Hay Loft Morning
This is story is copywrited to me and may not have any changes made to it unless you have my permission. IF you are not of legal age to preview adult content please do not read further than this warning. But of course we all know you wont go back anyways so you cant blame me for warning you. It wont be my fualt if ya get in trouble^.^
Um this is my first story so i would really like some feedback on it. I plan on making more but i have to see how this one goes. Right now i have some ideas but i really dont know when i can make another one. When i do ill shout it out on my userpage. sorry if it takes a while but just bare with me! Any who ANY comments or down falls in the story ( be nice please ) than just e-mail me @ [email protected] Thank you for actually taking time out of your life to read this little rambling paragraph and starting to read my story. Any ways ill stop boring you. Go ahead and start reading since i know thats why you\'re really here. Oh im SORRY but one more thing, if you see any errors in the story please let me know (i know how that bothers some people. I was never good at proof reading ^.^)
Hay Loft Morning
"Alright....come on....almost there. Up you go. Come on. Lift!"
The unicorn (named Shee) came to the barn door with puzzlement debating with herself on whether or not if she should go in with so much noise coming from it. She finally decided to and stepped in saying
"Um-m-m it sounds like someone having sex in here, and I seriously do not want to see any pot bellies or saggy butts if I walk in on you."
A chuckle met her statement as she rounded the corner to see a black wolf wearing nothing but jeans leaning against a tower of hay bales.
"Sorry, I must have gotten too carried away when I was working. You know without a radio or anything a guy needs a beat to work to. Um I'm pretty sure I don't have a saggy butt or a pot belly so you can sleep well tonight."
Still chuckling he turned around and picked up a bale of hay to make another stack. "Mm you definitely don't have a any bad body characteristics." Shee thought as she did a slow once over, over the wolfs back. The wolf (whose name was Edward) was muscular but not so much that he looked like some steroid taking bouncer at a club, but just enough to make any female (or those selected males) shudder with secretive thoughts about that body. He was about 5 foot 7 inches and had pure onyx black fur with baby blue eyes. Shee was as of right know thinking how he would look against her snow white, 5 foot t 3 inch unicorn body.
"So, how are the fields? Last time I check the other guys...."
Edward trailed off as he saw that the unicorn wasn't even hearing him. Lost in her own little world, Shee was slightly tapping her cloven hoof (also known as her feet) on the floor and biting her finger nails on her hands (which looked like human hands.) Walking up to her Edward waved his hand (which also looked like humans hands but his feet looked like wolf paws) in front of her unfocused midnight blue eyes.
"Earth to Shee, can you please come out of what ever little world you went into-"
"Oh!" Shee gasped cutting off Edward. "Um I-I-I'm sorry were you saying anything?" Blushing slightly Shee felt awkward about talking to the object of her fantasies.
Shaking his head and smiling Edward said
"I really don't want to know what you were thinking, but yes I did say something and it kinda went like "How are the fields? Last time I check the guys where halfway done." And thus you respond..."
Edward looked at her with amusement
"Oh um, Oh I just had it."
Still flustered Shee couldn't get her thoughts in order since little naughty scenes still went through her head.
"OH! I just remembered. That was the reason I was coming in here. They guys are done, there're in Mary's kitchen about to eat all of the food and I wanted to see if you were going to eat."
She said slightly out of breath. Edward nodded and was trying hard not to laugh at Shee's antics when he gave up and started laughing. Holding his sides he started crying since he was laughing so hard.
"What is so funny?"
Shee said stomping her hoof like a three year old. Then she gasped at a thought.
"I didn't say anything wrong did I? I mean..."
She wondered if she had said part of her fantasy out loud. Laughter slightly subsided Edward said
"Sure, sure I'll go eat, and no I don't think you said anything wrong. Come on lets go and eat."
Shee nodded dumbly still wondering what was so funny. She turned and led Edward out. Has she turned Edward go a good view of her jean covered butt. Shee's lion like tail swished as her hips swayed in an extremely sexy manner. She didnt seem to know what she was doing to Edward.
"Mm yummy."
Thought Edward as he looked at her figure from behind (sound familiar?) Shee was wearing a tight black T-shirt, that hugged her figure deliciously, and tight jeans. The unicorn had a snow white mane and a 6inch long unicorn horn. She had about C cup breasts and silk smooth, snow white skin. Edward had a crush on Shee since he first met her when he was hired on the small ranch about 2 years ago. Shee was the daughter of Mary, the solo runner of the ranch. Edward was wondering why he had never really told her his feelings. They where both 21 so parental supervision wasn't a problem. Edward and the other three workers (all males Jake, who was also a wolf, Ryan a rabbit, John a panther) all lived at the ranch in their own condos a bit away from the main house. Mary was nice enough to build them the condos since she believed that "Bosses should show some sort of hospitality, not just boss people around." Edward snorted at the thought and said aloud
"You do know that you mother spoils us to no end right?"
