AlphaSkunked II

Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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Alpha Skunked II

By: Jizzal

For: Gelus

Ferus is © Gelus

It was just one of those days, the kind where things couldn't get anymore boring or mundane. The park, which was usually a place where anyone could go to relax, kick-back, meet other people, or just be lazy and not have to worry about the world for even just a little while. The park today however was deserted...which is very uncommon, since the weather was perfect: sun shining, only a few clouds, good temperature, 'The Whole Nine Yards,' save for one or two problems, it would be the perfect day for most people. It would be, if it weren't for the fact that there was a heavy scent wafting about in the air...a scent of a skunk. If it was just any skunk, it wouldn't cause for any sort of alarm, but this wasn't just -any- skunk; this was -THE- skunk, the Alpha Skunk nonetheless. Even though skunks didn't live by the pack system, none would disagree that this mephit in particular was the biggest, and strongest of them all. Mostly because those that would, happened to end up as mere food for the true alpha, simple as that.

The skunk, who was the cause for the smell, happened to be sitting down in front of the main fountain that resided in the middle of the park. It was a wonderful sight, and always has clear, pristine waters flowing from it and into the air. There were benches surrounding it since it was an easy sight on the eyes, and a good place for one to rest, but not today; unless someone had the guts to approach the massive skunk who was leaning against the stone and ivory fountain with a rather bored expression on his muzzle. He gave a long, tired yawn, showing off his rather predatory set of jaws and his long saber-toothed fangs, as his massive tail flicks in mild irritation and boredom, clearly giving off the expression he wasn't in the best of moods, which if anyone stayed around long enough to know him, they'd know that was how he was nearly 100% of the time. The obviously pissed off mephit soon grew tired of sitting and decided it wouldn't hurt to have a look around, so he lazily got to his feet, standing tall.

A massive shadow soon cast down over the fountain as the skunk stretched out his arms widely before letting them rest lazily down at his sides. Not only was his shadow large, the skunk was easily more than twice the size of 'regular' tall persons, standing at about thirteen and a half feet; so rather than tall he was considered either behemoth, or giant in size generally. His body was covered in warm, thick, fur; most of it black, though along his back and his underside was white in the traditional skunk fashion. His bulk was hidden beneath his fur, and the skunk had plenty of it. The build on his body was well muscled and toned, save for his stomach which had a nice bit of pudge, but still, he was a powerful force to be reckoned with. All he wore was a pair of olive-green shorts, which were a bit too small for him, and had a massive bulge as well; making his gigantic sheath and scrotum clearly visible through the stretched fabric. His stature was more than powerful, it was intimidating as well, and since the skunk was rather easily irritated, and quick to anger, few wouldn't be scared of such a monstrous skunk. Despite all that, Ferus, clearly the alpha of almost any species in the area, did have one or two he considered friends. In fact, he was looking for one, and the park seemed like a good place he'd bump into him.

The ground gave a few slight trembles as the huge skunk made his way through the empty park, his eyes looking to the empty benches and fields as he scratches himself on the rump idly. The wind silently worked its way through the trees, the grass, and through Ferus' fur, spreading his dominant scent to every inch of the environment. He gave a dissatisfied grunt and crossed his arms as he soon came to a large tree and decided to rest his back against it; there was no one around. If he only took the time to look around the other side of the tree, resting there would be the very person he was looking for. Luckily for the large skunk, his scent caught the attention of the other, who curiously peered about the tree only to give a surprised yip.

"Gah!...F...Ferus? Ferus!" the voice made the mephit's ears flick, though he turned around and looked down. What he saw made him grin rather wide.

Who should he see peeking around the tree? Well, none other than another skunk, one by the name of Jizzal. He was much, much smaller than Ferus, who was looming over him with a grin, standing a little over five and a half feet. The young male was wearing a blank shirt, and some cargo pants, typical garb for him of course, he didn't think today would be too special. However, after finding Ferus, he had a feeling that was going to change, he hoped in a good way, but in the back of his mind he had a bad feeling.

