Volume 3 Batten down the hatches

Story by Stallon_Becket on SoFurry

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#3 of A Pirate's Life

A Pirate's Life

Volume 3: Batten down the hatches

It had been nearly a week and Pilferer's Peninsula was bristling with activity, but Henningsway dared not sail the ship any closer. Instead he had the crew anchor the Scarlet Squall a far ways off from the cove, and they rowed in by small crafts, setting up camp ten miles from the dreaded pirate town.

The men had made sure to keep a low profile and only Victor's scouts were actually out, and about gathering intelligence on the pirates. It seemed that ole Black Ear was here as well; although Black Ear the buccaneer was also infamous, he did not know the location of Triton's Chest, an assumed horde of gold that Erik the White had been keeping hidden away.

Henningsway also had some of his best men on the ship ready to give chase if the Siren's Song were to sail into harbor. The trap was set, the new democracy Captain grinned, the heads of pirates and the gold, he'd be rich, famous, and the hero of the new democracy.

He sipped his tea looking through his telescope at the town in the distance. He was losing interest what was going on in the town; when it seemed that he would die of boredom he spotted something, another ship was sailing in. He quickly consulted his men who identified the ships flag.

"Sir, that is the Dark Exodus, a ship that is neutral to the new democracy and the pirates. The pirates don't dare board it because it delivers supplies to their town and hideouts. Of course the business is through legitimate avenues and they have no true dealings with the pirates. It also runs supplies and goods to the new democracy of course that ship is left alone as well." His heralding officer pointed to the flag which was a simple white and black circle with a half-sun, half-moon in the center of it.

Henningsway sneered in disappointment. Well perhaps he would die of boredom out here. He sat back down on his makeshift chair and peered through his telescope again. The Dark Exodus pulled into harbor and personnel were seen lashing the ship to one of the many docking platforms.

"Ensign!" The Captain said leaned back. "Wake me if anything important happens..." and Henningsway tilted his head back against his seat and left himself drift off into a daydream of riches and glory.


"So, your secretly the Captain of the Dark Exodus?" Laura inquired as she looked out the window at Pilferer's Peninsula.

Galvin proudly nodded as he sat as his desk looking over his shipping manifests.

"Yes, Calvin is acting Captain but take his orders from me." Galvin took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. He had spent the last few days making sure Laura knew everything about the Scarlet Squall, the ships schematics, the Captain of the ship and even the crew. If knowledge was power, the Galvin could have been Zeus or even Odin.

"You've done so much for me Galvin and I thank you for that." Laura walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Galvin only smiled and nodded.

"Pleasure was mine, when you see Dana tell her I said hi." The equine watched as Laura nodded and then walked out of his cabin. Well that was that, and now Galvin could get back to business as usual. He looked at his shipping manifest and marked off a bandolier of pistol bullets and gun powder as missing, and coyly smiled.


Erik looked through his telescope at the Peninsula, it just didn't feel right. He checked the wind with his finger, then he looked to his crew. The women all stood there awaiting the orders of their Captain to sail into port.

"We sail in at night, something is amiss... change the sails and the flag, we'll sail in under the guise of the Mermaid's Kiss." The crew nodded, they all knew the Captain had a sense for trouble and they began preparations to disguise the ship. The Mermaid's Kiss was a ship very similar in detail to the Siren's Song, so close were the similarities that it could be a twin of the ship.

Erik walked back to his cabin, Clara was asleep, they had quite a time together, getting to know each other, having sex, and of course Erik showing her how the life of a Pirate was lived when not looting other ships or raiding harbor towns. Clara stirred as she heard him enter and she sat up slowly and smiled to him. The pirate Captain smiled back to her and sat down on the bed next to her.

"Sleep well m'lady?" he inquired, to which Clara only nodded and sultrily slinked over to him to give him a caressing hug. He nuzzled his nose to her hair and purred. It was a shame he was going to have to have her taken safely back to another port. Of course relationships between pirates and common citizens was shunned, ridiculed, and short lived.

