over for something important. Rin suddenly relized his flaw. "Sir." Raven looked at him, waiting for the question that was inevetiably about to come. " Sir, what do you want me to do exactly?" Raven didn't answer.Instead he slid his hand under his belt and let his pants fall open, exposing his hardening cock. Rin sighed and looked at Raven. "Deals a Deal" he said. Rin looked at the hook and then back at Raven "Yes sir" he sighed. Raven leaned back on the log and closed his eyes. Rin slid between the black wolfs legs and pulled his pants down lower. He began rolling his masters sack in his thin hands, slowly dripping saliva from his mouth onto the stiffening cock. Raven stretched and rested his left hand on the young archers neck. Rin masaged the hilt of Ravens shaft with one hand while still rolling his bulging sack in the other. He leaded down and started to suck Ravens sack, rolling his touge over each of his testicles in slow circles. Raven gave a deep sigh of relief and began to rub the back of Rins ear. He seemed to like that. Rin continued licking Ravens sack until he was fully hard. It didn't take too long. Raven wasn't as old as he seemed and could still get hard very quick. Rins hand moved up from the hot, wet sack and began to work his saliva onto the big wolfs shaft. His fingers were soft and smooth and the slickness allowed him to glide over Ravens cock. Rin opened his mouth and wraped his lips around his masters cock. He felt Raven stiffen as he began to move his head slowly down to the hilt of Raven's cock moaning softly as his tougue worked. Raven smiled and rubbed Rin's neck. The archer began to bob his head as he sucked his master. He wasn't expecting to enjoy it this much. He was really turned on by the whole thing. Raven hadn't seemed this type, he was glad to be wrong. Rin slid his hand to his own cock and began to rub himself in unison. He began to suck harder on the big wolfs cock, using his toungue on the black wolfs shaft as he pleasued him. Raven moaned and began to push Rin down onto his shaft. Rin felt like he was going to choke but managed not to. Raven picked up the hook and ripped one of the dead ears off it. He trew it down with the other two and leaded back down. He was getting close, he began rolling his hips a little bit and pumping his cock into Rin's throat. Rin was on the edge himself. This was turning him on to no end. Raven took a hold of the young archers hair and pulled on it. Rin moaned with extacy as he felt his masters precum seeping out of his shaft. That with the mixture of the hand pulling his hair made him feel very submissive and he liked that. It was dirty and erotic and he felt rather slutty. Rin deepthroated Raven's shaft as he began to pump his hips. His hand slid faster over his dick and he felt his legs spasm. His cream shot onto his thigh and legs. He held his penis down between his thighs and worked himself over with his hips. Raven was also about to cum. He yanked Rin's hair and the young male felt his cum shoot into his mouth. He moaned as he swallowed the thick seed. It was warm and there was alot of it. Weeks on the field had left little time for self pleasure. Raven was giving it his all and Rin was not about to complain. He still pumped his own sharft bewteen his thighs and he drew himself off Ravens shaft. Raven looked at him and rested back on the log. Raven opened his eyes and looked off into the night. He seemed content. "Nice, kid. Real nice." Rin smiled as he shot a few more drops of cum onto his thigh. He moved closer to Raven and kissed him on the arm. He then rested his head on the soft black fur of Raven's chest. Raven turned sharply and shoved Rin onto his back. He pulled his pants up and kicked at the boy. Rin shrieked as his bandaged cheek hit the ground and squirmed to get away from Raven. "Don't think that changed anything kid! You suck dick alright but that dosen't make you my equal or my friend. Don't get any ideas about that. Your still likely to be dead by tommarrow." Rins eyes were tearing and he crawled back over to his sleaping bag. He glanced back over at Raven. He had his back to the fire and was taking a piss. "I'm sorry sir." Rin wimpered "I just thoght it was nice." Raven didn't answer. His face was stern and the coldness had returned. He looked over at Rin suddenly "Shut up and go to sleep." Rin lowered his head and lay down on his stomach. He closed his eyes and quickly fell alsleep. Raven stayed awake most of the night. He didn't sleep much. He didn't dream. He waited for dawn and the sun to rise. * * * Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. Please send me a review of what you though or what not. I'll be posting chapter two in a few days.