"Heh...well look who it is, was actually looking for you Skunky," Ferus chuckled and squatted down so he wouldn't appear to be a living building before his small friend. His massive paw reached out and gently ruffled over Jizzal's head fur, making him merf a bit, though he gave him a smile in return.

"Hehe...still surprised to see you here...hmm? Looking for me?" The small skunk asked while trying to fix his head fur before sitting down as Ferus did the same. The large mephit pulled Jizzal close and set him in his lap, letting him bask in the warmth from his huge form.

"Mmmhmm, heard you were around here, so naturally I came looking," Ferus murred lightly, his fluffy tail flicked a few times to his side as he leaned up against the tree.

"Really? That's surprising, wonder" Jizzal started to speak, but he only had one reason why the large skunk would, or even could hear about him being in the park. His mind began to wander, 'Oh God...the alpha skunk thing?...Did that really spread around? I was just joking!! Great...he's...probably pissed...just...gotta play it cool, he shouldn't get too upset...he might not even know about it...oh God...'

Ferus blinked as he waited for his friend to finish speaking, but it looked like he had just started having an inner monologue for some reason. He gave him a gentle pat on the head, bringing Jizzal out of his thoughts and back to the matter at hand.

"Oh...oh! S-Sorry about that bud...I just...I'm happy to see you! Doing well I see," the mephit chuckled lightly, trying to stay calm and collected even though he figured he was in trouble.

"Happy to see you too, and yeah, I'm doing just fine," Ferus smirked and gave his gut a little pat, as well as a little grunt which expelled a loud, wet fart from his bowels. The foul stench of his gas made some of the grass die as the invisible smog wafted in the air. "Though I did want to ask you something..." he chuckled again.

Jizzal's eyes watered while he inhaled the flatulence, feeling it burn on the way into his system, but his body also have a heavy shudder and he blushed a bit. His ears perked and he looked upwards while Ferus was looking down at him.

"S-Something? I see..." He muttered in response, his ears lowering a bit as he gets an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

"I heard that the 'Alpha Skunk' was hanging around these parts, even leaving messes in th-"

"It was me!! I'm sorry! was more a joke really! I didn't think anyone would hear me, I thought I was alone at the time! S...Seriously Ferus, it was a little gag I played on Stank, y-you know?" Jizzal blurted out, breathing heavily after his confession. However, Ferus just blinked and then chuckled at his small friend.

"Wh...What's so funny?..." Jizzal erfed, and started to feel even more uncomfortable than before if it were at all possible. He was positively screwed in his current position.

"Well it's not really..." The large skunk said, but slowly trailed off. In truth, it wasn't a big deal to him that Jizzal referred to himself as an alpha, especially if it was a gag; it wasn't as if Ferus was well known around these parts. If the behemoth skunk tried to become noticed, all would know, and most would stain their pants shortly after. It did give him an idea though, so he reached up and rubbed under his chin, as if trapped in thought.

"Well...I don't know, it seems as though you forgot who's in charge around here, Jizzal," The skunk grunted and gave a little snort.

If Jizzal's fur could change color, it would be as white as a sheet; he was scared, or rather terrified. He managed to anger one of his good friends in the process, one with a well-known anger problem. In truth he was worried his relationship with Ferus would be terminated after a blunder such as this, that would be the worst punishment without a doubt.

"I...I'm sorry...I didn't mean it like that, I was just..." The small skunk sounded sincere, but he just gave a heavy sigh and looked down, at the ground. "I'm sorry...there was no excuse..."

Ferus grinned a little bit more, plotting just what he should do with his small friend who was on a serious guilt trip. It could all work out in his favor...and with a little luck, he could have the skunk right where he wanted him.