Erik sighed and smiled to her, he didn't want to hurt her feelings, of course with all the other women that had been brought aboard and then returned, she would probably have hard feelings after. Didn't mean that they had to be apart forever, just meant they had to say goodbye.

The day wore on and of course the crew of the Siren's Song went about their routine after disguising the ship. Clara would also help around the ship a bit, carrying light loads, or helping Dana cook. The equine and mouse had really hit it off, not to mention Clara was also empathetic with Elizabeth who was the ships medical personnel.

Elizabeth, a lioness, herself had been a kidnapped victim of the ships crew, but instead of Erik seducing her and taking advantage of her, she showed a fierce prideful defiance. However, when she declared that she had knowledge in the field of medicine Erik, and the crew, were quick to change their treatment of her.

Elizabeth had decided to stay with the crew after the fight between Leanne and Janice broke out, she tended to both of them. She had also once attended to Erik when he got slightly injured in a duel. The lioness would stay mostly in the crew quarters or in the kitchen talking with Dana but really never got into being a pirate. Erik assumed that at some point she'd return to land, but for now she was a valuable commodity on the ship.

"Batten down the hatches!" yelled Eric as the dusk came. "We are sailing in!"

"YAAARR!" the crew responded, the Siren's Song then drifted into the cove of Pilferer's Peninsula in the darkness, guided by lanterns on the docks, where once secured the crew locked all doors to prevent intrusion. Only two stayed awake, Polly and Janice who stayed in the crows nest.

When one was sleeping the other was awake, they watched in intervals of four turns of the hourglass. Ever vigilant, keen, and silent, all the way till daybreak. When the sun rose the crew awoke, ate breakfast and then silently went about their business. Selena dove into the water to check for cracks or holes in the hull and the also remove the barnacles from the bottom of the ship.

Polly flew out to take a bird's eye view of the peninsula. The rest of the crew prepared the ship in case they needed to take off quickly. Yet when noon hit Erik called his crew together.

"Assignments for tonight ladies, Celeste and Karen will get the supplies as usual, Janice, Polly, and Tal will be on ship watch. The next rotation out tomorrow night will have Helen, Selena, and Frenchie on ship watch. So tonight the crew going ashore, relax and be merry!" Erik rolled up the list, Clara was in his cabin and had been instructed to stay there, Pilferer's Peninsula was no place for a lady, unless you were a pirate lady.

Suddenly Polly squawked and the crew looked towards the gangplank to see, standing there, a very rough looking lion, he also wore the clothes of a pirate Captain, he also wore a buccaneer's hat and he growled as a crew of very unruly pirate men gathered behind him.

"Mason Black Ear the buccaneer..." Erik said with a sneer that was all too common when pirates recognized each other.

"Erik the White and his wenches..." Hissed Mason in return, the rest of the seafaring lion's crew murmured looking at the two Captain pirates staring each other down.

"So what bring the Captain of the Lucid Tide to the deck of the Siren's Song?" Erik's tail swished in annoyance. Erik's crew was spring loaded, ready to pounce if the other Captain had come to start a fight.

"Oh just a message, I be having in me company an acquaintance of yours but it not be cheap to deliver messages especially when the messenger threatens me crew." The pirates of the Lucid Tide gave a "Yo Ho!" in unison.

"I be thinking that twenty pieces might just give you back your messenger, who parlayed with us, in one piece, if you care." Mason grinned. Erik could not fathom who or what the other Captain was implying, was it a previous girl he had been with? Certainly it couldn't be... no she was dead, but still it intrigued his curiosity.

"Now I don't think that is a fair price there Black Ear..." Erik began.

"Captain Black Ear you scum!" one of Mason's crew members yelled. It was a large brown bear, with an axe almost four feet in length.

"Captain Black Ear..." Erik corrected himself "I think we should settle this with a pirate's handshake..." Mason was taken aback. A pirate's handshake was a one on one duel between pirates, sometimes to the death.

