Secrets of War

Story by Felsune on SoFurry

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#3 of Adventures of Mal and Rasha

Secrets of War

The first thing Rasha felt as she woke up was a slight soreness in her ass. Purring and groaning softly she shifted and frowned. Something was in her ass...and she was holding onto something very big and furry. Looking up she almost pressed her lips into Mal's as his head was directly above hers. Eyes widening she hissed and jumped straight backwards, a very impressive feat, she managed to take all the blankets with her, without hurting either of them.

As she landed on the floor she felt something slosh inside her and almost leak out, quickly stopped by her clenching her muscles, and the tender expression on Mal's face was instantly replaced by his normal mask of indifference. In a flash everything that had happened last night came rushing back to her. Standing up in a panic she fled towards the bathroom, tripping once on the blankets before squirming out of them and fleeing to the toilet.

Upon reaching the bathroom she thrust open the door and all but leapt onto the toilet and released her muscles. Immediately the thick seed slid out from her insides and into the toilet. The pleasant feeling of emptying her bowels of the thick seed was tempered slightly when she heard the click of claws moving across the linoleum flooring of the bathroom. Looking over she saw Mal walking naked through the bathroom. Blushing furiously she wrapped her arms around her chest to cover her breasts and clenched her legs together.

Not bothering to look over he simply opened the shower door and reached in to turn on the water. Not even looking at her he simply pointed to a neat stack of her clothes. She had no idea how but he seemed to have gotten up early, washed them, ironed them, and then folded them for her to wear today. After a few awkward moments, for her at least, Mal stepped into the now slightly steaming water of the large shower and closed the door.

She felt herself trembling all over as the reality of what had happened last night washed over her. Moving her hands over her mouth she felt tears slide from her eyes as her tail wrapped around her chest. She was ashamed...not at what they had done, but at how she had reacted and treated him this morning, and after all he seemed to have done for her. Slowly she stood up, feeling the slightly wet sensation on the fur of her rear as she stood, she was reminded once more of all he had done.

She wanted to wipe herself clean and then walk out of the room, but she found herself unable to. Almost of their own will her legs carried her to the shower door and she looked at the blurry shadow that was Malumunus on the other side. Reaching out a trembling hand she grasped the handle of the shower's door and opened it. Instantly Mal whirled around, spraying water onto her, and crouched down holding his hands in claw like gestures.

His eyes showed shock before quickly changing back to their normal blank state. Standing back up he stood facing her, completely naked, and calmly asked, "Is there something I can help you with Ms. Valencia?"

She winced slightly as, for some reason, the formal and neutral tone plus him using her last name rather than her first hurt her. She couldn't really blame him though; if she was in his place she would probably be less than happy to see her as well. Tears welled up in her eyes and she felt her legs give out, for some reason all her strength seemed to have deserted her after such a cold and formal response. Strong wet arms caught her instantly as a minorly confused Mal stared at her.

Sobbing she threw her arms around him and simply cried. She had wanted to be strong and apologize to him and make everything right, but now all she could do was cry into his chest. Unsure what to do in such a situation as this Mal hesitated a moment before reaching over and closing the door, latching it closed this time so it wouldn't open, and sitting down in the shower, pulling her down with him so she rested in his lap.

The warm water washed over both of them as the steam rose up from the water as it splashed over the two Furs lying in the silver tiles in the shower. After five minutes of crying into Mal's chest Rasha managed to finally regain control of herself enough to stop her tears and look up into Mal's face. His face was once again a complete mask of neutrality as he watched her calmly, holding her just enough to support her. Sniffling she laughed quietly.

"You must think me a disgrace, a weak and manipulative cat that used you and then couldn't stand the rejection so came crawling back to seek attention."

She felt tears begin to well up in her eyes again but she bitterly fought them down. Rasha was startled though when she felt strong hands gently cup her jaw and tilt her head up to face Mal again. His eyes were not tender exactly but they definitely showed more warmth than before.

In a slightly husky voice he whispered, "I do not. I see a strong feline who made a mistake last night and now realizes the enormity of what happened. You are strong, I have seen s-" He cut himself off and tried again. "I have seen people go through things like this before and I know it is never easy. But don't worry, I am sure you can find peace with this if you get some counseling. I also promise I will ask for a transfer to a different school today. You won't have to see me and be reminded of your mistake after today."

