
Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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By: Jizzal

For: Stank

Stank is © his player


The wolf whined as he took a step backwards, stumbling to the ground with a thud. The poor lupine had taken a blast of rather potent skunk spray, directly in the face. The one responsible for the wolf's newfound perfume was still standing there, holding his sides as he laughed, loudly.

"Ughh...awwwrrr...*whine*.." the once intimidating wolf turned smelly pile of whimpering fur, managed to gasp out. His sensitive nose made the smell all but worse for him, and he couldn't escape it.

After catching his breath, the mischievous skunk wiped, ironically named Stank, (wonder why? Ask the wolf.) wiped away a tear as he looked down at the fallen predator who was trying to smoother the smell out with dirt by burring his muzzle in it, which did nothing to help.

"Heheh...ahhh...don't you just love it? And don't worry, the smell is bound to last a while, so I hope you enjoy it!" Stank giggled and with that, turned and walked away from the wolf who nearly tossed his cookies all over the ground, the reek, rancid smell was too much.

The now happy skunk gave a sigh of relief as he pulled out a small notebook, turning a page that had a list with several names. Some of the names were crossed out, and after brandishing a pen, another name was crossed out. "Random Wolf that got me last week," who just so happened to be the wolf that was now whimpering and trying to bury his head into the ground. With a smirk, he looked over the list, humming a little to himself as he thinks of who to get next on his "Hit List," or rather spray list.

The list was formed by those who had the pleasure of getting their hands on the smelly little skunk, and by devouring him shortly after! In rather humiliating ways was usually the case too, so one day Stank decided...why not keep track? Make a list...and check it twice. Spray those that have it coming, since he didn't appear to enjoy being a meal, not many would, with a few exceptions for certain individuals.

Now the skunk on his smelly mission, Stank, stood just under four feet tall, if his white makeshift fur that grew out in a rather stylish Mohawk shape atop his head. With that said, Stank was an easy target, clear and simple if one judged by appearance. Even though he was a skunk, hungry beings of all species, even a few "Herbivores", still loved to dine on the small mephit, Stank in particular. Why? Well for starters, Stank was TASTY! Another reason was that he came back to the world of the living after ending up in the stomach (or often other places) and ending with digestion, not a terribly uncommon thing in certain areas, but still unheard of in most. But the main reason? It was because 95% of the time Stank would forget to use what made skunks notorious, especially when they were in danger. That's right, the little guy had a tendency to forget to spray his predators, which would probably give him ample time to get away. However, since Stank didn't usually spray, he was an easy target, small, furry, tasty, even though he still stunk, the taste made up for it.

Stank knew he needed a solution to, so he came up with an idea, an unusual thing for the skunk indeed! Vengeance, in the form of a nice well thought out list. He would write down the name of the predator...well usually he didn't get a name, so he just made sure to write down what they looked like, then track them down later to do to them what he should have done the last time they met. Spray them in the face, which was rather annoying...and disgusting...but skunk spray was very powerful, especially Stank's, so getting stink in the face would annoy the hell out of anyone, also turn them into whimpering little creatures trying to bury their heads in the ground.

With a soft yawn, the little skunk adjusted his pants before taking a seat on a park bench, in a park he visited often. He looked over his list and wondered who to get next, it was a big list, so it was a lot of hard work...but it had it's own rewards.

"Hmmm...lets see....who to get next? Choices...Choices...kitsune? Nah...too easy...tiger? Too hard." Stank paused and made a note with a star, "Get while asleep, ha! Hehe...this is going to b-"

"What're you doin' Stank?" A voice said right into the skunk's right ear, causing him to freeze with his mouth still slightly opened.

"....Meep..." Stank squeaked out as he turned ever so slowly to see who it was, though he gave a slight frown at the face, he remembered who it was, very well in fact.

", I scared you? I should see what happens when I try to scare you instead of ask a simple question, what're you doin' here bro?" The other skunk asked as he gave a tired stretch, as well as a slight yawn before letting his arms swing freely at his sides before resting them on the bench.

"Nah...I could smell you a mile away Jizzal, what are you doing? Other than sneaking around that is, and I'm busy so please hurry it up." Stank rolled his eyes some and closed his little black book of people to spray.

The other skunk addressed as "Jizzal," just smiled and snickered a little. He was much larger than his "little bro," standing a little more than five and a half feet tall, his color scheme was rather different then most skunks. He still had the stripes going down his back, and a large fluffy tail sticking out of a slit in his pants, he was easily identified as a skunk.