"You and I, do a pirate's handshake? You be barking up the wrong tree there laddy!" Mason said with a gleam in his eye. He took of his hat showing the frostbitten and blacked left ear that was his namesake.

"No... your big mouthed fellow there, and one of my crew members... just until one falls, or cries uncle." Erik said with a grim smile on his face. Erik's crew knew what was about to happen.

"Then I accept! Choose the little wench who will be fighting Brutis!" Mason gleefully exclaimed placing his hat back on. Black Ear looked towards Karen; the big razorback would probably be Erik's best choice against another strong fellow, like his ships resident muscle. Brutis stepped forward as the rest of Mason's crew stepped back forming a half circle.

"Chiako..." Erik hissed and stepped back letting the Siamese walk up to meet her challenger. The feline wore a simple oriental type dress, and had a pair of attractive long pins holding her hair in a bun. The huge bear was at first stunned seeing this petite feline walking up to him, she bowed, and Brutis let out a laugh.

"All too easy!" the bear bellowed readying his axe. Erik's crew formed another semi-circle completing the ring. Mason took his hat off and held it up.

"Let the pirate's handshake... begin!" the hat was dropped and as soon as it hit the deck the large bear lunged at the feline. His axe pulled back for a strike; he wasn't all too concerned about hitting a lady, yet he decided that he would use the flat of his axe to stun her. Chiako waited till the very last second and with reflexes that were like greased lightning she weaved out of the way of the incoming axe and darted back in. Brutis didn't even see what happened as he finished his swing only to find that the spot, that the woman had been standing in, was empty.

At first he thought he had connected and knocked her off the ship but the crowd around him yelled and he looked towards the end of his axe. There standing effortlessly on the shaft of his weapon was Chiako. Her eyes gazing at him, her lips formed a gentle smile. Then suddenly Brutis found a kick across his face, equivalent to being hit by a bag of bricks.

Chiako flipped with acrobatic grace off of her perch and darted back in, her fist straightened out, and with an accurate and powerful knife hand strike she struck Brutis in the arm. Brutis yelled as Chiako's strike landed home right to his funny bone, but with overwhelming force.

The axe clattered to the ground and Brutis grasped his arm, as spasms ran up and down his limb, only to have the wind knocked from him from multiple panther fist punches to his abdominals. He staggered back and Chiako ducked and spun around extending her leg. The large bear fell like a freshly chopped tree in the forest, landing on his back with a thud.

The crew of the Siren's Song cheered and hooted. Chiako bowed to Brutis and turned her back to him. The bear got to his feet shakily and with roar of humiliation did a full on tackle, no skill, no technique, he just wanted to hurt this feline who had made a fool of him.

Chiako turned a bit too late and was knocked to her back with the bear snarling over her pinning her arms. Erik's crew booed and hissed and the bear paused.

"He was knocked down! Foul! Rawk! Foul!" Polly squawked.

"Nay! Be no foul! This be uh... er... pirate's overtime! Two outta three!" Mason said, of course with pirates, making up rules on the fly was a common thing. Erik's crew looked at him as the bear held Chiako, who remained still and calm, on the deck of the ship.

"Pirate's overtime eh?... how about we up the stakes?" Erik rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"And what be on your mind?" Mason inquired.

"How about if Chiako wins, we choose any one of the crew of the Lucid Tide to stay on this ship and be at the mercy of my pirates for a day?" Erik's words were reinforced by Helen cracking her whip and the rest of the crew giving a "YAAARR!"

"And if Brutis be winnin?" Mason inquired stroking his own chin in though.

"Then one of the ladies out of the circle here, of your choosing, will go to your ship, and be at the mercy of your pirates for a day." Erik said darkly. However, Mason's crew was ever so quick to agree to the terms, with a shout of approval.

"Agreed!" Mason spat

"So be it... Chiako..." Erik said with a grin.

Again Brutis found himself on the receiving end of a foot, this time to his stomach, as he was flipped over on his head. Chiako had planted a foot in his gut and tossed him over her like a rag doll. She kipped up to her feet without the use of her hands and spun to face her opponent. Brutis clambered to his feet as Chiako went into a stance, he threw a punch only to be rewarded with a flying jump kick to the nose.