After a silent nod, the behemoth of a skunk spoke again, "Well it took a lot of balls for you to come forward like that. Doesn't change the fact that what you did was wrong, and now you have to make amends." His voice spoke out, rather intimidating to the smaller skunk, but he eagerly nodded.

"Anything! I want to be friends with you still..." Jizzal muttered the second part to himself, but it was still heard.

Ferus reached his paw down to his gut, and slowly traced it down to his crotch, looking to see if it would get the smaller mephit's attention. It did.

"Well then, why not start here? a good job, might even think about letting you be the Alpha least for a little bit." The big skunk murred and gave his large sheath a squeeze. Those pants were going to get a lot tighter in a few moments obviouisly.

Jizzal blinked a few times, wondering if he had misunderstood the other male because it certainly didn't sound like a punishment. His cheeks would have reddened, but the dark fur hid them well even as he let out a soft giggle, nodding lightly.

"Sounds fair to me...Th-Thanks Ferus..." Jizzal murred quietly as he looked up to his friend, reaching out with his much smaller paw at the same time to take hold of that massive sheath. He could feel it start to throb already.

"Mmm...good," the big skunk chuckled and withdrew his own paw, using it to take hold of the waistband of his shorts, slowly starting to slide them down his powerful thighs to reveal his crotch. He gave a little moan as the cool wind hit against his hot loins while his cock head was already slipping free from his protective flesh as Jizzal continued to lightly squeeze his tender sheath.

With the shorts removed, Ferus let out a deep, contented sigh as his body could fully relax now that he was nude. The powerful musk from his crotch hit the smaller skunk like a tidal wave, nearly drowning him in the pungent, yet alluring scent of fur and sweat. The tender touches from Jizzal's agile fingers were making him murr louder and louder, causing his body to rumble heavily under the little mephit. His cock continued to grow out of his body, it almost seemed endless for the smaller skunk while he reached his paws down lower and began to fondle the heavy sac that rested beneath. Ferus gave out small groan, as his massive shaft was soon completely free, throbbing before Jizzal as he rested on his lap still. The little skunk giggled again, gazing upwards at Ferus again before he started to lean his muzzle down to the base of the throbbing muscle, inhaling the dominant scent that practically formed a cloud around his head. The powerful scent of the alpha's arousal made his own pants grow a bit tighter as well.

It wasn't long before the large skunk could feel Jizzal's warm, moist tongue up against his sensitive ball sac; the saliva from the little skunk began to matt down the already sweaty fur. Ferus closed his eyes and let the other skunk continue to taste and savor his musky taste. Each little lick made his cock throb just a little bit more. After spreading his legs, Jizzal climbed off the lap and placed his paws on the powerful thighs of the larger mephit, his muzzle still buried deep into the wonderfully intoxicating loins. As he let Jizzal work, his body began to noticeably relax more as he let the skunk work his agile mouth muscle along every inch of that massive sac. With his scrotum now drenched in skunk saliva, he felt the tongue starting to work lower, and under the sac so he could salivate against the puckered tail hole. As soon as the tip of the tongue came into contact, the hole relaxed and the flesh yawned open as Ferus let out a powerful, earth-shattering blast of gas into Jizzal's face and his mouth. The fart lasted a good twenty seconds as the big skunk lulled out his tongue and sighed happily before looking down. The smaller skunk was panting heavily, the sound of the wet burst of foul air was still echoing in his ears. His body looked weak, but he looked up and smiled as he continued to pant heavily, managing to mutter out a few words.

"N...Nice one..." Jizzal moaned weakly as his tongue cleaned the musky flesh that was Ferus' anus slowly. Savoring every inch of the smelly hole.

Ferus smirked, and only chuckled in response as the over-eager skunk continued to work his most tender areas. In an almost teasing act, Jizzal pressed his tongue to the large tail hole again, only to slowly drag it up and across the ball sac, the base of the cock, the entire length of the throbbing shaft only to end at the tip; giving the piss slit a tender kiss. It made the big skunk clench his toes, and he reached a massive paw down and practically yanked the skunk up onto his large; as it rose and fell with each breath Ferus took.