"Did you just use a stink joke on me? That is so sad, you're name is Stank for crying out loud. And believe it or not, I'm here for a reason."

Stank blinked and tried to get serious as he heard that last part. "A reason?"

"Yes, a reason. For one, this place reeks, smells like a naughty little skunky has been going around spraying everything that moves, or rather, everything that moves -and- eats." The larger skunk chuckled, he knew he had found the naughty little skunky responsible.

"Oh big deal, so a bunch of preds got sprayed, is that a crime?"

"It is when it makes the entire skunk society look like a bunch of smelly striped cats," Jizzal smirked as he flipped through Stank's little black book nonchalantly, Stank didn't even notice it was out of his pocket.

"Meh, who cares? They get what's coming to them, shouldn't you be backing me up? I thought I was your little bro?" Stank gave a fake whine and gave the most adorable eyes he ever could, before he noticed that Jizzal was well...reading everything he had written down in his book. "Hey! Give that back!" Stank yipped and tried to snatch for it, but the larger mephit kept the little one at bay with a single paw as he just shook his head.

"Stank, Stank, never learn do you?" Jizzal began to laugh some and he tossed Stank back his little booklet, ironically showing his spray page, which had Jizzal on it, in fact there were several exclamation marks after his name.

"Learn what? Oh, your name is on here?! Oh well that is...that is weird...yep, sure is."

"And now you're lying? Oh that is so terrible, you do know it just makes things worse."

Stank gulped nervously, but it wouldn't hurt to weasel his way out of his little prediciment...he could get lucky, he hoped. Or Jizzal could have just been messing with the skunk's mind; he liked to do that, maybe that's why there was such an urgent rush for him to be sprayed.

"Bah...and so what? What are you going to do about it?" Stank smirked, defiantly, Jizzal blinked and shrugged.

"I dunno, probably something you wouldn't like, I could give a list, but I'm far too lazy to, word of advice, don't try to piss of the AlphaSkunk Stank, it ends with..." Jizzal would have continued his sentence, but he was rudely cut off by laughter.

"Heheh...hhehehe....ahahahahahahah!! You? The AlphaSkunk now? Well I used to think you were the alpha kinda, but nope, 'sides, there are much bigger skunks around here you know."

"Ah Stank, size shouldn't matter, and you shouldn't talk to you big bro like that, should you?"

"Hehe..big bro? I'm older than you are, so what the heck? Aren't I older, so I'm the big bro, and with that logic, I'm the AlphaSkunk."

Jizzal just blinked, there was a large train crash that just happened, but the skunk didn't see it happening, he was blinded by rage, but was able to keep his cool creepy exterior.

"Meh, I call you bro so that when I do bad things to you, I don't feel so know...things like..." in mid sentence, Jizzal reached down and tore off Stank's shirt. "I dunno, that, or I could follow up with..." There was another loud ripping nose and Stank lost a pair of pants in one simple tear. "Then what? I dunno, possibly something alone the lines of me dangling you by a single limb...hmm.." and with that, Jizzal tool hold of Stank's right ankle, and lifted him off the bench and swung him around, he was indeed dangling, and still part in shock. Dangling, AND naked, all in less than fifteen seconds.

Stank finally let what just happened go to his brain, he yelped and squirmed a bit too late, but the idea was still there at least.

"Hey! You just! I -liked- those clothes Jizz! And put me down!"

The larger skunk looked as if he had been stabbed through the heart, THAT hurt indeed. That four letter word caused a rather evil glare, one that was directed at Stank who tried to take it all in, in stride.

"What...did you call me?..."

"Hehe...whoops?...Forgot you hated that...uhm...sorry! And I'm sorry about putting you on the spray list!"

Jizzal shook his head, "No, keep me on, you should have those you're scared of on there anyway...."

"Really? Hooray! Now I can get a head start on you!" Stank giggled and aimed himself just right, until his spray hole almost locked onto to his target before letting out a warm musky blast of skunk stink, right into the larger skunk's face, hitting him on the side of his muzzle, and causing his fur to mat down and drip.

"Hehe...well...that's good right? You practically said 'spray me'" Stank nodded, still laughing as he hung from the skunk's paw which tightened around the ankle a little.

"Now stop with the starin' Jizz, put me down, you had your fun."

That was it, Jizzal snapped. He was a little dizzy from the blast of...well Stank, the warm thick smell filled his nostrils, causing his eyes to water and even a few coughs, but he wasn't letting go. He just kept his glare as he reached for his pants and dropped them to his ankles, kicking them aside, his head reeking terribly.