Brutis could not understand it, how could such a little thing like her, hit so hard? He was again pummeled in the stomach with punches that were like thunder bolts. He again was swept off his feet and suddenly his neck was straddled by the Siamese. He reached up to try and dislodge her, but when he opened his eyes he froze in shock.

Chiako had pulled her hair pins out and they were both just centimeter's from his eyes. If it had been a fight to the death he would not only have lost, but he would have been blinded and eventually killed by this femme fatal!

"Chiako! Enough!" Erik said sternly and the cat rolled off the bear letting him breath again with one flourishing movement wrapped her hair in a bun again with the pins.

"Uncle...", gasped Brutis before he fainted. Weather he fainted from embarrassment or from the fact that he could have been killed was uncertain. Mason's crew let out a disgruntled boo, but Mason pulled out his pistol and fired it up in the air and instantly his crew went silent.

"Shut it you scurvy scum! A bargain, be a bargain!" Mason tucked his pistol back into his belt. "So which one of me crew you be taking for your crew to torture?" Mason snorted indignantly.

The crew of the Siren's Song began a huddle and then when they broke the huddle all of the crews' fingers were pointed at Mason. Mason was stunned and took a step back.

"Now wait a second!" Mason protested.

"Anyone of the crew, of the Lucid Tide." Erik repeated. "I didn't stutter! My crew has chosen!" Erik crossed his arms eyeing the other Captain.

Mason was caught between staying on the Siren's Song and being tortured or backing out and loosing his crews faith in him. He decided that he would have to stay strong and endure this humiliation.

"I accept Erik, but you be payin' for this! Mark my words!" Mason said, then the lion turned to his crew.

"You swabs go back to the Lucid Tide and get it ready to sail the moment I return!" with that Mason stepped up to Erik and nodded as the crew of the Siren's Song lead Captain Black Ear away.


"Sir we just received a report!" the scout saluted Henningsway and stood at attention. The timber wolf Captain eyed the scout.

"Speak." Henningsway put his belt on and adjusted his collar.

"Sir a ship pulled into the harbor during the night." Henningsway huffed and looked though his telescope eyeing the flag. He consulted with his heralding officer.

"What ship is that?" He inquired with suspicion. It looked like the Siren's Song but the sails and flags were different.

"Looks like the Mermaid's Kiss, Sir. Run by another pirate Barus Hookfist." Said the officer pointing to the flag on his chart. He pointed out to Henningsway that the Siren's Song and the Mermaid's Kiss could have been identical ships.

"Get me the status on that pirate, I need to know all documented encounters with that ship." Henningsway looked though his telescope again at the flag on the ship. was it possible that Erik the white could have sails from different ships? There was only one way to find out, and that was with the documents from the Scarlet Squall.


Helen cracked the whip, but the lion did not even jump. She smiled and approached him licking her lips that whip snaking from side to side.

"Do ye worst wench! I be a proud pirate Captain and be not afraid of ye!" Black Ear sneered at the ferret. Mason was stripped down naked tied upright and spread eagle, he watched as the ferret woman cocked her head to one side.

"Who said I wanted you to be afraid Captain...?" Helen grinned and dropped the whip to the ground, Mason's jaw dropped as he observed the ferret woman beginning to unbutton her blouse letting it drift to the floor. Her trousers followed, and she stood naked before him.

Mason gulped as he watched her kneel down before his tied up body, her hands moving to his testicles as she lightly caressed them. He tongue licked over the tip of his penis which made it swell. As it started to inflate the ferret giggled and licked over he head of it this time bringing his cock to full mast.

Black Ear did not say a word as he watched this female lick over his member, and then she lightly began to suckle on the tip of it; she moved up so that she could capture the lion's throbbing member between her breasts as she sucked on the head of his pole her tongue swirling around it.