"" the big skunk grunted practically as he effortlessly tore the shirt right off of Jizzal's back and tossed it aside, surprising him in the process, but exciting a soft murmur as well. The little skunk eagerly undid his pants and boxers as well, quickly casting them aside so that he was nude as well, and very aroused as some pre dripped from his cock onto Ferus' stomach.

Ferus ran one of his paws down along Jizzal's back slowly while he began to position his massive length under the skunk's fluffy tail. He watched as his friend arched his back and even lifted his tail for him, even though he knew a cock that size would have quite a time trying to get into his small rump. Though they were both determined. The tip of the big skunk's member was soon poking at the small tail hole, feeling the muscles trying to relax. To help aid the process, Jizzal reached down and took hold of his furred rump cheeks, spreading them apart a little more and sitting back on the large tip of the monstrous cock. With a well time thrust, Ferus buried more than the tip of his member into the tight passage before him, getting several inches into the hot, rippling tunnel of flesh. The small skunk yelped out loudly, but he started to murr heavily atop his well-hung friend as more of the throbbing length was being slowly forced deeper into his bowels. Ferus grinned as he looked down to Jizzal as one of his paws rubbed over his stretched rump, and the other held his lower stomach as a bulge appeared in his white fur as the large penis worked its way deeper into the small skunk's intestines.

There was a constant low murr, and a moan of passion as the large skunk humped forward again, forcing more of his cock deeper into the skunk who continued to stretch around it. With his paw still holding Jizzal by the back, Ferus slowed down a little bit as he was easing the last few inches of his cock into the quivering skunk, feeling his body pulsating all around the hot shaft constantly, making the big mephit moan again. He let Jizzal get used to the feeling of having his body practically impaled on his member before he started to pull his hips back slowly, and at the same time rubbed up and down his friend's back as he watched him start to hug around his soft, pudgy gut, burying his face in it practically while his mouth trembled with delight. Ferus withdrew himself about a quarter of the way out, letting the cool air hit along the base of his dick before plunging it back into the hot depths of the small skunk's rectum. He could feel his cock rubbing along the prostrate each time, making Jizzal whine loudly and breathe harder as they both began to release a steady flow of pre cum. The slick, clear ooze acts as a lubricant for the big skunk, so his thrusts become smoother and more sensual for the both of them, creating a loud squish each move his cock makes inside the clenching confines.

Ferus was soon humping full force into his small friend, keeping his paw gripped tightly against him so he wouldn't move so much as he repeatedly 'assaulted' his ass. He could feel Jizzal clenching each time he hilted himself, making him go faster and faster as his ball sac began to swell with seed eager to release. At the same time, Jizzal was thrusting against the soft belly before him, spraying it with pre cum into the warm fur. The tight muscles that dwelled within him continued to repeatedly constrict around the invading member, forcing out louder moans from the big skunk. The sounds of the two mating echoed into the park, filling it with some sound for the first time all day. Ferus could feel his entire body tense up as he was getting closer and closer to his peek. His squeezed tightly around Jizzal's form and he gave one last mighty thrust, reaching in as deep as possible into the little skunk, as his cock erupted like a volcano inside of the tight, slippery rump. He groaned loudly, his balls throbbed, and his cock sprayed out a powerful blast of hot, sticky cum into Jizzal's rump; the little skunk felt he would have been rocketed off of Ferus' member had he not been holding him there. With the heavy flow of skunk cum filling his rump, the smaller skunk was too busy trying to breathe as the humps died down, too caught up to notice he too had reached his climax and released his seed against the stomach he was resting, and formerly humping against. The seed continued to pump into his body as nearly gallons of warm semen flooded his insides.