Shee looked at him and smiled at his random statement.
"Ya, I know. I think it goes with the whole thing that she only had me and always wanted another child, so she treats you guys like overly sized 3 year olds."
Chuckling she opened the side kitchen door and took in the scent of eggs, bacon, and biscuits. Jake, Ryan, and John were already sitting at the table wolfing down the breakfast. The three guys ranged from 21-25 in age and still acted like teenagers. Mary looked up at the noise of Shee and Edward entering and beamed her million watt smile.
"Oh, you two are finally here! Come, come and sit down and eat before these three knuckleheads eat all of the food."
She gently cuffed Ryan and started setting two other spots for the unicorn and wolf. Ryan blushed slightly at the gentle gesture. Everyone (other than Mary) thought that Ryan had feelings for Mary but no one was for sure. Mary heaped servings of food on Edward's and Shee's plate while she continued to talk.
"Here Edward I'll give you some more eggs. A strapping young pup like you needs a lot of energy to go through out you day. Its so nice of you boys to help me on the ranch. I know I always tell you guys this but I don't know where'd I'd be if you four weren't here. I-"
"Mom! Its ok I think they get it. Calm down."
Shee said as cutting off the middle aged unicorn's breathless chatter.
"Oh, sorry didn't mean to be a bother."
Said Mary as she looked over he meal efforts.
"Your not being a bother mom I was just saying that they were fine."
Shee said as she sat down across from Edward.
"Breakfast is great."
Said both Jake and John at the same time. They looked at each other and smile. To go along with the Ryan subject, everyone also thinks that John and Jake are gay and really like each other. Edward smirked at the two and started eating a bit more civilized than the other three.
"So how far are you with the hay?" asked Jake around a mouth full of egg.
"Oh I'm almost done I just have to stack up the last ten and it will be finished." Replied Edward "I'm going out after I eat to finish it."
Jake nodded and continued eating. The rest of the meal continued with out farther conversation except the few grunts of thanks when the workers left the table to continue their chores.
Edward sat on a bale of hay and sat thinking. He had noticed while he was eating that he really did like Shee. He almost loved her even. "Shit." He said aloud. He knew she didn't even like him. He would just have to keep to his fantasy. Getting up his tailed drooped down dejectedly and he looked at the bails without interest. He couldn't get her out of his mind. Each sway of her hips, each one of her smiles.
"Oh Edward you are in trouble. Why couldn't you have thought of something else while you ate hum? Oh know you just had to think about Shee."
He rambled on but stopped suddenly when he saw Shee standing in the door way obviously she had heard his confessions.
"OH um hey Shee. You didn't be chance hear any of that did you?"
Shee just continued to look at him with a odd look.
"Guess so." Edward sighed and said. "Well I guess you already know but I really like you Shee and I know you don't like me so maybe he can just stay friends?" He looked at her hopefully.
"Oh, Edward I do like you actually. I was um..."
Shee trailed off and wondered if she should tell him or not.
"Well what the hell. While we are doing this whole confessional thing. I was thinking about us earlier when I was off in 'my own little world' this morning." Shee said.
"Really?" Asked Edward.
Shee smiled and said, "Really. And I think maybe I should make my fantasy come to life eh?"
Shee stepped toward Edward with a sly look and put her hands on his shoulders. Edward gulped.
"do you know how much I really want you and how many times I had fantasized about you and me in this very barn?"
Shee just purred as she ran her hands up and down his chest.
"You smell like hay." Shee said into his neck fur.
"Well I do work in the barn."
He stated huskily as her hands ventured father, down over his hipbones and on to his hard, slim muscle of his thighs. A hill was forming between his legs, lifting the crotch of his jeans. As it rose, Shee measured it with her thumbs, testing its resilience and size. His legs fell open while he sat on the bale of hay. Edward closed his eyes as she continued her petting's. When she stopped his eyes opened to slits only to widen to see the she was taking off her shirt. Shee wore a blue satin bra. At the sight of her beaded tips of her breasts through the material, he attacked his shirt.
"Are you sure you want to do this here?" he asked even has he took off the shirt, chest muscles flexing as he wrenched it off.
"Oh I'm sure." She said, winking her left eye she shimmied out of her jeans.
Edwards jaw dropped at her slim thighs and perfectly shaped calves. Shee started to take off her bra when Edward started to frankly take off his pants and watch her at the same time, almost tripping over his pants. Shee giggled and took off her final piece of clothing , her panties, and stood before him in her naked glory. Edward took in a quick breath and whistled.