With a soft smile, Jizzal looked as though he was going to let Stank down...but he actually did let the little guy down, to the ground? Oh no, he had shoved the mischievous little skunk nearly muzzle first into his spray hole, as his tail raised, showing that Stank had his nose resting on the glands which still gave off the smell of Jizzal's own spray. Stank gulped, and before he could say anything, his nose was filled with a horrible foul liquid. His eyes watered, his stomach churned, and his body spasmed as he got a taste of his own medicine, though Jizzal's spray was much more potent, it also burned a little...or well a lot, it all depend on how much the victim could withstand. Jizzal gave a sigh of content as his glands emptied onto, or rather into Stank's nose, and poor Stank by that time wanted to vomit, as well as breathe. But if that wasn't enough, the larger skunk moved Stank's nose right to his anus, giving him a whiff of foul skunk butt before letting out a loud, wet, rippling blast of flatulence to seal the deal. The comical sound ripped the air for about ten full seconds before Stank's smell treatment was over.

Stank gave a cough and a low moan, his face was drenched...his nose...was on fire, his lungs? Forest fire, his sinuses? They would be missed dearly. Smelling worse than any bag of garbage, the little mostly limp skunk, still be held by his ankle upside down heard a soft laugh.

"Heh...see Stank? Wasn't that nice?" Jizzal snickered as he took hold of the dripping mephit's other ankle and brought them to his mouth to give them a few teasing licks. The larger skunk murred at the flavor and continued to taste the warm footpads.

"" Stank moaned with a glazed expression on his face, making him look rather half-baked, but completely smelly still.

There was a pause from the lickings and Stank slowly panted to regain his breath, the worst was behind him he hoped, but his feet were put into a rather warm and wet cramped space. The furry little toes wiggled as Stank managed to look up, but he wished he hadn't shortly afterwards, his feet were in Jizzal's mouth, and the skunk was nibbling them happily. Before Stank could react, the larger skunk took the smaller one's tail, and pulled it nicely over Stank's bottom and crotch, covering his spray hole, his only chance of escaping.

"H...Hey...this isn't funny Jizzal..." Stank moaned weakly as his feet received a rather nice massage in the ravenous pallet.

Jizzal shrugged, he thought it was more tasty than funny, so he pulled up on Stank's hips now to slide his feet further into this mouth until they hit his gullet with a wet squish, as well as a soft snicker from the hungry skunk, and on que his stomach rumbled into Stank's ears, making matters worse, hungry AND upset. Trying to escape the hungry maw, Stank started to wiggle his feet about in hopes of slipping them back out of the warm squishy grip, but that only made things worse. The throat muscles relaxed and literally let the feet slide down the esophagus, making a nice bulge in Jizzal's furry throat as his lips slid across the tender furry calves.

The larger skunk took a series of quick swallows to work up to Stank's knees as the skunk being devoured managed to look up at his body slowly vanishing into Jizzal's mouth. Jizzal's teeth slid through the skunk's fur like a nice comb, so at least his teeth weren't causing any damage, but the feeling of having one's legs slurped down a slipper dark throat was a whole 'nother story. With a wet slip of the jaws, Stank was up to his thighs in skunk maw, so he tried to pry Jizzal off of him with his paws weakly, still suffering from the effects of the cruel spray/gas treatment. Stank managed to push against the lips of his predator, but in doing so his finger tips became trapped under the lips, and in one swallow, his hands were pinned to his sides, and soon his wrists as he watched the skunk's jaws stretch like a snake to accommodate the width of his prey.

Jizzal smirked around Stank's rump and crotch which was covered in Stank's own large striped tail like an over-sized diaper. The wet thick drool dripping from Jizzal's maw was matting down the smaller skunk's fur nicely, making him nice and slick and above all much easier to swallow. The bulge in the hungry mephit's neck kept on growing, stretching out his chest and upper stomach as he wrapped his lips around the waist. He removed his paws from holding his prey, letting his jaws alone hold onto the skunk as he leaned his head back and smirked still as he opened a little bit wide with his mouth tilted, allowing gravity to help pull his wriggling meal down with almost no effort.