Ferus murred lowly again, starting to pet down along Jizzal's back as he kept his cock deep inside his ass, he could feel the tight rump leaking out cum down onto his balls and thighs even though the small skunk struggled to not lose a single drop. He looked down and watched with a smirk as Jizzal's stomach was starting to bulge, it seemed the powerful blast of seed had made it all the way to his little friend's belly, giving it a nice round shape as the cum continued to ooze from his enlarged cock slit. As he watched Jizzal swell, and struggle for breath, Ferus took in a deep, satisfied breath and enjoyed the afterglow with his small, yet loyal friend. His orgasm slowly subsided, and his cock began to soften in Jizzal's rump as he heard the small skunk's stomach begin to gurgle as he digested his 'meal,' though at the same time, Ferus' gut rumbled heavily under the exhausted mephit. Not much to his own surprise, Ferus was hungry.

With a wet squelch, the burly skunk withdrew his cock from the stretched tail hole that slowly began to close back down to normal size. The paw that rested on Jizzal's back gradually made its way up to the mephit's head, and his head fur was once again ruffled, causing a weak chuckle, but no real objection.

"H...How was that, Ferus?" the small skunk grinned up, running his paw down over his head fur as his other rubbed down over his new belly. Before Ferus could answer, he watched as Jizzal made a sort of uneasy face before he grunted, expelling out a loud, crude fart; and thanks to his current condition, he sprayed a good amount of cum from his anus along with gas, getting the ground beneath him covered in a steaming puddle of seed. Ferus gave a little chuckle at the small burst of fumes and seed before he responded.

"Mmmm...not bad I'd say, I think you've shown you were sorry. Though now you've made a mess," he smirked and gestured down to his crotch which had his own seed splattered across it. Thick, white globs started to drip down his black furred stomach as well as he eyed the smaller skunk.

Jizzal blushed again and nodded, lowering his head before he slid down off Ferus' stomach, before his seed would get the two of them stuck together. With no hesitation, the small skunk began to clean up the mess he had made on his alpha's stomach, using his tongue. He quietly murred as he once again used his agile tongue and lapped up the hot, salty juices, taking pride in keeping the large skunk nice and clean. Ferus murred and let the little mephit work as he silently licked over his lips, starting to drool as his thoughts dwelled on one item in particular, "Cream-Filled Skunk." He gave a little moan as he felt the tongue working on his flaccid cock, slurping up the seed there as well before Jizzal started on the thighs where his tail hole leaked with the wonderful sperm. He looked up and gave a little belch, licking his chops afterwards as he enjoyed the taste left in his mouth.

Ferus grinned down at the smaller skunk and grunted loudly before blasting him with a powerful burst of flatulence, knocking Jizzal off balance and onto his back with a thud quite easily. The incredibly heavy, and foul stench made the smaller skunk's eyes water as Ferus gave a deep chuckle and stroked over his belly with a thoughtful murr, a gurgle emitted from it.

"Mmm...must be that puny dragon, heh, I take it he's ready to come out...he sure is giving me some good gas though isn't he?" The large fur said with another chuckle, smirking as he loose another powerful blast of fumes, nearly creating a visible cloud that engulfed Jizzal's entire form. Ferus looked down at the still teary eyed, but wide grinning skunk as he swam in the foul stench he just released, though with a large grin of his own he stood up and got another idea.

"You'd like to meet him right 'lil skunky?" The alphaskunk spoke down at the gradually recovering Jizzal, and before even getting an answer he slowly began to squat down. With is large, musky puckered tail hole inching closer to the smaller skunk's nose, he finally heard a response.

"Wh-Wha?...Who?..." Jizzal managed to sputter out before he let out a weak moan, lost in the overwhelmingly dominant scent that wafted from his large friend, looking up I awe at the sweaty rump that blocked out the sun, as well as the rest of the world for him basically.

"The one that was lucky enough to bump into me when I was feeling nice and hungry as well," The larger skunk replied and placed his paws on the ground as he eased his rump the rest of the way down on Jizzal's face, feeling the muzzle slip into his tail hole. There was only a muffled grunt in response.