As he finished his statement she felt panic begin to well up inside her. Gripping his arms tightly she desperately looked up into his face with a look similar to that of a trapped animal. In a desperate tone she cried, "No! You can't leave! It wasn't a wasn't a mistake..." She whimpered and burrowed her face into his chest and holding on tightly to his chest, feeling like a little child begging her father not to go away on a business trip from which she might never see him again.

The feeling of abandonment rushed back again as she remembered the day her dad told her he had accepted a contract with the Military to work for them more directly. That had been the last time she had seen her father in person. Shivering again she flinched as she felt Mal place his hands on her shoulders, but she relaxed as he gently massaged them.

"Are you sure that you mean what you say? Are you sure you want me to stay...stay in the school?"

She nodded and once more looked up at him with a pleading gaze, "I want you to...I want you to stay with me...forever!"

She hadn't realized it until she said it...but the thought of losing him was not something she could bear. She had only known him a day...but she felt in her heart this was real. Love was something that was supposed to grow over time she had heard, but what if one could find it right away if the right person was there? Maybe this was what people meant when they said they found a soul mate.

Surprised beyond words at this point Mal could only stare down at the soaked feline laying in his lap clinging to him as if for dear life. She wasn't weak and he had seen this kind of thing before. It was abandonment issues; she couldn't stand the idea of being abandoned. It would be like feeling as if you were the only one left in the world even in a crowded room, your heart being crushed by despair as panic welled up in your chest.

He had felt this kind of emotion once before...before the tests and experiments began. Quickly moving his thoughts away from the past he contemplated what to do with the girl now. He couldn't leave her, nor did he particularly want to, which was a surprise. He had thought all his emotions for love and kindness had died, but something about this girl seemed to re-awaken them.

Stroking her hair he contemplated what to do as she rested against him. After a few minutes he decided to simply stick to the basics for now. He was unsure how to reply to her so he simply stuck with getting her clean. Reaching over to one of the tiles next to them he pressed it to open a small compartment filled with washing materials. Reaching in, he grabbed shampoo, conditioner, a comb, and some soap. Setting these down on the floor, except for the soap and brush, he began to lather up the soap and rub it gently along her back.

She stiffened at first when she felt him moving but when he began to massage her back with a small object, soap by the smell of it; she relaxed and allowed herself to enjoy the feeling. The large gentle hands moved along her back, over her tail, and hesitated before moving back up to work on her arms and hands. Smiling into his chest she waited for him to finish before leaning back. It was only then that she realized the water was no longer running directly on them, when he had pressed the button the shower head stopped spraying and water simply flowed from small jets set along the side of the shower so as to keep temperature the same.

Smiling at him gently she said, "Don't be so modest, we have done things together that are past simple cleaning rituals." Reaching over she gently took his hand and placed it on her breasts, "Go ahead and clean me fully Malumunus."

Nodding his head and tenderly massaged the soap into her fur along her breasts, stomach, down to her waist, ass, legs, and feet. Moving his hands back up he gently rubbed his slick fingers along her labia, much to her pleasure, before pressing another tile to have the jets increase their strength. Now the warm water sprayed from all sides and he once more worked his dexterous fingers into her fur and muscles as he cleaned the soap from her body.

As he worked her body over she moaned and arched her body shamelessly as he worked all the right points on her body. After a few minutes of thoroughly cleaning her fur he pressed the tile again to reduce the water flow and repeated the process of lathering her up twice more, first with Shampoo then with conditioner. As he finished rinsing her off for the final time he smiled slightly, just a twitch of his lips but it was the best he could do. Reaching down to grab the final item he needed he grabbed the comb.

Knowing they were going to run out of hot water soon he began to gently comb her fur. Her fur shown sleek gold with a dusting of golden brown reminding him of a sun's ray, a marvel to look at, but the water was already beginning to cool and he knew he needed to set the water to draw from the second tank. Turning off the water he reached for a new handle and turned that one on and instantly warm water began to spray from the walls once more.

Turning back to Rasha he let a grin touch his lips once more as he knelt down on the floor in front of her. She tilted her head curiously as he disappeared down below her knees, only to gasp as his tongue parted her nether lips. She was still in heat and he knew it, as such he was more than willing to help her with the burning ache that would be in her loins.

Squirming almost desperately she splayed her legs wide and grasped the back of his head and let her claws come forth as she pressed him even deeper into her weeping lips. Lapping slowly and deeply into her pussy he searched for the special texture of flesh inside her that would signify he had her G-spot again. Pressing up into a spot he thought might be correct he was rewarded by the claws digging in slightly behind head and a moan that bordered on a scream.