Stank splayed his ears back and winced visibly as he continued to sink into the waiting mouth belly, his body still tired and weak, but still managing a few squirms as he had the pleasure of watching himself sink closer to his fate of being a meal for someone he called his bro. The little skunk started to pant as his feet poked into the stomach, getting a nice welcome from the stomach as he kicked around the rippling walls of flesh as the rest of his lower legs followed. There was a soft whimper from Stank as he looked to Jizzal, their noses only inches away from touching, so the larger skunk changed that, bumping noses gently as his lips wrapped around the skunk's neck, causing him to stay still. There was a short pause as Stank got to see the outside world one last time before hie view was changed to that of Jizzal's mouth, and it closed around him, his cheeks bulging nicely.

Inside the mouth, Stank was greeted by the warm slimy tongue which slathered drool all over its captive as the light from outside was forever blocked out, encasing Jizzal's prey in total darkness. Jizzal smiled as he traced the bulge from his neck slide all the way down the rippling passage to his stomach, which sagged nicely with Stank's form. Stank curled up into a slight fetal position as the muscles squeezed and massaged all over him, he probably could have enjoyed some of it if the smell and heat wasn't so horrendous.

Jizzal rubbed his lower jaws before letting out a surprisingly loud and wet belch, sending drool from his muzzle and onto the ground, which was followed by laughter. Stank felt the belch rush up from under him nearly and give his body a nice tight squeeze, causing a sigh of defeat as he felt a paw rubbing against him from the outside.

"Aahh...urp...alpha...skunk, told ya.." Jizzal smiled and licked his lips as he pulled his pants back up and waddled over to a nearby tree, swaying Stank with every step before he plopped down under a tree to get some well deserved rest. He licked across his lips again, still tasting the delicious little stinker of a skunk with a soft sigh before dozing off to sleep.

Stank, with limited oxygen and energy, followed Jizzal as the acids began to seep into his stomach, filling the fleshy chamber halfway as Stank closed his eyes. A loud gurgle was heard, a sign that the skunk had been reduced to only food.

***Later that Day***

A few hours later, Jizzal finally awoke from his well deserved nap, giving a tired yawn as be rubbed his stomach where Stank once was, all that was left was a cute bit of pudge on the skunk's belly. As he made lazy under the tree, his ears perked at the sudden gurgling, which caused a soft snicker as the skunk rose and looked at the tree, perfect spot, then dropped his pants and raised his tail.

" want out Stank?" he asked with a chuckle.

Jizzal took in a nice deep breath before he took a nice squat over the base of the tree as his pants slide down to his ankles, and he closed his eyes. With a soft grunt, his intestines shifted around and about, sloshing through the remains of Stank, but first letting out a lout wet rippling fart,

"Ppppffffbbbttt.....hehe...same no one was here to hear it..." the skunk giggled and gritted his teeth as he started to push the remains of his "lil' bro" free finally.

With another grunt, Jizzal clenched his toes into the soft grass bellow as his tail hole started to widen nicely as a think sludgy brown turd began to slide free. The thick foul smelling waste slide free with a slow disgusting noise as the skunk pushed with all of his might to expel the foul slimy thing as it slide free from his ass. The shit began to slide free as if it was fresh chocolate ice-cream from the icream machine, it was just a brown, and just as creamy, but warm and probably didn't share the same taste. The head of the log made contact with the ground and the rest started to coil around it nicely, making a sloppy steaming pile of feces that kept on growing. Jizzal clenched both of his paws tightly as with great strain as the thick logs of steaming fecal matter didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon! He moaned to himself and smiled as he continued to push, adding more to the pile of Stank's remains. Embedded in the crap were a few white fragments, bones, and even a few pieces of fur left that and other parts of Stank's anatomy that survived the digestion. Jizzal was nearly done, but there was one last thing left in his bowels, something a little big. Just the feeling of something wedged up his asshole was enough to give the skunk a slight chill of excitement.

"Alright...gggguuuuuhhhhhh..." he grunted and didn't stop until he heard a nice 'ploot' and out came Stank's skull. Nearly in perfect condition save for the nice coating of shit it had on it, but Jizzal had an idea of how to make it shine again.

Jizzal turned to the pile of crap that once was the naughty little skunky and gave his last respects, he began to urinate. With a content sigh, he started to now relieve his bladder onto the skull piece of his good friend. The warm musky piss started to break off parts of the crap stuck on. What lasted only fifty seconds felt like an eternity of bliss as the skunk finished pissing onto the skull, letting it cascade down to join the shit pile. With a last squirt of the golden liquid, Jizzal have another sigh of relief and looked at the nice skull nestled on top of the pile of crap, it shined nice and white. The skunk leaned in and gave a kiss to the skull's forehead before he turned around and gave it a loud fart, as well a snicker before he started to pad off.

"Heh...still love ya little stinker..."