Ferus let out a contented sigh and lulled out his tongue as he released a fart so strong it rumbled the earth under him, as well as the skunk under him of course. Jizzal's eyes widened before they nearly rolled into the back of his head as he was forced to inhale the most potent blast of skunk fumes released all day, though he was still in bliss. The lack of clean air was making him feel rather dizzy, though he wiggled his muzzle lightly in the snug embrace of Ferus' ass, trying to nuzzle against the hot interior that was making his entire body sweat. His tongue darted free from his lips and began to dab saliva along the warm fleshy interior. He felt the large skunk murring over him, signaling to not stop the licks, and Jizzal took the hint and continued to slurp his tongue over that musky flesh, more than a little eager to please his large friend. Much to his own surprise, before he passed out with his face embedded into Ferus' ass, the skunk relaxed his tail hole and sighed happily with a wicked smirk.

" then, lets get you better acquainted with my old prey," the predatory skunk chuckled and have another hard grunt, forcing out a wet blast of gas against the smaller male under him, splattering his face with loose collections of soft, slimy shit. Jizzal coughed and closed his eyes, nodding weakly as his tongue tried to lick up the residue resting on his once clean fur, though his mouth stayed open underneath the large skunk's ass, acting much like a living toilet.

Ferus groaned as his large anus gradually spread open, revealing a hot, smelly brown log of digested prey. The sloppy collection of skunk shit was squeezed tightly by his powerful bowels, forcing out the rank crap into the open muzzle of the skunk beneath him. Being such a big skunk, it was common sense he'd have to eat a lot, thus making his waste quite copious. He heard a foul squish from his ass as he plopped in the first soft log of poop into the eager mouth under him, hearing the skunk start to knead it in his jaws while weak murring wafted up to Ferus' ears. He grinned and clenched down on the first log, sighing happily as the heat left his anus and was making quite the mess on Jizzal's face. He could hear the smaller skunk groaning and struggling to gulp down the luckily soft shit, but another hearty chuckle escaped the massive mephit; that was merely the appetizer.

Jizzal managed to work the gunk off of his face and neck and into his mouth, eating the foul, yet addictive sludge that began to exit from Ferus' ass like soft served ice cream. There were a few undigested scales that tickled his tongue; though it didn't stop him from eating down the second meal his large friend was kind to bless him with. The smell was so strong, even though he had already inhaled a few farts; the predatory skunk's shit was incredibly potent, even more so than his gas. Jizzal kept his mouth as open as possible without unhinging his jaws, feeling the dark matter slither down his tongue and all they way down his throat and into his cum filled gut. He felt like he was going to burst, but Ferus didn't look like he as going to stop pooping anytime soon, and he couldn't disappoint his friend. And that shit was so addictive. Ignoring the pleas and gurgles from his now pudgy gut, and struggling to keep himself from bursting, the small skunk managed to gulp down the final tip of the fudgy log that was squeezed into his maw.

Ferus groaned happily and bent down further, wiping the remainder of the shit encrusted on his anus against Jizzal's face before he stood up and looked down to marvel at his work. He awed a little bit as his little friend's cheeks were still bulged, and a good portion of his black fur was now a nice shade of brown.

"And to think...that was only a little snack, you can't just get full after that. Heh, I'll have to show you what kind of a meal I provide when I've eaten well..." The large skunk smirked and rubbed over his soft belly, watching as the final portion of the snack he fed his friend gradually sank down his throat, bulging it nicely. The rather stuffed skunk belched weakly and groaned as his stomach continued to slosh and churn around the 'cream' and 'chocolate' contained within.

"" Was all Jizzal could muster as he slowly managed to sit up, wiping what was left on his face onto his paws which he slowly licked clean. Ferus smiled at the sight and sat down once again, his stomach gave a low rumble. It was time.

"Good skunk, now then, your reward," Ferus murred and reached down for the other skunk now that he had finished his task.