She clapped her hands over her mouth to muffle herself before she got a better idea. Moving, sadly causing his tongue to slip out of her for a moment, she moved herself over him and all but dove at his crotch. Knowing what she intended he hurriedly dove back into her flower before she could distract him. Groaning she franticly grasped his rock hard member and dove onto it, forgoing foreplay to simply begin sucking on it to muffle her screams.

Grunting as she grazed his member with her sharp teeth he sealed his mouth over her entire pussy and began to tongue her clit. It became a battle now to see who could out last the other. Rasha was at a distinct disadvantage but she was going to be damned if this would be another one sided battle. Taking his tapered rod deep into the back of her mouth she began to suck on it and twist her semi rough tongue around it. Mal's eye's widened at this new sensation and grimaced as he fought down his rising pleasure.

Her rich flavor tantalizingly delicious, like honey and maple, allowed him to easily lap into her pussy as a dehydrated canine might lap at life giving water. Rasha on the other hand was sucking on his cock just as fervently, attempting to draw out more of the semi-sweet pre-cum she had tasted last night. Every spurt into her mouth was like candy to a child, only making her strive to get more.

To Rasha's credit she managed to sustain the constant barrage of Mal's tongue for a good five minutes before her heat induced lust made it impossible to resist the allure of an orgasm. Flooding his mouth with her juices she climaxed hard, but not to be out done she pushed his tapered length all the way back to the point where she was gagging around it. The constant vice like grip fluttering around his rod was too much for Mal and he climaxed shortly after.

Rasha's eyes widened as his spasming cock flooded her throat with his rich seed. The flavor was different now; it seemed as if it had sweetened almost. A salty sweet flavor with a slightly thick consistency that, if he hadn't been in her throat, she probably would have not swallowed just so she could roll the flavor along her tongue. Luckily backflow from her constantly gagging throat allowed her to savor some of the cum's delicious flavoring. After a few minutes of this, and staring at the knot in front of her nose, she finally felt him stop cumming. It seemed last night was not just pent up sexual desire; Mal really did cum a lot.

Pulling off his softening rod she licked her lips and rubbed her hand along her belly savoring the full feeling. As both sat up Mal looked down at Rasha with a mild expression of amusement.

"And here I just finished cleaning you up...guess it can't be helped; I have to do it again."

Giggling a bit at his actions she stretched herself back out to be bathed once more. It was strange how fast things were developing between them and how fast she felt at ease with him. After another five minutes of thorough washing Mal turned off the water and stepped out to grab them towels. Not feeling like waiting she stepped out herself only to stop mid stride and gasp.

All along Mal's back were long lines of reddish black fur. She knew from health class those were scar markings. His entire back was a mass of them, as if he had been tortured and dissected. Whirling around Mal grimaced as he realized he had forgotten to re-apply the fur dye. The time in the shower had managed to completely wash out the dye and she was no longer distracted by his touch. It also had helped that the water had diluted the color by melding his fur completely together.

Sighing he turned away from her for a moment and grabbed her a towel from the towel rack. Tossing it to her she numbly caught it as she looked at his chest as he turned around once more. His chest was almost the same as his back, only this time more orderly red lines showed that he had been dissected. A perfect Y shaped line gave testament to that. Looking back up at his face she noticed his expression was once more perfectly neutral. As if his emotions were shut off by a switch, she walked forward and gently placed a paw on his chest before looking up into his eyes with a pained look.

"Do they still hurt? The scars I mean..."

Shrugging he took a step back and began to dry himself off. "No. They are very old and I do not feel them anymore."

Drying himself off completely he dropped his towel in a bin and began to walk out of the room. Dropping her own towel she ran towards him and spun him around glaring at him now.

"Stop doing that! Stop trying to act all cool and turning off your emotions! What the hell happened to you!? Was it from when you were in the gang?"

Looking down at her with a blank expression he shook his head. "No. This was from when I was a test subject for your father. That would be why he was so worried when he found out you were here. My true name is Subject 24 code name Malum Unus or in English, The Evil One. I was created to lead special operations namely assassin and reconnaissance for our government against the Anti Species Uniting Group. I was given my name for my favored methods and how I worked."

With that he stepped back and walked out of the bathroom. Rasha stood numbly staring at where he had been and tried desperately to sort out all the information she had just learned. It was not something she could easily come to terms with.