Mason purred in pleasure as he felt the female sucking, licking, and stroking his cock. He wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out, his testicles tightening to his body as he felt his cum rising. Yet, before he could release she stopped and grinning up to him.

"Now Captain Black Ear..." Helen said, as she stood up and lifted a leg moving into position as her mound rubbed up to his hard member.

"Time for me to swab your mast." Helen moaned as she slowly lowered herself onto that thick lion cock and she gasped feeling it squeeze into her tightness. She lifted her legs up and wrapped them around the lion's waist as she softly squeezed around him.

The Captain gasped. In this little private hold in the bowels of the ship, for a turn he was getting ravaged by this sexy little mustelidae. She squirmed upon him and then she began to bounce herself upon him. He watched her breast flounce around before him as her cunt stroked his meat.

"Make sure you don't wear him out too soon Helen, we still want a turn!" called Selena from the side. The dolphin giggled watching the ferret working on the lion, and sitting next to Selena was Frenchie.

Black Ear was not aware that they were being watched, only the fact that now his hips were thrusting up into the ferret at a faster pace as she strove to bring himself release. He gave a roar as he felt himself on the verge of cumming and then Helen buried herself all the way down on him.

The lion's hot liquids geyser into the females soft, warm belly and she gasped savoring every jetting spurt as it filled and overflowed from her little stretched slit. Helen gave a nip at the lion's nose before she slowly pulled off, dismounting from him and smiling.

"My, he does have a lot." Helen could feel that warm liquid running down her leg slowly, she turned her tail waving as she walked off to get cleaned up in the adjoining cabin.

"Next!" Helen said from the wash room signaling she was fulfilled for the day.

Selena and Frenchie both made fists and with a three count they did a rock, paper, scissors with Frenchie throwing paper, and Selena throwing rock. Frenchie stood up and sauntered over to Mason while removing her clothes.

"If ve untie you Ca-pi-tan, vill you promize to be good?" Frenchie's thick accent making that lion's erection renew in strength.

"But of course madame." Captain Black Ear responded with the best French accent he could.

"Oh! You speak ze language of luv?" asked the attractive lapin, now naked, pressed up to him, her nose touching his.

"We!" the lion responded and licked his lips his eyes roaming her body.

In a matter of moments Mason was released from his bonds and both him and Frenchie were kissing and writhing on the small bed in the room as Selena watched. The dolphin, already naked in anticipation, was fingering herself as she watched the two make out in foreplay.

The lion was suckling upon the female rabbit's nipples, one at a time, back and forth as his fingers dipped into her honey pot, his thumb rubbing over her clit. Frenchie gasped and clutched at Mason as the lion played with her body. When she was nice and wet, Black ear turned her over and holding her hips, thrusted into her little sex deep and hard.

Frenchie squealed in pleasure as she felt that huge lion bottom out in her and her hips started to grind back against him. He bucked into her from behind as he felt that soft womb enveloping his cock in wet flesh. He leaned down listening to the female moaning in her native tongue again and again.

"Ooooohhh! Si énorme, tellement profondément!" as well as cries of joy came from the rabbit rutting back lewdly as the lion thrusted forward. His hands moved from her hips to her breasts and he gently pulled her back against him as he rammed forward in lust.

Then the Captain felt the dolphin move up behind him and she pressed her breasts to his back her hands wrapping around the front of his body, he didn't mind though. The female dolphin leaned close to his good ear and whispered.

"That's right Captain. Fuck that tight little hole, ram it to her and fill that little cunt with your juices." Selena's tongue licked into his good ear. Black Ear could not take it anymore and buried himself to the hilt in the lapin before he released his seed once more. Each spurt brought forth a squeak of pleasure from the rabbit, before he finally pulled out leaving the bunny sated on the bed.

"Now how about my turn?" Selena whispered into his ear. Mason was all too happy to oblige, turning to her as she lay back on the edge of the bed; her mound turned up to him and her legs spread. He drove into her, holding her legs as she let out a cry of pleasure. Damn how he loved being a pirate!