The big paw took hold of Jizzal by the neck; it was done gently though so to not hinder the skunk's breathing.

"And as get to be the Alpha Skunk...for a little bit at least," the behemoth skunk said with another slurp of his chops.

Jizzal smiled, as he looked to Ferus with his eyes only half open, the small skunk was worn out, and rather lethargic at the moment, but loving every second. It wasn't long before he was face to face with his alpha, the pride of his species. Ferus held the skunk in both of his large paws now, holding him around his stomach, gently kneading the paunch with his fingertips. He held Jizzal there for a moment, and gave his friend a long, slimy lick from his neck that traveled all the way up his chin and across his muzzle and face, savoring the taste of the small, tasty mephit. It was fairly clear what the alpha skunk meant when he told the smaller skunk he'd get to 'Be the alpha,' he meant in turning his friend into part of him in a fashion Ferus was most fond of.

Satisfied with the obedient skunk's behavior, Ferus slowly spread his lips and opened his large, predatory jaws. His hot, powerful breath hit the smaller skunk like a freight train; letting it burn down his nose as he could hear Jizzal sniffing the foul, rank breath. The large skunk continued to slowly lick over his prey's head, still savoring his flavor while he began to curl his massive tongue around the smaller mephit's head, and giving a light tug. Taking the tug as a hint, Jizzal closed his eyes and pressed his muzzle forward into the waiting jaws, feeling some drool drip down on his head from the roof of Ferus' mouth as he began to nuzzle against the slimy, and soft tongue, eager to become one with his alpha. As the tongue continued to pull in the skunk into hungry jaws, Ferus closed his lips down around Jizzal's shoulders and his chest, giving him a long lick in the process to draw in more flavor. The big skunk murred out happily as he reached down with a paw and took hold of the smaller skunk's rump and gave it a push upwards, forcing Jizzal's head and neck down into the tight passage of his throat; the muscles stretched lightly and then squeezed around the skunk who would soon be trapped inside.

The first gulp was loud, and echoed in Jizzal's ears while Ferus continued to devour him with practiced ease. He was more used to having his prey thrash about and try to escape, which was always in vain, though his little friend was only giving off a weak murr from inside the throat as the slimy walls constricted around his wet form and pulled him further into the waiting abyss of quivering flesh. Ferus closed his eyes and gave another swallow, pulling his meal down deeper into his throat, feeling it bulge out his neck slightly as the head of the small skunk began to sink down into his chest, and his cum and shit filled stomach was brought to rest on the tongue as it gives a few gurgles, digesting the seed that rested within. The tongue gave it a few licks before the jaws widened a bit more, and Ferus tilted back his head, having gravity aid him in swallowing as Jizzal's hips and thighs were soon entombed that hot, dripping maw. The gargantuan mephit watched as his broad mouth muscle continued to slurp and slide along the once silken fur, happily soaking in what flavors he can as his jaws patiently wait for gravity to tug the smaller male across his palate.

Ferus closed his jaws around what was left of his meal, the footpaws and a fair portion of fluffy tail. He began to slurp over all that remained, soaking the tasty fur with his thick saliva as he matted it down like cotton candy. With a satisfied smile, he took the final gulp, slipping the last bit of striped tail into his greedy muzzle and down the rippling passage that was his throat. He placed a paw on his gut as he felt the weakly wiggling bulge begin to deposit inside as he churred so very deeply, basking in the state of bliss he received by devouring someone alive. His saber toothed jaws closed while he basked in the moment, starting to hear wet sounds from within his mighty stomach as Jizzal finally ended in his final destination, the last bit of him traveled down into the waiting chamber bellow as a mere bulge in the alphaskunk's midsection. Ferus sighed happily and let out an echoing belch, still tasting his prey on his lips as his tongue ran over them.