"Shee you are beautiful."
He stated. Shee just blushed and looked down shyly.
"Hold on."
Edward said and dashed to the supply closet and looked for a blanket. Finding one he ran back, panting he took a look at her and quickly laid down the blanket.
"You look adorable in nothing but your cotton briefs." Shee said slightly giggling.
Edward looked down ad notice that he had kept his underwear on.
"Here." She said and stepped forward.
Edward sat down on the blanket and Shee followed him down. She took a hold of the waist band of his briefs and slowly dragged them down. When she had gotten them completely off he gently laid her back and put his arms on either side of her and looked down into her eyes. Shee gazed up at him and while she intertwined her legs with his, she reached down and touched his wolfhood.
"It feels so soft but its so hard, if that makes sense." She said in wonder.
He sucked in a breath at her exploring touch and then moaned when she tightened her hand lightly. Edward gently pushed her hand away
"Later you can go exploring." He promised,
and shifted up to fit his cock to the mouth of her vagina. He rocked back and forth in tiny tormenting surges, not entering, merely testing the snug resilience of her sexual muscles. Shee lifted her knees
"Please," she said "come inside."
But he continued to tease her, adding an upward slide to the motion so that her clit entered into the torture as well. Frustrated, Shee hitched her legs high still, lifting until her calves curved over his hard, furred shoulders. The position opened her so thoroughly that his head popped inside at the next push. Edwards mouth 'O'd at her unexpected flexibility. Before he could regroup, Shee crossed her ankles behind his neck and pulled, swallowing three quarters of his cock at a single stroke.
"Oh, man," Edward breathed.
He resettled himself to accommodate this change in posture, shifting his elbows and catching her hands in his. He laced their fingers together, locking them tight. Determined to press home her advantage, Shee contracted her leg muscles one last time, forcing him the rest of the way in. Edward filled her wonderfully, his cock thick and vital, his breathing harried. She could have stayed that way all day, but warm flickering depths of a females sex is one place a male has trouble keeping still. Edward grunted with impatience.
"If you don't ease up, I won't be able to move." He said.
"well maybe I like you where you are." Shee responded.
"Please," he said his pout a charming put on, "I've been waiting forever."
She could resist him. After all she's been waiting too. Once she'd relaxed her grip, he set a single-minded pace. Digging his knees into the blanket, he focused his energy on the motion of his lower body. Straight and hard, he plunged. Firm and sure, he withdrew, tugging slightly each time his glans caught her brink. As he thundered into her, he spread her arms wider and wider until his furred chest weighted hers and a delicious pressure burnt in her thighs. He could feel her response, though. He could feel her clutch his pistoning shaft with all her might and hear the growing wetness of their meeting. His rhythm accelerated.
"Ah, God, I needed this," he said, shaking sweaty head fur out of his eyes.
His cheek caressed her shin where it crooked his shoulder.
"I thought I'd go mad when I couldn't because I thought you didn't like me. I could take you a dozen times day and never have too much."
"Fuck me then," Shee said, desperate to drown herself in this libidinous sea. "Fuck me hard and don't slow down."
His gaze flew to hers, but he wasn't put off by her language. His cock shimmied inside her and his lungs expanded like bellows.
"Alright then." Edward said as he regripped her hands and drew a deep, bracing breath. "Hold on tight."
He pumped her smooth as silk, his way slicked by her lubricious enthusiasm. Shee bit her lip until she tasted blood, throwing herself over the cliff of feeling she came long and hard, sucking him inward so strong he needed all his strength to withdraw.
"Jesus," he moaned, pulling harder. "you don't seem to know how fantastic you look"
Shee laughed and whispered, "Fuck me, Edward, Fuck me."
His weight slammed into her , faster , faster, his intrusion increasingly full, increasingly greedy. His face contorted with need. It sheened with perspiration that soaked into his fur.
"Oh, no," he said, starting to shudder. "Oh Shee."
He gulped for air. His hands gripped hers with bruising strength. He dove in one last time, the deepest, thickest yet, and spasmed at the extremity of his down-stroke. Howling quietly, he continued to come. Shee reveled in the strength of his convulsions, and then she, too, crashed through the barrier. Edward cried out when he felt her quiver, coaxing out her orgasm with swift churning motion of his pelvis until another climax, this one even more forceful, barreled over the first. They lay there together. Their sweating bodies intertwined so that black and white mixed into seemingly one form.
"Incredible," Edward said as her rolled carefully aside laid his head on her shoulder. "Thank you Shee."
"It was my pleasure." She said and sighed contently.
As they lay there, both of them thought that they truly did love the other.
~*The End*~