"Mmm...stuffed skunk..." He chuckled to himself and eased onto his back, idly stroking his paunch as the wet sounds of gurgles and digestion began to fill his ears. Jizzal was still alive, though he knew the small skunk was already melting away into nothing more than nutrients and shit. A pair of small paws pressed against him from the outside, giving the lounging predator an internal rub before he felt a tender kiss.

"Th...Thank you Ferus..." The digesting skunk managed to mutter out before he finally succumbed to the onslaught, his now bare skin started to melt away in the efficient digestive system as he was curled up tightly into a fetal position.

"Heh, you're welcome, I know you'll love being part of the AlphaSkunk." The big skunk chuckled and gave his gut a squeeze as his relentless digestive system worked rather quickly, converting the skunk into a thick, nutritious soup that began to bubble and gurgle a slosh into the waiting intestines.

Ferus simply rested as he felt his loyal friend dissolve away and drain into the nearly endless tunnel of his intestines. His eyes closed as he began to rest, being lulled asleep by the noises echoing away in his gut.

A few hours later, the skunk opened his eyes with a massive yawn, smacking his lips afterwards as he gradually got to his feet and stretched himself out. He reached back and scratched at his furry rump, letting out a blast of gas from underneath his tail. The remains of little friend were collecting in his colon as the large mephit growled pleasantly and pulled his tattered shorts back onto his large hips. There was another low gurgle and Ferus only chuckled and pat his gut once again as he began to walk through the park, eying the still empty place.

"'s fun being me isn't it?" He grinned and massaged his large paw over the new pudge added to his stomach that was his most recent meal. What wasn't absorbed into his bulk seemed quite eager to be released from the skunk's bowels. Ferus scratched under his chin as he slowly made his way to a fountain in the middle of the park, the clear, fountain was a nice center piece; the perfect place. His shorts were dropped once again, and the skunk turned around only to sit on the edge of the fountain with a relived sigh.

Ferus relaxed himself on the public fountain with his tail raised and his rank tail hole exposed. The ebony colored flesh widened as he applied pressure with his rump muscles, slowly easing out what parts of Jizzal that weren't absorbed into his bulk or turned into gas. The thick log of compacted shit spread his black furred rump nicely as he kept a goofy grin on his face, rubbing over his stomach gently as the sensual tingling in his ass only grew the harder he pushed. The large log of brown skunk shit was littered with a few white specs, mostly bones that weren't digested fully, though the content looking mephit didn't seem to mind. The first log dipped into the clean water, already starting to stain it brown as the two foot long turd broke off and sank into the fountain. Ferus sighed in relief as the first log was freed, though he felt a bit of a blockade inside of his colon. He applied more pressure, grunting lewdly as he let out a constant stream of wet farts, creating ripples in the water and adding loosely collected fecal matter at the same time. There was a wet squleach noise as he felt something wedge itself free, though shortly afterwards a heavy torrent of smooth, wet, liquidy shit started to pour out of the big skunk's ass.

"Ahhh..." he groaned out happily and licked his lips idly while he released a foul colored waterfall of former skunk into the fountain. The waters gradually turned brown, a very dark and foul smelling brown as the process continued. With a few weaker farts, his bowels were finally purged as the skunk stood and stretched with his shorts around his ankles.

Ferus turned to marvel at the mess he made, chuckling a little as he say just what was blocking his asshole moments before; Jizzal's skull. He smiled at the memento of his friend who admired him so much, and he gave him a moment of silence as he aimed his thick sheath at the shit stained waters and started to piss. The golden fluids only made the fountain more like a public toilet for the alphaskunk, rather than a centerpiece where people made wishes with coins.

"Mmm...good skunky..." he noted to his newest pudge and gave it a little squeeze before shaking his sheath in his paws as the last drops of urine splashed down and he pulled his shorts back up.

Ferus yawned widely went off looking for a place to rest once again, rubbing over what new inches Jizzal gave to him. The smaller skunk gave his all to the stronger, larger skunk who was his Alpha, and his friend.